1. Introduction
The increasing demand for energy replenishment in electric vehicles (EVs) has driven the integration of renewable energy (RE) resources into highway power systems in recent years [
2]. RE resources, known for their sustainability and cost-effectiveness, can be converted into electrical energy using green power generation equipment like photovoltaic (PV) devices and wind turbines (WT) [
5]. Compared to traditional grid-connected power systems, harnessing RE generation for EV energy replenishment demands can significantly reduce carbon emissions and enhance the economic efficiency of highway systems [
7]. In the conventional charging mode, the lengthy charging times present challenges in scheduling EVs to consume RE generation efficiently [
8]. However, with advancements in automation and battery technology, the EV battery swapping mode has emerged as a more advantageous method for utilizing RE resources compared to the charging mode [
The battery swapping mode involves replacing depleted batteries in EVs with fully charged batteries stored at battery swapping stations (BSSs) [
12]. Given that recharging batteries and swapping them for an EV do not need to occur simultaneously, BSS owners have greater flexibility in devising recharging strategies for depleted batteries without involving lengthy charging times for drivers [
15]. This avoids unreasonable concentrated charging and allows for the optimal utilization of RE sources. For example, Gull et al. proposed an optimal BSS operation strategy that combined RE generation and the grid to increase BSS revenue [
13]. Tabar et al. investigated an energy hub integrated with RE resources and BSSs, aiming to improve the operational profit [
14]. Moreover, the swapping process for EVs significantly enhances travel efficiency and reduces driver waiting time compared to charging, typically taking only a few to ten minutes. A noteworthy example is NIO, a renowned Chinese EV company, which has established 820 BSSs in highway service areas (HWSAs) across China, providing over 49.6 million battery swapping services [
16]. It has already gained recognition for its focus on improving driver experience and highway operators’ benefits. However, the swapping mode also presents some challenges. Firstly, the provision of depleted batteries by EVs affects recharging strategies at BSSs. This influence poses challenges in enhancing the utilization of RE generation. Secondly, due to the uncertainties of EV swapping demands, BSS owners face difficulties in accurately planning the number of fully charged batteries to meet these demands in each time slot. Both factors emphasize the coupled relationship between EV swapping plans and BSS management. Unfortunately, existing research fails to address this critical coupled relationship. To bridge this research gap, the following issues must be resolved:
Highway EV swapping scheduling involves several key factors: changes in battery levels during EV travel, the selection of appropriate BSSs, and BSS service capacity. EV battery swapping demands vary significantly by location and time, which influences recharging strategies at different BSSs. Mathematically and logically, a spatial-temporal relationship exists between BSSs and EVs. Therefore, a spatiotemporal network model is crucial for accurately capturing the transportation-energy dynamics in the swapping mode.
BSS management involves RE generation, EV swapping demands, and depleted battery recharging. The goal of optimizing BSS management strategies is to find the most efficient way to utilize RE generation for recharging depleted batteries and meet the swapping demands. Consequently, a joint optimization framework is required to optimize both EV swapping schemes and BSS management strategies.
