AMA????A: A Dish-Driven Ontology in the Food Domain
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- Main ingredient. MI is an edible material that characterizes a dish (often in terms of quantity), for instance, “fried cod”, “chicken with okra” where the MI is “cod” and “chicken” respectively;
- Way of preparation, such as “stifado” (meat or vegetables stewed with olive oil, tomato, onions, garlic and bay leaves), or “puréed”;
- Process of preparation, such as “frying” or “grinding”;
- Cuts (of meats and poultry), such as “fillet” or “leg”;
- Place (specific geographical origins of an ingredient, mainly of the MI or of the dish), such as “Thrace” in “feta cheese from Thrace”;
- State of MI, such as “fresh” or “minced”;
- Ingredients of a dish (edible materials included in the dish other than the MI), such as “cream, mushrooms” in “chicken fillet with cream and mushrooms”.
3. Results
3.1. The Facets and the Relations
3.1.1. <Functions>
- Dishes have different functions in a meal, such as appetizers or main course dishes. Spear, Ceusters, and Smith [12] (p.106), in their discussion of introducing functions in the BFO ontology, note: “We take it to be characteristic of what it is to have a function that for an object to have a function does not imply that it is realizing this function at every moment in which it exists, or indeed at any moment…the function of a thing is, approximately, what it is supposed to do. This typically involves both what is popularly called a goal or end of some sort and a way of achieving that end.” As an example of the above in the dish/food domain, there are several dishes that are listed as appetizers in the menus but can be consumed as main course dishes as well;
- Functions are signaled in Greek gastronomy with the time sequence in which dishes are served. A typical sequence is E:ορεκτικό “appetizer” followed by E:κυρίως πιάτο “main course“ followed by E:επιδόρπιο “dessert”. They are also signaled by the occasion; for instance, along with an ouzo, one would have a meze rather than a main course dish or an appetizer;
- Consumers want to know the function of a food for financial or health reasons; for instance, one might prefer to have only a main course dish because typically, main course dishes come in larger portions than appetizers or mezedes, while desserts are not normally considered enough to support a meal;
- Restaurants very often classify dishes by function and sometimes require that clients have dishes from at least two of them. Ιn our corpus, the classifications “appetizer” and “dessert” are encountered frequently, but the classification “main course” seems to be the default choice.
3.1.2. <Food-Dishes> and <Food-Ingredients>
- In a restaurant, the transaction is organized around dishes, but in a grocer’s shop, transactions are organized mainly around ingredients. Consequently, different social infrastructure is required for the circulation of these two types of food;
- Menus list names of dishes. Some of them provide a description of the dishes in terms of their ingredients and other properties;
- Recipes are about dishes: they all explain how dishes are created out of ingredients that are listed separately.
- The analysis of the semantics and the structure of dish names presented in [6] establishes the MI as their most important component. Ιf the dish name is not idiosyncratic, the MI is most often stated explicitly, and if it is not, it should be easily entailed from the context;
- Consumers often express needs of the type “today I would like to have meat/fish/spaghetti/vegetables”: they mean that they fancy a dish characterized, often in terms of quantity, by the named ingredient;
- Menus most often define dish categories by the name of the main ingredient, such as E:κρεατικά “meats”;
- Restaurants may specialize in dishes with a specific main ingredient, such as fish, seafood, or meats.
3.1.3. <Ways of Preparation> and <Processes of Preparation>
- Dish names transparent as regards both the MI and the process of preparation are common, for instance, τυριά σχάρας “grilled cheese”;
- Traditionally, Greek restaurants may specialize in a certain process of preparation, in particular in grilling or in μαγειρευτά “cooked with some sauce in a pot placed on the source of the heat”, and a ψησταριά “grilling house” is a very common type of specialized restaurant anywhere in Greece;
- The menus often classify dish categories by the process of preparation, e.g., σχάρας “grilled”, μαγειρευτά;
- The process of preparation has effects on the dietary properties of a dish, for instance, people who try to lose weight would prefer a steak roasted on charcoal rather than a piece of meat cooked in some olive-oil -rich sauce;
- The process of preparation may have social dimensions. For instance, in many places in Greece, Easter is celebrated with roasting a suckling lamb or a kid goat on the spit. Of course, the same meat can be cooked in a pot on the stove and is cooked in this way in certain areas of the country, but the spit-process is the hallmark of a special social occasion with related customs.
