Does Trading Volume Drive Systemic Banks’ Stock Return Volatility? Lessons from the Greek Banking System
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Descriptive Statistics
3. Methods
Impact of Volatility
4. Empirical Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Panel A. Closing prices | ||||
Mean | 244.5589 | 8498.103 | 14,462.05 | 3363.702 |
Median | 124.4860 | 4200.00 | 8476.54 | 1769.41 |
Maximum | 921.8120 | 33,829.6 | 62,776.8 | 14,773.9 |
Minimum | 0.4160 | 0.2830 | 0.8500 | 0.0810 |
Std. Dev. | 261.3332 | 9726.920 | 17,126.830 | 4061.842 |
Skewness | 0.5943 | 0.776571 | 1.074902 | 1.106899 |
Kurtosis | 1.7999 | 2.2307 | 3.0252 | 3.1090 |
Jarque–Bera | 586.8475 *** | 617.9354 *** | 950.2674 *** | 1010.399 *** |
Jarque–Bera prob. | [0.0000] | [0.0000] | [0.0000] | [0.0000] |
Panel B. Trading volume | ||||
Mean | 5,079,130 | 2,884,767 | 2,657,638 | 885,629.5 |
Median | 3,520,000 | 578,290 | 140,410 | 245,770 |
Maximum | 1.43 × 108 | 3.73 × 108 | 2.37 × 108 | 2.84 × 108 |
Minimum | 46,880 | 12,640 | 1940 | 1230 |
Std. Dev. | 6,215,654 | 13,317,116 | 8,225,758 | 4,442,894 |
Skewness | 6.354414 | 14.14456 | 13.97726 | 53.08828 |
Kurtosis | 88.58104 | 283.4652 | 314.7657 | 3352.597 |
Jarque–Bera | 1,539,856 *** | 16,345,788 *** | 20,130,660 *** | 2.31 × 109 *** |
Jarque–Bera prob. | [0.0000] | [0.0000] | [0.0000] | [0.0000] |
Obs | 4934 | 4934 | 4934 | 4934 |
5.159 × 10−13 *** | −1.906 × 10−10 *** | 9.546 × 10−13 *** | −3.817 × 10−13 *** | |
(1.027 × 10−13) | (6.986 × 10−12) | (1.001 × 10−13) | (6.414 × 10−14) | |
4.079 × 10−12 *** | −1.065 × 10−10 *** | 3.501 × 10−12 *** | 1.930 × 10−12 *** | |
(1.782 × 10−13) | (1.949 × 10−12) | (1.567 × 10−13) | (1.462 × 10−13) | |
1.491 × 10−11 *** | −6.932 × 10−12 *** | 1.148 × 10−11 *** | 9.424 × 10−12 *** | |
(2.095 × 10−13) | (7.263 × 10−13) | (3.726 × 10−13) | (3.648 × 10−13) | |
2.868 × 10−11 *** | −1.422 × 10−10 *** | 2.798 × 10−11 *** | 2.928 × 10−11 *** | |
(8.486 × 10−13) | (3.091 × 10−13) | (8.698 × 10−13) | (5.456 × 10−13) | |
5.706 × 10−11 *** | 1.580 × 10−10 *** | 5.398 × 10−11 *** | 5.578 × 10−11 *** | |
(1.020 × 10−12) | (1.168 × 10−11) | (1.353 × 10−12) | (1.718 × 10−12) | |
1.439 × 10−10 *** | 2.829 × 10−10 *** | 1.275 × 10−10 *** | 1.423 × 10−10 *** | |
(6.986 × 10−14) | (2.027 × 10−11) | (8.509 × 10−13) | (4.765 × 10−12) |
4.863 × 10−14 | −4.679 × 10−11 *** | 5.636 × 10−13 *** | −1.767 × 10−13 *** | |
(2.469 × 10−13) | (1.272 × 10−12) | (2.136 × 10−13) | (3.147 × 10−14) | |
3.186 × 10−12 *** | −7.986 × 10−11 *** | 3.963 × 10−12 *** | 1.554 × 10−13 ** | |
(6.950 × 10−14) | (6.708 × 10−13) | (4.398 × 10−14) | (7.657 × 10−14) | |
1.038 × 10−11 *** | −5.357 × 10−12 *** | 6.365 × 10−12 *** | 3.349 × 10−12 *** | |
(1.824 × 10−13) | (6.561 × 10−13) | (8.656 × 10−14) | (8.079 × 10−14) | |
2.361 × 10−11 *** | 1.172 × 10−12 *** | 1.693 × 10−11 *** | 1.200 × 10−11 *** | |
(1.557 × 10−12) | (1.272 × 10−12) | (4.240 × 10−13) | (5.575 × 10−13) | |
5.655 × 10−11 *** | 1.328 × 10−10 *** | 2.937 × 10−11 *** | 3.091 × 10−11 *** | |
