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Who Knocks on the Door of Portfolio Performance Heaven: Sinner or Saint Investors?

José Luis Miralles-Quirós
* and
María Mar Miralles-Quirós
Department of Financial Economics, University of Extremadura, 06006 Badajoz, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2020, 8(11), 1951;
Submission received: 8 October 2020 / Revised: 26 October 2020 / Accepted: 30 October 2020 / Published: 4 November 2020
(This article belongs to the Section Financial Mathematics)


To sin, or not to sin: that has been the question for many people for a long time, and nowadays that question has moved to the financial markets. The existence of studies that show that investing in vice sectors such as the alcohol, tobacco, and gambling industries, collectively known as the “triumvirate of Sin”, is profitable has created some uncertainty for investors who wonder whether or not to be socially responsible. We show that by implementing an investment strategy based on the Fama–French five-factor model, “saint” investors obtain better portfolio performance, even when transaction costs are taken into consideration, and therefore they are the ones chosen to knock on the door of portfolio performance heaven.

1. Introduction

In the early 1960s, Socially Responsible Investment (hereafter SRI) was based on negative criteria that excluded “sin” assets from portfolios, i.e., those related to alcohol, tobacco and the gambling industry, among others, see [1,2]. However, since the 1990s, this type of investment has evolved towards the use of positive selection criteria. Thus, investors began to consider the good practices of listed companies and invest in companies commonly referred to as “best in class”, see [3,4,5,6].
It was not until the beginning of the 21st century that the term became popular with the launch of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment. Today, SRI consists of incorporating financial aspects such as return, risk and liquidity, as well as other aspects related to the company’s good environmental, social or corporate governance (ESG) practices, into the asset selection process. In this way, other more specific concepts are covered such as the so-called green investment that only considers the environmental objectives of sustainable investors, see [7,8,9], or impact investment that considers social aspects, see [10].
Notwithstanding all this, we agree with Betti et al. [11], Cunha et al. [12] and Talan and Sharma [13] in considering that currently this type of investment must progress in the direction of a sustainable investing aligned with the efforts defined by the UN to achieve global sustainable development and concretised in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.
On the other hand, the existence of studies that show that investing in the alcohol, tobacco, and gambling economic sectors, collectively known as the “triumvirate of sin”, is profitable has created some uncertainty among investors. Salaber [14] found that sin stocks earned excess returns relative to the market as did Fabozzi et al. [15], who examined a sample of sin stocks across 21 countries, finding that they outperformed the market in terms of both magnitude and frequency, and Hong and Kacperczyk [16] showed that sin stock companies significantly outperformed similar comparable stocks.
However, more recently Richey [17] found that investors should not construct a portfolio of sin stocks with the hope of achieving abnormal returns, and Blitz and Fabozzi [18], who employed a similar procedure, found no premium investment opportunities after controlling for the five factors proposed by Fama and French [19].
Therefore, there is a question blowing in the wind: is it more profitable to be a socially responsible (saint) investor or a vice (sinner) investor? In this paper, we will assume the role of advocatus diaboli to look for an answer.
Previous empirical evidence has focused on analyzing the performance of different socially responsible and sin stocks or portfolios on the basis of different ratios, or the Fama–French [20] model and its extensions, in which the research is concentrated on the significance of alpha and beta. However, there is no empirical evidence on developing different strategies based on the value of alphas obtained from the estimation of a Fama–French model for these economic sectors. More precisely, we estimated several portfolios using a spanning procedure based on considering a set of initial assets and analyzing whether the inclusion of additional assets shifted its performance.
Additionally, we will improve on previous empirical evidence by employing exchange traded funds, hereinafter ETFs. These are a portfolio of assets, similar to mutual funds, but are also easily traded like stocks.
Our results showed that investing in responsible ETFs following a positive alpha clearly outperformed the option of investing in vice ETFs following the same strategy, but also other strategies, procedures, and even considering transaction costs. Consequently, following our results, investors should be saints instead of sinners.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present a literature review of the topic, we describe the methodology employed to construct alternative strategies, and the database is defined. Section 3 details the empirical results of the proposed investment strategies. Section 4 provides the results of the robustness test. Finally, Section 5 provides the main conclusions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Literature

