LGCM and PLS-SEM in Panel Survey Data: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Panel Survey Data
2.2. Latent Growth Curve Model
2.3. PLS-SEM for Panel Survey Data
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Phase 1—Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
3.1.1. Formulating the Research Problems
3.1.2. Systematic Searching Strategies
- Searching the Literature (Identification)
- 2.
- Screening the Inclusion
- 3.
- Eligibility
3.2. Phase 2—Bibliometric Analysis
3.2.1. Data Extraction
3.2.2. Analyzing and Synthesizing the Data
3.3. Phase 3—Content Analysis
3.3.1. Quality Appraisal
3.3.2. Theme Generation
4. Results
4.1. Distributions and Trends
4.1.1. Growth of Publications
4.1.2. Co-Authorship Analysis
4.1.3. Citation Analysis
4.1.4. Co-Citation Analysis
4.1.5. Keyword Co-Occurrence Analysis
4.2. Themes Generation
4.2.1. Identification of PLS-SEM Approaches and Their Limitations
4.2.2. Procedure of the Approaches
- Model 1: Pre and Post Approach with Different Construct
- Model 2: Path Comparison Approach
- Model 3: Cross-Lagged Approach
- Model 4: Pre and Post Approach with the Same Construct
- Model 5: Evaluation Model
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Database | Search String |
Scopus | TITLE-ABS-KEY(("panel survey" OR "longitudinal survey" OR "panel data" OR "longitudinal") AND ("partial least squares" OR "latent growth curve" OR "LGCM" OR "PLS Path" OR "PLS-SEM")) |
WoSCC | TS=(("panel survey" OR "longitudinal survey" OR "panel data" OR "longitudinal") AND ("partial least squares" OR "latent growth curve" OR "LGCM" OR "PLS Path" OR "PLS-SEM")) |
Database Criteria | Inclusion | Exclusion |
Timeline | All records in Scopus and WoSCC databases. | Other databases. |
Language | English. | Other languages. |
Document Type | Article, Article review, and Conference. | Books and chapters in a book. |
Subject area | Psychology, Social Sciences, Business, Management, Accounting, Mathematics, Economics, and Multidisciplinary, Behavioral Sciences | Other subject areas in bibliographic databases of Scopus and WoSCC. |
Method | LGCM, PLS-SEM, and Partial Least Squares. | Multilevel Linear Growth Curve Model, Bayesian Growth Curve Model, Repeated Measure ANOVA, Generalized estimating equations, and Mixed effect regression. |
Type of data | Longitudinal survey and panel survey data. | Cross-sectional data. |
Source (Journal) | Total Publications | Total Citations |
Developmental Psychology | 51 | 4231 |
Structural Equation Modeling | 30 | 1267 |
Journal of Youth and Adolescence | 29 | 930 |
PLoS ONE | 28 | 498 |
Psychology and Aging | 25 | 1061 |
Journal of Affective Disorders | 25 | 234 |
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology | 22 | 1043 |
Journals of Gerontology | 21 | 584 |
Frontiers in Psychology | 20 | 200 |
Journal of Adolescence | 19 | 741 |
Rank | Authors | Year | DOI | Citations |
1 | McArdle J.J., Epstein D. | 1987 | 10.2307/1130295 | 653 |
2 | Ge X., Lorenz F.O., Conger R.D., Elder Jr. G.H., Simons R.L. | 1994 | 10.1037/0012-1649.30.4.467 | 625 |
3 | Plutzer E. | 2002 | 10.1017/S0003055402004227 | 549 |
4 | McArdle J.J., Ferrer-Caja E., Hamagami F., Woodcock R.W. | 2002 | 10.1037/0012-1649.38.1.115 | 401 |
5 | Wang M. | 2007 | 10.1037/0021-9010.92.2.455 | 388 |
Rank | Authors | Year | DOI | Citations |
