1. Introduction
Conventional control loop consists of a process and a controller which feeds back a control signal to the process. Each controller requires tuning of the parameters that depend on the controlled process. In general, tuning methods can be divided into direct and indirect methods. The direct tuning methods calculate the controller parameters directly from the time or frequency response of the process [
12]. The common disadvantage of most direct methods is that they require the definition of the desired closed-loop transfer function. However, the selection of the closed-loop transfer function is anything but trivial for the unknown processes [
13]. Moreover, the direct methods do not provide any information about the controlled process.
On the other hand, the indirect tuning methods or parametric tuning methods are based on the previously identified process transfer function or process model in the state-space [
16]. The indirect methods therefore provide some aggregated information about the process that can be further used in practice. However, the performance of the controllers tuned with the indirect methods is usually closely related to the quality of the identified process model. Therefore, accurate process models are a prerequisite for indirect methods.
Regardless of the method selected for setting the controller parameters, the controller calculates the control signal according to the current value of the process output or the process states [
16]. Due to the process dynamics, the change in the control signal will not be immediately reflected in a change in the process output. This applies in particular to higher order processes and/or processes with a pure time delay. The above-mentioned process dynamic slows down the process response and consequently also reduces the closed-loop performance.
Fuzzy-neuro [
17] or predictive controllers can be used to increase the control performance of such processes [
21]. In general, predictive controllers use a process model to predict future behavior and make control decisions. The simplest predictive controllers are probably PID controllers or higher order PID controllers [
14]. The reason for this is that the estimated process output value can be calculated from the first and higher powers of the derivatives of the process output. For example, the PID controller can be interpreted as a predictive PI controller that controls the estimated process output value at
t +
Td), where
Td is the derivative time constant of the controller and
t) is the actual process output. Other popular predictive controllers are Smith predictors [
22], Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) [
19], Model Predictive Controllers (MPC) [
21], and similar. In general, the predictive controller aims to optimize the control action by minimizing a cost function over a prediction horizon. Therefore, they require an explicit and relatively accurate process model. Predictive algorithms are generally very computationally intensive.
The proposed approach is to control the final (steady-state) process output value instead of the current value or the values in the prediction horizon. It is shown that the final process steady-state value can be obtained simply by measuring the process moment, i.e., the weighted difference between the input and output signals of the process. This approach simplifies reference tracking control, provides stable closed-loop responses with negligible overshoots (if any) and requires only two user-defined parameters. The parameters define the “kick” of the controller after the reference change and the controller high-frequency gain (amplification of the measurement noise).
The main advantages of the proposed method based on the process moment are the following:
- -
A very precise process model is not required. The model can be easily obtained from the process open-loop or closed-loop response.
- -
The control method works for unconstrained and constrained control signals as only the actual process input signal is included in the calculations. Therefore, no anti-windup protection is required.
- -
The tracking and control performance are set independently by two user-defined gains.
- -
The user-defined gains generally have no significant effect on the control loop stability.
- -
The obtained closed-loop responses usually have no overshoots or the overshoots are very small.
- -
The proposed method is computationally simple and can be implemented on virtually any industrial PLC controller.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 derives the basic principle of the new control approach for reference tracking, which is based on the self-feedback of the process.
Section 3 introduces the disturbance rejection control. Some simple identification or model reduction methods are presented in
Section 4. In
Section 5, the new control concept is tested on several process models under unconstrained and constrained control. Some considerations on the stability of the controller are made in
Section 6.
Section 7 compares the new control concept with several other state-of-the-art tuning methods for PID and PIDA controllers. The last section contains some conclusions and guidelines for further research.
2. Process Self-Feedback Principle
Let us define the following stable and strictly proper process transfer function in Laplace form:
KPR is the process steady-state gain,
Tdelay is the process time-delay and
ai and
bi are the process dynamic parameters.
