Successful Educational Actions for Sustainable Development: A Systematic Review of Training for Employability Development of Vulnerable Groups
:1. Introduction
1.1. Walking Towards Sustainability: Challenges and Progress in Education for the Employability of Vulnerable Groups
1.2. Successful Education Actions: Education for Employability and Sustainability
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Design, Protocol, and Registry
2.2. Search Strategy and Information Sources
2.3. Eligibility Criteria and Study Selection Process
2.4. Process of Data Extraction and Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. SEAs and Their Impact on Individual Factors
‘At the beginning of the course, I had to urge the participants to help each other […], but after a few sessions, they were already standing up for themselves as soon as they saw that one of their classmates was having difficulties […] Sharing and learning around IG from a practical and theoretical level has empowered the same participants who have led the SEAs in their classes, leading the change process themselves’.(p. 60, 68)
One of the women describes how she overcame a barrier when she went to health services. Prior to her attendance at the talks, she found it very difficult to relate to professionals. Now, this situation has changed, and she can explain very well what is happening to her and her children.(p. 104)
Belén two years ago, came with slippers, pyjamas, and so on, little hygiene […] until she signed up for family training. We started to see a change, she was more dressed up, but above all, what we noticed was a different look—not only how her son looked at her, but also how she looked at itself now. That transformation was very striking.(p. 56)
I have been able to be what I am now, which for me (…) is a lot because through these courses I can work in the summer schools, the three summer months I always work, and I have worked three years in the school canteen here.
3.2. Influence of SEAs on the Personal Circumstances Factor
3.3. Impact of SEAs on Contextual Factors
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Subcategories |
Individual factors | (1) Perseverance (2) Stress tolerance (including self-control) (3) Academic training (4) Learning to learn (5) Time management (6) Task management (7) Initiative (8) Willingness and readiness to work (9) Performance appraisal (10) Autonomy (11) Self-esteem (12) Self-care (13) Social skills (14) Technical skills (includes digital skills) (15) Work experience (16) Flexibility (17) Teamwork |
Circumstantial factors | (18) Work culture (19) Access to resources (20) Social capital (21) Access to social networks (22) Relational factors that enhance personal and mental well-being |
Contextual factors | (23) Contribution to overcoming stigmas (24) Access to quality educational interventions (25) Response to social needs |
Study | Method * | Country | SEA ** | Context | Impact on the Type of Vulnerable Population Under Study |
(Ramírez & Marín, 2022) | 1 | Columbia | 1 | Schools: situational context of regional gaps and poverty. | Secondary school families and students. |
(Zubiri-Esnaola et al., 2020) | 1 | Spain | 2 | Schools: low socio-economic level and high percentage of immigrant pupils and families. | Local and migrant family members. |
(Natividad-Sancho et al., 2024) | 1 | Spain | 1, 2, 4 | School: socio-economically disadvantaged and predominantly Roma neighbourhood. | Roma students in their final year of secondary school. |
(Valero et al., 2018) | 1 | Spain | 2 | School: more than 30% migrant students. | Migrant secondary and high school students. |
(Sánchez, 2018) | 1 | Columbia | 5 | School: social context characterised by exclusion, because of violence, forced displacement, etc. | 14- and 16-year-old students. |
(Valls-Carol et al., 2014) | 3 | 14 European countries | 1, 2, 3.1, 4 | Schools: includes schools in disadvantaged multicultural contexts. | Population in vulnerable situations and population without difficulties. |
(Sampé et al., 2012) | 1 | Spain | 1, 2, 3.1 | Schools: migrant community. | Migrant population: family members and secondary school students. |
(Girbés-Peco et al., 2015) | 1 | Spain | 1 | Neighbourhood characterised by poverty, vulnerability, and social exclusion. | Young people up to 18 years old and families (Roma and migrants). |
(Vieites et al., 2021) | 1 | Portugal | 1 | Schools in vulnerable contexts of priority attention. | Families from vulnerable environments. |
(R. Flecha et al., 2012) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | Prison. | National and migrant prison population. |