Several performance studies have been developed on empirical literature using different asset pricing models such as the Fama–French [20] three-factor model, the Carhart [21] four-factor model, and the Fama–French [19] five-factor model with mixed results. Derwall et al. [22], Statman and Glushkov [23], and Chow et al. [24], among others, found that investing in SRI stocks generated positive abnormal returns. On the other hand, Brammer et al. [25], Derwall and Verwijmeren [26], and Becchetti and Ciciretti [27] provided evidence that SRI stocks generate negative abnormal returns.
There are also numerous studies in which portfolio performance is compared with conventional or similar portfolios. Bauer et al. [28] performed rolling regressions to test for the stability of some asset pricing models. They deduced that ethical funds do not outperform conventional funds. Mateus et al. [29] followed the methodology proposed by Angelidis et al. [30] and reveal that both the Fama-French three-factor and the Carhart four-factor models amplify the underperformance of UK equity mutual funds. More recently, Nofsinger and Varma [31] find evidence that US SRI mutual funds outperform conventional funds during periods of market crises, and underperform them during non-crisis periods. Leite and Cortez [32] investigate the performance of French SRI funds, and show, in accordance with Nofsinger and Varma [31], that they significantly underperform compared to conventional funds during non-crisis periods. However, these French SRI funds only match them during market downturns. Auer and Schuhmacher [33] analyse the performance of socially (ir) responsible investment in the Asian-Pacific region, the United States and Europe. They find that active selection of high- or low-rated stocks does not provide superior risk-adjusted performance in comparison to passive investments. Finally, Silva and Cortez [7] focus on green funds that are certified with an SRI label (SRI funds that use environmental criteria in their investment decisions), finding that they tend to underperform the benchmark investments.
In relation to investments that SRI investors avoid, Salaber [14] found that a European sin stock portfolio outperformed a sin-free portfolio over the period 1975–2006 by more than 4%. Hong and Kacperczyk [16] found that sin stocks earned positive abnormal returns of about 4.5%. These results were corroborated by [34] and [35]. Durand et al. [36] found evidence that there was a positive risk-adjusted performance for sinner stocks, but they did not find a negative risk-adjusted performance for saint stocks. More recently, Richey [37] showed that vice portfolios outperformed the market portfolio on a risk adjusted basis and provided investors with an alternative to simple passive strategies.
However, as mentioned previously, most of the aforementioned empirical evidence was focused mainly on analyzing the performance of asset pricing models or simple portfolios of assets, but there have been other lines of study. Kempf and Osthoff [38], Ziegler et al. [39], Brzeszczyński and McIntosh [40], and Berkman and Yang [41], among others, create portfolios of assets that go long or short following different criteria. In all cases, they tested the significance of the portfolio returns over different asset pricing models but they obtain dissimilar returns. Following this approach to developing an investment strategy, we adhere to the line of Sarwar et al. [42]. They proposed the use of the Fama-French five-factor model for developing an investment strategy. They also propose the use of various rebalancing periods for the portfolios, which lead to finding profitable strategies.