- Dish names often include components that denote the dish family, such as “stifado” as in κουνέλι/λαγός/μοσχαράκι στιφάδο “rabbit/hare/veal stifado”, or the shape or texture of food, such as “pie” or “purée”;
- Consumers may ask for dishes of a particular family, such as “stifado”;
- The menus often classify dish categories by the way of preparation, such as λαδερά, Lit. in olive oil, “vegetable dishes cooked with lots of olive oil”. Λαδερά “in olive oil” is a family of Greek vegetable dishes that essentially require cooking with (large quantities of) olive oil. This category may comprise dishes with fixed names that do not indicate a main ingredient, such as μπριάμ “a mixture of vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, okra, etc., cooked with tomato, onion, and lots of olive oil” or dishes with names of the type φασολάκια λαδερά “green beans cooked in olive oil and tomato” that is normally classified by its MI as a daughter of E:vegetables (dishes);
- Dish families may be related to social occasions. For instance, in Orthodox Greece, μαγειρίτσα (magiritsa) “thick soup made of the suckling lamb’s or the kid goat’s entrails and intestines, lettuce, spring onions, and herbs such as dill and fennel, dressed with lemon-and-egg sauce” is the ceremonial dish of the Holy Saturday night when Christ is resurrected.
- To represent these facts, AΜAΛΘΕΙA provides two facets:
- ○
- <Διεργασίες παρασκευής> “<Processes of preparation>” with two subfacets:
- ○
- <Θερμική ή Χημική κατεργασία> “<Τhermal or Chemical processing>” with daughter entities such as βρασμός “boiling”, τηγάνισμα “frying”, etc.;
- ○
- <Mηχανική κατεργασία> “<Mechanical processing>” with daughter entities such as άλεση “grinding”, etc.
- <Τρόποι παρασκευής> “<Ways of preparation>” with two subfacets:
- ○
- <Σχήμα–υφή–μορφή> “<Shape–texture–form>” and daughter entities such as E:γεμιστό “stuffed”, Ε:κεφτές “ball”, Ε:πίτα “pie”, etc.;
- ○
- <Με χαρακτηριστικά συστατικά> “<With distinctive ingredients>” with daughter entities such as Ε:στιφάδο “stifado”, Ε:λαδερά “in olive oil”, Ε:κοκκινιστός “with tomato sauce”, etc.
- In the menus, we find a wealth of dishes whose names have stifado as a component, e.g., beef/rabbit/cuttle-fish/cauliflower; stifado: a variety of MIs can be cooked in the stifado way (that seems to have hare as an MI originally);
- It has already been said that throughout Orthodox Greece, μαγειρίτσα (magiritsa) is an outstanding dish consumed after the Holly Saturday midnight when Resurrection is announced. Magiritsa is typically cooked with the entrails of the suckling lamb or the kid goat that will be roasted on the spit next morning (the Easter day). This profoundly ceremonial dish has recently acquired a vegetarian namesake cooked with mushrooms as its MI. This new dish is called “vegetarian magiritsa (with mushrooms)”, although a description of the sort “mushroom soup with lettuce, spring onions, and a tahini-and-lemon sauce” could suffice, being closer to the facts (for instance, tahini-and-lemon sauce is never used for magiritsa).
3.1.4. <Τόποι προέλευσης> “<Place of Origin>”
- The origins of a dish or an ingredient can be of interest to the consumers because they are often considered a guarantee of quality or for other reasons, such as cultural ones;
- Places of origins may be encountered as modifiers of the dish name head, e.g., φέτα Θράκης “feta from Thrace”.
