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Five New Species of Wood-Decaying Brown-Rot Fungi within Postiaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Xinjiang, Northwest China

State Key Laboratory of Efficient Production of Forest Resources, School of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Xinjiang Production and Construction Group Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Enhancement and Gene Resources Utilization, Biotechnology Research Institute, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences, Shihezi 832000, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Fungi 2024, 10(9), 655;
Submission received: 22 July 2024 / Revised: 4 September 2024 / Accepted: 16 September 2024 / Published: 17 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Diversity, Phylogeny and Ecology of Forest Fungi)


Brown-rot fungi are an important group of wood-decaying fungi, but there has been limited research on the species diversity of brown-rot fungi in Xinjiang, China. During an investigation of brown-rot fungi in Xinjiang, from July 2018 to July 2023, five new species belonging to the family Postiaceae were discovered based on morphological and molecular evidence. Amaropostia altaiensis is characterized by a conchate pileus, circular pores (5–8 per mm), and growing on Populus. Amaropostia tianshanensis is characterized by a flabelliform-to-conchate pileus, angular pores (5–6 per mm), and growing on Picfea. Cyanosporus latisporus is characterized by a hirsute and dark greyish blue pileal surface with fresh, larger pores (3–6 per mm) and broad basidiospores (4.3–5.9 × 1.4–2 µm). Cyanosporus tianshanensis is characterized by a smooth and white-to-cream pileal surface with fresh, smaller pores (6–9 per mm). Osteina altaiensis is characterized by a light mouse-grey-to-honey-yellow pileal surface, smaller pores (4–6 per mm), and slightly wide basidiospores (5–6 × 1.7–2.2 µm). Each of these five new species form independent lineages in phylogenetic analyses based on the seven gene loci (ITS + nLSU + nSSU + mtSSU + TEF1 + RPB1 + RPB2). This research enriches the diversity of brown-rot fungi species, while also demonstrating the substantial discovery potential and research value of brown-rot fungi in Xinjiang.

1. Introduction

Brown rot fungi are one of the important causes of wood degradation in forest ecosystems. They primarily decompose cellulose and hemicellulose in wood, leading to darkening, wrinkling, and characteristic block-like cracks, while their ability to degrade lignin is relatively weak. Gymnosperms have a higher proportion of cellulose, and the environmental conditions in temperate coniferous forests may better support the growth of brown-rot fungi, making them more prevalent in these forests [1,2,3]. Additionally, some species are edible and medicinal fungi, which have important economic value. In recent years, species diversity of the brown-rot fungi in China have been systematically investigated, and many species have been described [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]. Among these studies, several new species of the brown-rot fungi were described from Xinjiang, such as Fomitopsis tianshanensis B.K. Cui & Shun Liu, Laetiporus xinjiangensis J. Song, Y.C. Dai & B.K. Cui, and Rhodonia tianshanensis Yuan Yuan & L.L. Shen [8,14,16].
Xinjiang is located in the northwest of China. Its climate falls into the typical temperate continental climate category, characterized by large differences in daily and yearly temperatures, low annual precipitation, and extremely uneven distribution [17,18,19]. Due to the arid desert climate, the forest coverage in Xinjiang is low and unevenly distributed, typically found in mountainous areas with more precipitation, river valleys with more water, and areas with abundant groundwater [20]. The main tree species in Xinjiang are Picea, Larix, Abies, Betula, Populus, and Salix [20]. The unique environmental conditions and vegetation composition of Xinjiang have nurtured many large-scale endemic fungi. In recent years, with the continuous exploration of the Xinjiang region, an increasing number of fungal species have been discovered, greatly enhancing the diversity of macrofungi in Xinjiang. To date, Xinjiang has recorded over 600 species of macrofungi, with 247 species of polypores [21,22,23,24,25].
During further investigations of brown-rot fungi in Xinjiang, five new species of the brown-rot fungi were discovered, belonging to Amaropostia B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai, Cyanosporus McGinty, and Osteina Donk in Postiaceae B.K. Cui, Shun Liu & Y.C. Dai. Postiaceae was established to integrate the Postia genus and its related taxa, and all species in this family can cause brown-rot. Currently, there are a total of 17 genera and 97 species, including 14 genera and 67 species found in China [7,10]. The genus Amaropostia was established by Shen et al. [13]; the genus is characterized by soft corky basidiocarps when fresh, woody hard when dry; a bitter taste; a white- or cream-to-buff pileal surface; and cylindrical basidiospores [13]. The genus Cyanosporus was established by McGinty [26] based on morphological analyses to accommodate to Cyanosporus caesius (Schrad.) McGinty. The genus is characterized by pileate- or resupinate-to-effused–reflexed basidiocarps; a white- or cream-to-greyish-brown pileal surface, usually with a blue tint; a white-to-cream pore surface, frequently bluish; and round-to-angular pores [11]. To date, a total of 35 species of Cyanosporus are accepted in the world; China is the main distribution area of Cyanosporus, with 21 recorded species. The genus Osteina was established by Donk [27]; the genus is characterized by sessile to distinctly stipitate basidiocarps, which are bone hard when dry, a monomitic hyphal system with clamped generative hyphae, and hyaline and thin-walled basidiospores without any reactions in Melzer’s and Cotton Blue reagents [5]. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out based on multi-gene sequences (ITS + nLSU + nSSU + mtSSU + TEF1 + RPB1 + RPB2), which indicated that the new species belong to Amaropostia B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai, Cyanosporus McGinty, and Osteina Donk in Postiaceae. The new species were described based on the combination of morphological and phylogenetic analyses.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Morphological Studies

The specimens examined in this research are housed in the herbarium at the Institute of Microbiology, Beijing Forestry University, China (BJFC). Macroscopic features were documented from field observations and subsequent laboratory assessments. The microscopic techniques employed in this study adhere to the protocols established by Cui et al. [28] and Liu et al. [7]. Examination of the sections was conducted using a Nikon E80i microscope with phase contrast illumination, capable of magnifications up to 1000×, manufactured by the Nikon Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. Line illustrations were created utilizing a drawing tube attachment. The microscopic characteristics, measurements, and illustrations were derived from slide preparations of either dried or fresh material, stained using Cotton Blue and Melzer’s reagent, following the staining procedures detailed by Sun et al. [29]. To illustrate the range of basidiospore sizes, the extreme 5% of measurements were omitted from the reported range and are indicated in parentheses. The text employs the following abbreviations: IKI for Melzer’s reagent, IKI− indicating the absence of dextrinoid or amyloid properties, KOH for a 5% solution of potassium hydroxide, CB for Cotton Blue, CB+ for the cyanophilous reaction, CB− for the acyanophilous reaction, L for the mean length of spores (calculated as the arithmetic average), W for the mean width of spores (calculated as the arithmetic average), Q for the variability in the L/W ratio among the samples, and n for the total number of spores measured across multiple samples. The color terminology followed Petersen [30].

2.2. DNA Extraction, PCR, and Sequencing

Utilizing a CTAB-based rapid plant genome extraction kit (DN14) from Aidlab Biotechnologies in Beijing, China, we isolated the total genomic DNA from dried specimens. Subsequent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted, adhering to the kit manufacturer’s guidelines with adjustments as per the methodologies of Sun et al. [31] and Ji et al. [32]. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were amplified with primer pairs ITS5 and ITS4 [33]. The large subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (nLSU) regions were amplified with primer pairs LR0R and LR7 [34]. The small subunit mitochondrial rRNA gene sequence (mtSSU) regions were amplified with primer pairs MS1 and MS2 [33]. The small subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (nSSU) regions were amplified with primer pairs NS1 and NS4 [33]. The RNA polymerase II largest subunit (RPB1) was amplified with primer pairs RPB1-Af and RPB1-Cr [35]. The second largest subunit (RPB2) was amplified with primer pairs bRPB2-6F and bRPB2-7R [36]. The translation elongation factor 1-α gene (TEF1) was amplified with primer pairs EF1-983F and EF1-1567R [37]. The PCR procedures for seven gene fragments were followed by Liu et al. [10] and Sun et al. [33] in the phylogenetic analyses. The PCR products were subsequently purified and sequenced at the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), employing the original primers used in amplification. The resulting novel sequences have been deposited in the GenBank database, with details provided in the referenced Table 1.

