Assessment and Management of Risks from Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz): A Compass to Keep the Right Course Through European and Italian Regulations
:1. Introduction
2. Regulatory Framework
2.1. European Regulatory Framework on EMF Protection
2.2. Italian Legislation on EMF Protection
- DPCM 8 July 2003 on low frequencies (LF): “Establishment of exposure limits, attention values and quality goals for protection of the general public from exposure to electric and magnetic fields at grid frequency (50 Hz) generated by power lines” [27].
- DPCM 8 July 2003 on high frequencies (HF): “Establishment of exposure limits, attention values and quality goals for protection of the general public from exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated at frequencies between 100 kHz and 300 GHz” [28] as amended both by Article 14 of Conversion Law no. 221 of 17 December 2012 (Law 221/2012) [33]—which partially modified the detection criteria of immission values for the relevant exposure restrictions—and by Article 10 of Law no. 214 of 30 December 2023 (Law 214/2023)—which revised the national restrictions on HF-EMF exposure of the general public [34].
- Quality Goals (QGs)—exposure restrictions defined in terms of immission values (RMS) for the purpose of progressive minimization of environmental exposure to EMFs, which apply both in the planning of new settlements or new installations envisaging permanence no lower than 4 h per day [27] and in highly frequented outdoor areas [28,33,34].
3. EMF Risk Assessment and Management
3.1. CEI 106-45 EMF Guide
Italian Zoning of the Workplace
- Zone 0a: workplace in which EMF exposure levels are compliant with the restrictions for the general public referred to in Framework Law 36/2001 and the related implementing decrees or in which all the equipment has been assessed as suitable for use by the general public. Prolonged stays (≥4 h) are permitted. Further requirements may apply to workers wearing active implanted medical devices e.g., 0.5−mT AV related to interference from static magnetic fields [32].
- Zone 0b: workplace in which EMF exposure levels from power lines (PL) at grid frequency (50 Hz) or from broadcast and telecommunication fixed systems (BTFS) from 100 kHz to 300 GHz are compliant with the ELs for the general public referred to in Framework Law 36/2001 and the related implementing decrees but may exceed the relevant AtVs and/or QGs. Prolonged stays (≥4 h) may not be permitted [23]. Further requirements may apply to workers wearing active implanted medical devices.
- Zone 1a: workplace in which EMF exposure levels may be greater than the limits for the general public but are compliant with the low ALs or the ELVs for sensory effects referred to in Annex XXXVI of D.Lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.a. [32]. Access is permitted only to workers exposed for professional reasons to EMFs [23].
- Zone 1b: workplace in which EMF exposure levels are compliant with the high ALs or the ELVs for health effects but may exceed any applicable sensory effects ELVs or low ALs [32]. Access is permitted only to workers exposed for professional reasons to EMFs [23]. Control measures may be required to ensure that any exceedance of sensory effects ELVs is only temporary—such as the protective measures specified in Article 209 as well as information and training referred to in Article 210-bis, to be taken in case the low ALs for the electric field are exceeded [32].
- Zone 2: workplace where EMF exposure levels may be greater than health effects ELVs referred to in Annex XXXVI of D.Lgs. 81/2008 and s.m.a. [32]. Access is forbidden to all workers—including those exposed for professional reasons to EMFs—unless remedial measures are taken to reduce exposure below health effects ELVs and any safety risk can be excluded, or unless conditions subsist to authorize derogations pursuant to the provisions referred to in Article 212 [32].
