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Aerated Concrete, Based on the Ash of Thermal Power Plants, Nanostructured with Water-Soluble Fullerenols

Olga V. Rudenko
Nikolay A. Charykov
Natalya A. Kulenova
Marzhan A. Sadenova
Darya K. Anop
1 and
Erzhan Kuldeyev
Priority Department Centre “Veritas” D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, 19 Serikbayev Str., Ust-Kamenogorsk 070000, Kazakhstan
Department of Physical Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), 26 Moskovsky Ave., 190013 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Department of Physical Chemistry, Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”, ul. Professor Popov 5, 19376 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Satbayev University, Satbayev St. 22a, Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Processes 2024, 12(10), 2139;
Submission received: 26 August 2024 / Revised: 19 September 2024 / Accepted: 27 September 2024 / Published: 1 October 2024


This study is devoted to the synthesis of aerated concrete by a non-autoclave method using ash from thermal power plants and a nanopreparation. Fullerenol-m was used as a nanopreparation. The fullerenol-m content in the sealing water of aerated concrete changed in the range of 0.00 ÷ 0.03 mas.%. The main performance characteristics of the nanostructured aerated concrete were studied, namely the compressive strength, impact toughness, thermal conductivity, density and moisture content. A significant improvement in the performance characteristics of the nanomodified aerated concrete compared to unmodified samples was demonstrated, which was most clearly manifested as an increase in impact toughness by several (three to five) times. The best performance characteristics of the modified aerated concrete were observed at a fullerenol-m concentration relative to the added cement within 0.022–0.028 wt.%. The authors attribute such a strong change and improvement in the physical, chemical and operational properties of aerated concrete when modified with fullerenol-m to the fact that fullerenol-m (a few thousandths of wt.%) has a very strong structuring effect on the sealing water and, as a consequence, on the resulting aerated concrete.

1. Introduction

The most popular building material in low-rise construction is aerated concrete, which is also called cellular concrete. The increase in the demand for aerated concrete is facilitated by the growth of electricity tariffs, and this in turn stimulates the use of building materials with low thermal conductivity [1]. Aerated concrete is used to construct partitions inside buildings, as well as for the insulation of external walls. It has good thermal insulation, which allows a reduction in the cost of heating a building. Over the past few decades, many authors have studied the possibility of improving the characteristics of various concretes using nanomaterials such as nano-TiO2, nano-SiO2 and carbon nanotubes [2,3,4,5,6]. Nanotechnology makes it possible to influence the properties of materials if the sizes of the nanomaterials are in the range of 1–100 nm (such a size can be fractional or fractal) [3], and this research topic is becoming increasingly popular among researchers due to the possibility of new scientific and practical applications [7,8]. The review in [9] presents new achievements in research related to increasing the durability of concrete using nanomaterials. It is shown that the inclusion of nanomaterials in concrete has a positive effect in terms of increasing its mechanical strength and durability, and it also leads to energy savings due to reduced cement consumption in the production of concrete. It is known that in order to increase the strength and improve the pore structure in cellular concrete, it is possible to modify the composition with carbon-containing nanomaterials, the introduction of which results in the effect of reinforcing the viscous mineral matrix [10]. The work in [11] shows the effect of additives at ultra-low doses (0.006–0.042% by weight of the binder), such as dispersed multi-layer carbon nanotubes, in changing the physical and mechanical properties of cement concrete. Recently, much attention has been paid to the use of waste generated during coal combustion in thermal power plants as a silica component for the production of aerated concrete blocks. Attention has also been paid to the use of thermal power plant (TPP) ash as a filler for aerated concrete [12,13]. It should be noted that earlier, in [14], the possibility of modifying standard concrete and gypsum using water-soluble carbon nanomaterials was considered. The authors demonstrated a significant improvement in the strength characteristics of building materials (primarily the impact toughness).
This article is the first to investigate the possibility of using water-soluble carbon-containing nanopreparations for the production of aerated concrete by a non-autoclave method, using ash and slag waste from thermal power plants as a filler. The main objective of this study is to improve the main strength characteristics (and a number of others, such as the density, thermal conductivity and humidity).
This study has great potential, since the operation of TPPs results in the formation of a huge amount of ash and slag waste (ASW), which occupies huge areas and negatively affects the environment. The production of aerated concrete blocks based on ash and slag waste is associated with obvious environmental and economic advantages—the utilization of ash and slag waste from thermal power plants and the reduction of the costs of their maintenance and storage.