2.2. Methodological Approach

The seminal works of Sharpe [43] and Lintner [44] propose the CAPM model where investors are only compensated for undiversifiable risk. In this model, alpha and beta coefficients are obtained from regressions of stock returns on market returns.
R it R ft = α i + β i ( R mt R ft ) + ε it
where Rit is the asset return for period t; Rf is the risk-free rate; Rmt is the return of the value weighted market index for period t; αi is Jensen’s alpha (see [45]); βi is the systematic risk of the asset; and εit is the error term.
Fama and French [20] expand the CAPM model and add two additional factors which are the SMB size factor (Small Minus Big returns) and the HML value factor (High Minus Low returns).
R it R ft = α i + β i ( R mt R ft ) + s i SMB t + h i HML t + ε it
This model was extended by Carhart [21], who included a momentum factor, MOM, which is estimated as the difference between portfolio returns comprising the stocks of winners and losers in the past.
Finally, Fama and French [19] took into account empirical evidence that suggested that their three-factor model may be incomplete as it fails to capture diverse variations of returns related to profitability and investment (see [46,47]), and proposed a five-factor model in which the differences between stocks with robust and weak profitability (RMW) and the stocks of low and high investment firms (Conservative Minus Aggressive, CMA) were included.
R it R ft = α i + β i ( R mt R ft ) + s i SMB t + h i HML t + r i RMW t + c i CMA t + ε it
Our methodology is not based on expected returns but on the alphas of these models. More precisely, we focus on the alphas of the Fama-French five-factor model. This alpha is known as Jensen’s alpha and indicates a superior (inferior) performance of the asset in relation to the benchmark when it is statistically significant positive (negative).
We estimated five-year rolling alphas following the procedure of different authors (see [48,49,50,51,52,53]), but also that of Morningstar, a leading provider of investment analysis to the mutual fund industry, which uses a default period of 60 months (five years) to estimate most of its performance measures. Afterward, we use those alphas to compose a long-only strategy and a long-only with risk-free asset strategy on daily data but rebalanced monthly. That means that once the alphas of the ETFs, which compound one portfolio, are considered, they remain unchanged until the end of the month where new alphas are estimated. The following portfolio has the same values as the previous one to the moment in which the first alpha of the new ETF is estimated (which is five years after its inception date). Once again, that alpha remains the same until the end of that month where new alphas for all the ETFs that make up the portfolio are estimated and then considered. Therefore, a total of 25 portfolios are formed for each strategy following a spanning procedure that is based on considering a set of initial assets (six ETFs in our case) for the first portfolio and analyzing whether the inclusion of additional assets, to a maximum of 30 assets compounding our last portfolio, shifts its performance.
A buy signal appears for an asset in month t + 1 in the long-only strategy when the alpha for the rolling window ending in month t is positive, but takes no position when the alpha is negative. On the other hand, the long-only with risk-free strategy considers the investment on risk-free assets (one-month U.S. T-Bill) when the alpha is negative.
There were two main reasons that led us to opt for this procedure. First, the different inception dates for each ETF did not allow us to compose a portfolio of several assets that covered a long-run performance and varying market conditions. For that reason, we decided to analyze an initial portfolio of six assets, which formed the basis of those formed by seven, eight, and so on until thirty ETFs were added to each previous portfolio in their respective inception dates. This procedure allowed us to analyze the benefits of diversification over a long sample with bull and bear phases and also to consider different assets with their different returns and risks. Second, this is a common procedure that was first documented by Huberman and Kandel [54], but has also been employed using different assets by [55,56,57,58], among others.
The performances of the proposed portfolios and strategies were evaluated following three methods. The first is called “style-comparison” and was proposed by Sharpe [59], Christopherson [60], and Reilly and Norton [61]. This compares the returns of portfolios that have a similar investment style. Following this method, we considered that portfolios that provided higher cumulated returns were those with better performance.
The second method involves performance measures being “risk-adjusted” to take account of different risk levels. In this case, the Sharpe and Sortino ratios are the most notable, and, once again, higher values are better.
The Sharpe ratio can be defined as the sample mean of excess returns on the risk-free asset, divided by their sample standard deviation. For the risk-free rate, we used the yield of a one-month U.S. T-Bill.
Sharpe = μ ^ r f σ ^
The Sortino ratio (see [62,63]) is very similar to the former, but instead of dividing the excess return by the standard sample deviation, it is divided by the downside deviation, which only considers excess returns below zero.
Sortino = μ ^ r f Downside   deviation
These are the common ratios for analyzing the performance of different portfolios in the empirical evidence, however, it must be pointed out that financial series commonly have asymmetry and kurtosis levels that differ from those found in normal distributions. Given that the Sharpe and Sortino ratios neglect the skewness and kurtosis, they conceal a considerable amount of risk. For that reason, Shadwick and Keating [64] proposed the use of the Omega ratio as a performance measure. The Omega ratio, which is also known as a gain–loss ratio, is the ratio of the cumulative probabilities above and below a specified threshold (zero and risk-free rate in our case), and is defined as follows:
Omega = 1 T t = 1 T max ( 0 , + R p , t ) 1 T t = 1 T max ( 0 , R p , t )
The main advantage of the Omega ratio is that it makes no assumptions about the underlying distribution of returns.
We evaluate the performance of the proposed strategies by comparing their results with those obtained from an equally weighted (naïve) portfolio. We use it as a benchmark because, as pointed out by DeMiguel et al. [65], this strategy is easy to implement and that is why investors continue to use it in the allocation of their assets.

