Monitoring Role of Exogenous Amino Acids on the Proteinogenic and Ionic Responses of Lettuce Plants under Salinity Stress Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Experimental Conditions
2.2. Morphological, Physiological, and Biochemical Measurements
2.3. Ions Uptake Determination
2.4. Amino Acid Determination
2.5. Determination of Antioxidant Enzymes
2.6. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Abdelkader, M.; Voronina, L.; Shelepova, O.; Puchkov, M.; Loktionova, E.; Zhanbyrshina, N.; Yelnazarkyzy, R.; Tleppayeva, A.; Ksenofontov, A. Monitoring Role of Exogenous Amino Acids on the Proteinogenic and Ionic Responses of Lettuce Plants under Salinity Stress Conditions. Horticulturae 2023, 9, 626.
Abdelkader M, Voronina L, Shelepova O, Puchkov M, Loktionova E, Zhanbyrshina N, Yelnazarkyzy R, Tleppayeva A, Ksenofontov A. Monitoring Role of Exogenous Amino Acids on the Proteinogenic and Ionic Responses of Lettuce Plants under Salinity Stress Conditions. Horticulturae. 2023; 9(6):626.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbdelkader, Mostafa, Luidmila Voronina, Olga Shelepova, Mikhail Puchkov, Elena Loktionova, Nursaule Zhanbyrshina, Rakhiya Yelnazarkyzy, Aigul Tleppayeva, and Alexander Ksenofontov. 2023. "Monitoring Role of Exogenous Amino Acids on the Proteinogenic and Ionic Responses of Lettuce Plants under Salinity Stress Conditions" Horticulturae 9, no. 6: 626.
APA StyleAbdelkader, M., Voronina, L., Shelepova, O., Puchkov, M., Loktionova, E., Zhanbyrshina, N., Yelnazarkyzy, R., Tleppayeva, A., & Ksenofontov, A. (2023). Monitoring Role of Exogenous Amino Acids on the Proteinogenic and Ionic Responses of Lettuce Plants under Salinity Stress Conditions. Horticulturae, 9(6), 626.