Enhancing Security and Accountability in Autonomous Vehicles through Robust Speaker Identification and Blockchain-Based Event Recording
:1. Introduction
1.1. Background and Motivation
1.2. Contributions
- We developed an ensemble-based speaker identification system to overcome the challenge of voice spoofing.
- We proposed an event recording system for the identified speakers to enable proactive forensics research.
- We developed an accident monitoring and recording algorithm that allows witnesses and accident vehicles to vote on the conditions of the accident and provide verifiable claims for liability.
- We conducted extensive experiments to show some proof for the proposed solutions.
2. Related Works
2.1. Speaker Identification
2.2. Voice Spoofing
2.3. Safety and Accountability of AVs
2.4. Blockchain Solutions for AVs
3. Methodology
3.1. Vehicular Network
- We consider a cellular vehicular network with blockchain integration, where vehicles within a cell share a standard blockchain for secure and transparent data management.
- We assume the identification of the network and AVs through GPS longitudes, ensuring precise location-based tracking and communication.
- We posit that all AVs have registered license plates with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), enabling regulatory compliance and traceability.
3.2. Ensemble Model for Anti-Spoofing
3.2.1. Problem Formulation
3.2.2. Feature Extraction
- Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs): MFCCs are critical features for ASI tasks. They are extracted through a cepstral analysis of the speech signal. The cepstral analysis of a speech signal separates the source components into excitation source and vocal tract source. To compute the MFCC, the speech signal is first framed and windowed, after which the Fourier transform of the output is taken to obtain the magnitude spectrum. In this paper, the hamming window (w) was used, and the following formula gives the hamming coefficients:This resultant spectrum is then transformed to the Mel scale using the Mel filterbanks, a non-linear scale that closely approximates the pitch to how it sounds to humans. The result is a spectrum in different frequency bands.
- Gammatone Cepstral Coefficients (GTCCs): The gamma tone (GT) filter banks are an improvement over Mel scale triangular filters. The GT filter is a linear filter that is represented by an impulse response given by:
- Pitch: Speech can be tonal or non-tonal, voiced or unvoiced. Such classes are brought about by the modulation of air from the lungs; the sound that ensues oscillates with a reasonably low frequency, representing the pitch when the speech is voiced. The excitation produced by voiced speeches is quasiperiodic. However, when speech is unvoiced, the excitation is noise-like because, as the air from the lungs is constricted in the vocal tracts, it becomes turbulent. Pitch can be generated by first applying a pre-emphasis filter to the speech signal, which would enhance the high-frequency content of the signal. Afterward, the output signal is divided into overlapping frames of about 20 to 30 ms. Afterward, a pitch detection algorithm like cepstrum or autocorrelation is applied to each frame to obtain the pitch period.
- Short-term Energy (STE): The short-time energy is a feature that helps to differentiate speech from silence. When the energy of a frame falls below a certain predefined threshold, the frame is declared to be silent. Otherwise, it is a speech. The short-term energy can be obtained by first converting the speech signal to a discrete-time signal, after sampling at a high rate (16 kHz), then breaking these signals into overlapping frames with fixed length (20 ms with a 10 ms overlap). Afterward, square each speech sample in a frame and sum the squares. This sum is then divided by the total number of samples in a frame to obtain the short-term energy.
3.2.3. Zero-Crossing Rate (ZCR)
- GTCC features: The GTCC features were extracted using a Hamming window of length and an overlap length of .
- MFCC features: The MFCC features were extracted using a Hamming window of length and an overlap length of .
- GTCC-Pitch features: This hybrid feature consists of the GTCC, pitch, short-time energy, and features. The MFCC features were extracted using a Hamming window of length and an overlap length of . The short-time energy features were extracted with a threshold of , while the features were extracted with a threshold of .
- MFCC-Pitch features: This hybrid feature consists of the MFCC, pitch, short-time energy, and features. The MFCC features were extracted using a Hamming window of length and an overlap length of . The energy features were extracted with a threshold of , while the features were extracted with a threshold of .
- GTCC-MFCC-Pitch features: This hybrid feature comprised GTCC, MFCC, and Pitch features along with the and energy features.
3.2.4. Feature Fusion and Selection
- Normalization: To prevent bias in the classifier, all features were normalized by deducting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation, thus ensuring they were all on the same scale.
