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A Reference Paper Collection System Using Web Scraping

Department of Information and Communication Systems, Okayama University, Okayama 700-8530, Japan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Electronics 2024, 13(14), 2700;
Submission received: 29 April 2024 / Revised: 21 June 2024 / Accepted: 26 June 2024 / Published: 10 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sensor Based Big Data Analysis)


Collecting reference papers from the Internet is one of the most important activities for progressing research and writing papers about their results. Unfortunately, the current process using Google Scholar may not be efficient, since a lot of paper files cannot be accessed directly by the user. Even if they are accessible, their effectiveness needs to be checked manually. In this paper, we propose a reference paper collection system using web scraping to automate paper collections from websites. This system can collect or monitor data from the Internet, which is considered as the environment, using Selenium, a popular web scraping software, as the sensor; this examines the similarity against the search target by comparing the keywords using the Bert model. The Bert model is a deep learning model for natural language processing (NLP) that can understand context by analyzing the relationships between words in a sentence bidirectionally. The Python Flask is adopted at the web application server, where Angular is used for data presentations. For the evaluation, we measured the performance, investigated the accuracy, and asked members of our laboratory to use the proposed method and provide their feedback. Their results confirm the method’s effectiveness.

1. Introduction

Accessing research papers from the Internet is a crucial task for researchers. It helps them build upon existing knowledge and develop their own scholarly work. However, depending solely on a common platform like Google Scholar presents challenges. It can be found that, after searching, many papers are inaccessible due to pay barriers or access restrictions. Even when researchers can obtain the papers, they often need to spend a lot of time verifying their credibility and relevance manually. This manual checking process is a very time-consuming task and can slow down the research progress. Therefore, a better method is necessary to find and evaluate relevant research papers automatically, which would be beneficial for a lot of researchers by making their research more efficient and less time-consuming.
In searching for relevant reference papers using Google Scholar [1], researchers often encounter obstacles such as the difficulty of distinguishing between high-quality papers and low-quality ones, accessing full-text versions, and identifying the most relevant articles from a wide range of search results. Therefore, there is a growing need for a better search method to ensure the trustworthiness and relevance of papers. As researchers need to move through a large amount of information, simplifying access and verification processes becomes increasingly crucial for enhancing and speeding up their research.
In light of this challenge, the development of a system adopting an innovative technology, such as web scraping [2], may offer a promising solution. By utilizing web scraping technology, researchers can retrieve relevant papers using simple inputs, such as paper titles and keywords from their own papers. The result output of the system is expected to be a list of downloadable portable document format (PDF) file links with their titles indicating that they are relevant papers. Additionally, this system can validate the PDF links, checking the relevance and streamlining the validation process, in order to save researchers from the overwhelming burden of manual searches for relevant papers from the Internet. Moreover, to enhance user responsiveness, the system is implemented through the incorporation of multi-threading [3].
In this paper, we present a reference paper collection system using web scraping technology. It involves utilizing innovative technologies within the framework of interactive web services and Docker [4] for deployment. The system employs the Bert model, a natural language processing (NLP) technique from the Hugging Face library [5], to refine search results and enhance the accuracy and relevance in extracting references. Selenium WebDriver [6] plays a crucial role in controlling web pages on a browser and collecting data from them [7]. The system comprises client-side (front end) and server-side (back end) components. The entire architecture is maintained and managed as a repository using Git version control and is containerized via Docker. The front end, serving as the web user interface, is built using Angular [8,9]. The back end, driven by Python Flask [10], functions as the web application server. Furthermore, the adoption of the design architecture prioritizes generalizing the functionality, features, and common technology usage to optimize the running time, the memory utilization, and the performance of the central processing unit (CPU).
For the evaluation of the proposed system, we asked the members in our laboratory in Okayama University, Japan, to install the platform and to conduct paper searches related to their topics. Then, through comparisons with manual extractions after using Google Scholar directly, we confirmed the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed platform in various research projects. By contrasting the two outputs, we assessed how well our automated approach aligned with human-generated results.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces related works in the literature. Section 3 introduces the adopted software tools. Section 4 presents the implementation of the reference paper collection system. Section 5 evaluates the proposed system. Section 6 concludes this paper with a discussion and future works.