2. Materials and Methods of Material Synthesis

2.1. Concrete M400

For the preparation of aerated concrete samples, we used cement of the M400 brand, produced by the Bukhtarma Cement Company LLP. This is one of the most affordable cement grades used in the northeast of Kazakhstan and is produced on its own resource base. The chemical and phase compositions of M400 cement, as presented by the manufacturer, are given in Table 1.
Additionally, a fairly fast and reliable method for the analysis of various materials was used—the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) method. We conducted an electron microscopic study of M400 cement on a JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope with an INCA microanalysis system. Figure 1 shows an image of the microstructure of the M400 cement and the quantitative composition of the chemical elements detected.
The main chemical elements are calcium, oxygen and silicon, which is confirmed by the data given in Table 1. Visually, the presence of these chemical elements in the studied sample of M400 cement is clearly visible in the energy spectrum obtained with the EDS microanalyzer (Figure 2).
The presence of such elements as copper and zinc in the spectrum can be explained by the fact that the company uses waste slag from metallurgical plants in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the production of M400 cement.

2.2. Ash and Slag Waste—ASW

The authors used ash and slag waste (ASW; ash dump of boiler house No. 2 of Ust-Kamenogorsk Thermal Power Plant (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan)). This waste is not only free but also has a negative cost, since it requires disposal. The results of the elemental analysis of the ASW are presented below in Table 2.
Ash and slag waste is characterized by a complex composition. In terms of the chemical composition, the basis of ash and slag waste is silicon, aluminum and iron oxides. The content of alkali and alkaline earth metal oxides is approximately 6.4%. We additionally conducted an electron microscopic study of the ash and slag waste using the JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope with the INCA microanalysis system. Figure 3 shows an image of the ash and slag waste microstructure and the quantitative composition of the chemical elements detected.
In addition to aluminosilicate aggregates, the composition of fly ash includes spheroidal particles of magnetite (Fe3O4) mixed with hematite (Fe2O3), which constitute the magnetic fraction of ASW.
Figure 4 shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of the ASW obtained using an Aeris Research diffractometer.
The comparison of the study results with the diffraction database showed that the studied sample of ASW was represented by the following: amorphous phase—38.1%; mullite—21.0%; quartz—38.5%; magnesioferrite—1.5%; magnetite—0.1%; hematite—0.8%.

2.3. Fullerenol-m

By themselves, individual, well-purified fullerenols (for example, probably the most popular fullerenol, C60 (OH)24; C70 (OH)12) [15,16] are quite expensive and cannot be effectively used in construction, even in the form of microadditives. Therefore, in our work, we used the much more accessible fullerenol-m. This nanopreparation was obtained using a previously developed method for the synthesis of mixed fullerenols (fullerenol-mix-ss) directly from fullerene soot [17]. Hence, the name of the nanopreparation used is fullerenol-mix or fullerenol-m. The stages in the synthesis of fullerenol-m and the characteristics of the intermediates at the different stages of synthesis are presented in Table 3. The research on this product was carried out via a number of methods associated with physicochemical analysis (Table 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10 and Figure 11).
According to Figure 5 (optical microscope Min-5), the morphology of fullerenol-m corresponds to a three-dimensionally soldered polycrystalline formation with an average linear crystallite size of several hundred microns. The linear size of the soldered crystallite in the photo of 1 cm corresponds to a real size of about 200 microns. The fullerenol-m synthesized by us was studied for identification by infrared spectrophotometry using a Shimadzu FTIR8400S device (Figure 6 and Table 4). The study of the obtained spectrum allowed us to identify the main absorption peaks at the given frequencies, corresponding to the O-H, C-O and C-O-H groups (Table 4).
The data on the identification of fullerenol-m using the SPECORD M-32 electron spectrometer are presented in Table 4 and Figure 7.
As can be clearly seen from Figure 7, the electron spectrum of fullerenol-m has no visible absorption peaks, and only monotonously increasing absorption is observed when shifted to the short-wavelength region of the spectrum. In particular, there is no intense absorption peak common to light fullerenes at λ = 335.7 nm (see the electronic absorption spectrum for the solution of C60, represented in Figure 7, for comparison).
Using mass spectrometry with the Mibcrotof device (Bruker), ionization–electronic impact studies were conducted to identify fullerenol-m, the results of which are presented in Table 4 and Figure 8.
Figure 8 clearly shows the presence of mass-spectrometric peaks at M/Z = 925–1163 a.u., corresponding to sodium forms of polyalcohols Cn(OH)mOp(ONa)q. The study of the thermal stability of fullerenol-m was carried out using a device for the thermal testing of materials from Shanghai Jiahang Instruments Co., Ltd., in an air atmosphere at normal pressure in the temperature range T = 25 ÷ 1150 °C (the results are presented in Table 4 and Figure 9).
The thermogram shows that, at T = 100 ÷ 130 °C, the decomposition of the fullerenol-m crystal hydrate occurs. At T = 170 ÷ 830 °C, the oxidative destruction of fullerenol-m occurs, consisting of dehydroxylation and decarboxylation processes, with the formation of semi-ketones and the rearrangement of the pinacol-type hydroxyl groups and their degradation. At T = 850 ÷ 880 °C, the loss of all hydroxyl groups is observed; at T ≥ 900 °C, the oxidation of the fullerene nuclei begins.
Figure 10 shows the HPLC of the solution of fullerenol-m (a); in the basic line without fullerenol-m (b), it was removed using an Agilent liquid chromatograph. Table 4 shows the experimental conditions.
In Figure 10, it can be found that, at t = 2.6 min, the strongest peak of fullerenol-m is observed. The width of the main peak at half-height is d_(1/2) ≈ 0.25 min. The chromatographic purity of fullerenol-m is ≈ 98 ÷ 99 wt%.
Figure 11 and Table 4 show the data on the size distribution of the associates, obtained using the Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90 device.
The classical stage-by-stage hierarchical association of nanoclusters formed by molecules creating a mixed nanopreparation of fullerenol-m was found. Here, zeroth-order associates (monomers with linear dimensions δ ≈ 2 nm) at the lowest gross concentrations of fullerenol-m are found; at C fullerenol-m < 0.01 g/dm3, first-order associates with δ ≈ 25 ± 10 nm are formed; at C fullerenol-m = 0.05 ÷ 0.15 g/dm3, second-order associates with δ ≈ 230 ± 50 nm are formed from first-order associates; at C fullerenol-m = 0.15 ÷ 3.0 g/dm3, third-order associates with δ ≈ 3 ± 1 nm are formed from second-order associates; and at C fullerenol-m = 3.0 ÷ 10 g/dm3, a microcolloid solution is formed, based on third-order associates.

