1. Introduction
The increasing acceptance and adoption of IT has led to increased web-based activities provided via cyberspace [
1]. According to Adewole et al. (2019) [
2], these activities span from essential services such as education and financial transactions to basic activities such as e-health apps and social media. According to research, activities such as social media, online gaming services, and financial transactions are considered top web-based activities with vast popularity and enormous userbases [
3]. Many users of these web-based solutions indicate the acceptance of IT in recent times. The objective is to make the web-based solutions that are used daily more available and accessible. However, because there are no universal security controls in cyberspace, the open availability and accessibility of these web-based solutions open the door to cyberattacks [
Phishing is a crime affecting everyone, including organizations and governments worldwide. Email phishing is a typical cyberattack that can have serious consequences, including financial loss, identity theft, and damage to an organization’s reputation. The number of people victimized by phishing scams has grown exponentially over the past decade, with millions of victims each month. This growth presents an increasingly difficult challenge for organizations to protect themselves from this growing threat. Nowadays, email phishing has become increasingly challenging to detect and prevent. Phishers constantly evolve their methods to evade detection by security solutions and law enforcement agencies. Organizations must be able to detect and prevent these attacks at scale if they wish to avoid falling victim to this threat. Vrbančič et al. (2018) [
5] define the phishing attack as pervasive fraud that occurs when a fake website imitates a real one in order to acquire data from unsuspecting users. A duplicate website that resembles a legitimate website is created for phishing, making it difficult for users to detect [
6]. Nowadays, phishing is a widely known subject, and the impact of successful phishing attacks has become disastrous [
4]. Phishing attacks have put legitimate web resource owners and internet users at risk [
5]. Even with powerful antivirus software, the recent rise in phishing attacks has led to a lack of trust in legitimate users, making them feel less safe.
According to a report released by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) in 2022, there were 1,097,811 phishing assaults in Q2 2022. There was a total of 1,270,883 phishing assaults recorded by APWG in quarter three of 2022 (
Figure 1), making it the worst quarter for phishing ever recorded by the organization. In early 2020, APWG saw between 68,000 and 94,000 phishing assaults per month; by the end of 2022, that figure had tripled [
Deep learning is a machine learning type that involves using artificial neural networks (ANNs) to analyze and classify data. A neural network can process and learn from large amounts of data, making it practical for text and image classification [
8]. This study aims to find the best approach for email phishing detection using deep learning techniques. The research develops techniques that can accurately identify and flag phishing emails. Unlike previous studies that have evaluated these techniques individually, our research compares their performance directly on a large real-world email dataset. This enables unique insights into these models’ relative strengths and weaknesses for phishing detection. Our study identifies the optimal deep learning architectures and guides selecting suitable techniques to build real-world phishing detection systems based on extensive empirical evaluation. This direct comparative analysis on a robust dataset is a novel contribution, filling an essential gap in selecting deep learning methods for email security. The contribution of the research is as follows:
Developing deep learning techniques that accurately identify emails as either phishing or legitimate based on features such as subject line, content, and sender information.
Improving the efficiency and speed of deep learning algorithms for email phishing detection to enable the real-time analysis of incoming emails.
Investigating techniques such as feature selection, transfer learning, and graph theory in combination with deep learning to enhance the accuracy of email phishing detection.
Evaluating the effectiveness of different deep learning architectures and techniques for email phishing detection, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT).
The remaining parts of this research are organized as follows:
Section 2 presents a brief background of using deep learning in cybersecurity.
Section 3 reviews the current deep learning techniques for detecting and protecting against various email phishing attacks. The proposed model is presented in detail in
Section 4, while the performance evaluation of the proposed model is shown in
Section 5. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the research.
2. Background
Deep learning algorithms can learn from data by adjusting the weights and biases of the artificial neurons in the network, allowing them to adapt and improve their performance over time (
Figure 2). This makes deep learning particularly useful for tasks with a large amount of data available, as algorithms can learn from these data to make more accurate predictions or classifications [
Cybersecurity is one of the most important and complex fields in the 21st century. Cybersecurity includes many sub-fields, such as network security, data security, application security, etc. In this field, many new techniques are coming up daily for detecting and overcoming cyber threats. Learning about these techniques is not enough because it only helps one understand the terminology or find vulnerabilities but will not help one perform actions against cyber threats. To perform actions against cyber threats, one must learn how to develop cognitive skills [
While one can protect their organization in many ways, one of the best ways is to use artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity (
Figure 3). Artificial intelligence can quickly analyze vast amounts of data and accurately identify threats without human interaction. Machine learning, deep learning, or any other form of AI can be extremely effective for this task because it processes large amounts of data in an unsupervised manner using a previously trained model simultaneously and in a fast way [
Deep learning has shown great potential for use in cybersecurity, particularly in intrusion detection, malware classification, and phishing detection. One example of using deep learning in cybersecurity is intrusion detection, where algorithms can be trained to recognize patterns and anomalies in network traffic that may indicate a potential security threat [
12]. Deep learning has also been used for malware classification, where algorithms are trained to identify malicious software based on features such as file structure and behavior. In phishing detection, deep learning algorithms have been used to classify emails as either legitimate or fraudulent based on features such as subject line and content [
13]. Overall, deep learning in cybersecurity can significantly improve the effectiveness of security measures by allowing algorithms to learn and adapt to new threats in real time.
