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Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to Assess the Competency of Full-Time Water Conservancy Emergency Rescue Teams

Business School, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
College of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2022, 10(12), 2111;
Submission received: 26 May 2022 / Revised: 15 June 2022 / Accepted: 16 June 2022 / Published: 17 June 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Decision Analysis and Reliability Management)


Drought and flood disasters are common events threatening the safety of human lives, and full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams play an important role in fighting against these disasters. In this paper, a competency assessment indicator system full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams was first constructed by the Delphi Method. Four first-level, seventeen second-level and sixty third-level competency assessment indicators are proposed. Secondly, the weights of assessment indicators for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team at all levels were obtained by an analytic hierarchy process. Thirdly, based on that established assessment indicator system, the competency of the water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A was assessed using a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Finally, the assessment results for the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A were obtained. This study concludes by noting some practical implications of the results.

1. Introduction

In the process of further promoting the emergency management of water availability, China still faces certain problems. Natural risks such as floods have increased, prevention and control have become more difficult, and emergencies are prone to occur. The COVID-19 epidemic and the “July 20” Catastrophic Rainstorm Disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan Province in 2021 are examples of this. Therefore, as the final barrier to for preventing and controlling major risks, emergency rescue is of great importance to resist disasters, reduce losses and protect lives. China’s emergency rescue teams are mainly composed of full-time, military and part-time emergency rescue teams [1,2]. Among these, full-time emergency rescue teams, including comprehensive fire rescue teams and various professional emergency rescue teams, are responsible for risk prevention, response and emergency rescue during various natural disasters and accidents [3]. The full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team is one of the key forces in charge of flood and drought control.
In recent years, several studies on the construction and management of full-time emergency rescue teams and the optimization of competency systems have emerged [4,5,6]. Scholars have been looking for new perspectives in the study and discussion of the organizational competency of full-time emergency rescue teams [7,8], including mine rescue [9], coal mine rescue [10,11] and emergency healthcare teams [12]. Other scholars have studied the organizational competency of emergency rescue teams in the face of highly uncertain, complex and dynamic crisis emergencies, by tracking and comparing the behaviors and characteristics of high-performance teams and low-performance teams during different stages of emergency management [13]. In the process of emergency rescue, the connection between each link and the deployment of various elements should be managed and promoted by full-time rescue teams, including the formulation, promotion and implementation of rescue plans and regulations, as well as the reasonable operation of rescue materials and information [14], covering all periods of rescue [15]. Therefore, the state needs to continuously improve emergency management forces at different levels, promote the adjustment of institutional functions, and strengthen the comprehensive coordination of emergency management [16]. Meanwhile, rescue teams need to select optimal rescue schemes according to the emergency rescue time [17], their own competency [17,18], available resources and other conditions [19,20]. Therefore, attention should be paid to the training of emergency personnel; at the same time, the emergency abilities and technical proficiency of all kinds of emergency personnel need to be further improved [21].
Methods of emergency rescue measures and competency assessments include the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) [22,23], fuzzy comprehensive evaluation [24,25], TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation [9,26], the catastrophe progression method [27], cloud model [28], multiple correspondence analysis [29], etc. Among these, AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation have been used to study emergency rescue in more detail. For example, Zhang et al. [30] used AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to establish an assessment indicator system of emergency plans for business production safety accidents. Jing et al. [31] used AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to build a competency model of railway earthquake emergency rescue personnel. Ruan et al. [32] used fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to calculate subjective indicator scores, and AHP to estimate weight distribution, in the process of establishing a comprehensive assessment indicator system for the containment rescue measures of the national nuclear emergency engineering rescue team. The combination of these two methods [33] makes the results more accurate, because a single assessment method often cannot obtain accurate assessment results [34]. It also makes the system stronger and can better solve fuzzy and unquantifiable problems.
The full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A has gradually improved, but there are still some problems. For example, in the preparation process, material reserves have been insufficient; in the response process, the team is not efficient; in the execution process, command and coordination need to be enhanced. However, there is no suitable system or model to clarify these issues. Although scholars have made many contributions to emergency rescues, there are still two problems that need to be handled:
There is a lack of research on the competency of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams. Scholars have studied fire [35,36,37], safety accidents [28,30] and other emergencies. Considering the special nature of water conservancy, including factors such as seasonality and continuity, research on the competency of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams is very important.
There is a lack of research on the construction of an assessment indicator system using a life-cycle approach. The life-cycle approach is a crisis management theory based on four stages of a process, and it is conducive to the management and control of a whole event [38]. However, most studies have been based on relevant documents [24,30], event characteristics [22], expert opinions [7,25], etc. Due to the lack of theoretical basis, systematization and scientificity need to be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to construct an assessment indicator system from the perspective of a life-cycle approach.
Motivated by the above problems, this study first constructed a competency assessment indicator system for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team using the Delphi Method. Then, we obtained the weights of assessment indicators using AHP and constructed a competency assessment model with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Finally, we applied the constructed assessment model to Province A to test the practical value of the model, and to identify practical implications according to the competency assessment results of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A.
The remainder of this study is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the Delphi method as well as AHP, and puts them into practice to construct the competency assessment indicator system for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team, and to obtain the weights of evaluation indicators. Section 3 presents comprehensive evaluation results obtained through a constructed competency evaluation model of a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team, using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Section 4 discusses the practical implications of this. Section 5 summarizes the main work and contributions of this paper.

2. Methods

In this section, the Delphi method and AHP are introduced. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation results for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team are presented in Section 3.