(1.235 × 10−12) | (8.255 × 10−13) | (2.37 × 10−13) | (1.213 × 10−12) | |
6.052 × 10−11 *** | 4.985 × 10−10 *** | 3.507 × 10−11 *** | −1.575 × 10−11 *** | |
(8.959 × 10−13) | (2.648 × 10−11) | (9.006 × 10−12) | (2.230 × 10−12) |
1.084 × 10−12 *** | −7.992 × 10−11 *** | 1.477 × 10−12 *** | 1.192 × 10−12 *** | |
(6.871 × 10−15) | (1.684 × 10−12) | (7.233 × 10−15) | (0.0000) | |
8.156 × 10−13 *** | −1.928 × 10−11 *** | 1.212 × 10−12 *** | 1.211 × 10−12 *** | |
(6.441 × 10−15) | (5.083 × 10−14) | (6.846 × 10−15) | (0.0000) | |
2.973 × 10−13 *** | −8.835 × 10−13 *** | 7.101 × 10−13 *** | 9.703 × 10−13 *** | |
(0.0000) | (3.913 × 10−14) | (0.0000) | (0.0000) | |
8.870 × 10−13 *** | −3.416 × 10−11 *** | −1.594 × 10−13 *** | 1.003 × 10−12 *** | |
(4.382 × 10−14) | (5.322 × 10−13) | (2.733 × 10−14) | (0.0000) | |
−1.563 × 10−12 *** | −2.686 × 10−11 *** | −1.375 × 10−12 *** | −1.521 × 10−12 *** | |
(1.036 × 10−13) | (6.336 × 10−13) | (1.371 × 10−13) | (1.300 × 10−13) | |
1.073 × 10−11 *** | −9.816 × 10−11 *** | −9.745 × 10−12 *** | −1.018 × 10−11 *** | |
(1.331 × 10−12) | (4.887 × 10−12) | (7.772 × 10−13) | (5.441 × 10−13) |
1.226 × 10−11 *** | −1.244 × 10−9 *** | 1.069 × 10−11 *** | 8.389 × 10−12 *** | |
(8.770 × 10−14) | (2.404 × 10−11) | (0.0000) | (0.0000) | |
1.345 × 10−11 *** | −2.053 × 10−10 *** | 1.031 × 10−11 *** | 7.937 × 10−12 *** | |
(8.109 × 10−15) | (4.454 × 10−12) | (7.100 × 10−15) | (0.0000) | |
2.667 × 10−11 *** | −7.239 × 10−19 | 1.792 × 10−11 *** | 9.977 × 10−12 *** | |
(1.710 × 10−12) | (8.105 × 10−12) | (1.166 × 10−12) | (7.945 × 10−13) | |
9.655 × 10−11 *** | 1.320 × 10−10 *** | 9.037 × 10−11 *** | 7.452 × 10−11 *** | |
(3.973 × 10−12) | (4.914 × 10−13) | (3.510 × 10−12) | (2.754 × 10−12) | |
2.973 × 10−10 *** | 9.073 × 10−11 *** | 2.765 × 10−10 *** | 2.660 × 10−10 *** | |
(9.711 × 10−12) | (7.569 × 10−13) | (9.465 × 10−12) | (7.025 × 10−12) | |
1.054 × 10−9 *** | 3.585 × 10−9 *** | 1.033 × 10−9 *** | 9.619 × 10−10 *** | |
(3.947 × 10−11) | (9.948 × 10−11) | (2.634 × 10−11) | (3.501 × 10−11) |
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Tsagkanos, A.; Gkillas, K.; Konstantatos, C.; Floros, C. Does Trading Volume Drive Systemic Banks’ Stock Return Volatility? Lessons from the Greek Banking System. Int. J. Financial Stud. 2021, 9, 24.
Tsagkanos A, Gkillas K, Konstantatos C, Floros C. Does Trading Volume Drive Systemic Banks’ Stock Return Volatility? Lessons from the Greek Banking System. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2021; 9(2):24.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsagkanos, Athanasios, Konstantinos Gkillas, Christoforos Konstantatos, and Christos Floros. 2021. "Does Trading Volume Drive Systemic Banks’ Stock Return Volatility? Lessons from the Greek Banking System" International Journal of Financial Studies 9, no. 2: 24.
APA StyleTsagkanos, A., Gkillas, K., Konstantatos, C., & Floros, C. (2021). Does Trading Volume Drive Systemic Banks’ Stock Return Volatility? Lessons from the Greek Banking System. International Journal of Financial Studies, 9(2), 24.