2. Related Work

In this section, we discuss papers related to scholarly databases and web scraping for big data collection in the literature.

2.1. Scholarly Databases

Google Scholar [11] is the most popular scholarly website that includes a wide range of research articles, theses, books, conference papers, and patents. The user interface of Google Scholar makes it easy for users to search and access scholarly content. The citation information can help researchers to evaluate the reputation and popularity of the paperwork. A user can initiate a new search by entering keywords into the search box. Articles can be filtered by author name and publication year in the advanced search setting. It will yield the result in the form of a comprehensive list of articles, which usually spans more than 10 pages.
Other scholarly databases like the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Xplore) [12] and Scopus [13] primarily focus on technical and scientific papers and theses. Most of the papers are not open source, and the search interfaces of these databases may pose challenges for users in terms of finding and accessing detailed contents. In contrast to the user-friendly experience provided by Google Scholar, the navigation of search results on these platforms may require additional effort and familiarity with the specific databases. Google Scholar provides a more flexible search experience in comparison, allowing a user to retrieve a result with general keywords. On the other hand, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE Xplore) interface requires specific and targeted keywords for locating the desired papers.
The wide range of search results on Google Scholar presents certain challenges. Navigating through suggested web pages to find relevant articles can be time-consuming. To ascertain an article’s relevance, a user must open the link to access the PDF. Unfortunately, there are search results where PDF links or web pages are not available. Nevertheless, the convenience of obtaining search results with general keywords remains a noticeable advantage for web scraping in this research.

2.2. Web Scraping for Big Data Collection

Web scraping [14] is the automated information extraction process from websites. It is a technique for collecting large amounts of data on the Internet. Such data can be referred to as Big Data [15]. In the context of Big Data [16], web scraping revolves around navigating websites, systematically gathering a large volume of data, and converting the unstructured data commonly found in a hyper text markup language (HTML) format on a web page into the organized data suitable for storage and analysis [17].
Web scraping includes step-by-step operations such as data collection, extraction, transformation, and loading. Data collection and data extraction can be easily performed by web scraping tools and scripts. However, challenges arise in handling technical issues, such as web server maintenance, or when a web page is deleted after a certain period. Real-time data collection through web scraping has to include robust error-handling mechanisms that are able to respond to unexpected conditions. Additionally, before initiating web scraping, it is crucial to observe the privacy policies of the target website. Defining the specific data to be scraped in advance helps to minimize unnecessary data retrievals, thereby optimizing efficiency. The scraped data, often unstructured or semi-structured, requires subsequent cleaning and structuring in the data-cleaning phase.
Data transformation occurs after data extraction, converting the obtained data into various formats such as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (key–value pairs), Extensible Markup Language (XML), or Arrays. These formatted datasets can then be stored in the file system or the database. Subsequently, the loaded data are integrated into a data warehouse, facilitating further research or addressing specific business needs.
After data transformation, loading data into a warehouse or storing data in a database or cloud is crucial for future use.

3. Adopted Tools

In this section, we introduce the software tools adopted in this study.

3.1. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine provided by Google. It offers free access to scholarly literature including papers, theses, and books. It indexes materials from various websites and allows users to search them by author name, title, or keyword. It provides citation metrics and features like personalized recommendations and alerts for new publications, serving as a valuable tool for researchers and academics.

3.2. Selenium

Selenium WebDriver is a popular web scraping tool [18]. It supports various browser–drivers, such as ChromeDriver for Chrome, GeckoDriver for Firefox, and OperaDriver for Microsoft Edge. To initiate Selenium WebDriver, the command script should be predefined. The script can be written in different programming languages, such as Python, C#, Java, Ruby, and JavaScript. Since Selenium [19] has the ability to control and navigate web pages through a browser, we used it to collect large amounts of data as a sensor environment.
In this paper, we made Python scripts [20] to function in Selenium as the sensor for collecting data from the Internet through Google Scholar. Upon receiving input from the user, this sensor program navigates to web pages to find downloadable PDFs, retrieves the data, and interacts with web page elements by clicking buttons, extracting information, completing forms, and waiting for responses.