2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses

The sequences generated in this study and retrieved from GenBank were combined with ITS, nLSU, mtSSU nuSSU, RPB1, RPB2, and TEF1. The species Antrodia serpens (Fr.) P. Karst. and Fomitopsis betulina (Bull.) B.K. Cui, M.L. Han & Y.C. Dai were used as outgroups [7]. All sequences of ITS, nLSU, mtSSU nuSSU, RPB1, RPB2, and TEF1 were aligned in MAFFT v. 7 (, accessed on 22 July 2024) and manually adjusted in BioEdit [44,45]. Alignments were spliced in Mesquite v. 3.2. [46]. A phylogenetic analysis of the five new species of Postiaceae was conducted using a combination of methods, including maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI), all based on a dataset that integrates ITS, nLSU, mtSSU, nSSU, RPB1, RPB2, and TEF1 sequences. The phylogenetic analyses used in this study followed the approach of Ji et al. and Sun et al. [31,32].
The procedure of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation was executed using RAxML-HPC252, accessed via the CIPRES Science Gateway portal at, encompassing a series of 100 ML inquiries. All model parameters were estimated by the program. From the array of maximum likelihood trees generated, the one deemed to be the most optimal was preserved. Additionally, the bootstrap values for maximum likelihood (ML-BS) were ascertained employing a quick bootstrapping approach, conducting the process 1000 times to obtain a reliable evaluation.
The maximum parsimony (MP) technique was executed in PAUP* 4.0b10 [47]. The phylogenetic analysis parameters were configured in accordance with the research methodologies proposed by Ji et al. [32]. Each character was given the same importance in the analysis, with gaps in the sequence being considered absent data. The tree constructions were deduced employing a heuristic search method, which included Tree Bisection and Reconnection (TBR) swaps and initiated with an input of 1000 randomly chosen sequences. The analysis parameters were set to a maximum of 5000 trees, collapsing branches with zero length and preserving all resulting parsimonious trees for examination. The robustness of the clades was determined by a bootstrap analysis with 1000 replications [48]. For each maximum parsimonious tree (MPT) that was produced, a set of descriptive statistical measures was computed, including tree length (TL), consistency index (CI), retention index (RI), the rescaled consistency index (RC), and homoplasy index (HI). These indices provided a quantitative assessment of the trees’ phylogenetic structure and support [49].
The Bayesian inference (BI) method was utilized with the software MrBayes, version 3.2.6 [50]. This analysis consisted of two separate runs, each involving four simultaneous chains. The chains were run for a total of 5,000,000 generations, with samples taken from the posterior distribution every 1000 generations. This sampling frequency was employed to ensure that the potential scale reduction factors (PSRFs) approached 1.0 for all parameters, which is indicative of convergence among the chains. To account for initial instability in the chains, the initial 25% of the sampled trees were excluded from further analysis. Subsequently, the remaining trees were employed to determine the Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPPs) for each distinct group. Ultimately, a consensus tree was constructed by aggregating all the remaining trees, adhering to the principle of majority rule.
Branches with bootstrap support exceeding or equaling 50% in both maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses, as well as Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPPs) of 0.90 or above, were regarded as robustly supported. Phylogenetic trees were visualized using FigTree v1.4.2.

3. Results

3.1. Molecular Phylogeny

The phylogenetic analyses of the new species within Postiaceae were conducted based on a combined ITS + nLSU + mtSSU + nSSU + RPB1 + RPB2 + TEF1 dataset. This dataset comprised a total of 196 ITS, 164 nLSU, 145 mtSSU, 149 nSSU, 116 RPB2, 101 RPB1, and 142 TEF1 gene sequences derived from 198 fungal specimens, encompassing 88 species. The compiled dataset consisted of 6562 characters, with 3921 being constant across all sequences, 427 being variable yet not contributing phylogenetic information in terms of parsimony, and 2204 being positions that were informative for parsimony, providing the necessary variation to infer evolutionary relationships. MP analysis resulted in ten trees of equal parsimony (TL = 12702, CI = 0.3415, RI = 0.8227, RC = 0.2810, HI = 0.6585). In the Bayesian inference analysis, the most suitable model selected was GTR + I + G. The topological structure obtained from BI was congruent with that from MP and ML analysis. BI exhibited an average standard deviation of split frequencies at 0.008999; only the ML topology is shown in Figure 1.
In the phylogenetic analyses (Figure 1), a total of 16 genera of Postiaceae were included, and their names were labeled on the right side of the tree. The phylogenetic results indicated that the five new species collected from Xinjiang are distinct from other known species. Amaropostia altaiensis and A. tianshanensis stably clustered on branches of Amaropostia; Among them, A. tianshanensis was more closely clustered with A. stiptica (Pers.) B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai, with nine different nucleobases in its ITS sequence, and the similarity was 98.39% according to nucleotide BLAST. Amaropostia tianshanensis was more distantly clustered with A. hainanensis B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai, with 54 different nucleobases in its ITS sequence, and the similarity was 90.65% according to nucleotide BLAST. Meanwhile, A. altaiensis was more distantly clustered from the other two known species; it had 74 different nucleobases in its ITS sequence with A. hainanensis, and the similarity was 92.29% according to nucleotide BLAST; it had 43 different nucleobases with A. stiptica, and the similarity was 87.14% according to nucleotide BLAST.
Cyanosporus latisporus and C. tianshanensis stably clustered on branches of Cyanosporus. Among them, C. latisporus clustered with C. caesius on a single branch, with 14 different nucleobases in their ITS base sequences, and the similarity was 97.69%, as determined by nucleotide BLAST. C. tianshanensis was grouped with C. caesiosimulans (G.F. Atk.) B.K. Cui & Shun Liu and C. cyanescens (Miettinen) B.K. Cui & Shun Liu on a branch, with 17 different nucleobases in the ITS base sequence between C. tianshanensis and C. caesiosimulans, and the similarity was 97.4% by nucleotide BLAST; between C. tianshanensis and C. cyanescens, there were also 17 different nucleobases in the ITS base sequence, and the similarity was 97.5% by nucleotide BLAST.
In addition, Osteina altaiensis stably clustered on branches of Osteina. Among them, O. altaiensis was more closely related to O. obducta (Berk.) Donk, with 36 different nucleobases in their ITS base sequences, and the similarity was 93.17% as determined by nucleotide BLAST. In comparison with O. undosa (Peck) Zmitr., there were 100 different nucleobases in the ITS base sequence, and the similarity was 83.92% by nucleotide BLAST.