2.3. Data

In our study, we employed daily returns from 12 February 2001 to 31 July 2019 (amounting to 4644 usable observations) of sixty ETFs: thirty of them representative of socially responsible investments, while the other thirty are representative of vice investments. There is no common procedure in the empirical literature about the number of assets that make up a portfolio. We considered a total of thirty assets because by combining them in different groups, we were able to obtain well-diversified portfolios, so we reduced the risk inherent to a few investments and we increased the possibility of making profits.
Three criteria were followed for selecting the ETFs: the score in the sustainable impact solutions ratio (SIS) as reported by the ETF database (see accessed in September 2019), which is considered by the experts as the best website for screening, researching, and analyzing ETFs; the involvement of alcohol, tobacco, and gambling activities that determine the inclusion or not of an ETF on the SRI or vice sectors; and the inception dates.
Table 1 and Table 2 show the responsible ETFs and the vice ones, respectively. The first two columns show the code of each ETF and the complete name, respectively, while the third one exposes the inception date. The values of the sustainable impact solution ratios are displayed in the fourth column and, finally, the last three columns exhibit the involvement of the alcohol, tobacco, and gambling sectors of each ETF.
The first criterion is defined by the ETF Database as the exposure of an ETF to Sustainable Impact Solutions which is the portfolio weighted average of each company’s percentage of revenue generated by Sustainable Impact Solution goods and services. Accordingly with this definition, responsible ETFs are those with high Sustainable Impact Solution values while vice ETFs are those with the lower ones.
The second criterion is the involvement of each ETF in the alcohol, tobacco, and gambling sectors, which are referred to as the “triumvirate of sin”. Those ETFs with high involvement in these sectors as reported by ETF database are associated with non-responsible or vice ETFs, while those without involvement or minimum are considered the responsible ones.
Finally, ETFs were picked with different inception dates due to the impossibility of finding a significant number of ETFs that jointly complied with the previous criteria, but also with the long samples. No ETFs with an inception date beyond the end of July 2013 were chosen because we considered that a minimum of one year of rolling alphas must be used after applying a five-year rolling window for estimating those alphas.
All the ETFs in Table 1 and Table 2 are mentioned in descending order of their inception dates because those dates determine the composition of the portfolios. As an example, the first portfolio that will be later referred to as P6, was formed by the first six ETFs of each group, that is, XLV, BBH, PPH, IYH, ICF, and IBB in the case of the socially responsible ETFs. The following portfolio, P7, which added VHT ETF, was the same as the previous one to five years after (the rolling window) the inception date of VHT where that ETF was added to the portfolio due to the appearance of the new rolling alpha.
As was pointed out previously, this procedure was repeated by adding one ETF in each inception date plus five years until the last portfolio was formed, P30. It must be pointed out that although there were inception dates previous to 12 February 2001, it was the chosen date for beginning our sample because it is the inception date of the sixth ETF considered in the socially responsible group and we wanted to use the same sample for both groups.
Interesting data is evident in Table 1 and Table 2 regarding the profiles of the selected ETFs, reflecting their differences. First, there were significant dissimilarities in the sustainable impact solution values, where higher values are better. As expected, the values of this ratio were better for socially responsible ETFs, as the sustainable impact percentage was higher (a maximum of 71.69% for the ICLN ETF, whilst the highest value for the vice ETFs was 7.54%, for EWH ETF).
Involvement in the “triumvirate of sin”, investing in the alcohol, tobacco, and gambling sectors, was also quite different because there were some socially responsible ETFs with a minimum percentage of involvement in alcohol and tobacco. On the other hand, as expected, all of the socially irresponsible ETFs had a high level of involvement in at least two of the “sin sectors”.
Table 3 and Table 4 report the main descriptive statistics and stochastic properties of the ETF returns (data are available as Supplementary Materials). On average, socially responsible ETFs had higher returns and lower volatilities than vice ones. On the basis of the ANOVA test, we did not reject the null hypothesis that all the return series for each group of ETFs had the same mean, because the differences were not statistically significant. Moreover, the rejection of the null hypothesis of the equality of variances would lead us to conclude that the differences were statistically significant. Skewness was mostly negative and kurtosis was higher than three in both groups, therefore the distributions of returns for all the ETFs were mainly negatively skewed and leptokurtic. Finally, the Jarque–Bera statistic rejects the null hypothesis that the returns are normally distributed in all cases.

