1. Introduction
In this paper, we argue that in a business environment distressed with post-investment moral hazard, the efficacy of quality signaling as a means to gain long-term (as opposed to initial) credit and funding might be limited. It should be noted from the outset that the terms `credit’ and `trust’ are essentially distinct, the former being often used in the financial economic literature, and the latter being a broader term used in many different disciplines. However, a study by
Moro and Fink (
2013) found a strong positive association between trust and credit. We therefore use these terms interchangeably throughout the paper. On some occasions, we use the term belief, with the exact same meaning.
Gaining initial trust is, beyond a doubt, indispensable for entrepreneurs in obtaining access to early funding, and entrepreneurs’ ability to transmit high success prospects of their venture to investors plays a key role in shaping this trust. But ventures are long-lived, and hence, trust is an evolving, multiple-period notion. Moreover, investors’ trust is based not only on the ability of founders to convey the venture’s success prospects, but also on how protected investors are from entrepreneurs’ post-investment misuse of funds (such as consumption of perks, or obtaining private benefits of control at the expense of minority shareholders). This tension between pre-investment adverse selection and post-investment moral hazard is empirically illustrated by the curvilinear relationship between founders’ retained ownership and IPO underpricing
Albada et al. (
Bruton et al. (
2009), as we discuss in the literature review section. Moreover, it implies strategic complementarity between two types of signals: those that convey information on the venture’s quality, and signals of entrepreneurs’ credibility. We discuss empirical evidence in support of this view in subsequent sections.
The question we pose here—regarding the efficacy of conveying ventures’ quality, barring sufficient founder credibility—is highly relevant as entrepreneur–investor relationships are often plagued not only with pre-investment adverse selection but also with post-investment moral hazard. Indeed, as pointed out by
Fernandez (
2021), entrepreneurial finance differs from traditional corporate finance in two major aspects: (i) informational asymmetries between insiders and outsiders in judging the business quality and its likelihood of success, which make it difficult to obtain external funding; and (ii) funders face post-contractual moral hazard as once external funds are obtained, entrepreneurs may misuse or misallocate them for their personal benefit, i.e., consumption of perks or diversion of funds to other projects. The importance of entrepreneurs’ trustworthiness in such environments is critical (
Maxwell and Lévesque 2014).
With a dearth of solid theoretical background on which to back an educated answer to the above-posed question, our focus in this work rests less on finding an empirical answer, and more on conceptualizing a strategically complexed investor–entrepreneur environment. To capture this, we propose a generic multiple-period trust problem with asymmetric information and moral hazard (
Kreps 1990).
An investor (e.g., a venture capitalist, microfinance institution, etc.) faces a pool of entrepreneurs who need financing for their nascent ventures. The pool of entrepreneurs comprises borrowers that are either honest or dishonest (the latter type divert all funds to private benefits) where the percent of honest founders, p, is common knowledge. The type of each individual entrepreneur is private information. Dishonest entrepreneurs never pay back, that is, they never share realized profits with the investor. In contrast, honest entrepreneurs pay back. All ventures are (independently and identically) drawn from the same Bernoulli distribution, where they succeed with probability q (i.e., default with probability ). The venture’s interim realizations are the entrepreneur’s private information.
The business environment is, therefore, characterized by adverse selection (the entrepreneur type is not known to investors) and moral hazard (the absence of contractual covenants and investors’ lack of monitoring give founders the liberty to misuse funds and privately observe interim results in the post-investment stage). Importantly, by fixing
p, the percentage of honest founders, we control for the severity of the moral hazard problem. In addition, the investor has no access to an entrepreneur’s prior track record or to other relevant information that could shed more light on the entrepreneurial skills of the founder or their credibility. Indeed, there is evidence in the entrepreneurship literature that nascent ventures usually have no track record, and reliable information available regarding founders’ entrepreneurial skill is scarce (
Hallen 2008;
Hsu 2007).
At the end of each investment cycle, the investor uses Bayesian reasoning to update the likelihood that the entrepreneur is honest, given the available prior data and the pay back history of the entrepreneur. Although Bayesian reasoning may seem like a strong assumption, there is evidence in the literature suggesting that potential crowdfunding investors integrate informational cues about prior performance and entrepreneurial talent in a rational manner (
Zunino et al. 2022).