The battery swapping mode for EVs presents significant flexibility and optimization potential for utilizing RE generation to recharge depleted batteries at BSSs [
17]. Although battery swapping in highway transportation scenarios has not been explored, extensive research has been conducted on recharging BSS depleted batteries in urban road contexts (see
Table 1). Firstly, a recharging strategy for depleted batteries at a PV-based BSS was proposed to reduce waiting time for swapping service [
18]. However, this strategy does not address optimization of operational costs. In practice, leveraging RE resources to reduce operational costs at BSSs is a crucial issue. To tackle this, researchers have employed various optimization methods, such as the Markov decision process [
20], two-stage planning approach [
22], and multi-objective genetic algorithm [
23]. These methods have proven effective in managing large loads with high RE resource penetration. For example, Zhang et al. introduced a day-ahead scheduling model for BSSs to optimize the consumption of solar and wind energy resources while meeting battery swapping demands [
23]. A two-stage optimization model was proposed to address the uncertainties of market price, RE resources, and swapping demands [
22]. As applications evolve, it has become evident that integrating demand-side management technologies can enhance RE generation and address battery swapping demands [
25]. For instance, considering the demands for battery swapping as a type of load, Wang et al. investigated a multi-objective optimization model to absorb the excess RE generation [
25]. Notably, the study focuses on urban roads, where EVs have the option to freely select from BSSs with RE generation installations, unlike on highways. In detail, urban road BSSs are primarily designed for short-distance trips, whether between cities or within a single city. Given the shorter travel distances and less frequent need for EV swapping, the placement of these stations considers urban layout, traffic flow, and population distribution. In contrast, highway BSSs cater to EVs traveling long distances. Their primary function is to provide quick and efficient energy replenishment, ensuring uninterrupted journeys [
26]. These stations are typically located in HWSAs, making them easily accessible for long-distance drivers to perform battery swapping operations.
Despite substantial advancements in BSS management within urban areas, accurately modeling the interplay between swapping demand scheduling and BSS recharging optimization on the highway remains a complex challenge. The primary objective of BSS management optimization is to effectively meet EV swapping demands. Highways, with their extensive spatial reach, often result in EVs passing multiple BSSs during their journey. Variations in swapping demands can lead to fluctuating operational costs at each BSS. Consequently, guiding EVs to select different BSSs for fully charged batteries can significantly enhance operational efficiency for highway operators. Additionally, RE generation at different HWSAs, which varies with location and weather, offers cleaner energy for BSS charging needs. The itinerary of EVs directly impacts their energy requirements at BSSs. Therefore, accurately modeling the battery state at each space-time point, along with the trips of EVs, is crucial for developing effective BSS battery recharging strategies in the highway scenario. Moreover, EVs traveling on the highway must choose routes based on their trip’s starting and ending points, leading to a non-reversible and unidirectional path.
To address the aforementioned gap, this paper introduces a method for jointly optimizing EV swapping schemes and BSS management strategies to improve RE utilization along the highway. Our approach simultaneously reshapes EV swapping demands at BSSs and optimizes BSS recharging strategies, thereby reducing operational costs. The primary contributions are enumerated as follows:
We propose a joint optimization approach for coordinating highway EV swapping scheduling and BSS management, taking into consideration RE generation. A spatial-temporal network model for EV scheduling is developed to depict BSS selection and the battery swapping process. Furthermore, a management model for the BSS is formulated to handle depleted battery recharging, ensuring that the battery inventory meets the demand for fully charged batteries from EVs.
The joint optimization problem is established as a mixed integer quadratic constraint programming (MIQCP) model, aimed at maximizing the highway operator’s profit. The Lagrange relaxation algorithm is employed to decompose this model into an EV scheduling sub-problem and a BSS managing sub-problem, while effectively addressing the interplay between these two sub-problems.
The remainder of this study is structured as follows: The brief problem description is introduced in
Section 2.
Section 3 introduces the methodology for the proposed joint optimization method.
Section 4 details a case study and results.
Section 5 offers a conclusion and provides insight into future study.
3. Methodology
In this section, we initially present a general overview of the joint optimization. Next, a spatial-temporal network model for the EV swapping scheduling is introduced. Then, we consider the details of the BSS management model, which focuses on managing the recharging of depleted batteries and maintaining an adequate number of fully charged batteries. Thereafter, we elaborate on the joint optimization model and its solution approach.
