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On σ-Residuals of Subgroups of Finite Soluble Groups

A. A. Heliel
A. Ballester-Bolinches
Mohammed Al-Shomrani
1 and
R. A. Al-Obidy
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat de València, Dr. Moliner, 50, Burjassot, 46100 Valencia, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2023, 11(10), 2343;
Submission received: 15 April 2023 / Revised: 3 May 2023 / Accepted: 16 May 2023 / Published: 17 May 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Algebra, Geometry and Topology)


Let σ = { σ i : i I } be a partition of the set of all prime numbers. A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be σ -subnormal in G if H can be joined to G by a chain of subgroups H = H 0 H 1 H n = G where, for every j = 1 , , n , H j 1 is normal in H j or H j / C o r e H j ( H j 1 ) is a σ i -group for some i I . Let B be a subgroup of a soluble group G normalising the N σ -residual of every non- σ -subnormal subgroup of G, where N σ is the saturated formation of all σ -nilpotent groups. We show that B normalises the N σ -residual of every subgroup of G if G does not have a section that is σ -residually critical.
20D10; 20D35

1. Introduction

All groups considered in this paper are finite.
Recall that a class of groups F is called a formation if F is closed when taking epimorphic images and every group G has the smallest normal subgroup with quotient in F . This subgroup is called the F -residual of G and it is denoted by G F . It is known that G F is epimorphism-invariant (see ([1], Proposition 2.2.8)). A formation F is saturated if a group G belongs to F provided that the Frattini quotient G / Φ ( G ) is an F -group.
Gong and Isaacs ([2], Theorem A) showed that if a subgroup A of a group G normalises the nilpotent (respectively, soluble) residual of each non-subnormal subgroup of G, then A normalises the nilpotent (respectively, soluble) residual of every subgroup of G.
It was shown by Ballester-Bolinches et al. [3] that Gong and Isaacs’ results can be obtained owing to a general completeness property of all subgroup-closed saturated formations containing the class of all nilpotent groups.
Theorem 1.
Let F be a subgroup-closed saturated formation containing the class N of all nilpotent groups. Assume that A is a subgroup of a group G normalising the F -residual H F of every non-subnormal subgroup H of G. Then, A normalises H F for all subgroups H of G.
A powerful extension of subnormality within the framework of formation theory is the K- F -subnormality introduced by Kegel.
Definition 1.
Let F be a formation. A subgroup H of a group G is called K- F -subnormal in G if H can be joined to G by a chain of subgroups
H = H 0 H 1 H n = G ,
with H i 1 normal in H i or H i / Core H i ( H i 1 ) F for every 1 i n .
The K- F -subnormal subgroups associated with subgroup-closed saturated formations have been extensively investigated (see ([1], Chapter 6)). Note that if F = N , the K- N -subnormal subgroups of a group G are the subnormal subgroups of G.
Bearing in mind the crucial role of the K- F -subnormality associated with subgroup-closed saturated formations in the structural study of groups, we are led naturally to inquire about a possible extension of Theorem 1 to K- F -subnormal subgroups.
Unfortunately, the solution to this problem seems to be intractable. However, we can show a significant extension of Theorem 1 for the subgroup-closed saturated formation N σ of all σ -nilpotent groups, where σ = { σ i : i I } is a partition of the set of all prime numbers, which was studied by Skiba in his seminal paper [4].
Recall that a group G is said to be σ -primary if the primes dividing | G | belong to the same member of the partition σ .
Definition 2.
A group G is called σ-nilpotent if it is a direct product of σ-primary groups.
If σ = { { 2 } , { 3 } , { 5 } , } , then the class of σ -nilpotent groups is simply the class of nilpotent groups.
It is known that the class N σ of all σ -nilpotent groups is a subgroup-closed saturated Fitting formation ([4], Corollary 2.4 and Lemma 2.5). Therefore, every group has N σ -projectors ([5], Theorem A.3.10), which are called σ -projectors here.