3. Results

At this stage, with the rolling Fama–French five-factor regressions for each ETF estimated, we show in Table 5 and Table 6 the performance of the two proposed strategies: the long-only strategy and the long risk-free strategy, but also those related to the naïve strategy for all the portfolios. Cumulative returns and Sharpe, Sortino, and Omega ratios (where zero and the risk-free rate are taken as the thresholds) are displayed in all cases. Due to the 60-month rolling window, these results covered the period from 17 February 2006 to 31 July 2019 (amounting to 3385 usable observations). This interval can be considered to be the “out-of-sample” period.
The results reported in Table 5 show that the long-only strategy clearly outperformed the naïve strategy and also the long-only risk-free one for all portfolios. We also found some interesting evidence. First, portfolios compounded by six to 12 assets showed significant increases and decreases in the performance ratios, which suggests a level of instability.
Second, the portfolio formed by the 13 assets with older inception dates (P13) reported the best performance measures for most of the ratios considered and, finally, there were no significant differences in the performance ratios for the rest of the portfolios when compared to P13. It must be pointed out that improvements around 60% in the Sharpe and Sortino ratios were obtained when the long-only strategy was applied. On the other hand, not so large but constant improvements around 3% were obtained when Omega ratios were compared among strategies.
The superior performance of the long-only strategy was also observed when we focused on Table 6 where ratios from sinner portfolios are reported, but in this case, a minimum of 15 assets were needed to improve the results of its naïve strategy and portfolios with 21 to 23 assets to obtain the best performance ratios. In this case, improvements in Sharpe and Sortino ratios when the long-only strategy was applied were lower, remaining around 20%, than those obtained with the naïve and the long-only risk-free strategies. In any case, the sinner portfolios showed worse results than those reported by the responsible ones, which means that initially an investor should opt for being a saint instead of a sinner.
Figure 1 and Table 7 help us to analyze the previous results in depth. Figure 1 shows the cumulative returns of the portfolio formed by 13 socially responsible ETFs (P13) following the long-only, the long-only with risk-free, and the naïve strategies. It also shows the cumulative returns for the same strategies but for the portfolio compounded by 15 vice ETFs (P15), and finally, it compares the cumulative returns of the long-only strategies for the P13 responsible portfolio and the P15 vice one.
We observed in all cases that the worst results for these strategies were provided when the rolling window employed for estimating the alphas covered the period from 2001 to 2011 (which means obtaining the first alphas in 2006 and the last ones in 2011).
This is a period of significant upward and downward trends in the economy with different crises that lead to obtaining negative returns in most of the assets on the stock markets, even the socially responsible ETFs.
On the other hand, there were significant upward trends in the cumulative returns for the portfolios when alphas were estimated in the period, which coincided with the end of the previous one (rolling sample from 2006 to 2011) and ended in 2017 (rolling sample from 2012 to 2017). Most of that period is characterized by a significant upward trend in the economy, during which it was recovering from the 2008 and the 2011 crises ( and subprime crises, respectively). However, the new evidence of economic crisis in 2018 led to a decrease in the cumulative returns of the strategies, which followed the alphas that were estimated in the rolling windows ending in July 2019. We could deduce from these results that this rolling alpha procedure worked better in upward economic trends.
Table 7 reports the positive and negative alphas over the respective rolling windows (restricted to their inception dates). Focusing on the responsible ETFs, where we obtained the best performance results, we observed that there were a total of nine responsible ETFs (PBW, PZD, QCLN, PBD, PIO, IFEU, TAN, ICLN, and LIT) without positive alphas, which means that they did not contribute anything to the portfolio return when the long-only strategy was employed and only added the risk-free ratio return due to the negative alphas when the long-only with risk-free strategy was used. Most of these ETFs are related to the renewable or clean energy sectors, which were highlighted by Silva and Cortez [7], Reboredo et al. [66], and Rezec and Scholtens [67] as underperformers of their respective benchmarks.
On the other hand, there are ETFs such as IBB, XBI, FBT, RYH, PSCH and XHE that help to improve the performance of the portfolios with their high percentage of positive alphas. Most of them are related to the healthcare sector, as pointed out by Schramade [68] and Betti et al. [11] as the most investable and important sector for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and, therefore, a perfect way to respond to the responsible (saint) preferences of the investors.
In essence, it has been clearly shown that saint investors obtain better performances than sinner ones, that it is more profitable to use a long-only strategy preferably on upward trends, and that it is more appropriate to invest in healthcare ETFs than in those focused on the renewable energy sector.

4. Discussion

For the sake of providing more robustness to our results, we consider transaction costs but also another approach. Following Blitz and Huij [69], who stated that funds underperform market portfolios due to expense ratios, we consider a 0.56% annual expense ratio (which corresponds to the mean of the expense ratios from the ETFs considered in this paper). The out-of-sample portfolio performance results are shown in Table 8 and Table 9. We observe that the profitability of our proposal takes into account expense ratios sufficiently, and, once again, the suitability of investing in socially responsible ETFs instead of investing in vice ETFs is proved.
There are some authors such as Bauer et al. [28], Humphrey and Tan [70], or Sarwar et al. [42], among others, who have proposed using a 3-year rolling window for estimating the alphas. We also considered that procedure in order to compare the results with those obtained previously using a 5-year rolling window. In order to analyze this alternative procedure using the same terms as the previous one, we report the results in Table 10 and Table 11.
We used a 3-year rolling window for the same “out-of-sample” period that was employed for the 5-year rolling average, that is, from 17 February 2006 to 31 July 2019 (amounting to 3385 usable observations) as well as the transaction costs. We found profitable strategies for both social (saint) and vice (sinner) ETFs and, once again, we obtained better performance results for the saint ETFs. However, these results did not outperform those obtained using the previous procedure (see Table 8 and Table 9) that employed a five-year rolling window, which was found to be the better procedure.
Therefore, we have shown the adequacy of the suggested methodology for improving the performance of investments, especially in responsible ones, in spite of some limitations that, however, do not lend merit to the results. First, we found just a few of ETFs with long inception dates, which led us to limit the sample and so were not able to analyze different periods of time. Second, we did not perform statistical significance tests to the different results such as those suggested by Burchi [71] or Herzel et al. [57] due to the high volume of performance measures that would make their exhibition cumbersome.

