Digital Twin Simulation Tools, Spatial Cognition Algorithms, and Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks
:1. Introduction
- Research Problem 1: Does data-driven smart sustainable urbanism require visual recognition tools, monitoring and sensing technologies, and simulation-based digital twins?
- Research Problem 2: Do deep-learning-based sensing technologies, spatial cognition algorithms, and environment perception mechanisms configure digital twin cities?
- Research Problem 3: Do digital twin simulation modeling, deep-learning-based sensing technologies, and urban data fusion optimize Internet-of-Things-based smart city environments?
2. Methodology
3. Digital Twin Simulation Tools in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks
4. Spatial Cognition Algorithms in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks
5. Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
8. Specific Contributions to the Literature
9. Limitations and Further Directions of Research
10. Practical Implications
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Topic | Identified | Selected |
Sustainable urban governance networks + digital twin simulation tools | 119 | 19 |
Sustainable urban governance networks + spatial cognition algorithms | 114 | 17 |
Sustainable urban governance networks + multi-sensor fusion technology | 108 | 16 |
Type of paper | ||
Original research | 303 | 40 |
Review | 23 | 12 |
Conference proceedings | 12 | 0 |
Book | 1 | 0 |
Editorial | 2 | 0 |
Data-driven smart sustainable urbanism requires visual recognition tools, monitoring and sensing technologies, and simulation-based digital twins. | [1,2,3] |
Simulated 3D environments and immersive multisensory virtual spaces in smart sustainable city governance necessitate digital twin simulation technologies, geospatial mapping tools, and urban Internet of Things systems. | [4,5,6] |
Data fusion technologies, smart connected devices, and sustainable urban monitoring systems optimize digital twin cities. | [7,8,9] |
Big geospatial data analytics harnesses 3D virtual simulation technology, sustainable urban computing systems, and digital twin networks. | [10,11,12] |
Smart networked environments in big-data-driven urban geopolitics require digital twin simulation modeling, spatial computing technology, and Internet of Things sensors and actuators. | [13,14,15] |
Smart sustainable city governance necessitates virtual simulation tools, sensor data fusion, and geospatial mapping technologies. | [16,17,18] |
Multi-sensor data fusion algorithms, spatial computing technology, and virtual simulation tools are pivotal in simulated 3D environments across sustainable urban governance networks. | [19,20,21,22] |
Networked sustainable urban technologies, Internet of Things sensing infrastructures, and deep-learning-based computer vision algorithms are instrumental in immersive hyperconnected virtual spaces in smart city governance. | [23,24,25] |
Spatiotemporal fusion algorithms, cyber-physical cognitive systems, and virtual twin modeling tools configure sustainable urban governance networks. | [26,27,28] |
Immersive 3D environments in urban digital twins necessitate spatial data visualization tools, virtual modeling technology, and blockchain-enabled Internet of Things networks. | [29,30,31] |
Immersive interactive environments in data-driven smart sustainable cities require virtual twinning techniques, deep-learning-based sensing and image recognition technologies, and data modeling and simulation tools. | [32,33,34] |
Digital twin simulation technologies, cognitive data mining algorithms, and urban analytics tools enable extended reality environments in cognitive smart cities. | [35,36,37] |
Cognitive smart cities require remote sensing data, virtual navigation tools, and visualization modeling technologies. | [38,39,40] |
Cloud computing analytics, urban logistics networks, and digital twin technologies articulate blockchain-based virtual worlds in sustainable smart cities. | [41,42,43,44] |
Cognitive automation technologies, blockchain-enabled Internet of Things networks, and virtual data modeling tools assist data-driven smart sustainable urbanism. | [45,46,47,48] |
Spatial computing technologies, digital twin simulation, and synthetic sensing devices are instrumental in immersive and decentralized 3D digital worlds in smart and sustainable urban systems. | [49,50,51,52] |
Sensing and computing technologies, virtual simulation tools, and cognitive artificial intelligence algorithms configure urban digital twins. | [1,16,29] |
Urban simulated environments necessitate virtual twin modeling tools, sensor data fusion, and deep neural network technology. | [7,20,32] |
Real-time Internet of Things data, immersive visualization systems, and geospatial mapping tools optimize smart sustainable city governance. | [13,34,41] |
Remote sensor networks, digital twin modeling, and urban computing technologies are instrumental in data-driven smart sustainable urbanism. | [4,25,37] |
Immersive and decentralized 3D digital worlds in smart sustainable city governance require spatial data visualization tools, remote sensing technologies, and data simulation algorithms. | [3,12,35] |
Geospatial analytics tools, digital twin technologies, and Internet of Things sensing infrastructures shape blockchain-based virtual worlds in smart sustainable city governance. | [6,23,38] |