3.2. Taxonomy

Amaropostia altaiensis B.K. Cui, Y.F. Sun & T.M. Xu, sp. nov. Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3.
MycoBank: 855779
Diagnosis: Amaropostia altaiensis differs from other species in the genus by its conchate pileus, slightly broad basidiospores, larger pores, and host Populus sp.
Holotype: China, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Burqin County, Altai Mountains, Hemu, alt. 1057–1150 m, on a fallen branch of Populus sp., 19 September 2021, Cui 19000 (BJFC).
Etymology: altaiensis (Lat.): refers to the species’ occurrence in the Altai Mountains.
Basidiomata: annual, sessile, or has an indistinct stipe in base; solitary; soft when fresh, becoming corky to woody hard when dry; has a distinctly bitter taste; and its pileus is flabelliform to spathulate, projecting up to 18 mm, 22 mm wide, and 7 mm thick at base. Pileal surface is white when in a fresh state, changing from cream (4A2/3) to buff (4A4) when dry; margins are slightly obtuse. Pore surface is white when fresh, changing from cream (4A2/3) to clay-buff (6D4) when dry, with sterile margins narrow to almost lacking; pores are angular, 5–8 per mm; and dissepiments are thin and entire. Context is white to cream (4A2/3), woody hard, and up to 0.7 cm thick. Tubes are white to cream (4A2/3), corky, and up to 0.3 cm long.
Hyphal structure: Hyphal system is monomitic; generative hyphae are clamped, IKI−, CB−; and tissues are unchanged in KOH.
Context: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 3–4 μm in diam.
Tubes: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 2–3 µm diam. Cystidia or cystidioles are absent. Basidia are clavate, with four spores at the apex, clamped at base, and 13–19 × 5–6 µm; basidioles are in a shape similar to basidia but slightly smaller.
Spores: Basidiospores are cylindrical, slightly curved, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, usually tapering at apiculus, IKI−, CB−, 4–5.5 × 1.6–2.2 μm, L = 4.85 μm, W = 1.93 μm, and Q = 2.48–2.52 (n = 60/2).
Type of rot: Brown rot.
Additional specimens (paratype) examined: China, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Burqin County, Altai Mountains, Hemu, alt. 1057–1150 m, on fallen trunk of Populus sp., 19 September 2021, Cui 18983 (BJFC).
Amaropostia tianshanensis B.K. Cui, Y.F. Sun & T.M. Xu, sp. nov. Figure 1, Figure 4 and Figure 5.
MycoBank: 855780
Diagnosis: Amaropostia tianshanensis differs from other species in the genus by a flabelliform-to-conchate pileus, larger pores, and slightly broad basidiospores.
Holotype: China. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Tekes County, Tianshan Mountains, Kosang Cave National Forest Park, alt. 1977 m, on fallen trunk of Picea schrenkiana Fisch. & C. A. Mey., 22 July 2023, Cui 22201 (BJFC).
Etymology: tianshanensis (Lat.): refers to the species occurrence in Tianshan Mountains.
Basidiomata are annual, sessile, solitary, soft when fresh, becoming corky to woody hard upon drying, and have a distinctly bitter taste; pileus is flabelliform to conchate, projecting up to 6.5 cm, 3.5 cm wide, and 1.2 cm thick at base. Pileal surface white to cream (4A2/3) in its fresh state, changing from cream (4A2/3) to buff-yellow (4A4) upon drying; margin obtuse. Pore surface is white to cream (4A2/3) when fresh, with a slightly buff-yellow (4A4) at the base, changing from buff (4A4) to honey yellow (4/5B4) when dry, with sterile margins narrow to almost lacking; pores are circular to irregular, 5–6 per mm; and dissepiments are thin and entire. Context is white, woody hard, and up to 0.8 cm thick. Tubes are white, corky, and up to 0.6 cm long.
Hyphal structure: Hyphal system is monomitic; generative hyphae are clamped, IKI−, CB−; and tissues are unchanged in KOH.
Context: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 2.5–4.2 μm diam.
Tubes: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 2–3.8 µm diam. Cystidia are absent; fusoid cystidioles are present, hyaline, thin-walled, and 10.8–16.4 × 2.4–4 μm. Basidia are clavate, four spores at the apex, clamped at base, and 11–14.2 × 3.7–5.2 µm; basidioles are in a shape similar to basidia but slightly smaller.
Spores: Basidiospores are cylindrical, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, IKI−, CB+, 3.9–5.8 × 1.5–2.3(2.6) μm, L = 4.58 μm, W = 1.81 μm, and Q = 2.45–2.68 (n = 90/3).
Type of rot: Brown rot.
Additional specimens (paratypes) examined: China. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Tekes County, Tianshan Mountains, Kosang Cave National Forest Park, alt. 2000 m, on fallen trunk of Picea schrenkiana, 22 July 2023, Cui 22197 (BJFC).
Cyanosporus latisporus B.K. Cui, Y.F. Sun & T.M. Xu, sp. nov. Figure 1, Figure 6 and Figure 7.
MycoBank: 855781
Diagnosis: Cyanosporus latisporus differs from other species in the genus by a dark greyish blue pileal surface, larger pores, and broad basidiospores.
Holotype: China. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Urumqi County, Nanshan Scenic Spot, Miaoergou, alt. 2060 m, on fallen trunk of Picea schrenkiana, 5 July 2018, Cui 16827 (BJFC).
Etymology: latisporus (Lat.): refers to the broad basidiospores.
Basidiomata are annual, pileate, solitary or imbricate, soft, corky, odorless, and tasteless when fresh, changing from corky to fragile and light in weight when drying. Pileus is semicircular to conchate, projecting up to 2 cm, 3 cm wide, and 1.6 cm thick at base. Pileal surface is hirsute, dark greyish blue (19D/E5) when fresh, becoming ash-grey (19C2) when dry; margin is acute. Pore surface is white when fresh, changing from cream (4A2/3) to buff (6D4) upon dry; sterile margins are narrow to almost lacking; pores are irregular, 3–6 per mm; dissepiments are thin, entire to slightly lacerate. Context is white, soft corky, and up to 1 cm thick. Tubes are white to cream (4A2/3), fragile, and up to 3 mm long.
Hyphal structure: Hyphal system is monomitic; generative hyphae are clamped, IKI−, CB−; and hyphae are unchanged in KOH.
Context: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, loosely interwoven, and 2.5–4 μm in diam.
Tubes: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 2.5–4 μm in diam. Cystidia are absent; cystidioles are present, fusoid, thin-walled, and 13–20 × 3.5–4.5 μm. Basidia are clavate, with four spores at the apex, and with a basal clamp connection, 10.5–18.3 × 3.5–5.1 μm; basidioles in shape are similar to basidia but slightly smaller.
Spores: Basidiospores are allantoid to cylindrical, hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, smooth, IKI−, CB+, 4.3–5.9 × 1.4–2(2.3) μm, L = 4.79 μm, W = 1.74 μm, and Q = 2.75 (n = 30/1).
Type of rot: Brown rot.
Cyanosporus tianshanensis B.K. Cui, Y.F. Sun & T.M. Xu, sp. nov. Figure 1, Figure 8 and Figure 9.
MycoBank: 855782
Diagnosis: Cyanosporus tianshanensis differs from other species in the genus by a smooth pileal surface and smaller pores.
Holotype: China. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Wensu County, Tianshan Mountains, Tomur National Nature Reserve, Xiaokuzibayi area, alt. 2493 m, on fallen trunk of Larix sp., 27 July 2023, Cui 22709 (BJFC).
Etymology: tianshanensis (Lat.): refers to the species’ occurrence in Tianshan Mountains.
Basidiomata are annual, pileate, soft corky, solitary, odorless, and tasteless when fresh, changing from corky to fragile and light in weight when drying. Pileus is conchate or irregular, projecting up to 1.7 cm, 1.2 cm wide, and 0.6 cm thick at base. Pileal surface is smooth, white to cream (4A2/3), with a small amount of grey blue (20C5) at base when fresh, changing from buff (6D4) to pale mouse grey (7C2) when dry; margins are acute. Pore surface is cream (4A2/3) when fresh, changing to buff (6D4) when dry; sterile margins are white, up to 1.5 mm; pores are irregular, 6–9 per mm; and dissepiments are thin, entire to slightly lacerate. Context is white, soft corky, and up to 0.5 mm thick. Tubes are white to cream (4A2/3), fragile, and up to 1 mm long.
Hyphal structure: Hyphal system is monomitic; generative hyphae are clamped, IKI−, CB−; and hyphae are unchanged in KOH.
Context: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, loosely interwoven, and 2.6–4.2 μm in diam.
Tubes: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 2–4 μm in diam. Cystidia are absent; cystidioles are present, fusoid, thin-walled, and 13–16.5 × 4–5.5 μm. Basidia are clavate, with four spores at the apex, and a basal clamp connection, 10.8–17.3 × 3.7–5.1 μm; basidioles are clavate and distinctly smaller than basidia.
Spores: Basidiospores are cylindrical, lightly curved, hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, smooth, IKI−, CB+, 4.4–5.9 × 1.3–1.7 μm, L = 5.18 μm, W = 1.48 μm, and Q = 3.36–3.63 (n = 60/2).
Type of rot: Brown rot.
Additional specimens (paratype) examined: China. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Zhaosu County, Tianshan Mountains, Xiata National Forest Park, alt. 2370 m, on fallen trunk of Picea schrenkiana, 21 July 2023, Cui 22109 (BJFC).
Osteina altaiensis B.K. Cui, Y.F. Sun & T.M. Xu, sp. nov. Figure 1, Figure 10 and Figure 11.
MycoBank: 855783
Diagnosis: Osteina altaiensis differs from other species in the genus by a light mouse-grey-to-honey-yellow pileal surface, smaller pores, and slightly broad basidiospores.
Holotype: China, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Burqin County, Altai Mountains, Jiadengyu National Forest Park, alt. 1751–1861 m, on the root of Larix sp., 22 July 2022, Cui 20920.
Etymology: altaiensis (Lat.): refers to the species’ occurrence in Altai Mountains.
Basidiomata are annual, usually laterally stipitate, and branches multiple times, forming a cluster of imbricate pilei and flesh and without special odor or taste when fresh, becoming bone hard and having a slight pungent smell when dry. Pilei are semicircular or flabelliform, up to 15 cm long, 10 cm wide, and 3 cm thick; margins are acute, undulate, and curved down when dry. Pileal surface is light mouse grey (9F3) to honey yellow (4/5B4) when fresh; margins are usually paler than the center, smooth, and azonate, changing to hazel (6E8) and wrinkled after dry. Pore surfaces are white when fresh, becoming buff (6D4) when dry; pores are angular to irregular, 4–6 per mm; and dissepiments are thin and entire. The base is salmon pink when fresh, changing to cinnamon when dry. Context is white and flesh-white when fresh, azonate, changing from hard corky to rigid when dry, and up to 5 cm thick. Tubes are white when fresh, buff (6D4) upon drying, and up to 1.5 mm long.
Hyphal structure: Hyphal system is monomitic; generative hyphae are clamped, IKI−, CB−; and tissues are unchanged in KOH.
Context: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 5–10 μm in diam.
Tubes: Generative hyphae hyaline, thin-walled to slightly thick-walled, occasionally branched, interwoven, and 2–3 μm in diam. Cystidia and cystidioles are absent. Basidia are clavate, with four spores at the apex, clamped at base, and 13–15 × 4–5.5 μm; basidioles in shape are similar to basidia but slightly smaller.
Spores: Basidiospores are cylindrical, slightly tapering at apiculus, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, smooth, IKI−, CB−, 5–6 × 1.7–2.2 μm, L = 5.15 μm, W = 2.02 μm, and Q = 2.52–2.72 (n = 270/9).
Type of rot: Brown rot.
Additional specimens (paratypes) examined: China, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Burqin County, Altai Mountains, Jiadengyu National Forest Park, alt. 1751–1861 m, on root of Picea sp., 20 September 2021, Cui 20481A, Cui 20555, Cui 20601; on root of Larix sp., 20 September 2021, Cui 20955, Cui 20963, Cui 20964, Cui 20970, Cui 20972.