5. Conclusions

Given the different studies showing the profitability of the “triumvirate of Sin” investments (alcohol, tobacco, and gambling), investors may be unsure whether to invest in these sectors and become “sinners”, or remain “saints” and invest in socially responsible sectors.
This paper has analysed this uncertainty by developing various investment strategies based on the value of the alphas which are obtained from the estimation of the Fama-French five-factor model. Therefore, we estimated several portfolios using a spanning procedure, which to the best of our knowledge, has not been applied previously, and we analyzed whether the inclusion of assets improved the portfolio performance.
We have shown that saint investors obtain better performance measures than sinner investors using different rolling windows even when transaction costs are considered. We have demonstrated the suitability of investing in socially responsible ETFs instead of socially irresponsible ETFs, and the suitability of using a long-only strategy, which is the most profitable in spite of some limits related to the lack of availability of long inception dates or the absence of statistical significance tests. These limits do not take merits to the results but they must be taken into account in future research in order to improve the empirical evidence as well as comparing their performance with ETFs which track indices such as the Dow Jones Industrial average or the S&P500. To sum up, these better results for the socially responsible investment could be explained by the fact that ETFs are quickly becoming favourite investment for millennials who look to make a profit while making a positive difference in the world. Individual and institutional investors can employ this approach to increase the economic value to their investment strategies.

