2. Methodology
The sample of 120 countries includes Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, and Guatemala. The sample also comprises Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, and Nigeria. Finally, the sample also contains Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, UAE, the UK, United Republic of Tanzania, the USA, Uruguay, Vietnam, and Zambia.
The Global Innovation Index (GII) is a critical resource for understanding the dynamism of innovation across countries and regions globally (
Dutta et al. 2019). Established in 2007 by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization, the GII provides a holistic evaluation of innovation, contributing substantially to our understanding of economic and societal development. However, selecting the appropriate period for analyzing GII data is critical to ensuring accurate and meaningful insights. This article elucidates the reasons for choosing the 2013–2019 period for retrieving and analyzing GII historical data.
Primarily, this period allows for analysis during relative economic stability, excluding the confounding impacts of significant global crises. The financial crisis of 2008 had pervasive effects on the global economy, leading to widespread recessions and necessitating policy and behavioral adjustments (
Reinhart and Rogoff 2009). Including data immediately after this crisis might introduce a significant bias, distorting the understanding of the relationship between innovation and economic indicators.
Starting our analysis in 2013 provides us with an adequate recovery period from the 2008 financial crisis. By this time, most global economies had regained some stability (
Obstfeld and Rogoff 2009), permitting a more “normalized” evaluation of innovation’s impacts on the economy, thereby enhancing the validity of the results.
Second, ending the period in 2019 allows the study to avoid the disruptive influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has drastically affected the global economy and the nature of innovation (
Onea 2022). By excluding the COVID-19 period, the study avoids conflating the effects of innovation with those of the pandemic.
Furthermore, the 2013–2019 period provides a contemporary, yet consistent, window for evaluating trends in innovation. Many countries underwent changes in their innovation policies during this period, making it an intriguing period for study.
Therefore, choosing the 2013–2019 time span for retrieving GII historical data ensures a focus on a period of relative global economic stability. This approach allows for a more accurate exploration of the role and impact of innovation regarding economic growth and competitiveness across countries.
The dependent variables include the GDP per capita (DV1) expressed in dollars adjusted by a purchasing power parity (PPP) conversion factor. The analysis also includes domestic self-employment as a percentage of total employment (DV2). This variable includes workers who, working on their own or with one or a few collaborators or in a cooperative, hold the types of jobs defined as self-employed jobs (i.e., jobs in which the remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits derived from the goods and services produced). Last, the study evaluates the FDI (DV3) net inflows (percentage of GDP), defined as the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating in an economy other than that of the investor. Data for these dependent variables were retrieved from the World Development Indicators database compiled by
The World Bank Databank (
The independent variables comprise the GII (IV1) and its constituent factors. Historical data on the GII were retrieved from the World Intellectual Property Organization’s website (
WIPO et al. 2013–2019). The GII’s development was based on the comprehensive definition of innovation initially proposed by the OECD and Eurostat in their Oslo Manual (2018). According to the Manual, innovation encompasses “…
new or improved products or processes (or a combination thereof) that differ significantly from the unit’s previous products or processes and that have been made available to potential users (product) or brought into use by the unit (process)…” (
OECD and Eurostat 2018, p. 20). WIPO’s GII evaluates national innovation by ranking countries using their GII based on their capabilities for and success in innovation, providing a way to measure domestic innovation ecosystems holistically.
The GII is the average of two sub-indices, the Innovation Input Index (III) sub-index (IV2) and the Innovation Output Index (IOI) sub-index (IV3), composed of five and two pillars, respectively. The III’s five pillars comprise institutions, human capital and research, infrastructure, market sophistication, and business sophistication. The IOI’s two pillars include knowledge and technology outputs and creative outputs.
The institutions pillar (IV4) measures the national institutional framework and includes the political environment sub-pillar, the regulatory environment sub-pillar, and the business environment sub-pillar. The political environment sub-pillar comprises two dimensions: the first dimension refers to the political, legal, operational, and security risks affecting business operations; and the second dimension assesses the public and civil services’ quality, domestic policy formulation, and implementation. The regulatory environment sub-pillar encompasses perceptions of the government’s capacity to formulate and implement effective policies to support the private sector’s development, the scope of the rule of law’s prevalence, and the cost of advance notification requirements added to compensation disbursements related to firing a redundant employee. The business environment sub-pillar contains two World Bank metrics: the speed of business opening and the ease of solving bankruptcy.