The coupling of adverse selection and moral hazard means that the investor is unable to fully discern bad luck from founders’ opportunistic behavior, a similar scenario to investors’ inability to distinguish bad luck from lack of entrepreneurial skill discussed in
Zunino et al. (
2022). Further funding is given only if the entrepreneur’s credibility, conditional on the entrepreneur’s paying back history, exceeds a threshold that depends on variables such as the risk-free rate, the portion of honest entrepreneurs, the successful venture’s return, and the ventures’ probability of succeeding. If this threshold is met, then the investor trusts the entrepreneur enough to continue funding the venture. Trust, therefore, is defined in our model as the ratio of ventures that are funded in a steady state.
The setting we have in mind, while comprehensive enough to encompass many situations where granting trust is at stake, is sufficiently simple to allow modeling it as a hidden Markov decision problem. We construct the associated Markov model and exploit its analytical tractability. With the Markov model, we are able to derive closed-form solutions to endogenous quantities of interest such as the steady-state trust and ROI. We then use these closed-form expressions to analyze the effect of a change in the quality of projects on steady-state trust and ROI to derive the main results of the paper, both analytically and with the use of simulations.
The results of the analysis explain why in the face of pervasive moral hazard, and in the absence of access to reliable monitoring or other commitment devices—just like the state of affairs in business environments where micro-lenders often operate—lenders may voluntarily curtail lending when entrepreneurs are running better ventures. That microfinance institutions hold voluntary buffers above the necessary (
Tchuigoua 2016) is counterfactual to what is now a robust empirical regularity in more traditional banking sectors, where it has been empirically established that lending is procyclical (
Leroy and Lucotte 2019). The concern over unduly expansion of lending in periods where the economy is booming, as had been indeed unfolding during the subprime crisis, has led policy makers to stiffen minimum capital requirements from banks, in the form of mandatory capital buffers. The countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) requirement (
Auer et al. 2022) epitomizes this concern. This European regulatory measure aims to ensure that banks’ lending takes account of the macrofinancial environment in which banks lend. The underpinning rationale is “saving for a rainy day”: setting aside capital in the face of growing demand for funds amid an economic upturn would serve to mitigate shortage in capital in periods where the economy shrinks, thus assisting in warding off an eventual credit crunch.
We identify two distinct effects that work in opposite directions in influencing trust, as investors face a better pool of ventures, i.e., when the probability that ventures succeed, q, shifts up. With better unconditional odds and reduced ex ante uncertainty, investors are likelier to recover investment when ventures are of higher quality; hence, they tend to relax standards for initial access to credit. We term this effect unconditional relaxation (of credit standards). The second, opposing, effect is rooted in the fact that not paying back is a noisy signal in our setup, as it may be attributed to either bad luck or dishonesty. The precision of this noisy signal (the conditional probability that the entrepreneur is dishonest given that the entrepreneur did not pay back) rises with q. The underlying idea is simple. The higher the q, the less likely it is that the entrepreneur defaulted because of bad luck. We term this effect the investor’s conditional intolerance. Hence, while unconditional relaxation tends to raise trust during periods in which ventures’ quality goes up, the conditional intolerance tends to lower trust.
While it appears difficult, prima facie, to determine which effect has the upper hand, we show that the first effect (the unconditional relaxation of standards) has diminishing returns to q, i.e., the rate with which credit standards fall in response to a rise in q declines at the margin. On the other hand, the second effect (fall in tolerance to failure) has increasing returns to q. It is therefore likelier that the second effect dominates as q continues to rise. Our simulation analyses confirm this effect and show that the investor’s ROI falls when the second effect dominates.
The main result of this paper can therefore be stated as follows: In business environments with a higher probability of success, the investor learns faster that failing to pay back is more likely the result of moral hazard. Therefore, tolerance for failure plummets more heavily, which may result in a sharp fall in overall trust and ROI. In particular, the fall in ROI in response to an increase in quality can be thought of as an “investor’s curse”.
Our results also include a sensitivity analysis examining how the other parameters of the model affect trust. In particular, we consider different degrees of entrepreneur honesty and demonstrate that as the ratio of honest entrepreneurs increases, the level of quality that maximizes trust oscillates around a decreasing trend line. The results we present carry important implications for entrepreneurial finance in general and for motivating innovations. Among the most important empirical applications of our theory is that signaling entrepreneurs’ credibility, on the one hand, and signaling venture quality, on the other hand, are strategic complements. We discuss empirical evidence in support of this conjecture in the Discussion section.