1 | Limayem M., Cheung C.M.K. | 2008 | 10.1016/j.im.2008.02.005 | 369 |
2 | Baer J.S., Sampson P.D., Barr H.M., Connor P.D., Streissguth A.P. | 2003 | 10.1001/archpsyc.60.4.377 | 284 |
3 | Wong V.W.-S., Tse C.-H., Lam T.T.-Y., Wong G.L.-H. | 2013 | 10.1371/jounal.pone.0062885 | 217 |
4 | Dodge K.A., Malone P.S., Lansford J.E., Shari M., Pettit G.S., Bates. | 2009 | 10.1111/j.15405834.2009.00528.x | 210 |
5 | Hennig-Thurau T., Henning V., Sattler H. | 2007 | 10.1509/jmkg.71.4.001 | 208 |
Cluster 1 (Red) | Cluster 2 (Green) | Cluster 3 (Blue) |
Mental Health (27) | Developmental Trajectories (48) | Longitudinal Study (292) |
Self-Efficacy (18) | Gender (47) | Aging (22) |
Social Support (18) | Personality Development (38) | Older Adults (15) |
Cognitive Aging (16) | Parenting (26) | Cognition (14) |
PLS-SEM (14) | Substance Use (20) | Psychological Well-Being (12) |
Adoption (12) | Academic Achievement (15) | Dementia (11) |
Life Satisfaction (12) | Growth Curve Modeling (14) | Partial Least Squares (11) |
Stress (12) | Motivation (14) | Cluster 6 (Light Blue) |
Bullying (11) | Effortful Control (10) | Emerging Adulthood (16) |
Education (11) | Self-Regulation (10) | Delinquency (12) |
Job Satisfaction (10) | Well-Being (10) | Cluster 7 (Orange) |
Cluster 4 (Yellow) | Cluster 5 (Purple) | Latent Growth Curve Model (294) |
Depression (91) | Adolescence (169) | Children (10) |
Trajectories (32) | Alcohol (32) | Cluster 8 (Brown) |
Depressive Symptom (31) | Physical Activity (19) | Satisfaction (10) |
Anxiety (28) | Aggression (10) | Social Media (10) |
Self-Esteem (18) | Smoking (10) | Cluster 9 (Pink) |
Life Course (12) | Structural Equation Modeling (22) | |
Loneliness (12) | COVID-19 (15) |
Type of Model | Descriptions | Limitations | Authors |
Model 1: Pre and Post approach with different construct. |
| [65,66,67] |
Model 2: Path Comparison approach. |
| [68] |
Model 3: Cross-lagged approach. |
| [69] |
Model 4: Pre and Post approach with same construct. |
| [43] |
Model 5: Evaluation approach. |
| [41,70,71] |
Type of Model | Procedure | Articles |
Model 1: Pre and Post approach with different constructs. | [65,66,67] | |
Model 2: Path Comparison approach. | [68] | |
Model 3: Cross-lagged approach. | [69] | |
Model 4: Pre and Post approach with same construct. | [43] | |
Model 5: Evaluation Approach. | [41,70,71] |
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Mohd Ghazali, Z.; Wan Yaacob, W.F.; Wan Omar, W.M. LGCM and PLS-SEM in Panel Survey Data: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Data 2023, 8, 32. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8020032
Mohd Ghazali Z, Wan Yaacob WF, Wan Omar WM. LGCM and PLS-SEM in Panel Survey Data: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Data. 2023; 8(2):32. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8020032
Chicago/Turabian StyleMohd Ghazali, Zulkifli, Wan Fairos Wan Yaacob, and Wan Marhaini Wan Omar. 2023. "LGCM and PLS-SEM in Panel Survey Data: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis" Data 8, no. 2: 32. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8020032
APA StyleMohd Ghazali, Z., Wan Yaacob, W. F., & Wan Omar, W. M. (2023). LGCM and PLS-SEM in Panel Survey Data: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Data, 8(2), 32. https://doi.org/10.3390/data8020032