2.1. Delphi Method

The Delphi method is a collective, anonymous exchange of ideas in the form of a correspondence consultation [39]. Based on the life-cycle approach and organizational competency theory, through two rounds of expert feedback using the Delphi method, this study obtained an assessment indicators database applicable to a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team, and then constructed the competency assessment indicator system.
According to the principles of “strategic orientation with clear goals”, “prominent emphasis and overall consideration”, “emphasis on operation and strong applicability “, and “normative system and moderately advanced indicators” [40,41], the content analysis method was applied to select relevant competency assessment indicators. The steps for selecting competency assessment indicators were as follows:
Framing the research question: The research question concerned the construction of the competency assessment indicator system for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team.
Determining the scope of the research and samples: Specifically, references were selected from the full-text database of the China Academic Journals Network (CNKI), and the research period lasted until 10 April 2022. Overall, 171 relevant pieces of the literatures were selected.
Defining the analysis unit of the study: The analysis unit of the study was full-time emergency rescue water conservancy teams.
Constructing categories of competency assessment indicators and a quantitative system: Specific category standards were determined according to expert interviews, and each category item was coded.
Pretesting: Reliability was verified and content was encoded according to the definition. In the process of sample testing, “1” was denoted when the two coders had the same views; if they were inconsistent, they were denoted as “0”. If the consistency ratio reached over 80%, it was considered that the reliability analysis for this process had been passed. After calculation, the coders’ consistency ratio reached 95.5%, indicating that the coding process passed the reliability test.
Data analysis: According to organizational competency theory, through the study of the available literature, competency assessment indicators that are comprehensive, obvious, easy to measure, easy to examine and applicable were sorted. The assessment indicators can objectively and accurately reflect the reality and characteristics of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams.
Seventy-two competency assessment indicators of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams were determined after preliminary selection. These were as follows: preplan compiling, completeness of emergency plan, operation of emergency plan, risk assessment ability, laws and regulations, team-building, job qualifications, staff number, cooperation with other teams, material reserves, number/category/specification, equipment maintenance, simple equipment production, equipment procurement, training and development, physical fitness, technical knowledge, teamwork ability, research learning, amount of research, time of research, new knowledge/new methods, crisis consciousness, information acquisition ability, information access, information transfer mode, daily monitoring ability, special period search ability, task-switching ability, task-recognition ability, material equipment ability, team-building ability, goods loading time, quick delivery ability, quick configuration and startup ability, route-planning ability, time-control ability, delivery-support ability (traffic control department), parallel disposal ability, communication ability (on-site), coordinating-routes ability, technical guidance, envision-solution ability, professional technical ability, plan execution, man-machine cooperation ability, equipment start-up time, safe operation, field-warning ability, organizational motivation ability (leadership), strain ability, vigilance ability, personnel and material allocation ability, team motivation, command and coordination ability, professional advice, decision-making ability, organizing ability, comprehensive support ability, logistics ability, emergency material preparation ability (electric power), emergency shelter, emergency communication equipment, publicity ability, restoring-order ability, safe evacuation, functional recovery ability of equipment, summarizing-learning ability, post-emergency assessment ability, learning-improvement ability, summarizing learning procedures, and plan-revision ability.
Then, we invited fifteen experts from the water conservancy industry and emergency management field to form a team to use the Delphi Method. The composition of these experts is shown in Table A1 (see the Appendix A). The preliminary selected competency assessment indicator tables for the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team were sent to all experts in the form of a letter. Then, the experts revised the assessment indicators according to their professional knowledge and work experience [39].
According to the analyzed literature mentioned above, a semi-open questionnaire was created focusing on capacity assessment indicators for full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams. The feedback results from fifteen experts in the first round are shown in Table A2 (see the Appendix A). In Table A2, “1” and “7” mean “strongly disagree” and “strongly agree”, respectively, with the degree of agreement increasing between these.
The experts completed fifteen valid questionnaires in the first round. According to the results, the average scores of all assessment indicators were more than 4.5 points and assessment indicators such as scientificity of emergency plans, emergency rescue experience and professional level (dress, technical knowledge) were added. Three assessment indicators including “risk assessment ability”, “technical knowledge” and “time control ability” were deleted. In addition, suggestions regarding modifying the names of certain assessment indicators are shown in Table A2.
In the first round, seven assessment indicators were added, and thirty-five assessment indicators were modified. More than two-thirds of the experts agreed. However, some experts were not satisfied with certain assessment indicators. Therefore, according to the feedback provided by the experts in the first round, the second-round semi-open questionnaire was created. Then, the questionnaires were sent to fifteen experts by e-mail, as agreed, and experts were invited to unify the names of assessment indicators. Experts revised the assessment indicators again according to their professional knowledge and work experience, and the expert feedback is shown in Table A3 (see the Appendix A).
In the second round, experts changed the names of some assessment indicators, added nine assessment indicators regarding funds and systems, and deleted “legal compliance of emergency plan”. Meanwhile, “prototype equipment design ability” and “simple equipment production” were merged into “design and production”.
After two rounds of Delphi Method feedback, the competency assessment indicator database for full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams was formed. Then, the final seventy-seven assessment indicators were processed by stratification, and the second- and third-level assessment indicators of the competency assessment indicator system were determined. Then, according to the life-cycle approach, the first-level assessment indicators were established for the competency assessment of water conservancy full-time emergency rescue teams; these indicators were organizational readiness competency, organizational response competency, organizational execution competency and organizational recovery competency. The first- and second-level assessment indicators are shown in Figure 1; C i , C i j , and C i j l represent the first-, second- and third-level assessment indicators, respectively. Combined with the characteristics of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team and the requirements of emergency management construction, the competency assessment indicator system and spiral organizational competency model of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team were constructed, as shown in Table A4 (see the Appendix A) and Figure 2.
Then, according to the constructed assessment indicator system, using AHP we calculated the weights of the evaluation indicators for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team.

