3.6. Taxonomy
Solorina Ach., K. Vetensk-Acad. Nya Handl. 29: 228 (1808)
Type species: Solorina crocea (L.) Ach., K. Vetensk-Acad. Nya Handl. 29: 228 (1808)
Description: Thallus: large foliose, fragile, wide-spreading, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate; Lobes: rounded, margins raised; Upper surface: olive-green to green-gray when wet, red-brown to gray-brown when dry, smooth to scabrid, one species with soredia; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc; Lower cortex: distinct lower cortex lacking; Lower surface: bright orange, distinctly brownish veined, tomentose, with clusters of simple or branched rhizines; Apothecia: present or absent, large, rounded, irregularly scattered, not or only a little depressed into the thallus, flat or convex, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 8-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall surface ornamented with rounded papillae.
Chemistry: Solorinic acid, averantin, 6-O-methylaverantin and gyrophoric acid (detected by TLC and HPLC).
Ecology: Distributed in high-altitude areas and mainly grows on calcareous soil.
Note: Species with apothecia immersed into the upper surface and without margins were previously included in Solorina. However, a three-loci phylogenetic analysis confirmed that this genus was polyphyletic. The species with white or brown lower surfaces were excluded from Solorina to establish a new genus named Pseudosolorina. Solorina is now characterized by its immersed apothecia, bright orange lower surface, rounded papillate ornamentation of the spores, and distinctive secondary metabolites, notably solorinic acid. Members of this genus are typically found in alpine habitats.
Solorina crocea (L.) Ach.,
Vetensk-Acad. Nya Handl. 29: 228 (1808)
Figure 3 ≡ Lichen croceus L., Sp. pl. 2: 1149 (1753)
= Peltigera crocea (L.) Hoffm., Descript. et Adumbr. Plant. Lich. 2(3): 60 (1794)
= Peltidea crocea (L.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 290 (1803)
= Arthonia crocea (L.) Ach., Neues J. Bot. 1(3. Stück): 20 (1806)
= Parmelia crocea (L.) Spreng., Syst. veg., Edn 16 4(1): 280 (1827)
= Solorina crocea (L.) Ach., Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 30 (1930)
Type: LINN-HL1273-189 (lectotype, designated by Howe, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 39: 201 (1912))
Description: Thallus: large foliose, wide-spreading, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, up to 10 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, margins raised; Upper surface: olive green when wet, red-brown when dry, smooth to scabrid; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless or slightly yellow, measuring 70–150 µm; Medulla: 217–280 µm thick; Photobiont: comprises two photobiont layers, the upper layer contains Coccomyxa, exhibits a serrated shape and 40–110 µm thick, the lower layer, the Nostoc layer, is discrete, 20 or 70 µm thick; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: bright orange, tomentose with a reticulate pattern of brown veins, with rhizoidal structures over 3 mm long, and internal cephalodia; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, not or rarely depressed in the upper surface, flat or convex, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 8-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall surface ornamented with rounded papillae, measuring 35–45 × 10–12 µm.
Figure 3.
Solorina crocea ((A): Bruce McCune 18613 KUN, (B–G): Theodoer Esslinger 11831 KUN); (A), foliose thallus when dry; (B), smooth margin of the lobe; (C), upper surface of the apothecium; (D), bright orange lower surface distinctly brownish veined; (E), transversal sections of the thallus; (F), transversal sections of the apothecium; (G), ascus. Scale bars: 10 mm (A); 5 mm (B); 3 mm (C,D); 100 µm (E); 400 µm (F); 40 µm (G).
Figure 3.
Solorina crocea ((A): Bruce McCune 18613 KUN, (B–G): Theodoer Esslinger 11831 KUN); (A), foliose thallus when dry; (B), smooth margin of the lobe; (C), upper surface of the apothecium; (D), bright orange lower surface distinctly brownish veined; (E), transversal sections of the thallus; (F), transversal sections of the apothecium; (G), ascus. Scale bars: 10 mm (A); 5 mm (B); 3 mm (C,D); 100 µm (E); 400 µm (F); 40 µm (G).
Chemistry: Solorinic acid, averantin, 6-O-methylaverantin and gyrophoric acid (detected by TLC and HPLC).
Ecology and distribution: Distributed in high-altitude areas and mainly grows on calcareous soil. Its widespread distribution includes: Alps [
42], America [
43], Canada [
44], Finland [
45], France [
46], Germany [
47], Greenland [
48], Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands [
49], Iceland [
50], Ireland [
51], Italy [
52], Japan [
53], New Zealand [
54], Norway [
55], Poland [
56], Russia [
57], Sweden [
58], the Czech Republic [
59], Ukraine [
Note: S. crocea is an easily recognizable species of Solorina due to the bright orange lower surface and the two layers of photobionts. This unique thallus structure serves as an identification characteristic. This species has a wide distribution and mainly occurs in the northern hemisphere.
Specimens examined: USA, Wyoming, Park Co., Alpine tundra, Beartooth Plateau North of West Summit of Beartooth Highway, Alt. 3150 m, July 1992, 44°59′ N, 109°26′ W, 1992, B. McCune, 18613; Whatcom Co.: vicinity of the Ross Lake overlook on N base of Ruby Mt.; ca. Alt. 2200 m in a Douglas Fir-lodgepole pine forest, in soil, 1980, Leg. Theodoer and L. Esslinger, 11831.