The human capital and research pillar (IV5) assesses a nation’s human capital. The education sub-pillar measures schooling coverage using teaching spending and school life expectancy. This sub-pillar also considers the quality of education through the results of the OECD Program for International Student Assessment© (PISA). The tertiary education sub-pillar encompasses tertiary schooling enrollment, emphasizing sectors usually associated with innovation. It also considers the inbound direction and mobility of tertiary students, which are critically crucial for exchanging ideas and skills essential for innovation. The R&D sub-pillar evaluates the level and quality of R&D activities, including metrics on researchers, R&D expenditures, and the scientific and research institutions’ quality.
The infrastructure pillar (IV6) embraces three sub-pillars. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) sub-pillar includes four metrics on ICT access: use, domestic online service, and citizens’ online engagement. The general infrastructure sub-pillar consists of the average electric output per capita, a composite metric on logistics performance, the national gross capital formation, and the construction of roads, railways, schools, hospitals, residential, commercial and industrial buildings, etc. The ecological sustainability sub-pillar comprises the GDP per unit of energy use, the Environmental Performance Index©, and the number of ISO 14001 (
International Organization for Standardization 2015b) certificates received.
The market sophistication pillar (IV7) has three sub-pillars. The credit sub-pillar measures the credit availability resulting from domestic collateral requirements and bankruptcy laws to support lending by protecting borrowers’ and lenders’ rights, including national regulations and practices impacting the handling, latitude, and availability of credit information. The investment sub-pillar comprises a minority investors’ proper protection index and two transaction-related metrics: a metric for market size-dynamism matching and another metric for venture capital transactions. The trade, competition, and market scale sub-pillar includes the weighted average of tariff rates by import shares and a survey to measure the domestic competition intensity.
The business sophistication pillar (IV8) assesses the level of business innovation activities using three sub-pillars. The knowledge workers sub-pillar is calculated using four metrics: knowledge-intensive services’ jobs; the availability of formal corporate training; business enterprise R&D as a percentage of GDP; and the proportion of corporate R&D gross expenditure. The innovation linkages sub-pillar covers qualitative and quantitative metrics about businesses/higher education institutions’ R&D cooperation, advanced and deep R&D clusters’ pervasiveness, the gross foreign R&D spending as a percentage of GDP, and the total joint venture arrangements and strategic agreements. The knowledge absorption sub-pillar comprises intellectual property disbursements as a percentage of total trade; high-tech imports; the percentage of imports of computer and information services; and the GDP percentage of FDI net inflows.
The knowledge and technology outputs pillar (
IV9) includes several innovation-related sub-pillars. The knowledge creation sub-pillar comprises domestic and international patent and utility model applications, scientific and technical published peer-reviewed articles, and the total national articles with
h-index citations. The knowledge impact sub-pillar takes account of labor productivity growth, the new firm entry density, computer software expenditures, national ISO 9001 (
International Organization for Standardization 2015a) certificates, and the high- and medium-high-tech industrial output as a percentage of the total industrial output. The knowledge diffusion sub-pillar includes the percentage of total trade represented by intellectual property receipts, the percentage of high-tech net exports, the percentage of ICT exports, and the GDP percentage of FDI net outflows.
Three sub-pillars constitute the creative outputs pillar (IV10). The intangible assets sub-pillar consists of the total national trademark applications. The creative goods and services sub-pillar comprises an international show business and media output metric and a measure of audio-visual-related services exports. The online creativity sub-pillar contains the total economy/country-code top-level Internet domains, annual revisions to Wikipedia, and GDP-scaled mobile app development.
The research analyzes data using generalized linear models. When running these regression models, the analysis used the logarithmic transformation of the dependent and independent variables. The data were also analyzed using the panel-corrected standard error (PCSE) model proposed by
Beck and Katz (
1995). The PCSE’s standard error estimates are robust to heteroscedasticity, contemporaneous cross-sectional correlation, and autocorrelation problems.