4. Proposed Model
This section presents the steps to implement the proposed model, including collecting, preparing, and utilizing a dataset for training and testing deep learning models for detecting phishing emails.
Figure 4 illustrates the general framework followed throughout the research; it includes dataset acquisition, data preparation, feature extraction, and training and testing of various deep learning approaches. The following subsections describe the research methodology.
4.1. Overall Methodology
The deep learning models were implemented using TensorFlow and Keras libraries in Python. Specifically, TensorFlow was used to provide data pipelines and high-performance numerical operations. Keras was used on top of TensorFlow to build and train the deep learning models using high-level APIs like Sequential and functional APIs. The key Keras layers utilized include dense, LSTM, bidirectional, and dropout layers. In addition, Keras preprocessing tools like the Tokenizer and pad sequences were used for text processing. Scikit-learn was used for machine learning tasks like model evaluation and data splitting. Key NLP libraries include NLTK for text processing and the TensorFlow Transformers library for implementing BERT. Pandas and NumPy were used for data handling, while Matplotlib and Seaborn were used for visualization. This combination of libraries provided an optimized environment for rapidly developing and evaluating deep learning models for phishing detection. The research methodology for this study involved several steps to apply deep learning techniques to detect phishing emails. These steps included:
Data collection: Acquiring a dataset of phishing and benign emails for training and testing the model.
Data preparation: Preprocessing the data as needed to prepare them for input into the model, such as by cleaning or tokenizing the text.
Feature extraction: Writing code to extract relevant features from the emails that can be used to train the model.
Algorithm selection: Analyzing various deep learning algorithms and selecting the most suitable ones to classify phishing emails.
Data processing: Processing the data using Python code and saving them to a CSV file.
Data splitting: Splitting the data into training and testing datasets.
Model training: Implementing the selected algorithms on the training dataset and training the model. The trained model was saved for later use.
Model evaluation: Using the trained model to classify emails in the test dataset and evaluate its performance using various metrics.
Comparison: Comparing the performance of different deep learning algorithms and identifying the best model for phishing email detection.
This study uses a quantitative approach and applies deep learning techniques to open-source datasets of phishing and benign emails. These datasets were used for analysis, comparison, training, and testing of deep learning-based algorithms for detecting phishing emails.
4.2. Dataset Selection
Dataset selection is an important step in any machine learning or deep learning research, as the quality and diversity of the data can significantly impact the model’s performance. When selecting a dataset for phishing email detection, there are several factors to consider:
Size: It is important to use a large dataset in order to provide the model with enough samples to learn from. A dataset with enough samples can help the model to generalize better to new, unseen data.
Diversity: The dataset should be diverse, with various emails representing phishing and benign messages. This can help the model learn more robust and accurate patterns for detecting phishing emails.
Quality: The data should be high-quality, with minimal errors or inconsistencies. This can help improve the accuracy of the model.
Relevance: The data should be relevant to the task at hand. For phishing email detection, the dataset should include a representative sample of phishing and benign emails like those the model will encounter in the real world.
This study used publicly available datasets to train and test deep learning techniques for classifying phishing emails. The choice of the dataset can significantly impact the accuracy and performance of the model, so it is important to select a high-quality and relevant dataset. Several resources are available for finding publicly available datasets, including Google Dataset Search, Kaggle, and the UCI Machine Learning Repository. This research used publicly available datasets. These datasets were accessed in CSV and text file formats and used for initial analysis, classification, training, and testing using various deep learning techniques. The performance was evaluated and compared to identify the best model for detecting phishing emails.
4.2.1. Phishing Email Dataset
An email phishing dataset is a collection of email messages that have been specifically selected or created to be used for research on and analysis of phishing attacks. These datasets typically include a set of phishing emails that have been collected from various sources, such as the UCI machine learning repository and SpamAssassin. They may be labeled or categorized in some way, such as by type of phishing attack or by the industry or organization targeted. Email phishing datasets can be used to train and evaluate deep learning-based phishing detection systems and to research the characteristics and methods used in phishing attacks.
4.2.2. Benign Email Dataset
The Enron email dataset is a collection of email messages and metadata from the Enron Corporation, an American energy, commodities, and services company at the center of one of the largest corporate scandals in history. The dataset was created as part of the investigation into the company’s financial collapse and contains over half a million emails from over 150 users, along with various other data such as financial data, news articles, and message routing information. The Enron email dataset is widely used for research in natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, organizational communication, and corporate governance research. Because of the large volume of data and the variety of topics covered, it is a rich source of information for researchers. It has been used to train machine learning and deep learning models to classify emails into different categories, such as spam or phishing emails. It is worth mentioning that the Enron email dataset has been preprocessed and cleaned to remove personally identifiable information (PII) and confidential data. Overall, the Enron email dataset is valuable for researchers, especially those interested in natural language processing, machine learning, and corporate governance.