2.4. Aerated Concrete

For the synthesis of aerated concrete, the following reagents were additionally used: technical grade A soda ash with sodium carbonate containing at least 99.4% Na2CO3; grade A5 aluminum powder; and fullerenol-m.
The research methodology included the production and testing of experimental aerated concrete samples (cubes with an edge size of 15 cm) with different amounts of fullerenol-m, including control samples (with a three-fold repetition of the experiment). The scheme of the synthesis process is presented in Figure 12.
Concrete, ASW and other dry materials were dosed by weight (Figure 12). First, cement, ASW and quicklime were mixed. Separately, a mixing solution was prepared containing fullerenol-m at the required concentration [16], soda ash (Na2CO3) and water. Then, the mixing solution was heated to 50 °C. The heated mixing solution was added to the dry mixture consisting of cement, ASW and quicklime and mixed for 3 min. After this, aluminum powder was added to the resulting mixture and mixed for 2 min. When the aluminum powder was introduced into the liquid suspension, active gas formation began, due to which pores were formed. The finished mixture was poured into molds to two thirds of the height. The lifting of the aerated concrete and the minimum gain in strength occurred under normal conditions; then, the samples were placed in a normal curing chamber for storage for 28 days.
In our experiments, we used different ratios of ASW, cement and lime:
cement/slag waste/lime 1.0/1.0/0.0 (in grams 2200/2200/0);
cement/slag waste/lime 1.0/0.9/0.1 (in grams 2200/1980/220);
cement/slag waste/lime 1.0/0.8/0.2 (in grams 2200/1760/440).
The amounts of soda ash and aluminum powder in all experiments were the same at 10 g and 3.6 g, respectively. The volume of the mixing solution in the experiments was 2450 mL.
Figure 13 shows the appearance of the aerated concrete samples obtained by the non-autoclave method with the same concentration of fullerenol-m (0.028 wt.% in relation to cement).
Figure 14 shows an image of the microstructure of the synthesized aerated concrete sample, obtained using an electron microscope. Table 5 shows the minimum and maximum concentrations of the chemical elements found in the aerated concrete when examined using the scanning electron microscopy method.
The main chemical elements are oxygen, calcium, aluminum and silicon. Visually, the presence of the chemical elements in the studied sample of aerated concrete was confirmed by the energy spectrum obtained with the EDS microanalyzer (Figure 15).

