Method of Mobile Speed Measurement Using Semi-Supervised Masked Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Networks
:1. Introduction
2. System Model
3. Proposed SM-ACGAN
3.1. Design of the SM-ACGAN Architecture
3.2. Design of the Loss Function of the SM-ACGAN Discriminator
3.3. Design of the Loss Function of the SM-ACGAN Generator
3.4. Effective Data Augmentation Using Unlabeled Data and Labeled Fake Data
4. The Training and Validating Processes of SM-ACGAN
5. Simulation Results
- CNN: This stands for convolutional neural network [36]. A CNN is essentially a discriminator made up of convolutional and linear layers, which determines the Doppler spread index of the PSD image provided as input. Table 5 shows the detailed architecture of the CNN. The loss functions of the CNN is defined by Equation (29).
- SSGAN: This stands for a semi-supervised GAN consisting of a discriminator and a generator. Table 5 and Table 6 show the detailed structures of the SSGAN discriminator and the SSGAN generator, respectively. The loss function of the SSGAN discriminator is given by
- ACGAN-SG: This stands for an auxiliary classifier GAN based on spectral normalization and gradient penalty [31]. Table 5 and Table 6 show the detailed architectures of the ACGAN-SG discriminator and the ACGAN-SG generator, respectively. The loss function of the ACGAN-SG discriminator is given by
- MaskedGAN: This stands for a masked GAN consisting of a discriminator and a generator [28]. Table 2 and Table 7 show the detailed architectures of the MaskedGAN discriminator and the MaskedGAN generator, respectively. The loss function of the MaskedGAN discriminator is given by
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type-A Block | |
Conv2d | |
SpectralNorm | |
LeakyReLU | |
Dropout | |
Type-B Block | |
Conv2d | |
SpectralNorm | |
InstanceNorm2 | |
LeakyReLU | |
Dropout | |
Type-C Block | |
ConvTranspose2d | |
SpectralNorm | |
InstanceNorm2 | |
ReLU | |
Dropout | |
Type-D Block | |
ConvTranspose2d | |
SpectralNorm | |
InstanceNorm2 | |
ReLU | |
Dropout | |
Type-E Block | |
ConvTranspose2d | |
Tanh | |
Type-F Block | |
Linear | |
BatchNorm1d | |
ReLU | |
Dropout |
Component Name | Input Size | Output Size |
Input Image | Not Available | |
Type-A block (1, 64) | ||
Type-B block (64, 128) | ||
Type-B block (128, 256) | ||
Type-B block (256, 512) | ||
Type-B block (512, 1024) | ||
Reshape operator | ||
Linear layer (4096, 1) | ||
Sigmoid | ||
Mask layer | ||
Linear Layer (4096, 100) |
Component Name | Input Size | Output Size |
Noise generator | ||
Type-C block (100, 64) | ||
Label one-hot Encoder | ||
Label expander | ||
Tensor concatenator | ||
Type-D block (164, 192) | ||
Type-D block (192, 128) | ||
Type-D block (128, 64) | ||
Type-E block (64, 1) |
Component Name | Input Size | Output Size |
Input image | Not Available | |
Image flattener | ||
Type-F block (4096, 4096) | ||
Type-F block (4096, 2048) | ||
Type-F block (2048, 1024) | ||
Type-F block (1024, 1024) | ||
Linear Layer (1024, 100) |
Component Name | Input Size | Output Size |
Input image | Not Available | |
Type-A block (1, 64) | ||
Type-B block (64, 128) | ||
Type-B block (128, 256) | ||
Type-B block (256, 512) | ||
Type-B block (512, 1024) | ||
Reshape operator | ||
Linear layer (4096, 1) | ||
Sigmoid | ||
Linear layer (4096, 100) |
Component Name | Input Size | Output Size |
Noise generator | ||
Type-C block (100, 64) | ||
Label one-hot encoder | ||
Label expander | ||
Tensor concatenator | ||
Type-D block (164, 192) | ||
Type-D block (192, 128) | ||
Type-D block (128, 64) | ||
Type-E block (64, 1) |
Component Name | Input Size | Output Size |
Noise generator | ||
Type-C block (100, 64) | ||
Label one-hot encoder | ||
Label expander | ||
Tensor concatenator | ||
Type-D block (164, 192) | ||
Type-D block (192, 128) | ||
Type-D block (128, 64) | ||
Type-E block (64, 1) | ||
Mask layer |
Variance of losses | 0.0043 | 0.0070 | 0.3074 | 0.0024 | 0.0879 | 2.0230 |
Variance of losses | 0.0013 | 0.0175 | 0.0023 | 0.0974 | - | - |
Mean of RMSEs | 8.6331 | 9.0445 | 8.9815 | 8.8999 | 9.50867 | 9.5434 |
Variance of RMSEs | 0.0430 | 0.0813 | 0.1162 | 0.1034 | 0.0492 | 0.0614 |
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Share and Cite
Yoon, E.; Kim, S.-Y. Method of Mobile Speed Measurement Using Semi-Supervised Masked Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Networks. Electronics 2024, 13, 4896.
Yoon E, Kim S-Y. Method of Mobile Speed Measurement Using Semi-Supervised Masked Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Networks. Electronics. 2024; 13(24):4896.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYoon, Eunchul, and Sun-Yong Kim. 2024. "Method of Mobile Speed Measurement Using Semi-Supervised Masked Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Networks" Electronics 13, no. 24: 4896.
APA StyleYoon, E., & Kim, S.-Y. (2024). Method of Mobile Speed Measurement Using Semi-Supervised Masked Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Networks. Electronics, 13(24), 4896.