Rice-Based Gluten-Free Foods and Technologies: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Rice as a GF Material
3. Rice-Based GF Food Products
3.1. Rice-Based GF Bread and Bakery Products
Product | GF Materials | Main Conclusions | References |
Bread | Eleven commercial rice flours | Rice flour with low starch damage (<5 g/100 g) resulted in a high specific volume of bread. | [58] |
Rice flour (Fukumori Shitogi No. 2) | Bread treated with thermoase had a good crumb appearance and low staling rate and showed high specific volume. | [43] | |
Polished japonica rice (Panjin, China) | Rice flour with a damaged starch content of 4–6%, which had a good gas retention capacity, resulted in a high specific volume, dense cell structure, and elastic bread texture. | [59] | |
Short-grain rice flour Long-grain rice flour | The finest flours produced bread with a lower specific volume. Short-grain rice flour produced bread with higher specific volumes and lower firmness. | [60] | |
Commercial certified brown rice cultivar (INIAP 15) | Flours obtained after 24 h of germination improved bread texture (more than 24 h of germination was not suitable). | [46] | |
Japonica rice (Panjin, China) | Samples prepared by blending semidry-ground and dry-ground rice flour with particle sizes of 75–100 µm exhibited characteristics similar to those of wet-ground rice flour, as visualized via principal component analysis, and exhibited good bread volume and crumb texture. | [61] | |
Wet-milled rice flour | Increased loaf volume and porosity of pre-gelatinized rice flour (50% water mixed with 1% rice flour at 80 °C for 2 min). | [44] | |
Ten normal and glutinous rice cultivars | GF bread made using normal rice showed a higher specific volume and evener crumb cell distribution than those made using glutinous rice. | [62] | |
Rice flour Four rice brans | The addition of rice brans, especially with high amounts of soluble dietary fiber, resulted in the higher specific volume, softer crumb firmness, and improved porosity of bread. | [47] | |
Brown rice flour | GF bread with medium-sized brown rice flour prepared using a low-temperature impact mill showed a large specific volume, low hardness, and homogeneous gas cells. | [48] | |
Commercial rice flour | Coarse rice particles (132–200 µm) with high dough hydration (90–110%) produced bread with a high specific volume. | [63] | |
Commercial rice (Indica, Japonica, and waxy rice) | Adding 30% rice sourdough improved the specific volume of rice bread. Indica and Japonica rice bread with sourdough fermented for 48 h exhibited the highest cohesiveness and chewiness and the lowest hardness. | [22] | |
Cake | High-protein Frontière brown rice | High-protein brown rice showed the highest specific volume and was softer than the other rice flour cupcakes. | [64] |
Commercial rice flour | No significant difference in physical properties or results of sensory evaluation were observed for high-content resistant starch (RS)-added cakes. Highest RS (up to 20 g/100 g) added to cake is acceptable. | [51] | |
Rice flour | A higher pore area fraction was observed in cakes containing a mixture of xanthan, guar gum, and xanthan gum. Cakes baked in an infrared microwave combination oven had high porosity. | [52] | |
Muffins | Basmati rice | Incorporation of (>8 g/100 g) cowpea protein isolates decreased flour paste viscosity and increased batter viscoelasticity, firmness, springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness. | [53] |
Commercial rice flour | Casein and egg white protein increased the specific volume of muffins. Soy protein did not have any effect on the muffin texture, while pea protein-containing muffins were softer and springier. | [54] | |
Cookies | Commercial rice flour | Rice flour with alfalfa seed flour had higher protein and total dietary fiber contents. The cookies showed high slowly digestible starch properties. | [56] |
Rice flour, commercial native waxy rice starch | Cookies made from annealing-treated waxy rice starch had the highest dietary fiber and RS contents but the lowest rapidly digestible starch content. | [57] |
3.2. Rice-Based GF Pasta and Noodles
3.3. Rice-Based GF Beer
4. Additives and Processing Technologies for Rice-Based GF Foods
4.1. Ingredients as Nutritional Enhancers or Gluten Substitutes
4.2. Processing Technologies
Processing Methods | GF Materials/Additives | Major Conclusion | References |
Baking | 60% high-protein Frontière brown rice flour, 30.71% tapioca starch, 9.29% potato starch | Addition of starch to the cupcake formula decreased the hardness and increased the specific volume of the cupcakes. | [114] |
Baking | Rice flours, tamarind gum, modified tamarind gum (MTG; thermoresponsive xyloglucan), and xanthan gum | The bread with MTG added was soft, moist, and preferred over those with other additives. The addition of 0.5–0.75% polysaccharides inhibited the hardening and aging of the bread with MTG added. | [115] |