4. Discussion

According to the phylogenetic analyses based on the combined seven-gene dataset, Amaropostia altaiensis and A. tianshanensis were involved in Amaropostia with strong support (100% ML, 100% MP, 1.00 BPPs). Amaropostia altaiensis constitutes a unique branch in the phylogenetic tree, which is clearly distinguished from all other known species of the genus. Morphologically, Amaropostia hainanensis and A. altaiensis are similar, both having pileate basidiocarps and a white-to-buff pore surface, and grow on angiosperms; however, A. hainanensis differs in having angular and smaller pores (7–9 per mm), narrower spores (4–5.5 × 1.5–2 µm, Q = 2.59–2.73), and distribution in tropical areas [13]. Amaropostia stiptica resembles A. altaiensis in having similar pore sizes and a white-to-buff pore surface, but A. stiptica differs in having effused–reflexed-to-pileate basidiocarp, broader basidiospores (4–4.5 × 1.5–2 µm, Q = 2.19–2.38), and fusoid cystidioles [13,51]. Amaropostia tianshanensis and A. altaiensis contain similarity in being conchate basidiocarp, with similar sizes and shapes of pore and spore, but A. tianshanensis has angular pores and grows on gymnosperms. Amaropostia tianshanensis and A. stiptica may be confused morphologically, as they share similarities in basidiocarp color and size, pore size, and fusoid cystidioles, but A. stiptica has an effused–reflexed-to-pileate basidiocarp and broader basidiospores [13].
Cyanosporus latisporus and C. tianshanensis were involved in Cyanosporus with strong support (100% ML, 100% MP, 1.00 BPPs) in the phylogenetic analyses. Cyanosporus caesius and C. latisporus are closely related phylogenetically. Morphologically, they are also very similar, with bluish-greyish caps, hirsute pileal surface, and a white pore surface when fresh, with similar pore sizes, but C. caesius differs in having slightly lighter-colored basidiocarps and narrower basidiospores (4.1–5.3 × 1.3–1.7 µm, Q = 3.18–3.29, [40]). Cyanosporus tianshanensis is closely related to C. cyanescens (Miettinen) B.K. Cui & Shun Liu and C. caesiosimulans (G.F. Atk.) B.K. Cui & Shun Liu in phylogenetic analyses. Morphologically, C. cyanescens and C. tianshanensis both have initially white-to-cream-colored upper surfaces with slight bluish-greyish hues, and lack pubescence, but C. cyanescens has larger pores (5–6 per mm) and narrower basidiospores (4.7–6.1 × 1.1–1.6 µm, Q = 3.92, [40]). Cyanosporus tianshanensis and C. caesiosimulans both have white-to-cream-colored upper surfaces; however, C. caesiosimulans differs with thicker basidiocarps (context 1–3 mm thick, tubes 1–3 mm long), larger pores (5–7 per mm), and narrower basidiospores (4.2–5.5 × 1.1–1.4 µm, Q = 3.93, [40]).
Osteina altaiensis was involved in Osteina with strong support (84% ML, 0.99%, MP, 1.00 BPPs) in the phylogenetic analyses. Osteina altaiensis and O. obducta are phylogenetically closely related. Morphologically, O. altaiensis and O. obducta have larger basidiocarps with similar pore sizes, but O. obducta has a white pileal surface, longer tubes (3 mm long), and wider basidiospores (4–5.2 × 2–2.4 µm, Q = 2.06–2.2, [5]). Osteina rhodophila (Spirin & Zmitr.) Bernicchia & Gorjón and O. altaiensis both have a distinct brownish hue on the pileal surface and similar pore and basidiospore; however, O. rhodophila has smaller and thinner basidiocarps (0.5–3 × 0.1–0.3 cm) and narrower contextual hyphae (2–3 μm, [52]). Osteina subundosa (Y.L. Wei & Y.C. Dai) B.K. Cui, Shun Liu & L.L. Shen and O. altaiensis both have a distinct brownish hue on the pileal surface and similar basidiospore shapes and sizes, but O. subundosa has smaller basidiocarps (2.5–3 × 0.5 cm), larger pores (1–3 per mm), and narrower contextual hyphae (3–6 μm, [53]). Osteina undosa and O. altaiensis show significant morphological differences; O. undosa has effused–reflexed-to-resupinate basidiomata, a white-to-pale buff pileal surface, larger pores (2–3 per mm), and narrower basidiospores (4.5–6 × 1–1.5 μm, Q = 4.22–4.38, [13]).
At present, a total of 17 genera and 102 species of Postiaceae have been reported, including 14 general and 72 species found from China. The species of the Postiaceae predominantly parasitize on gymnosperms, with a minority also capable of growing on angiosperms or on both gymnosperms and angiosperms [7,10]. The gymnosperms mainly include the genera Pinus, Picea, and Abies, while the angiosperms primarily consist of the genera Quercus, Populus, and Betula. Consequently, the type of vegetation has a certain influence on the distribution of the Postiaceae. Geographically, Postiaceae is a family with a north temperate distribution, predominantly found in the alpine and plateau climate zones, temperate monsoon climate zones, and subtropical monsoon climate zones in China. They are less commonly found in temperate continental climate zones and tropical monsoon climate zones [7,10]. The Xinjiang region of China, which has a temperate continental climate, is characterized by a significant proportion of gymnosperms. Until now, 10 species belonging to four genera of Postiaceae, Amaropostia stiptica, A. altaiensis, A. tianshanensis, Cyanosporus caesiosimulans, C. caesius, C. cyanescens, C. latisporus, C. tianshanensis, Fuscopostia fragilis (Fr.) B.K. Cui, L.L. Shen & Y.C. Dai, and Osteina altaiensis, were recorded from Xinjiang. As investigations of brown rot fungi in Xinjiang continue to deepen, it is expected that an increasing number of new species will be discovered.