Solorina crocoides (Nyl.) Gyeln.,
Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 30 (1930)
Figure 4 ≡ Solorinina crocoides Nyl. Naturaliste, 6. Année: 387 (1884)
= Solorina crocea (L.) Ach. Lichenology, 4. 1–6 (2005)
Type: Himalaya, 3657 m (no date, no collector recorded), H-1662
Description: Thallus: large foliose, wide-spreading, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, 2–8 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, margins raised, 5–15 mm wide, usually contiguous to adjacent or slightly overlapping; Upper surface: green-gray when wet, gray-brown when dry, smooth to scabrid, with soredia growing on the margin; Soredia: black, granulose; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, 25–200 µm thick, colorless; Medulla: composed of variably orientated linear hyphae; Photobiont: a single photobiont layer c. 100–200 µm thick, mixed chlorophyte and cyanobacteria cells, contains Asterochloris and Nostoc; Lower cortex: lacks distinct lower cortex; Lower surface: bright orange, distinctly brownish veined, tomentose, and with clusters of simple or branched rhizines; Apothecia: not seen.
Chemistry: Solorinic acid, averantin, 6-O-methylaverantin (detected by TLC and HPLC).
Ecology and distribution: This species is typically found in high-altitude areas, primarily inhabiting calcareous soils on rocky substrates. It often coexists with herbaceous plants and bryophytes, with the absence of tall trees in the vicinity, resulting in favorable lighting conditions. It was reported from the Himalayan region [
11] and China (Sichuan and Xizang).
Note: Solorina crocoides is similar to S. crocea. A distinguishing feature between these two species is that the upper surface of S. crocea appears olive green when wet, whereas S. crocoides is gray-brown. The thallus of S. crocea possesses smoother edges, and the thallus margin of S. crocoides has black soredia. Another difference lies in their photobiont layers—S. crocea has two separate photobiont layers, whereas S. crocoides features only one photobiont layer containing both chlorophytes and cyanobacteria.
Specimens examined: China, Xizang Prov., Linzhi city, Bomi Co., 29°46′16.93″ N, 95°41.’57.39″ E, Alt. 3903 m, 9 August 2023, T. Zheng, 23-75455, 23-75456, 23-75432, 23-75431, 23-75453, 23-75450; 29°45′57.53″ N, 95°41′50.64″ E, Alt. 3798 m, 9 August 2023, T. Zheng, 23-75433, 23-75434, 23-75437; 29°46′16.93″ N, 95°41′57.39″ E, Alt. 3839 m, 9 August 2023, T. Zheng, 23-75449; 29°45.630′ N, 95°42.052′ E, Alt. 4065 m, 19 September 2014, L. S. Wang et al., 14-45996. Sichuan Prov., Luding Co. Gongga Mt., 29°20′ N, 101°30′ E, Alt. 3000 m, on rock, 1996, L. S. Wang, 96-16177.
Figure 4.
Solorina crocoides (T. Zheng 23-75450 KUN); (A), habit of S. crocoides; (B), margin of the lobe with black soredia; (C), bright orange lower surface distinctly brownish veined; (D), transversal sections of the thallus showing photobiont layer with both bright green chlorophyte cells and blue cyanobacteria cells. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 5 mm (C); 200 µm (D).
Figure 4.
Solorina crocoides (T. Zheng 23-75450 KUN); (A), habit of S. crocoides; (B), margin of the lobe with black soredia; (C), bright orange lower surface distinctly brownish veined; (D), transversal sections of the thallus showing photobiont layer with both bright green chlorophyte cells and blue cyanobacteria cells. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 5 mm (C); 200 µm (D).
Pseudosolorina T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, gen. nov.
Fungal Names: FN 572274
Type species: Pseudosolorina parmigera T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, sp. nov.
Etymology: Referring to its similarity to Solorina.
Diagnosis: This genus has scattered round, immersed, slightly to very deeply concaved apothecia without a thalline margin. Thallus foliose, lower surface white or pale brown, indistinctly veined, it is similar to Solorina in external morphology, but differs by the white to pale brown lower surface.
Description: Thallus: small to large foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate; Lobes: rounded, margins flush with the substrate or slightly raised; Upper surface: apple green to green-gray when wet, white or pale-green to brown when dry, smooth to scabrid; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: white or pale brown, indistinctly veined, tomentose, and with clusters of simple or branched rhizines; Apothecia: rounded, irregularly scattered, impressed to immersed in the upper surface, red-brown to black, slightly to very deeply concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 1-, 2- or 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1- or 2-(3-)septate with median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae.
Chemistry: Two species contain gyrophoric acid, methyl gyrophorate, tenuiorin, and 2′-O-methyltenuiorin, but six species lack secondary metabolites (detected by TLC and HPLC).
Ecology: On soil, markedly calcicole. The members of this genus often occur in alpine habitats.
Note: Previously, species of this genus were classified under Solorina based on the morphology of the apothecia. However, phylogenetic analyses indicate strong support for its status as a monophyletic genus. Pseudosolorina is set apart from related genera by its white or pale brownish lower surface, with apothecia irregularly scattered and immersed in the upper surface of the thallus, usually concave. In comparison to Solorina, its spore wall is rougher and ornamented with broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae. Most species lack secondary metabolites.
Pseudosolorina bispora (Nyl.) T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, comb. nov.