The core of the proposed control principle is the measurement of the first process moment. The process moments can be calculated from the process impulse response
t) in the following way [
The first process moment (
k = 1) represents the process “inertia” to changes in the steady state and is associated with the average residence time of the process (
tar) [
15]. The calculation of the process impulse response
t) is usually numerically complex and not reliable in the presence of measurement noise. The first process moment (for
k = 1) can also be calculated in Laplace space as:
For the given
s) in Equation (1), the first process moment is calculated as:
The first and higher process moments can also be calculated directly from the input signal (
u) and the output signal (
y) of the process during the steady state change [
23]. The moment is equal to an integral (area
A1) between the scaled process input and the process output when the initial values of the signals are equal to zero and the total change of
u is equal to 1 [
The equivalence between Equation (2) (for
k = 1) and Equation (5), apart from the negative sign, can be verified by calculating Equation (5) in Laplace space:
Without loss of generality, we assume that the process input signal
u is a step-change signal. In Laplace form,
s) = 1/
s. The Equation (6) becomes:
Note that the relationship between higher process moments and areas is given in
Section 4.
If the process model (1) is known, the characteristic area A1 or the negative value of the first process moment can simply be calculated from Equation (7).
The area
A1 and the average residence time
tar are illustrated in
Figure 1. The average residence time is defined by the vertical line at which the hatched areas in
Figure 1 become equal. Since
tar represents the average time it takes the process to response to the process input step signal, the more appropriate term may be “average response time”. Note that
A1 (yellow-colored area in
Figure 1) and
tar have the same value when
KPR = 1.
The final steady state of the process output (
y(∞)) depends on the process input and output signals as follows:
This means that the desired final steady state
y(∞) can be changed by manipulating the signal
u, according to Equation (9). When the calculated desired final steady state is reached, the control signal
u should become:
Then, according to Equation (9), the integral can no longer change and, consequently, the final steady state process output. Similarly, when the process is already in the steady-state, feeding the process input with the value given in Equation (10) will not produce any change in the process output value.
The control strategy is therefore to feed the process input with the value in Equation (10) and then add a positive or negative value (
uy) to increase or decrease the final process output value in Equation (9) to match the desired (reference) value (
In this case, the change of the process steady-state output (Δ
y(∞)), according to Equations (9) and (11), depends on the integral of the signal
To illustrate the above Equation, let us use the following process transfer function:
and the control scheme, shown in
Figure 2.
According to Equation (8), the average residence (response) time of the process in Equation (13) is
tar = 2.4 s. Therefore, to increase the final process output for a unit, the integral of
uy in Equation (12) should be equal to
KPR. Suppose we have pulse signals
uy that have different amplitudes and widths, but the same product of the two, which is 2.4/1.5 = 1.6. The input and output signals of the process are shown in
Figure 3. It can be seen that the steady-state of the process output changes by one unit in all three cases. Therefore, the final steady state of the process can be efficiently controlled by measuring the integral of the signal
Another way to change the final process steady-state is to use the following process input signal:
y(∞) is calculated from Equation (9) and
KTR is the controller tracking gain. In this case, the proposed tracking control concept can be represented by the block diagram shown in
Figure 4. The reference signal is denoted by letter
r. The dark blue block represents the controller or the process input signal limitations, where
uC is unlimited and
u is a limited control signal.
The higher the tracking gain
KTR, the larger the signals
uT and
uC and the faster the process output response. However, the difference between the concept in
Figure 4 and conventional control is that the reference is compared with the estimated final steady-state of the process output (
yinf) and not with the actual process output
y. Such tracking control significantly improves stability, as will be shown in the following sections. Another advantage is that the estimated output (
yinf) is calculated based on the actual, limited process input signal and not on the unlimited controller output
uC. This inherently solves the problems associated with integral windup, which can appear in classic control approaches.