Our time-series cross-section model can be expressed as , where i = 1, …, N; t = 1, …, T, and is a vector of our independent variables indexed by cross-sections (i) and years (t). The variability of the OLS estimates from this function is: Cov () = (XTX)−1[XTΩX](XTX)−1. Suppose that the errors follow a spherical error assumption. In that case, Ω = σ2Φ, where Φ is an NT × NT identity matrix, and the standard errors are calculated by the square roots of the diagonal terms of (XTX)−1 with as the ordinary least squares estimator of common error variance σ2. When panel models have heteroscedastic and contemporaneously correlated errors, Ω is an NT × NT diagonal matrix with an N × N matrix of contemporaneous covariances Π on its diagonal. can determine an element of this matrix. This function can be utilized to determine the estimator by generating a block diagonal matrix with matrices along the diagonal. Our balanced panel data allow us to streamline these matrices as follows: , where is the T × N matrix of residuals and therefore can be determined by using the Kronecker matrix product . The PCSE can be determined by calculating the square root of its diagonal elements (XTX)−1XTX(XTX)−1.
We conducted tests on both the cross-sectional variation and the PCSE analyses using the following models:
Model 1: DVi = β0 + β1IV1 | Model 2: DVi = β0 + β2IV2 | Model 3: DVi = β0 + β3IV3 |
Model 4: DVi = β0 + β4IV4 + β5IV5 + β6IV6 + β7IV7 + β8×8 | Model 5: DVi = β0 + β9IV9 + β10IV10 |
DVi identifies our three (
i = 1, 2, and 3) dependent variables: GDP per capita (
DV1), self-employment (
DV2), and the FDI (
DV3). The models forecast
DV1–3 based on our independent variables: the GII (
IV1), III (
IV2), and IOI (
IV3) sub-indexes and the pillars of human capital and research (
IV5), infrastructure (
IV6), market (
IV7) and business (
IV8) sophistication, and the knowledge and technology (
IV9), and creative (
IV10) outputs.
3. Results
Table 1 provides the summary statistics for various indicators used in the study. The variables include the GII (
IV1), the III (
IV2), the IOI (
IV3), and several different ‘pillar’ indices, such as the institutions pillar (
IV4), human capital and research pillar (
IV5), infrastructure pillar (
IV6), market sophistication pillar (
IV7), business sophistication pillar (
IV8), knowledge and technology outputs pillar (
IV9), and creative outputs pillar (
IV10). The mean, median, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis are provided for each indicator.
The dependent variables in the study are GDP per capita (DV1), self-employment (DV2), and the FDI (DV3). The mean GDP per capita stands at $24,605 with a standard deviation of $22,337, indicating significant disparity in the GDP per capita across the dataset. Similarly, self-employment constitutes an average of 35.3% of total employment, and FDI net inflows comprise an average of 4.8% of the GDP.
The min. and max. values reveal a considerable range across all variables, indicating a high level of variation in the dataset. It can be observed that skewness and kurtosis values vary across the indicators, suggesting different degrees of asymmetry and tail heaviness in their distributions. The highest skewness is seen in the FDI net inflows (DV3), and the highest kurtosis in the same variable indicates a distribution with extreme outliers.
Table 2 shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013–2019 of the PPP-adjusted GDP per capita (
DV1) and the first three independent variables, namely GII (
IV1), III (
IV2), and IOI (
IV3), referred to as models 1–3, respectively. The table shows a significant and positive relationship between GDP and GII and GDP and GII’s two constituent sub-indices (III and IOI) from 2013 to 2019.
For each of these years, every unit increase in the GII (IV1) corresponded to an increase in GDP per capita by approximately $1623.29 to $1436.69 (Model 1). This result demonstrates the significant role of overall national innovation (as measured by GII) in increasing a country’s GDP per capita.
Likewise, examining Model 2, we can observe that a unit rise in the III (IV2) is linked with a GDP per capita increase ranging from $1629.67 to $1325.83. This finding implies that the inputs to innovation, such as institutional support, human capital, infrastructure, and market and business sophistication, play critical roles in enhancing economic output.
Model 3 assesses the impact of the IOI (IV3) on GDP per capita. For each unit increase in the IOI, GDP per capita surges between $1386.83 and $1179.70. This outcome underscores the economic contributions of knowledge, technology, and creative outputs, all elements captured in the IOI.
These results further underscore the importance of GII and its constituent components in contributing to economic prosperity, as measured by GDP per capita. Each of the models (1–3) provides robust evidence for this relationship, as indicated by the statistical significance of the coefficients and the substantial t-values. Thus, our findings are statistically significant, with very little likelihood that they have occurred by chance.