The N σ -residual of a group G is called the σ -residual of G and it will be denoted by G * . If S is a σ -subnormal subgroup of a soluble group G, then S * is subnormal in G by ([1], Lemma 6.1.9).
The K- N σ -subnormal subgroups of every soluble group G are merely the σ -subnormal subgroups of G introduced by Skiba in [4].
Definition 3.
A subgroup H of a group G is called σ-subnormal in G if H can be joined to G by a chain of subgroups
H = H 0 H 1 H n = G ,
where, for every i = 1 , , n , H i 1 is normal in H i or H i / Core H i ( H i 1 ) is σ-primary.
It is clear that a subgroup H of a soluble group G is σ -subnormal in G if and only if there exists H = H 0 H 1 H n = G , a chain of subgroups of G such that H i 1 is a maximal subgroup of H i and H i / Core S i ( H i 1 ) is σ -primary for every i = 1 , , n .
If we replace “subnormal subgroup” with “ σ -subnormal subgroup” in Theorem 1, the analogous result can fail even in the soluble universe. In fact, there exist exceptions to the generalisation of Theorem 1 to σ -subnormal subgroups.
Definition 4.
Let σ = { σ i : i I } be a partition of the set of all prime numbers. A group S is said to be σ-residually critical, if there exist p , q , r distinct primes with p σ i , { q , r } σ j for some σ i , σ j σ , i j such that S = N R Q , where N and N R are normal in S and
N Syl p ( S ) , R Syl r ( S ) and Q Syl q ( S ) ;
R is cyclic of order r and Q is cyclic of order q and q divides r 1 ;
N is an irreducible and faithful R Q -module over the field of p-elements;
N, regarded as a Q-module, is a direct sum of irreducibles and a trivial Q-module.
Example 1.
Let Q be a cyclic group of order 2. Let p , r be odd primes such that r divides p 1 . Then, Q has a faithful one-dimensional module R over the field of r-elements by ([5], Theorem B. 9.8). Let B = [ R ] Q be the corresponding semidirect product. Then, B is a primitive group and Q is a core-free maximal subgroup of B. By ([5], Corollary B.11.7), B has a faithful and irreducible module N over the field of p-elements such that N, regarded as a Q-module, has a quotient isomorphic to the trivial Q-module. Since N is a completely irreducible Q-module, N has a trivial Q-submodule as a direct summand. Furthermore, N, as an R-module, is a direct sum of one-dimensional irreducibles by ([5], Theorem B. 9.8). Since 2 divides p 1 , we can apply ([6], Lemma 2) to conclude that dim N = 2 . Let S = [ N ] B be the corresponding semidirect product. Then, S is a σ-residually critical group.
To avoid sections that are σ -residually critical is necessary to obtain a σ -subnormal extension of Theorem 1 for the saturated formation of all σ -nilpotent groups.
Lemma 1.
If S is σ-residually critical, then N R normalises the σ-residual of every non-σ-subnormal subgroup of S, but N R does not normalise the σ-residual of the σ-subnormal subgroup N Q .
Assume that S = N R Q is a σ -residually critical group. Then, S is a primitive group, C S ( N ) = N is the unique minimal normal subgroup of S, S * = N and N Q is a σ -subnormal maximal subgroup of S.
Note that N Q = ( N 1 × N 2 ) Q , where N 1 N is a faithful irreducible Q-module and N 2 Z ( N Q ) . Therefore, ( N Q ) * = N 1 and N 1 cannot be normalised by R since otherwise N 1 would be normal in S.
Let U be a non- σ -subnormal subgroup of S. Then, U is contained in a maximal subgroup of G. We may assume that U is contained in either R Q or N Q or N R . If U R Q , then U * = 1 . Suppose that U is contained in N Q . Then, either U * = 1 or U * = N 1 . Assume that U * = N 1 . Then, U is σ -subnormal in N Q , which is σ -subnormal in G, and this is not possible. Hence, U * = 1 . In both cases, N R normalises U * = 1 .
Assume that U N R . Since U is not σ -subnormal in S and N R is normal in S, it follows that U is not σ -subnormal in N R . In particular, R is contained in U and U = N 0 R for some normal subgroup N 0 of U contained in N. Then, U * N 0 and so U * is normalised by N R . □
We prove the following.
Theorem 2.
Let σ = { σ i : i I } be a partition of the set of all prime numbers. Assume that a subgroup A of a soluble group G normalises the σ-residual of every non-σ-subnormal subgroup of G. If G has no σ-residually critical sections, then A normalises the σ-residual of every subgroup of G.
The notation and terminology agree with the books [1,5].

