Foliar Spraying of ZnO Nanoparticals on Curcuma longa Had Increased Growth, Yield, Expression of Curcuminoid Synthesis Genes, and Curcuminoid Accumulation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Plant Materials and Growth Conditions
2.2. Chemical Evaluation
2.2.1. Photosynthetic Pigment Measure
2.2.2. Mineral Composition
2.2.3. Analysis of C. longa Rhizomes Powder Compositions
2.3. GC/MS Analysis of Dried C. longa Rhizomes Ethanolic Extract
2.4. Determination of Curcumin, Bisdemethoxycurcumin, and Demethoxycurcumin Contents in Ethanolic Extracts of Dried C. longa Rhizome by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
2.5. Determined CURS1, -2, -3, and DCS Gene Expression Using Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-Time RT–PCR)
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. The Impact of ZnO NPs on the Growth and Yield of Plants
3.2. Photosynthetic Pigments, Mineral Contents, and Rhizomes Powder Compositions
3.3. GC-MS Analysis
3.4. HPLC Results
3.5. The Influence of ZnO Nanoparticles on the Expression of Curcuminoid Biosynthesis Genes
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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ZnO NPs (mgL−1) | Plant Height (cm) | Number of Leaves (n) | Number of Roots (n) | Root Length (cm) | Weight of the Dried Root (g) | Weight of Dried Leaves (g) |
Control | 120.0 d ± 0.605551 | 10.0 d ± 0.0516611 | 20.25 c ± 0.429101 | 12.25 b ± 0.00331 | 2.90 b ± 0.22073 | 23.53 d ± 0.208167 |
5 | 159.7 b ± 0.50287 | 15.5 b ± 0.081666 | 36.7 b ± 0.507571 | 13.3 b ± 1.00525 | 2.33 b ± 0.52758 | 49.7 bc ± 0.568624 |
10 | 177 ab ± 0.888194 | 13.3 c ± 0.886751 | 46.3 a ± 1.527525 | 22.7 a ± 1.527525 | 3.6 a ± 0.688878 | 88.73 a ± 1.113553 |
20 | 148.7 c ± 0.74223 | 14.17 bc ± 0.57735 | 33.7 b ± 0.767453 | 11.7 b ± 0.763763 | 2.4 b ± 0.616276 | 34.2 c ± 0.556776 |
40 | 187.3 a ± 00098 | 16 a ± 0.033223 | 39 b ± 0557439 | 16.7 ab ± 0.732051 | 2.93 b ± 0.960109 | 62.77 b ± 0.85049 |
ZnO NPs (mgL−1) | Number. of Rhizomes (n) | Weight of Dried Rhizome (g) | Diameters of Rhizomes (mm) |
Control | 16.67 c ± 0.50925 | 9.7 c ± 1.93132 | 8.0 d ± 1.113553 |
5 | 19.7 b ± 0.131601 | 16 b ± 1.255398 | 14.3 b ± 1.123892 |
10 | 26.14 a ± 0.618802 | 27.1 a ± 1.05183 | 22.7 a ± 0.923398 |
20 | 18.37 b ± 0.645751 | 11.07 b ± 1.87460 | 9.0 c ± 1.042874 |
40 | 22.25 a ± 1.527525 | 15.27 b ± 1.41109 | 13.7 b ± 1.562861 |
ZnO NPs (mgL−1) | Chl a (mg/100 g F.W.) | Chl b (mg/100 g F.W.) | Carotenoids (mg/100 g F.W.) |
Control | 64.126 c ± 0.422089 | 29.003 c ± 0.02369 | 70.0825 c ± 0.94639 |
5 | 84.483 b ± 1.15505 | 38.860 b ± 0.12018 | 72.8609 d ± 0.05155 |
10 | 77.577 b ± 0.12125 | 30.287 c ± 0.4654 | 88.733 c ± 0.28711 |
20 | 83.129 b ± 0.86419 | 36.4314 b ± 0.35553 | 102.918 b ± 1.7836 |
