Data Engineering for Affective Understanding Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
- A variety of data sources are used that can include images, videos, physiological data, environmental data, subjective self-evaluation, activities and text. This variation alongside with the naturally large amount of some of them and the high frequency of their generation categorizes data in these studies as “big data” according to the recent definition of this term [30].
- Data are either collected in a simulated lab environment or while performing real activities in a field environment. A lab environment is more controlled, which ensures better focus on the studied parameters; however, users’ emotions within lab experiments may suffer from exaggeration or suppression [6]. Furthermore, in real environments, users usually perform more complex tasks, which require a higher cognitive load [4]. Thus, since the goal of these applications is the detection of affects in real environments, a system can only be useable when it proves efficient in a real environment.
- Physiological features that were repeatedly reported in the literature to best predict stress are amplitude of the heart rate variability (HRV) and low frequency (LF)/high frequency (HF). In addition, electrocardiogram (ECG) and galvanic skin response (GSR) are particularly useful in the immediate identification of short-term stress events.
- Interpretation methods vary from statistical methods, to neural networks, image and video recognition, etc.
- (1)
- Collect data and assign time stamps to them.
- (2)
- Interpolate lost data.
- (3)
- Identify poor quality data and screen it out.
- (4)
- Data normalization.
- (5)
- Aggregate data into one-minute blocks.
- (6)
- Train a Support Vector Machine (SVM) [23].
- Bringing together big data from different technologies (sources), sometimes more than ten sources.
- Choosing the right tool to integrate the data.
- Making sure that the data used is clean, reliable and fit for purpose.
3. Design Model
3.1. Identify Design Goals
3.2. Decide on Data Sources
3.3. Decide on Hardware and Software
3.4. Manage Data Storage
3.5. Decide on Data Analytic Techniques
3.6. Assessing Data Quality
3.7. Data Preprocessing
3.8. Data Integration
- Proprietary software of devices that acquire signals may only work offline or be difficult to integrate with other components of the system.
- Availability of data at different times or rates. For example, subjective self-evaluation may not be available until the end of the experiment.
- Some signals suffer from latency and discontinuity.
- It is common to use time-stamps to correlate data, but sometimes time-space labels mismatch when devices are not synchronized.
4. Detecting Driver Stress Application
4.1. Design Goals
- No car alteration is needed. The test is conducted on the participant’s own car. Rational: Driving a new car or an altered car may introduce an additional element of stress for some people.
- All devices for measuring physiological indicators are wearable in a minimally obstructive way. Rational: Obstructive tools introduce an element of stress while driving.
- Data should be collected at different times of the day, different weather conditions, different routes, different ages, and different genders. Rational: Variations of data enhance the detection of patterns.
4.2. Data Sources
- (1)
- Personal information about the driver including (age, gender, number of driving years, daily driving hours, number of accidents in general and in the previous year, illnesses, personal stress symptoms, and personal evaluation of driving skills, driving style and general stress level while driving). This data is collected before a driving experiment.
- (2)
- Physiological data while driving (ECG, EMG of trapezius muscle, GSR skin conductance (GSR/SC), respiration rate).
- (3)
- Self-evaluation of the stress level collected offline after the experiment, with contextual cues of the road images to overcome the drawbacks of recall-based self-report method as suggested in [37].
- (4)
- Road status while driving.
- (5)
- Facial expressions while driving.
- (6)
- Environmental conditions of the experiment (weather, time of day, distractions inside the car, fatigue level and stress level before the experiment).
- (7)
- Car speed and road type while driving.
4.3. Hardware and Software
- Send road status and real-time facial expressions to a central data center requires high-quality wireless network at all locations while driving, which is impossible to ensure as network quality of services vary depending on car location, in addition to the high cost of moving intensive data such as images or videos over a wireless network.
- Alternatively, we can store the road status and facial expressions data locally on the mobile phone during the experiment then move it offline for integration.
4.4. Data Storage
4.5. Data Analytic Techniques
4.6. Assessing Data Quality
- Loose electrodes, which caused missing physiological data (e.g., ECG or EMG).
- Errors in the mobile application or shortage of internal storage or memory storage of the mobile device, which caused loss of images recording.
- Distorted images due to car movement.
- Loss of GPS signals, which cause missing GPS locations and incorrect car speeds.