- Concatenation: All feature vectors were concatenated, and the output is a matrix, which serves as an input to a K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier. In this matrix, each of the columns matches a particular feature.
3.2.5. ML Model Selection
- K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): KNN is a simple yet effective algorithm that classifies data points based on the majority class among their nearest neighbors. It is known for its simplicity and ease of implementation.
- Support Vector Machine (SVM): SVM is a robust classifier that aims to find a hyperplane that best separates data points of different classes. It is particularly effective in high-dimensional spaces where the data are not linearly separable.
- Random Forest (RF): RF is an ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees to improve accuracy and reduce overfitting. It is robust and performs well on a variety of data types.
- Naive Bayes (NB): NB is a probabilistic classifier based on Bayes’ theorem. It is simple, efficient, and works well for tasks where the independence assumption holds.
- Decision Tree (DT): DT is a tree-like structure where internal nodes represent features, branches represent decisions, and leaf nodes represent outcomes. It is interpretable and can handle both categorical and numerical data.
- AdaBoost: AdaBoost is an ensemble learning method combining weak and robust learners. It focuses on samples misclassified by previous weak classifiers, improving overall performance.
- AdaBoost with Decision Tree: This is an extension of AdaBoost where decision trees are used as weak learners. It often performs well when combined with AdaBoost’s boosting mechanism.
- Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA): LDA is a dimensionality reduction and classification technique that aims to find linear combinations of features that best separate different classes.
- Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA): QDA is similar to LDA but relaxes the assumption of equal covariance matrices for different classes, making it more flexible when the covariance structures vary significantly.
3.2.6. Ensemble Model Selection
3.2.7. Dataset
3.3. Event Recording with Blockchain
3.3.1. Accident Monitoring Algorithm
Algorithm 1 Excessive Speed Detection with Weighted Votes |
3.3.2. AV Incident Lifecycle
- One or more users, in AV, , issue instructions to control the AV.
- executes the instruction and identifies the speaker for every executed instruction.
- records the predicted and identified user ID in a hash along with time stamps and location, as illustrated in Figure 7.
- Two randomly selected AVs, and , collide in an accident and broadcast ’event generation’ requests to the witness vehicles.
- All witness vehicles cast a vote to determine which vehicle was at fault based on excessive speed detection Algorithm 1. The weight of each vote () is determined by the inverse of the distance () between the witness vehicle and the accident site:
- AVs and also vote to determine the cause of the accident. Similarly, the weight of each vote is based on the inverse of the distance ( and ) of the respective AVs to the accident site:
- All votes are collated and aggregated by majority voting with weighted votes, where the weight of each vote () is taken into account:
- The final vote is recorded in a hash, along with time stamps and location, as illustrated in Figure 7.
- The forensics investigator queries the blockchain records with the specific date of the accident.
- Investigator examines final vote from accident session.
- Investigator examines records from driving session.
3.3.3. Blockchain Solution
- Connection with Ethereum node: To connect with the Ethereum node, Web3.py library is used. This Python library is used to interface with the Ethereum blockchain. An HTTP provider is used to connect to a local Ethereum node using its URL, for instance: web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(‘’)).
- Developing the smart contract: A smart contract is a set of predefined rules and functions written in a programming language (like Solidity for Ethereum) that runs on the blockchain [54]. It automatically executes and enforces the terms of a contract when certain conditions are met. This study uses a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain to record AV accident data. Each AV is equipped with a unique identifier, and in the event of an accident, the vehicle’s system records key data, such as the time, location, and relevant sensor information. These data are then transmitted to the blockchain via a smart contract function executed from a decentralized application (DApp). The transaction includes the vehicle’s ID and a unique speaker ID for the accident. The smart contract ensures that each accident record is unique to prevent duplicate entries. The system records the transaction time, allowing for the calculation of latency—the time taken for the data to be recorded on the blockchain after the accident. As illustrated in Figure 9, each vehicle in the network and within proximity of the accident votes on the liable vehicle in the accident. The smart contract executes two contracts: recording accident votes and speaker ID. Within this smart contract, a function is defined to handle the recording of AV accident data. This function takes specific parameters , , time, and location and records them on the blockchain. The data are stored to align with blockchain principles, making them immutable and transparent. The function runs validation checks to ensure a speaker ID has not yet been recorded for a given vehicle. If all checks pass, the function records the data on the blockchain. This may involve updating a mapping or array within the smart contract to store the new data. The function then emits an event to notify the system that a new record has been added.
