Two-Stage Classification with SIS Using a New Filter Ranking Method in High Throughput Data
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Penalized Logistic Regression Method
2.2. Variable Ranking with MMLR
Algorithm 1 Proposed two-step procedure |
Step 1: Sample 70% of samples randomly without replacement from the training set. |
Step 2: Count frequency of each of genes from 100 models of λ values. |
Step 3: Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 100 times. |
Step 4: Calculate selection probability for each of variables based on Equation (10) and then rank them. |
Step 5: Select top genes with the highest frequency. |
Step 6: Apply them to sparse logistic regression methods to build prognostic models. |
2.3. The Proposed Variable Ranking Method
2.4. Metrics of Performance
3. Results
3.1. Simulation Results
3.2. Real Data Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Filtering Method | Metric | Correlation Coefficient | ||
0.2 | 0.5 | 0.7 | ||
PF | Number of True Positive | 5.4 (0.765) | 4.21 (1.09) | 3.11 (1.09) |
MMRL | 4.52(0.948) | 2.15 (1.26) | 0.29 (0.50) | |
two sample t-test (p value) | 1.204 × 10−11 | < 2.2 × 10−16 | < 2.2 × 10−16 |
Correlation | Filtering | Methods | Accuracy | G-mean | TP | FP | MS |
0.2 | PF | SIS-LASSO | 0.856(0.047) | 0.854(0.049) | 5.25(0.757) | 0.019(0.002) | 24.55(1.971) |
SIS-MCP | 0.878(0.054) | 0.877(0.056) | 5.03(0.937) | 0.006(0.003) | 11.3(2.805) | ||
SIS-SCAD | 0.878(0.053) | 0.876(0.055) | 5.18(0.757) | 0.012(0.005) | 17.24(5.053) | ||
average | 0.871(0.051) | 0.869(0.053) | 5.153(0.817) | 0.012(0.003) | 17.697(3.276) | ||
MMLR | SIS-LASSO | 0.847(0.056) | 0.844(0.06) | 4.3(0.99) | 0.015(0.002) | 18.73(2.131) | |
SIS-MCP | 0.86(0.061) | 0.858(0.063) | 4.21(0.988) | 0.006(0.003) | 10.32(2.449) | ||
SIS-SCAD | 0.861(0.059) | 0.858(0.062) | 4.3(0.99) | 0.011(0.004) | 14.8(3.649) | ||
average | 0.856(0.059) | 0.853(0.062) | 4.27(0.989) | 0.011(0.003) | 14.617(2.743) | ||
0.5 | PF | SIS-LASSO | 0.886(0.041) | 0.884(0.042) | 3.65(1.266) | 0.019(0.003) | 22.71(2.267) |
SIS-MCP | 0.869(0.055) | 0.868(0.057) | 2.93(1.409) | 0.008(0.003) | 10.87(2.058) | ||
SIS-SCAD | 0.884(0.048) | 0.883(0.05) | 3.57(1.257) | 0.017(0.004) | 20.06(3.92) | ||
average | 0.88(0.048) | 0.878(0.05) | 3.383(1.311) | 0.015(0.003) | 17.88(2.748) | ||
MMLR | SIS-LASSO | 0.865(0.046) | 0.863(0.047) | 1.84(1.237) | 0.015(0.003) | 17.02(2.137) | |
SIS-MCP | 0.858(0.048) | 0.857(0.048) | 1.66(1.233) | 0.008(0.002) | 9.89(1.681) | ||
SIS-SCAD | 0.863(0.047) | 0.861(0.047) | 1.83(1.28) | 0.014(0.003) | 15.64(2.873) | ||
average | 0.862(0.047) | 0.86(0.047) | 1.777(1.25) | 0.012(0.003) | 14.183(2.23) | ||
0.7 | PF | SIS-LASSO | 0.911(0.037) | 0.911(0.038) | 2.74(1.16) | 0.019(0.003) | 21.14(2.274) |
SIS-MCP | 0.899(0.042) | 0.899(0.043) | 1.82(1.158) | 0.007(0.002) | 8.88(1.981) | ||