3.1.5. <Kατάσταση τροφής> “<State of Food>”
3.1.6. <Πηγές τροφίμων> “<Food Sources>”
3.1.7. <Koπές> “<Cuts>”
- Consumers may be particular as to which part of an animal they prefer; for instance, someone may not prefer a dish based on a cut of meat with excess fat;
- Dish names may contain a component denoting the cut, particularly in restaurants specialized in meat dishes;
- The impact of cutting on the taste and the value of a dish is underlined in a detailed relevant FAO report (Comment on the entity cut of meat in FoodOn ontology: (accessed on 30 January 2021)):“Within each animal carcasses and associated with the different muscles there are variations in tenderness that dictate how different cuts of meat should be prepared to yield the most palatable foods. Because of these differences in tenderness, juiciness and flavour, each meat cut should be merchandized according to its availability and palatability characteristics. Consequently, different prices should be charged for different cuts from the various meat animals so that consumers have choices. […] In order to get the maximum eating satisfaction and also the maximum nutritional value, each cut must be matched with the correct cooking procedure. Loin cuts which are generally tender should be prepared by broiling or other dry-heat methods while cuts with considerable bone and connective tissue from the shanks should be either braised or simmered for stews and soups.”
3.2. More on the Encoding of Dish Variation
3.2.1. Necessary, Alternative, and Optional Ingredients
3.2.2. Encoding Dish Variation
- Some ingredients are optional and cannot be substituted; for instance, one may use or may not use onion in lemonato, but onion cannot be substituted with any other ingredient;
- Alternative ingredients. There are groups of similar ingredients that should be present in a dish, either some of them or all of them. For instance, magiritsa is cooked with either suckling lamb or kid goat entrails or both. Either of these meats or both may be used for the dish without affecting its identity at all. However, the presence of meat is compulsory in order to establish the identity of the dish, or at least it was until recently, as explained below;
- Type of dish. Sometimes, the name of an identifiable dish is used as the name of a family of dishes which are thought to share some essential features that set them apart from any other dish or family of dishes. Greek cooking includes several names of families of dishes (lemonato, kokkinisto, stifado, frikase, avgolemono, etc.); we have chosen magiritsa as a working example because it is only recently that it has become the name of a family of dishes. Thus, while magiritsa is a celebrated ceremonial dish that contains the entrails of a suckling lamb or kid goat or both, them being its most distinctive feature, recent trends have introduced vegetarian magiritsa in which meat is replaced with mushrooms and vegan magiritsa in which egg-and-lemon sauce (another distinctive feature of the dish) is replaced with tahini-and-lemon sauce. One could certainly argue that what is introduced as vegan magiritsa is just a type of mushroom soup that could be called by any name and that the name magiritsa was selected because it is so established and, also, because it allows vegan people to participate to what is perhaps the most celebrated family meal in the Greek Orthodox tradition. We append here a translation of a justification of the name magiritsa from a recipe site that proposes the vegan version of the dish: “Μagiritsa, the humble, the festive, is and will forever be the ultimate gastronomic experience of Greek cuisine. But you see, what makes me eat it after midnight each time in a bliss are not the livers or the intestines or the other entrails. The essence of magiritsa are the herbs -the dill, the fennel, the chervil, the lettuce and whatever other herb ladies use- and its fragrant, thick texture…” ( (accessed on 15 January 2021)). In short, the author of the recipe has identified the features shared by a family of dishes, here the family of the magiritsa dishes.
3.3. <Dish Structure>
- Ingredients are placed in layers
- Ingredients are placed one next to the other, even in different pots
- Ingredients are mixed
3.4. Implementing AΜAΛΘΕΙA
- one or more lexical labels (database entity “skos_label”);
- relations with other AΜAΛΘΕΙA entities (database entity “skos_relation”);
- notes (database entity “skos_note”).
- “is_hierarchical”, meaning that the relationship is hierarchical;
- “domain”, the root of the subtree of the AΜAΛΘΕΙA entities that can be used as the domain of this relation type;
- “range”, the root of the subtree of the AΜAΛΘΕΙA entities that can be used as the range of this relation type.
3.5. Evaluating AΜAΛΘΕΙA
3.5.1. The Structure of AMAΛΘΕΙA
- Relation Richness (RR)
- II.
