Fuzzy Governance Model
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Board of Directors
- To ensure that board members are informed and act ethically and in good faith, with due diligence and care, in the best interest of the company and the shareholders.
- To review and guide corporate strategy, objective setting, major plans of action, risk policy, capital plans, and annual budgets.
- To ensure the integrity of the accounting and financial reporting systems of the corporations, including their independent audit.
- To ensure that the board members are nominated and elected through a formal and transparent process.
- To select, compensate, monitor, and replace key executives and oversee succession planning.
- To ensure the set-up of an appropriate internal control system.
- To oversee disclosure and communications processes.
2.2. Audit Committee
2.3. Best Corporate Practices
2.4. Internal Control Policies and Procedures
2.5. Test of Compliance in the Independent Auditor’s Examination
2.6. Corporate Governance as a Management System
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Fuzzy Logic
3.2. Linguistic Variables
4. Results
4.1. A Governance Fuzzy Model
- Some qualitative categories only allow for binary evaluations and other attributes, so the linguistic labels in Table 1 will be used for the analysis.
- Categories such as company leadership can consider the use of information from some reputational evaluation instrument.
- It is suggested to take the highest value obtained in categories corresponding to numbers of board members, reports of external auditors, and periodicity, among others.
- Financial categories should be given greater attention since they deal with indicators of the economic position of the company; for example, profitability, liquidity, and leverage, among others. In order to evaluate each financial aspect, the highest value among all the obtained data is proposed.
- Categories such as audit functions, conflict of interest, and code of ethics, among others, are dichotomous values; therefore, only Very good and Very bad will be considered in the evaluation.
- This tool has the following advantages:
- (a)
- Economic: This is the greatest advantage since its low cost allows for its application in different contexts and situations and leads to low-cost audits.
- (b)
- Meticulous: It is a tool based on the auditor’s professional judgment and experience to select non-random samples and reduce the number of categories to obtain meticulous information with satisfactory results.
4.2. Application
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Linguistic Variables | Fuzzy Triangular Numbers | Fuzzy -Set: [] |
Very good | (66.4, 83, 100) | [66.4, 100] |
Good | (49.8, 66.4, 83) | [49.8, 83] |
Regular | (33.2, 49.8, 66.4) | [33.2, 66.4] |
Bad | (16.6, 33.2, 49.8) | [16.6, 49.8] |
Very bad | (0, 16.6, 33.2) | [0, 33.2] |
Attribute | |||||
Cost | Regular | Regular | Very bad | Bad | Good |
Quality | Regular | Very good | Regular | Good | Regular |
Delivery time | Very bad | Good | Very bad | Bad | Very good |
Attribute | |||||
: Cost | [33.2, 66.4] | [33.2, 66.4] | [0, 33.2] | [16.6, 49.8] | [49.8, 83] |
: Quality | [33.2, 66.4] | [66.4, 100] | [33.2, 66.4] | [49.8, 83] | [33.2, 66.4] |
: Delivery time | [0, 33.2] | [49.8, 83] | [0, 33.2] | [16.6, 49.8] | [66.4, 100] |
Attribute | Ideal I | |
Good | [49.8, 83] | |
Good | [49.8, 83] | |
Good | [49.8, 83] |
Agent | |
0.22 | |
0.55 | |
0.11 | |
0.33 | |
0.55 |
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Mancilla-Rendón, E.; Lozano, C.; Torres-Esteva, E. Fuzzy Governance Model. Mathematics 2021, 9, 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9050481
Mancilla-Rendón E, Lozano C, Torres-Esteva E. Fuzzy Governance Model. Mathematics. 2021; 9(5):481. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9050481
Chicago/Turabian StyleMancilla-Rendón, Enriqueta, Carmen Lozano, and Enrique Torres-Esteva. 2021. "Fuzzy Governance Model" Mathematics 9, no. 5: 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9050481
APA StyleMancilla-Rendón, E., Lozano, C., & Torres-Esteva, E. (2021). Fuzzy Governance Model. Mathematics, 9(5), 481. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9050481