3.3. BERT

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) [5] is a transformer model developed by Google. Prior models such as Word2Vec [21], GloVe, [22] or FastText [23] are one-directional models, which can only read the input sequence from left to right and right to left sequentially. On the other hand, BERT has the ability to simultaneously read the entire context of words bidirectionally [24]. Self-attention mechanisms distinguish the importance of different words in the sentence. Due to these features, BERT has a more precise capability of understanding sentences without being biased to surrounding words [25].
The sentence transformer model [26] is a model that is pre-trained on a large dataset. It uses BERT as an encoder. The dataset used during training is collected from a large corpus, including Wikipedia [27], and by crawling data on the Internet. It calculates similarity scores according to the following procedure.
  • The sentence transformer model encodes each input text into the vector representation, which is also known as embedding, using a pre-trained transformer model such as BERT or the Robustly Optimized BERT Approach (RoBERTa).
  • After generating embedding for the two texts, the sentence transformer model computes the similarity score using a metric like Cosine similarity or Euclidean distance.
  • The similarity score is based on the chosen similarity metric, with the higher score indicating a greater similarity between texts.
In this paper, we applied the sentence transformer model to compute similarity scores to extract the relevant papers from the results by Google Scholar.

3.4. Angular

Angular enables developers to create dynamic single-page web applications using HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and TypeScript. It is an open-source web application framework developed by Google. It utilizes the model–view–controller (MVC) architecture to effectively organize codes and separate concerns. Angular offers useful functions for routing, data binding, and dependency injections for facilitating the development of large-scale applications. Its command line interface (CLI) simplifies project creation, testing, and deployment, enhancing the developer’s productivity. With robust features and strong community support, Angular is the preferred choice in many modern web application developments. As a front end framework, Angular provides an interactive user interface.

3.5. Python Flask

Flask is a lightweight web framework written in Python that adheres to the WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) specification. It enables seamless integration with various web servers. Despite its simplicity, Flask provides essential features such as routing, templating, and request handling for web applications. It also supports extensions for adding functionality, making it ideal for small–medium-sized web applications, application programming interfaces (APIs), and prototypes. In this paper, Python Flask is used in the back end server to automate the web scraping, pass the keywords to the sentence similarity function, and provide responses to the front end.

4. Proposal of Reference Paper Collection System

In this section, we present the reference paper collection system by web scraping.

4.1. Software Architecture

The system is implemented as a web application for helping to facilitate academic paper searches and collect reference papers by researchers. It comprises two main components: the user interface of the client side and the model part of the server side. Together, these process web scraping and data processing. For the client side, Angular is utilized to implement the user interface for filling out the title and keywords for a new search on a browser. For the server architecture, Python is used in conjunction with Flask, which handles web scraping and data processing using Selenium and the BERT model, respectively. Figure 1 shows the overview of the system design.

4.2. Client-Side Implementation

For client-side implementation, Angular is adopted. Then, Node.js [28] version 12 is installed alongside npm (Node Package Manager), which is crucial for managing dependencies [29]. For Angular developments, TypeScript [30] is used instead of JavaScript for creating scalable and easy-to-maintain applications. Additionally, Material UI [31], which is an open-source UI component library optimized for Angular applications, has been integrated. It ensures consistent user experiences across various platforms.
The implemented function is designed to simplify the process of searching for titles and keywords related to the user’s input. The title may vary based on the user’s choices. After the application is launched via the port localhost:4200, the user interface implementation logic works as shown in Algorithm 1. After the user clicks the submit button, the client side sends Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests along with the user-input data while showing the loading indicator. It then fetches the data from the server side. If the server-side response is successful and the web scraping procedure using Selenium and BERT is completed, then the user can view the pages of the resultant papers on the browser.
Algorithm 1 User interface implementation logic.
function paperSearchFunction(titleInput, keywordsInput)
      if  t i t l e I n p u t  is empty or  k e y w o r d s I n p u t  is empty then
            display “Both fields are required.”
      end if
      display loadingIndicator
       r e q u e s t D a t a { “title”: t i t l e , “keywords”: k e y w o r d s }
       r e s p o n s e D a t a fetchPapers( r e q u e s t D a t a )
      hide loadingIndicator
      if  r e s p o n s e D a t a  is empty then
            display “No relevant papers found.”
            for all  p a p e r  in  r e s p o n s e D a t a  do
            end for
      end if
end function