Let us now test the block diagram in
Figure 4 using the same process model (13) as in the previous example. The parameters
KPR = 1.5 and, according to Equation (8),
tar = 2.4. The closed-loop responses were tested with different gains
KTR in the range between
KTR = 1 and
KTR = 30. The closed-loop responses for the unlimited control signals are shown in
Figure 5. It can be seen that the closed-loop speed increases with increasing
KTR, while the improvements are not so obvious at higher
KTR values. The vertical axis of the process input is limited to show the signals more clearly (the maximum value of the process input signal with
KTR = 30 is 20). The open loop response to the scaled step input is represented by the dash-dotted line and the reference by the dashed line. All closed-loop responses are smooth with no visible overshoots for any
KTR. The stability also does not appear to be degraded by an increased gain
The next experiment was conducted with limited control signals, where
The control limits are
umax = 3 and
umin = 0. The closed-loop responses for the limited control signals are shown in
Figure 6. It can be seen that the closed-loop responses with
KTR = 10 and
KTR = 30 are now somewhat slower due to the limited control signals. However, no problems in terms of process overshoot or stability can be observed. This is important for practical applications where the control signals are always limited.
In practice, however, it is impossible to determine process steady-state gain KPR and the average response (residence) time tar with absolute precision. The error in the estimated tar leads to control errors in the final process steady-state. An even bigger problem occurs when the estimated KPR is not accurate. In this case the process output may steadily increase above the reference value or decrease towards zero.
The mentioned problem can be mitigated by controlling the process model instead of the actual process. In general, the following third-order process model with a zero and time-delay can be used in virtually any practical application:
s) represents the process model without the time-delay. Note that in industrial practice, the second-order process model with delay (
b1m = 0,
a3m = 0) should suffice under almost all circumstances. Since the process model is used instead of the actual process in the closed-loop, we can even use the process model without delay for reference tracking control.
Therefore, the proposed control scheme for reference tracking is shown in
Figure 7.
Therefore, the process
s) is connected in parallel with the process model without time delay (
s)). This reduces the average response (residence) time in the integrator as the model does not contain a time-delay:
However, any mismatch between the model and the actual process, as well as disturbances acting on the process, can still lead to some steady-state error. This can be avoided by designing a separate controller for disturbance-rejection.
3. Disturbance Rejection Control
As mentioned above, the new control principle based on process self-feedback provides very good reference tracking performance, provided there are no disturbances acting on the process and there is a perfect match between the process model and the actual process. In practice, this is not a realistic assumption. Therefore, an additional disturbance-rejection controller is required. The disturbance rejection controller, based on disturbance reconstruction [
24], was used (see
Figure 8). The disturbance signal is denoted by
d. The reconstructed disturbance (
dm) was calculated from the filtered difference between the actual process output (
y) and the model output (
ym). Note that
utr represents the tracking controller signal and is considered as
utr = 0 in this section.
The transfer function of the filter consists of the inversion of the process model (without delay and zero) with the additional nth-order binomial filter:
If the filter order
n corresponds to the order of the numerator in Equation (18), the filter time constant can be calculated as follows:
The gain
KDR is the tuning parameter of the disturbance controller and represents the desired high-frequency gain of the filter. This means that high-frequency measurement noise in
y is amplified by a factor
KDR. It is therefore not desirable to set the gain
KDR too high, especially if the amplitude of the measurement noise is high. Normally, the high-frequency gains up to
KDR = 20 are acceptable in practice [
However, the filter noise can be significantly reduced by increasing the order (
n) of the denominator. We decided to choose the filter order (
n) one degree higher than the order of the process model. Therefore, the following filters are considered in our further investigations according to the order of the process model:
Note that the higher order of the filter order also reduces the disturbance rejection performance. However, for the same noise level of dm, the disturbance-rejection performance can still be increased by increasing the filter order n.
If the filter time constant TFDR is calculated from Equation (19), the actual noise gain of the filter is significantly lower than KDR due to the higher-order filter.
The estimates of the noise gains (
KDR) of filters in Equations (20)–(22) are given by the following expressions:
TS is the discrete sampling time and the input noise is considered normally distributed. However, we need to calculate the filter time constant
TFDR based on the desired noise gain
KDR. The parameter
TFDR, for the given
KDR, can be calculated analytically from Equation (25), but not from Equations (23) or (24). The parameter
TFDR, for the given
KDR, can be estimated from Equations (23)–(25) if the assumptions on the right-hand side of the Equations (26)–(28) are taken into account:
Note that if the assumptions on the right-hand side of the expressions are not valid, the filter time constant TFDR can still be easily determined from Equations (23)–(25) for a given KDR by bisection or a similar method. In this case, the initial value of TFDR can be that given in Equation (19).