2. Literature Review
Much of the entrepreneurship and corporate finance literature is centered around agency theory with a focus on moral hazard and adverse selection, and the effect these frictions have on capital structure (
Hébert 2018;
Kumar et al. 2017), IPO underpricing (
Bruton et al. 2009), and project selection (
Bernardo et al. 2001). This literature is voluminous, and providing an in-depth review of it is beyond the scope of our paper. While most works in this field treat these problems separately, a branch of this literature, particularly relevant to this paper, deals with the joint effect of moral hazard and adverse selection in the context of entrepreneur–investor relationships. A key finding that illustrates the complexity of such environments is the curvilinear relationship between founders’ retained ownership and IPO underpricing (
Albada et al. 2019;
Bruton et al. 2009) owing to a trade-off between incentive alignment, which rises with founders’ retained ownership, and entrenchment effects associated with founders’ ownership. The efficacy of retained ownership that signal founders use to convey their belief in the venture’s quality is limited by the extent of moral hazard.
The nontrivial relationship between moral hazard and adverse selection is also illustrated in a branch of the entrepreneurship literature that focuses on the complementarity between different signals. For example,
Huang et al. (
2022), exploring what causes crowdfunding success, study empirically how signals of entrepreneurs’ credibility and project quality work together to establish trust and influence crowdfunding success, under two distinct signaling environments. The authors report two main findings: (i) entrepreneur’s credibility and venture quality signals can complement each other in accounting for crowdfunding success and (ii) the presence of credibility can compensate for a lack of venture quality. Importantly, their results show that the effect of one signal alone is not sufficient to produce crowdfunding success. While our paper does not feature signaling of quality, as the venture’s quality is common knowledge, it explains why focusing on conveying information about the venture’s quality only, without solving founders’ credibility issues, may actually backfire.
Our paper is strongly related to the strand of literature in entrepreneurship that studies how investors evaluate past entrepreneurial outcomes, with a focus on entrepreneurs who have failed before. The importance of this question has grown in recent times, as the lower cost of entry has led to higher failure rates (
Kerr et al. 2014).
Zunino et al. (
2022) seek to explore how investors discern bad luck and lack of skill in accounting for past entrepreneurial failure. In our paper, it is investors’ inability to discern bad luck from dishonesty (post-contractual moral hazard) that drives the main trade-off. In a recent paper,
Kleinert (
2024) demonstrated the investors’ difficulty in inferring quality signals, arguing that signals are sometimes costless and hence imitable. Focusing on ambitions expressed by the entrepreneur as a costless signal,
Kleinert (
2024) points out that on the one hand, higher ambitions are positively correlated with higher expected returns, while on the other hand, higher ambitions may undermine entrepreneurs’ credibility, deemed as cheap talk by investors. The tension brought up by these two opposing forces bears similarity to the main trade-off discussed in our paper, although for a different reason. Additionally, the focus of our paper is in trying to analyze whether, and under what conditions, the negative effect (fall in tolerance to failure) outweighs the positive effect.
Another area of the literature in corporate innovation that is closely related to our paper deals with the importance of tolerance to early failure. Although corporate innovation may offer supernormal positive returns, it often involves a high likelihood of early-stage failure (
Nobel 2011). Accordingly, the literature about fostering innovations emphasizes that lending institutions must have tolerance to failure (
Chang et al. 2019;
Manso 2011;
Tian and Wang 2014). This observation—that innovation is likely to fail early on, and hence relies on a high degree of failure tolerance in order to succeed—has led to the advent of several very important related insights. For example,
Ferreira et al. (
2014) focused on the tolerance-for-failure effect in explaining why it is optimal to go public when exploiting existing ideas, and to go private when innovating (exploring new ideas). Drawing on the fact that exploration is idiosyncratic, unpredictable, and more likely to fail than exploitation,
Manso (
2011) shows that tolerance for early failure and rewarding of long-term success are important in motivating innovations.
Tian and Wang (
2014), based on a sample of venture capital-backed IPO firms, provide empirical evidence that when backed by more failure-tolerant venture capitalists, these firms tend to be significantly more innovative.
Sakaki and Jory (
2019) provide evidence that stability in the equity ownership of institutional investors positively correlates with firms’ innovations. We contribute to this literature by showing that during upswing, tolerance to failure may sharply decline, as lenders learn faster that failure to pay back is more likely associated with moral hazard.