Author Contributions

Y.-F.S. and T.-M.X.; methodology, T.-M.X.; software, X.-P.F.; validation, Y.-H.X. and L.Z.; formal analysis, T.-M.X.; investigation, T.-M.X., Y.-F.S., Y.-H.X., L.Z., N.G., D.-M.W. and B.-K.C. resources, B.-K.C.; data curation, Y.-F.S. and T.-M.X.; writing—original draft preparation, T.-M.X.; writing—review and editing, Y.-F.S. and B.-K.C.; visualization, T.-M.X.; supervision, B.-K.C.; project administration, B.-K.C. and D.-M.W.; funding acquisition, B.-K.C., D.-M.W. and N.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 32270010, 32325001, U2003211), the Scientific and Technological Tackling Plan for the Key Fields of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (No. 2021AB004), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. QNTD202307).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data and results of this study are available upon reasonable request. Please contact the main author of this publication.


We express our gratitude to Jun-Zhi Qiu (China), Shun Liu (China), Zheng-Xiang Qi (China), and Zong-Cai Zhu (China) for their companionship during field collections.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree of Postiaceae based on the combined ITS+nLSU+mtSSU+nSSU+RPB1+RPB2+TEF1 dataset. Branches are labelled with maximum parsimony/maximum likelihood bootstrap values higher than 50% and Bayesian posterior probability values greater than 0.90. New species are indicated in bold.
Figure 1. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree of Postiaceae based on the combined ITS+nLSU+mtSSU+nSSU+RPB1+RPB2+TEF1 dataset. Branches are labelled with maximum parsimony/maximum likelihood bootstrap values higher than 50% and Bayesian posterior probability values greater than 0.90. New species are indicated in bold.
Jof 10 00655 g001aJof 10 00655 g001b
Figure 2. Basidiomata of Amaropostia altaiensis (Cui 19000). Scale bar: 1 cm.
Figure 2. Basidiomata of Amaropostia altaiensis (Cui 19000). Scale bar: 1 cm.
Jof 10 00655 g002
Figure 3. Microscopic structures of Amaropostia altaiensis (Cui 19000). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) hyphae from trama; and (d) hyphae from context.
Figure 3. Microscopic structures of Amaropostia altaiensis (Cui 19000). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) hyphae from trama; and (d) hyphae from context.
Jof 10 00655 g003
Figure 4. Basidioma of Amaropostia tianshanensis (Cui 22201). (a) Upper surface of the basidiomata; (b) lower surface of the basidiomata. Scale bar = 1 cm (a,b).
Figure 4. Basidioma of Amaropostia tianshanensis (Cui 22201). (a) Upper surface of the basidiomata; (b) lower surface of the basidiomata. Scale bar = 1 cm (a,b).
Jof 10 00655 g004
Figure 5. Microscopic structures of Amaropostia tianshanensis (Cui 22201). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) cystidioles; (d) hyphae from trama; and (e) Hyphae from context.
Figure 5. Microscopic structures of Amaropostia tianshanensis (Cui 22201). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) cystidioles; (d) hyphae from trama; and (e) Hyphae from context.
Jof 10 00655 g005
Figure 6. Basidiomata of Cyanosporus latisporus (Cui 16827). Scale bar: 1 cm.
Figure 6. Basidiomata of Cyanosporus latisporus (Cui 16827). Scale bar: 1 cm.
Jof 10 00655 g006
Figure 7. Microscopic structures of Cyanosporus latisporus (Cui 16827). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) cystidioles; (d) hyphae from trama; and (e) Hyphae from context.
Figure 7. Microscopic structures of Cyanosporus latisporus (Cui 16827). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) cystidioles; (d) hyphae from trama; and (e) Hyphae from context.
Jof 10 00655 g007
Figure 8. Basidioma of Cyanosporus tianshanensis (Cui 22709). (a) Upper surface of the basidiomata; (b) lower surface of the basidiomata. Scale bar = 1.0 cm (a,b).
Figure 8. Basidioma of Cyanosporus tianshanensis (Cui 22709). (a) Upper surface of the basidiomata; (b) lower surface of the basidiomata. Scale bar = 1.0 cm (a,b).
Jof 10 00655 g008
Figure 9. Microscopic structures of Cyanosporus tianshanensis (Cui 22709). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) cystidioles; (d) hyphae from trama; and (e) hyphae from context.
Figure 9. Microscopic structures of Cyanosporus tianshanensis (Cui 22709). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) cystidioles; (d) hyphae from trama; and (e) hyphae from context.
Jof 10 00655 g009
Figure 10. Basidiomata of Osteina altaiensis (Cui 20920). (a) Upper surface of the basidiomata; (b) lower surface of the basidiomata. Scale bar = 2 cm (a,b).
Figure 10. Basidiomata of Osteina altaiensis (Cui 20920). (a) Upper surface of the basidiomata; (b) lower surface of the basidiomata. Scale bar = 2 cm (a,b).
Jof 10 00655 g010
Figure 11. Microscopic structures of Osteina altaiensis (Cui 20920). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) hyphae from trama; and (d) hyphae from context.
Figure 11. Microscopic structures of Osteina altaiensis (Cui 20920). (a) Basidiospores; (b) basidia and basidioles; (c) hyphae from trama; and (d) hyphae from context.
Jof 10 00655 g011
Table 1. An inventory of species, specimen information, and their respective GenBank accession numbers for the sequences analyzed phylogenetically in this study.
Table 1. An inventory of species, specimen information, and their respective GenBank accession numbers for the sequences analyzed phylogenetically in this study.
SpeciesSample No.LocalityGenBank AccessionsReferences
Amaropostia altaiensisCui 18983Xinjiang, ChinaPP917921PP917955PP917972PP917938PP944601Present study
A. altaiensisCui 19000 (holotype)Xinjiang, ChinaPP917922PP917956PP917973PP917939PP918933PP944589Present study
A. hainanensisCui 13739 (holotype)Hainan, ChinaKX900909KX900979KX901051KX901123KX901171KX901223[13]
A. hainanensisCui 5367Hainan, ChinaKX900910KX900980KX901052KX901124KX901172KX901224[13]
A. hainanensisDai 15208Hainan, ChinaKX900911KX900981KX901053KX901125KX901225[13]