3.1. General Description of Joint Optimization Method
Figure 2 shows the framework of the proposed joint optimization method. Due to business collaborations with the electric sector, the highway operator is assumed to obtain the day-ahead locational marginal prices (LMP). As stated in
Section 2, the operator also manages PV and WT devices, and thus is assumed to have access to day-ahead RE generation data. For simplicity, this study does not take into account the uncertainties in RE generation caused by seasonal fluctuations and weather conditions. The price of battery swapping is influenced by factors such as local electricity prices, service fees in the area, and the demand for fully charged batteries from EVs [
27]. Based on these factors, operators set the price to maximize their own profits. This study focuses on the optimization for scheduling EVs and managing BSSs. Therefore, it is also assumed that the highway operator has determined the swapping prices at BSSs using a time-of-use pricing approach the day before. Additionally, we assume that EV drivers utilize vehicle-to-network (V2N) technology to provide data on their highway itinerary and battery states [
29]. In practice, EVs depend on highways for long-distance travel between cities. EV drivers typically use navigation apps, such as AutoNavi Maps, to plan routes and locate energy supply points, and they generally follow these plans. Anticipating future developments, highway operators could collaborate with navigation software providers to incorporate and recommend optimized EV swapping strategies directly through these apps, improving convenience and efficiency for drivers. For example, NIO in China has already partnered with highway operators to implement such a model, helping users plan their EV swapping strategies more effectively [
30]. Based on this framework, this study assumes that highway operators provide swapping plans to EV drivers, who are expected to follow these recommendations.
The highway operator determines the optimal swapping schemes for EVs based on the aforementioned data. This involves designing a framework model that jointly optimizes the selection of BSSs and swapping time for EVs and BSS management strategies, with the aim of maximizing the highway operator’s benefits. Specifically, the BSS encompasses both the swapping bay and battery recharging bay. The swapping bay receives depleted batteries from EVs, while the recharging bay charges these batteries and supplies fully charged ones back to the swapping bay. BSS management strategies involve establishing recharging plans for depleted batteries and determining the number of fully charged batteries available in each time slot. Moreover, we employ the Lagrange relaxation algorithm to handle the interaction between EV swapping schemes and BSS battery recharging strategies, ensuring efficient consumption of RE generation and the availability of fully charged batteries to meet swapping demands.
3.2. Spatial-Temporal Network Model for EVs
A spatial-temporal network model is introduced to portray the spatial-temporal location and swapping process for highway EVs. Unlike urban roads, each EV on highways has only one available route option for its origin-destination pair.
To describe the transportation-energy characteristics for an EV in the swapping mode, we introduce two types of spatial-temporal meshes: HS spatial-temporal meshes (white boxes) and HWSA spatial-temporal meshes (orange boxes).
Table 2 offers a general description of these meshes, while
Figure 3 illustrates the spatial-temporal network for EVs. In detail, an HS spatial-temporal mesh signifies the movement of the EV through an HS. HWSA spatial-temporal meshes depict the swapping process or parking for EVs in the HWSA. To streamline the model, we assume that adjacent HWSAs are separated by four HSs. The element in the set
) indexes the space dimension for each HWSA spatial-temporal mesh.
) indexes the space dimension of HWSA spatial-temporal mesh in HWSA
n (
). For simplicity, we postulate that all EVs travel at a uniform speed on the highway and can move through one HS per time slot.
EVs consume their battery energy when an HS spatial-temporal mesh is selected. Each HS spatial-temporal mesh corresponds to a consistent highway distance, indicating the same energy consumption for EVs using these meshes. EVs that opt for an HWSA spatial-temporal mesh are engaged in battery swapping or parking activities in the HWSA. Practically, drivers may park their EVs in HWSAs for various reasons, such as resting or waiting for battery swapping due to limited swapping resources. Therefore, the model incorporates parking for EVs during non-swapping periods. We assume that the EV can complete its swapping process and obtain a fully charged battery in one time slot. This study defines each time slot as 0.25 h.
Figure 3 illustrates the behavior of EVs in the spatial-temporal network, using two EVs as examples. The purple arrow traces the spatial-temporal arc of EV1, while the purple dotted box highlights the specific spatial-temporal mesh chosen by EV1. Similarly, the light blue arrow represents the spatial-temporal arc for EV2, and the corresponding light blue dotted box outlines the selected spatial-temporal mesh for EV2.