Spatiotemporal fusion algorithms, virtual simulation tools, and visual modeling technologies assist sustainable urban governance networks. | [9,22,50] |
Sustainable smart cities integrate virtual twin modeling tools, deep-learning-based ambient sound processing, and geospatial data mining. | [10,18,45] |
Three-dimensional city modeling, virtual simulation tools, and geospatial mapping technologies configure data-driven smart sustainable urbanism. Intelligent sensor networks, machine learning techniques, and ambient sound recognition software configure immersive hyperconnected virtual spaces in digital twin cities. | [1,2,3] |
Data mining tools, Internet of Things sensing infrastructures, and digital twin simulations articulate virtual urban environments. | [4,5,6] |
Internet-of-Things-based smart city environments require cognitive data fusion techniques, deep-learning-based sensing technologies, and predictive simulation tools. | [7,8,9] |
Spatial cognition algorithms, digital twin simulation modeling, and smart Internet of Things devices enable big-data-driven urban geopolitics. | [10,11,12] |
Digital twin simulation and modeling tools, Internet of Things sensing infrastructures, and geospatial data mining further smart and environmentally sustainable cities. | [13,14,15] |
Big-data-driven urban analytics leverages virtual simulation tools, digital twin networks, and remote sensing technologies. | [16,17,18] |
Urban big data analytics, remote sensing systems, and virtual simulation modeling tools assist smart city digital twins. | [19,20,21,22] |
Digital twin simulation, remote sensing technologies, and spatial computing algorithms enable augmented reality-powered immersive spaces in urban digital governance. | [23,24,25] |
Data-driven Internet of Things systems, cloud-based digital twins, spatial cognition algorithms, and immersive virtual technologies configure immersive 3D environments. | [26,27,28] |
Three-dimensional digital environments in smart city governance necessitate visual sensing devices, spatial cognition algorithms, and geospatial mapping technologies. | [29,30,31] |
Urban remote sensing data, cognitive digital twins, and data simulation and prediction tools assist immersive virtual worlds. | [32,33,34] |
Smart city analytics harnesses simulation modeling tools, urban sensing technologies, and spatial cognition algorithms. | [35,36,37] |
Deep-learning-based sensing technologies, spatial cognition algorithms, and environment perception mechanisms configure digital twin cities. | [38,39,40] |
Spatial cognition algorithms, 3D modeling and visualization tools, and urban sensing technologies shape big-data-driven urban geopolitics. | [41,42,43,44] |
Virtual-reality-based visualization environments in smart city digital twins require visual perception sensors, cognitive data fusion techniques, and spatial computing algorithms. | [45,46,47,48] |
Cognitive data visualization tools, predictive control algorithms, and urban spatial planning tools are instrumental in shared virtual environments across digital twin cities. | [49,50,51,52] |
Internet-of-Things-based smart city environments require urban network infrastructures, data mining and fusion technology, and spatial data visualization tools. | [1,16,29] |
Virtual data analytics leverages urban sensing and visual immersion technologies, data modeling and simulation tools, and image data fusion techniques. | [7,20,32] |
Augmented reality algorithms, ambient sound recognition software, and data fusion technologies optimize smart networked environments in 5G-enabled smart cities. | [13,34,41] |
Urban big data analytics harnesses digital twin technologies, smart data modeling, and multi-sensor environment data fusion tools. | [4,25,37] |
Sensor data fusion, visual recognition tools, and edge and cloud computing technologies configure digital twin cities. | [3,12,35] |
Multisource remote sensing data fusion, real-time predictive analytics, and 3D urban modeling tools articulate virtual simulation environments in digital twin cities. | [6,23,38] |
Digital twin simulation modeling, deep-learning-based sensing technologies, and urban data fusion optimize Internet-of-Things-based smart city environments. | [9,22,50] |
Internet of Things digital twins, spatial cognition algorithms, and multi-sensor environment data fusion are instrumental in smart urban governance. | [10,18,45] |
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Nica, E.; Popescu, G.H.; Poliak, M.; Kliestik, T.; Sabie, O.-M. Digital Twin Simulation Tools, Spatial Cognition Algorithms, and Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1981.
Nica E, Popescu GH, Poliak M, Kliestik T, Sabie O-M. Digital Twin Simulation Tools, Spatial Cognition Algorithms, and Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks. Mathematics. 2023; 11(9):1981.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNica, Elvira, Gheorghe H. Popescu, Milos Poliak, Tomas Kliestik, and Oana-Matilda Sabie. 2023. "Digital Twin Simulation Tools, Spatial Cognition Algorithms, and Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks" Mathematics 11, no. 9: 1981.
APA StyleNica, E., Popescu, G. H., Poliak, M., Kliestik, T., & Sabie, O.-M. (2023). Digital Twin Simulation Tools, Spatial Cognition Algorithms, and Multi-Sensor Fusion Technology in Sustainable Urban Governance Networks. Mathematics, 11(9), 1981.