2.2. Analytic Hierarchy Process

AHP is a method for decomposing the factors related to decision-making into levels of objectives, criteria, schemes, etc., and analyzing them layer by layer on this basis [42,43]. In this part of the study, AHP was used to obtain the weights of assessment indicators for a competency assessment indicator system.
Determining the weights of expertise.
Due to differences in the ability and understanding of the experts, as well as their status and identity, the weighting of their expertise was set differently [44]. Various factors that can influence the weight of expertise, such as experts’ social network, educational background, time spent working, etc. [45,46,47,48]. Referring to Wang et al. [47], Han et al. [46], and Zhang et al. [45], five criteria were selected in this paper to determine the weighting of expertise; the five criteria were professional title, educational background, scientific research achievements, professional relevance and working time. In the future, it will be interesting to utilize other approaches to determine the weighting of expertise.
Let m represent expert m: A m , B m , C m , D m and E m represent the assessment values of the professional title, educational background, scientific research achievements, professional relevance and working time of expert m, respectively. G m represents the assessment value for the five criteria of expert m; α i ( i = 1 , 2 , , 5 ) represents the weight coefficients of different criteria; t represents the number of experts; H m represents the weighting of expert m.
Then, H m is given by the following:
G m = α 1 A m + α 2 B m + α 3 C m + α 4 D m + α 5 E m
H m = G m / m = 1 t G m
In this study, we assumed that α 1   = 0.1, α 2   = 0.1, α 3   = 0.5, α 4   = 0.2, and α 5   = 0.1. Then, we invited four emergency center experts and three professors of Hohai University. The information about the experts is shown in Table A5 (see the Appendix A). Based on the expert information regarding five criteria, we determined the weighting of the experts. According to the Equations (1) and (2), the weightings of the seven experts were 0.148, 0.136, 0.137, 0.142, 0.148, 0.146, 0.143 respectively.
Determining the weights of assessment indicators.
The judgment matrix is the matrix form of expert assessment [49]. To determine the weights of assessment indicators using AHP, the judgment matrix was constructed by comparing the importance of assessment indicators in pairs [50]. The relative importance of each assessment indicator was quantified using a certain digital scale [51].
In the judgment matrix, the most common method is to use 1–9 and the reciprocal for comparison [34]. The degree of importance increases with the increase in number. A score of “1” means that the vertical indicator is equally important compared with the horizontal indicator, and “9” means that the vertical indicator is significantly more important than the horizontal indicator [52]. If the horizontal indicator is considered more important than the vertical indicator, it is marked “1/9”- “1”. The specific rules are shown in Table A6 [51] (see the Appendix A), and the judgment matrix is shown in Table A7 (see the Appendix A). The consistency ratio (CR) is often used to test the consistency of the judgment matrix [34,53]. If C R < 0.1 , the consistency is acceptable [52].
In Table A7, n represents the order of the judgment matrix, F n represents assessment indicators, and a i j ( i = 1 , 2 , , n ; j = 1 , 2 , , n ) represents the digital scale given by experts for the relative importance of assessment indicators according to the assessment rules. C I represents consistency index, λ m a x represents the maximum eigenvalue of the judgment matrix, and R I represents random index [49]; C R can be obtained by:
C I = λ m a x / ( n 1 )
C R = C I / R I
Seven experts assessed the relative importance of the assessment indicators at all levels, according to the actual situation of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A and their own professional knowledge. Then, the judgment matrices were formed. In this study, Expert Choice 11.5 software was used to calculate the weights of the three levels of assessment indicators. After being calculated by Equations (3) and (4), the consistency test was passed. The results from one expert are shown in Table A8, Table A9 and Table A10 (see the Appendix A).
Let w i m , w i j m and w i j l m   ( i = 1 , 2 , , 4 ; j = 1 , 2 , , 6 ; l = 1 , 2 , , 7 ) represent the weights of first-, second- and third-level assessment indicators made by the expert m, respectively. w i c , w i j c and w i j l c represent the collective weights of first-, second- and third-level assessment indicators, respectively.
According to Equations (1) and (2), H m is given, then w i c , w i j c and w i j l c can be calculated by the following.
w i c = m = 1 t H m w i m
w i j c = m = 1 t H m w i j m
w i j l c = m = 1 t H m w i j l m
According to Equations (5)–(7), the weights of first-level assessment indicators were 0.43, 0.20, 0.22 and 0.15, and the other results are shown in Table A11 (see the Appendix A).
Then, based on the weights of assessment indicators, we constructed a competency assessment model for the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A.

3. Results

This study used fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to construct the competency assessment model for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A.

3.1. Background

In China, Province A is a low-lying area with poor runoff. The time distribution of precipitation is uneven, and droughts and floods occur one after another. The natural conditions highlight the special importance of water conservancy work in the economic and social development of Province A. The full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A was established in 1966, and currently there are about 90 rescue team members who can be mobilized. In accordance with the requirements of “militarization of action, specialization of technology and modernization of equipment”, the rescue team carries out practical training before the flood season every year. This rescue team plays an efficient, mobile and rapid emergency rescue role, and is the “main force” for flood-fighting and disaster rescue in Province A. Although the emergency rescue training in Province A has gradually been strengthened and the professional level of emergency rescue has gradually improved, there remain some problems. For example, in the preparation process, material reserves are insufficient; in the response process, the team is not efficient; in the execution process, command and coordination need to be enhanced. To solve these problems, it is necessary to study the competence of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A.

3.2. Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used for the overall evaluation of things or events that are restricted by multiple factors [54]. This method is objective, scientific, and can combine qualitative and quantitative indicators [55]. It has great advantages in dealing with problems that are fuzzy, uncertain, and difficult to quantify [56]. Thus, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was used to reach the comprehensive assessment result. Firstly, assessment indicators’ grades were judged; then, fuzzy membership matrices were constructed, and finally, comprehensive assessment results were obtained. The concrete steps were as follows:
Obtaining third-level assessment indicator assessment information.
We invited the participation of four emergency center experts and three professors of Hohai University. These experts used a five-grade linguistic term to assess the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A, provided as follows: Level I, Level II, Level III, Level IV and Level V, from low to high.
Based on materials and field investigation, experts considered the third-level assessment indicators of organizational competency of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A. The assessment information matrixes of the third-level assessment indicators given by the seven experts are shown in Table A12 (see the Appendix A).
Constructing the fuzzy membership matrix.
The percentage statistical method was applied to convert the grades assessed by experts into fuzzy membership degrees. The fuzzy membership matrix was constructed using the proportion of the number of experts rated as being at a certain level for each assessment indicator, as shown in Table A12.
Let u i c , u i j c , u i j l c , and u c represent fuzzy comprehensive evaluation sets of the first-, second-, third- and target levels of the assessment indicators.
Combining the weights of assessment indicators and the fuzzy membership matrix, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation sets of the second-, first- and target levels of assessment indicator were calculated by the following:
u i j c = w i j l c × ( u i j l c ) T
u i c = w i j c × ( u i j c ) T
u c = w i c × ( u i c ) T
According to Equations (8) and (9), the second-level and first-level assessment indicator information matrixes are shown in Table A13 and Table A14 (see the Appendix A). Based on the principle of maximum membership degree, the corresponding assessment grades of the largest numbers in [ u i j 1 u i j m u i j 5 ] , [ u i 1 u i m u i 5 ] and [ u 1 u m u 5 ] were the comprehensive assessment results of the second-level assessment indicator, first-level assessment indicator and target layer.
According to Table A14 and Equation (10), the assessment information matrix of the target layer was [ 0.00 0.05 0.20 0.45 0.30 ] . Therefore, the assessment grade of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A is level IV.
Obtaining comprehensive assessment results.
There are three sections of the comprehensive assessment results as follows: (1) Importance comparison of assessment indicators: The importance of each assessment indicator to the assessment object can be determined by comparing the weight, so that strategic actions can be taken or resources can be allocated. (2) Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation set analysis: Through the analysis of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation sets, the comprehensive assessment results for the competency of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team were obtained, reflecting the current state of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team. (3) Optimization measures: The reasons for the current state of the full-time emergency water conservancy rescue team were analyzed, and optimization measures were taken according to the assessment results and for internal reasons, and systematic suggestions for the modernization of emergency management were put forward.
According to the results of the membership degree, the competency of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A was comprehensively assessed, as shown in Figure 3.
The competency of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A was found to be level IV overall, meaning that they are well-qualified for professional emergency rescue tasks. The organizational recovery competency shown by the first-level assessment indicators was very strong, reaching level V, and the organizational readiness, response and execution competency were all level IV, ahead of the construction requirements for emergency management. For the information acquisition relating to organizational response competency and comprehensive guarantee of organizational execution competency, the assessment results were level II and level III, respectively, revealing obvious shortcomings.
In addition, the figure shows that the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team needs to further improve in the following aspects: training and development, technological innovation, financial security of organizational readiness competency, early warning preparation, parallel processing of organizational response competency, organizational motivation, command and coordination, comprehensive guarantee of organizational execution competency, etc.