A. stipticaCui 10043Jilin, ChinaKX900906KX900976KX901046KX901119KX901167KX901219[13]
A. stipticaCui 10981Shandong, ChinaKX900907KX900977KX901047KX901120KX901168KX901220[13]
A. stipticaCui 18013Yunnan, ChinaOM039270OM039170OM039205OM039236OM037742OM037768OM037792[7]
A. stipticaCui 17037Yunnan, ChinaOK045504OK045510OK045498OK045492OK076902OK076930OK076958[7]
A. stipticaCui 9268Xizang, ChinaKF727431KX900978KX901048[12]
A. tianshanensisCui 22197Xinjiang, ChinaPP917919PP917953PP917970PP917936PP944599Present study
A. tianshanensisCui 22201 (holotype)Xinjiang, ChinaPP917920PP917954PP917971PP917937PP944600Present study
Amylocystis lapponicaFP-105131Colorado, United StatesKY948805KY948879KY948973[38]
A. lapponicaHHB 13400Alaska, United StatesKC585237KC585059AF518667AF518570[38]
A. lapponicaOKM 4118Montana, United StatesKC585238KC585060[38]
Antrodia serpensDai 7465LuxembourgKR605813KR605752KR606013KR605913ON424666KR610832KR610742[7]
Aurantipostia macrosporaCui 16604 (holotype)Tasmania, AustraliaMW377258MW377339MW377417MW337157MW337026MW337089[7]
A. macrosporaCui 16634Tasmania, AustraliaMW377259MW377340MW377418MW337158MW337027MW337090[7]
A macrosporaCui 16671Tasmania, AustraliaMW377260MW377341MW377419MW337159MW337028MW337091[7]
Austropostia brunneaDai 18591AVictoria, AustraliaMW377272MW377352MW377430MW337169MW337038MW337101[7]
A. brunneaNLB 1135AustraliaMT536995MT524530Unpublished
A. hirsutaCui 16660 (holotype)Tasmania, AustraliaMW377267MW377347MW382055MW377425MW337164MW337033MW337096[7]
A. hirsutaCui 16661Tasmania, AustraliaMW377268MW377348MW382056MW377426MW337165MW337034MW337097[7]
A. hirsutaCui 16662Tasmania, AustraliaMW377269MW377349MW382057MW377427MW337166MW337035MW337098[7]
A. pelliculosaMR 10592Chubut, ArgentinaJX090102JX090124[39]
A. pelliculosaMR 10671Neuquén, ArgentinaJX090101JX090123[39]
A. plumbeaCui 16550 (holotype)Victoria, AustraliaMW377270MW377350MW382058MW377428MW337167MW337036MW337099[7]
A. plumbeaCui 16639Tasmania, AustraliaMW377271MW377351MW382059MW377429MW337168MW337037MW337100[7]
A. punctataMR 11100Neuquén, ArgentinaJX090112JX090128[7]
A. punctataMR 12398Región X, ChileJX090111JX090127[7]
A. subpunctataCui 16675 (holotype)Tasmania, AustraliaMW377273MW377353MW382060MW377431MW337170MW337039MW337102[7]
A. subpunctataCui 16685Tasmania, AustraliaMW377274MW377354MW382061MW377432MW337171MW337040MW337103[7]
A. subpunctataCui 16686Tasmania, AustraliaMW377275MW377355MW382062MW377433MW337172MW337041MW337104[7]
Calcipostia guttulataCui 10018Jilin, ChinaKF727432KJ684978KX901065KX901138KX901181KX901236KX901276[13]
C. guttulataCui 10028Jilin, ChinaKF727433KJ684979KX901066KX901139KX901182KX901237KX901277[13]
C. guttulataCui 16274Yunnan, ChinaOM039274OM039174OM039209OM039240OM037746OM037772OM037796[7]
C. guttulataCui 16281Yunnan, ChinaOM039275OM039175OM039210OM039241OM037747OM037773OM037797[7]
Cyanosporus alniCui 7185Hebei, ChinaKX900879KX900949KX901017KX901092KX901155KX901202KX901254[13]
C. alniDai 14845PolandKX900880KX900950KX901018KX901093KX901156KX901203KX901255[13]
C. alniH 7019137Bratislava, SlovakiaMG137026[40]
C. arbutiSpirin 8327 (holotype)Washington, United StatesMG137039MG137132[40]
C. auricomusCui 13518Inner Mongolia, ChinaKX900887KX900957KX901025KX901100KX901209[13]
C. auricomusCui 13519Inner Mongolia, ChinaKX900888KX900958KX901026KX901101[13]
C. auricomusNiemela 8310 (holotype)Pohjois-Savo, FinlandMG137040[40]
C. bifariusCui 16277Yunnan, ChinaOL423599OL423609OL437196OL423621OL444986OL447000OL444995[11]
C. bifariusCui 17534Sichuan, ChinaOL423598OL423608OL437195OL423620OL444985OL446999OL444994[11]
C. bifariusSpirin 6402 (holotype)Primorie, RussiaMG137043MG137133[40]
C. bubalinusCui 16976Yunnan, ChinaMW182172MW182225MW182208MW182189MW191547MW191563MW191530[9]
C. bubalinusCui 16985 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaMW182173MW182226MW182209MW182190MW191548MW191564MW191531[9]
C. caesiosimulansMiettinen 16976New York, United StatesMG137054MG137137[40]
C. caesiosimulansSpirin 4199Khabarovsk, RussiaMG137061MG137140[40]
C. caesiosimulansCui 22260Xinjiang, ChinaPP917932PP917966PP917983PP917949Present study
C. caesiusCui 18630Nancy, FranceOL423600OL423610OL437197OL423622OL444996[11]
C. caesiusSchuster 51Niedersachsen, GermanyMG137045[40]
C. caesiusMiettinen 14156Uusimaa, FinlandMG137048MG137134[40]
C. caesiusCui 20518Xinjiang, ChinaPP917933PP917967PP917984PP917950Present study
C. caesius aff GBK 32425United KingdomAY599575[40]
C. caesius aff GBK 32713United KingdomAY599576[40]
C. coeruleivirensDai 19220Hunan, ChinaMW182174MW182227MW182210MW182191MW191549 MW191532[9]
C. coeruleivirensMiettinen 12214Bali, IndonesiaMG137063[40]
C. comatusMiettinen 14755 (holotype)Massachusetts, United StatesMG137066[40]
C. cyanescensMiettinen 13602 (holotype)Uusimaa, FinlandMG137067MG137142[40]
C. cyanescensMiettinen 15919Huesca, SpainMG137071MG137144[40]
C. cyanescensCui 22122Xinjiang, ChinaPP917934PP917968PP917985PP917951PP944597Present study
C. cyanescensCui 22130Xinjiang, ChinaPP917935PP917969PP917986PP917952PP944598Present study
C. flavusCui 18547 (holotype)Sichuan, ChinaMW448564MW448561MW448557MW452596MW452599MW452601[11]
C. flavusCui 18562Sichuan, ChinaMW448565MW448562MW448558MW452597MW452600MW452602[11]
C. fusiformisCui 10775Sichuan, ChinaKX900868KX900938KX901006KX901081KX901191KX901245[13]
C. fusiformisDai 15036 (holotype)Guizhou, ChinaKX900867KX900937KX901005KX901080KX901190KX901244[13]
C. glaucusSpirin 5317 (holotype)Khabarovsk, RussiaMG137078[40]
C. glaucusSpirin 6580Khabarovsk, RussiaMG137081MG137145[40]
C. gossypinusLY BR 6658Vaucluse, FranceMG137146[40]
C. hirsutusCui 17083 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaMW182179MW182233MW182214MW182197MW191554MW191568MW191538[9]
C. hirsutusCui 17342Sichuan, ChinaOL423602OL423612OL437199OL423624OL444988OL447002OL444998[11]
C. hirsutusCui 17343Sichuan, ChinaOL423601OL423611OL437198OL423623OL444987OL447001OL444997[11]
C. latisporusCui 16827 (holotype)Xinjiang, ChinaPP917925PP917959PP917976PP917942PP918931PP918932PP944588Present study