Figure 5 ≡ Solorina bispora Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 331 (1860)
= Solorina saccata var. bispora (Nyl.) Arnold, Verh. Kaiserl.-Königl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 21(3–4): 1118 (1871)
= Solorina bispora Nyl., Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 29 (1930)
Fungal Names: FN 572279
Type: France, Midi-Pyrénées, Hautes-Pyrénées, Nylander W., H9506085 (Holotype)
Description: Thallus: small foliose, fragile, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, 1.5–2 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded or irregular, 5–10 mm; Upper surface: bright apple-green when wet, dark green or pale grey to tinged brown when dry, usually covered with white-pruinose; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 50–100 μm thick; Medulla: 40–150 μm thick; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc, one Coccomyxa green algal layer, 40–110 μm thick, Nostoc present in internal cephalodia which can be seen on the underside of the thallus as dark spots; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale brown, densely tomentose, not or indistinctly veined, rhizines; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, deeply concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 2-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, 65–88 × 33–42 µm.
Chemistry: No lichen products detected by TLC.
Ecology and distribution: Typically found in humid soil rich in humus, often growing in association with herbaceous plants. Distributed in Alps [
42], America [
61], Canada [
44], France [
46], Germany [
47], Greenland [
62], Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands [
49], Italy [
52], New Mexico [
63], Norway [
64], Poland [
56], Ukraine [
60], and China.
Note: This species resembles Pseudosolorina saccata and was previously classified as a high-altitude variant of P. saccata. In comparison to P. saccata, its thallus is relatively small (<2 cm in diam.), often exhibiting a covering of pruina; it has two ascospores.
Specimens examined: Austria, Salzburg, Tamsweg, Grossek-Speiereck, 47°7′54″ N, 13°38′17″ E, Alt. 2162 m, 31 August 2019, Y. Y. Zhang, ZYY-46; China, Sichuan Prov., Hongyuan city, 32°13′45.83″ N, 102°35′44.75″ E, Alt. 4278 m, 9 April 2020, L. S. Wang et al., 20-66618; Yunnan Prov., Kunming city, Tangdan town, Yaojingtang, 26°15′27″ N, 102°95′79″ E, Alt. 4000 m, 15 September 2024, M. Ai, 24-76716.
Figure 5.
Pseudosolorina bispora ((A): L. S. Wang et al. 20-66618 KUN, (B): M. Ai 24-76716 KUN, (C–F): Y. Y. Zhang ZYY-46 KUN); (A), habit of P. bispora; (B), apothecium; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B,C); 100 µm (D); 300 µm (E); 40 µm (F).
Figure 5.
Pseudosolorina bispora ((A): L. S. Wang et al. 20-66618 KUN, (B): M. Ai 24-76716 KUN, (C–F): Y. Y. Zhang ZYY-46 KUN); (A), habit of P. bispora; (B), apothecium; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B,C); 100 µm (D); 300 µm (E); 40 µm (F).
Pseudosolorina bispora var. monospora (Gyeln.) T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, comb. nov.
Figure 6 ≡ Solorina monospora Gyeln., Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 29 (1930)
= Solorina bispora var. monospora (Gyeln.) Frey, Ergebn. wiss. Unters. schweiz. NatnParks, N.S. 3(27): 377 (1952).
Fungal Names: FN 572281
Description: Thallus: small foliose, fragile, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, ca 1 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded or irregular, 2–8 mm; Upper surface: bright apple-green when wet, dark green or pale grey to tinged brown when dry, usually covered with white pruina, pale grey to brown-grey, often pruinose; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 40–80 μm thick; Medulla: 40–150 μm thick; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc, one Coccomyxa green-algal layer, c. 20–80 μm thick, Nostoc exist in internal cephalodia which can be seen on the underside of the thallus as dark spots; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale brown, densely tomentose, not or indistinctly veined, rhizines, cephalodia internal, rarely external; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, deeply concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 1-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 2- (3-) septate with median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented with broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, 100–160 × 35–50 µm.
Chemistry: No lichen products detected by TLC.
Ecology and distribution: This species is typically found in alpine environments, where it grows on basic soils formed over shaded limestone or calcareous schists. It is distributed in France [
46], Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands [
49], Switzerland [
65], and China.
Note: This species closely resembles a variant of P. bispora (= Solorina bispora var. monospora (Gyeln.) Frey) in appearance, containing only 1 spore in the ascus. However, phylogenetic analysis suggests that it should be recognized as an independent species. Unfortunately, we did not obtain the type specimen or molecular data related to the origin of S. bispora var. monospora, so we can only describe this specimen as a similar species to S. bispora var. monospora, revised to Pseudosolorina bispora var. monospora (Gyeln.) T. Zheng and Li S. Wang. Further research is necessary to determine whether they are indeed the same species.
Specimens examined: China, Qinghai Prov., Zhiduo Co., 33°48′03.32″ N, 95°13′57.24″ E, Alt. 4436 m, 18 September 2020, X. Y. Wang et al., XY20-828; Maduo Co., 35°06′16.62″ N, 98°54′22.97″ E, Alt. 4260 m, 14 September 2020, X. Y. Wang et al., XY20-2943; Maduo Co., 34°49′40.56″ N, 99°02′03.48″ E, Alt. 4578 m, 13 September 2020, L. S. Wang et al., 20-67082.
Figure 6.