Table 3 also shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013 to 2019 of GDP per capita and III’s five pillars (Model 4). The table shows a positive and significant relationship between GDP and the institutions (
IV4) and infrastructure (
IV6) pillars from 2013 to 2019. The table also shows a positive relationship between GDP and the human capital and research pillar (
IV5) but only for three (2015, 2017–2018) of seven years. Finally, the table also shows a positive and partially significant relationship (10 percent confidence level) between GDP and the market sophistication pillar (
IV7) and the business sophistication pillar (
IV8) but only for one single year each (2016 and 2019, respectively), which are considered spurious results.
Table 3 also shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013 to 2019 of GDP per capita and the IOI’s two pillars (model 5). The table shows a positive and significant relationship between GDP and the knowledge and technology outputs pillar (
IV9) and the creative outputs pillar (
IV10) during 2013–2019, except for the GDP and the technology outputs pillar, the positive relationship of which is insignificant only in 2014. Only in 2014 did the positive association between GDP and the technology outputs pillar (
IV9) not hold statistical significance, a circumstance possibly caused by discrepancies in the data compilation for this specific year. Nevertheless, this slight anomaly in terms of both correlation direction and statistical significance—affecting merely one year out of seven and one model among five—does not notably influence the broader conclusions that we intend to draw later in this paper.
Table 4 presents the cross-sectional analysis for the 2013 to 2019 for self-employment as a percentage of total employment (
DV2) with respect to the GII (
IV1), the III (
IV2), and the IOI (
In Model 1, for every one-unit increase in the GII, self-employment decreases by approximately 1.04 to 1.33 percentage points across the seven years. The coefficient for the GII is negative and statistically significant at the 0.1% level for all years, indicating a robust and consistent negative relationship between the two variables.
Similarly, in Model 2, every one-unit increase in the III is associated with a decrease in self-employment by roughly 1.15 to 1.28 percentage points over the years. The coefficient for the III is also negative and statistically significant at the 0.1% level across all years, showing a consistently negative relationship.
In Model 3, a one-unit increase in the IOI corresponds to a decrease in self-employment ranging from 0.78 to 1.27 percentage points throughout the years. The coefficient for the IOI is again negative and statistically significant at the 0.1% level for each year.
The consistent statistical significance across the years and the negative relationship imply that, as the country’s innovation capabilities (measured through the GII, III, and IOI) improve, the proportion of self-employment in total employment tends to decrease. The relationship suggests that more formal job opportunities might be created with higher innovation, reducing the need for self-employment. However, the specific interpretations of these coefficients may vary based on the contextual factors and the nature of the variables involved. Further analysis would be needed to provide a detailed interpretation.
Table 5 also shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013 to 2019 of the self-employment and the institutions (
IV4), human capital and research (
IV5), infrastructure (
IV6), market (
IV7), and business (
IV8) sophistication pillars. The table shows a negative and significant relationship between self-employment and
IV6 for most analyzed years, except for the self-employment and institutions pillar, the negative relationship of which is insignificant during 2018–2019. Similarly, self-employment and the human capital and research pillar had a negative and insignificant relationship in 2014.
The table shows a significant, positive relationship between self-employment and the market and business sophistication pillars during four analyzed years. Specifically, the positive relationship between self-employment and the market sophistication pillar is significant during 2013–2016, while the positive relationship between self-employment and the business sophistication pillar is significant during 2015–2017 and 2019.
Table 5 also shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013 to 2019 for self-employment and the knowledge and technology (
IV9) and creative (
IV10) outputs pillars. The table shows a positive and significant relationship between self-employment and the creative outputs pillar from 2013 to 2019. Last, the table shows a positive and significant relationship between self-employment and the knowledge and technology outputs pillar but only for one year (2014), which is considered a spurious result.
Table 6 shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013 to 2019 of the FDI (
DV3), GII (
IV1), III (
IV2), and IOI (
IV3). The table shows no significant relationship between FDI3 and the independent variables
IV3 for most years from 2013 to 2019. Similarly,
Table 7 also shows the cross-sectional analysis results from 2013 to 2019 for FDI and the independent variables
IV10. The tables include some isolated significant results for a few years and combinations of dependent and independent variables, but these sporadic significant results are considered spurious.
Table 8 contains the results of the PCSE model using the dependent variable and the GII, including its constituent factors (III and IOI). The table shows a significant, positive relationship of GDP with GII, III, and IOI. Similarly, the table shows a negative and significant relationship between self-employment and GII, III, and IOI. Finally, the table shows no significant relationship of FDI with GII, III, and IOI.