2.5. Testing and Research Methods

2.5.1. Specific Impact Strength

The classical methods of Charpy and Izod are rarely applied to construction materials, i.e., cement/beton, because of the relatively low impact strength and high mechanical heterogeneity of the latter. In the testing of cement/beton by these methods, it is practically impossible to obtain stable and internally correlated results. For the impact resistance testing of nanomodified construction material samples, we used a method that was methodically close to Gardner’s test (method of falling metal ball) [24]. The scheme of the apparatus is shown in Figure 16. As a result, we obtained data on the so-called specific impact resistance, which has the unit [kJ/m3], or the classical impact resistance in ·m−1. We determine the so-called first specific impact resistance (when the first crack appears) and the second one (when complete sample destruction is observed).

2.5.2. Compressive Strength

Compressive strength tests of the samples were carried out using a PGM-100MG4 hydraulic press (small-sized hydraulic press, Russian [25]). The measurements were carried out in accordance with [26]. Axis compression cubes with certain dimensions (≈150 mm × 50 mm × 150 mm) were studied.

2.5.3. Density

The density of the aerated concrete was determined by the direct weighing of the cubes, taking into account the imperfection of the shape (average of 3 measurements).

2.5.4. Humidity

The humidity of the aerated cement was measured by a humidity meter, the electronic moisture meter MG4-U [27]. The measurements were carried out in accordance with [28].

2.5.5. Thermal Conductivity

The thermal conductivity of the aerated cement was measured by a thermal conductivity meter ITP-MG4 [29]. The measurements were carried out in accordance with [29].

3. Results

The strength characteristics and some physical–chemical properties of the aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols are presented in Table 6 and Figure 17 and Figure 18.

4. Discussion

The increase in the influence of the nanopreparation added during the synthesis of the aerated concrete samples on their physical and mechanical characteristics is well demonstrated by Figure 17 and Figure 18.
The dependencies presented in Figure 17a,b,d have the same configuration, showing an increase in the strength characteristics of the aerated concrete with the amount of the added nanopreparation. The maximum values are achieved at a fullerenol-m concentration of 0.022–0.028% based on the mass of the cement.
The dependencies of the density and thermal conductivity of the aerated concrete (Figure 18a,c) also have similar configurations. With an increase in the amount of the added nanopreparation, the strength and thermal conductivity of the aerated concrete decrease. The maximum decrease is achieved at a fullerenol concentration of 0.022–0.028% based on the mass of the cement.
In Figure 19, we present the most significant changes in the strength and some physical characteristics of the fullerenol-m-modified aerated concrete in comparison with unmodified samples against the fullereneol-m concentration in the sealing water.
We can see that the introduction of water-soluble fullerenol-m into the composition of aerated concrete (in quantities of 0.0075–0.03 mass.%) has a significant effect on the strength and physicochemical properties of the concrete:
  • The specific impact strength increases ≈3 ÷ 5 times (crack appears, maximum effect);
  • The specific impact strength increases ≈2 ÷ 3 times (complete destruction);
  • The compressive strength increases by ≈20 ÷ 30 rel.%;
  • The density decreases by ≈12 ÷ 16 rel.%;
  • The humidity decreases by ≈55 ÷ 60 rel.%;
  • The thermal conductivity decreases by ≈10 ÷ 20 rel.%.
The maximum effect of the modification was observed with the minimal introduction of quicklime or in the absence thereof. All effects are positive regarding the exploitation characteristics of aerated concrete.
The conducted studies have shown the possibility of obtaining aerated concrete samples with improved characteristics, i.e., with increased strength and with a reduced density and thermal conductivity.