Pseudosolorina bispora var. monospora (L. S. Wang et al. 20-67082 KUN); (A), habit of P. bispora var. monospora; (B), apothecium; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 3 mm (C); 100 µm (D); 200 µm (E); 40 µm (F).
Figure 6.
Pseudosolorina bispora var. monospora (L. S. Wang et al. 20-67082 KUN); (A), habit of P. bispora var. monospora; (B), apothecium; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 3 mm (C); 100 µm (D); 200 µm (E); 40 µm (F).
Pseudosolorina hepatizon T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, sp. nov.
Figure 7 Fungal Names: FN 572275
Type: China. Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°39′05.72″ N, 99°44′15.57″ E, Alt. 3089 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75286 (Holotype KUN)
Etymology: Referring to its hepaticolor thallus.
Diagnosis: This species has a hepaticolor upper surface when dry, while most other species of Pseudosolorina display brown, greyish-brown, or pale hues. P. hepatizon has a single photobiont layer containing both cyanobacteria and chlorophytes and lacks secondary metabolites.
Description: Thallus: large foliose, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, up to 9 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, 10–20 mm; Upper surface: green-gray when wet, hepaticolor or gray-brown when dry, smooth to scabrid; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 60–150 μm thick; Medulla: 200–300 μm thick; Photobiont: Asterochloris and Nostoc, single photobiont layer with both blue and bright green cells, 100–220 μm thick; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: white, indistinctly veined, brownish tomentose, without cephalodia, with clusters of simple or branched rhizines; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, slightly concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, measured 42–53 × 18–25 µm.
Chemistry: No lichen products detected by TLC.
Ecology and distribution: It is distributed in high-altitude areas and primarily found on calcareous soils on stones, typically growing alongside or on bryophytes. This species is only known from Yunnan Province of China.
Note: Specimens representing this species were formerly categorized as Solorina simensis based on their morphological characteristics. In this study they have been divided from P. simensis to form the new species P. hepatizon. Despite distinct chemical characteristics, P. simensis contains secondary metabolites such as methyl gyrophorate and tenuiorin, whereas P. hepatizon lacks any secondary metabolites; it was previously identified as an acid-deficient variant of S. simensis (Krog and Swinscow 1986). DNA evidence supports its classification as a distinct species in the realm of scientific research.
Specimens examined: China, Yunnan Prov., Kunming city, Dongchuan Dist., Guniuzhai Mt., 26°09′50.25″ N, 103°13′30.86″ E, Alt. 3100 m, 10 May 2017, L. S. Wang et al., 17-55094; Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°39′05.72″ N, 99°44′15.57″ E, Alt. 3089 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75286.
Figure 7.
Pseudosolorina hepatizon (L. S. Wang et al. 23-75286 KUN); (A), habit of P. hepatizon; (B), foliose thallus when dry; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum and rhizines; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 10 mm (B); 2 mm (C); 50 µm (D); 100 µm (E); 20 µm (F).
Figure 7.
Pseudosolorina hepatizon (L. S. Wang et al. 23-75286 KUN); (A), habit of P. hepatizon; (B), foliose thallus when dry; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum and rhizines; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 10 mm (B); 2 mm (C); 50 µm (D); 100 µm (E); 20 µm (F).
Pseudosolorina parmigera T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, sp. nov.
Figure 8 Fungal Names: FN 572277
Type: China, Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, road side of x236, 26°38′01.25″ N, 99°43′07.92″ E, Alt. 3035 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75751 (Holotype KUN)
Etymology: Referring to its shield-like shaped thallus.
Diagnosis: This species has a shield-like shape of the thallus and one green photobiont layer similar to P. saccata, but P. parmigera has extensive white pruina and no external cephalodia on the upper surface, whereas P. saccata has external cephalodia and rarely white pruina on the upper surface.
Description: Thallus: large foliose, fragile, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, 2–6 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, 5–15 mm; Upper surface: bright apple-green when wet, dark green to pale grey to tinged brown when dry, white-pruinose, smooth to scabrid; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 30–80 μm thick; Medulla: 100–250 μm thick; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc, single Coccomyxa green-algal layer, c. 40–110 μm thick, Nostoc present in internal cephalodia which can be seen on the underside of the thallus as dark spots; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale brown, densely tomentose, not or indistinctly veined, rhizines abundant, length: 10 mm; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, medially concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, dimensions: 35–50 × 17–23 µm.
Chemistry: No lichen products detected by TLC.
Ecology and distribution: Growing in calciferous soil rich in humus and terricolous mosses at approximately 3000 m in the alpine zone. This species is known from Yunnan, Sichuan, and Qinghai Provinces of China.
Note: This species shares the most similar morphological and chemical characteristics with P. saccata; the difference between these two species is that P. saccata has external cephalodia and is rarely pruinose on the upper surface, but the thallus of P. parmigera has dense pruina and lacks external cephalodia on the upper surface.