- Inheritance Richness
3.5.2. Completeness
- Many menu entries are about beverage brands, approximately 30% of an average menu; AΜAΛΘΕΙA does not contain such information (yet);
- Several menus are in English or contain an English translation of their contents;
- Menus may contain free text such as explanations on the prices;
- AΜAΛΘΕΙA was developed drawing on 112 manually collected menus; later, another 30 menus were added to the corpus against which the ontology is evaluated.
3.5.3. Ontology Competency Questions
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Goal | Request content regarding the term ριζότο “risotto” | Request content regarding the database concept “ριζότο” with id 597 |
URL request | {server}/rest/search?op = {OP}&term = {TERM} | {server}/rest/ concept/{id} |
Parameters | server: http(s):// (accessed on 13 April 2021) OP: {starts, ends, contains, exact}, default exact TERM: {word_to_search} | server: http(s):// (accessed on 13 April 2021) id: a number specifying the concept’s id |
Example request |ριζοτο (accessed on 13 April 2021) | (accessed on 13 April 2021) |
API response (JSON) | { “597”: { “id”: 597, “path”: [ 497, 3, 786 ], “name”: “ριζότο”, “address”: [ “Κεντρική Πλατεία Ξάνθης, Πλατεία Ρολόι Ξάνθης, Ξάνθη 671 33”, “Μιαούλη 3, Aλεξανδρούπολη 681 00”, “Ύδρας 12, Ξάνθη 671 00” ] }, “598”: { “id”: 598, “path”: [ 497, 3, 786, 597 ], “name”: “μαύρο ριζότο “ }, “601”: { “id”: 601, “path”: [ 497, 3, 167, 639, 307 ], “name”: “ριζότο θαλασσινών”, “address”: [ “Aπολλωνιάδος 12, Aλεξανδρούπολη 681 00”, “Νικηφόρου Φωκά 2, Aλεξανδρούπολη 681 00”, “Aπολλωνίας 38, Aλεξανδρούπολη 681 00” ] } } | { “id”: 597, “parent”: 786, “path”: [ 497, 3, 786 ], “labels”: [ { “label”: “ριζότο”, “lang”: “el”, “type”: “Προτιμώμενος”, “typeId”: 1 }, { “label”: “ρυζότο”, “lang”: “el”, “type”: “Κρυφός”, “typeId”: 3 }, { “label”: “risotto”, “lang”: “en”, “type”: “Προτιμώμενος”, “typeId”: 1 }, { “label”: “pизoттo”, “lang”: “ru”, “type”: “Προτιμώμενος”, “typeId”: 1 } ], “relations”: [ { “related”: 692, “type”: “Λειτουργία στο γεύμα”, “typeId”: 13, “category”: 1 }, { “related”: 43, “type”: “Βασικό συστατικό”, “typeId”: 32, “category”: 1 }, { “related”: 1627, “type”: “Πηγή 1”, “typeId”: 14, “category”: 1 }, { “related”: 1569, “type”: “Μέρος πηγής 1”, “typeId”: 33, “category”: 1 } ], “reverse_relations”: [ { “related”: 601, “type”: “Επιπλέον ευρύτερη έννοια”, “typeId”: 11, “category”: 1 } ], “imm_children”: [ { “id”: 598, “name”: “μαύρο ριζότο “ } ], “notes”: [ { “label”: “H ιστορία του ριζότο συνδέεται με την ιστορία του ρυζιού στην Ιταλία που εισήχθη από την Ισπανία με τους Άραβες, κατά τη διάρκεια του Μεσαίωνα. Ξεκίνησε να καλλιεργείται καθώς η υγρασία της Μεσογείου ηταν ευεργετική για την καλλιέργεια ρυζιού με κοντόκοκκους κόκκους και έδωσε τεράστια κέρδη στη Γένοβα, τη Βενετία και τα περίχωρα από την πώληση του. Aν και στην αρχή ήταν ένα ακριβό προϊόν, το ρύζι αυτό έγινε ευρύτερα προσβάσιμο. Στο Μιλάνο, που ήταν υπό ισπανική κυριαρχία για σχεδόν δύο αιώνες (εξ ου και η παρόμοια εξέλιξη της παέγια στην Ισπανία), με το αργό μαγείρεμα του ρυζιού που έδινε μια παχιά, κρεμώδη σάλτσα, δημιουργήθηκε το «Risotto alla Milanese», δίνοντας έμφαση