Table 9 shows the PCSE model’s results using the III’s and IOI’s sub-indices’ five (
IV8) and two (
IV10) pillars, respectively. The table shows a positive and significant relationship between GDP and the institutions (
IV4), human capital and research (
IV5), infrastructure (
IV6), business sophistication (
IV8), knowledge and technology (
IV9), and creative (
IV10) outputs pillars. These results only match those in
Table 2 and
Table 3 for the relationships between GDP and
IV6, and
IV10. Likewise,
Table 9 shows a negative and significant relationship between self-employment and
IV6 and
IV10. These results fully match those in
Table 4 and
Table 5. Last, the table shows no significant relationship between FDI and any independent variable, consistent with the results in
Table 6 and
Table 7.
4. Discussion
In shaping the interpretation and forming the generalizations within this discussion section, our focus has been strictly directed toward results that not only exhibit statistical significance for the majority of years analyzed but also maintain consistency in their directional influence across both cross-sectional and PCSE regressions, as demonstrated in
Table 2,
Table 3,
Table 4,
Table 5,
Table 6,
Table 7,
Table 8 and
Table 9. Any findings that fail to meet these stringent criteria have been deliberately excluded from our analysis on the grounds of being potentially anomalous outcomes that do not provide substantive value to our investigation. Our study provides evidence that innovation is a crucial driver of economic growth. We observe that nations placing a premium on fostering an innovative climate experience growth in economic prosperity and see a marked improvement in their living standards, consistent with the findings of
Hall and Rosenberg (
2010). This fact resonates with the previously established literature, underscoring the indispensable role of innovation in economies’ expansion and advancement (
Fagerberg et al. 2005;
Romer 1990).
We discovered a significant, positive correlation between a country’s GII score and its GDP. This result suggests that a nation’s economic prowess is intrinsically tied to its innovative capacity. We note that the constituent sub-indices of the GII, namely the III and IOI, have instrumental roles in this relationship (
Furman et al. 2002;
Archibugi and Coco 2004).
Prior research has emphasized that each country possesses a unique blend of sociopolitical factors and infrastructure that can substantially shape the role and impact of innovation (
Acemoglu et al. 2005). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that this positive correlation between innovation and economic prosperity may not be a one-size-fits-all phenomenon but could manifest differently across distinct contexts. However, while our findings point to this correlation, they demand further examination and interpretation due to the inherent complexity of the subject matter.
Our findings reinforce the importance of investments in innovation, especially in crucial areas such as infrastructure, education, and property rights. The direct link that we observed between these elements and economic growth aligns with the assertions of
Aschauer (
1989) and
Barro (
1991). In line with the findings of
Esfahani and Ramírez (
Sanchez-Robles (
1998), and
Hasan et al. (
2009), our research also substantiates the significant impact of infrastructure investment, financial market development, and robust institutional frameworks on GDP growth. This finding was echoed by
Arif and Ahmad’s (
2020) study, highlighting the positive effect of fiscal decentralization, underpinned by a strong rule of law and democratic accountability. Similarly,
Haseeb et al. (
2019) indicated that certain technological factors positively influenced sustainable SME performance. Last,
Dima et al.’s (
2018) findings on the correlation between GDP per capita and lifelong learning opportunities align with our results.
We propose that initiatives focused on education, entrepreneurial training, and the development of commercial and professional infrastructure contribute positively to a country’s economic growth, as opposed to hampering it, aligning with the perspectives of
Glaeser et al. (
The role of innovation in shaping self-employment rates appears multifaceted (
Autio et al. 2013). Our study detected innovation’s negative and significant impact on self-employment rates, often linked to necessity-driven entrepreneurship. Simultaneously, innovation positively impacted opportunity-driven entrepreneurship, which is known to lead to an increase in formal employment and a reduction in self-employment (
Wennekers et al. 2005). This dichotomy in the influence of innovation on entrepreneurship is critical and calls for additional investigation. These findings support the argument made by
Sternberg and Wennekers (
2005) regarding the nuanced relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation. Similarly, our results also agree with those of several authors, including
Farinha et al. (
Khyareh and Amini (
2021), and
Edler and Fagerberg (
Research by
Margolis (
2014) and
Burke et al. (
2019) confirmed the correlation between self-employment and entrepreneurship, emphasizing the prevalence of necessity-driven entrepreneurial ventures in developing nations. Contrastingly,
Burke and Fraser (
2012) demonstrated that increased R&D investment tends to foster opportunity-driven self-employment while reducing necessity-driven employment.