If the process model
s) perfectly matches the actual process, the estimated (reconstructed) disturbance
dm becomes:
A higher gain KDR leads to a lower filter time constant TFDR (19), a faster disturbance reconstruction and a higher noise level in the signal dm. Thus, there is a trade-off between the disturbance rejection efficiency and the noise level of the controller output.
To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed disturbance controller, the gain
KDR was changed in the range from 1 to 30, using the same process as in Equation (13). The disturbance signal
d is a step function with amplitude 1. The process model used corresponds to the actual process (
s) =
s)) and the selected sampling time is
TS = 0.01 s. The calculated filter time constants for
KDR = 1, 3, 10 and 30 are
TFDR = 0.223, 0.144, 0.089 and 0.0573, respectively, according to Equation (27). The closed-loop responses are shown in
Figure 9.
It can be seen that the disturbance-rejection performance increases with increasing gain KDR. However, the disturbance rejection performance does not increase proportionally to the desired noise gain KDR. The disturbance rejection performance at KDR = 30 is only slightly better than at KDR = 10, while the noise level increases by a factor of 3. On the other hand, all responses are smooth and stable. This is to be expected, because if the model transfer function corresponds to the process, the signal dm is only a filtered and delayed disturbance signal d.
4. Process Model
The main approaches to tracking and disturbance rejection control have been described in the previous sections. The question remains as to how to obtain the process model.
There are many different methods for process identification. In general, they can be divided into time-domain and frequency-domain methods [
14]. Of course, the focus of this paper is not on the identification of the process model or the verification of the existing methods. Therefore, we only give some hints on how to obtain different process models directly from the time-domain responses of the process or from the higher-order process model (if available).
The basic idea is to measure the process moments or areas [
14], similar to Equation (2). Then, the process model can be estimated based on the obtained moments. The problem with Equation (2) is that it requires the impulse response of the process which cannot be obtained in practice without differentiating the process step response. Differentiation significantly increases the measurement noise, which is then additionally multiplied by the time to the power of
n before it is integrated. Another way to determine the process moments is to measure the “characteristic areas” of the process from the steady-state change of the process (not necessarily the process step-response shown in
Figure 1) [
te is a time when the process response settles,
u is the process input,
y is the process output and
The relation between the areas
Ak in Equation (30) and the process moments
Gpk in Equation (2) is:
Various process transfer functions can be estimated from the measured areas in Equation (30). It is worth mentioning that the areas can also be determined directly from the general process transfer function with delay in Equation (1) [
Note that the area A1 is given in Equation (7). Although the Equation (33) does not seem very convenient at first glance (since we already have the transfer function), it can provide the areas, that can be used later for model reduction, to give an example.
Once the characteristic areas are obtained, they can be used for process modeling. Some examples of obtaining simple process models from area
A1 in Equation (7) can be found in [
14]. The second-order and higher-order process models can also be estimated from the measured areas. The second-order process without zero and with time-delay (
b1m = 0,
a3m = 0) can be calculated analytically from the areas as follows [
Tdelaym is calculated from the following expression:
Tdelaym chosen in Equation (35) should be real and positive and the two remaining parameters in Equation (34) should also be real and positive [
22]. Note that
Km =
Adding the additional process zero (
b1m) to the above second-order model makes the calculation more complex as it requires the solution of a 6th degree polynomial equation [
25]. In this case it might be easier to estimate the process delay from the time responses and then calculate the remaining model parameters from the areas. For the given delay
Tdelaym, the parameters
p of process model in Equation (16) can be calculated from Equation (33) as follows:
If a3m is not needed in the model, the third column in the matrix V and the last rows in p, V and c should be deleted. If b1m is not required, the fourth column in matrix V and the last rows in p, V and c should also be deleted.
The areas
Ak and the model parameters, according to Equations (34), (35) or (36), for a given time delay
Tdelaym, can be calculated using Matlab/Octave scripts available on the Octave Bucket website [
26]. When you click on the link [
26], the OctaveOnline window appears, as shown in
Figure 10. The areas and the model parameters are calculated as follows:
Select the appropriate script (test_model_from_process.m or test_model_from_time_response.m)
Change the process and the user-defined parameters (e.g., the estimated time delay for the third-order model or the second-order model with zero).