στις πλούσιες γεύσεις και τα μπαχαρικά (ιδιαίτερα το σαφράν) για τα οποία ήταν γνωστή η περιοχή. Κάπως έτσι ξεκινάει η ιστορία του ριζότο.”, “lang”: “el”, “type”: “Ιστορία-Λαογραφία [1]”, “typeId”: 5, “category”: 3 }, { “label”: “In Italy, the history of risotto is connected with the history of rice, which arrived from Spain via the Arabs during the Middle Ages. It began to be grown in the area because the humidity of the Mediterranean proved to be conducive to the cultivation of short-grain rice, whose sales subsequently furnished Genoa, Venice and its environs with huge profits. Although initially an expensive product, rice became more widely accessible. In Milan, the result of slow-cooking the rice was the creation of a thick, creamy sauce, and that is essentially how the “Risotto alla Milanese” was born. This method placed emphasis on rich flavours and spices (and especially saffron), for which the area was known. (Milan was under Spanish rule for almost two centuries, and this explains the similar evolution of paella in Spain.) This marked the dawn of the history of risotto, more or less.”, “lang”: “en”, “type”: “Ιστορία-Λαογραφία [1]”, “typeId”: 5, “category”: 3 }, { “label”: (accessed on 13 April 2021), “lang”: “en”, “type”: “Βιβλιογραφία πολιτισμού”, “typeId”: 25, “category”: 3 }, { “label”: “”, “lang”: “ru”, “type”: “Βιβλιογραφία πολιτισμού”, “typeId”: 25, “category”: 3 }, { “label”: “Истopияpизoттo является частью «pисoвoй» истopии Италии. Этoт злак завезли туда из аpабскoй Испании в сpедние века. Сpедиземнoмopский климат пpекpаснo пoдхoдил для выpащиванияpиса с кopoтким зеpнoм, и пpинoсил oгpoмные деньги генуэзцам, венецианцам и жителям oкpестных деpевень, тopгoвавшим им. Хoтя в начале цена на негo была высoка, пoстепеннo oн станoвился дoступнее. В Милане, нахoдившемся пoчти два стoлетия пoд властью испанцев (благoдаpя чему в Испании пoлучилopаспpoстpанение «паэлья»),pис гoтoвили медленнo, oтчегo oн станoвился пышным, с кpемooбpазным сoусoм, пoстепеннo oфopмилсяpецепт «pизoттo пo-милански», кoтopый делал акцент на пикантных нoтках специй (и oсoбеннo шафpана), хopoшo известных в этoмpегиoне. Пpимеpнo таким былo началo истopииpизoттo.”, “lang”: “ru”, “type”: “Ιστορία-Λαογραφία [1]”, “typeId”: 5, “category”: 3 } ] } |
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Facet and Subfacets | Relation Structuring the Facet |
<Διατροφή> <Nutrition> | is_a |
<Διεργασίες παρασκευής> <Processes of preparation> | is_a |
<Θερμική ή Χημική κατεργασία> <Thermal or Chemical process> | is_a |
<Μηχανική κατεργασία> <Mechanical process> | is_a |
<Δομή πιάτου> <Dish structure> | is_a |
<Kαστάσταση τροφής> <State of food> | is_a |
<Κοπές> <Cuts> | is_a |
<Λειτουργίες> <Functions> | is_a |
<Παραγωγός> <Producer> | is_a |
<Πηγές τροφίμων > <Sources of foods> | is_a |
<Ποτά> <Beverages> | is_a |
<Τόποι προέλευσης> <Place of origins> | part_of |
<Τρόποι παρασκευής> <Ways of preparation> | is_a |
<Τροφές> <Foods> | is_a |
<Τροφές-πιάτα> <Foods-dishes> | is_a |
<Τροφές-συστατικά> <Foods-ingredients> | is_a |
Relation | Domain | Range | is_a |
R:Βασικό συστατικό “Main ingredient” | <Food-dishes> | <Food>,<beverages> | - |
