Towards Functional Mobile Microrobotic Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Magnetostrictive Asymmetric Thin Film Bimorph Microrobot (MAB)
3. Micro-Scale Tumbling Magnetic Microrobot (TUM)
3.1. Microrobot Design Overview
3.2. TUM Mobility Experiments
3.3. TUM Biomedical Applications
4. Micro-Force Sensing Mobile Microrobots (FSMM)
4.1. Overview of the Microrobot Design
4.2. Microrobot Capabilities and Applications
5. Independently Controllable Microswarms
6. Conclusions and Future Outlook
Conflicts of Interest
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Microcoil Platform | |||
mm scale | m scale v1 | m scale v2 | |
Workspace | | | |
References | [70,71] | [72] | [73] |
Coil type | Spiral (5 Turns) | Straight wire | Straight wire |
Number of coil layers | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Number of coils | in each coil layer) | ||
Coil dimensions | |||
Coil spacing | |||
Workspace dimensions | |||
Robot footprint | ≥ | ≥ | ≥ |
Movement type | Discrete | Continuous | Continuous |
Direction Control | Center and Diagonal | Y Only | Any in XY Plane |
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Adam, G.; Chowdhury, S.; Guix, M.; Johnson, B.V.; Bi, C.; Cappelleri, D. Towards Functional Mobile Microrobotic Systems. Robotics 2019, 8, 69.
Adam G, Chowdhury S, Guix M, Johnson BV, Bi C, Cappelleri D. Towards Functional Mobile Microrobotic Systems. Robotics. 2019; 8(3):69.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAdam, Georges, Sagar Chowdhury, Maria Guix, Benjamin V. Johnson, Chenghao Bi, and David Cappelleri. 2019. "Towards Functional Mobile Microrobotic Systems" Robotics 8, no. 3: 69.
APA StyleAdam, G., Chowdhury, S., Guix, M., Johnson, B. V., Bi, C., & Cappelleri, D. (2019). Towards Functional Mobile Microrobotic Systems. Robotics, 8(3), 69.