Specimens examined: China, Yunnan Prov., Lijiang city, Yulong Snow Mt. 27°07′36.82″ N, 100°13′40.70″ E, Alt. 2938 m, 8 July 2019, L. S. Wang et al., 19-62636; Shangrila city, road side of x224, 26°38′07.56″ N, 99°43′00.12″ E, Alt. 3062 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75739, 23-75734; Shangrila city, road side of x236, 26°38′01.25″ N, 99°43′07.92″ E, Alt. 3035 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75751; Dali city, Cangshan National Geopark, 25°41′42.47″ N, 100°06′30.73″ E, Alt. 3075 m, 19 May 2024, L. S. Wang and M. Ai, 24-76096. Sichuan Prov., Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Muli Co. 27°41′51.41″ N, 101°13′52.86″ E, Alt. 3177 m, 10 September 2021, X. Y. Wang et al., 21-70363, 21-70423, XY21-272, XY21-275. Qinghai Prov., Menyuan Co., 37°12′34″ N, 102°0′39″ E, Alt. 2711 m, 24 July 2022, S. B. Zhang et al., ZSB22-133; Manma Co., 32°46′50″ N, 101°11′2″ E, Alt. 3553 m, 14 July 2022, S. B. Zhang et al., ZSB22-256.
Figure 8.
Pseudosolorina parmigera (A: L. S. Wang et al. 23-75751 KUN, B,C: L. S. Wang and M. Ai 24-76096 KUN, (D–G) X. Y. Wang et al. 21-70423 KUN); (A), habit of P. parmigera; (B), upper surface with white pruina; (C), apothecium; (D), white lower surface with brownish tomentum and rhizines; (E), transversal sections of the thallus; (F), transversal sections of the apothecium; (G), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B,D); 3 mm (C); 200 µm (E,F); 40 µm (G).
Figure 8.
Pseudosolorina parmigera (A: L. S. Wang et al. 23-75751 KUN, B,C: L. S. Wang and M. Ai 24-76096 KUN, (D–G) X. Y. Wang et al. 21-70423 KUN); (A), habit of P. parmigera; (B), upper surface with white pruina; (C), apothecium; (D), white lower surface with brownish tomentum and rhizines; (E), transversal sections of the thallus; (F), transversal sections of the apothecium; (G), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B,D); 3 mm (C); 200 µm (E,F); 40 µm (G).
Pseudosolorina saccata (L.) T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, comb. nov.
Figure 9 ≡ Lichen saccatus L., Fl. Suec., Edn 2: 419 (1755)
= Lobaria saccata (L.) Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl., Zweiter Theil (Erlangen): 147 (1796)
= Peltidea saccata (L.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 290 (1803)
= Peltigera saccata (L.) DC., in Lamarck and de Candolle, Fl. franç., Edn 3 (Paris) 2: 408 (1805)
= Arthonia saccata (L.) Ach., Neues J. Bot. 1(3. Stück): 21 (1806)
= Solorina saccata (L.) Ach., K. Vetensk-Acad. Nya Handl. 29: 228 (1808)
= Platysma saccatum (L.) Frege, Deutsch. Botan. Taschenb. 2: 165 (1812)
= Solorina saccata (L.) Ach., Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 29 (1930)
Fungal Names: FN 572280
Type: LINN-HL1273-197 (Lectotype, designated by Jørgensen et al., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 115: 381. 1994)
Description: Thallus: large foliose, fragile, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, 3–6 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, 4–20 mm; Upper surface: bright apple-green when wet, dark green to pale grey to tinged brown when dry, white-pruinose, having external cephalodia; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 50–100 μm thick; Medulla: 200–350 μm thick; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc, single Coccomyxa green-algal layer, c. 50–110 μm thick, Nostoc present in external cephalodia on the upper surface and internal cephalodia which can be seen on the underside of the thallus as dark spots; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale brown, densely tomentose, not or indistinctly veined, rhizines abundant and long, up to 18 mm; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, medially concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented with broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, dimensions: 32–60 × 18–27 µm.
Chemistry: No lichen products detected by TLC.
Ecology and distribution: This species grows in calcareous soil rich in humus and terrestrial mosses in a cool-temperate alpine region, often inhabiting rock crevices and also commonly found along the edges of groves. Its widespread distribution includes: Alps [
52], USA [
66], Canada [
44], England [
67], France [
46], Germany [
47], Greece [
68], Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands [
49], India [
69], Italy [
52], Japan [
53], Norway [
64], Poland [
56], Siberia [
70], the Czech Republic [
59], Ukraine [
60] and China.
Note: Pseudosolorina saccata is widely distributed and morphologically variable. P. simensis and P. bispora were previously classified as variants under this species. P. saccata is characterized by a green upper surface, a white lower surface, a concave apothecium, and 4-spored ascus. Notably, it closely resembles P. parmigera; however, distinct attributes for P. saccata include external cephalodia and rare white pruina on the upper surface of the thallus, whereas P. parmigera typically exhibits a white pruinose covering on its upper surface and lacks external cephalodia.
