Twenty Years of CSEM Exploration in the Brazilian Continental Margin
:1. Introduction
- 2003–2010—first steps in CSEM and the consolidation of the methodology;
- 2011–2020—this phase includes the expansion of commercial surveys for exploration and appraisal purposes;
- 2021 and beyond—this includes important information about where we are now. Is CSEM worthwhile? What results have we obtained after 20 years of usage? Finally, we have the opportunity to plan the future, moving from exploration towards monitoring and energetic transition applications.
2. The 2003–2010 Period, Consolidation of the Methodology
2.1. First Steps in CSEM
2.2. Building the House
3. The 2011–2020 Period, Expansion of the Commercial Surveys
3.1. CSEM for Exploration
3.2. CSEM for “Non-Standard” Exploration Applications
3.2.1. Sub-Salt Imaging
3.2.2. Gas Hydrates and Geohazards
3.2.3. Reservoir Characterization
4. 2021 and Beyond
4.1. CSEM for Exploration and Appraisal
4.2. Planning for the Future
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
CSEM | Controlled source electromagnetic method |
HED | Horizontal electric dipole |
EM | Electromagnetic |
MT | Magnetotelluric |
AVO | Amplitude versus offset |
VP | Compressional velocity |
FWI | Full waveform inversion |
BLM | Below mud line |
1/2/2.5/3/4D | One/two/three/four-dimensional |
JIP | Joint industry project |
GUI | Graphical user interface |
CMP | Common midpoint |
PJI | Petrophysical joint inversion |
JE | Jubarte experiment |
MR3D | Marlim Resistivity 3D |
BFGS | Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm |
MAM | Multiphysics anomaly map |
PRM | Permanent reservoir monitoring |
OBMP | Ocean-bottom multiphysics nodes |
CCUS | Carbon capture usage and storage |
TLA | Three-letter acronym |
LD | Linear dichroism |
SoPhiH | Oil saturation (So), porosity (Phi), and thickness (H) |
Petrobras | Petroleo Brasileiro S.A |
EMGS | Electromagnetic Geoservices |
SLB | Schlumberger |
AOA | Arnold Orange Associates |
AGO | Geomarine Operations |
MCTI-ON | Ministério de Ciência, Tecnológia e Inovações—Observatório Nacional |
UFPA | Universidade Federal do Pará |
UERJ | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro |
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Menezes, P.T.L.; Ferreira, S.M.; Correa, J.L.; Menor, E.N. Twenty Years of CSEM Exploration in the Brazilian Continental Margin. Minerals 2023, 13, 870.
Menezes PTL, Ferreira SM, Correa JL, Menor EN. Twenty Years of CSEM Exploration in the Brazilian Continental Margin. Minerals. 2023; 13(7):870.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMenezes, Paulo T. L., Sergio M. Ferreira, Jorlivan L. Correa, and Everton N. Menor. 2023. "Twenty Years of CSEM Exploration in the Brazilian Continental Margin" Minerals 13, no. 7: 870.
APA StyleMenezes, P. T. L., Ferreira, S. M., Correa, J. L., & Menor, E. N. (2023). Twenty Years of CSEM Exploration in the Brazilian Continental Margin. Minerals, 13(7), 870.