Supplementary Materials

Data are available at this website

Author Contributions

This work is an outcome of the joint efforts of the two authors. J.L.M.-Q. conceived the research idea, provided research materials, and analysis tools and contributed to the interpretation of the results. M.M.M.-Q. conceived the research idea and reviewed the related literature. Both authors provided contributions to the conclusions and implications of the research and wrote the manuscript and thoroughly read and approved the final version. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Junta de Extremadura under the VI Action Plan for Research and Development 2017/20 through the GIMAF research group (reference GR18022).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Cumulative returns for socially responsible investment (SRI) and vice exchange traded funds (ETFs) using different strategies.
Figure 1. Cumulative returns for socially responsible investment (SRI) and vice exchange traded funds (ETFs) using different strategies.
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Table 1. Profile of socially responsible exchange traded funds (ETFs).
Table 1. Profile of socially responsible exchange traded funds (ETFs).
CodeETF NameInceptionSISAlcoholTobaccoGambling
XLVHealth Care Select Sector SPDR Fund16/12/9816.322.040.000.00
BBHVanEck Vectors Biotech ETF23/11/9939.
PPHVanEck Vectors Pharmaceutical ETF01/02/0012.850.000.000.00
IYHiShares U.S. Healthcare ETF12/06/0017.001.890.000.00
ICFiShares Cohen & Steers REIT ETF29/01/0115.893.312.350.00
IBBiShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF12/02/0136.430.000.000.00
VHTVanguard Healthcare ETF30/01/0416.241.710.000.00
PBWInvesco WilderHill Clean Energy ETF03/03/0538.550.000.000.00
PJPInvesco Dynamic Pharmaceuticals ETF23/06/0539.
PBEInvesco Dynamic Biotechnology & Genome ETF23/06/0520.770.000.000.00
PHOInvesco Water Resources ETF06/12/0515.330.000.000.00
XBISPDR S&P Biotech ETF06/02/0619.
IHIiShares U.S. Medical Devices ETF05/05/0621.
XPHSPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETF19/06/0612.
FBTFirst Trust Amex Biotechnology Index23/06/0626.530.000.000.00
PTHInvesco DWA Healthcare Momentum ETF12/10/0612.820.000.000.00
PZDInvesco Cleantech™ ETF24/10/0627.294.360.000.00
RYHInvesco S&P 500® Equal Weight Health Care ETF07/11/0614.791.560.000.00
RXLProShares Ultra Health Care30/01/0713.921.540.000.00
QCLNClean Edge Green Energy Index Fund14/02/0742.522.570.000.00
FXHFirst Trust Health Care AlphaDEX Fund08/05/0713.950.000.000.00
PIOInvesco Global Water ETF13/06/0718.412.820.000.00
PBDInvesco Global Clean Energy ETF13/06/0741.031.940.000.00
IFEUiShares Europe Developed Real Estate ETF12/11/0726.784.330.000.00
TANInvesco Solar ETF15/04/0862.
ICLNiShares Global Clean Energy ETF24/06/0871.690.000.000.00
PSCHInvesco S&P SmallCap Health Care ETF07/04/1017.790.000.000.00
BIBProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology09/04/1030.320.000.000.00
LITGlobal X Lithium ETF22/07/1015.950.000.000.00
XHESPDR S&P Health Care Equipment ETF26/01/1122.
This table displays some profile data of each ETF. The first three columns report the code, name, and inception date of each ETF. The fourth column (SIS) refers to sustainable impact solutions where a higher number is better. Finally, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling columns show the involvement of each ETF on these economic sectors. Values of these four columns are in percentage.
Table 2. Profile of vice ETFs.
Table 2. Profile of vice ETFs.
CodeETF NameInceptionSISAlcoholTobaccoGambling
EWHiShares MSCI Hong Kong ETF12/03/967.5434.8028.4813.05
EWWiShares MSCI Mexico ETF12/03/965.2333.1828.432.50
XLEEnergy Select Sector SPDR Fund16/12/980.113.1625.620.00
XLYConsumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund16/12/980.4950.399.257.34
IYZiShares U.S. Telecommunications ETF22/05/
IYEiShares U.S. Energy ETF12/06/000.532.7526.830.00
IYCiShares US Consumer Services ETF28/06/000.4658.4930.0410.54
RTHVanEck Vectors Retail ETF17/05/010.1658.2228.780.00
IGNiShares North American Tech-Multimedia ETF10/07/
ADRAInvesco BLDRS Asia 50 ADR Index Fund13/11/024.0028.3316.7818.13
ADREInvesco BLDRS Emerging Markets 50 ADR Index F.13/11/022.7631.1125.6418.14
VCRVanguard Consumer Discretionary ETF30/01/041.7246.248.467.25
VDEVanguard Energy ETF23/09/040.202.9425.7711.00
PEJInvesco Dynamic Leisure and Entertainment ETF23/06/051.7761.4812.8110.50
PXQInvesco Dynamic Networking ETF23/06/
PMRInvesco Dynamic Retail ETF26/10/051.9432.6319.990.00
EEBInvesco BRIC ETF21/09/061.9326.9620.0810.89
RXIiShares Global Consumer Discretionary ETF21/09/061.5747.6710.956.86
RCDInvesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Consumer07/11/061.5731.7914.3814.46
DIGProShares Ultra Oil & Gas30/01/070.462.4123.490.00
UCCProShares Ultra Consumer Services30/01/070.2948.0020.397.61
CUTInvesco MSCI Global Timber ETF09/11/075.672.5933.790.00
BJKVanEck Vectors Gaming ETF22/01/080.0073.6363.9495.15
LTLUltra Telecommunications ProShares25/03/082.620.000.0045.38
WOODiShares Global Timber & Forestry ETF24/06/081.773.8422.230.00
CQQQInvesco China Technology ETF08/12/091.869.079.0714.31
EPHEiShares MSCI Philippines ETF28/09/103.9454.7419.443.00
XTLSPDR S&P Telecom ETF26/01/111.550.000.0013.67
MCHIiShares MSCI China ETF29/03/115.9226.9218.1513.81
FCANFirst Trust Canada AlphaDEX Fund14/02/121.1428.0027.172.72
This table displays some of the profile data of each ETF. The first three columns report the code, name, and inception date of each ETF. The fourth column (SIS) refers to sustainable impact solutions where a higher number is better. Finally, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling columns show the involvement of each ETF on these economic sectors. Values of these four columns are in percentage.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics social responsible ETFs.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics social responsible ETFs.
MeanStd. Dev.SkewnessKurtosisJBObs
PPH1.51 × 10−50.011093−0.2960158.8487216686.9814644
QCLN3.47 × 10−50.020381−0.4738978.9871714801.2863136
PIO3.98 × 10−50.014637−0.16305416.1593422049.173054
IFEU−9.84 × 10−50.0200591.475350145.35562464113.2917