5. Conclusions

Thus, the introduction of water-soluble fullerenol-m into the composition of aerated concrete in micro-quantities has a significant positive effect on the specific impact strength (maximum increase is 3–5 times) and humidity (maximum decrease is 2–2.5 times) and has also a positive effect on the compressive strength, density and thermal conductivity (decrease is tens rel. %).
The effect of the additive’s introduction is extreme. It is the maximum at a fullerenol-m concentration of 0.022–0.028 wt.% in relation to the mass of the cement, which corresponds to the minimum introduction of quicklime.
We believe that the unexpectedly strong effect of extremely low fullerenol-m concentrations on the strength and other physicochemical properties of aerated concrete is due to the strong structuring effect of even insignificant amounts of fullerenol-m on the sealing aqueous solution. Thus, it was previously experimentally shown (by densimetry) that, even in very dilute fullerenol solutions, the partial molar volumes of fullerenol have huge negative values, which are ten times higher in modulus than the average molar volume of fullerenol. This indirectly indicates the very strong ordering of aqueous solutions by fullerenols, partly due to the formation of a strong system of hydrogen bonds.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, O.V.R., N.A.K. and M.A.S.; methodology, N.A.K., N.A.C. and D.K.A.; validation, O.V.R., N.A.K., N.A.C., M.A.S., D.K.A. and E.K.; formal analysis, O.V.R., M.A.S. and E.K.; investigation, O.V.R., N.A.K., M.A.S. and D.K.A.; resources, N.A.C. and N.A.K.; data curation, O.V.R.; writing—original draft preparation, O.V.R.; writing—review and editing, O.V.R., N.A.K., M.A.S. and N.A.C.; supervision, O.V.R. and D.K.A.; project administration, O.V.R., D.K.A. and E.K.; funding acquisition, O.V.R. and E.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The study was supported by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and financed by grant No. BR21882292—“Integrated development of sustainable construction industries: innovative technologies, production optimization, efficient use of resources and creation of a technology park”.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available in this article (tables and figures).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. M400 cement analysis with JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope and INCA microanalysis system (magnification: 300).
Figure 1. M400 cement analysis with JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope and INCA microanalysis system (magnification: 300).
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Figure 2. Results of element analysis via electron microscopy of M400 cement.
Figure 2. Results of element analysis via electron microscopy of M400 cement.
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Figure 3. Ash and slag waste (ASW) analysis using JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope with INCA microanalysis system (magnification: 300).
Figure 3. Ash and slag waste (ASW) analysis using JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope with INCA microanalysis system (magnification: 300).
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Figure 4. X-ray diffraction spectrum of ASW sample obtained on an Aeris Research diffractometer.
Figure 4. X-ray diffraction spectrum of ASW sample obtained on an Aeris Research diffractometer.
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Figure 5. Optical microscopy photo (magnification: 50) of crystals of fullerenol-m.
Figure 5. Optical microscopy photo (magnification: 50) of crystals of fullerenol-m.
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Figure 6. IR spectrum of fullerenol-m.
Figure 6. IR spectrum of fullerenol-m.
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Figure 7. Electronic spectrum of fullerenol-m (solid line); spectrum of C60—dot.
Figure 7. Electronic spectrum of fullerenol-m (solid line); spectrum of C60—dot.
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Figure 8. Mass spectrum of fullerenol-m (fragment).
Figure 8. Mass spectrum of fullerenol-m (fragment).
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Figure 9. Thermogram of fullerenol-m (TG curve—solid, DTG curve—points).
Figure 9. Thermogram of fullerenol-m (TG curve—solid, DTG curve—points).
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Figure 10. HPLC of the solution of fullerenol-m (a); basic line without fullerenol-m (b).