4. Discussion

According to the competency assessment results for the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A, we obtained the following practical implications:
Investigation of the construction of thewater conservancy full-time emergency rescue team. The process of the construction of a water conservancy full-time emergency rescue team requires finding the overall competency of the current team, as well as viewing the overall competency level, structure and other characteristics from different angles and levels, and then identifying the prominent problems and key tasks in the construction of water conservancy full-time emergency rescue teams, and formulating an implementation plan accordingly.
Improving the organizational readiness competency ofthe full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team. In accordance with the requirements of “long-term preparation, key construction”, it is necessary to focus on strengthening the basic work of emergency management, and to take precautions. First of all, the reserve management of emergency materials and equipment should be strengthened, and an emergency material support system constructed. Secondly, regular or irregular emergency drills should be carried out, including desktop drills, practical exercises and other methods to test and revise plans, and to solidify knowledge into abilities that can be called on in practice at any time. Finally, in-depth work exchanges should be carried out to promote knowledge sharing, and efforts should be made to establish a specialized, responsive and skilled full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team that is capable of preventing and managing various disasters.
Enhancing the response competency of thefull-time water conservancy emergency rescue team. In accordance with the principle of “rapid response and overall planning”, a peacetime and wartime conversion mechanism should be established to continuously improve the early handling capacity of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team. According to the emergency plan, the full-time emergency rescue team of water conservancy implements joint disposal mechanisms such as investigation, express delivery, information submission and parallel disposal, to prevent flood and drought disasters from a range of incidents, from a “grey rhino incident” to a “black swan incident”.
Improving the execution competency of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team. In accordance with the principle of “full incentives, rewards and punishments”, it is necessary to implement a suitable national wage system, offer duty and overtime subsidies, make good use of spiritual incentives, and provide timely commendations at the end of rescue and disaster relief. Additionally, sound accountability mechanisms in the process of emergency rescue should be established, and incompetent behaviors penalized according to the regulations and facts. This is especially relevant for cooperation among departments, so as to reduce the weak links in water emergency operations. A post-supervision system to ensure accountability should be set up to avoid mere formality regarding accountability.
Summarizing the construction of thefull-time water conservancy emergency rescue team. Following regular assessment after disaster relief, the team’s competency assessment and corresponding work should be put into practice. Problems, vulnerabilities and weaknesses existing in emergency rescue work should be quickly uncovered after the assessment of the rescue team. A rectification plan should be formed “better later than never”, and a system of rectification work should be established so that the rectification can be fully implemented.

