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Atoms, Volume 1, Issue 3 (September-December 2013) – 1 article , Pages 14-16

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Notes on Critical Assessment of Theoretical Calculations of Atomic Structure and Transition Probabilities
by Hyun-Kyung Chung, Per Jönsson and Alexander Kramida
Atoms 2013, 1(3), 14-16; - 8 Aug 2013
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 6227
Atomic structure and transition probabilities are fundamental physical data required in many fields of science and technology. Atomic physics codes are freely available to other community users to generate atomic data for their interest, but the quality of these data is rarely verified. [...] Read more.
Atomic structure and transition probabilities are fundamental physical data required in many fields of science and technology. Atomic physics codes are freely available to other community users to generate atomic data for their interest, but the quality of these data is rarely verified. This special issue addresses estimation of uncertainties in atomic structure and transition probability calculations, and discusses methods and strategies to assess and ensure the quality of theoretical atomic data. Full article
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