Figure 10. HPLC of the solution of fullerenol-m (a); basic line without fullerenol-m (b).
Processes 12 02139 g010aProcesses 12 02139 g010b
Figure 11. Dynamic light scattering of the solution of fullerenol-m (associate size distribution).
Figure 11. Dynamic light scattering of the solution of fullerenol-m (associate size distribution).
Processes 12 02139 g011
Figure 12. The scheme of the synthesis of aerated concrete, based on the ash of thermal power plants, nanostructured with water-soluble fullerenols.
Figure 12. The scheme of the synthesis of aerated concrete, based on the ash of thermal power plants, nanostructured with water-soluble fullerenols.
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Figure 13. The appearance of aerated concrete obtained by a non-autoclave method with the same concentration of fullerenol-m (0.028 mass.% relative to cement).
Figure 13. The appearance of aerated concrete obtained by a non-autoclave method with the same concentration of fullerenol-m (0.028 mass.% relative to cement).
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Figure 14. Aerated concrete analysis using JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope with INCA microanalysis system (magnification: 300).
Figure 14. Aerated concrete analysis using JSM-6390LV scanning electron microscope with INCA microanalysis system (magnification: 300).
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Figure 15. The results of the element analysis of the aerated concrete using an electron microscope (example).
Figure 15. The results of the element analysis of the aerated concrete using an electron microscope (example).
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Figure 16. Schematic of the device for the measurement of the specific impact resistance. Falling spherical steel weight (blue), r—weight radius, m—weight mass, h—drop height; gray parallelepiped—platform; brown parallelepiped—stop inserter of the sample; red cube—aerated concrete sample with the volume V = 15∙15∙15 = 375 cm3. Schematic images of samples: with crack (top left), with complete destruction (bottom left).
Figure 16. Schematic of the device for the measurement of the specific impact resistance. Falling spherical steel weight (blue), r—weight radius, m—weight mass, h—drop height; gray parallelepiped—platform; brown parallelepiped—stop inserter of the sample; red cube—aerated concrete sample with the volume V = 15∙15∙15 = 375 cm3. Schematic images of samples: with crack (top left), with complete destruction (bottom left).
Processes 12 02139 g016
Figure 17. The dependence of the strength characteristics of aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols: (a) specific strength before crack appears (top); (b) specific strength for complete destruction (middle); (c) coefficient of impact strength (bottom); (d) compressive strength of fullerenol content in sealing water at different mass ratios of cement ash/slag waste/lime: 1.0/1.0/0.0 (black); 1.0/0.9/0.1 (magenta); 1.0/0.8/0.2 (red).
Figure 17. The dependence of the strength characteristics of aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols: (a) specific strength before crack appears (top); (b) specific strength for complete destruction (middle); (c) coefficient of impact strength (bottom); (d) compressive strength of fullerenol content in sealing water at different mass ratios of cement ash/slag waste/lime: 1.0/1.0/0.0 (black); 1.0/0.9/0.1 (magenta); 1.0/0.8/0.2 (red).
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Figure 18. The dependence of some properties of aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols, namely the (a) density (middle top), (b) humidity (middle bottom), and (c) thermal conductivity (bottom), on the fullerenol content in the sealing water at different mass ratios of cement ash/slag waste/lime: 1.0/1.0/0.0 (black); 1.0/0.9/0.1 (magenta); 1.0/0.8/0.2 (red).
Figure 18. The dependence of some properties of aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols, namely the (a) density (middle top), (b) humidity (middle bottom), and (c) thermal conductivity (bottom), on the fullerenol content in the sealing water at different mass ratios of cement ash/slag waste/lime: 1.0/1.0/0.0 (black); 1.0/0.9/0.1 (magenta); 1.0/0.8/0.2 (red).
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Figure 19. Most significant changes in the strength and some physical characteristics of fullerenol-m-modified aerated concrete in comparison with unmodified samples against fullereneol-m concentration in sealing water (mass ratio of cement ash/slag waste/lime in the column: 1.0/1.0/0.01—left, 1.0/0.9/0.1—middle, 1.0/0.8/0.2—right).