A vast amount of literature in microfinance (
Cameron et al. 2021;
Cornée and Masclet 2022;
Presbitero and Rabellotti 2014;
Tchuigoua 2016) has stressed the importance of moral hazard and trust in micro-lending. Microfinance institutions provide financial services to entrepreneurs and small businesses who are otherwise denied access to traditional banking. Therefore, they serve as an indispensable source of funds that are crucial for development, particularly in developing countries with less cultivated financial sectors (
Sangwan et al. 2021). Unfortunately, these institutions face questionable reliability of financial information and the absence of conventional collateral. Therefore, microfinance institutions often have difficulty screening and monitoring borrowers’ behavior (
Tchuigoua 2016), rendering the problems of moral hazard and informational asymmetries more acute.
While group monitoring and dynamic incentives may partially alleviate these problems (
Banerjee 2013;
Cameron et al. 2021), a growing body of empirical and experimental evidence suggests that despite peer monitoring, ex post moral hazard is still pervasive in micro-lending. Along these lines,
Presbitero and Rabellotti (
2014), using geographical distance as a proxy for agency costs and relying on survey data of individuals who borrowed from a microcredit program in Colombia, provided evidence that moral hazard is an acute problem in micro-lending. In a similar vein,
Cornée and Masclet (
2022) provide recent experimental evidence that points to the limited efficiency of group lending and peer sanctioning in mitigating moral hazard, relative to individualized long-term relationships.
Griffin and Husted (
2015) showed that social sanctions had, in fact, a negative impact on repayment rates. It is mainly due to the dominant role of moral hazard in micro-lending that microfinance institutions often hold voluntary credit buffers above and beyond what is required from them (
Tchuigoua 2016;
Tchuigoua et al. 2020). More generally, microfinance institutions were found by several studies to be less sensitive to macroeconomic conditions (see the discussion in
Hessou et al. 2021), and small banks were found to be less procyclical than large banks, exhibiting more stable lending growth (
Liu and Varotto 2021).
Our paper is also closely related to the literature on stage financing (e.g.,
Giat and Subramanian 2013;
Giat et al. 2010;
Gompers 1995). This literature studies the staging of capital infusions as a control mechanism in the hands of venture capitalists, which allows them to monitor the progress of firms, maintaining the option to periodically abandon projects.
Gompers (
1995) claims that the duration of funding and hence the intensity of monitoring should be negatively related to expected agency costs. The duration of investment is also negatively related to higher market-to-book ratios and to higher R&D intensities, and is positively associated with the tangibility of assets. Our study adds a new angle to this literature in showing that a rise in the success probability of projects may cause investors to favor more new, inexperienced entrepreneurs, while at the same time dialing back the duration of funding to running projects with negative interim results.
This paper also pertains to the literature concerning serial entrepreneurs (e.g.,
Dabić et al. 2023). The main findings of this literature are as follows: (i) entrepreneurs face high failure rates, (ii) approximately 50% of all entrepreneurs are serial entrepreneurs, and (iii) numerous entrepreneurs persistently initiate new ventures, either by developing new enterprises while managing an existing firm, or by launching a new venture subsequent to concluding another. While our model does not deal with the full set of questions addressed by this literature (such as the ramifications of failure on a personal level, loss of social capital, etc.), focusing instead on the learning dynamic of investors that finance serial entrepreneurs, it can be easily extended to encompass other attributes of serial entrepreneurship.
Another piece of literature directly related to our paper is the one on quality screening by angel investors. For example, in
Engineer et al. (
2019), angels deliberately hide, thereby incurring search costs to entrepreneurs, which serve as a screening device to screen ventures’ quality. Our paper adds to this literature by stressing that investors’ learning about entrepreneurs’ trustworthiness is more nuanced in the presence of moral hazard.
Our study is also directly related to the trust game literature. Since its first introduction (
Berg et al. 1995;
Kreps 1990), the trust game has been the focus of a burgeoning number of papers in evolutionary game theory (
Han et al. 2021), experimental economics (
Füllbrunn and Vyrastekova 2023), neuroscience (
Wang et al. 2023), and computer science (
Luo et al. 2023), among other fields, attesting to the variety of applications the trust game has across many disciplines. The version of the trust game we pursue here is closer to the one first introduced by
Kreps (
1990). This version is more suited to study reputation building in repeated models of the trust game that feature uncertainty with respect to the trustee’s type, such as
Anderhub et al. (
Berg et al. (
1995) proposed a version of the trust game in which the trustor chooses (in addition to whether to trust or not) the size of transfer endowed to the trustee, and the trustee chooses how much to return, if any. Their version, therefore, allows for measuring the degree of trust and reciprocity. In contrast, we measure the degree of trust by the portion of entrepreneurs that are trusted.