Specimens examined: China, Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°39′04.17″ N, 99°44′13.48″ E, Alt. 3082 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75282; road side of X241, 26°37′54.86″ N, 99°43′14.07″ E, Alt. 3051 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75756, 23-75757, 23-75755; Birong Valley, 26°39′03.98″ N, 99°44′13.12″ E, Alt. 3486 m, 15 July 2023, X. Y. Wang and Y. X. Gan, XY23-383; Birong Valley, 26°39′04.26″ N, 99°44′13.77″ E, Alt. 3047 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75281(a), 23-75280; Dali city, Cangshan National Geopark, 25°41′41.09″ N, 100°06′32.38″ E, Alt. 3070 m, 19 May 2024, L. S. Wang et al., 24-76098 (b). Qinghai Prov., Xunhua Co., 35°41′48″ N, 102°26′26.18″ E, Alt. 2688 m, 6 August 2022, S. B. Zhang and H. L. Kang, ZSB22-67; Banma Co., 32°47′15″ N, 101°4′45″ E, Alt. 3680 m, 14 July 2022, S. B. Zhang and H. L. Kang, ZSB22-263; Huzhu Co., 36°44′41″ N, 102°32′47″ E, Alt. 2759 m, 16 August 2022, S. B. Zhang and H. L. Kang, ZSB22-340. Gansu Prov., Luqu Co., 34°08′27.58″ N, 102°11′57.16″ E, Alt. 3588 m, 9 July 2022, L. S. Wang et al., 22-73302, 22-73303. Sichuan Prov., Jiulong Co., Wuxuhai Lake, 29°09′06.14″ N, 101°24′42.58″ E, Alt. 3691 m, 9 June 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75120.
Figure 9.
Pseudosolorina saccata ((A): X. Y. Wang and YX Gan XY23-383 KUN, (B): L. S. Wang et al. 23-75281 KUN, C–G: L. S. Wang et al. 23-75757 KUN); (A), habit of P. saccata; (B), upper surface with external cephalodia; (C), white lower surface with rhizines; (D), apothecium; (E), transversal sections of the thallus; (F), transversal sections of the apothecium; (G), ascus. Scale bars: 1 mm (B); 4 mm (C); 3 mm (D); 100 µm (E); 200 µm (F); 40 µm (G).
Figure 9.
Pseudosolorina saccata ((A): X. Y. Wang and YX Gan XY23-383 KUN, (B): L. S. Wang et al. 23-75281 KUN, C–G: L. S. Wang et al. 23-75757 KUN); (A), habit of P. saccata; (B), upper surface with external cephalodia; (C), white lower surface with rhizines; (D), apothecium; (E), transversal sections of the thallus; (F), transversal sections of the apothecium; (G), ascus. Scale bars: 1 mm (B); 4 mm (C); 3 mm (D); 100 µm (E); 200 µm (F); 40 µm (G).
Pseudosolorina simensis (Hochst. ex Flot.) T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, comb. nov.
Figure 10 ≡ Solorina simensis Hochst. ex Flot., Linnaea 17: 17 (1843)
= Solorina saccata var. simensis (Hochst. ex Flot.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Imp. Scity Nat. Cherbourg, 5: 101 (1858)
= Solorinina simensis (Hochst. ex Flot.) Nyl., Naturaliste, 6. Année: 387 (1884)
= Solorina simensis Hochst. ex Flot., Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 29 (1930)
Fungal Names: FN 572282
Type: Ethiopia, Amhara Region, Simien Mountains, W. Schimper, H-NYL 32,912 (Holotype H-NYL)
Description: Thallus: large foliose, fragile, flat, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, ca 5 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, 5–8 mm; Upper surface: light blue when wet, gloomy to brown when dry, rarely pruinose on the margin; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 40–80 μm thick; Medulla: pale, 200–280 μm thick; Photobiont: Asterochloris and Nostoc, both present in a single photobiont layer, 70–150 μm thick in thallus and 60–100 µm in apothecium; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale to brown, indistinctly veined, tomentose, without cephalodia, with clusters of simple or branched rhizines; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, slightly concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented with broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, dimensions: 35–65 × 16–23 µm.
Chemistry: Gyrophoric acid, methyl gyrophorate, tenuiorin, and 2′-O-methyltenuiorin (detected by TLC and HPLC).
Ecology and distribution: It grows in high-altitude areas and is mainly found in calcareous soil on stone, usually growing together with or on bryophytes. It is distributed in East Africa [
71], Ethiopia [
5], Mexico [
72], New Guinea [
73], and China.
Note: This species could be distinguished by its morphological characters of the thallus and the single photobiont layer with both cyanobacterial and chlorophyte cells. It is similar to P. tenuior, but P. simensis has a thicker photobiont layer up to 150 μm in thallus and 100 µm in apothecium.
Specimens examined: Ethiopia, Amhara Region, Simien Mountains, W. Schimper, H-NYL 32,912 (holotype); H-NYL 32914. China, Sichuan Prov., Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Muli Co., 27°43′30.82″ N, 101°14′11.52″ E, Alt. 3010 m, 11 September 2021, X. Y. Wang et al., XY21-274, 21-70422; Litang Co., 30°25′30.27″ N, 101°18′07.81″ E, Alt. 3296 m, 12 July 2022, D. Liu, LD22-696, LD22-697; Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, road side of X246, 26°37′56.13″ N, 99°43′31.28″ E, Alt. 3110 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75761.
Figure 10.
Pseudosolorina simensis (A,C: X. Y. Wang et al. XY21-274 KUN, B: W. Schimper 32,914 H-NYL, (D–G): X. Y. Wang et al. 21-70422 KUN); (A), habit of P. simensis; (B), type of P. simensis; (C), foliose thallus when dry; (D), apothecium; (E), white lower surface with rhizines; (F), transversal sections of the thallus; (G), transversal sections of the apothecium; (H), ascus. Scale bars: 5 mm (B,C); 2 mm (D,E); 50 µm (F); 200 µm (G); 30 µm (H).
Figure 10.