2. Preparatory Lemmas

Our first lemma collects some basic properties of σ -subnormal subgroups.
Lemma 2
([4]). Let H, K and N be subgroups of a group G. Suppose that H is σ-subnormal in G and N is normal in G. Then,
H K is σ-subnormal in K.
If K is a σ-subnormal subgroup of H, then K is σ-subnormal in G.
If K is σ-subnormal in G, then H K is σ-subnormal in G.
H N / N is σ-subnormal in G / N .
If N K and K / N is σ-subnormal in G / N , then K is σ-subnormal in G.
If K H and H is σ-nilpotent, then K is σ-subnormal in G.
If H is a σ i -group, where σ i σ , then H O σ i ( G ) .
If | G : H | is a σ i -number, then O σ i ( H ) = O σ i ( G ) .
If N is a σ i -subgroup of G, then N N G ( O σ i ( H ) ) .
Lemma 3
([1], Theorem 6.5.46). If G = A , B is a soluble group generated by σ-subnormal subgroups A and B, then G * = A * , B * .

3. Proof of Theorem 2

Proof of Theorem 2.
Assume, arguing by contradiction, that the theorem is false. Then, there exists a group G with a subgroup A normalising the σ -residual of every non- σ -subnormal subgroup of G and a σ -subnormal subgroup S such that A does not normalise S * . We choose ( G , A , S ) such that | G | + | G : A | + | S | is minimal. Then, S is a proper subgroup of G. Let B be the intersection of the normalisers of the σ -residuals of all non- σ -subnormal subgroups of G. Then, B is a normal subgroup of G containing A. The choice of ( G , A , S ) yields A = B . We reach a contradiction after the following steps.
( 1 )   G = S B .
Assume that S B is a proper subgroup of G. Then, ( S B , B , S ) satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem by Lemma 2. Minimality of ( G , B , S ) yields that B normalises S * , and this is not the case.
( 2 ) Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G. Then, S * G = S * N is the normal closure of S * in G. In particular, Core G ( S * ) = 1 and S * is σ-nilpotent.
By Lemma 2, ( G / N , B N / N , S N / N ) satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem. Consequently, B N / N normalises ( S N / N ) * = S * N / N by the minimal choice of ( G , B , S ) . In particular, B normalises S * N and so S * N is a normal subgroup of G. This yields 1 D = S * G S * N .
Assume that Core G ( S * ) 1 . Then, we can assume that N Core G ( S * ) and S * is normal in G, a contradiction. Therefore, Core G ( S * ) = 1 .
Assume that N is not contained in D. Then, D N = 1 and so D = S * ( D N ) = S * is normal in G, and this is not the case. Thus, N is contained in D and D = S * N .
Note that S * is subnormal in G. Then, the σ -residual T of S * is subnormal in G. In particular, T is σ -subnormal in G. Since S * is soluble, we have that T is a proper subgroup of S * . The choice of ( G , B , S ) implies that T is normalised by B and so T is normal in G. Hence, T Core G ( S * ) = 1 , and S * is σ -nilpotent.
( 3 )   S * is a σ i -group for some σ i σ , and every minimal normal subgroup of N is contained in O σ i ( G ) .
Assume that O σ i ( G ) 1 and O σ j ( G ) 1 for some i j I . Let N be a minimal normal subgroup of G contained in O σ i ( G ) 1 and let W be a minimal normal subgroup of G contained in O σ j ( G ) 1 . By statement (2), S * G = S * N = S * W . Hence, S * G = S * by order considerations. This contradicts our assumption. Furthermore, every minimal normal subgroup of G is abelian. Consequently, O σ i ( G ) 1 for some σ i σ and O σ i ( G ) = 1 . In particular, every minimal normal subgroup of N is contained in O σ i ( G ) .
Note that S * is a direct product of Hall σ j -subgroups by statement (2), which are subnormal in G. Since O σ i ( G ) = 1 , we conclude that S * is a σ i -group.
( 4 ) S is non-nilpotent and every proper subgroup of S is nilpotent. V = S * is a minimal normal subgroup of S, which is an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p σ i , and it is complemented by a cyclic group Q of prime order q σ j for some j i .
Let T be a proper subgroup of S. If T is not σ -subnormal in G, then B normalises T * , and if T is σ -subnormal in S, then T is σ -subnormal in G by Lemma 2 and so B normalises T * by the minimal choice of S. In any case, T * is normalised by B and so T * G = T * S is a normal subgroup of G contained in S * . Hence, T * G Core G ( S * ) = 1 and T is σ -nilpotent. Consequently, S is an N σ -critical group. By [1], Corollary 6.4.5, S is an N -critical group, i.e., S is non-nilpotent and every proper subgroup of S is nilpotent.