Janas and Oljemark (
2021) study a finite-round version of the trust game where the trustor faces a pool of honest and opportunistic trustees in which the multiplier (the factor by which a dollar investment grows if granted to the trustee) may be either private information or common knowledge.
The contribution we make to the trust literature is multifold; from a methodological perspective, we model a stochastic version of the trust problem between an investor and a nonhomogeneous pool of entrepreneurs as a hidden Markov decision problem. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to exploit the Markovian formalism in modeling the trust problem. We are also unaware of previous studies that have highlighted the investor’s curse, i.e., the possibility of a sharp fall in trust (and consequently the investor’s ROI) when the economy becomes marginally more prosperous. The most important contribution this paper makes to the trust literature is in highlighting the idea that rather than a static notion, trust is dynamically changing, and is sensitive to both adverse selection and moral hazard.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 3 presents the trust model and
Section 4 contains our main theoretical results. We discuss implications of the results in
Section 5 and conclude in
Section 6.
3. An Investor–Entrepreneur Trust Model
3.1. Basic Concepts and Definitions
We describe an interaction between a single investor and a pool of entrepreneurs. At each investment cycle, there are pairwise interactions involving the investor and all entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are drawn from a Bernoulli distribution, with probability p that an entrepreneur is honest, and with probability that the entrepreneur is dishonest. The pool of entrepreneurs is stationary, thereby their retirement and replacement rates are identical at rate . Dishonest entrepreneurs are consistently dishonest and never pay back, whereas honest entrepreneurs consistently pay back.
At each period, every entrepreneur can manage a single venture, and this requires an outlay of one unit. The venture’s return is positive with probability or zero with probability . If the venture succeeds and the entrepreneur pays back, then the investor’s share in the venture’s return is . In addition, the investor faces an alternative investment opportunity, giving a risk-free return r. The values of and r are assumed to be common knowledge.
A few comments on the setup we have chosen are in order. Note first that the type of contract offered by the investor is an equity contract, stripped from any contractual covenants. The investor’s share
is assumed sufficiently small; hence, in the post-investment phase, the entrepreneur retains full control over the venture, which is the source of the moral hazard friction in our model. In that respect, the financing environment in our paper is similar to
Bruton et al. (
2009). The probability that any given entrepreneur is dishonest,
, therefore quantifies the severity of the moral hazard problem. Note also that we do not explicitly price the investor’s equity share,
, and simply take it as exogenously given. This is mainly because we wish to abstract from elements such as the competitiveness of the credit and equity markets and its effect on the value of securities.
Our setup choice is consistent with several attributes that were found to characterize informal capital markets, such as the market for angel capital and the informal private equity market. As mentioned by
Wang et al. (
2023), angels face heightened uncertainty by investing earlier in a firm’s lifecycle; unlike venture capitalists, angel investors do not depend on conventional control mechanisms such as board oversight, staged financing, or contractual provisions to mitigate expropriation risks, just like in our model.
Prowse (
1998) provided one of the earliest direct pieces of evidence on the market for angel investments, reporting that angel investors greatly differ in their degree of financial sophistication. Whereas more sophisticated angels tend to insist on writing investment contracts which contain mechanisms to overcome moral hazard problems and protect them in case of poor performance—just like those written in the organized private equity market—unsophisticated angels omit even the most basic protections, just like in our model. Other studies (e.g.,
Shane 2012) also confirmed large variance in the degree of sophistication among angels, and that a significant share of angels are passive investors, as in our model. For example,
Van Osnabrugge (
2000) reported that twenty percent of angels performed no due diligence on investments that they made, and
Wong (
2002) found that angels do not appear to use contractual design to safeguard their investment.
Forrester (
2014) found that angels’ decisions are influenced by rational and behavioral factors, such as cognitive biases and social influences.
