A Review of q-Difference Equations for Al-Salam–Carlitz Polynomials and Applications to U(n + 1) Type Generating Functions and Ramanujan’s Integrals
:1. Introduction
- (I.1)
- If the function satisfies the q-difference equationthen the function has the following form:
- (I.2)
- If the function satisfies the q-differencethen the function has the following form:
- (A)
- The function f can be expanded in terms of if and only if f satisfies the functional equation
- (B)
- The function f can be expanded in terms of if and only if f satisfies the functional equation
2. Proof of Main Results
3. Some Identities of -Exponential Operators Involving the New -Polynomials
4. Generating Functions for q-Polynomials
5. Bilinear Generating Functions for and
6. A Transformational Identity from q-Difference Equations
7. -Type Generating Functions for Generalized Al-Salam–Carlitz Polynomials
8. A Generalization of Ramanujan’s Integrals
9. Two Extensions of the Andrews–Askey Integral
10. Concluding Remarks
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cao, J.; Huang, J.-Y.; Fadel, M.; Arjika, S. A Review of q-Difference Equations for Al-Salam–Carlitz Polynomials and Applications to U(n + 1) Type Generating Functions and Ramanujan’s Integrals. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1655. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11071655
Cao J, Huang J-Y, Fadel M, Arjika S. A Review of q-Difference Equations for Al-Salam–Carlitz Polynomials and Applications to U(n + 1) Type Generating Functions and Ramanujan’s Integrals. Mathematics. 2023; 11(7):1655. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11071655
Chicago/Turabian StyleCao, Jian, Jin-Yan Huang, Mohammed Fadel, and Sama Arjika. 2023. "A Review of q-Difference Equations for Al-Salam–Carlitz Polynomials and Applications to U(n + 1) Type Generating Functions and Ramanujan’s Integrals" Mathematics 11, no. 7: 1655. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11071655
APA StyleCao, J., Huang, J.-Y., Fadel, M., & Arjika, S. (2023). A Review of q-Difference Equations for Al-Salam–Carlitz Polynomials and Applications to U(n + 1) Type Generating Functions and Ramanujan’s Integrals. Mathematics, 11(7), 1655. https://doi.org/10.3390/math11071655