Connection between Server Side and Client Side

In our application architecture, a user interaction with the client side that is made on Angular and is accessible via localhost:4200, which initiates a sequence of events that involve communications with the server side; these are implemented with Flask and hosted at localhost:5001. When a user inputs data, such as title and keywords, and submits them, Angular generates the HTTP request containing these data. This request is directed towards the server’s address localhost:5001, where the Flask application resides. Upon receiving the HTTP request, Flask processes the data within the request body. This typically involves extracting the submitted title and keyword. Subsequently, Flask proceeds to execute essential operations for web scraping and data processing based on the received data. Following this processing, Flask generates the response to be sent back to the client side. Angular then handles this response by updating the user interface as required, completing the interaction cycle between the client-side and server-side components.

4.3. Server-Side Implementation

For the server side, Flask handles the API requests from the client side. Flask provides REST API services using Python [32]. Upon receiving the request, typically via the POST method with additional parameters to the designated port localhost:5001, Flask initiates a series of procedures. Firstly, it uses web scraping techniques to add more information to the input data by obtaining extra details from different websites.
With the help of automation scripts, Flask handles the HTML documents to extract important information. Flask performs keyword matching and similarity score calculations to enhance the relevance and accuracy of the search results or recommendations. Then, Flask displays the selected papers on the client-side interface. We will explore each of these steps more comprehensively.

4.3.1. Web Scraping as Input Data Processing

Selenium and Chrome Driver are deployed as the web scraping environment in the system. In Selenium version-3, JSON Wire Protocol serves as the bridge between Selenium scripts and browser drivers, due to Selenium version-3 lacking World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standardization [33]. It encodes Selenium HTTP requests and sends them to browser drivers that are compliant with the W3C protocol. The W3C protocol decodes the response and relays the data back to the JSON Wire Protocol [34].
In this paper, we use the latest version Selenium version-4. It has the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard as shown in Figure 2. JSON Wire Protocol is no longer needed to bridge the gap between the Selenium script and the browser driver [35]. Selenium can transfer the automation script directly to the driver via W3C protocols and execute the script in the browser. Regarding the web scraping process for input data, after retrieving the parameters such as the title and keywords from the client side, the automation script proceeds to search Google Scholar using the title. This step involves navigating to the Google Scholar website and initiating a search query with the provided title. The automation script interacts with the search result page, retrieves the HTML script from the browser, and forwards it to the scraping script for parsing.