4.3. Data Preparation and Preprocessing
In order to prepare the dataset for feature extraction and deep learning, it is necessary to clean the data and remove any unnecessary words or characters. The phishing and benign email datasets were cleaned using Python’s natural language processing (NLP) techniques [
31]. The implemented data underwent preprocessing steps to prepare the email text data before feeding them into the deep learning models. For the CNN, RNN, and LSTM models, the text data were converted to lowercase and stripped of special characters, numbers, and stop words using regular expressions, the NLTK library, and custom functions. The remaining words were then stemmed using the Snowball stemmer to reduce them to their root form. For the BERT model, the text data were tokenized using the Bert Tokenizer from the Transformers library by truncating sentences to 512 tokens and generating input IDs and attention masks. These preprocessing techniques helped reduce noise in the data and enabled the deep learning models to learn more effectively from the cleaned text. Preprocessing the email data was essential to improve model accuracy by highlighting the key textual features and patterns for identifying phishing attacks.
4.3.1. Removing HTML Tags
HTML tags are codes used to format and structure web content, and they can be removed from the text of the emails using a parser or regular expressions. However, certain HTML tags may contain information relevant for detecting phishing emails, such as “form” tags used to create a fake login page. These relevant tags can be retained while others are removed.
4.3.2. Remove Numbers
Numbers and digits that are irrelevant to detecting phishing emails can be removed from the dataset. This can help reduce noise and improve the model’s ability to learn relevant patterns. However, specific numbers, such as IP addresses, may be useful as features and should be retained.
4.3.3. Remove Punctuations
Punctuation marks and special characters, such as commas, full stops, and various symbols, can be removed from the dataset using regular expressions or string manipulation techniques. This can help reduce the vocabulary size and make the data more manageable for the model to process.
4.3.4. Remove Stop Words
Stop words are common and general words that do not provide much value for natural language processing in deep learning. Examples of stop words include “a”, “an”, “the”, “and”, “but”, etc. Stop words can be removed from the dataset using a list of stop words or by applying a stop word filter provided by an NLP library.
4.3.5. Remove Infrequent Words
Words that occur very infrequently in the dataset can be removed, as they may not provide much information for the model to learn from. This can help reduce the vocabulary size and improve the model’s generalization ability.
4.3.6. Stem Words
Stemming involves reducing words to their base form, which can help reduce the vocabulary size and improve the model’s generalization ability. For example, the term “jumping” can be stemmed to “jump”, and the word “jumps” can be stemmed to “jump”. Various stemming algorithms are available, such as Porter stemming or Snowball stemming.
4.4. Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is a crucial step in text classification as it involves converting the raw text data into a numerical representation that deep learning models can process. The main objective of this step is to extract meaningful information from the text that can be used to train and evaluate the classifier. One of the most common feature extraction approaches is splitting the text into words and tokenizing each word. Tokenization is the process of breaking down the text into individual words or phrases. This step is important because it allows us to convert the text into a numerical representation that can be used as features for training the model. For feature extraction with the CNN, RNN, and LSTM models, the email text data were converted into numerical representations using the Tokenizer class from Keras. The tokenizer generated a vocabulary of words and mapped each word to an integer ID. The maximum vocabulary size was 10,090 unique words. The text sequences were padded to a uniform length of 10,090 tokens to enable batch training. For the BERT model, features were extracted using the pre-trained uncased BERT base model tokenizer from Hugging Face Transformers. This tokenized the text into WordPiece tokens and generated input IDs and attention masks with a maximum sequence length 512. The BERT tokenizer has a vocabulary size of 30,522 WordPiece tokens. These standardized tokenizers enabled effective feature extraction from the raw email text into numerical representations that the deep neural networks could process for phishing detection. The tokenization and vocabulary mapping were essential preprocessing steps for generating informative features from the text for the deep learning models.
4.5. Data Processing and Labeling
Identifying and extracting features from the phishing and benign email datasets was conducted using a Python script. The script created a CSV file containing all the identified features, marked with a 1 if present or a 0 if not present, as well as the total number of characters in the email. The email was also labeled as a phishing email (marked with a 1) or a non-phishing email (marked with a 0). This CSV file was used to train and test deep learning models for email phishing detection.
4.6. Splitting Data
Once the features were extracted and the data were labeled and prepared in a CSV file, the next step was to split the data into training and test datasets. The training dataset was used to train the deep learning model, while the test dataset was used to evaluate the model’s performance.
There are various approaches to splitting data into training and test sets. One approach is a fixed split, where a certain percentage of the data is allocated to the training set, and the remaining data are allocated to the test set. For example, the data may be split 70/30, with 70% of the data used for training and 30% for testing. A 70/30 splitting approach was adopted in our proposed detection model. Another approach is to use stratified sampling, where the data are split in a way that preserves the relative proportions of different classes or categories in the dataset. For example, suppose the dataset contains a balanced number of phishing and non-phishing emails. In that case, stratified sampling can ensure that the training and test sets contain a balanced number of phishing and non-phishing emails. It is important to carefully split the data into training and test sets to ensure the model can generalize to unseen data and to accurately evaluate its performance.
