Electron-Impact Ionization of the Tungsten Ions: W38+ − W45+
Round 1
Reviewer 1 Report
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Comments for author File: Comments.pdf
Author Response
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Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 2 Report
The manuscript “Electron-impact ionization of the tungsten ions: W_38^+ - W_45^+” by Runjia Bao et al. reported calculations of electron impact single ionization cross sections for tungsten ions, i.e. from W_38^+ to W_45^+. The level-to-level distorted-wave method implemented in the flexible atomic code (FAC) was used for calculation. All the ionic stages were calculated respectively considering the interaction of each configuration. Furthermore, the radiative damping was taken into account in the calculations of all autoionizing states and it reduces the cross sections depending on the levels considered. It was found that when the ion stage is increasing higher, radiation damping becomes important, performance in a reduction in the indirect excitation-autoionization contributions. This was illustrated for W_43^+, where the inclusion of radiation damping was seen to reduce the large excitation-autoionization contributions. The present studies provide missing cross sections for W_38^+ - W_45^+. The data obtained are very important for modelling plasmas for fusion applications. I recommend to publish this work in Atoms with some minor comments:
1) Are there any experimental data to compare with the present calculations? If yes, briefly comment on the comparison between the present calculations and experiment. If not, add few sentences for suggestions of future experimental study.
2) Add more details on the calculations methods with also some references.
3) The authors are suggested to check the English grammar and the typos, e.g. in Page 3, third line: remove the second “The” in the sentence of “... So we calculated the The …”. Line 147: it’s better to replace “When the ion stage move higher …” by “When the ion stage is increasing …”.
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf
Reviewer 3 Report
The authors present updated calculations for electron impact processes in high-charge W ions. This work is highly relevant to the fusion plasma community. In general, these results are interesting and should be publish upon revision. There are a number typographical errors, some of which may confuse the reader. Additionally, some additional deal could be added in a few places which would significantly improve the manuscript. My detailed comments on the manuscript are attached in the annotated PDF.
Comments for author File: Comments.pdf
Author Response
Please see the attachment.
Author Response File: Author Response.pdf