Understanding Machine Learning Principles: Learning, Inference, Generalization, and Computational Learning Theory
:1. Introduction
2. Learning and Inference Methods
2.1. Scientific Reasoning
2.1.1. Deductive Reasoning
2.1.2. Inductive Reasoning
2.1.3. Abductive Reasoning
2.1.4. Analogical Reasoning
2.1.5. Case-Based Reasoning
2.1.6. Ontologies
2.2. Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning
2.2.1. Supervised Learning
2.2.2. Unsupervised Learning
- Hebbian learning: A local process involving two neurons and a synapse, where weight adjustment is proportional to the correlation observed between pre- and postsynaptic activities. It underpins models for PCA and associative memory.
- Competitive learning: Neurons compete to be the most responsive to a given input. The SOM, a form of competitive learning, relates closely to clustering techniques.
- Boltzmann machine: employs stochastic training via simulated annealing, inspired by thermodynamics, to learn in an unsupervised manner.
2.2.3. Reinforcement Learning
2.3. Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning
2.4. Transfer Learning
2.5. Other Learning Methods
2.5.1. Ordinal Regression and Ranking
2.5.2. Manifold Learning
- Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) [55]: captures global structures of nonlinear manifolds, such as face image datasets.
- Laplacian eigenmaps [56]: maintains local structures using a graph-based representation of data.
- Orthogonal neighborhood-preserving projections [57]: a linear extension of LLE that preserves local geometric relationships.
2.5.3. Multi-Task Learning
2.5.4. Imitation Learning
2.5.5. Curriculum Learning
2.5.6. Multiview Learning
2.5.7. Multilabel Learning
2.5.8. Multiple-Instance Learning
2.5.9. Parametric, Semiparametric, and Nonparametric Classifications
2.5.10. Learning from Imbalanced Data
2.5.11. Zero-Shot Learning
3. Criterion Functions
Robust Learning
4. Learning and Generalization
4.1. Generalization Error
4.2. Generalization by Stopping Criterion
4.3. Generalization by Regularization
4.4. Data Augmentation
4.5. Dropout
4.6. Fault Tolerance and Generalization
4.7. Sparsity Versus Stability
5. Model Selection
5.1. Occam’s Razor
5.2. Cross-Validation
5.3. Complexity Criteria
6. Bias and Variance
7. Overparameterization and Double Descent
8. Neural Networks as Universal Machines
8.1. Boolean Function Approximation
Binary Radial Basis Function
8.2. Linear Separability and Nonlinear Separability
8.3. Universal Function Approximation
Capacity of a Neural Network Architecture
8.4. Turing Machines
Turing Machine Computations
8.5. Winner-Takes-All
9. Introduction to Computational Learning Theory
No-Free-Lunch Theorem
10. Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Learning
Sample Complexity
11. Vapnik–Chervonenkis Dimension
Machine Teaching and Teaching Dimension
12. Rademacher Complexity
13. Empirical Risk Minimization Principle
13.1. Generalization Error by VC-Theory
13.2. Generalization Error by Rademacher Bound
13.3. Fundamental Theorem of Learning Theory
- exhibits uniform convergence.
- Any ERM rule can agnostically learn .
- is agnostically PAC learnable.
- has a finite VC-dimension.
14. Conclusions and Future Directions
14.1. Future Directions
14.1.1. Analyzing Transfer Learning
14.1.2. Explaining Double Descent
14.1.3. Exploring SGD in Deep Learning Setting
14.1.4. Understanding Data Augmentation
14.1.5. Delving into Transformers
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ADMM | alternating direction method of multipliers |
AI | artificial intelligence |
AIC | Akaike information criterion |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
ANN | artificial neural network |
BIC | Bayesian information criterion |
BP | backpropagation |
CCA | canonical correlation analysis |
CNN | convolutional neural network |
ERM | empirical risk minimization |
FPE | final prediction error |
GAN | generative adversarial network |
GBDT | gradient-boosted decision trees |
IALE | imitation-active learning ensemble |
KL | Kullback–Leibler |
k-NN | k-nearest neighbors |
LASSO | least absolute shrinkage and selection operator |
LLE | locally linear embedding |
LMS | least mean squares |
LS | least squares |
LSM | liquid-state machines |
LSTM | long short-term memory |
LTG | linear threshold gate |
LTL | learning to learn |
MAD | median of absolute deviations |
MAP | maximum a posteriori |
MDL | minimum description length |
MLE | maximum likelihood estimation |
MLP | multilayer perceptrons |
MSE | mean squared error |
NMF | nonnegative matrix factorization |
OOD | out-of-distribution |
PAC | probably approximately correct |
PCA | principal component analysis |
probability density function | |
POMDP | partially observable Markov decision process |
RBF | radial basis function |
ReLU | rectified linear unit |
RNN | recurrent neural network |
SGD | stochastic gradient descent |
SMOTE | synthetic minority oversampling technique |
SNN | spiking neural network |
SNRF | signal-to-noise ratio figure |
SOM | self-organizing map |
SRM | structural risk minimization |
STDP | spike-timing dependent plasticity |
SVD | singular value decomposition |
SVM | support vector machine |
UMM | universal memcomputing machines |
VC | Vapnik–Chervonenkis |
VLSI | very large scale integration |
WTA | winner-takes-all |
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Du, K.-L.; Zhang, R.; Jiang, B.; Zeng, J.; Lu, J. Understanding Machine Learning Principles: Learning, Inference, Generalization, and Computational Learning Theory. Mathematics 2025, 13, 451. https://doi.org/10.3390/math13030451
Du K-L, Zhang R, Jiang B, Zeng J, Lu J. Understanding Machine Learning Principles: Learning, Inference, Generalization, and Computational Learning Theory. Mathematics. 2025; 13(3):451. https://doi.org/10.3390/math13030451
Chicago/Turabian StyleDu, Ke-Lin, Rengong Zhang, Bingchun Jiang, Jie Zeng, and Jiabin Lu. 2025. "Understanding Machine Learning Principles: Learning, Inference, Generalization, and Computational Learning Theory" Mathematics 13, no. 3: 451. https://doi.org/10.3390/math13030451
APA StyleDu, K.-L., Zhang, R., Jiang, B., Zeng, J., & Lu, J. (2025). Understanding Machine Learning Principles: Learning, Inference, Generalization, and Computational Learning Theory. Mathematics, 13(3), 451. https://doi.org/10.3390/math13030451