“My Dad Is Racist as Hell:” Navigating Racism, Monoracism, and White Privilege by Proxy in Multiracial Families
:1. Introduction
1.1. Multiracial People and Multiracial Families
1.2. Multiracial Families and the Dynamics of Oppression
1.3. Theoretical Framework
2. Methods
2.1. Recruitment and Reflexivity
2.2. Sample and Data Collection
2.3. Coding and Analysis
3. Findings
3.1. Racism in the Family
I just started talking to my [maternal] grandmother. Before, I would just say, “Hi, bye”. Because she has her racist moments. There was this one specific time, we were at the airport and the guy who got her luggage was Black. He couldn’t lift it because it was really heavy. She said something like, “It’s niggers like these, that I can’t stand. No offense to you, Joe”. Joe is my brother’s [Black] father. And sometimes she’ll say, “Black guys are so abusive” and my mom says that’s not true. My grandmother would say, “But all your [Black] boyfriends were abusive, right?” So it’s like validation since my grandmother has seen it. And when we would drive through Lake City [inner city], she would always lock her doors and say, “Lock your doors, kids”.
My dad is racist as hell [laughs]. He’s a cop, he’s a white cop in the inner city of Sweetville. A lot of the things he says is…bad. I see him with my much younger brothers and I think, “That’s why I have complexes about things”. He’ll talk about skin color in, like, a derogatory way or he’ll say, “Oh, your African mom…” to my brothers. I’ve talked to him, but it doesn’t sink in, and he cannot be retaught, he’s done learning. He already knows everything…so yeah, that’s why I can’t marry a white man. I can’t marry my dad, I couldn’t. So that’s why to me, white men are just like…scary.
When I met my wife in 1995, her dad didn’t care for me much. When I would visit her, I wasn’t allowed in the driveway. I had to pick her up on the street. But there was no cell phones then. You just had to time it perfectly because I’m coming from [far away]. He’s come a very, very long way since my 11-year-old son was born. We’ve gotten to the point where we man-hug now [smiles] and everything else.
3.2. Monoracism in the Family
I was in the car with my mom over Easter and I told her “Oh, I’m really excited. I’m going on this interview with this researcher. I’m excited about the topic”. I was like, “…Yeah, because I’m biracial”. And her face, she was just like [surprised facial expression]. Then I said, “Mom!” It was just an immediate reaction. Obviously, she knows. She said, “I know it’s just, that’s weird to... it’s weird to think about it like that”. I guess that’s exactly why I’m doing [the interview] because that’s the reaction of so many people, even my mom who is married to my dad.
I get along very well with both of my parents. I probably have a better relationship with my parents than a lot of people do. My mom, for sure, prepared to have a mixed child. She said, “I was, like, mentally preparing myself to have a Black kid and dealing with that. Like, I knew it wouldn’t be... They would not go through the same experiences as me”. My mom was amazing. So my dad was a little less prepared for it. Because he kind of was like, “Well, my kid’s going to be Black like me, so that’s fine”. But I came out very pale. My older brothers are both much darker than me and more [Black-] presenting than I am.
My daughter is okay with [my multiracial ancestry]. I can tell that my sons are a little bit uncomfortable with it, probably just because they’re like me, they [look] white and so no one questions [their whiteness]. They don’t feel like they need to maybe admit it, so to speak. I can tell my youngest is the most uncomfortable. He’s the most uncomfortable with it, I can tell just by little things that have come up. He wants to act like, “Okay, it didn’t really happen”.
3.3. Colorism (And Contingent Privilege) in the Family
Of course, my dad likes to occasionally make a racist joke to me or my mother because that’s part of how he teases us. He’s always like... We’ll be using chopsticks and he’s, like, “I use civilized forks”. And we’re like, “Nah, whatever, you just can’t use chopsticks”. But, you know, he doesn’t, he prefers not to [use chopsticks]. He taught me a whole bunch of Asian slurs, and he was, like, “Well, you know, you got the slants or whatever”. And I was, like, “Dad, my eyes are bigger than yours!” I’d be like, “Thank you, very much. I have prettier, larger eyes than you, Dad. Whatever”.