By [7], π ( S ) = { p , q } , S = [ V ] a , where V is a normal Sylow p-subgroup of S, and Q = a is a non-normal Sylow q-subgroup of S. Moreover, V / Φ ( V ) is a non-central chief factor of S. Note that V = S * and so p σ i by statement (3). Assume that Φ ( V ) 1 . Since Φ ( V ) Φ ( S * G ) , there exists a minimal normal subgroup N of G contained in Φ ( S * G ) . By statement (2), S * G = S * N = S * . Since this is not the case, we conclude that V = S * is a minimal normal subgroup of S. Because Φ ( Q ) is a normal subgroup of S, it follows that Φ ( Q ) is σ -subnormal in G by Lemma 2, and since S is not σ -nilpotent, we conclude that q σ j for some j i . Then, Φ ( Q ) O σ i ( G ) = 1 . Thus, | Q | = q , as claimed.
( 5 )   Y = N G ( S * ) is the unique maximal subgroup of G containing S. Y is σ-subnormal in G and Soc ( G ) is contained in Y. Furthermore, if S H Y , then S * is a minimal normal subgroup of H.
Let M be a maximal subgroup of G containing S. Then, M = S ( M B ) and ( M , M B , S ) satisfies the hypotheses of the theorem by Lemma 2. The choice of ( G , B , S ) guarantees that M B normalises S * . Thus, M normalises S * and so M = N G ( S * ) . Consequently, Y = N G ( S * ) is the unique maximal subgroup of G containing S. Note that S is contained in a σ -subnormal maximal subgroup of G because S is σ -subnormal in G. Therefore, Y is σ -subnormal in G. Since S * is subnormal in G, it follows that Soc ( G ) is contained in Y by ([5], Lemma A.14.3). Assume that L is a non-trivial normal subgroup of H contained in S * . Since S * is a minimal normal subgroup of S, we have that L = S * .
( 6 )   Y * = S * . In particular, Y is not normal in G and G * = S * N for each minimal normal subgroup N of G.
Since S is σ -subnormal in Y, there exists S = S 0 S 1 S n = Y , a chain of subgroups of Y such that S i 1 is a maximal subgroup of S i and S i / Core S i ( S i 1 ) is σ -primary for every i = 1 , , n . We seek to show that Y * = S * by induction on n. Assume that n = 1 . Then, S is a maximal subgroup of Y and Y / Core Y ( S ) is σ -nilpotent. In particular, S * Y * Core Y ( S ) S . Since S * is maximal in S, it follows that either S * = Y * or Y * = Core Y ( S ) = S . Assume that Y * = S . Then, S is a normal subgroup of Y. By the Frattini Argument, Y = S N Y ( Q ) = S * N Y ( Q ) . Note that L = N Y ( Q ) is a non- σ -subnormal subgroup of G. Therefore, B normalises L * and so L * G = L * S S . If L were σ -nilpotent, then Y * would be contained in S * , and this is a contradiction. Hence, L * G is a non-trivial normal subgroup of G contained in S and thus either S * = L * G or S = L * G is normal in G. Since this is not case, we deduce that S * = Y * . Assume that W = S n 1 and S * = W * . We argue next that S * = Y * . Suppose that W is not normal in Y. Then, Y = W , W x for some x Y since W is maximal in Y. Applying Lemma 3, we conclude that Y * = S * , ( S * ) x = S * because S * is a normal subgroup of Y. Assume that W is a normal subgroup of Y. Let F be a σ -projector of W. Then, W = S * F and S * F = 1 by ([5], Theorem IV.5.18). Therefore, F is a maximal subgroup of W since S * is a minimal normal subgroup of W by statement (5). Since the σ -projectors of W are conjugate by ([1], Theorem 4.2.1), we have that Y = W N Y ( F ) = S * N Y ( F ) . Set F = E × C , where E is the Hall σ i -subgroup of F and C is the Hall σ i -subgroup of F. Observe that N W ( F ) = F and C 1 because W is not σ -nilpotent. Since N Y ( F ) is a proper subgroup of Y and S * is a minimal normal subgroup of Y by statement (5), it follows that N Y ( F ) is a maximal subgroup of Y. Since N Y ( F ) N Y ( C ) , we have that either N Y ( F ) = N Y ( C ) or N Y ( C ) = Y . In the latter case, C would be σ -subnormal in G and so C O σ i ( G ) = 1 by Lemma 2, and this would be a contradiction. Thus, N Y ( F ) = N Y ( C ) and there exists a prime q and a q-element x N Y ( F ) \ W . Then, Y = W x = W ( S * x ) and x normalises S * C . Suppose that S * x were σ -subnormal in G. Then, S * x would be σ -subnormal in Y by Lemma 2 and so Y * = W * ( S * x ) * by Lemma 3. Since ( S * x ) * is contained in S * , we conclude that Y * = S * . Hence, we may assume that S * x is not σ -subnormal in G. By hypothesis, B normalises ( S * x ) * and so ( S * x ) * G = ( S * x ) * S S * S = S * . Consequently, ( S * x ) * G = 1 by statement (2). In particular, S * x is σ -nilpotent. Observe that C x is σ -nilpotent. Moreover, Y = ( S * E ) ( C x ) and S * E is normal in Y. Since Y / S * E is σ -nilpotent, it follows that Y * is contained in S * E . In particular, Y * is a σ i -group.
Write J = S * C x . Then, Y = W J , and J * S * . Assume that J is σ -subnormal in Y. Then, Y * = W * J * = S * by Lemma 3. Assume that J is not σ -subnormal in Y. Then, J cannot be σ -subnormal in G by Lemma 2, and so B normalises J * . Arguing as above, we conclude that J * = 1 and J is σ -nilpotent. In particular, S * N Y ( C ) = N Y ( F ) , and this is a contradiction because Y N Y ( F ) . We conclude that Y * = S * , as claimed.