5. Conclusions

This study puts forward a new competency assessment indicator system for a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team using AHP. It also assesses a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The contributions of this paper are described as follows:
This study constructed a novel competency assessment indicator system for full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams, which can promote the standardization and refinement of emergency rescue work. The full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team is the backbone force especially responsible for flood and drought control, and plays an important role in dealing with flood and drought disasters. The existing competency assessment indicator system is mainly focused on sudden emergency events and safety accidents, and there has been a lack of research on full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams. In this paper, assessment indicators of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams have been further enriched and expanded.
This study determined competency assessment indicators of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams, based on a life-cycle approach, and can comprehensively and systematically reflect the rescue team both in whole and in part. The research constructed an assessment indicator system for emergency rescue based on relevant documents, emergency features and expert opinions, providing strong subjectivity and weak systematization. The life-cycle approach can provide a clear theoretical framework for the construction of an organizational competency model, starting from the four stages of crisis management. Therefore, competency assessment indicators of water conservancy emergency rescue teams were based on a life-cycle approach.
This paper used fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to assess the competency of a full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team, and has great advantages for dealing with the complex and unquantifiable competency assessment of the rescue team. Competency assessments of emergency rescue teams are based on precise numerical values existing research. However, the collected assessment information is often imprecise, and it is difficult for experts to assess the competency of emergency rescue teams using precise values. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation can combine qualitative and quantitative assessment indicators, and can deal well with complex and unquantifiable problems. Therefore, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was used to assess the competency of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team.
In the future, we can improve the method and conduct further research. Big data, artificial intelligence and other means can be used to determine the assessment indicators and determine the levels of assessment indicators, to improve the accuracy of competency assessments of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, C.F. and L.Z.; Data curation, W.W.; Funding acquisition, C.F.; Methodology, Y.C., Y.Z. and S.T.; Supervision, C.F., L.Z., W.W. and B.L.; Validation, B.L.; Visualization, L.Z.; Writing—original draft, Y.C.; Writing—review & editing, Y.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: B200207090 and B200207091.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available in Appendix A.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. Composition of experts.
Table A1. Composition of experts.
ClassificationsNumberPercentage (%)
Table A2. Results of the first round of questionnaires.
Table A2. Results of the first round of questionnaires.
No.IndicatorsIndicators’ FrequencyIndicators Modified by Experts
1234567MeanMedianStandard Deviation
1Preplan compiling 1131660.37
2Completeness of emergency plan 111215.8760.62
3Operation of emergency plan 114 5.9360.25
4Risk assessment ability 121115.860.65Delete
5Laws and regulations 1131660.37Legal compliance of emergency plan
6Team-building 131015.7360.68
7Job qualifications 411 5.7360.44
8Staff number 1131660.37
9Cooperation with other teams 1419 5.261.05Cooperation ability
10Material reserves 23 824.8761.38
11Number/Category/Specification 3111 5.5360.81Prototype equipment design ability
12Equipment maintenance 1416.0760.25
13Simple equipment production 1326.1360.34
14Equipment procurement 14 915.3361.14Equipment purchasing suggestion ability
15Training and development 4 1015.5360.96
16Physical fitness 1416.0760.25Individual ability training
17Technical knowledge 115715.460.95Delete
18Teamwork ability 14915.6760.70Team cooperation ability training (internal cooperation)
19Research learning 41825.5361.02
20Amount of research 11226.0760.44Research ability
21Time of research 2517 4.8751.15
22New knowledge/new methods 1311 5.6760.60Learning ability
23Crisis consciousness 35615.3350.87Learning consciousness (crisis)
24Information acquisition ability 12935.9360.77
25Information access 1212 5.7360.57Information channel construction (acquisition, transmission)
26Information transfer mode 213 5.8760.34
27Daily monitoring ability 1956.2760.57
28Special period search ability 4566.1360.81
29Task-switching ability 5735.8760.72
30Task-recognition ability 1956.2760.57
31Material equipment ability 3935.6760.71
32Team-building ability 1146.2760.44
33Goods loading time 1113 5.860.54Loading efficiency of materials
34Quick delivery ability 393660.63
35Quick configuration and startup ability 177 5.450.61Quick configuration and start-up ability (lifting equipment)
36Route-planning ability 1416.0760.25
37Time-control ability 31115.8760.50Delete
38Delivery-support ability (Traffic Control Department) 4110 5.4160.88Aid access ability (Traffic Control Department)
39Parallel disposal ability 11496.460.88
40Communication ability (on-site) 195 5.2750.57Route contingency ability, solution deducting ability, remote consulting ability
41Coordinating-routes ability 1104 5.250.54
42Technical guidance 924 5.0740.96
43Envision-solution ability 546 5.0750.85
44Professional technical ability 131015.7360.68
45Plan execution 3 12 5.660.80
46Man-machine cooperation 411 5.7360.44
47Equipment start-up time 6 9 5.260.98Ability to ensure proper operation of equipment
48Safe operation 1416.0760.25
49Field-warning ability 11226.0760.44
50Organizational motivation ability (leadership) 11136.1360.50
51Strain ability 1239 5.1360.96On-site emotional management (tension, calm), boost morale (team motivation)
52Vigilance ability 1266 5.1350.88
53Team motivation 528 5.260.91
54Personnel and material allocation ability 249 5.4760.72
55Command and coordination ability 312 5.860.40
56Professional advice 339 5.460.80Ability to make professional decisions and recommendations
57Decision-making ability 2175 550.97
58Organizing ability 1 311 5.660.80Organization and execution ability (coordination command)
59Comprehensive support ability 1365660.89
60Logistics ability 1776.460.61
61Emergency material preparation ability (electric power) 14915.6760.70On-site emergency response ability (supplies, electricity, shelter plans, communications plans)
62Emergency shelter 195 5.2750.57
63Emergency communication equipment 177 5.450.61
64Publicity ability 1596.5370.62
65Restoring-order ability 1146.2760.44
66Safe evacuation 1266 5.1350.88