4.7. Data Preprocessing
4.8. Data Integration
5. Implementation
6. Discussion
7. Future Work
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Study/Year | Captured Data | Extracted Feature | Interpretation Process | Lab/Real Study |
Healey and Picard, 2005 [7] | Electrocardiogram (EKG), electromyogram (EMG), skin conductivity, respiration, facial expression and Perceived stress | Normalized ECG, EMG, Eight skin conductivity features, Heart rate variability (HRV), … | ANOVA, confusion matrix, Correlation coefficients | Real Driving |
Schießl, 2007 [8] | Front and back camera views, distance from front car, breaks, steering, and velocity of the car, Subjective strain using questionnaires | Fourteen types of car manoeuvers | ANOVA statistical method | Real driving + Lab simulation |
Taelman et al., 2008 [9] | Heart Rate (HR), HRV | Mean RR-intervals low frequency (LF)/high frequency (HF) ratios | laboratory environment | |
Bundele and Banerjee 2009 [10] | Skin conductance, Oxymetry Pulse | Eighteen features of mean, standard deviation, frequency spectrum, …, ect. | Multi-layer Neural Network. | Real driving |
Wijsman et al., 2010 [11] | EMG | EMG Root Mean square (RMS), amplitude, Frequency, Gaps | Statistical analysis | laboratory environment |
Rigas et al., 2011 [12] | electrocardiogram (ECG), galvanic skin response (GSR), respiration, face video, weather, traffic and road visibility | Fifteen different features (e.g., mean RR, LF/HF, Mean respiration …) | 4 classifiers: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Native bayes and General Bayesian. | Real driving |
Bakker, Pechenizkiy, and Sidorova, 2011 [13] | GSR | Change detection | Adaptive Windowing (ADWIN) | Real workplace |
Ertin et al., 2011 [14] | ECG, respiratory, skin temperature and GSR | mean, variance, heart rate, and respiration rate | Architecture explained | Field Study |
Hernandez, Morris, and Picard, 2011 [15] | skin conductance, subjective ratings | skin conductance | Support Vector Machines | Work environment |
Paschero et al., 2012 [16] | Facial images | feature vector extraction, feature vector normalization and preprocessing | classification using neural networks multilayer perceptron (MLP) trained by error backpropagation (EBP) algorithm, then neuro-fuzzy algorithm | laboratory environment |
Schneegass et al., 2013 [17] | ECG, temperature, skin conductance, Global Positioning System (GPS) acceleration, face and road images | ECG, temperature, skin conductance, GPS acceleration, face and road images | Statistical (ANOVA, t-test) | Real driving |
Marcos-Ramiro, 2014 [18] | Face video | Shannon’s entropy of blinking events; entropy, mean, and standard deviation of time between blinks, …, etc. | per-pixel classification of extracted eye images | job interview database |
Luijcks et al., 2014 [19] | EMG, ECG | Mean, RMS | Statistical analysis | laboratory environment |
Liu and Ulrich, 2014 [20] | electrocardiogram (ECG) | Heart rate variability (HRV) and ECG. Fourier Transform and take the logarithm of summed total power in 10Hz bands | linear SVM | Real driving database |
Sun, Paredes and Canny, 2014 [21] | ECG and Mouse movement | HRV, LF/HF, Power HF & LF, Mean and RMS of RR Mouse Width and distance | Statistical | Lab Simulation |
Rozanowski, et al., 2015 [22] | Perceived stress questionnaire, personality questionnaires | Subjective stress, coping style, number of mistakes, and reaction time | Statistical | Lab Simulation |
Hovsepian et al., 2015 [23] | Respiration, ECG, Self-reported Stress | ECG features (e.g., RR peaks) mean and median respiration, …) | Support Vector Machines algorithm | Lab and field study |
Haouij et al., 2015 [24] | Electrodermal activity (EDA) | six features are extracted from each 1-min segment: the mean, standard deviation, and four electrodermal response characteristics | Random forest method for features ordering, the recognition analysis based on a Linear Discriminant Function (LDF). | Real Driving |
Chen et al., 2015 [25] | electroencephalography (EEG), ECG, EMG, blood pressure, blood oxygen, respiration, facial video, social contents (text) | EEG, ECG, EMG, blood pressure, blood oxygen, respiration, facial video, social contents (text) | Not reported | Real application |
Rodrigues et al., 2015 [26] | ECG 3 axis accelerometer GPS | of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). | Not reported | Real Driving |
Boateng and Kotz, 2016 [27] | heart rate (HR), heartrate variability (HRV) | 14 HR and HRV | Support Vector Machine (SVM) | laboratory environment |
Aigrain et al., 2016 [28] | EMG, GSR, skin temperature, respiration, Blood Volume Pressure (BVP) and HR. video of the face; video of the whole body. | 17 physiological features. 27 behavioral features. | SVM with a linear kernel function. Metric Learning for Kernel Regression. | laboratory environment |
Mottelson and Hornbæk, 2016 [29] | self-assessed affect, and motion sensor measurements on a mobile | 352 features selected from motion sensor measurements (e.g., Speed, precision) | Many classification methods (e.g., k-Nearest Neighbor and SVM). | Real life |
Zhalehpour et al., 2017 [6] | Frontal view of the face, half profile view of the face, audio | Facial features (Local Phase Quantization and Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes | SVM classifier, decision level fusion technique, probability fusion approaches | laboratory environment |
Sarsenbayeva et al., 2019 [4] | HRV, self-reported anxiety levels | HF (High-Frequency) powers of the HRV | ANOVA statistical | laboratory environment |
Data Signal | Rate of Recording Signal Per Second (SPS) |
EEG | 256 |
EMG | 2048 |
GSR/skin conductance (SC) | 32 |
Respiration (RSP) | 32 |
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Share and Cite
El-Khalili, N.; Alnashashibi, M.; Hadi, W.; Banna, A.A.; Issa, G. Data Engineering for Affective Understanding Systems. Data 2019, 4, 52.
El-Khalili N, Alnashashibi M, Hadi W, Banna AA, Issa G. Data Engineering for Affective Understanding Systems. Data. 2019; 4(2):52.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEl-Khalili, Nuha, May Alnashashibi, Wael Hadi, Abed Alkarim Banna, and Ghassan Issa. 2019. "Data Engineering for Affective Understanding Systems" Data 4, no. 2: 52.
APA StyleEl-Khalili, N., Alnashashibi, M., Hadi, W., Banna, A. A., & Issa, G. (2019). Data Engineering for Affective Understanding Systems. Data, 4(2), 52.