4.7. Train and Test Deep Learning Models
In this study, different deep learning models such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) were used. The following sections will discuss the different deep learning models utilized in the research. The proposed model implemented standardized feature extraction and model training processes using Keras and Scikit-learn. For the CNN, RNN, and LSTM classifiers, the email text was tokenized into numerical representations using the Keras Tokenizer with a maximum vocabulary size of 10,090 words. The sequences were padded to equal lengths to enable batch training. For BERT, features were extracted using the pre-trained BERT tokenizer from HuggingFace, generating WordPiece tokens and attention masks up to 512 tokens long. During training, the proposed model was optimized using dropout and early stopping techniques to prevent overfitting. The trained models were serialized for reuse in phishing email classification. Overall, leveraging robust feature extraction and training workflows in Python enabled rapid experimentation and evaluation of the deep learning architectures on the real-world email dataset.
4.7.1. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
CNNs are deep learning models commonly used for image and video recognition, natural language processing, and other tasks. CNNs are designed to learn spatial hierarchies of features automatically and adaptively from input data. A CNN typically consists of an input layer, multiple hidden layers, and an output layer. The input layer receives the input data, such as an image or text. The hidden layers, known as convolutional layers, perform mathematical operations on the input data to extract features. The final output layer produces the output, such as a classification label or a probability distribution. The output layer has an activation function for the binary classification, such as the Sigmoid function. Several methods can be used to optimize a CNN, such as data preprocessing, hyperparameter tuning, regularization, and early stopping [
4.7.2. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
RNNs are deep learning models that process sequential data, such as time series data, text, or speech. RNNs can maintain a hidden state that can be updated based on the current input and previous hidden states. This allows RNNs to keep track of context and dependencies over time, making them well suited for tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and speech recognition. RNNs consist of an input layer, one or more recurrent layers, and an output layer. The recurrent layer updates the hidden state and outputs a prediction based on the current input and the previous hidden state. To optimize RNNs, several methods besides the methods for CNNs, such as gradient clipping, have been proposed [
4.7.3. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
LSTM is a variant of RNN designed to handle vanishing gradients, a common problem in traditional RNNs. LSTM uses a special type of memory cell that can selectively retain or forget information from the previous time steps, allowing it to better handle long-term dependencies in sequential data [
4.7.4. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
BERT is a deep learning model designed to perform natural language processing tasks, such as language understanding, translation, and text classification. BERT is based on the transformer architecture, which uses self-attention mechanisms to allow the model to focus on different parts of the input data depending on the task. BERT is trained using pre-training, where the model is trained on a large corpus of text data to learn general language representations. Once pre-trained, BERT can be fine-tuned on a specific task, such as text classification, by adding a small number of task-specific layers on top of the pre-trained model. When using BERT for text classification, the first step is to fine-tune the pre-trained BERT model on a labeled dataset of text data. The fine-tuned BERT model can then be used to classify new, unseen text data based on the representations it has learned during pre-training and fine-tuning. One of the advantages of BERT is its ability to understand the context of the text, which is important for text classification tasks. BERT can also extract features from text data, which can be used in other models. To optimize BERT for text classification, it is important to use a high-quality and relevant dataset; carefully select the hyperparameters, such as the number of layers, the number of memory cells, and the learning rate; and use regularization techniques such as dropout to prevent overfitting [
4.8. Justification
Based on the literature review, it was determined that classification in deep learning is commonly used to classify data into various categories based on certain parameters. Since identifying phishing emails involves classifying the emails as either phishing or legitimate, it is necessary to use classification methods that operate based on features and binary classification. CNNs, RNNs, LSTM, and BERT are powerful deep learning models that can be used for email phishing detection due to their ability to handle and analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns and features that may indicate a phishing attack. CNNs are particularly useful for analyzing text-based data, such as the text of an email or the sender’s address. They can extract features from the input data and be used as feature extractors or classifiers. RNNs and LSTM are well suited for language translation, sentiment analysis, and speech recognition tasks. They can maintain a hidden state that can be updated based on the current input and previous hidden states. This allows RNNs and LSTM to keep track of context and dependencies over time, making them suitable for email phishing detection by analyzing the text of an email and extracting relevant features. BERT is a deep learning model designed to perform natural language processing tasks, such as language understanding, translation, and text classification. BERT is trained using pre-training, where the model is trained on a large corpus of text data to learn general language representations. This makes BERT particularly useful for email phishing detection because it can understand the context of the text, which is important for text classification tasks.
4.9. Evaluation Metrics
A program was developed to evaluate the performance of CNNs, RNNs, LSTM, and BERT for email phishing detection. The program allows users to select a training dataset and a test dataset and select a deep learning algorithm from a provided list. The selected algorithm is then be trained on the training dataset, and the trained model is used to classify the test dataset. Several metrics were used to evaluate the performance of the models, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
Precision is a metric that measures the proportion of predicted positives that are true positives, while recall measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified. The F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall and is a more balanced measure of the model’s performance [
36]. The support is the number of instances in each class. These metrics were used to compare the different deep learning algorithms’ performances and identify the best algorithm for email phishing detection. The results of this evaluation are presented in the results and evaluation section, providing insights into the effectiveness of each algorithm in detecting phishing emails. In addition, the results of this study are compared to the other relevant research papers in the field to evaluate its effectiveness and potential for future improvements.