SIS-SCAD | 0.907(0.038) | 0.907(0.038) | 2.68(1.171) | 0.016(0.004) | 18.88(3.699) | ||
average | 0.906(0.039) | 0.906(0.04) | 2.413(1.163) | 0.014(0.003) | 16.3(2.651) | ||
MMLR | SIS-LASSO | 0.887(0.037) | 0.886(0.037) | 0.26(0.543) | 0.014(0.002) | 13.72(1.724) | |
SIS-MCP | 0.881(0.04) | 0.88(0.041) | 0.21(0.498) | 0.008(0.002) | 7.75(1.591) | ||
SIS-SCAD | 0.888(0.036) | 0.888(0.037) | 0.25(0.52) | 0.013(0.002) | 13.45(2.285) | ||
average | 0.885(0.038) | 0.885(0.038) | 0.24(0.52) | 0.012(0.002) | 11.64(1.867) |
Dataset | Method | Accuracy | AUROC | G-Mean | Model Size |
SIS-LASSO | 0.803 (0.098) | 0.886 (0.077) | 0.745 (0.144) | 7.8 (1.47) | |
Colon | SIS-MCP | 0.793 (0.097) | 0.864 (0.088) | 0.748 (0.132) | 4.14 (1.054) |
SIS-SCAD | 0.798 (0.096) | 0.874 (0.082) | 0.753 (0.13) | 6.73 (1.896) | |
SIS-LASSO | 0.976 (0.017) | 0.998 (0.007) | 0.975 (0.019) | 9.53 (1.453) | |
Lung | SIS-MCP | 0.952 (0.03) | 0.983 (0.017) | 0.95 (0.032) | 1.09 (0.288) |
SIS-SCAD | 0.975 (0.021) | 0.997 (0.006) | 0.973 (0.023) | 8.65 (2.222) |
Gene Accession ID | |||
1 | Hsa.36689 *** (G50753) | Hsa.36689 | Hsa.36689 |
2 | Hsa.692.2 *** (M76378) | Hsa.8147 | Hsa.692.2 |
3 | Hsa.6814 *** (H08393) | Hsa.6814 | Hsa.6814 |
4 | Hsa.1660 *** (H55916) | Hsa.1660 | Hsa.1660 |
5 | Hsa.8147 *** (M63391) | Hsa.692.2 | Hsa.33268 |
6 | Hsa.5392 *** (T62947) | Hsa.12241 ** (T64012) | Hsa.12241 |
7 | Hsa.37937 ** (R87126) | Hsa.33268 | Hsa.5392 |
8 | Hsa.33268 *** (R80427) | Hsa.5392 | Hsa.8147 |
9 | Hsa.3016 ** (T47377) | Hsa.8125 | Hsa.8125 |
10 | Hsa.8125 *** (T71025) | Hsa.37937 | Hsa.3016 |
- | Gene Accession ID | ||
1 | 219597_s_at ***(DUOX1) | 209555_s_at | 219597_s_at |
2 | 205357_s_at ** | 209074_s_at | 205357_s_at |
3 | 209555_s_at ***(CD36) | 32625_at | 209555_s_at |
4 | 209875_s_at ***(SPP1) | 206209_s_at * | 209875_s_at |
5 | 203980_at ** | 204271_s_at * | 209074_s_at |
6 | 208982_at ** | 204396_s_at * | 219213_at |
7 | 209074_s_at *** (FAM107A) | 219213_at | 208982_at |
8 | 220170_at ** | 219597_s_at | 220170_at |
9 | 219213_at *** (JAM2) | 219719_at * | 209614_at * |
10 | 32625_at ** | 209875_s_at | 203980_at |
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Kim, S.; Kim, J.-M. Two-Stage Classification with SIS Using a New Filter Ranking Method in High Throughput Data. Mathematics 2019, 7, 493.
Kim S, Kim J-M. Two-Stage Classification with SIS Using a New Filter Ranking Method in High Throughput Data. Mathematics. 2019; 7(6):493.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Sangjin, and Jong-Min Kim. 2019. "Two-Stage Classification with SIS Using a New Filter Ranking Method in High Throughput Data" Mathematics 7, no. 6: 493.
APA StyleKim, S., & Kim, J.-M. (2019). Two-Stage Classification with SIS Using a New Filter Ranking Method in High Throughput Data. Mathematics, 7(6), 493.