- Formal verification of the smart contract: To guarantee the robustness and accuracy of our smart contract, we utilized formal verification and analysis techniques in conjunction with IDE and . Formal verification within Remix entails meticulously examining the smart contract code to ensure its conformance with its specifications [55]. This process is essential in detecting potential vulnerabilities, logical errors, and inefficiencies. Remix also provides integrated testing and debugging tools, allowing developers to interactively test their contracts and pinpoint specific code segments where issues may arise [56]. is a linter offering security and style guide validations for Solidity code. It is critical in enhancing code quality and ensuring adherence to best practices. By employing Solhint, the smart contract code was scanned for known vulnerabilities and anti-patterns. This is crucial in the blockchain domain, where security breaches can lead to significant financial and reputational losses. also ensures that the smart contract adheres to established coding standards, which are vital for maintaining the code’s readability, consistency, and maintainability, especially in collaborative development environments. The integration of and provided a comprehensive analysis workflow. allowed for real-time interaction with the smart contract, while offered an automated, rule-based analysis. The formal verification and analysis using and were instrumental in ensuring the integrity and security of the smart contract utilized for recording AV accident data. This rigorous approach to smart contract development not only improved the reliability of the application but also instilled confidence in its usage for sensitive data handling in AV accident scenarios.
- Executing the smart contract: The smart contract’s address and application binary interface (ABI) are required to interact with it. The ABI is a JSON representation of the contract, which tells the Web3.py library how to interact with the contract’s functions. A transaction is built and then sent to the Ethereum network. This involves specifying the sender’s address (from), the nonce (a counter to ensure each transaction is unique), and gas price. The transaction is then signed using the sender’s private key. Keeping the private key secure is crucial, as it grants control over the sender’s funds and the ability to execute transactions. The signed transaction is sent to the network, and its hash is returned. This hash uniquely identifies the transaction on the blockchain. The code waits for the transaction to be mined and confirmed by the network, after which a receipt is received. This receipt contains details about the transaction, such as its success or failure, gas used, and the event logs, if any.
- Interacting with the smart contract: To identify the AV at fault or the speaker ID, it is necessary to query the smart contract. A function communicates with the smart contract to retrieve the vehicle ID count of votes. To measure the efficiency of this interaction, the function records the start and end times of the call, computing the latency as the difference between these timestamps. Similarly, another function is designed to retrieve the speaker ID associated with a specific vehicle ID.
4. Experiments and Evaluation
4.1. Metrics
4.1.1. Speaker Identification Metrics
4.1.2. Blockchain-Based Event Recording Metrics
- Latency: In blockchain terms, latency refers to the time taken for a transaction to be completed and confirmed on the blockchain network. It is the duration from when a transaction is initiated (sent to the network) to when it is confirmed (included in a block and validated by the network).
- Gas Cost: Gas cost in Ethereum and similar blockchains refers to the fee required to conduct a transaction or execute a smart contract on the network. Gas is a unit that measures the computational effort required to execute operations.G is the total gas cost, and Gas Used is the number of gas units the transaction consumes. Gas Price is the price per gas unit, typically denoted in Gwei (1 Gwei = Ether).