4.10. Ethical Considerations
In compliance with legal and ethical standards, this study utilized only publicly available data from emails designated for research purposes. No personal emails from private email systems were used. The sources of these data are identified and referenced in the research. No specific authority, organization, or agency approval is required to use these publicly available data.
4.11. Summary
In this study, a quantitative method for research and analysis was used, providing numerical results and evaluations. Publicly available phishing datasets were used for deep learning (DL) and feature extraction, and their performance was evaluated. A logical approach was used for analysis and comparison. First, email messages were extracted from online repositories for detailed analysis. The data were divided into a training dataset and a test dataset. DL models were applied to the data to classify the emails as phishing or legitimate. The DL model results are presented and analyzed in subsequent sections.
5. Performance Evaluation
5.1. Research Results Overview
This research aimed to develop an effective and efficient email phishing detection system that could accurately identify phishing emails while minimizing false positives. To achieve this, we used a dataset of real-world phishing emails and legitimate emails, preprocessed and transformed the data, and finally trained and evaluated the performance of the selected deep learning algorithms. CNNs, RNNs, and LSTMs are popular deep learning algorithms that have been successful in various natural language processing tasks. CNNs are particularly suitable for feature extraction from input data, RNNs are effective in processing input data sequences, and LSTMs are known for capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data. In our research, we leveraged the strengths of these architectures to detect phishing emails using features such as email headers, content, and attachments. The results of our research demonstrate that deep learning models, particularly the RNN-based model, can effectively detect email phishing with high accuracy and low false-positive rates. Our findings suggest that a combination of RNN and LSTM models can achieve even better performance, while RNN models alone are less effective in detecting phishing emails.
5.2. Classification Report
The classification report method, which is a method available in the Scikit-learn library for evaluating the performance of classification models, was utilized for this research. It provides a comprehensive summary of the key metrics used to assess the accuracy of a model, including precision, recall, F1-score, and support. The classification report method takes in the true and predicted labels for a dataset. It generates a report that summarizes the performance of the classification model on that data. The report provides a table that includes the precision, recall, F1-score, and support for each class, as well as the average values across all classes.
5.3. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
The CNN-based deep learning classifier was implemented in Python and was trained and tested on the provided dataset. The testing accuracy was 98.74%, precision was 98.96%, recall was 98.78%, and F1-score was 98.87% after 50 epochs (
Figure 5). The figure shows the accuracy and loss plots for the convolutional neural network model during training and validation. The training accuracy starts around 90% and steadily increases with each epoch, reaching over 99% by the 50th epoch. This indicates that the model could fit the training data better with each iteration and minimize errors on the samples it was trained on. The validation accuracy follows a similar trend, starting near 90% and increasing to around 98% by the 50th epoch. However, it is slightly below the training accuracy throughout, indicating some overfitting. The training loss starts around 0.3 and decays rapidly in the first 10 epochs, plateauing under 0.1 by the 30th epoch. This shows that the model minimized the loss function and model error on the training set quickly at first. In addition, the validation loss drops sharply at first but then becomes levels around 0.1 by the 20th epoch, remaining steady after that.
Table 2 shows the classification report obtained when evaluating the performance of the CNN model on the test dataset.
The CNN model demonstrated strong performance for phishing email detection, achieving an overall accuracy of 98.74% on the test set. This high accuracy indicates that the model correctly classified most phishing and legitimate emails. The precision of 98.96% shows that of all emails classified by the model as phishing, only a small fraction were mislabeled. The recall of 98.78% means the model could correctly detect almost all the actual phishing emails in the test set, with very few phishing emails missed. Finally, the F1-score of 98.87% reflects the excellent balance between precision and recall attained by the model. Overall, these metrics validate that the CNN model was highly proficient at distinguishing phishing and legitimate emails. The combination of high precision and recall underscores the model’s reliability in flagging phishing emails while minimizing false alarms on legitimate emails.
This CNN classification report has two classes: 0 and 1. The model was evaluated on a dataset of 5412 samples. The precision, recall, F1-score, and support are reported in the table. For class 0, the precision is 0.98, meaning that out of all the samples predicted as class 0, 98% of them were class 0. The recall is 1.00, meaning that out of all the actual class 0 samples, 100% of them were correctly identified as class 0. The F1-score is 0.99, the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall measure of the model’s accuracy for class 0. The support is 3081, indicating 3081 samples in class 0.
Similarly, for class 1, the precision is 0.99, meaning that out of all the samples predicted as class 1, 99% of them were class 1. The recall is 0.98, meaning that out of all the actual class 1 samples, 98% of them were correctly identified as class 1. The F1-score is 0.99, the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall measure of the model’s accuracy for class 1. The support is 2331, indicating 2331 samples in class 1.
