Manufacturing Technology of Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures in Aerospace: Current Situation and toward Intellectualization
:1. Introduction
2. Traditional Molding Technology
2.1. Autoclave
2.1.1. Curing Process
2.1.2. Curing Process-Induced Deformation
2.2. Out of Autoclave
Porosity and Fiber Volume Fraction
3. Liquid Composite Molding
3.1. Resin Transfer Molding
Resin Flow
- The fiber volume fraction of components is low.
- Resin is poorly impregnated with fibers, resulting in many dry spots inside the components.
- Components with a complex internal structure cannot be molded integrally.
3.2. Variants of RTM
4. Automated Layup Technology
4.1. Layup Path Planning
4.2. In situ Consolidation Process Parameters
4.3. In situ Inspection and Defect Detection
4.4. Characteristic Prediction
4.5. Advanced Placed Ply
5. Additive Manufacturing
5.1. Traditional Additive Manufacturing
5.1.1. Path Planning
5.1.2. Interface Properties
5.1.3. Topology Optimization
5.1.4. Vacuum Printing
5.2. Muti-Degree of Freedom Additive Manufacturing
Intellectualization Development
6. Summary
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Technology | Advantage | References |
Free-hanging 3D printing (2018) |
| [175] |
3D microwave printing (2020) |
| [176] |
3D compaction printing (2020) |
| [177] |
Vacuum 3D printing (2021) |
| [178] |
Multiple fiber bundles 3D printing (2022) |
| [179] |
Project | Traditional Additive Manufacturing | Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Additive Manufacturing |
Print trajectory | Line in the horizontal plane | Space line or curve |
Calibration difficulty | Easy | Difficult |
Print flexibility | Low | High |
Step effect | Obvious | Not obvious |
Supporting material | Much | Few or none |
Manufacturing Technology | Advantage | Disadvantage | Challenge |
Autoclave |
OoA |
Additive Manufacturing |
Manufacturing Technology | Process Monitoring | Process Controlling | Property and PID Prediction |
Autoclave & OoA |
| ||
| ||
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Chen, Y.; Zhang, J.; Li, Z.; Zhang, H.; Chen, J.; Yang, W.; Yu, T.; Liu, W.; Li, Y. Manufacturing Technology of Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures in Aerospace: Current Situation and toward Intellectualization. Aerospace 2023, 10, 206.
Chen Y, Zhang J, Li Z, Zhang H, Chen J, Yang W, Yu T, Liu W, Li Y. Manufacturing Technology of Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures in Aerospace: Current Situation and toward Intellectualization. Aerospace. 2023; 10(3):206.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChen, Yonglin, Junming Zhang, Zefu Li, Huliang Zhang, Jiping Chen, Weidong Yang, Tao Yu, Weiping Liu, and Yan Li. 2023. "Manufacturing Technology of Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures in Aerospace: Current Situation and toward Intellectualization" Aerospace 10, no. 3: 206.
APA StyleChen, Y., Zhang, J., Li, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, J., Yang, W., Yu, T., Liu, W., & Li, Y. (2023). Manufacturing Technology of Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures in Aerospace: Current Situation and toward Intellectualization. Aerospace, 10(3), 206.