Procedural- and Reinforcement-Learning-Based Automation Methods for Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing in the Electrical Design Space
:1. Introduction
1.1. Current State of Analog IC Sizing Automation
1.2. Procedural Analog IC Sizing
1.3. Machine Learning for EDA
1.4. Reinforcement Learning for EDA
1.5. Structure
2. Function Mappings for Circuit Sizing
3. Data Sampling and Training
4. Procedural Design Example
5. Reinforcement Learning Methodology
5.1. Motivation
5.2. Overview
5.3. Environment
5.3.1. States
5.3.2. Actions
5.3.3. Rewards
5.3.4. Goals
5.4. Agents
6. Experimental Results
Technology Migration
7. Conclusions
7.1. Knowledge-Based Circuit Sizing
7.2. Learning-Based Circuit Sizing
7.3. Summary
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ACiD | artificial circuit designer |
BMBF | German Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
BO | Bayesian optimization |
CAN | circuit attention network |
CNN | convolutional neural network |
DDPG | deep deterministic policy gradient |
DL | deep learning |
DRL | deep reinforcement learning |
EDA | electronic design automation |
ES | evolutionary strategy |
FOM | figure of merit |
GNN | graph neural network |
GCN | graph convolutional network |
HER | hindsight experience replay |
IC | integrated circuit |
LUT | look-up table |
MAE | mean absolute error |
MDP | Markov decision process |
ML | machine learning |
MLP | multilayer perceptron |
MSE | mean-squared error |
NN | neural network |
PDK | process design kit |
PPO | proximal policy optimization |
ReLU | rectified linear unit |
RL | reinforcement learning |
TD3 | twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient |
A0 | DC loop gain |
Ae | estimated area |
CMRR | common mode rejection ratio |
GM | gain margin |
IDD | current consumption |
PM | phase margin |
PSRR | power supply rejection ratio |
SR | slew rate |
UGBW | unity gain bandwidth |
Voff(1σ) | statistical offset |
SYM | symmetrical amplifier |
MIL | Miller operational amplifier |
FCA | folded cascode amplifier |
Appendix A. Circuits
Appendix B. Hyperparameters
Parameter | Value |
Optimizer | Adam [52] |
Learning Rate | |
Number of Hidden Layers | 7 |
Number of Hidden Units per Layer | |
Non-Linearity of Hidden Layers | ReLU [51] |
Batch Size | 128 |
Number of Epochs | 24 |
Parameter | Value |
Optimizer | Adam [52] |
Actor Learning Rate | |
Critic Learning Rate | |
Discount Factor () | |
Number of Hidden Layers | 2 |
Number of Hidden Units per Layer | 256 |
Non-Linearity of Hidden Layers | ReLU [51] |
Number of Update Steps (E) | 40 |
Target Update Interval (d) | 2 |
Random Exploration Interval | 10 |
Test Interval | 5 |
Parallel Environments (P) | 32 |
Target Smoothing Coefficient () | |
Noise Clipping (c) | |
Exploration Policy | |
Number of Steps per Episode | 30 |
Buffer Size | |
Batch Size | 128 |
Goal Sampling Strategy () | future [41] |
Number of Additional Goals (k) | 4 |
Appendix C. Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Algorithm A1 Artificial circuit designer (ACiD) |
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Parameter | VDD | Vin,cm | Vout,cm | IB0 | CL |
Specification | 3.30 V | 1.65 V | 1.65 V | 3.00 μA | 10.00 pF |
Parameter | Unit | Target | Result |
DC loop gain () | dB | >60.00 | 60.70 |
unity gain bandwidth (UGBW) | MHz | > 7.50 | 7.80 |
common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) | dB | >100.00 | 118.47 |
power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) | dB | >80.00 | 80.61 |
Slew Rate (SR) | V/μs | >4.00 | 4.52 |
phase margin (PM) | ° | >80.00 | 80.03 |
statistical offset () | mV | <5.00 | 4.71 |
Environment | 350 nm (Trained) | 180 nm (Evaluated) | ||||
First | First | Success | Success | |||
SYM () | 100.00% | 82.29% | ||||
MIL () | 97.92% | 75.00% | ||||
FCA () | 100.00% | 100.00% |
Parameter | Unit | g | 350 nm | 180 nm | ||
s0 | st | s0 | st | |||
dB | ≥75.0 | |||||
UGBW | ≥2.5 | N/A | N/A | |||
SR | / | ≥500 | N/A | N/A | ||
PM | ≥80.0 | 0 | 0 | |||
CMRR | dB | ≥120.0 | ||||
PSRR | dB | ≥100.0 | ||||
≤1.5 | ||||||
≤25.0 | ||||||
2 | ≤6.0 | |||||
t | – | <30 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 |
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Share and Cite
Uhlmann, Y.; Brunner, M.; Bramlage, L.; Scheible, J.; Curio, C. Procedural- and Reinforcement-Learning-Based Automation Methods for Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing in the Electrical Design Space. Electronics 2023, 12, 302.
Uhlmann Y, Brunner M, Bramlage L, Scheible J, Curio C. Procedural- and Reinforcement-Learning-Based Automation Methods for Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing in the Electrical Design Space. Electronics. 2023; 12(2):302.
Chicago/Turabian StyleUhlmann, Yannick, Michael Brunner, Lennart Bramlage, Jürgen Scheible, and Cristóbal Curio. 2023. "Procedural- and Reinforcement-Learning-Based Automation Methods for Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing in the Electrical Design Space" Electronics 12, no. 2: 302.
APA StyleUhlmann, Y., Brunner, M., Bramlage, L., Scheible, J., & Curio, C. (2023). Procedural- and Reinforcement-Learning-Based Automation Methods for Analog Integrated Circuit Sizing in the Electrical Design Space. Electronics, 12(2), 302.