The Development of the State Emblems and Coats of Arms in Southeast Europe
:1. Introduction
2. First Period (1821–1944)
2.1. Greece
2.2. Serbia
2.3. Romania
2.4. Bulgaria
2.5. Albania
2.6. Montenegro
2.7. Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina Immediately before and within the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes
2.7.1. Croatia
2.7.2. Bosnia and Herzegovina
2.7.3. Slovenia
3. Second Period (1945–1989)
3.1. Greece
3.2. Albania
3.3. Bosnia and Herzegovina
3.4. Bulgaria
3.5. Macedonia
3.6. Romania
3.7. Slovenia
3.8. Serbia
3.9. Croatia
3.10. Montenegro
4. Third Period (after 1990)
4.1. Albania
4.2. Serbia
4.3. Bulgaria
4.4. Romania
4.5. Bosnia and Herzegovina
“The coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina is blue and in the form of a shield with a pointed end. There is a yellow triangle in the upper right corner of the shield. A row of white five-pointed stars runs parallel to the left side of this triangle.” (Figure 30b)
4.6. Slovenia
4.7. Macedonia
4.8. Kosovo
4.9. Croatia
4.10. Montenegro
5. Analysis
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Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Here we should point out the difference in the understanding of the term “coat of arms” in English heraldry and in its use in Balkan languages and understanding, especially used by the laws referring to their national Emblems as a “Coat of Arms” regardless of if they are good heraldry, Socialist heraldry or no heraldry at all. Due to the lack of real Western heraldic practice (apart from Romania, Slovenia and Croatia), and especially lacking theoretical heraldry to deal with the different aspects of the usage of symbol, emblem, and coat of arms, the national emblem is referred to as a “Coat of arms”. Furthermore, there is a full concept of “Socialist heraldry” that existed in the entire region for a half century. In this article we will use terms “state emblem” for the emblems with no heraldry at all, “coat of arms” from perspective of Balkan heraldry which may differ from the English one. Also, we will use “socialist ‘coat of arms’” for the socialist emblem so-called coat of arms, by primary sources, Laws, and books on East European heraldry. |
2 | Coats of arms are viewed as symbols by symbolic interactionism. Emblem in Balkan context could be used as equivalent to English “charge” for the figure on the shield. |
3 | Heraldically right-hand, but left-hand for the observer |
4 | Poland deviated least from its historical coat of arms, a silver eagle on a red shield, making only a small intervention by removing the crown. Czechoslovakia retained its historic coat of arms, a red and silver two-tailed lion, but instead of the crown, a red five-pointed star with a gold border has been found. The small shield on the lion’s chest, with a double bishop’s cross, which historically represented Slovakia, was replaced by a flame symbol owing to the religious connotation. |
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Jonovski, J. The Development of the State Emblems and Coats of Arms in Southeast Europe. Genealogy 2023, 7, 54.
Jonovski J. The Development of the State Emblems and Coats of Arms in Southeast Europe. Genealogy. 2023; 7(3):54.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJonovski, Jovan. 2023. "The Development of the State Emblems and Coats of Arms in Southeast Europe" Genealogy 7, no. 3: 54.
APA StyleJonovski, J. (2023). The Development of the State Emblems and Coats of Arms in Southeast Europe. Genealogy, 7(3), 54.