As observed, EV1 enters the highway in time slot . It moves to HS j by selecting several HSs. Then, EV1 does not enter HWSA and instead moves directly from HS j to HS . After that, it passes through four HSs (from to ) and arrives at HWSA . In HWSA , EV1 parks for one time slot and obtains a fully charged battery at the BSS. On the other hand, EV2 enters the highway in time slot . Unlike EV1, it enters HWSA and obtains a fully charged battery in this HWSA. Subsequently, EV2 directly passes through five HSs (from to ) without entering HWSA .
We introduce three types of binary variables and one type of continuous variable to formulate the spatial-temporal network model for EVs. The binary variable
indicates whether EV
k passes through HS
j during time slot
t. Equation (
1) specifies the time slot in which EV
k enters the highway. Equation (
2) defines the state shift between two neighboring HS spatial-temporal meshes for EVs. This state shift prevents EVs from moving through HWSAs, leading to the notation
in Equation (
2). Furthermore, Equations (
2) and (
3) have a coupled impact that ensures each EV follows a unique and unidirectional route.
The binary variable
indicates whether EV
k obtains a fully charged battery in the HWSA, and we denote
. The binary variable
indicates whether EV
k is parked in the HWSA for the non-swapping duration, and we denote
. Equation (
4) defines how EVs transition between states when moving through HWSAs. The unique state for each EV entering during every time slot is ensured by Equation (
The continuous variable
represents the battery level of EV
k during time slot
t. Equation (
6) defines the initial battery level for EVs entering highways in time slot
t. Equation (
7) determines the battery level change for EVs choosing an HS spatial-temporal mesh, while Equations (
8) and (
9) specify the battery level change for those choosing an HWSA spatial-temporal mesh. Parameter
in Equation (
7) denotes the battery energy consumption for the EV choosing an HS spatial-temporal mesh.
M in Equations (
9) is a large enough positive constant. Since EVs often continue their journey after leaving the highway, Equation (
10) specifies the minimum required battery level upon highway exit for each EV. The parameter
specifies the minimum battery level required for each EV upon exiting the highway. Equation (
11) restricts the battery capacity for each EV. For each EV,
denotes the maximum battery capacity, while
indicates the minimum battery capacity.
3.3. BSS Management Model
The BSS management model illustrates the operation of both battery recharging bays and the swapping bay. It assumes the presence of multiple battery recharging bays at the BSS. When a depleted battery is removed from the swapping bay, it is loaded into one of the available recharging bays. This battery is then recharged and, once fully charged, returned to the swapping bay. The binary variable indicates whether a battery is loaded into or unloaded from recharging bay during time slot t. We assume each BSS has the same number of battery recharging bays, so the battery recharging bays at different HWSAs share the index set .
n, if
, the battery in recharging bay
will be unloaded in time slot
t, and then a new depleted battery from the swapping bay will be loaded into this recharging bay to initiate the charging procedure. Conversely, if
, the current battery in recharging bay
remains there. The state of charge (SOC) in depleted batteries swapped out from different EVs can vary, depending on factors such as the initial battery level of the EV and its energy consumption while driving from the highway entrance to the BSS. This study mainly focuses on the impact of the coupling of BSS selection for EVs and BSS recharging strategies on RE consumption. Therefore, to simplify the model, we assume the remaining charge level of these depleted batteries depends solely on the distance between HWSA and the highway entrance. According to the above definition, Equation (
12) describes the recharging and uploading/loading process for depleted batteries. In HWSA
n, the continuous variable
indicates the battery level loaded in recharging bay
, while the continuous variable
specifies the charging power in this bay. The parameter
denotes the remaining charge level for the depleted battery in HWSA
Equation (
13) ensures that the battery in recharging bay
is fully charged when
Equation (
14) restricts the maximum charging power of the battery recharging bar.