Importantly, with regard to ownership equity,
Prowse (
1998) found that angel investors exhibit significantly diverse required rates of return. In contrast to limited partnerships, they seldom employ formal models to forecast the company’s worth at a future date in order to determine the percentage of ownership necessary to achieve their required rate of return. Instead, they rely on approximate heuristics or intuition. Interviewing fifty-eight investors and analyzing nine hundred seed investment rounds between 2010 and 2020 around the globe,
Almanza Rueda (
2022) found that investors are limited in using valuation methods, leaving the valuation process to investor intuition, mental models, prior assumptions, and judgment, causing mental shortcuts and cognitive biases to distort the process. These findings are consistent with behavioral economics theories, and support our assumption that investors receive a fixed equity share, rather than using more sophisticated tools to price equity stake.
An entrepreneur’s type (honest or dishonest) is their private information and is unknown to the investor. If the investor trusts the entrepreneur, then the investor’s expected return on investment is the probability of reciprocity,
, multiplied by the income from reciprocity,
, minus the unit investment. Thus, the investor’s ROI conditional on trusting is
. This must be at least as high as the safe alternative net return
r. Therefore, the investor extends funding to a new entrepreneur only if
The right-hand side of Condition (
1) can be interpreted as the critical degree of trustworthiness that the entrepreneur must meet so that the investor will trust him. We assume that Condition (
1) always holds. Hence, in the repeated version we describe below, the investor always funds new entrepreneurs in the first period. In subsequent periods, however, the parameter
p in the condition is replaced with the conditional (on the entrepreneur’s credit history) belief that the entrepreneur is honest. If this belief decreases below the threshold value
, the investor stops funding the entrepreneur.
3.2. The Repeated Version
In the repeated version, a venture is born each period and the investor faces a trust problem each period. The outcome of each period may be one of two:
At the beginning of the next period, the investor updates their assessment of the entrepreneur’s trustworthiness depending on the history to date. If Condition (
1) is still met, then the investor trusts the entrepreneur enough to continue investing in them. Otherwise, the investor distrusts the entrepreneur and in subsequent periods the investor does not fund the entrepreneur anymore. Note that at the beginning of any period, there is a chance that the entrepreneur retires (with probability
d) and all interactions with the entrepreneur come to a final halt.
Before we detail the Markov model that captures the repeated investor–entrepreneur interaction, we describe how the investor’s beliefs about the entrepreneur evolve over time.
With no additional information (i.e, at time zero), the entrepreneur’s a priori probability of being honest is . What happens if an entrepreneur has paid back? It is now evidently clear that the entrepreneur is honest since only an honest entrepreneur pays back. However, although the investor is aware that the entrepreneur is of the honest type (with probability one), paying back is not guaranteed since this happens only if the venture is successful. Thus, paying back in any present or future period will take place with probability q.
The analysis is somewhat more complex when paying back never occurred. In this case, given an a priori probability
, the a posteriori probability is derived using Bayes’ formula, leading to the following evolution of probabilities assigned by the investor to the entrepreneur’s trustworthiness:
In the above, the Bayes-derived probability
is explained as follows. The numerator is the probability that the entrepreneur is honest but did not pay back in the last period. The denominator is the probability of not paying back regardless of the type. The ratio is therefore the probability that the entrepreneur is honest despite not reciprocating in the last period.
A rudimentary mathematical analysis of the recursive formula in (
2) reveals that the investor’s trust in the entrepreneur,
, decreases monotonically with each period that there was no paying back. Once it is below the threshold of Condition (
1), the investor distrusts and ceases to fund the entrepreneur. Note from (
2) that only the last interaction affects trust, as all previous information is already embodied in the last period’s perceived honesty, in line with the memorylessness property of the Markov process.
3.3. The Markov Model
We use the Markov model depicted in
Figure 1 to analyze the repeated model. A Markov model comprises states of the system (represented in the figure as nodes) and the probability of transitioning between them (represented by arrows and probabilities). It is convenient to split the states of the model into two distinct groups. The first comprises the states in the upper row and are named numerically. These are states in which the entrepreneur has never paid back, where state
i is the state that there was no paying back for
i consecutive periods since the entrepreneur’s birth. The investor’s belief about the trustworthiness of the entrepreneur,
, strictly decreases to zero as more periods with no paying back transpire. Therefore, at some period, denoted by
m, it holds that
exceeds the threshold of Condition (
1) and the investor distrusts the entrepreneur.
The second group of states comprises exactly two states, Y and N. If the system is in these states, then the entrepreneur has paid back at least once in the past. Recall that in this case, the investor does not update their beliefs about the entrepreneur, since it is certain that the entrepreneur is honest. Therefore, the only difference between states Y and N is whether the last period ended with paying back (state Y) or not (state N).