40 | 105.934 a ± 1.05027 | 49.509 a ± 0.63638 | 133.499 a ± 0.48326 |
ZnO NPs (mgL−1) | N (g kg−1) | P (mg kg−1) | K (mg kg−1) | Zn (mg kg−1) |
Control | 61.525 a ± 0.00264575 | 0.0375 a ± 0.002646 | 11.01538 a ± 0.189180152 | 0.03215 b ± 0.004709 |
5 | 39.75 a ± 0.002828427 | 0.021 b ± 0.002828 | 9.32245 b ± 1.506632419 | 0.0417 b ± 0.009051 |
10 | 40.35 a ± 0.000707107 | 0.0235 b ± 0.000707 | 9.9004 ab ± 0.297550534 | 0.033375 b ± 0.003323 |
20 | 51.3 a ± 0.0234507 | 0.0245 b ± 0.000707 | 10.2673 ab ± 0.137461558 | 0.0502 b ± 0.006223 |
40 | 50.75 a ± 0.00212132 | 0.0255 b ± 0.002121 | 9.45515 b ± 0.304975155 | 0.0773 a ± 0.024466 |
ZnO NPs (mgL−1) | Fat (%) | Fiber (%) | Moisture (%) | Protein (%) | Starch (%) | Ash (%) |
Control | 3.74 b ± 0.113137 | 10.02 a ± 1.569777 | 14.43 c ± 0.289914 | 4.02 e ± 0.685894 | 24.21 cd ± 2.001112 | 2.02 ab ± 1.19501 |
5 | 3.9 a ± 0.021213 | 5.41 c ± 0.007071 | 16.81 a ± 0.007071 | 5.95 c ± 0.070711 | 29.95 a ± 0.070711 | 0.29 c ± 0.014142 |
10 | 3.48 b ± 0.028284 | 7.32 b ± 0.021213 | 14.88 b ± 0.028284 | 5.05 d ± 0.070711 | 26.39 b ± 0.007071 | 1.61 bc ± 0.007071 |
20 | 3.05 c ± 0.070711 | 8.42 ab ± 0.028284 | 14.02 d ± 0.028284 | 11.08 a ± 0.035355 | 27.29 b ± 0.021213 | 1.96 ab ± 0.007071 |
40 | 3.88 a ± 0.028284 | 9.52 a ± 0.028284 | 14.08 d ± 0.035355 | 8.42 b ± 0.028284 | 22.81 d ± 0.007071 | 3.19 a ± 0.021213 |
Phytochemical | Molecular Formula | Composition (Area %) | ||||
Control | ZnO NPs (5 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (10 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (20 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (40 mgL−1) | ||
Coumaran | C9H6O2 | 0.77 d | 4.67 a | 2.35 b | 1.76 c | 1.26 c |
4-Hydroxy-3-methylacetophenone | C9H10O2 | 1.31 d | 6.15 a | 3.44 b | 3.24 b | 2.33 c |
alpha.-Curcumene | C15H22 | 2.84 b | 4.53 a | 1.41 c | 0.8 d | 1.08 c |
Ar-tumerone | C15H20O | 56.45 a | 36.11 c | 53.75 a | 51.36 ab | 46.65 b |
beta.-Sesquiphellandrene | C15H24 | 3.02 b | 4.25 a | 1.33 c | 1.12 c | 1.19 c |
Curlone | C15H22O | 19.85 b | 9.28 c | 21.83 a | 22.60 a | 20.59 a |
Vanillin | C8H8O3 | 0.25 c | 1.88 a | 1.15 a | 0.66 b | 0.81 b |
Phytochemical | Molecular Formula | Composition (Area %) | ||||
Control | ZnO NPs (5 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (10 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (20 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (40 mgL−1) | ||
(-)-Zingiberene | C15H24 | ND | 0.60 a | 0.32 a | ND | ND |
P-hydroxybenzaldehyde | C7H6O2 | ND | 0.93 a | 0.43 b | 0.16 d | 0.29 c |
Caryophyllene | C15H24 | 0.09 c | 0.38 a | 0.16 b | ND | ND |
cis oleic acid | C18H34O2 | ND | 1.02 a | 0.52 b | 0.61 b | ND |
cis,cis-Linoleic acid | C17H30O2 | ND | 1.83 a | 0.79 c | 0.95 b | 0.90 b |
Humulane-1,6-dien-3-ol | C15H22O | ND | 3.57 a | 1.67 b | 1.58 b | 1.13 b |