Select the desired model in the function f_area2model (open the function to check the input parameters).
Once you have made the changes, click on the “Save” button.
Press the “Run” button.
The results are displayed on the right-hand side.
All Matlab and Simulink files used in the paper are also available online for download [
5. Closed-Loop Control Based on Process Moments
When combining tracking with disturbance control, we obtain the control block diagram shown in
Figure 11. It consists of a tracking (TR) controller and a disturbance rejection (DR) controller. The limited signal in the TR controller (
uT) is calculated so that the actual signal (
ur) supplied to the process is limited according to the limitation of the actuator in Equation (15). Therefore, the actual limitations in the limiter depend on the estimated disturbance
dm. This is shown by the dashed line between the estimated disturbance signal
dm and the limitation in the TR controller.
The actual signal
uT is therefore calculated as follows:
It is worth repeating that the tracking and disturbance-rejection performance can be set separately with the parameters KTR and KDR, respectively.
The general steps for designing the controller are as follows:
Determine the process model GM(s) manually or from the process characteristic areas obtained from the time-response of the process in Equation (30) or from the higher-order process model in Equation (33). The second-order process model is calculated from Equations (34) and (35), while the second- or third-order model with zero can be calculated from Equation (36) for the given time delay Tdelaym.
Select the appropriate tracking gain (KTR) and disturbance rejection gain (KDR). Note that KDR is related to the amplification of the measurement noise.
Estimate the filter time constant TFDR based on the selected model order from Equations (26), (27) or (28).
Calculate the transfer function of the filter GF(s) from Equations (20), (21) or (22).
The tracking and disturbance rejection performance has already been tested on the second-order process model with delay in Equation (13). The following process models are tested here instead:
Note that
GP1 to
GP3 correspond to the second-order model in Equation (16) and
GP4 is the non-minimum phase second-order model in Equation (16). The delayed second-order models of
GP5 and
GP6 are calculated according to Equations (34) and (35):
When calculating the third-order process model, the estimated delay from the open loop process response was
Tdelym = 0.1 s for
GM5 and
Tdelym = 0.3 s for
GM6. The estimated process models are calculated from Equation (36):
The proposed method was compared with the Magnitude Optimum Multiple Integration (MOMI) tuning method for PID controllers, as it provides fast and stable closed-loop responses [
11]. The PID controller transfer function used for the comparison is:
where the filter time constant was calculated (using the bisection method) so that the high-frequency gain of the controller is equal to the high-frequency gain of the proposed controller in Equation (10). This was done intentionally to make the comparison fairer. The PID controller parameters for all six process models in Equation (38) are listed in
Table 1.
The proposed controller gains were KTR = 10 for tracking and KDR = 10 for disturbance rejection.
The obtained closed-loop responses of the proposed controller and the PID controller are shown in
Figure 12,
Figure 13,
Figure 14,
Figure 15,
Figure 16,
Figure 17,
Figure 18 and
Figure 19. Disturbance signal d = 1 was added halfway through the experiment. It is obvious that either the tracking or the disturbance rejection responses of the proposed method are comparable or better than that of the PID controller. The overshoots of the proposed method at reference changes are zero or close to zero.
The controller’s input signals oscillate to a certain degree if the process model deviates significantly from the actual model (see
Figure 16 and
Figure 17), as the difference between the models and the actual process response is fed back into the disturbance compensator. However, the oscillations in the process input signals are mainly due to the difference between the process and model output signals. In contrast, the oscillations in the process output responses and in the disturbance rejection responses are not visible.