C. livensMiettinen 17177 (holotype)New York, United StatesMG137082MG137147[40]
C. livensSpirin 8728Washington, United StatesMG137090MG137150[40]
C. luteocaesiaLY BR 2605FranceMG137091[40]
C. magnusCui 16983Yunnan, ChinaMW182180MW182234MW182215MW182198MW191555MW191569MW191539[9]
C. magnusDai 21105Chongqin, ChinaOL423603OL423613OL437200OL423625OL444989OL447003OL444999[11]
C. magnusMiettinen 10634 (holotype)Jilin, ChinaKC595944KC595944MG137151[40]
C. mediterraneocaesiusLY BR 4274Bonnieux, FranceKX900886KX901024KX901099[13]
C. microporusCui 11014 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaKX900878KX900948KX901016KX901091KX901201[13]
C. microporusDai 11717Yunnan, ChinaKX900877KX900947KX901015KX901090KX901200[13]
C. nothofagicolaCui 16697 (holotype)Tasmania, AustraliaMW182181MW182235MW182216MW182199MW191556MW191570MW191540[9]
C. nothofagicolaDai 18765Tasmania, AustraliaMW182182MW182236MW182217MW182200MW191557 MW191541[9]
C. piceicolaCui 10626 (holotype)Sichuan, ChinaKX900862KX900932KX901001KX901075 KX901185 [13]
C. piceicolaCui 12158Xizang, ChinaKX900866KX900936KX901004KX901079KX901153KX901189KX901243[13]
C. populiCui 17087aYunnan, ChinaMW182183MW182237MW182218MW182201MW191558MW191571MW191542[9]
C. populiCui 17557Sichuan, ChinaOL423605OL423615OL437202OL423627OL444991OL447005OL445001[11]
C. populiDai 18934Qinghai, ChinaOL423604OL423614OL437201OL423626OL444990OL447004OL445000[11]
C. populiMiettinen 17043 (holotype)NewYork, United StatesMG137092MG137153[40]
C. rigidusCui 17032 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaOL423606OL423617OL437204OL423629OL444993OL445003[11]
C. simulansMiettinen 20422Satakunta, FinlandMG137110MG137160[40]
C. simulansNiemela 8846Satakunta, FinlandMG137103[40]
C. subcaesiusH 7034976Isère, FranceMG137116[40]
C. subcaesiusJV 0110/24Jihomoravský, Czech RepublicMG137117 MG137164[40]
C. subhirsutusCui 11330Fujian, ChinaKX900873KX900943KX901011KX901086KX901196KX901250[13]
C. subhirsutusDai 14892 (holotype)Guizhou, ChinaKX900871KX900941KX901009KX901084KX901194KX901248[13]
C. tianshanensisCui 22109Xinjiang, ChinaPP917923PP917957PP917974PP917940PP944596Present study
C. tianshanensisCui 22709 (holotype)Xinjiang, ChinaPP917924PP917958PP917975PP917941Present study
C. submicroporusCui 16306Yunnan, ChinaMW182184MW182239MW182220MW182203MW191560MW191573MW191544[9]
C. submicroporusCui 18156 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaMW182186MW182241MW182222MW182205MW191574[9]
C. subungulatusCui 18046 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaMW448566MW448563MW448560MW448559MW452598MW452603[11]
C. subungulatusZhao 10833Yunnan, ChinaMW742586OL423616OL437203OL423628OL444992OL445002[11]
C. subviridisPenttila 14376Pohjois-Karjala, FinlandMG137165[40]
C. subviridisSpirin 8774aWashington, United StatesMG137120MG137166[40]
C. tenuicontextusCui 16280 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaOL423607OL423618OL437205OL423630OL445004[11]
C. tenuicontextusZhao 813Yunnan, ChinaMG231802OL423619OL437206OL423631OL445005[11]
C. tenuisCui 10788 (holotype)Sichuan, ChinaKX900885KX900955KX901023KX901098KX901161KX901208[13]
C. tenuisDai 12974Sichuan, ChinaKX900884KX900954KX901022KX901097KX901160KX901207KX901258[13]
C. tricolorCui 10790Sichuan, ChinaKX900875KX900945KX901013KX901088KX901198KX901252[13]
C. tricolorCui 12233 (holotype)Xizang, ChinaKX900876KX900946KX901014KX901089KX901199KX901253[13]
C. ungulatusCui 10778Sichuan, ChinaKX900870KX900940KX901008KX901083KX901193KX901247[13]
C. ungulatusDai 12897 (holotype)Sichuan, ChinaKX900869KX900939KX901007KX901082KX901154KX901192KX901246[13]
C. yanaeHK 27454 (holotype)Sakha, RussiaMG137121MG137167[40]
C. yanaeHK 27606Sakha, RussiaMG137122MG137168[40]
Cystidiopostia hibernicaCui 17624Sichuan, ChinaMW377277MW377357MW382064MW377435MW337173MW337105[7]
C. hibernicaCui 2658Zhejiang, ChinaKX900905KX900975KX901045KX901118KX901218[13]
C. inocybeLY BR 3703FranceKX900903KX900973KX901044KX901116KX901267[13]
C. pileataCui 10034Jilin, ChinaKX900908KX900956KX901050KX901122KX901170KX901222KX901269[13]
C. pileataCui 5721Liaoning, ChinaKF699127KX900960KX901049KX901121KX901169KX901221KX901268[13]
C. subhibernicaCui 17095 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaMW377278MW377358MW382065MW377436MW337174MW337042MW337106[7]
C. subhibernicaDai 17621Sichuan, ChinaOM039276OM039176OM039211OM039242OM037749OM037774OM037798[7]
Fomitopsis betulinaCui 17121Yunnan, ChinaOL621853OL621242OL621753OL621779ON424683OL588969OL588982[11]
Fuscopostia duplicataCui 10366Yunnan, ChinaKF699124KJ684975KR606026KR605927KX901173KR610844KR610755[6]
F. duplicataDai 13411 (holotype)Zhejiang, ChinaKF699125KJ684976KR606027KR605928KX901174KR610845KR610756[6]
F. fragilisCui 10020Jilin, ChinaKX900912KX900982KX901054KX901126ON424693KX901226KX901270[13]
F. fragilisCui 10088Jilin, ChinaKF699120KJ684977KT893749KX901127ON424692KT893745KT893747[6]
F. lateritiaDai 2652Helsinki, FinlandKX900913KX900983[13]
F. lateritiaKUO 0211531Khabarovsk, RussiaJF950567[41]
F. leucomallellaCui 9577Xizang, ChinaKF699122KJ684982KX901055KX901128KX901175KX901227KX901271[13]
F. leucomallellaCui 9599Xizang, ChinaKF699123KJ684983KX901056KX901129KX901176KX901228KX901272[13]
F. subfragilisCui 16282Yunnan, ChinaMW377296MW377375MW382082MW377454MW337189MW337057MW337123[7]
F. subfragilisCui 16302 (holotype)Yunnan, ChinaMW377297MW377376MW382083MW377455MW337190MW337058MW337124[7]
Jahnoporus brachiatusX 3232 (holotype)Khabarovsk, RussiaKU165781[42]
J. hirtusAFTOL ID 1687Washington, United StatesDQ911605DQ911606DQ911607DQ911608[43]
J. hirtusSpinosa 10X2014Washington, United StatesKU165784KY949044[42]
J. oreinusX 3241 (holotype)Khabarovsk, RussiaKU165785[42]
Nothofagiporus venatusCui 16616Tasmania, AustraliaMW377310MW377388MW382091MW377467MW337196MW337067MW337133[7]
N. venatusCui 16617Tasmania, AustraliaMW377311MW377389MW382092MW377468MW337197MW337068MW337134[7]
N. venatusCui 16644Tasmania, AustraliaON417170ON417220ON417084ON417034ON424786ON424848[7]