R:Επιπλέον ευρύτερη έννοια “Additional wider concept” | <Food-dishes> | <Foods> | + |
Συστατικό “Ingredient” | <Foods> | <Foods>,<Beverages> | - |
R:Εναλλακτικό συστατικό 1 “Alternative ingredient 1” | <Foods> | <Foods>,<Beverages> | - |
R:Εναλλακτικό συστατικό 2 “Alternative ingredient 2” | <Foods> | <Foods>,<Beverages> | - |
R:Εναλλακτικό συστατικό 3 “Alternative ingredient 3” | <Foods> | <Foods>,<Beverages> | - |
R:Προαιρετικό συστατικό “Optional ingredient” | <Foods> | <Foods>,<Beverages> | - |
R:Τρόπος κατεργασίας 1 “Manner of processing 1” | <Foods> | <Processes of preparation> | |
R:Τρόπος κατεργασίας 2 “Manner of processing 2” | <Foods> | <Processes of preparation> | - |
R:Εναλλακτικός τρόπος κατεργασίας “Alternative manner of processing” | <Foods> | <Processes of preparation> | - |
R:Tρόπος παρασκευής “way of preparation” | <Foods> | <Ways of preparation> | + |
R: Eναλλακτικός τρόπος παρασκευής “Alternative way of preparation” | <Foods> | <Ways of preparation> | + |
R:Λειτουργία στο γεύμα “Function in the meal” | <Food-dishes> | <Functions > | |
R:Καταγωγή τροφής “Food origins” | <Foods> | <Place of origin> | - |
R:Μέρος “Part of” | <Food sources> | <Part of a plant or an animal> | - |
R:Πηγή “Source” | <Food-ingredients> | <Food sources> | - |
Numbers About AΜAΛΘΕΙA | |||
Entities | >2150 | ||
Terms | >9350 | Term types | 5 |
Relations | >13,610 | Relation types | 52 |
Notes | >7100 | Note types | 45 |
Languages | 3 | ||
Evaluation of the schema of AΜAΛΘΕΙA | |||
Relation Richness (RR) | 0.293102 | ||
Inheritance Richness (IR) | 3.843267 |
AΜAΛΘΕΙA’s Completeness | |||
Corpus | Related Menu Entries | Unrelated Menu Entries | Total | | 48,757 | 343,122 | 391,879 |
Restaurant menus | 2750 | 5030 | 7780 |
Total | 51,507 | 348,152 | 399,659 |
1 | What are the ingredients of dish X, e.g., what are the ingredients of κυνήγι στιφάδο “stifado made of game”? | YES (Figure 13) |
2 | How is a certain dish cooked, e.g., how is κυνήγι στιφάδο cooked? | YES (Figure 13) |
3 | What is the function of the dish in the meal, e.g., main course, appetizer? | YES (Figure 13) |
4 | Which are the nutritional properties of the dish? | YES (Figure 13) |
5 | Could you suggest dishes cooked in the X way of cooking, e.g., could you suggest stifado dishes? | YES (Figure 14) |
6 | Could you suggest food processed in the X way of processing, e.g., could you suggest της σούβλας “on the spit” dishes? | YES (Figure 14) |
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Markantonatou, S.; Toraki, K.; Minos, P.; Vacalopoulou, A.; Stamou, V.; Pavlidis, G. AMA????A: A Dish-Driven Ontology in the Food Domain. Data 2021, 6, 41.
Markantonatou S, Toraki K, Minos P, Vacalopoulou A, Stamou V, Pavlidis G. AMA????A: A Dish-Driven Ontology in the Food Domain. Data. 2021; 6(4):41.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarkantonatou, Stella, Katerina Toraki, Panagiotis Minos, Anna Vacalopoulou, Vivian Stamou, and George Pavlidis. 2021. "AMA????A: A Dish-Driven Ontology in the Food Domain" Data 6, no. 4: 41.
APA StyleMarkantonatou, S., Toraki, K., Minos, P., Vacalopoulou, A., Stamou, V., & Pavlidis, G. (2021). AMA????A: A Dish-Driven Ontology in the Food Domain. Data, 6(4), 41.