(Gómez-González et al., 2022) | 3 | Spain | 6 | Schools with cultural minorities students. Migrant and Roma families. | Roma and migrant families. |
(Zubiri-Esnaola et al., 2023) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | Hospital. | Adult population. Mental health patients. |
(Racionero, 2015) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | Vulnerable context. | Homeless person. |
(Salceda et al., 2022) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | Out-of-home care institution. | Adolescent girls 15–18 years old in residential care (severely neglected). |
(De Botton et al., 2014) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | School: neighbourhood with low socio-economic status. | Moroccan mothers with low levels of schooling, some of whom are illiterate. |
(Garcia-Yeste et al., 2018a) | 1 | Spain | 3.1, 6 | School: majority of families and students of minority ethnicity. | Vulnerable mothers from minority ethnic backgrounds. |
(Ocampo-Castillo et al., 2023) | 1 | Mexico | 6 | School in disadvantaged environment. | Grandmother with no educational background. |
(Grau del Valle et al., 2023) | 1 | Spain | 4, 5 | School: majority of families and students of minority ethnicity. | Roma young and adult population in active employment. |
(Gairal-Casadó et al., 2019) | 1 | Spain | 4 | Institutional care centre. | Adolescents aged 12–17 from Roma and migrant population. |
(Garcia-Yeste et al., 2017) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | School: majority of families and students of minority ethnicity. | Moroccan mothers. |
(Álvarez-Guerrero et al., 2021) | 1 | Spain | 3.1 | COVID-19 pandemic education situation. On-line education. | Secondary school students with disabilities. |
(Rodrígues & Marini, 2018) | 1 | Brazil | 2, 3.1, 4 | Adult education. | Adults with low education. |
(Díez-Palomar, 2020) | 1 | Spain | 3.2 | School for adults in the working-class neighbourhood. | Adult women with basic or unfinished primary education. |
(López de Aguileta et al., 2023) | 1 | Spain | 3.3 | Schools from primary to adult education. | Impact on adults from low socio-economic backgrounds without higher education. |
(A. Flecha, 2012) | 1 | Finland, Lithuania, Malta, Spain and the UK | 1, 6, 3.1 | Pre-schools and primary schools with students from cultural minorities. | Family members: illiterate adults, migrants, etc. |
(Garcia-Yeste et al., 2018a) | 1 | Spain | 6 | Schools that include ethical minorities, migrant population and low socio-economic status. | Family members from vulnerable groups including Roma, low socio-economic, and immigrant populations. |
(Vieira & Miello, 2018) | 1 | Brazil | 3.1, 4 | Schools from primary to adult education. | Vulnerable adult population. Most of them drop out of school due to poverty. |
(Odóñez & Rodríguez-Gallego, 2018) | 3 | Spain | 1, 2, 6 | Pre-school and primary schools in areas of marginalisation and social disadvantage. | Family members and adult volunteers from vulnerable groups with low socio-economic and educational backgrounds. |
(Domínguez & Palomares, 2022) | 1 | Spain | 3.4 | Poor context in southern Spain. | Roma families at risk of social exclusion and with functional illiteracy. |
(Oro & Díez-Palomar, 2018) | 3 | Spain | 2 | Young people who have dropped out of school and unemployed adults with low formal education. Includes Roma and migrant population. |
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Grau-del-Valle, C.; Llinares-Insa, L.I.; García-Raga, L.; Roca-Campos, E. Successful Educational Actions for Sustainable Development: A Systematic Review of Training for Employability Development of Vulnerable Groups. Educ. Sci. 2025, 15, 247.
Grau-del-Valle C, Llinares-Insa LI, García-Raga L, Roca-Campos E. Successful Educational Actions for Sustainable Development: A Systematic Review of Training for Employability Development of Vulnerable Groups. Education Sciences. 2025; 15(2):247.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGrau-del-Valle, Carolina, Lucía Inmaculada Llinares-Insa, Laura García-Raga, and Esther Roca-Campos. 2025. "Successful Educational Actions for Sustainable Development: A Systematic Review of Training for Employability Development of Vulnerable Groups" Education Sciences 15, no. 2: 247.
APA StyleGrau-del-Valle, C., Llinares-Insa, L. I., García-Raga, L., & Roca-Campos, E. (2025). Successful Educational Actions for Sustainable Development: A Systematic Review of Training for Employability Development of Vulnerable Groups. Education Sciences, 15(2), 247.