SaBi3d—A LiDAR Point Cloud Data Set of Car-to-Bicycle Overtaking Maneuvers
Dataset License
1. Summary
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Related Work
2.1.1. Lasers and LiDARs on Bicycles
2.1.2. Autonomous Driving Data Sets
2.1.3. 3D Object Detection
2.2. Data Collection
2.3. Data Preparation
2.4. Metadata Generation
2.5. 3D Object Detection Benchmark
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Results of 3D Object Detection
3.2. Features and Limitations of Data Set
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
LiDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
NDS | nuScenes Detection Score |
mAP | Mean Average Precision |
VISTA | Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention |
FOV | Field of View |
CBGS | Class-balanced Grouping and Sampling |
1 | (accessed on 18 July 2024). |
2 | (accessed on 18 July 2024). |
3 | For detailed description see: (accessed on 18 July 2024). |
4 | (accessed on 18 July 2024). |
5 | Code available at (accessed on 18 July 2024). |
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Scene Token Ending | Speed Limit | Predominant Infrastructure |
15_22_38 | 50 | Suggested cycle lane |
15_29_23 | 50 | Suggested cycle lane |
15_34_06 | 30 | Cycle lane |
15_47_25 | 40, 50 | Share-the-road |
Table Name | Content in nuScenes | Changes in SaBi3d |
attribute | Possible properties of instances, e.g., being parked or moving. | None; only one line is used (vehicle.moving). |
category | Object categories and subcategories. | None; only one line is used ( |
visibility | Fraction of annotation that is visible. | None; only one line is used (4; corresponding to 80–100% visibility). |
calibrated_sensor | Definition of sensors, including their orientation. | Position of sensor adjusted to correct height. |
sensor | List of sensors. | Sensor name changed. |
log | Information about the log files of the recording. | Empty file since no corresponding log files were recorded by the sensors. |
map | File paths to the respective map images. | Corresponding file changed to solid black PNG since no map data was recorded. Was used only for rendering images and not needed for object detection. |
ego_pose | Ego vehicle positions with respect to a global coordinate system. | All values set to zero since no ego location was recorded. Positions of detections are therefore relative to the bicycle and not to a global coordinate system. |
sample | References to the frames that were annotated at 2 Hz (sampling frequency: 10 Hz). | Adjusted to the data. Every frame is annotated at a sampling frequency of 5 Hz. |
sample_data | Paths to data files of the samples (LiDAR, Radar, image). | Adjusted to the data; only paths to LiDAR files. |
scene | One entry for every scene. | Adjusted to the data. |
instance | One entry for every unique vehicle (a particular vehicle might appear in multiple frames). | Adjusted to the data. |
sample_annotation | Cuboid bounding boxes indicating the position and properties of objects. | Adjusted to the data by transforming the output of the labeling tool appropriately. Coordinates were transformed from Euler angles to quaternions. Visibility was not annotated and set to 4 for every annotation. The number of LiDAR points contained in the cuboid was not annotated and set to a reasonable average of 1000. |
Model Training | mAP (car) |
Provided checkpoint [35] | 85.0 |
Replicated, without resampling | 53.6 |
Replicated, with resampling | 85.5 |
Cars only | 58.1 |
Model Training | mAP (car) |
Provided checkpoint [35] | 0.3 |
Fine-tuning checkpoint on nuScenes cars | 12.6 |
Fine-tuning checkpoint on SaBi3d | 80.2 |
Training on SaBi3d | 79.1 |
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Share and Cite
Odenwald, C.; Beeking, M. SaBi3d—A LiDAR Point Cloud Data Set of Car-to-Bicycle Overtaking Maneuvers. Data 2024, 9, 90.
Odenwald C, Beeking M. SaBi3d—A LiDAR Point Cloud Data Set of Car-to-Bicycle Overtaking Maneuvers. Data. 2024; 9(8):90.
Chicago/Turabian StyleOdenwald, Christian, and Moritz Beeking. 2024. "SaBi3d—A LiDAR Point Cloud Data Set of Car-to-Bicycle Overtaking Maneuvers" Data 9, no. 8: 90.
APA StyleOdenwald, C., & Beeking, M. (2024). SaBi3d—A LiDAR Point Cloud Data Set of Car-to-Bicycle Overtaking Maneuvers. Data, 9(8), 90.