6. Closed-Loop Stability
The stability of the proposed method depends on the actual process characteristics and on the difference between the actual process and the process model. From
Figure 7 it can be calculated that if the process matches the process model, in the linear region, for the third-order process with zero, the process output is:
Therefore, a stable closed-loop response can be expected for 0 <
It can be seen from Equation (42) that the closed-loop response of the second-order process (
a3m = 0) without delay has only two real poles. By increasing the tracking gain
KTR to infinity, the third-order closed-loop transfer function becomes the second-order transfer function:
The necessary condition for oscillation-free time-response is that the denominator of Equation (42) has real poles. This can be achieved if
Of course, condition in Equation (46) always applies to the second-order process model, provided that the stability conditions in Equation (43) are fulfilled.
The disturbance rejection part of the controller (
Figure 8) can also influence the closed-loop stability. If there is no mismatch between the process and the process model, the process output
s), due to the disturbance
s), becomes:
For a stable process, the disturbance rejection is also stable for any TFDR, that depends on the disturbance rejection gain KDR.
The above derivations are valid if the process model matches the actual process. In practice, however, this is usually not the case. An example of this is the fourth-order process
s) in Equation (38) from the previous section. Therefore, we will perform some experiments with this process to find stability margins for tracking and disturbance rejection. The third-order process model
s) in Equation (40) was used. The gains for tracking and disturbance rejection were increased from 2 to 1000 and the closed-loop responses are shown in
Figure 20. Note that the process input signals are displayed in range between 0 and 10 to show the closed-loop responses in more detail.
The results show that all closed-loop process output responses are stable and smooth. There is almost no difference in tracking responses at gains KTR = 100 and KTR = 1000, while there are some small differences in disturbance rejection responses at gains KDR = 100 and KDR = 1000. Of course, due to the noisy measurements, such high values of KDR usually cannot be applied in practice (note that KDR represents the amplification of the measurement noise).
The process input signal at KTR = 1000 shows some oscillations during tracking control due to the differences between the process and the model. However, these oscillations are not present during disturbance rejection.
Another experiment was performed with the same fourth-order process, but with the second-order process model
GM62 in Equation (39). The tracking and disturbance gains were again increased from 2 to 1000 and the closed-loop responses are shown in
Figure 21.
In this case the model deviates significantly from the actual process. It is therefore not surprising that the control loop becomes unstable at KDR = 1000. The output response of the process is stable and smooth at KDR = 100, but oscillations can be observed in the input signal of the process, especially during the tracking response. Since the closed-loop performance is not significantly different between KDR = 100 and KDR = 10, the latter is the better choice, especially in practice, where measurement noise is present.
Remark 1. According to Equation (44), the sum of the closed-loop time constants in the denominator cannot be less than This also means that the average response time (residence time) of the control loop cannot be less than Theoretically, the PID controller can provide an instantaneous closed-loop response for the second-order process without delay by increasing the controller gain to infinity. Of course, the noise gain of such a controller also increases towards infinity. The same applies to the PIDA controllers for the third-order processes without delay. Therefore, it is worth mentioning that the proposed method cannot always provide the fastest closed-loop responses.
7. Comparisons with Other Methods
The proposed control principle is based on a completely new control paradigm. Nevertheless, we will make some comparisons with some recent tuning methods based on PID or PIDA (Proportional-Integral-Derivative-Acceleration) controllers. The compared methods are the MOMI method for PID controllers and PIDA controllers [
11] (referred to as MOMI PID and MOMI PIDA in the following text), the Generalized Haalman tuning for PID and PIDA controllers [
28] (referred to as GH PID and GH PIDA in the following text), the SIMC and AMIGO tuning rules for PID controllers, the IMC-based tuning of PIDA controller (referred to as IMC PIDA in the following text) [
29], and the method of Li, Yhang and Tan for PID and PIDA controllers [
30] (abbreviated as Li PID and Li PIDA in the following text). The tested processes are as follows:
In general, the PIDA controller can be described by the following transfer function:
IMC PIDA and GH PIDA use the following controller realization, in which only derivative and acceleration terms are filtered:
The parameters of the PID and PIDA controllers for
s) and
s) can be found in
Table 2 and
Table 3, respectively. Note that Li PID and Li PIDA do not originally use any controller filter (although such PID and PIDA controllers are not feasible in practice), so we added the filters during the simulation.