Mas-Tur et al. (
2020) linked sustainable development deficits to low formal job creation expectations.
Faggio and Olmo (
2014) identified a positive urban-centric relationship among self-employment, business creation, and innovation. In contrast, rural areas with prevalent necessity-driven entrepreneurship displayed a weaker correlation. Last,
Mrożewski and Kratzer (
2016) showed that, while necessity entrepreneurship is inversely related to national innovation, opportunity entrepreneurship encourages it.
Our study highlights a negative correlation between self-employment and factors such as national institutional framework, local infrastructure, domestic human capital, and research outputs. We infer that government-led innovation investment can reduce self-employment, mainly when focused on infrastructure, education, institutional frameworks, and research. This inference corresponds to prior studies, such as
Burke and Fraser (
2012) and
Eliasson and Westlund (
2012), who found deterrent effects of patent activity and rural infrastructural deficits on self-employment.
Sanders and Nee (
1996) observed how undervalued foreign-acquired human capital in host labor markets impacts immigrant self-employment.
Berggren and Olofsson (
2021) identified a need for more motivation among highly educated Swedes for self-employment.
Contreras et al. (
2017) noted Chileans resorting to self-employment due to a lack of salaried work. Finally,
Baptista et al. (
2014) revealed that, while human capital significantly affects early success for opportunity-based entrepreneurs, it barely influences initial success for necessity-driven ones.
We did not observe a significant correlation between a country’s innovation performance and its FDI inflows, a finding that contrasts with several previous studies (
Dunning 1988;
Borensztein et al. 1998;
Modugu and Dempere 2021). However, we recognize that several other factors, such as labor costs, natural resources, tax considerations, and existing infrastructure, may drive FDI. These elements often supersede innovation in attracting foreign investment (
Dunning 2000).
A critical limitation of our research pertains to the measurement of national innovation. This limitation is an area fraught with inconsistencies and requires a universal consensus. This rationale is consistent with
Brenner and Broekel (
2011), who suggested that there is no single superior way to measure the innovation performance of spatial units, such as regions or nations, but rather by implementing a variety of quantifying approaches simultaneously. Future studies could explore alternative indices, such as the International Innovation Index (III), to challenge or substantiate our findings.
Our study strongly advocates for the persistent pursuit of innovation by enabling government policies and substantial investment in critical areas, such as infrastructure, education, and property rights. This outcome aligns with the views of
Hall and Rosenberg (
2010) on the essential role of innovation in economic development. However, the applicability of these results across varying sociopolitical contexts needs to be investigated further, considering the unique circumstances and factors at play in each country (
Acemoglu et al. 2005).
We must acknowledge the inherent complexity of using an index such as the GII, comprising numerous sub-indices and pillars, to gauge a country’s innovation performance. Rather than directly attempting to map individual policy areas to economic outcomes, our study focuses on the correlation between these components and a nation’s economic prosperity.
Interpreting policy-specific changes based on variations in the GII’s sub-indices and pillars could lead to misleading conclusions. For instance, an improvement in the GII score might result from diverse combinations of shifts in its sub-indices, necessitating detailed analysis to pinpoint which specific policies or factors drive these changes.
Given this complexity, our results should be interpreted with caution. We emphasize that our findings do not provide concrete policy prescriptions tied to changes in the GII’s sub-indices and pillars. Instead, they present a broader view, accentuating the association between categories or themes of innovation-related policies and macroeconomic variables of interest. Our study provides macro-level evidence suggesting that countries prioritizing policies promoting innovation tend to witness higher economic prosperity (
Acemoglu et al. 2005).
Therefore, while our study does hint at a relationship between the promotion of innovation and economic growth, it refrains from offering a granular, policy-specific roadmap for achieving this growth. Policymakers should interpret our results as a general guide that underscores the importance of fostering an innovative culture. They should not view it as a detailed policy manual prescribing the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of innovation-related policies (
Hall and Rosenberg 2010).
While we acknowledge the limitations inherent in any index-based analysis, our study underscores the critical role of innovation, viewed as a national priority, in driving economic growth and prosperity. Future research should delve deeper into identifying the policy interventions that can foster a culture of innovation, considering the distinct sociopolitical contexts of different nations.