67Functional recovery ability of equipment 1776.460.61
68Summarizing-learning ability 348 5.3360.79
69Post-emergency assessment ability 1866.3360.60
70Learning-improvement ability 13476.1360.96Feedback ability (department, leader), plan making and implementation ability (plan, training program)
71Summarizing learning procedures 3666.260.75
72Plan-revision ability 5825.860.65
Added indicatorsScientificity of emergency plan, emergency rescue experience, professional level (dress, technical knowledge), training ability building (training system construction, expert database, trainer training, social force training), rectification plan implementation (whether to integrate constructive suggestions into the subsequent improved emergency plan), on-site quick guidance ability, danger judgment and prediction ability
Table A3. Results of the second round of questionnaires.
Table A3. Results of the second round of questionnaires.
No.IndicatorsIndicators’ FrequencyIndicators Modified by Experts
1234567MeanMedianStandard Deviation
1Preplan compiling 1776.460.61Plan early warning
2Completeness of emergency plan 12126.7370.57Completeness
3Operability of emergency plan 22116.670.71Operability
4Scientificity of emergency plan 1146.9370.25Scientificity
5Legal compliance of emergency plan 516124.851.37Delete
6Team building 12126.7370.57Team building
7Job qualifications 13116.6770.60
8Staff number 2136.8770.34
9Emergency rescue experience 12126.7370.57
10Cooperation ability 11136.870.54
11Professional level 2136.8770.34
12Material reserves 1146.9370.25
13Equipment purchasing suggestion ability 111126.670.88Purchasing management, Specification scale
14Prototype equipment design ability 11676.2770.85Design and production
15Simple equipment production 1596.5370.62
16Equipment maintenance 2136.8770.34Maintenance, Patrol inspection
17Training and development 1146.9370.25
18Individual ability training 1596.5370.62Individual training
19Team cooperation ability training 1686.4770.62Team training
20Training ability building 12126.7370.57Development system
21Research learning 1596.5370.62Technological innovation
22Learning consciousness 3126.870.40Scientific research consciousness
23Research ability 12126.7370.57
24Learning ability 61445.461.25Innovation ability
25Rectification plan implementation 2136.8770.34Implementation of rectification
26Information acquisition ability 4116.7370.44Information acquisition
27Information channel construction 3126.870.40Channel construction
28Daily monitoring ability 14106.670.61Daily monitoring
29Special period search ability 696.670.49Special patrol
30Task-switching ability 786.5370.50Task conversion
31Task-recognition ability 4116.7370.44Task identification
32Material equipment ability 2136.8770.34Material allocation
33Team-building ability 5106.6770.47Team formation
34Loading efficiency of materials 3126.870.40Loading efficiency
35Quick delivery ability 4116.7370.44Fast delivery
36Route-planning ability 3126.870.40Route planning
37Quick configuration and start-up ability 5106.6770.47Quick configuration
38Aid access ability 4116.7370.44Aid acquisition
39Parallel disposal ability 5106.6770.47Parallel processing
40Route contingency ability 696.670.49Route strain
41Solution deducting ability 786.5370.50Scheme deduction
42Remote consulting ability 876.4760.50Remote consultation
43Professional technical ability 696.670.49Professional technology
44Plan execution 3126.870.40Plan implementation
45Man–machine cooperation ability 4116.7370.44Man–machine Coordination
46Safe operation 2136.8770.34Safe operation
47Field-warning ability 1146.9370.25On-site warning
48On-site quick guidance ability 2136.8770.34Quick coaching
49Ability to ensure proper operation of equipment 3126.870.40Operation guarantee
50Danger judgment and prediction ability 4116.7370.44Danger prediction
51Organizational motivation ability 696.670.49Organizational motivation
52On-site emotional management 5106.6770.47Emotion management
53Boost morale 4116.7370.44Team motivation
54Command and coordination ability 2136.8770.34Command and coordination
55Personnel and material allocation ability 3126.870.40Resource allocation
56Ability to make professional decisions and recommendations 1146.9370.25Decision-making advice
57Organization and execution ability 3126.870.40Organization and implementation
58Comprehensive support ability 1146.9370.25Comprehensive guarantee
59Logistics ability 4116.7370.44Logistic service
60On-site emergency response ability 3126.870.40On-site emergency
61Publicity ability 4116.7370.44
62Restoring-order ability 2136.8770.34Restore order
63Safe evacuation 1146.9370.25Safe evacuation
64Functional recovery ability of equipment 4116.7370.44Functional recovery
65Summarizing-learning ability 5196.2770.93Summary and improvement
66Post-emergency assessment ability 1686.4770.62Post assessment
67Feedback ability 696.670.49
68Plan making and implementation ability 2136.8770.34Improvement scheme
Added indicatorsReserve funds, training funds, early warning preparation, management responsibilities, management mechanism, grading system, financial security, daily funds, scientific research funds
Table A4. Competency assessment indicator system for the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team.
Table A4. Competency assessment indicator system for the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team.
First - Level   Indicator   C i Second - Level   Indicator   C i j Third - Level   Indicator   C i j l
Organization readiness competency C 1 Plan early warning C 11 Completeness C 111 , Operability C 112 , Scientificity C 113
Team building C 12 Job qualifications C 121 , Staff number C 122 , Emergency rescue experience C 123 , Cooperation ability C 124 , Professional level C 125
Financial security C 13 Daily funds C 131 , Reserve funds C 132 , Training funds C 133 , Scientific research funds C 134
Material reserves C 14 Specification scale C 141 , Purchasing management C 142 , Design and production C 143 , Maintenance C 144 ,Patrol inspection C 145
Training and development C 15 Individual training C 151 , Team training C 152 , Development system C 153
Technological innovation C 16 Scientific research consciousness C 161 , Innovation ability C 162 , Research ability C 163 , Implementation of rectification C 164
Organizational response competency C 2 Information acquisition C 21 Channel construction C 211 , Daily monitoring C 212 , Special patrol C 213
Early warning preparation C 22 Grading system C 221 , Management responsibilities C 222 , Management mechanism C 223
Task conversion C 23 Task identification C 231 , Team formation C 232 , Material allocation C 233 , Loading efficiency C 234
Fast delivery C 24 Route planning C 241 , Quick configuration C 242 , Aid acquisition C 243
Parallel processing C 25 Route strain C 251 , Scheme deduction C 252 , Remote consultation C 253
Organizational execution competency C 3 Professional technology C 31 Plan implementation C 311 , Quick coaching C 312 , Safe operation C 313 , Man-machine cooperation C 314 , On-site warning C 315 , Operation guarantee C 316 , Danger prediction C 317
Organizational motivation C 32 Emotion management C 321 , Team motivation C 322
Command and coordination C 33 Resource allocation C 331 , Decision-making advice C 332 , Organization and implementation C 333