Since S * is not normal in G, it follows that Y cannot be normal in G and so there exists z G such that G = Y , Y z . By Lemma 3 and statement (2), G * = Y * , ( Y * ) z = S * , ( S * ) z = S * G = S * N for each minimal normal subgroup N of G.
( 7 ) G is a σ-residually critical group, the final contradiction.
Let G i be a Hall σ i -subgroup of G. Then, G * G i and so G i is a normal subgroup of G. By Lemma 2, G i normalises O σ i ( S ) = S . Hence, G i is contained in Y. Since G is soluble, there exists a prime r and a Sylow r-subgroup R of G such that G = Y R . Then, r σ k for some k i . Suppose that r = q . We may assume that Q R and so R = Q ( B R ) . If G * R were a proper subgroup of G, then B R would normalise S * by the choice of ( G , B , S ) (note that S G * R ). Then, R would be contained in Y, and this would be a contradiction. Therefore, G = G * R , Y is a normal subgroup of G and S * is also normal in G, and this is a contradiction. Consequently, r q and thus R is contained in B by statement (1). Let Q 1 be a Sylow q-subgroup of G contained in Y and containing Q. We may assume that Q 1 R is a subgroup of G. Suppose that G * ( Q 1 R ) is a proper subgroup of G. Then, S is contained in G * ( Q 1 R ) . The choice of ( G , B , S ) guarantees that R normalises S * . In particular, R is contained in Y, a contradiction. Therefore, G = G * ( Q 1 R ) .
Assume that k j . Then, G * Q 1 is normal in G and so Y / G * Q 1 is normal in G / G * Q 1 . This means that Y is normal in G and so is S * , a contradiction. Consequently, { q , r } σ j . Let L be a maximal subgroup of Q 1 R containing Q 1 . Then, G * L is a maximal subgroup of G normalising S * by the choice of ( G , B , S ) . Hence, Y = G * L . Suppose that S * J = 1 for all minimal normal subgroups J of G. By statements (2) and (4), Soc ( G ) S * N for some minimal normal subgroup N of G. Then, N is N σ -central in Y and so it is contained in every σ -projector Y 0 of Y by ([1], Theorem 4.1.18 and Proposition 4.1.22). Since S * Y 0 = 1 , we have that Soc ( G ) = N S * Y 0 = N ( S * Y 0 ) = N . Thus, G has a unique minimal normal subgroup N. Observe that G * is a completely reducible Q 1 R -module over the field of p-elements by Maschke’s theorem ([5], Theorem A.11.5). Hence, G * is a direct product of distinct minimal normal subgroups of G, and this is a contradiction. Thus, S * N 1 , S * N and N = G * by statement (6). Therefore, N is the unique minimal normal subgroup of G and it is complemented in G by every σ -projector of G by ([5], Theorem IV.5.18). Hence, G is a primitive group and N = C G ( N ) , and R Q 1 is a core-free maximal subgroup of G.
We have that Core G ( Y ) contains N, and since Core G ( Y ) * is a normal subgroup of G contained in S * , it follows that Core G ( Y ) * = 1 and Core G ( Y ) is σ -nilpotent. Hence, N = Core G ( Y ) . Then, G / N = ( R N / N ) ( Y / N ) is a primitive group and so R N / N = Soc ( G / N ) is an elementary abelian r-group and R Y = 1 . In particular, L = Q 1 is a maximal subgroup of Q 1 R and R is an elementary abelian r-subgroup of G. However, R N is normal in G. Hence, R = R N R Q 1 is normal in R Q 1 . Note that N is an irreducible and faithful R Q 1 -module over the field of p-elements. Then, by ([5], Theorem A.11.5), either N is an irreducible R-module or N is a direct product of irreducible R-modules that are faithful for R. In any case, R is cyclic by ([5], Corollary B.9.4). Thus, | R | = r .
Since S * is a minimal normal subgroup of Y and N is a completely reducible Y-module, it follows that N = S * × X for some normal subgroup X of Y. Now, Y * = S * by statement (6). Hence, X is contained in the N σ -hypercentre of Y and so it is contained in every σ -projector Y 0 of Y by ([1], Theorem 4.1.18 and Proposition 4.1.22). In particular, X is centralised by Q 1 and so X Z ( Y ) . Then, C Y ( S * ) = C Y ( N ) = N . Let A be a maximal subgroup of Q 1 and assume that A 1 . Then, N ( R A ) is a proper subgroup of G containing S. The choice of ( G , B , S ) guarantees that R N ( R A ) B normalises S * . Hence, R is contained in Y, and since this is not the case, we conclude that A = 1 and Q = Q 1 is a cyclic group of order q. Note that N = S * × X and X Z ( Y ) . Hence, X is a trivial Q-module. Assume that R Q = R × Q . Then, U N = U * for all subgroups U of G. This contradicts ([2], Theorem A). Hence, C R Q ( R ) = R and q divides r 1 . Consequently, G is a σ -residually critical group, and this is the final contradiction. □