Oleic acid, ethyl ester | C20H38O2 | ND | 0.17 b | 0.19 b | 0.28 a | ND |
Pentadecanoic acid | C15H30O2 | ND | ND | 2.56 b | 3.49 a | 2.06 b |
Thymol | C10H14O | ND | ND | ND | 0.16 b | 0.35 a |
Tumerone | C15H22O | 6.2 a | ND | ND | ND | 5.63 a |
Phytochemical | Molecular Formula | Composition (Area %) | |||
Control | ZnO NPs (10 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (20 mgL−1) | ZnO NPs (40 mgL−1) | ||
4-propylguaiacol | C10H14O2 | ND | 0.11 | ND | ND |
Benzene, (1,1-dimethylnonyl)- | C17H28 | ND | 2.45 | ND | ND |
Benzene, 1,4-dimethyl-2-(2-methylpropyl)- | C18H22 | ND | ND | 1.54 | ND |
Germacron | C15H22O | 2.56 | ND | ND | ND |
Palmitic acid methyl ester | C17H34O2 | ND | ND | ND | 1.26 |
Camphor | C10H16O | ND | ND | 1.34 | ND |
(+)-.alpha.-Bisabolol | C15H26O | ND | ND | 1.26 | ND |
Dicumene | C18H24Cr | ND | ND | ND | 1.25 |
Palmitic acid, ethyl ester | C18H36O2 | ND | ND | 1.42 | ND |
Palmitic acid | C16H32O2 | ND | ND | ND | 3.57 |
ZnO NPs (mgL−1) | Bisdemethoxycurcumin (µg/mL) | Demethoxycurcumin (µg/mL) | Curcumin (µg/mL) |
Control | 140.02985935 e ± 0.000199 | 72.339401155 e ± 0.227121 | 225.70146805 e ± 0.002076 |
5 | 390.9309998 b ± 0.001414 | 191.9427214 b ± 0.010293 | 628.0079489 b ± 0.002901 |
10 | 297.7843364 c ± 0.022152 | 155.2782524 c ± 0.313598 | 502.7190404 c ± 0.001357 |
20 | 235.8495247 d ± 0.043099 | 129.44198 d ± 0.011342 | 469.839536 d ± 0.000656 |
40 | 398.4860058 a ± 0.019791 | 212.6428497 a ± 0.000213 | 715.05218605 a ± 0.003092 |
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Khattab, S.; Alkuwayti, M.A.; Yap, Y.-K.; Meligy, A.M.A.; Bani Ismail, M.; El Sherif, F. Foliar Spraying of ZnO Nanoparticals on Curcuma longa Had Increased Growth, Yield, Expression of Curcuminoid Synthesis Genes, and Curcuminoid Accumulation. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 355.
Khattab S, Alkuwayti MA, Yap Y-K, Meligy AMA, Bani Ismail M, El Sherif F. Foliar Spraying of ZnO Nanoparticals on Curcuma longa Had Increased Growth, Yield, Expression of Curcuminoid Synthesis Genes, and Curcuminoid Accumulation. Horticulturae. 2023; 9(3):355.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhattab, Salah, Mayyadah Abdullah Alkuwayti, Yun-Kiam Yap, Ahmed M. A. Meligy, Mohammad Bani Ismail, and Fadia El Sherif. 2023. "Foliar Spraying of ZnO Nanoparticals on Curcuma longa Had Increased Growth, Yield, Expression of Curcuminoid Synthesis Genes, and Curcuminoid Accumulation" Horticulturae 9, no. 3: 355.
APA StyleKhattab, S., Alkuwayti, M. A., Yap, Y.-K., Meligy, A. M. A., Bani Ismail, M., & El Sherif, F. (2023). Foliar Spraying of ZnO Nanoparticals on Curcuma longa Had Increased Growth, Yield, Expression of Curcuminoid Synthesis Genes, and Curcuminoid Accumulation. Horticulturae, 9(3), 355.