Comprehensive guarantee C 34 Logistic service C 341 , On-site emergency C 342 , Publicity ability C 343
Organizational recovery competency C 4 Restore order C 41 Safe evacuation C 411 , Functional recovery C 412
Summary and improvement C 42 Post assessment C 421 , Feedback ability C 422 , Improvement scheme C 423
Table A5. The information of experts.
Table A5. The information of experts.
ExpertsProfessional TitleEducational BackgroundScientific
Research Achievements
Professional RelevanceWorking Time
Expert 110090907585
Expert 29075808080
Expert 38080808090
Expert 49080809090
Expert 58080909085
Expert 68090859090
Expert 77580859085
Table A6. Competency assessment indicators’ relative importance assessment rules.
Table A6. Competency assessment indicators’ relative importance assessment rules.
Digital ScaleDefinition
1The vertical indicator is as important as the horizontal indicator
3The vertical indicator is slightly more important than the horizontal indicator
5The vertical indicator is obviously more important than the horizontal indicator
7The vertical indicator is more important than the horizontal indicator
9The vertical indicator is extremely more important than the horizontal indicator
2, 4, 6, 8Intermediate case of the above adjacent judgment
1/9-1If the ratio of indicator A i to indicator A j is a i j , the ratio of indicator A j to indicator A i is 1 / a i j .
Table A7. Judgment matrix model.
Table A7. Judgment matrix model.
Indicators F 1 F 2 F 3 F n
F 1 1 a 12 a 13 a 1 n
F 2 a 21 1 a 23 a 2 n
F 3 a 31 a 32 1 a 3 n
F n a n 1 a n 2 a n 3 1
Table A8. Judgment matrices and weights of first-level assessment indicators.
Table A8. Judgment matrices and weights of first-level assessment indicators.
Indicators C i
First-Level IndicatorsCRWeights
C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4
Organizational   readiness   competency   C 1 11/21/21/30.010.43
Organizational   response   competency   C 2 21110.20
Organizational   execution   competency   C 3 21110.20
Organizational   recovery   competency   C 4 31110.17
Table A9. Judgment matrices and weights of second-level assessment indicators.
Table A9. Judgment matrices and weights of second-level assessment indicators.
Second - Level   Indicators   C i j Second-Level IndicatorsCRWeights
C i 1 C i 2 C i 3 C i 4 C i 5 C i 6
Plan   early   warning   C 11 131/3111/50.030.15
Team   building   C 12 1/311/71/51/51/90.49
Financial   sec urity   C 13 371331/30.06
Material   reserves   C 14 151/3111/50.13
Training   and   development   C 15 151/3111/50.13
Technological   innovation   C 16 5935510.04
Information   acquisition   C 21 15315 0.030.07
Early   warning   preparation   C 22 1/511/31/51 0.36
Task   conversion   C 23 1/3311/33 0.16
Fast   delivery   C 24 15313 0.07
Parallel   processing   C 25 1/511/31/31 0.34
Professional   technology   C 31 11/51/91/7 0.060.66
Organizational   motivation   C 32 511/51/3 0.20
Command   and   coordination   C 33 9513 0.05
Comprehensive   guarantee   C 34 731/31 0.09
Restore   order   C 41 17 0.000.13
Summary   and   improvement   C 42 1/71 0.87
Table A10. Judgment matrices and weights of third-level assessment indicators.
Table A10. Judgment matrices and weights of third-level assessment indicators.
Third - Level   Indicators   C i j l Third-Level IndicatorsCRWeights
C i j 1 C i j 2 C i j 3 C i j 4 C i j 5 C i j 6 C i j 7
Completeness   C 111 157 0.060.07
Operability C 112 1/513 0.28
Scientificalness C 113 1/71/31 0.65
Job qualifications C 121 11/331/53 0.080.14
Staff number C 122 3191/35 0.06
Emergency rescue experience C 123 1/31/911/91/5 0.54
Cooperation ability C 124 53917 0.03
Professional level C 125 1/31/551/71 0.23
Daily funds C 131 1611/3 0.070.14
Reserve funds C 132 1/611/71/6 0.67
Training funds C 133 1711/3 0.13
Scientific research funds C 134 3631 0.06
Specification scale C 141 11/41/331/3 0.090.24
Purchasing management C 142 411/353 0.08
Design and production C 143 33153 0.06
Maintenance C 144 1/31/51/511/5 0.48
Patrol inspection C 145 31/31/351 0.14
Individual training C 151 11/33 0.040.26
Team training C 152 315 0.11
Development system C 153 1/31/51 0.63
Scientific research consciousness C 161 11/31/51 0.010.41
Innovation ability C 162 3113 0.12
Research ability C 163 5113 0.11
Implementation of rectification C 164 11/31/31 0.36
Channel construction C 211 11/31 0.000.43
Daily monitoring C 212 313 0.14
Special patrol C 213 11/31 0.43
Grading system C 221 131 0.000.20
Management responsibilities C 222 1/311/3 0.60
Management mechanism C 223 131 0.20
Task identification C 231 11/311/5 0.020.39
Team formation C 232 3131/3 0.15
Material allocation C 233 11/311/5 0.39
Loading efficiency C 234 5351 0.07
Route planning C 241 131/3 0.040.26
Quick configuration C 242 1/311/5 0.64
Aid acquisition C 243 351 0.10
Route strain C 251 175 0.060.07
Scheme deduction C 252 1/711/3 0.65
Remote consultation C 253 1/531 0.28
Plan implementation C 311 11/5351/71/31/30.060.16
Quick coaching C 312 51571/3130.05
Safe operation C 313 1/31/5111/51/31/30.25
Man-machine Coordination C 314 1/51/7111/91/51/50.36
On-site warning C 315 73591350.03
Operation guarantee C 316 31351/3110.07
Danger prediction C 317 31/3351/5110.08
Emotion management C 321 11/3 0.000.75
Team motivation C 322 31 0.25
Resource allocation C 331 111/5 0.000.46
Decision-making advice C 332 111/5 0.46
Organization and Implementation C 333 551 0.08
Logistic service C 341 11/31/5 0.040.64
On-site emergency C 342 311/3 0.26
Publicity ability C 343 531 0.10
Safe evacuation C 411 11/5 0.000.83
Functional recovery C 412 51 0.17
Post assessment C 421 11/51/3 0.040.64
Feedback ability C 422 513 0.11
Improvement scheme C 423 31/31 0.25
Table A11. Weights of competency assessment indicators of the full-time emergency rescue team.
Table A11. Weights of competency assessment indicators of the full-time emergency rescue team.
Weights   of   Second - Level   Indicators   W i j Weights   of   Third - Level   Indicators   W i j l
W 1 j = [ 0.19 0.22 0.11 0.21 0.15 0.12 ] W 11 l = [ 0.34 0.23 0.43 ]
W 12 l = [ 0.19 0.16 0.30 0.12 0.23 ]
W 13 l = [ 0.31 0.22 0.20 0.27 ]
W 14 l = [ 0.22 0.12 0.24 0.23 0.19 ]
W 15 l = [ 0.33 0.21 0.46 ]
W 16 l = [ 0.39 0.17 0.18 0.26 ]
W 2 j = [ 0.09 0.36 0.19 0.14 0.22 ] W 21 l = [ 0.39 0.24 0.37 ]
W 22 l = [ 0.35 0.32 0.33 ]
W 23 l = [ 0.18 0.18 0.43 0.21 ]
W 24 l = [ 0.41 0.33 0.26 ]
W 25 l = [ 0.29 0.39 0.32 ]
W 3 j = [ 0.38 0.27 0.17 0.18 ] W 31 l = [ 0.19 0.14 0.20 0.12 0.09 0.14 0.12 ]
W 32 l = [ 0.65 0.35 ]
W 33 l = [ 0.47 0.25 0.28 ]
W 34 l = [ 0.33 0.32 0.35 ]
W 4 j = [ 0.39 0.61 ] W 41 l = [ 0.69 0.31 ]
W 42 l = [ 0.47 0.18 0.35 ]
Table A12. Assessment information matrixes of third-level indicators.
Table A12. Assessment information matrixes of third-level indicators.
Third - Level   Indicators   C i j l Assessment Information Membership DegreesAssessment Grades
Completeness C 111 000250.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 Level V
Operability C 112 000610.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.14 Level IV
Scientificalness C 113 001510.00 0.00 0.14 0.72 0.14 Level IV
Job qualifications C 121 024100.00 0.29 0.57 0.14 0.00 Level III
Staff number C 122 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Emergency rescue experience C 123 000340.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.57 Level V
Cooperation ability C 124 001510.00 0.00 0.14 0.72 0.14 Level IV