4.3.2. HTML Output Processing with Automation Scripts

After obtaining the HTML output through W3C protocol, the data need to be scraped, focusing primarily on open-source reference papers. Typically, these papers are accessible in PDF format via online Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). To collect these URLs, we create the automation script. Figure 3 shows the flow chart of the HTML output processing.
  • Process of Automation Script: After the Google Scholar results list loads, the automation script locates the URL link of the PDF using XPath [36]. The dynamic nature of locating DOM (document object model) elements on the website arises due to some tags lacking unique IDs or names. XPath is employed to pinpoint the PDF keywords among the DOM elements. Subsequently, the regular expression and the Python PDF reader library are utilized to extract keywords from the PDF’s online URL. Once the keywords are obtained, the sentence-transformer-based BERT model is used to calculate the similarity score. Further details on data processing using the sentence transformer model will be provided in the next section. If a found paper is determined to be relevant, then key information is collected from Google Scholar, including the paper title, the citation count, and the link to the PDF’s online URL according to Algorithm 2. Then, these data are transformed into a JSON array for the further visualization of the results.
Algorithm 2 Scraping data.
function ScrapingData(url, keywords)
      Navigate to url using ChromeDriver
      Initialize empty list paper_data
      for i ← 1 to 10 do
            while PDF links exist AND are valid do
                 if CalculateSimilarity(paper.pdf_link, keywords) then
                       paper.pdf_link ← driver.(By.XPATH, ’.//span[contains(text(), “[PDF]”)]’)
                       paper.similarityCalculateSimilarity(paper.pdf_link, keywords)
                       paper.title ← driver.get(’title’)
                       paper.citation ← driver.get(’citation’)
                       Add paper to paper_data
                 end if
            end while
      end for
      return paper_data
      return FALSE
      return FALSE
      return FALSE
end function
Multi-Threading: Sequential retrieval of each page can be time-consuming, since it requires waiting for all pages to be searched and processed. According to Algorithm 3 and Figure 4, the multi-threading mechanism [37] is employed to enhance the system response time. First, the total number of pages is calculated. Then, the web scraping process across these pages is distributed to different threads, which significantly reduces the processing time. However, increasing the number of threads also increases complexity. To ensure efficient system resource utilization, the available system resources are monitored.
Error Handling Process: Encountering dead links or invalid PDF URL links poses challenges. These links can lead to potential system crashes when Python libraries like PyPDF2 [38] and PyMuPDF [39] fail to read PDF texts. To address this challenge, we have implemented error handling mechanisms, including the validation of the PDF link, page-not-found errors, and SSL (secure socket layer) errors. Moreover, repeatedly accessing a large number of PDF links can create challenging cases. Extracting the URL and opening the link several times can trigger the browser to identify the behavior as human activity. To overcome this problem, we utilize headless Chrome, which lacks a graphical user interface (GUI), consumes fewer system resources, and enables faster interactions. Additionally, we implemented the strategy to mimic human behaviors when interacting with the headless browser by introducing randomized time frames using waits and slower scrolling times, which can help avoid bot detection.
Algorithm 3 Multi-threading.
function MultiThreading(title, keywords)
      Initialize empty list urllist
      Construct base URL for Google Scholar search with the given title
      base_url ← ’’ + ReplaceSpaces(title)
      Initialize ChromeDriver with base_url
      Count total result pages
      for page ← 1 to totalPages do
            url ← base_url + ’&?page=’ + page
            Append url to urlList
      end for
      Initialize empty list results
      Initialize threads or async tasks to scrape data from url
      for each taskUrl in urlList do
            dataScrapingData(taskUrl, keywords)
            result ← taskUrl.execute(data)
            Append result to results
      end for
      return results
end function

4.3.3. Keyword Matching and Similarity Score Calculation

To proceed to the data processing stage after the data extraction stage, one of the natural language processing techniques is applied to recommend the most relevant papers to the user. BERT with the encoder-based sentence transformer model is employed to find relevant papers for the user. BERT encodes the user’s input keywords and the extracted keywords by web scraping into vector representations of the text.
The sentence transformer model computes the similarity score using the cosine similarity. To perform the process, the Python sentence transformer library is imported from Hugging Face [40], which is a community providing open-source large language models (LLMs). According to Algorithm 4, the Python program is made to pass two text arguments into the model: (1) the keywords extracted from the online PDF using the Python PDF reader and the regular expressions; (2) the user input text, separated by commas.
The all-MiniLM-L12-v2, which is one of the sentence transformer models [41], is known for its faster response time and smaller size, and is used to compute the similarity score between the user input keywords and the extracted papers’ keywords. After the data processing stage, the server program returns the sorted list of the similarity scores to the client-side program. Further details on the visualization result outputs will be provided in the next section.
Algorithm 4 Calculate similarity.
function CalculateSimilarity(pdf_url, keywords)
      if PDF is readable then
            terms ← [’Index Terms’, ’keywords’, ’Key Words’]
            matched_keywordsregex_search(content, terms)
            similaritymodel.calculate_similarity(keywords, matched_keywords)
            return similarity
            return False
      end if
end function

4.4. Source Code Implementation for Back End Automation

As shown in Figure 5, the Python automation code is designed to search for academic papers on Google Scholar using specific keywords. It finds papers that have PDF versions available by handling multiple exceptions and collects information about these papers, such as their titles, links to the PDFs, and the number of times they have been cited by other papers. Afterward, the similarity is calculated using a sentence-similarity transformer model, which compares the provided keywords with those in the PDFs and returns a sorted list of academic papers.

