A Review of Automatic Pain Assessment from Facial Information Using Machine Learning
:1. Introduction
- Highlight the limitations of self-reporting pain levels and emphasize the power of automated pain detection through spatial facial recognition and machine learning in healthcare settings.
- Present a background about the pain intensity scales, pain datasets and method performance evaluation criteria used in automatic pain assessment.
- Analyze the state-of-the-art spatial facial information and machine learning-based pain assessment methods to determine the areas in which their accuracies and resilience can be enhanced.
- Encourage the application of this cutting-edge technology in clinical settings for better pain management.
2. Review Methodology
2.1. Search Strategy
- For pain assessment, we used “pain assessment”, “pain intensity”, “pain estimation”, “pain diagnosis” and “pain recognition” keywords.
- For facial information, we used “facial information”, “facial expressions”, “facial traits” and “faces” keywords.
- For machine learning, we used “machine learning”, “deep learning” and “artificial intelligence” keywords.
2.2. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
2.3. Categorization Method
3. Background
3.1. Pain Intensity Scales
3.2. Publicly Accessible Pain Assessment Datasets
3.3. Criteria for Performance Evaluation
4. Facial Information-Based Pain Assessment Methods
4.1. Machine-Learning-Based Methods
4.2. Deep Learning-Based Methods
4.3. Hybrid Model Methods
5. Discussion
5.1. Result Analysis
5.2. Automatic Pain Assessment Challenges
5.3. Limitations of This Review
6. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Attribute | UNBC–McMaster (2011) [44] | BioVid Database (2013) [45] | MIntPain Database (2018) [46] |
Number of subjects | 25 adults with shoulder pain | 90 subjects (87 are available) | 20 subjects |
Subject type | Self-identified pain patient | Healthy volunteers | Healthy volunteers |
Pain nature | Natural shoulder pain | Inducted heat pain | Stimulated electrical pain |
Pain levels | 0–16 (PSPI) and 0–10 (VAS) | 1–4 (Stimuli) | 0–4 (Stimuli) |
Modalities | RGB | RGB | RGB, Depth and Thermal |
Dataset size | 48,398 frames issued from 200 variable-length videos | 17,300 5 s videos (25 fps) | 9366 variable-length videos with 187,939 frames |
Method | Feature Extraction | Machine Learning Model | Main Contribution | Performance on UNBC–McMaster |
Semwal and Londhe [1] | CNN-based deep features | 3-layer CNN | Optimize the model parameters | ACC: 93.34% |
Yang et al. [2] | Low-level image patches features + CNN-based deep learning features | SVR | A hierarchical network architecture with two feature modules to extract low-level and deep learning features. | MSE: 1.45 |
Morabit et al. [3] | Deep features extracted with a fine-tuned DenseNet-161 model | SVR | Adopting the transfer learning technique to fine-tune a pre-trained DenseNet-161 model for feature extraction | MSE: 0.34 |
Barua et al. [4] | Deep features extracted with a fine-tuned DarkNet19 and selected with INCA | KNN | Using a pre-trained DarkNet19 model to generate deep features that were optimized by the INCA algorithm | ACC: 95.57% |
Method | Deep Learning Model | Main Contribution | Performance | |
UNBC–McMaster | BioVid | |||
Casti et al. [5] | Pre-trained AlexNet | Re-annotating the dataset with seven experts to improve the ground truth and translating the frames to illumination-invariant 3D space using the multidimensional scaling | ACC: 80% | - |
Dragomir et al. [6] | ResNet | Hyper-parameters optimization + data augmentation | - | ACC: 36.6% |
Xi et al. [7] | 9-layer CNN | Including an attention mechanism to focus on the region-related pain | ACC: 51.1% | - |
Xi et al. [8] | CNN | Incorporating locality-aware and identity-aware modules. | ACC: 89.17% | ACC: 40.4% |
Rathee et al. [9] | CNN | Efficiently initializing CNN parameters with an MAML++ module. | ACC: 90.3% | - |
Cui et al. [10] | Multi-scale regional attention network (MSRAN) | Integrating self-attention and relation attention modules to emphasize the pain-related face parts and their inter-relationships | ACC: 91.13% | - |
Karamitsos et al. [11] | Customized and Deeper VGG16 | Feeding the model with effectively pre-processed images (e.g., gray-scaling, histogram equalization, face detection, image cropping, mean filtering and normalization). | ACC: 92.5% | - |
Semwal and Londhe [12] | SPANET | Shallow CNN including a false positive reduction strategy. | ACC: 97.48% | - |
Alghamdi and Alaghband [13] | InceptionV3 | The convolutional block is frozen and a shallow CNN is used instead of the prediction layer. | ACC: 99.1% | - |
Method | Hybrid Model | Main Contribution | Performance | ||
UNBC–McMaster | BioVid | MIntPain | |||
Bargshady et al. [16] | EDLM: three independent CNN-RNN deep learners with different weights | Extract face features with a fine-tuned VGGFace and optimize them with the PCA algorithm. | ACC: 86% | - | ACC: 92.26% |
Huang et al. [17] | Pain-awareness multi-stream convolutional neural network with 4 CNNs | 4 pain related-face region features are extracted with 4 CNNs, weighted according to their contribution to the pain expression and classified to estimate the pain intensity | ACC: 88.19% | - | - |
Huang et al. [18] | Hierarchical Deep Network (HDN) | Two scale branches are performed to extract local facial patches features with a multi-stream CNN and their inter-dependencies with a multi-task learning technique | MSE: 0.49 | - | - |
Alghamdi and Alaghband [20] | SAFEPA: 2 fine-tuned concurrent and coupled CNNs | Placing greater emphasis on the upper part of the face to extract pose-invariant face features which are coupled with global face feature leading to better pain assessment. | ACC: 89.93% | ACC: 33.28% | - |
Semwal and Londhe [14] | ECCNET = VGG-16 + MobileNet + GoogleNet | Averaging the prediction of three deep learning models | ACC: 93.87% | - | - |
Ye et al. [19] | Parallel CNN framework with regional attention: VGGNet + ResNet | Used VGGNet + ResNet to extract the face features with regional attention and the SogtMax algorithm to classify them. | ACC: 95.11% | - | - |
Semwal and Londhe [15] | 3 CNNs: VGG-TL + ETNet + DSCNN | Used multiple neural networks with high-level spatial features with local and global geometric cues. | ACC: 96% | - | - |
Sait and Dutta [21] | Stacking XGBoost and CatBoost models with an SVM as meta-learner | Relevant spatial features are extracted with fine-tuned ShuffleNet V2 model + Application of class activation map and fusion feature approaches | ACC: 98.7% | - | - |
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Ben Aoun, N. A Review of Automatic Pain Assessment from Facial Information Using Machine Learning. Technologies 2024, 12, 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies12060092
Ben Aoun N. A Review of Automatic Pain Assessment from Facial Information Using Machine Learning. Technologies. 2024; 12(6):92. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies12060092
Chicago/Turabian StyleBen Aoun, Najib. 2024. "A Review of Automatic Pain Assessment from Facial Information Using Machine Learning" Technologies 12, no. 6: 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies12060092
APA StyleBen Aoun, N. (2024). A Review of Automatic Pain Assessment from Facial Information Using Machine Learning. Technologies, 12(6), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/technologies12060092