Pseudosolorina simensis (A,C: X. Y. Wang et al. XY21-274 KUN, B: W. Schimper 32,914 H-NYL, (D–G): X. Y. Wang et al. 21-70422 KUN); (A), habit of P. simensis; (B), type of P. simensis; (C), foliose thallus when dry; (D), apothecium; (E), white lower surface with rhizines; (F), transversal sections of the thallus; (G), transversal sections of the apothecium; (H), ascus. Scale bars: 5 mm (B,C); 2 mm (D,E); 50 µm (F); 200 µm (G); 30 µm (H).
Pseudosolorina spongiosa (Sm.) T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, comb. nov.
Figure 11 ≡ Lichen spongiosus Sm., in Smith and Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 20: tab. 1374 (1805)
= Collema spongiosum Ach., Lich. Univ.: 661 (1810)
= Lichen furvus * spongiosum (Ach.) Lam., Encycl. Méth. Bot., Suppl. (Paris) 3(2): 416 (1813)
= Polychidium spongiosum (Ach.) Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. (London) 1: 402 (1821)
= Lecanora limbata Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. lapp. (Oslo): 105 (1826)
= Parmelia spongiosa (Ach.) Spreng., Syst. veg., Edn 16 4(1): 277 (1827)
= Peltigera saccata var. limbata (Sommerf.) Fr., Summa veg. Scand., Sectio Prior (Stockholm): 104 (1845)
= Solorina saccata ß limbata (Sommerf.) Schaer., Enum. critic. lich. europ. (Bern): 23 (1850)
= Peltigera limbata (Sommerf.) Nyl., Not. Sällsk. Fauna et Fl. Fenn. Förh. 2: 217 (1852)
= Solorina saccata f. limbata (Sommerf.) Nyl., Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 3: 173 (1855)
= Solorina saccata var. spongiosa (Ach.) Nyl., Syn. meth. lich. (Parisiis) 1(2): 331 (1860)
= Solorina limbata (Sommerf.) Mudd, Man. Brit. Lich.: 85 (1861)
= Solorina spongiosa (Sm.) Anzi, Comm. Soc. crittog. Ital. 1(fasc. 3): 136 (1862)
= Solorinina simensis var. limbata (Sommerf.) Nyl., in Hue, Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 3 sér. 2: 312 (1890)
= Solorina spongiosa (Sm.) Anzi, Magy. Bot. Lapok, 29: 29 (1930)
Fungal Names: FN 572276
Type: BM000975901 (type, collected by Anon. on 27 April 1803)
Diagnosis: This species has a reduced thallus, often with white pruina; this morphological character is shared with Solorina embelina, but P. spongiosa has four spores per ascus, whereas Solorina embelina only has one.
Description: Thallus: foliose, fragile, dorsiventral, heteromerous, poorly developed, restricted to a continuous or lacerate narrow rim surrounding the apothecium, 0.1–0.7 cm in diam.; Upper surface: bright green when wet, dark green to pale grey when dry, usually covered with white pruina; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 10–20 μm thick; Medulla: 40–80 μm thick; Photobiont: Coccomyxa and Nostoc, one Coccomyxa green-algal layer, 20–60 μm thick, Nostoc present in internal cephalodia which can be seen on the underside of the thallus as dark spots; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale brown, densely tomentose, not or indistinctly veined, rhizines; Apothecia: rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, medially concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, measured 30–50 × 18–23 µm.
Chemistry: No lichen products detected by TLC.
Ecology and distribution: This species typically thrives in moist calcareous soils within the alpine zone and is commonly found beneath the edges of groves. It is distributed in America [
43], Austria [
74], Canada [
44], France [
46], Germany [
47], Greenland [
48], Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands [
49], Ireland [
51], Poland [
56], Russia [
57], the Czech Republic [
59], Ukraine [
Figure 11.
Pseudosolorina spongiosa, (A: L. S. Wang et al. 24-76099 KUN, B–E: L. S. Wang et al. 23-75119 KUN); (A), habit of P. spongiosa; (B), apothecium; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum; (D), transversal sections of the apothecium; (E), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 1 mm (C); 200 µm (D); 40 µm (E).
Figure 11.
Pseudosolorina spongiosa, (A: L. S. Wang et al. 24-76099 KUN, B–E: L. S. Wang et al. 23-75119 KUN); (A), habit of P. spongiosa; (B), apothecium; (C), white lower surface with brownish tomentum; (D), transversal sections of the apothecium; (E), ascus. Scale bars: 2 mm (B); 1 mm (C); 200 µm (D); 40 µm (E).
Note: This species exhibits morphological similarities with Solorina embelina, particularly in their thallus structure, where reduced thalli form a distinct small circle around the apothecium. However, the two species differ in terms of spore number: S. embelina contains only one spore per ascus, whereas P. spongiosa possesses four spores per ascus. Through a meticulous review and comparison of the original literature on Lichen spongiosus, we have identified discrepancies between the initial documentation of this species and the present specimens. The original records describe the species as having a clustered and branched thallus; apothecia that are scattered, concave, brown, externally spongy, and pale, with a thin, upright margin. In contrast, current samples of P. spongiosa feature a small thallus, lacking lobes and apothecia that are scattered, concave, brown to black, without any margin. However, due to limited access to the holotype of Lichen spongiosus, we are unable to define this species. However, our samples are phylogenetically and morphologically identical to the currently accepted species Solorina spongiosa. Consequently, we have opted to retain the classification of this species as P. spongiosa.