The micro average is 0.99 for the entire dataset, considering all classes equally. The macro average, which is the arithmetic mean of the precision, recall, and F1-score for each class, is also 0.99. The weighted average, which is the average of the metrics weighted by the support of each class, is also 0.99.
In addition, the sample average, which is the average of the metrics calculated for each instance in the dataset rather than for each class, is 0.99. Overall, this classification report indicates that the CNN model has high accuracy in classifying both classes, with F1-scores of 0.99 for both classes and an overall accuracy of 0.99 for the entire dataset.
5.4. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
The RNN-based deep learning classifier was also implemented in Python and was trained and tested on the provided dataset. The testing accuracy was 98.58%, precision was 98.57%, recall was 98.53%, and F1-score was 98.55% after 10 epochs (
Figure 6). The figure shows the accuracy and loss plots for the recurrent neural network model during training and validation. The training accuracy typically starts lower and increases with each epoch as the model fits the training data better, potentially reaching over 95-99% by the 10th epoch. The validation accuracy starts lower than training and increases at a lower rate. It is typically a few percentage points below the training accuracy. The training loss should decrease with each epoch as the model minimizes errors on the training set. It may drop sharply in the first few epochs and then start to plateau. Validation loss is similar to training loss but higher, reflecting the gap between training and validation performance. It decreases initially but may start to level off before the training loss.
Table 3 shows the classification report obtained when evaluating the performance of the RNN model on the test dataset.
The RNN model achieved a strong accuracy of 98.58% on the test set for phishing email detection. While slightly lower than the CNN model, this still indicates that the RNN could correctly classify most phishing and legitimate emails. The precision of 98.57% reflects that the RNN had very few false positives, incorrectly labeling legitimate emails as phishing only rarely. The recall of 98.53% means the model correctly identified most phishing emails, though it had a slightly higher false-negative rate than CNN, missing some actual phishing emails. The F1-score of 98.55% shows that the RNN attained a good balance between precision and recall. Overall, these metrics indicate reliable performance by the RNN model, with proficiency in detecting most phishing emails while avoiding false alarms. The RNN was slightly outperformed by the CNN, which suggests that the CNN is better suited for extracting distinguishing features from the raw email data.
This RNN classification report has two classes: 0 and 1. The model was evaluated on a dataset of 5412 samples. The precision, recall, F1-score, and support are reported in the table. For class 0, the precision is 0.99, meaning that out of all the samples predicted as class 0, 98% of them were class 0. The recall is 0.99, meaning that out of all the actual class 0 samples, 99% of them were correctly identified as class 0. The F1-score is 0.99, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall measure of the model’s accuracy for class 0. The support is 3081, indicating 3081 samples in class 0.
Similarly, for class 1, the precision is 0.99, meaning that out of all the samples predicted as class 1, 99% of them were class 1. The recall is 0.98, meaning that out of all the actual class 1 samples, 98% of them were correctly identified as class 1. The F1-score is 0.98, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall measure of the model’s accuracy for class 1. The support is 2331, indicating 2331 samples in class 1.
The micro average is 0.99, which is the overall precision, recall, and F1-score for the entire dataset, considering all classes equally. The macro average is also 0.99, which is the arithmetic mean of the precision, recall, and F1-score for each class. The weighted average is also 0.99, which is the average of the metrics weighted by the support of each class. The sample average is also 0.99, which is the average of the metrics calculated for each instance in the dataset rather than for each class. Overall, this classification report indicates that the RNN model has high accuracy in classifying both classes, with an F1-score of 0.99 for both classes and an overall accuracy of 0.99 for the entire dataset.
5.5. Long-Term Short Memory (LSTM)
The LSTM classifier was implemented in Python and trained and tested on the provided dataset. The testing accuracy was 98.89%, precision was 98.87%, recall was 98.56%, and F1-score was 98.87% after 10 epochs (
Figure 7). The figure shows the accuracy and loss plots for the long short-term memory model during training and validation. The training accuracy usually starts low and increases with each epoch, potentially reaching 96-100% by the 10th epoch as the model fits the training data better. The validation accuracy also starts low and increases but at a slower rate than training accuracy. The training loss decreases with each epoch as the model minimizes errors on the training set. It may drop sharply in the early epochs and plateau as it converges. The validation loss follows a similar downward trend as training loss but at a higher value, reflecting the gap between training and validation performance.
Table 4 shows the classification report obtained when evaluating the performance of the LSTM model on the test dataset.
The LSTM model achieved an accuracy of 98.89% on the test set, slightly higher than both the CNN and RNN models. This demonstrates that LSTM could correctly classify most phishing and legitimate emails. The precision of 98.87% indicates that the LSTM had very low false positives, rarely mislabeling legitimate emails as phishing. The recall of 98.86% means the model successfully identified almost all phishing emails, with minimal false negatives. The F1-score of 98.87% reflects the excellent balance between precision and recall attained. Overall, these metrics show that the LSTM performed very well, reliably detecting most phishing emails while avoiding false alarms. The LSTM’s ability to retain the memory of the previous context likely allowed it to better analyze relationships in the email content.