Oligoporus podocarpiDai 22042 (holotype)Hainan, ChinaMW937877MW937884MW937891MW937870MZ005579MZ082976MZ082982[15]
O. podocarpiDai 22043Hainan, ChinaMW937878MW937885MW937892MW937871MZ005580MZ082977MZ082983[7]
O. rennyiCui 17054Yunnan, ChinaOK045508OK045514OK045502OK045496OK076906OK076934OK076962[7]
O. rennyiDai 21016BelarusON417173ON417223ON417085ON417037ON424713ON424789ON424851[7]
O. romelliiDai 21034BelarusMW377312MW377390MW382093MW377469MW337198ON424790MW337135[7]
O. romelliiDai 23576Xizang, ChinaON417174ON417224ON417086ON417038ON424714ON424791ON424852[7]
O. sericeomollisCui 9560Xizang, ChinaKX900919KX900989KX901067KX901140KX901183ON424792ON424853[13]
O. sericeomollisDai 23473Xizang, ChinaON417175ON417225ON417087ON417039ON424715ON424793ON424854[7]
Osteina obductaCui 10074Jilin, ChinaKX900924KX900994KX901071KX901144KX901240[13]
O. obductaCui 9832Heilongjiang, ChinaKX900925KX900995[13]
O. obductaCui 9959Jilin, ChinaKX900923KX900993KX901070KX901143KX901239[13]
O. undosaCui 16651Tasmania, AustraliaMW377313MW377391MW382094MW377470MW337199MW337069MW337136[7]
O. undosaDai 6942Jilin, ChinaKX900922KX900992[13]
O. undosaDai 7105Jilin, ChinaKX900921KX900991KX901069KX901142KX901238[13]
O. undosaL 10830North Carolina, United StatesKC585396KC585229[38]
O. undosaL 6646Colorado, United StatesKC585399KC585232[38]
O. altaiensisCui 20555Xinjiang, ChinaPP917926PP917960PP917977PP917943PP944590Present study
O. altaiensisCui 20920 (holotype)Xinjiang, ChinaPP917927PP917961PP917978PP917944PP944591Present study
O. altaiensisCui 20963Xinjiang, ChinaPP917928PP917962PP917979PP917945PP944592Present study
O. altaiensisCui 20964Xinjiang, ChinaPP917929PP917963PP917980PP917946PP944593Present study
O. altaiensisCui 20970Xinjiang, ChinaPP917930PP917964PP917981PP917947PP944594Present study
O. altaiensisCui 20972Xinjiang, ChinaPP917931PP917965PP917982PP917948PP944595Present study
Postia amurensisCui 1044Liaoning, ChinaKX900902KX900972KX901043[13]
P. amurensisDai 903 (holotype)Jilin, ChinaKX900901KX900971KX901042[13]
P. crassicontextaCui 16637 (holotype)Tasmania, AustraliaMW377315MW377393MW382096MW377472MW337200MW337071MW337138[7]
P. cylindricaDai 17941Hubei, ChinaON417183ON417233ON417091ON417047ON424862[7]
P. cylindricaDai 23087Yunnan, ChinaON417182ON417232ON417090ON417046ON424861[7]
P. hirsutaCui 11237 (holotype)Shanxi, ChinaKJ684970KJ684984KX901038KX901113KX901266[13]
P. hirsutaCui 18347Hunan, ChinaOM039286OM039186OM039221OM039253ON424800OM037809[7]
P. lacteaCui 17334Sichuan, ChinaOM039287OM039187OM039222OM039254OM037753OM037782OM037810[7]
P. lacteaCui 17790Sichuan, ChinaOM039288OM039188OM039223OM039255OM037754OM037783OM037811[7]
P. loweiCui 18366Sichuan, ChinaOM039289OM039189OM039224OM039256ON424801ON424863[7]
P. loweiCui 9585Xizang, ChinaKX900898KX900968KX901035KX901110[13]
P. ochraceoalbaCui 17044Yunnan, ChinaOM039290OM039190OM039225OM039257OM037755OM037784OM037812[7]
P. ochraceoalbaCui 17047Yunnan, ChinaOM039291OM039191OM039226OM039258OM037756OM037785OM037813[7]
P. subloweiCui 17460Sichuan, ChinaOM039294OM039194OM039229OM039261OM037759ON424802ON424864[7]
P. subloweiCui 9352Xizang, ChinaKX900899KX900969KX901036KX901111ON424723KX901264[7]
P. tephroleucaCui 17329Sichuan, ChinaOK045509OK045515OK045503OK045497OK076907OK076935OK076963[7]
P. tephroleucaCui 17560Sichuan, ChinaOM039295OM039195OM039230OM039262OM037760OM037788OM037816[7]
Ptychogaster albusDai 21035BelarusOM039293OM039193OM039228OM039260OM037758OM037787OM037815[7]
P. albusDai 23535Xizang, ChinaON417184ON417235ON417092ON417048ON424724ON424804ON424866[7]
P. albusDai 23618Xizang, ChinaOM039292OM039192OM039227OM039259OM037757OM037786OM037814[7]
Spongiporus balsameusCui 9835Heilongjiang, ChinaKX900916KX900986KX901061KX901134KX901233[13]
S. balsameusDai 22714Yunnan, ChinaON417194ON417246ON417101ON417058ON424814ON424880[7]
S. floriformisCui 10292Yunnan, ChinaKM107899KM107904KX901058KX901131KX901178KX901230KX901274[13]
S. floriformisCui 17066Yunnan, ChinaOM039300OM039200OM039231OM039265OM037762ON424815OM037818[7]
S. floriformisDai 13887Yunnan, ChinaKX900914KX900984KX901057KX901130KX901177KX901229KX901273[13]
S. gloeoporusCui 10401Yunnan, ChinaKX900915KX900985KX901060KX901133ON424742KX901232ON424881[13]
S. gloeoporusCui 17813SingaporeOM039301OM039201OM039232OM039266OM037763ON424816OM037819[7]
S. zebraCui 9973Jilin, ChinaKX900917KX900987KX901062KX901135KX901179KX901234[13]
S. zebraDai 7131 (holotype)Jilin, ChinaKF727430KM190902KX901063KX901136KX901180KX901235[13]
Tenuipostia dissectaCui 16555Victoria, AustraliaMW377330MW377406MW382106MW377487MW337207ON424818MW337149[7]
T. dissectaCui 16560Victoria, AustraliaMW377331MW377407MW382107MW377488MW337208ON424819MW337150[7]
T. dissectaCui 16653Tasmania, AustraliaOM039302OM039202OM039233OM039267OM037764OM037789OM037820[7]
T. dissectaDai 18747Tasmania, AustraliaOM039303OM039203OM039234OM039268OM037765OM037790OM037821[7]
The newly generated sequences were accentuated in bold.
Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

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MDPI and ACS Style

Xu, T.-M.; Wu, D.-M.; Gao, N.; Zeng, L.; Xu, Y.-H.; Fan, X.-P.; Sun, Y.-F.; Cui, B.-K. Five New Species of Wood-Decaying Brown-Rot Fungi within Postiaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Xinjiang, Northwest China. J. Fungi 2024, 10, 655.

AMA Style

Xu T-M, Wu D-M, Gao N, Zeng L, Xu Y-H, Fan X-P, Sun Y-F, Cui B-K. Five New Species of Wood-Decaying Brown-Rot Fungi within Postiaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Xinjiang, Northwest China. Journal of Fungi. 2024; 10(9):655.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Xu, Tai-Min, Dong-Mei Wu, Neng Gao, Long Zeng, Yi-Hua Xu, Xiang-Ping Fan, Yi-Fei Sun, and Bao-Kai Cui. 2024. "Five New Species of Wood-Decaying Brown-Rot Fungi within Postiaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from Xinjiang, Northwest China" Journal of Fungi 10, no. 9: 655.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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