State 0 is the initial state, i.e., the state the system enters when an entrepreneur is born or retires (recall, a new entrepreneur is born every time one retires). From this state, each period without paying back pushes the system to the right from state i to . This continues until one of the following occurs: (i) The entrepreneur retires, in which case the system transitions back to state 0. (ii) The system has reached state m, the state at which the entrepreneur is distrusted. In this case, the system is trapped in state m until the entrepreneur retires. (iii) The entrepreneur pays back, in which case the system transitions to state Y.
If the system ever reaches state Y, then until retirement, it is confined to states Y and N only. Each time the entrepreneur pays back, the system remains in (or returns to) state Y, and each time there is no paying back, the system remains in (or returns to) state N.
The between-state transition probabilities complete the description of the Markov model: Each state () transitions to state 0 with probability d, the probability of retirement. If no retirement happens, then state i = transitions to state with probability (the probability of no paying back) and to state Y with probability (the probability of paying back). In contrast, state m is when the investor distrusts the entrepreneur and therefore transitions to itself with probability . States Y and N transition to state Y with probability (the probability of paying back) and to state N with probability (the probability of no paying back).
The Markov model we describe is an ergodic Markov chain and therefore, it has a unique steady-state probability vector (
Gagniuc 2017). We let
denote the steady-state probability of being in
). This vector of probabilities can be computed as the solution to a set of
linear equations (
is the total number of states in the model). Using these probabilities, we examine two important statistics of the system: the steady-state trust and the investor’s ROI.
, is defined as the portion of non-retired entrepreneurs that are trusted in a steady state. In deriving its value, we note that (i) portion
d of the entrepreneurs retires every period, and (ii) only entrepreneurs at state
m are distrusted. Thus,
can be derived by the following formula:
captures the probability of an entrepreneur being trusted and the multiplicand
ensures that only non-retired entrepreneurs are counted.
The investor’s ROI is the expected periodic income minus the unit investment. Income has two components: The first is the incoming cashflow
that is received when the investor did not invest (either due to distrust or the entrepreneur’s retirement). This must be multiplied by the probability of that happening,
. The second component is the income from paying back,
, which happens with probability
(recall that state
Y denotes that paying back has just happened). Thus, the investor’s ROI can be derived from the Markov model as follows:
4. Numerical Illustration and Analysis
To demonstrate how improved quality may frequently lead to loss of trust and ROI from the investor, we use the following baseline values for the model parameters. The rate of birth and retirement, , the probability of an entrepreneur being honest, , the alternative rate of return, and the venture’s net return if paying back happens, . The probability of a venture to succeed is set at .
For this baseline case, the threshold value of Condition (
1) is 23.33%. In the absence of any history between the two, the investor trusts the entrepreneur since the investor assigns a probability of
that the entrepreneur is honest. Moreover, even if the entrepreneur fails to pay back in the first period, the investor continues to trust the entrepreneur since the a posteriori probability is
, which is still greater than the threshold. However, if in the next period, too, the entrepreneur fails to pay back, then the updated assessment of the entrepreneur’s honesty is
, lower than the threshold and the investor distrusts the entrepreneur. Thus, in the baseline case,
, and therefore, there are five states, 0, 1, 2,
Y and
N. Solving for the steady-state probabilities of this model, we have that the state probability vector is
, resulting in
. Overall, therefore, our choice for the parameter values is warranted because (i) the threshold value of Condition (1) is met for entrepreneurs with no history (the model has no bite if this does not hold). (ii) Trust plummets rapidly for this parameter choice, ensuring that the Markov chain has only a few states. (iii) The choice of r = 5% is consistent with historical data. The model’s main results still hold under different parameter choices.
4.1. Quality and Trust
Figure 2 plots trust and the investor’s ROI as a function of
q for the baseline parameter values. Consider the first panel a, which plots trust against
q. The most striking feature of this graph is the points of discontinuity in which trust vertically increases or decreases. In contrast, wherever the graph is continuous, trust is increasing with
q. To explain these results, we first consider the different ways quality affects trust.
Increases paying back: When
q increases, it is more likely that paying back will take place (see probabilities
Figure 1) and therefore move to state
Y, in which the entrepreneur is henceforward always trusted.
Reduces distrust: When
q increases, the probability of moving in the direction of the distrust state
m decreases (see probabilities
Figure 1).