This LSTM classification report has two classes: 0 and 1. The model was evaluated on a dataset of 5412 samples. The precision, recall, F1-score, and support are reported in the table. For class 0, the precision is 0.99, meaning that out of all the samples predicted as class 0, 99% of them were class 0. The recall is 0.99, meaning that out of all the actual class 0 samples, 99% of them were correctly identified as class 0. The F1-score is 0.99, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall measure of the model’s accuracy for class 0. The support is 3081, indicating that there are 3081 samples in class 0.
For class 1, the precision is 0.99, meaning that out of all the samples predicted as class 1, 99% of them were class 1. The recall is 0.99, meaning that out of all the actual class 1 samples, 99% of them were correctly identified as class 1. The F1-score is 0.99, which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall measure of the model’s accuracy for class 1. The support is 2331, indicating that there are 2331 samples in class 1.
The micro average is 0.99, which is the overall precision, recall, and F1-score for the entire dataset, considering all classes equally. The macro average is also 0.99, which is the arithmetic mean of the precision, recall, and F1-score for each class. The weighted average is also 0.99, which is the average of the metrics weighted by the support of each class.
The sample average is also 0.99, which is the average of the metrics calculated for each instance in the dataset, rather than for each class. Overall, this classification report indicates that the LSTM model has high accuracy in classifying both classes, with an F1-score of 0.99 for both classes and an overall accuracy of 0.99 for the entire dataset.
5.6. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
The BERT with LSTM hybrid deep learning classifier was implemented in Python and trained and tested on the provided dataset. The testing accuracy was 99.61%, precision was 99.87%, recall was 99.23%, and F1-score was 99.55% after 25 epochs (
Figure 8). The figure shows the accuracy and loss plots for the BERT with long short-term memory model during training and validation. The training accuracy usually starts low and increases with each epoch, potentially reaching 97–100% by the 25th epoch as the model fits the training data better. The validation accuracy also starts low and increases but at a slower rate than training accuracy. The training loss decreases with each epoch as the model minimizes errors on the training set. It may drop sharply in the early epochs and plateau as it converges. The validation loss follows a similar downward trend as training loss but at a higher value, reflecting the gap between training and validation performance.
Table 5 shows the classification report obtained when evaluating the performance of the BERT with LSTM hybrid model on the test dataset.
The BERT model achieved an exceptional accuracy of 99.61% on the test set, significantly outperforming the CNN, RNN, and LSTM models. This demonstrates BERT’s ability to correctly classify almost all phishing and legitimate emails. The precision of 99.87% indicates that BERT had negligible false positives, rarely mislabeling legitimate emails. The recall of 99.23% means the model successfully identified most phishing emails, with very few false negatives. Finally, the F1-score of 99.55% reflects the outstanding balance between precision and recall.
The BERT and LSTM classifier was evaluated using a classification report, which measures the precision, recall, and F1-score of the model’s predictions. The report shows that the model has high precision, recall, and F1-score for both classes (0 and 1), indicating that it performs well in classifying email phishing attacks. The model achieved an accuracy of 100% on the test set, with a macro average of 1.0, indicating that the model performs well for both classes. The weighted average also shows an F1-score of 1.0, which suggests that the model is highly accurate and reliable in detecting email phishing attacks.
5.7. Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models
Table 6 illustrates the combined result of the performance of all the four models.
5.8. Comparative Analysis with Related Works
5.8.1. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Table 7 illustrates a comparison between the research results and Ref. [
20] using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Ref. [
20] was used in the comparison because it proposes a deep learning model based on CNN for detecting phishing emails.
Our proposed model achieved an accuracy of 98.74%, which indicates that the model correctly classified 98.74% of emails as either phishing or legitimate. It also achieved a precision of 98.96%, which indicates that when the model classified an email as phishing, it was correct 98.96% of the time. The recall of the proposed model was 98.78%, which indicates that the model correctly identified 98.78% of the phishing emails. The F1-score was 98.87%, which indicates that the proposed model has a high level of accuracy in identifying phishing emails. In comparison to the performance metrics reported by Singh et al. (2020) [
20], the proposed model achieved a higher accuracy (98.74% vs. 98%), precision (98.96% vs. 98.50%), recall (98.78% vs. 98%), and F1-score (98.87% vs. 98%). These results indicate that the proposed model is a promising technique for detecting phishing emails with high accuracy.
5.8.2. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
Table 8 compares the proposed model’s research results with Fang et al. (2019) [
16] and Tang and Mahmoud (2022) [
30] using RNNs for detecting phishing emails.
In comparison, the proposed model achieved a higher accuracy (98.58%) than Ref. [
30], 74.12%, and a comparable accuracy to Ref. [
16], 99.84%. In addition, the proposed model achieved a precision of 98.57%, which is comparable to Ref. [
16], 99.66%, and a higher F1-score (98.55%) than Ref. [
30] (70.89%).
The proposed model achieved a precision of 98.57%, which indicates that when the model classified an email as phishing, it was correct 98.57% of the time. Recall measures the proportion of true positives (emails classified as phishing) out of all actual positive cases (emails that were phishing). The proposed model achieved a recall of 98.53%, which indicates that the model correctly identified 98.53% of the phishing emails. In addition, the proposed model achieved an F1-score of 98.55%, which indicates that it has a high level of accuracy in identifying phishing emails.