3.2. Health Surveillance
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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E-Field Exposure Limit a | B-Field Exposure Limit a | B-Field Attention Value b | B-Field Quality Goal c |
5 kV/m (RMS value) | 100 µT (RMS value) | 10 µT (median over 24 h) | 3 µT (median over 24 h) |
Frequency | E-Field (V/m) | H-Field (A/m) | Power Density (W/m2) |
0.1 < f ≤ 3 MHz | 60 | 0.2 | − |
3 < f ≤ 3000 MHz | 20 | 0.05 | 1 |
3 < f ≤ 300 GHz | 40 | 0.01 | 4 |
Frequency | E-Field (V/m) | H-Field (A/m) | Power Density (W/m2) |
0.1 MHz < f ≤ 300 GHz | 6 | 0.016 | 0.10 (3 MHz–300 GHz) |
Frequency | E-Field (V/m) | H-Field (A/m) | Power Density (W/m2) |
0.1 MHz < f ≤ 300 GHz | 6 | 0.016 | 0.10 (3 MHz–300 GHz) |
Frequency | E-Field (V/m) | H-Field (A/m) | Power Density (W/m2) |
0.1 MHz < f ≤ 300 GHz | 15 | 0.039 | 0.59 (3 MHz–300 GHz) |
Exposure Tiers and Regulatory References | Exposure Restrictions | Relevant Frequencies and Applications | ||||||||
50 Hz (PL) | 100 MHz (FM) | 400 MHz (DVB-T) | 900 MHz (GSM) | 1800 MHz (GSM) | 2100 MHz (UMTS) | 2600 MHz (LTE) | 3700 MHz (5G) | |||
General Public and Non-Professional Exposure of Workers Italian DPCM 8/7/2003 (PL and BTFS) | Exposure Limits | 5 kV/m | 100 µT | 20 V/m | 20 V/m | 20 V/m | 20 V/m | 20 V/m | 20 V/m | 40 V/m |
Attention Values | − | 10 µT | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | |
Quality Goals | − | 3 µT | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | 15 V/m | |
General Public and Non-Professional Exposure of Workers Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC (all other EMF sources) | Reference Levels | 5 kV/m | 100 µT | 28 V/m | 28 V/m | 41 V/m | 58 V/m | 61 V/m | 61 V/m | 61 V/m |
Professional Exposure of Workers Directive 2013/35/EU (transposed into Title VIII, Chapter IV of Italian Legislative Decree 81/2008 and s.m.a.) | Action Levels (Action Values) | 10 kV/m (Low AL) | 1 mT (Low AL) | 61 V/m | 60 V/m | 90 V/m | 127 V/m | 140 V/m | 140 V/m | 140 V/m |
20 kV/m (High AL) | 6 mT (High AL) |
Frequency Range | Preventive Medical Examinations (to Ascertain Any Presence of Conditions of Particular Risk) | Periodic Medical Examinations (to Ascertain Any Onset of Conditions of Particular Risk) | Extraordinary Medical Examination c (Exceeding of ELVs/Unwanted or Unexpected Effects Onset) |
Static magnetic fields and magnetic fields with frequency < 1 Hz | Medical examination Anamnestic questionnaire for active and passive medical devices | Annual medical examination a for workers acknowledged at particular risk and for those systematically exposed above ELVs, but with different periodicity according to worker’s conditions and to the level of exposure (flexibility/derogation principle) Medical examination to be repeated every four years b Anamnestic questionnaire for active and passive medical devices | Medical examination Any medical examination in relation to the extent of exceeding ELVs and/or to reported effects (e.g., oculist and/or cardiologic consulting) |
Low-frequency fields (1 Hz—100 kHz) and intermediate-frequency fields (100 kHz—10 MHz) | |||
High-frequency fields (10 MHz—300 GHz) | Medical examination Any medical examination in relation to the extent of exceeding ELVs, to the body districts involved and/or to reported effects (e.g., oculist, cardiologic, dermatological consulting, etc.) |
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Filosa, L.; Lopresto, V. Assessment and Management of Risks from Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz): A Compass to Keep the Right Course Through European and Italian Regulations. Safety 2024, 10, 104.
Filosa L, Lopresto V. Assessment and Management of Risks from Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz): A Compass to Keep the Right Course Through European and Italian Regulations. Safety. 2024; 10(4):104.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFilosa, Laura, and Vanni Lopresto. 2024. "Assessment and Management of Risks from Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz): A Compass to Keep the Right Course Through European and Italian Regulations" Safety 10, no. 4: 104.
APA StyleFilosa, L., & Lopresto, V. (2024). Assessment and Management of Risks from Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz): A Compass to Keep the Right Course Through European and Italian Regulations. Safety, 10(4), 104.