Professional level C 125 000250.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 Level V
Daily funds C 131 001150.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 Level V
Reserve funds C 132 001510.00 0.00 0.14 0.72 0.14 Level IV
Training funds C 133 002500.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 Level IV
Scientific research funds C 134 115000.14 0.14 0.72 0.00 0.00 Level III
Specification scale C 141 000160.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 Level V
Purchasing management C 142 000610.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.14 Level IV
Design and production C 143 002230.00 0.00 0.29 0.29 0.42 Level V
Maintenance C 144 000250.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 Level V
Patrol inspection C 145 001150.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 Level V
Individual training C 151 001510.00 0.00 0.14 0.72 0.14 Level IV
Team training C 152 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Development system C 153 002500.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 Level IV
Scientific research consciousness C 161 012400.00 0.14 0.29 0.57 0.00 Level IV
Innovation ability C 162 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Research ability C 163 002500.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 Level IV
Implementation of rectification C 164 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Channel construction C 211 024100.00 0.29 0.57 0.14 0.00 Level III
Daily monitoring C 212 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Special patrol C 213 151000.14 0.72 0.14 0.00 0.00 Level II
Grading system C 221 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Management responsibilities C 222 002500.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 Level IV
Management mechanism C 223 002140.00 0.00 0.29 0.14 0.57 Level V
Task identification C 231 001150.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 Level V
Team formation C 232 002140.00 0.00 0.29 0.14 0.57 Level V
Material allocation C 233 002230.00 0.00 0.29 0.29 0.42 level IV
Loading efficiency C 234 001150.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 Level V
Route planning C 241 001150.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 Level V
Quick configuration C 242 001060.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.86 Level V
Aid acquisition C 243 014200.00 0.14 0.57 0.29 0.00 Level III
Route strain C 251 011500.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 0.00 Level IV
Scheme deduction C 252 012400.00 0.14 0.29 0.57 0.00 Level IV
Remote consultation C 253 011500.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 0.00 Level IV
Plan implementation C 311 000250.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 Level V
Quick coaching C 312 012400.00 0.14 0.29 0.57 0.00 Level IV
Safe operation C 313 015100.00 0.14 0.72 0.14 0.00 Level III
Man-machine Coordination C 314 001150.00 0.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 Level V
On-site warning C 315 024100.00 0.29 0.57 0.14 0.00 Level III
Operation guarantee C 316 000520.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.29 Level IV
Danger prediction C 317 011500.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 0.00 Level IV
Emotion management C 321 012400.00 0.14 0.29 0.57 0.00 Level IV
Team motivation C 322 012310.00 0.14 0.29 0.43 0.14 Level IV
Resource allocation C 331 002500.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 Level IV
Decision-making advice C 332 000250.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 Level V
Organization and Implementation C 333 001600.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 Level IV
Logistic service C 341 002410.00 0.00 0.29 0.57 0.14 Level IV
On-site emergency C 342 002500.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 Level IV
Publicity ability C 343 016000.00 0.14 0.86 0.00 0.00 Level III
Safe evacuation C 411 000160.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 Level V
Functional recovery C 412 000160.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.86 Level V
Post assessment C 421 000250.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.71 Level V
Feedback ability C 422 025000.00 0.29 0.71 0.00 0.00 Level III
Improvement scheme C 423 011500.00 0.14 0.14 0.72 0.00 Level IV
Table A13. Assessment information matrixes of second-level indicators.
Table A13. Assessment information matrixes of second-level indicators.
Second - Level   Indicators   C i j Membership DegreesAssessment Grades
Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVLevel V
Plan early warning C 11 IV
Team building C 12 IV
Financial security C 13 IV
Material reserves C 14 V
Training and development C 15 IV
Technological innovation C 16 IV
Information acquisition C 21 0.050.380.310.260.00Level II
Early warning preparation C 22 IV
Task conversion C 23 V
Fast delivery C 24 V
Parallel processing C 25 IV
Professional technology C 31 IV
Organizational motivation C 32 IV
Command and coordination C 33 IV
Comprehensive guarantee C 34 III
Restore order C 41 V
Summary and improvement C 42 IV
Table A14. Assessment information matrixes of first-level indicators.
Table A14. Assessment information matrixes of first-level indicators.
First - Level   Indicators   C i Membership DegreesAssessment Grades
Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVLevel V
Organizational   readiness   competency   C 1 IV
Organizational response competency C 2 IV
Organizational execution competency C 3 IV
Organizational recovery competency C 4 V


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Figure 1. First-level and second-level assessment indicators of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams.
Figure 1. First-level and second-level assessment indicators of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams.
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Figure 2. Spiral organizational competency model of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams.
Figure 2. Spiral organizational competency model of full-time water conservancy emergency rescue teams.
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Figure 3. Spiral organizational competency model of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A.
Figure 3. Spiral organizational competency model of the full-time water conservancy emergency rescue team in Province A.
Mathematics 10 02111 g003
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MDPI and ACS Style

Fan, C.; Chen, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Zhang, L.; Wu, W.; Ling, B.; Tang, S. Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to Assess the Competency of Full-Time Water Conservancy Emergency Rescue Teams. Mathematics 2022, 10, 2111.

AMA Style

Fan C, Chen Y, Zhu Y, Zhang L, Wu W, Ling B, Tang S. Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to Assess the Competency of Full-Time Water Conservancy Emergency Rescue Teams. Mathematics. 2022; 10(12):2111.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fan, Chuanhao, Yan Chen, Yan Zhu, Long Zhang, Wenjuan Wu, Bin Ling, and Sijie Tang. 2022. "Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation to Assess the Competency of Full-Time Water Conservancy Emergency Rescue Teams" Mathematics 10, no. 12: 2111.

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