Mathematical Modeling of High-Energy Shaker Mill Process with Lumped Parameter Approach for One-Dimensional Oscillatory Ball Motion with Collisional Heat Generation
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Description
3. Mathematical Modeling
3.1. Particle Contact Model
3.2. Collision-Induced Heating Model
3.3. Heat Transfer Model
3.4. Internal Energy Time Evolution
3.5. Hamilton’s Equations
4. Numerical Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Specification | Symbol | Value | Unit |
Milling ball radius | R | 6.35 | mm |
Cylindrical vial length | 58 | mm | |
Vial inner contact area | 567.06 | ||
Vial outer surface area | 567.06 | ||
Vial oscillation amplitude | 25 | mm | |
Vial oscillation frequency range | 90–130 | rad/s |
Property | Symbol | Value | Unit |
Density | 7800 | ||
Elastic modulus | E | 200 | GPa |
Poisson’s ratio | 0.3 | - | |
Specific heat capacity | 461 |
Property | Symbol 1 | Value | Unit |
Density | 1.225 | ||
Dynamic viscosity | 1.716 | Pa·s | |
Thermal conductivity | k | 0.0241 | W/m·K |
Specific heat capacity | 1003.5 | ||
Sutherland constant | 111 | K | |
Inward convection coefficient | 200 | ||
Outward convection coefficient | 45 |
Parameter | Symbol | Value | Unit |
Simulation time | t | 60 | min |
Coefficient of restitution | e | 0.7 | - |
Collision heat generation ratio | 0.9 | - | |
Heat division ratio | 0.368 | - | |
Convection calibration factor | 0.3 | - |
Performance Metrics 1 | Experiment | Analysis | Error |
Steady-state temperature (°C) | 48.0 | 47.89 | −0.24% |
Time constant (min) | 16.7 | 16.70 | −0.03% |
Initial temperature evolution rate (°C/min) | 1.6766 | 1.6702 | −0.58% |
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Son, K.J. Mathematical Modeling of High-Energy Shaker Mill Process with Lumped Parameter Approach for One-Dimensional Oscillatory Ball Motion with Collisional Heat Generation. Mathematics 2025, 13, 446.
Son KJ. Mathematical Modeling of High-Energy Shaker Mill Process with Lumped Parameter Approach for One-Dimensional Oscillatory Ball Motion with Collisional Heat Generation. Mathematics. 2025; 13(3):446.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSon, Kwon Joong. 2025. "Mathematical Modeling of High-Energy Shaker Mill Process with Lumped Parameter Approach for One-Dimensional Oscillatory Ball Motion with Collisional Heat Generation" Mathematics 13, no. 3: 446.
APA StyleSon, K. J. (2025). Mathematical Modeling of High-Energy Shaker Mill Process with Lumped Parameter Approach for One-Dimensional Oscillatory Ball Motion with Collisional Heat Generation. Mathematics, 13(3), 446.