Figure 19. Most significant changes in the strength and some physical characteristics of fullerenol-m-modified aerated concrete in comparison with unmodified samples against fullereneol-m concentration in sealing water (mass ratio of cement ash/slag waste/lime in the column: 1.0/1.0/0.01—left, 1.0/0.9/0.1—middle, 1.0/0.8/0.2—right).
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Table 1. Average chemical and phase compositions of M400 cement (Bukhtarma Cement Company, Kazakhstan).
Table 1. Average chemical and phase compositions of M400 cement (Bukhtarma Cement Company, Kazakhstan).
Name of ProductContent of Oxides (Mass. %)
SiO2Al2O3Fe2O3CaOMgOSO3Na2O + K2OOthers
Cement M40023.744.673.6864.821.630.210.870.38
Name of ProductContent of Phases (Mass. %)
Cement M40058.422.85.811.70.6
Table 2. Average chemical and phase analysis of ash and slag waste—ASW (ash dump of boiler room No. 2 of Ust-Kamenogorsk Thermal Power Plant (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan)).
Table 2. Average chemical and phase analysis of ash and slag waste—ASW (ash dump of boiler room No. 2 of Ust-Kamenogorsk Thermal Power Plant (Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan)).
Name of ProductContent of Oxides (Mass.%)
SiO2Al2O3Fe2O3CaOMgOTiO2Na2O + K2OSO3Others
Table 3. Stages and characteristics of fullerenols-m synthesis.
Table 3. Stages and characteristics of fullerenols-m synthesis.
Stage NumberSynthesis StageStage Characteristics
1.Reaction for fullerenol-m preparation
1.1.Fullerene sootPlasma-arc erosion of graphite rods in He atmosphere (method W. Kratschmer [18,19,20,21,22], type of construction [23]). Fullerene   content :   sum   of   fullerenes = 12.4   ±   0.3   mass . %   from   soot   mass ;   C 60 = 73   ±   2 ,   C 70 = 25   ±   2 , C76 + C78 + C84 + … ≈   1.5   ±   0.5   mass . %   from   sum   fullerene   mass .   In   experiment ,   always   below   m s o o t = 1000   m g .
1.2. N a O H water solution Solution   volume   V = 100   cm 3 ,   concentration   C N a O H = 10   m a s s . % ,   reactive   purity   99.5 mass.%
1.3Interphase catalyst [ ( n C 4 H 9 ) 4 ] O H water solution Solution   volume   V c a t = 0.5   cm 3 ,   solution   concentration   C c a t = 8   m a s s . % ,   reactive   purity   98 mass.%
2.Reactive mixing, conducting reaction process Shaker   thermostat   ( T = 25 ± 0.2   ° C ) ;   magnetic   stirrer   ( ω ~ = 4 Hz); time of reaction t = 7 days.
3.Filtration of reactive solution Blue   ribbon   ( pores   d 2 ÷ 3   μ m )
4.Evaporation of solution Rotary   vacuum   evaporator   ( 20   mm   Hg ) ,   ratio   of   solution   volume   1 / 12
5.Acidification of solution Acidification   agent   HCl ;   concentration   C a c i d 36   m a s s . % ;   p H 1.5   a . u . ; standing time = 3 h
6.Precipitation of target product with methanol C H 3 O H   volume   50 cm3. Sediment extraction by filtration (blue ribbon)
7.Water–methanol recrystallization 10   c m 3 ( H 2 O H C l   s o l u t i o n ) / 20   c m 3 ( C H 3 O H ) , filtration   triple   process ,   pH   water   solution   p H 1.5   a . u .
8.Soft drying of target product Vacuum   dry   box ,   T = 50   ° C ,   P = 10   m m H g ; t = 5 h
Table 4. Physical–chemical investigation of fullerenol-m product.
Table 4. Physical–chemical investigation of fullerenol-m product.
Method of Physical–Chemical AnalysisResults of Analysis
C/H/N Analyzer 5E-CHN2200 Content   in   mass   %   ( C = 66 ,   H = 2 ,   O = 32   ( difference ) ) .   Average   molecular   weight   is   M ¯ = 1140 ± 40   a t . u n .
Electronic microscopy, VEGA-3 TESCAN (XRF Analyzer)Content in mass % (C = 65, H = 2 (difference), O = 31, Na = 2).
Optical microscopy, Min-5 Magnification   ( 10 ÷ 1000 ) (Figure 5)
Mass spectrometry, Mibcrotof (Bruker), ionization–electronic impact Reflexes   of   adducts   C n ( O H ) m O p ( O N a ) q :   ( n = 60 73   mol.% , n = 70 25   mol.% , = 76 , 78 , 84 2   m ( mol.% , m = 16 ÷ 30 , p = 2 ÷ 3 , q = 0 ÷ 2 ) .
Reflexes at values (M/Z = 925–1163 a.e., single-charged anions) (Figure 8)
Infrared   spectrophotometry ,   Shimadzu   FTIR8400S   ( ν ~ = 400 ÷ 4000   c m 1 , K B r ) ν ~ v ( O-H ) = 3410 ÷ 3450   c m 1 ; ν ~ v ( C-O ) = ÷ 1060 ± 15   c m 1 ; ν ~ δ ( C-O-H ) = ÷ 1370 ± 10   c m 1 ; ( ν ~ v f u l l e r e n e   c o r e = 1597, 1440, 880, 714, 697 etc cm−1; v—valence oscillations, δ—deformation oscillations (Figure 6)