4.5. User Interface for Displaying Result Papers List

After completing the data processing stage, the back end server provides the reference papers in the JSON format. They are sorted according to the similarity score in descending order. Then, the client side receives the response and presents users with a visual representation of the sorted data. Figure 6 shows the user interface for displaying the resulting paper list.

5. Evaluations

In this section, we evaluate the proposed reference paper collection system. First, we evaluate the system performance using the performance monitoring tool. Second, we measure the accuracy of finding relevant reference papers in three cases. Last, we assess the effectiveness and usability through the questionnaire with the system usability scale (SUS) scores [42].

5.1. System Performance Evaluation

First, we evaluate the system performance in terms of both response time and memory usage in both the multi-threaded and conventional single-threaded cases [43]. We conduct these evaluations on a personal computer that is equipped with Intel Core i7-8550U CPU at 1.80   GHz with four cores and 16   GB memory, running Windows 11. To measure the performance metrics, we utilized the built-in tool Performance Monitor [44], provided by the Windows operating system. In the experiments, the system analyzed the first 10 pages of the search results from Google Scholar. Then, for the multi-thread case, 10 threads were used in parallel so that each thread handled a one-page search.
Table 1 shows the results of this test. The multi-thread execution was completed in 41 s with CPU usage of 10 % , contrasting with the single-thread execution in 507 s with CPU usage of 2 % . When compared with the single-thread execution, the multi-threaded approach resulted in an 8 % increase in CPU usage and a reduction of 466 s in CPU time, with similar memory usage. With the use of multi-thread execution, the CPU time becomes acceptable for users.

5.2. Accuracy Evaluation

Second, we evaluate the system’s accuracy in finding relevant reference papers for users by comparing it with Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar [45] across three cases with different research topics. Semantic Scholar is an AI-powered academic search engine that uses machine learning and natural language processing to help researchers find relevant academic papers across a wide range of disciplines. In each case, we used the same set of keywords for the proposed system, Google Scholar, and Semantic Scholar. The system accuracy represents the percentage of relevant accessible papers among all the papers suggested by the system and is calculated by Equation (1):
accuracy = #   of   relevant   accessible   papers total   #   of   suggested   papers × 100 %
where the relevant accessible paper represents a paper suggested by the system whose PDF file can be downloaded and whose contents are related to the research topic for search.
In the three cases, the following three factors are evaluated:
  • Relevance: For Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar, we downloaded 100 papers from the first 10 pages of the result. For the proposed system, we downloaded all the papers suggested by the system. Then, the relevance of each paper was judged based on user preference, applicability to the target research, and similarity with the research.
  • Accessibility: We compared the number of accessible and inaccessible papers within the first 10 pages of Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, and the suggested papers by the proposed system.
  • Required time: We compared the total time required to search the candidates, open the links to the PDF files, download them, and read them to determine relevance for the 100 papers from Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar, and all the suggested papers for the proposed system.
The results are presented in Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7 for Case 1Case 6. These demonstrate that the proposed system achieves the highest accuracy in the shortest time. In Case 6 and Case 7, the exact title of a published paper was used as the input. Then, Semantic Scholar returned only one result for Case 6 and two results for Case 7, as shown in Table 7 and Table 8, respectively. Despite a very limited number of papers output by Semantic Scholar, the one paper in Table 7 was not relevant to this study and not accessible, whereas the two papers in Table 8 were both relevant and accessible.

5.2.1. Case 1

For Case 1, the title for search was “Web scraping using Selenium” and the keywords were “Selenium”, “ChromeDriver”, “Python”, and “data collection”. Table 2 shows the results.

5.2.2. Case 2

For Case 2, the title for search was “Sentence transformer and sentence similarity using Bert model” and the keywords were “embedding”, “similarity”, “attention layer”, “Bert”, and “NLP”. Table 3 shows the results.