4.2. Simulation Details
4.2.1. Speaker Identification Models
4.2.2. Ensemble Model Reproduction and Accident Simulation
4.2.3. Blockchain Simulation and Smart Contract Development
4.3. Feature and Model Selection Results
4.4. Ensemble Model Results
4.5. Accident Simulation and Event Recording Results
4.5.1. Accident Simulation
4.5.2. Event Recording
4.6. Query Results
5. Discussion and Potential Challenges
5.1. Utility and Applicability
5.2. Legal and Ethical Considerations
5.3. Insurance Implications
5.4. Technological Advancements and Future Directions
5.5. Challenges and Limitations
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ABI | Application Binary Interface |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
AVs | Autonomous Vehicles |
DApp | Decentralized Application |
DMV | Department of Motor Vehicles |
DSRCs | Dedicated Short-Range Communications |
DT | Decision Tree |
EDRs | Event Data Recorder |
GT | Gamma Tone |
GTCCs | Gamma Tone Cepstral Coefficients |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
KNN | K Nearest Neighbor |
LDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis |
MFCCs | Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients |
ML | Machine Learning |
NB | Naive Bayes |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration |
QDA | Quadratic Discriminant Analysis |
RF | Random Forest |
STE | Short-term Energy |
SVMs | Support Vector Machines |
ZCR | Zero-Crossing Rate |
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Dataset/Speaker Index | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Total |
Validation data | 3094 | 1424 | 4339 | 2128 | 2661 | 2904 | 2290 | 968 | 1857 | 1456 | 23,121 |
Test data | 756 | 441 | 1029 | 525 | 732 | 673 | 461 | 226 | 481 | 399 | 5723 |
Total dataset | 3850 | 1835 | 5368 | 2653 | 3393 | 3577 | 2751 | 1194 | 2338 | 1855 | 28,844 |
Metrics & Features | Score (%) | Jaccard Index | Computation Time (s) | |||
Validation | Testing | Validation | Testing | Validation | Testing | |
GTCC [12,13] | 96.99 | 69.29 | 0.94 | 0.56 | 0.15 | 0.251 |
MFCC [14] | 97.66 | 81.5 | 0.95 | 0.71 | 1.56 | 0.26 |
GTCC + Pitch + Short-term energy + ZCR | 96.82 | 71.23 | 0.94 | 0.58 | 0.18 | 0.26 |
MFCC+ Pitch + Short-term energy + ZCR [11] | 97.73 | 82.23 | 0.96 | 0.73 | 0.44 | 0.29 |
MFCC + GTCC + Pitch + Short-term energy + ZCR | 98.76 | 84.54 | 0.98 | 0.76 | 0.29 | 0.50 |
Models/Metrics | Validation Accuracy (%) | Test Accuracy (%) | Test Score (%) | Jaccard Index |
KNN | 98.82 | 85.38 | 85.38 | 72.62 |
SVM | 93.91 | 87.16 | 87.16 | 75.04 |
RF | 92.10 | 83.71 | 83.71 | 69.83 |
NB | 76.57 | 74.07 | 74.07 | 58.37 |
DT | 84.36 | 69.12 | 69.12 | 50.95 |
Ada | 77.44 | 72.81 | 72.81 | 56.35 |
AdaDT | 88.50 | 81.60 | 81.60 | 66.91 |
ImpKNN | 99.17 | 84.22 | 84.22 | 70.85 |
LDA | 84.65 | 82.62 | 82.62 | 69.65 |
QDA | 92.60 | 86.55 | 86.55 | 74.97 |
Ensemble Criteria | Test Accuracy (%) | Jaccard Index |
Models Jac > 60 | 89.36 | 79.27 |
Models Jac > 65 | 89.85 | 79.87 |
Models Val Acc 80–90% | 84.86 | 72.52 |
Models Val Acc > 80% | 89.58 | 79.90 |
All Models | 88.66 | 78.41 |
Models Val Acc > 90% | 90.07 | 80.52 |
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Njoku, J.N.; Nwakanma, C.I.; Lee, J.-M.; Kim, D.-S. Enhancing Security and Accountability in Autonomous Vehicles through Robust Speaker Identification and Blockchain-Based Event Recording. Electronics 2023, 12, 4998. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12244998
Njoku JN, Nwakanma CI, Lee J-M, Kim D-S. Enhancing Security and Accountability in Autonomous Vehicles through Robust Speaker Identification and Blockchain-Based Event Recording. Electronics. 2023; 12(24):4998. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12244998
Chicago/Turabian StyleNjoku, Judith Nkechinyere, Cosmas Ifeanyi Nwakanma, Jae-Min Lee, and Dong-Seong Kim. 2023. "Enhancing Security and Accountability in Autonomous Vehicles through Robust Speaker Identification and Blockchain-Based Event Recording" Electronics 12, no. 24: 4998. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12244998
APA StyleNjoku, J. N., Nwakanma, C. I., Lee, J.-M., & Kim, D.-S. (2023). Enhancing Security and Accountability in Autonomous Vehicles through Robust Speaker Identification and Blockchain-Based Event Recording. Electronics, 12(24), 4998. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12244998