Baking | Rice flour, rice protein, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) | Amounts of 3% rice protein (RP) and 2% HPMC improved the quality of GF bread. RP provided a moist, springy, and resilient crumb matrix of the bread. | [116] |
Baking | Broken white rice grains, carboxymethyl cellulose | Baking temperature of 185 °C, baking time of 22 min, and 0.8% concentration of carboxymethyl cellulose are desirable conditions for the development of gluten-free, low-glycemic-index cookies from rice flour. | [117] |
Baking, hydrolysis (enzyme) | Rice flours, hydrolyzed peanut protein | The incorporation of 5% hydrolyzed protein had a positive impact on the specific volume and relative elasticity of gluten-free bread. | [118] |
Baking, extrusion | Extrusion-cooked red rice flour | An increase in extrusion temperature increased the attractive red color of samples. The acceptance of the sensory properties was improved with the incorporation of extrusion-cooked flour. | [119] |
Extrusion | Rice, buckwheat (partial replacement: 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 g/100 g) | The quality of buckwheat-added rice noodles (BRNs) improved, dietary fiber increased, and the cooking loss and broken rate of 30 g/100 g BRNs were the lowest. | [120] |
Extrusion | Red and black rice | The optimum conditions, which are feed moistures of 15.5% and 16.0% and temperatures of 159 and 150 °C for black and red rice extrudates, respectively, resulted in cereal breakfast balls with optimal water solubility, volume, and texture and good color. | [121] |
Steaming | Rice flours, Apios americana tubers (Apios) | Addition of Apios powder (a high level of β-amylase activity) to gluten-free bread improved bread texture and delayed staling. | [122] |
Ultrasound, microwave, hydrothermal | Semidry-milled rice flour | Ultrasound treatment improved the bread quality (the specific volume increased by 15.6%, and the hardness decreased by 17.6%). | [123] |
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Product | GF Materials | Main Conclusions | References |
Pasta | Rice flour | Pasta with 9% egg albumin had the lowest cooking loss, with improved firmness. | [65] |
Rice–buckwheat flour mixture | To produce good-quality pasta (low cooking loss and stickiness and good hardness and firmness), optimal conditions (30% moisture content, 120 °C barrel temperature, and 80 rpm screw speed) were established. | [73] | |
Parboiled milled rice (Indica cultivar) | Extruded cooking pasta with 25% amaranth flour exhibited increased firmness and decreased protein solubility. | [74] | |
Rice flour | Precooked spaghetti with legume-containing rice flour (up to 30 g/100 g) showed low cooking loss (<6%) and acceptable sensory score and was nutritionally valuable. | [75] | |
Two Indica cultivars | Rice spaghetti with 5% soy protein isolate showed increased firmness and decreased stickiness, cooking time, and cooking loss. | [71] | |
High-amylose rice cultivar | Rice spaghetti containing 5–10% rice protein showed decreased cooking time and loss. Sensory evaluation was comparable to wheat spaghetti when 2.5–5% RP was added. | [72] | |
Noodles | Commercial polished Japonica rice | Dry-milled rice flour showed high damaged starch content, increasing the water solubility of rice noodles, and resulting in increased cooking loss. | [38] |
Commercial rice flours | Rice noodles with mushroom β-glucan-rich fragments exhibited reduced cooking loss and enhanced extensibility and firmness. | [29] |
Product | GF Materials | Main Conclusions | References |
Beer | Two Italian paddy rice varieties | The color of the rice malt beer was pale, and the foam collapsed rapidly. The sensory profile was flat compared to barley malt beer and needed to be improved. | [86] |
Two Italian paddy rice varieties | Top-fermented beer had high alcohol content and low ester content, without off-flavors. | [81] | |
Italian paddy rice (japonica) | The color and flavor of roasted special rice malts (caramelized and dark) were enhanced and showed high polyphenol content. | [87] | |
Rice and buckwheat | Rice malts consistently produced more maltose than glucose. Buckwheat malts produced more glucose and free nitrogen than rice malts. | [85] |
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Park, J.; Kim, H.-S. Rice-Based Gluten-Free Foods and Technologies: A Review. Foods 2023, 12, 4110. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12224110
Park J, Kim H-S. Rice-Based Gluten-Free Foods and Technologies: A Review. Foods. 2023; 12(22):4110. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12224110
Chicago/Turabian StylePark, Jiyoung, and Hong-Sik Kim. 2023. "Rice-Based Gluten-Free Foods and Technologies: A Review" Foods 12, no. 22: 4110. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12224110
APA StylePark, J., & Kim, H.-S. (2023). Rice-Based Gluten-Free Foods and Technologies: A Review. Foods, 12(22), 4110. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12224110