In time slot
t within HWSA
n, the integer variable
represents the number of fully charged batteries stored in the swapping bay, while the integer variable
denotes the number of depleted batteries in the same bay. Equation (
15) illustrates how the number of fully charged batteries at the BSS changes during time slot
indicates the total number of newly added fully charged batteries in time slot
t (
T defines the number of the time slot. Additionally,
defines the swapping demands in time slot
t in HWSA
n. Notably, the integer variable
represents the initial number of fully charged batteries.
Equation (
16) guarantees that the number of fully charged batteries is sufficient to satisfy the swapping demands in time slot
t (
). In practice, there is no swapping demand for EVs during the initial time slot in the model. Therefore, we define
to be greater than or equal to zero in Equation (
17). To streamline the model by reducing the number of variables, we transform Equation (
16) into Equation (
18) based on Equation (
15). In the transformed equation,
are dummy integer variables. In Equation (
indicates the total number of fully charged batteries provided for EV from time slot 1 to time slot
t in HWSA
n, while
represents the total number of depleted batteries that have been fully charged from time slot 2 to time slot
t in the same HWSA.
Equation (
19) illustrates how the number of depleted batteries at the BSS changes during time slot
t (
). Specifically, the integer variable
defines the initial number of depleted batteries at the BSS in HWSA
n. Moreover,
denotes the number of depleted batteries swapped out from EVs at the BSS in HWSA
Equation (
20) ensures the number of depleted batteries stored at the BSS remains greater than zero in time slot
t (
). Equation (
21) guarantees that, in the initial time slot, the number of depleted batteries at the BSS exceeds the number of depleted batteries loaded into recharging bays. To simplify the model, we transform Equation (
20) into Equation (
22) based on Equation (
are dummy integer variables. In Equation (
indicates the total number of fully charged batteries provided for EV from time slot 1 to time slot
n, while
represents the total number of depleted batteries that have been fully charged from time slot 1 to time slot
t in the same HWSA.
3.4. Joint Optimization Model
The joint optimization model optimizes both EV swapping schemes and BSS management strategy. Its primary objective is to coordinate the selection of BSS and swapping times for EVs, as well as the recharging strategies for depleted batteries at BSSs, with the aim of enhancing the utilization of renewable energy generation. The goal of this model is to maximize net earnings for the highway operator, as detailed in Equation (
The first term of Equation (
23) involves all income from providing fully charged batteries to EVs at the BSS. In practice, the charging strategy for battery swapping is based on the energy required to fully recharge the depleted battery replaced by the EV. Hence, the continuous variable
is used to quantify these energy demands during time slot
t in HWSA
n, while the parameter
indicates the price of this energy at the BSS during the same time slot. The total cost incurred by the highway operator for obtaining electric energy from the grid is depicted in the second term of Equation (
23), where
represents the power from the grid during time slot
t in HWSA
n. The third term of Equation (
23) accounts for the cost of fully charged batteries in the initial time slot, assuming these batteries are fully charged during non-operating periods, with the parameter
representing the cost of each fully charged battery in HWSA
n. The fourth term of Equation (
23) indicates the cost of depleted batteries in the initial time slot in HWSA
n, with the parameter
representing the cost of each depleted battery. The fifth term of Equation (
23) indicates the cost of charging degradation for depleted batteries, with the parameter
indicating this cost per kilowatt. To simplify the model, this study assumes that the charging degradation is calculated linearly [
To prevent excessive charges from swapping services, we introduce a constraint for the highway operator, as shown in Equation (25), considering it as a monopolistic enterprise. Equation (26) restricts the overall parking time for EVs during their non-swapping period. Equation (27) serves as a power balance constraint for recharging loads at the BSS in HWSA
n during time slot
t. The BSS’s capacity to provide swapping services is restricted by factors such as the space of the swapping bay and the number of battery recharging bays. Therefore, in HWSA
n, the number of EVs obtaining fully charged batteries at the BSS per time slot is limited by Equation (28), while the number of swapping services for the BSS during the operational period is restricted by Equation (29). Parameter
indicates the number limit of EVs obtaining fully charged batteries at the BSS per time slot in HWSA
n, while parameter
represents the number limit of swapping services for the BSS during the operational period in the same HWSA. In the initial time slot, Equation (30) restricted the number of fully charged batteries in HWSA
n, while Equation (31) sets a limit on the number of depleted batteries in the same HWSA. Parameters
denote the number limit of fully charged and depleted batteries during the initial time slot, respectively.