The estimated time delay of the process
s) in the open loop was
Tdelym = 2.4 s. Based on the estimated time delay, the third-order process model of
s) is calculated for the proposed method, according to Equation (36):
As in the previous examples, the same gains for tracking (KTR = 10) and disturbance (KDR = 10) were used as in the previous examples. Note that N = 10 and M = 10 were used in the experiments to test the Li PID and Li PIDA controllers.
The obtained closed-loop responses of the proposed controller and other PID- and PIDA-based controllers are shown in
Figure 22,
Figure 23 and
Figure 24. In all experiments, the reference signal changes from
r = 0 to
r = 1 at
t = 1 s. The disturbance signal changes from d = 0 to d = 1 at t = 30 s for
s) and at t = 50 s for
s). The closed-loop responses were evaluated by calculating the IAE (integral of absolute error) and ISE (integral of squared error) values separately for reference tracking (
IAEr and
ISEr) and disturbance rejection (
IAEd and
The IAE and ISE values for the process
s) are shown in
Table 2. The proposed method gives the lowest IAE and ISE values, except for the
ISEr value, where the Li PIDA method gives a slightly lower value. The lower value is mainly due to the 10-times larger controller “kick” during the reference change, compared to the proposed method. This “kick” increases the initial speed of the closed-loop control, but later causes larger overshoots and longer settling times of the process. Visual comparison of the closed-loop responses (
Figure 22) shows that only the MOMI PIDA method provides a comparable speed of tracking response. However, the proposed (Moment) method has virtually no overshoot and its disturbance rejection performance is much better than all other methods.
The IAE and ISE values for the process
s) can be found in
Table 3. The proposed method yields the lowest IAE and ISE values. The closed-loop responses (
Figure 23 and
Figure 24) also show that only IMC PIDA provides comparable tracking performance to the Moment method. The proposed moment method is still faster, but with a slightly larger overshoot. On the other hand, the moment method offers much better disturbance rejection compared to other methods. Here we need to emphasize that the high-frequency noise gain of the proposed method is comparable or lower than the other compared methods. In
Figure 23 and
Figure 24, some oscillations of the process input signal can be seen. This is due to the large difference between
s) and
s). However, the closed-loop stability is still very good, as can be seen from disturbance-rejection responses.
8. Conclusions
The proposed method controls the measured process moment instead of the process output or process states. The advantage of such an approach is that the scaled process moment represents the expected steady-state of the process output. The proposed method, therefore, controls the final steady-state process output without the need to perform complex calculations.
Controlling the expected rather than the actual process output significantly stabilizes the control loop for reference tracking. The closed loop responses were stable with little or no overshoots for different magnitudes of the tracking gain KTR.
Disturbance rejection was achieved by feeding back the estimated disturbance signal. The estimation was calculated by comparing the process and model outputs and filtering the difference by the filtered inverse process model. The (reduced) process model can be easily calculated by running online Matlab/Octave scripts [
26] or by downloading Matlab/Simulink scripts [
The proposed control scheme has two independent gains, one for reference tracking (KTR) and the other for disturbance rejection (KDR). The separation of tracking and disturbance-rejection responses is ideal when the calculated process model perfectly matches the actual process. The user-defined gain KDR also determines the gain of the measured high-frequency noise at the process output.
The proposed moment method also does not require anti-windup protection, since the process moment is calculated from the actual (limited) process input signal. The stability of the proposed method was derived for processes up to the third order and tested on fourth order process using the second- and third-order process model and on eighth order process using the third order process model (
Section 7).
The examples for several fundamentally different process models have shown that the proposed control method is suitable for the control of stable processes. The comparison with different tuning methods for PID and PIDA controllers showed that the proposed moment method can provide efficient tracking and disturbance rejection with the same or lower amplifications of the process output noise. However, as mentioned in Remark 1, the closed-loop speed with the proposed method is not always faster than that with the PID or PIDA controllers for the lower-order processes without delay.
In our future work we plan to further test the robustness properties of the proposed method and apply the moment controller in industry. We will pay special attention to nonlinear processes. Another direction of future research will be the additional optimization of disturbance rejection and control of integrating processes. We also intend to analyze the role of higher process moments in the control.