Author Contributions

Conceptualisation, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; methodology, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; software, M.A.-S. and R.A.A.-O.; validation, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; formal analysis, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; investigation, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; resources, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; data curation, A.A.H., A.B.-B., M.A.-S. and R.A.A.-O.; writing—original draft preparation, A.B.-B.; writing—review and editing, A.A.H. and M.A.-S.; visualisation, A.A.H., A.B.-B. and M.A.-S.; supervision, A.B.-B.; project administration, A.A.H.; funding acquisition, M.A.-S. and R.A.A.-O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, has funded this project, under grant no. (KEP-PhD: 20-130-1443).

Data Availability Statement

Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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MDPI and ACS Style

Heliel, A.A.; Ballester-Bolinches, A.; Al-Shomrani, M.; Al-Obidy, R.A. On σ-Residuals of Subgroups of Finite Soluble Groups. Mathematics 2023, 11, 2343.

AMA Style

Heliel AA, Ballester-Bolinches A, Al-Shomrani M, Al-Obidy RA. On σ-Residuals of Subgroups of Finite Soluble Groups. Mathematics. 2023; 11(10):2343.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Heliel, A. A., A. Ballester-Bolinches, Mohammed Al-Shomrani, and R. A. Al-Obidy. 2023. "On σ-Residuals of Subgroups of Finite Soluble Groups" Mathematics 11, no. 10: 2343.

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