Table 3 provides a structural decomposition of this joint optimization model, revealing that it can be divided into two primary components: EV swapping scheduling and BSS management. Specifically, constraints (
11) pertain to the EV swapping scheduling component, whereas constraints (
14), (
17), and (
21) are associated with the BSS management component. Notably, coupling constraints (
18) and (
22) belong to both components. Building on the framework of the model, we apply the Lagrange relaxation algorithm to solve the joint optimization problem. This approach involves multiplying the constraints (
18) and (
22) by Lagrangian multipliers and incorporating them into the objective function [
32]. As a result, the original model is decomposed into two subproblems (EV swapping scheduling and BSS management), which reduces its complexity and makes it easier to solve.
3.5. Solution Approach for Joint Optimization Model
This section presents the solution approach for the joint optimization model, which is based on the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm. Initially, the Lagrangian relaxation problem is decomposed into two subproblems: the EV swapping scheduling subproblem (EV-SP) and the BSS management subproblem (BSS-SP). Following this, a heuristic method is designed to generate feasible solutions. Next, we employ the sub-gradient method to update the Lagrangian multipliers. Finally, the solution process utilizing the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is introduced.
3.5.1. Lagrangian Relaxation and Decomposition
Coupling constraints (
18) and (
22) are dualized to the objective function (
23) using sets
, which represent two types of Lagrangian multiplier sets. We denote set
, while set
is defined. Then, the Lagrangian relaxation problem is formulated as follows:
We decompose the Lagrangian relaxation problem into two subproblems: the EV swapping scheduling subproblem (EV-SP) and the BSS management subproblem (BSS-SP). The EV-SP is shown as follows:
The EV-SP is formulated as an MIQCP model, which can be directly solved by a commercial solver. The BSS-SP is shown as follows:
The BSS-SP is formulated as an MIQCP model, which can be directly solved using a commercial solver. Given a set of Lagrangian multipliers
, the value of the Lagrangian relaxed problem offers an upper bound (UB) calculated by Equation (
35) for the joint optimization problem. The integer variable
h indicates the iteration number.
3.5.2. Heuristic Method to Generate Feasible Solutions for Joint Optimization Problem
The solutions of the Lagrangian relaxation problem may violate constraints (
18) and (
22), rendering them infeasible for the original problem. Based on these solutions, we design a heuristic method to generate feasible solutions and update the lower bound (LB).
In detail, we first obtain EV swapping demands from the solutions of EV-SP. Let
be the optimal solution of the EV-SP. Hence,
defines the EV swapping demands in time slot
t in HWSA
n. Subsequently, we solve the BSS managing problem with addition constraints (37) and (38). The detailed expression is shown as follows:
The above model is formulated as an MIQCP model, which can be directly solved using a commercial solver. Then, we can obtain feasible solutions and the LB calculated by Equations (
39) and (
3.5.3. Lagrangian Dual Problem
Selecting an appropriate set of Lagrangian multipliers for the Lagrangian relaxation problem is crucial. To achieve an optimal set of these multipliers, we must address the Lagrangian dual problem, as delineated in Equations (
41) and (
Generally, the subgradient method can be employed to solve the Lagrangian dual problem. At iteration
h, the Lagrangian multipliers
are updated using Equations (
43) and (
44) with the current subgradient and iteration step size
indicate the solutions of the Lagrangian relaxation problem at iteration
The iteration step size
is updated by Equation (
45). Parameter
is a scalar.