Conditional intolerance: As
q increases, the investor learns faster about the trustworthiness of the entrepreneur. That is,
conditional on no paying back,
, the left-hand side of Condition (
1) decreases faster when
q is greater. When this change is sufficiently large, this results in one less numeric state, a
decrease in the investor’s tolerance to failure.
Unconditional relaxation: The threshold for trust, the right-hand side of Condition (
1), decreases with
q. Therefore, when
q increases, the investor relaxes their credit standards unconditionally on past paying back. This may then result in one more numeric state, that is,
increasing the investor’s tolerance to failure.
The first two effects act continuously and congruently to raise trust as q increases, explaining why the continuous regions of the graph are increasing. In contrast, the third and fourth effects act pulsatively and oppositely, since the conditional intolerance effect decreases trust, whereas the unconditional relaxation effect increases trust. Their impact is felt only when the change in q is sufficient to change the number of (numerical) states, explaining the discontinuous points in the graph of .
Whether trust jumps up or down in these points of discontinuity depends on whether the conditional intolerance effect is weaker (up) or stronger (down) than the unconditional relaxation effect. Interestingly, the unconditional relaxation is the most profound when q is relatively small. In contrast, the conditional intolerance is most accelerated when q is relatively high. Thus, as q increases, the number of numerical states first increases (when q is still small) and then decreases (when q is approaching one).
In the baseline case, as long as
, Condition (
1) is unmet a priori and therefore, trust is zero. When
q surpasses 0.23, the entrepreneur is initially trusted but even a single event of no paying back is not tolerated, and therefore
. The chain of numeric states gains another state when
q surpasses 0.28 and then again when it surpasses 0.41. At each of these events, the decrease in the threshold is so profound that the investor’s assessment of the entrepreneur’s honesty is sufficiently high to allow for another episode of no paying back before distrusting the entrepreneur. This trend, however, discontinues once
q surpasses 0.48. Now, the decrease in the investor’s assessment of the entrepreneur’s honesty is the dominating factor and therefore, the number of states starts to shrink by one with each discrete event.
Perhaps the most surprising observation from
Figure 2 is that ROI may decrease when
q increases. The implication of this result is the existence of an “investor’s curse”, in which the investor is “forced” to lose trust in the entrepreneur to their own—i.e., the investor’s—detriment.
Another observation from
Figure 2 is that ROI and trust behave
locally the same. That is, wherever trust is increasing ROI is also increasing and vice versa. We note, however, that they do not always behave
globally the same. That is, trust does not necessarily achieve its global maximum at the point that ROI is maximized. The reason for this is that the effects of
q on ROI are both through
; see (
4). The latter effect is always increasing and generally dominates the former (since
4.2. Sensitivity Analysis
Figure 3, trust is plotted as a function of
(panel a) and
p (panel b). The values of the other model parameters are set to be as in the baseline case. Trust is piecewise continuous, monotonically increasing with either variable. In contrast to
q, which has two opposite effects on Condition (
p each have only a single effect.
decreases the right-hand side of the condition (the effect of lowering the trust threshold), whereas
p increases the left-hand side of the condition. Either way, this always results in an
increase in the chain’s length. Thus, trust’s discontinuity points when
p increases are characterized by only upward jumps.
4.3. Quality and Honesty
Figure 4, trust is plotted as a function of
q for different levels of honesty rate,
p. The values of the other parameters of the model are set to be as in the baseline case. One may glean from this graph three ways that
p affects trust:
The lower the p, the higher the minimal value of q needed to initiate investment.
The higher the p, the lower the trust (for any value of q).
The higher the p, the more points of discontinuity. This implies that the investor tolerates more events of no paying back.
Consider now a situation in which the investor can choose the level of
q. For example, different industries may have different rates of success, thereby targeting a desired
q. It is obvious from
Figure 4 that trust is not necessarily maximized by maximizing
q (here, we set
). For example, when
, then trust is maximized by
. However, the investor’s objective is maximizing ROI, which, as mentioned above does not behave globally like trust. In
Figure 5, we plot the
q that maximizes trust (panel a) and ROI (panel b) for the baseline values. The
q that maximizes trust is oscillating around a decreasing trend line. In contrast, it is mostly (albeit not always) the case that the higher the
q, the more ROI the investor exerts. Trust, and therefore more entrepreneurial activity, is not maximized when the investor maximizes their ROI.