5.8.3. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Table 9 compares the proposed model’s research results and Ref. [
28] using long short-term memory (LSTM).
The proposed model achieved higher accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. In this case, the proposed model achieved an accuracy of 98.89%, which indicates that the model correctly classified 98.89% of the emails as legitimate or phishing. In addition, the proposed model achieved a precision of 98.87%, indicating that when the model classified an email as phishing, it was correct 98.87% of the time. Moreover, the proposed model achieved a recall of 98.56%, indicating that the model correctly identified 98.56% of the phishing emails. For the F1-score, the proposed model achieved a value of 98.87%, which indicates that it has a high level of accuracy in identifying phishing emails.
5.8.4. Hybrid Deep Learning Models Using BERT
Table 10 compares the research results of the proposed model and Ref. [
19] using a pre-trained BERT model for tokenization and training.
The results indicate that the proposed model achieved higher accuracy (99.61%) and precision (99.87%). In addition, the recall of the proposed model was 99.23%, indicating that the model correctly identified 99.23% of the phishing emails. For the F1-score, the proposed model shows a value of 99.55%, which indicates that the proposed model has a high level of accuracy in identifying phishing emails.
5.9. Summary
The proposed research provides valuable new insights compared to the prior state of the art in applying deep learning for phishing detection. The proposed model achieved significantly higher accuracy, up to a 5% improvement in recall over models like Singh et al.’s CNN approach [
20]. This demonstrates the power of a larger dataset for more robust training. Moreover, the proposed LSTM model overcame limitations like the vanishing gradients that constrained previous RNN models to 74% accuracy, allowing LSTM to capture longer context and reach 98.89% accuracy. In addition, cases were analyzed where the model performed differently across metrics, finding BERT’s advantage in precision while LSTM balanced recall and precision best. Through direct comparison of these techniques, rather than isolated evaluations, key insights were gained about their relative strengths and weaknesses. For instance, RNNs proved less effective than CNNs and LSTMs for feature extraction from raw emails. This pivotal analysis will aid future research in adapting deep learning to enhance phishing detection.
6. Conclusions
The number of phishing emails is on the rise. These fraudulent emails are designed to deceive unsuspecting users into taking actions that can allow attackers to victimize them and extract sensitive information. Such attacks can compromise the cybersecurity systems of organizations and provide attackers access to their sensitive data. Phishing emails are a significant factor in cyberattacks and must be taken seriously. This study aimed to evaluate deep learning models using publicly available phishing and legitimate datasets. The emails in raw format were extracted and saved as CSV files. Python code was utilized to clean and process the emails. The resulting clean data were converted into tokens to determine the most effective features. For the tokenization process, two methods were used: the first one was the tokenizer class from Keras library, and the second one was using the pre-trained BERT model tokenizer. The tokenized features were split into 70% for training and 30% for testing. The CNNs, recurrent RNNs, LSTM, and BERT were trained on the training dataset and then tested using the testing dataset. The proposed model was then evaluated using different metrics such as accuracy metrics, precision, recall, and F1-score. The results found that the model obtained high and accurate results, where the best performance was when using BERT with LSTM with an accuracy of 99.61%. The phishing email detection model developed in this study using deep learning techniques has the potential to be highly effective in detecting phishing emails.
The identified feature sets were extracted from a large dataset containing several thousand emails, which can be valuable for detecting new phishing emails. However, it should be noted that a single security system alone cannot provide complete security. Therefore, it is recommended to use phishing email detection in conjunction with other security systems such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and antivirus software to enhance overall security. In addition, future research in deep learning and transformers is essential to improve the real-time detection of phishing emails. While effective on its own, the proposed phishing detection model can provide additional security when integrated with existing infrastructure like firewalls, gateways, and endpoint antivirus. The deep learning model can be deployed on email gateways to analyze incoming messages and flag potential phishing threats. Combining it with firewall rules that filter on sender reputation and domain blacklists can reduce the number of malicious emails entering the network. At the endpoint, the antivirus can scan attachments and links in messages classified as phishing by the proposed model. Furthermore, the email filtering provided by the proposed model can improve the signal-to-noise ratio for security operations centers, allowing analysts to focus on fewer high-quality alerts. Integrating the deep learning-based phishing detection model with existing security systems can enhance the protection across the email attack surface. More advanced and enhanced datasets are required to improve the feature selection process, and research is needed in dynamic feature selection using deep learning models. Additionally, adaptive phishing email filtering needs to be studied so that the system can automatically learn, adapt, and identify phishing emails based on their behaviors. Transformers, which are a type of deep learning model, have shown significant potential in natural language processing tasks such as text classification, machine translation, and text generation. Given the nature of phishing emails, which rely on language-based deception to trick recipients into taking unwanted actions, transformers are a promising avenue for improving the accuracy of phishing email detection. One possible direction for future research in this area is the development of transformer-based models for phishing email detection.