3.5.4. Solution Process Based on Lagrangian Relaxation Algorithm
This section introduces the solution process based on the Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for the joint optimization problem, as shown in Algorithm 1 and
Figure 4. In detail, we initialize the global LB, global UB, iteration index, and Lagrangian multipliers. Then, two subproblems (EV-SP and BSS-SP) of the Lagrangian relaxation problem are solved. We can obtain
to update the UB by Equation (
35). Following this, we engage a heuristic method in
Section 3.5.2 to generate feasible solutions and update the LB by Equations (
39) and (
40). Next, the Lagrangian multipliers are updated by the subgradient method in
Section 3.5.3. Finally, we check the terminal conditions
. If
, the Lagrangian multipliers sets
are updated, and the iteration continues. Otherwise, the calculation is terminated.
Algorithm 1: The Lagrangian relaxation algorithm for the joint optimization problem
1 | Initialization: Set iteration index , =, = |
2 | while do |
3 | Lagrangian relaxation solving: |
| Solve the subproblem EV-SP by Equations (33) and (1)–(11), then obtain |
| Solve the subproblem BSS-SP by Equations (34), (12)–(14), (17), and (21), then obtain |
| Obtain |
4 | Update: |
5 | Obtain feasible solutions by heuristic method: |
| Given from the EV-SP, solve BSS managing problem by Equations (36), |
| (12)–(14), (17),(21), and (37) and (38), then obtain and feasible solutions |
| Obtain with Equation (40) |
6 | Update: |
7 | Update the Lagrangian multipliers by the subgradient method: |
| Given , , , and from EV-SP and BSS-SP, then update the Lagrangian |
| multiplier sets and by Equations (43)–(47) |
8 | Update: |
9 | end while |
5. Conclusions
This study proposes a joint optimization model that coordinates EV swapping schemes and BSS management strategies to enhance RE generation utilization along the highway. The model seeks to maximize the profits of the highway operator while ensuring the availability of fully charged batteries at the BSS to meet EV swapping demands. In detail, we develop a spatial-temporal network model for EV scheduling, which effectively depicts the highway travel and swapping processes. The BSS management model is formulated to plan the recharging of depleted batteries and the inventory of fully charged batteries. The Lagrange relaxation algorithm is leveraged to solve the joint optimization problem, addressing the interplay between EV swapping scheduling and BSS operations.
The proposed joint optimization method is validated through a highway transportation system involving three HWSAs and approximately 260 EVs. Specifically, the overall utilization of RE generation in the basic case rose by 17.3%, highlighting the advantages of optimizing the coupled relationship between EV scheduling and BSS management strategies. Additionally, the electricity purchase cost from the grid decreases by approximately RMB 1753.87. The core findings of this study are as follows:
The proposed method effectively reduces the electricity purchase costs for highway operators by optimizing BSS operations and EV swapping schemes. By improving the utilization of RE generation and minimizing reliance on grid electricity, the model helps lower overall electricity costs.
The proposed method assists in making more informed battery swapping decisions, ensuring that EVs have access to fully charged batteries when needed. This leads to enhanced efficiency in EV operations and contributes to reducing overall energy consumption and operational costs.
Overall, the proposed method offers a cost-effective solution for highway operators, achieving mutual benefits for both the economy and the environment of the highway system.
Despite these advancements, this study still has several potential limitations. For example, it lacks an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of EV drivers, which, in practice, may influence driver acceptance of the swapping schemes proposed by highway operators. Future research could address this gap by integrating the proposed model with the robust optimization. Furthermore, the findings of this study are based on specific assumptions regarding the RE generation profiles and EV characteristics in the context of the highway system. However, we acknowledge that the results may vary in different geographic regions or with other types of EVs due to differences in local RE resources, infrastructure, and traffic dynamics. Future research will focus on expanding the model to include diverse geographic regions with varying RE generation potential, grid infrastructure, and traffic conditions.