Electronic spectrophotometry, SPECORD M-32; λ = 200–1110 nm; standard—waterAbsence of adsorption peaks. Booger–Lambert–Beer light absorption law (optical way l = 1 cm; wavelength = 330 cm): C f u l l e r e n o l m g d m 3 = 5.11 D 330 (Figure 7)
Dynamic light scattering,
Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90 apparatus
Diameters of different orders of spherical associates: 0-order, δ 2   nm a b s e n c e ; I o r d e r m o n o m e r s , δ 25 ± 10   n m ( C f u l l e r e n o l m = 0.05 ÷ 0.15   g / d m 3 ) ; I I o r d e r , δ 230 ± 50   n m ( C f u l l e r e n o l m = 0.15 ÷ 3.0   g / d m 3 ) ; I I I o r d e r m i c r o c o l l o i d s o l u t i o n , δ 3 ± 1   n m ( C f u l l e r e n o l m = 3.0 ÷ 10   g / d m 3 ) (Figure 11)
Solubility in water, method of isotherm saturation in ampoules; time of saturation = 8 h; magnetic stirrer Solubility   of   f u l l e r e n o l m   in   g / d m 3 at   temperature   0   ° C 57 ; 25   ° C 111 ; 50   ° C 137 ; 80   ° C 153 .
Complex thermal analysis, Shanghai Jiahang Instruments Co., Ltd.; air atmosphere, normal pressure, temperature range T = 25 ÷ 115   ° C Decomposition   of   crystal   hydrate   of   f u l l e r e n o l m   ( T = 100 ÷ 13   ° C ) ;   oxidative   destruction   of   f u l l e r e n o l m , consists   of   processes   of   dehydroxylation   and   decarboxylation ,   with   formation   of   semi - ketones   and   rearrangement   of   hydroxyl   groups   of   pinacol   type   and   their   degradation   ( T = 170 ÷ 83   ° C ) ;   loss   of   all   hydroxyl   groups   ( T = 850 ÷ 880   ° C ) ;   oxidation   of   fullerene   cores = T 900   ° C (Figure 9)
Nuclear   magnetic   resonance ;   C 13 ; NMR Bruker; standard—TMS Reflexes   in   ppm :   142 ,   152 ,   148 ,   131   ( C 60   a n d   C 70   non-hydroxylated   cores ) ;   76   ( hydroxylated   carbon   atom   in   C 60   c o r e ) ;   83   ( hydroxylated   carbon   atom   in   C 70   c o r e ) .
Refraction   index   of   water   solutions   at   20   ° C ; HRK 9000 A Refraction   indexes :   n 20 D ( C f u l l e r e n o l m = 10   g / d m 3 ) = 1.3361 ;   n 20 D ( C f u l l e r e n o l m = 20   g / d m 3 ) = 1.3379 ;   n 20 D ( C f u l l e r e n o l m = 50   g / d m 3 ) = 1.3388.
High-performance liquid-phase chromatography; HPLC system, Agilent 1200; column, Agilent Zorbax SB-C18 (4.6 mm × 150 mm, dimension of particles, 5 μm); eluent, water–acetonitrile (1/20); detection, spectrophotometry at λ = 330 , 280   n m Detected   at   time   t = 1.6   min   weak   peak   of   impurities   ( 1.2   s q u a r e % ) ;   t = 2.6   min   strongest   peak   of   f u l l e r e n o l m   ( 99   s q u a r e % ) .   Main   peak   width   at   the   half - height   d 1 / 2 0.25   m i n .   Chromatographic   purity   of   f u l l e r e n o l m   98 ÷ 99 mass. % (Figure 10).
Table 5. Average chemical analysis of aerated concrete, with maximum and minimum element content.
Table 5. Average chemical analysis of aerated concrete, with maximum and minimum element content.
ElementContent (Mass.%)
Table 6. Strength characteristics and some physical–chemical properties of aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols.
Table 6. Strength characteristics and some physical–chemical properties of aerated concrete nanostructured with fullerenols.
Mass Ratio: Cement/
Fullerenol Content in Sealing Water of Aerated Concrete (Mass.%)Standard Deviation Limits (Min–Max)
Specific strength before crack appears—SS-a (cubes) (kJ/m3)
Specific strength for complete destruction—SS-c (cubes) (kJ/m3)
Coefficient of impact strength CI = SS-c/SS-a (a.u.)
Compressive strength—CS (cube) (MPa)
Density—D (kg/m3)
Humidity—H (mass. %)
Thermal conductivity— λ , W/(m·K)
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MDPI and ACS Style

Rudenko, O.V.; Charykov, N.A.; Kulenova, N.A.; Sadenova, M.A.; Anop, D.K.; Kuldeyev, E. Aerated Concrete, Based on the Ash of Thermal Power Plants, Nanostructured with Water-Soluble Fullerenols. Processes 2024, 12, 2139.

AMA Style

Rudenko OV, Charykov NA, Kulenova NA, Sadenova MA, Anop DK, Kuldeyev E. Aerated Concrete, Based on the Ash of Thermal Power Plants, Nanostructured with Water-Soluble Fullerenols. Processes. 2024; 12(10):2139.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Rudenko, Olga V., Nikolay A. Charykov, Natalya A. Kulenova, Marzhan A. Sadenova, Darya K. Anop, and Erzhan Kuldeyev. 2024. "Aerated Concrete, Based on the Ash of Thermal Power Plants, Nanostructured with Water-Soluble Fullerenols" Processes 12, no. 10: 2139.

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