The people in my white family, they’re kind of like, “Well, if you need anything, just give a call”. But I’ll call, and when they help me, especially financially, they expect me to do everything they want exactly the way they want it. If I don’t, then they’re like, “Next time, I’m not helping you. Don’t call me!” With my minority family, it’s like, “Well, you’re not like us. You’re above and beyond. Plus, you’re light-skinned”. They’d be like, “Well, you’re in college. You don’t need no help. Don’t even ask us. You’re light-skinned. You got it. You got everything you need already”. And I’m like, “I’m…kind of homeless! I need help!”
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | I use the term “multiracial” to refer to people (or the population of people) who have two or more racialized ancestries. I use the term “biracial” to refer to people who have two racialized ancestries who identified this way to respect the “linguistic integrity” of my participants (Johnson-Bailey 2004). |
2 | Inspired by Pérez Huber (2010), I intentionally do not capitalize “white” to renounce dominant grammatical norms that perpetuate white supremacy through capitalization. I capitalize “Black” and other racially oppressed groups as a form of symbolic empowerment. |
3 | She intentionally met the landlord of the apartment without her Black male partner or her Black/white biracial sons. |
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5 | In other work, I argue that anti-miscegenation laws are an example of interest convergence because it allowed white people to marry whom they wish while making the United States appear racially progressive (Waring 2024). |
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Pseudonym | Age | Gender | Backgrounds |
Jasmine | 18 | Woman | Black/white |
Daisy | 19 | Woman | Black/white |
Lola | 19 | Woman | Cuban/white |
Louis | 20 | Man | Black/white |
Yanitza | 20 | Woman | Mexican/white |
Vivian | 20 | Woman | Black/white |
Isabella | 21 | Woman | Japanese/white |
Khadijah | 21 | Woman | Black/white |
Riley | 21 | Man | Black/white |
Rita | 21 | Woman | Black/white |
Shade | 21 | Woman | Black/white |
Casey | 22 | Man (trans) | Native/white |
Esmerelda | 22 | Woman | Black/white |
Alec | 22 | Man | Black/Japanese/white |
Andre | 23 | Man | Black/white |
Ally | 23 | Woman | Japanese/white |
Gloria | 24 | Woman | Black/Native/white |
Serena | 26 | Woman | Black/white |
Bianca | 28 | Woman | Puerto Rican/white |
Natalie | 30 | Woman | Black/white |
Marisol | 33 | Woman | Puerto Rican/white |
Rich | 34 | Man | Puerto Rican/white |
Coral | 35 | Woman | Mexican/Native/white |
Nadia | 35 | Woman | Thai/Chinese/White |
Tatiana | 35 | Woman | Puerto Rican/white |
Dante | 35 | Man | Chinese/white |
Lyric | 36 | Woman | Filipino/white |
Ezra | 37 | Man | Black/white |
Isaac | 44 | Man | Black/white |
Omar | 64 | Man | Black/white |
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Share and Cite
Waring, C.D.L. “My Dad Is Racist as Hell:” Navigating Racism, Monoracism, and White Privilege by Proxy in Multiracial Families. Genealogy 2025, 9, 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy9010020
Waring CDL. “My Dad Is Racist as Hell:” Navigating Racism, Monoracism, and White Privilege by Proxy in Multiracial Families. Genealogy. 2025; 9(1):20. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy9010020
Chicago/Turabian StyleWaring, Chandra D. L. 2025. "“My Dad Is Racist as Hell:” Navigating Racism, Monoracism, and White Privilege by Proxy in Multiracial Families" Genealogy 9, no. 1: 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy9010020
APA StyleWaring, C. D. L. (2025). “My Dad Is Racist as Hell:” Navigating Racism, Monoracism, and White Privilege by Proxy in Multiracial Families. Genealogy, 9(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/genealogy9010020