Specimens examined: China, Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°39′04.26″ N, 99°44′13.77″ E, Alt. 3047 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75281(b); Dali city, Cangshan Geopark, 25°41′42.09″ N, 100°06′29.97″ E, Alt. 3092 m, 19 May 2024, L. S. Wang et al., 24-76095, 24-76098 (a), 24-76097, 24-76099. Xizang Prov., Linzhi, Nyingchi Sexiula Mountain G318 Roadside, 28 June 2021, CMY-42. Sichuan Prov., Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Muli Co., 27°43′30.93″ N, 101°14′11.34″ E, Alt. 3070 m, 11 September 2021, X. Y. Wang et al., 21-70424; Jiulong Co., Wuxuhai Lake, 29°09′06.00″ N, 101°24′42.99″ E, Alt. 3722 m, 9 June 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75118, 23-75119, 23-75121, 23-75122; Heishui Co., 32°13′57.72″ N, 102°36′21.75″ E, Alt. 3956 m, 4 September 2020, X. Y. Wang et al., XY20-399. Gansu Prov., Luqu Co., 34°08′23.63″ N, 102°11′55.61″ E, Alt. 3584 m, 9 July 2022, X. Y. Wang et al., XY22-1164. Austria, Salzburg, Lungau Eastern Alps, Niedere Tauern, Schladminger Tauern, Weißpriachtal NW of the village Mariapfarr, a short distance from Lahnbrücke, 47°13′18″ N, 13°39′24″ E, Alt. 1280 m, 3 September 2019, Y. Y. Zhang, ZYY-126.
Pseudosolorina tenuior T. Zheng and Li S. Wang, sp. nov.
Figure 12 Fungal Names: FN 572278
Type: China, Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°39′05.36″ N, 99°44′15.57″ E, Alt. 3406 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75283 (Holotype KUN)
Etymology: Referring to its thin thallus and photobiont layer.
Diagnosis: This species contains a single photobiont layer with both cyanobacterial and chlorophyte cells. It has the same four secondary metabolites as P. simensis, but P. simensis has a thicker photobiont layer: more than 70 μm in thallus and more than 60 μm in apothecia. P. tenuior has a thinner photobiont layer: less than 60 μm in thallus and less than 30 μm in apothecia.
Description: Thallus: large foliose, fragile, dorsiventral, heteromerous, lobate, 3–7 cm in diam.; Lobes: rounded, 3–18 mm; Upper surface: green-gray when wet, gray-brown when dry, rare pruinose on the margin; Upper cortex: paraplectenchymatous, colorless, 30–80 μm thick; Medulla: 200–270 μm thick; Photobiont: Asterochloris and Nostoc, in a single photobiont layer, measured 20–60 μm, photobiont layer in apothecium measuring 12–30 µm; Lower cortex: lacking; Lower surface: pale to brown, indistinctly veined, tomentose, without cephalodia, with clusters of simple or branched rhizines; Apothecia: large, rounded, irregularly scattered, sunk in depressions in the upper surface, red-brown to black, slightly concave, thalline margin absent; Asci: clavate, Peltigera-type, 4-spored; Ascospores: red-brown or dark brown, 1-septate with a median constriction, ellipsoid to fusiform, wall non-uniformly thickened, surface ornamented with broad reticulating ridges and irregular lacunae, dimensions: 40–55 × 18–23 µm.
Chemistry: Gyrophoric acid, methyl gyrophorate, tenuiorin, and 2′-O-methyltenuiorin (detected by TLC and HPLC).
Ecology and distribution: It is distributed in high-altitude areas and is mainly found in calcareous soil on stone, usually growing together with or on bryophyte. This species is known from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces of China.
Note: This species is similar to Pseudosolorina simensis in thallus morphology, appearance of photobiont layer, and chemical characteristics, but DNA sequence data support their description as separate species. They differ in the thickness of the photobiont layer both in thallus and in apothecium: the photobiont layer of P. tenuior is 20–60 μm in thallus and 12–30 µm in apothecium, but the photobiont layer of P. simensis is 70–150 μm in thallus and 60–100 µm in apothecium.
Specimens examined: China, Sichuan Prov., Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Muli Co., 27°43′30.80″ N, 101°14′10.55″ E, Alt. 2993 m, 11 September 2021, X. Y. Wang et al., XY21-270; Yunnan Prov., Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°39′05.36″ N, 99°44′15.57″ E, Alt. 3406 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75283; Shangrila city, Birong Valley, 26°37′50.66″ N, 99°43′20.06″ E, Alt. 3080 m, 15 July 2023, L. S. Wang et al., 23-75759.
Figure 12.
Pseudosolorina tenuior (L. S. Wang et al. 23-75283 KUN); (A), habit of P. tenuior; (B), white lower surface with brownish tomentum and rhizines; (C), apothecia; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 5 mm (B); 2 mm (C); 100 µm (D); 200 µm (E); 40 µm (F).
Figure 12.
Pseudosolorina tenuior (L. S. Wang et al. 23-75283 KUN); (A), habit of P. tenuior; (B), white lower surface with brownish tomentum and rhizines; (C), apothecia; (D), transversal sections of the thallus; (E), transversal sections of the apothecium; (F), ascus. Scale bars: 5 mm (B); 2 mm (C); 100 µm (D); 200 µm (E); 40 µm (F).