5.2.3. Case 3

For Case 3, the title for search was “Automated image-based UI testing for mobile applications” and the keywords were “user interface”, “testing”, “Image”, “CSS”, and “mobile platforms”. Table 4 shows the results.

5.2.4. Case 4

For Case 4, the title for search was “Indoor navigation system” and the keywords were “indoor navigation”, “Unity”, “QR code”, and “smartphone”. Table 5 shows the results.

5.2.5. Case 5

For Case 5, the title for search was “Docker image generation” and the keywords was “Docker”. Table 6 shows the results.

5.2.6. Case 6

For Case 6, the title for search was “A Study of Integrated Server Platform for IoT Application Systems” and the keywords were “IoT platform”, “cloud”, “communication”, “smart cities”, and “artificial intelligence”. Table 7 shows the results.

5.2.7. Case 7

For Case 7, the title for search was “A proposal of code modification problem for self-study of web client programming using JavaScript” and the keywords were “Web client programming”, “JavaScript”, “HTML”, “CSS”, “code modification”, “coding reading”, and “self-study”. Table 8 shows the results.

5.3. System Usability Evaluation

Finally, we investigated the system usability of the proposed system through a questionnaire with the system usability scale (SUS) scores. We asked 10 graduate students in our laboratory to install the proposed system on their personal computers (PCs) using Docker, and to use the system by inputting the title and keywords that are related to their current research topics. After that, we asked them to answer 10 questions to collect their feedback on the proposal.
Table 9 shows the 10 questions in this questionnaire and Table 10 indicates the corresponding answers from the 10 students. The average SUS score among them falls between 68 and 80.3 , suggesting a “Good” level of usability based on the calculated SUS score interpretation in Table 11 [46].

5.4. Feedback from Students

Unfortunately, 2 students out of 10 answered F grades in Table 11. Both students used PCs with Macintosh Operating System (MAC OS) with M1 (silicon chip), and encountered installation errors. The other students used PCs with (intel chip), Linux, or Windows and experienced no installation errors. To address this issue, we updated the installation manual and provided the option to use another PC with Windows.
Some students suggested allowing an input of keywords only, rather than requiring both keywords and a title. Some students suggested adding a publication date filter to find only papers within certain publication dates. Most students rated the proposed system as excellent or good and replied that it is more useful and accurate than manual paper collection from Google Scholar results.

6. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper presented a reference paper collection system using web scraping as a sensor to collect relevant papers from websites in the Internet environment. This system adopts Selenium as the web scraping tool and examines the similarity against the search target by comparing keywords using the BERT model. Python Flask is adopted as the web application server and Angular is used for the web interfaces. For the evaluation, we measured performance, investigated the accuracy of results, and asked members in our laboratory to use the proposed system and return their feedback. Their results confirmed the effectiveness of the system.
Our web scraping approach not only addresses the time-consuming task of manually collecting data but also provides accessible PDF file links. However, it is important to review and comply with the terms of service of the websites being scraped. Generally, web scraping is legal in Japan if it accesses publicly available information. However, scraping restricted or authorized content without permission is illegal. In this proposed system, we sought only open-access PDFs from academic websites using Google Scholar.
Although our proposed system provides a powerful method for collecting relevant academic papers, we acknowledge certain limitations related to web scraping. Unfortunately, the terms of service of Google Scholar do not allow automated scraping, even for accessing open-access PDFs from other websites using its service.
To address these challenges, we will integrate APIs from legitimate sources like Unpaywall, CORE, Semantic Scholar, and CrossRef. These APIs offer structured and lawful access to open-access research articles. Furthermore, transitioning to API-based data retrieval can enhance the system’s reliability and reduce the risk of Internet Protocol (IP) banning during web scraping. Moreover, we will enhance the accuracy of the system by incorporating a publication date filter and summarization model, and validate the applicability of the approach for various research topics. Moreover, we will consider implementing the system on a cloud-based platform to improve accessibility for users.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, I.N. and N.F.; methodology, I.N.; software, I.N.; formal analysis, I.N.; investigation, S.T.A. and K.H.W.; resources, S.T.A. and K.H.W.; visualization, I.N.; writing—original draft preparation, I.N.; writing—review and editing, I.N., S.T.A. and N.F; supervision, N.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Overview of the system design.
Figure 1. Overview of the system design.
Electronics 13 02700 g001
Figure 2. Web scraping with Selenium version-4.
Figure 2. Web scraping with Selenium version-4.
Electronics 13 02700 g002
Figure 3. Flow chart of HTML output process.
Figure 3. Flow chart of HTML output process.
Electronics 13 02700 g003
Figure 4. Multi-threading for enhanced system response time in web scraping.
Figure 4. Multi-threading for enhanced system response time in web scraping.
Electronics 13 02700 g004
Figure 5. Source code implementation of back end automation.
Figure 5. Source code implementation of back end automation.
Electronics 13 02700 g005
Figure 6. Interface for displaying resulting papers list.
Figure 6. Interface for displaying resulting papers list.
Electronics 13 02700 g006
Table 1. System performance results.
Table 1. System performance results.
CPU time (s)41s507s
avg. CPU usage (%)10%2%
avg. memory usage (%)46%45%
Table 2. Accuracy of results in Case 1.
Table 2. Accuracy of results in Case 1.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1004747%5858%2 h 27 min
Semantic Scholar1005858%8282%2 h 18 min
Proposal 332575%3194%45 min
Table 3. Accuracy of results in Case 2.
Table 3. Accuracy of results in Case 2.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1004141%7272%2 h 18 min
Semantic Scholar1003838%6363%2 h 5 min
Proposal513161%51100%49 min
Table 4. Accuracy of results in Case 3.
Table 4. Accuracy of results in Case 3.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1003333%7272%2 h 12 min
Semantic Scholar1002222%4747%1 h 58 min
Proposal371643%3491%46 min
Table 5. Accuracy of results in Case 4.
Table 5. Accuracy of results in Case 4.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1002828%7171%2 h 20 min
Semantic Scholar1002020%4949%2 h 4 min
Proposal582950%5289%57 min
Table 6. Accuracy of results in Case 5.
Table 6. Accuracy of results in Case 5.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1002323%6363%2 h 31 min
Semantic Scholar1001111%4242%2 h 24 min
Proposal251144%2288%30 min
Table 7. Accuracy of results in Case 6.
Table 7. Accuracy of results in Case 6.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1002828%6060%2 h 42 min
Semantic Scholar100%00%10 s
Proposal462146%3780%41 min
Table 8. Accuracy of results in Case 7.
Table 8. Accuracy of results in Case 7.
System# of PapersRelevanceAccessibilityTime
# of PapersAccuracy# of PapersAccuracy
Google Scholar1002626%6363%1 h 50 min
Semantic Scholar22100%2100%1 min
Proposal281554%2589%42 min
Table 9. SUS Questions in questionnaire.
Table 9. SUS Questions in questionnaire.
1.The search input interface is easy to use.
2.The system responds too slowly.
3.The output result list is easy to understand.
4.To obtain a good result, I had to attempt the input several times.
5.The output result papers are downloadable as PDF.
6.Manual searching is more useful than this system.
7.The result papers are relevant.
8.I require technical support to set up the system on my PC.
9.I would like to recommend this system to other people.
10.I experienced bugs when using the system.
Table 10. Answers for SUS questionnaire and SUS scores.
Table 10. Answers for SUS questionnaire and SUS scores.
UserAnswers for SUS QuestionsOverall SUS Scores
Average SUS Score68.5
Table 11. SUS score interpretation.
Table 11. SUS score interpretation.
SUS ScoreGradeAdjective Rating
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MDPI and ACS Style

Naing, I.; Aung, S.T.; Wai, K.H.; Funabiki, N. A Reference Paper Collection System Using Web Scraping. Electronics 2024, 13, 2700.

AMA Style

Naing I, Aung ST, Wai KH, Funabiki N. A Reference Paper Collection System Using Web Scraping. Electronics. 2024; 13(14):2700.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Naing, Inzali, Soe Thandar Aung, Khaing Hsu Wai, and Nobuo Funabiki. 2024. "A Reference Paper Collection System Using Web Scraping" Electronics 13, no. 14: 2700.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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