LIT−9.62 × 10−50.014404−0.4044487.3350401839.3512270
This table contains the descriptive statistics for the daily return series for the socially responsible ETFs for the sample period from 5 February 2001 through to 31 July 2019. The last row reports the mean and variance equality tests using the ANOVA and Levene statistics, respectively (p values in parentheses). Skewness and Kurtosis refer to the series skewness and kurtosis coefficients. The Jarque–Bera statistic tests the normality of the series. This statistic has an asymptotic χ2(2) distribution under the normal distribution hypothesis.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics vice ETFs.
Table 4. Descriptive statistics vice ETFs.
MeanStd. Dev.SkewnessKurtosisJBObs
IYZ−7.81 × 10−50.014266−0.17195010.2167310100.584644
CUT1.60 × 10−50.015478−0.1512009.7080525540.3622949
BJK−3.34 × 10−50.017886−0.16778715.1751217918.982899
LTL−2.44 × 10−60.027443−0.15247211.933679375.3382816
WOOD5.84 × 10−50.015573−0.33879911.724498911.5162793
MCHI5.69 × 10−50.014826−0.1280865.910170745.36522096
This table contains the descriptive statistics for the daily return series for the socially responsible ETFs for the sample period from 5 February 2001 through to 31 July 2019. The last row reports the mean and variance equality tests using the ANOVA and Levene statistics, respectively (p values in parentheses). Skewness and Kurtosis refer to the series skewness and kurtosis coefficients. The Jarque–Bera statistic tests the normality of the series. This statistic has an asymptotic χ2(2) distribution under the normal distribution hypothesis.
Table 5. Performance from responsible portfolios using a 5-year rolling window.
Table 5. Performance from responsible portfolios using a 5-year rolling window.
This table shows the portfolio performance after applying the different strategies. The values of cumulative returns (CR) are reported as percentages. Performance ratios are Sharpe (SH), Sortino (SOR), and Omega with a zero threshold (OM0) and risk-free threshold (OMRF). Strategies take a long (invest in 1-month U.S. T-Bill) position in the portfolio that have a positive (negative) alpha of 5-year rolling window regression.
Table 6. Performance from vice portfolios using a 5-year rolling window.
Table 6. Performance from vice portfolios using a 5-year rolling window.
This table shows the portfolio performance after applying the different strategies. The values of cumulative returns (CR) are reported as percentages. Performance ratios are Sharpe (SH), Sortino (SOR), and Omega with a zero threshold (OM0) and risk-free threshold (OMRF). Strategies take a long (invest in 1-month U.S. T-Bill) position in the portfolio that have positive (negative) alpha of 5-year rolling window regression.
Table 7. Positive and negative alphas over the rolling window.
Table 7. Positive and negative alphas over the rolling window.
Responsible ETFsVice ETFs
CodeTotalPoe%Neg%Code Pos%Neg%
Table 8. Performance from responsible portfolios using a 5-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
Table 8. Performance from responsible portfolios using a 5-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
This table shows the portfolio performance after applying the different strategies. The values of cumulative returns (CR) are reported as percentages. Performance ratios are Sharpe (SH), Sortino (SOR), and Omega with a zero threshold (OM0) and risk-free threshold (OMRF). Strategies take a long (invest in 1-month U.S. T-Bill) position in the portfolio that have positive (negative) alpha of 5-year rolling window regression.
Table 9. Performance from vice portfolios using a 5-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
Table 9. Performance from vice portfolios using a 5-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
This table shows the portfolio performance after applying the different strategies. The values of cumulative returns (CR) are reported as percentages. Performance ratios are Sharpe (SH), Sortino (SOR), and Omega with a zero threshold (OM0) and risk-free threshold (OMRF). Strategies take a long (invest in 1-month U.S. T-Bill) position in the portfolio that have a positive (negative) alpha of 5-year rolling window regression.
Table 10. Performance from responsible portfolios using a 3-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
Table 10. Performance from responsible portfolios using a 3-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
This table shows the portfolio performance after applying the different strategies. The values of cumulative returns (CR) are reported as percentages. Performance ratios are Sharpe (SH), Sortino (SOR), and Omega with a zero threshold (OM0) and risk-free threshold (OMRF). Strategies take a long (invest in 1-month U.S. T-Bill) position in the portfolio that have a positive (negative) alpha of 5-year rolling window regression.
Table 11. Performance from vice portfolios using a 3-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
Table 11. Performance from vice portfolios using a 3-year rolling window considering transaction costs.
This table shows the portfolio performance after applying the different strategies. The values of cumulative returns (CR) are reported as percentages. Performance ratios are Sharpe (SH), Sortino (SOR), and Omega with a zero threshold (OM0) and risk-free threshold (OMRF). Strategies take a long (invest in 1-month U.S. T-Bill) position in the portfolio that have a positive (negative) alpha of 5-year rolling window regression.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Miralles-Quirós, J.L.; Miralles-Quirós, M.M. Who Knocks on the Door of Portfolio Performance Heaven: Sinner or Saint Investors? Mathematics 2020, 8, 1951.

AMA Style

Miralles-Quirós JL, Miralles-Quirós MM. Who Knocks on the Door of Portfolio Performance Heaven: Sinner or Saint Investors? Mathematics. 2020; 8(11):1951.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Miralles-Quirós, José Luis, and María Mar Miralles-Quirós. 2020. "Who Knocks on the Door of Portfolio Performance Heaven: Sinner or Saint Investors?" Mathematics 8, no. 11: 1951.

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