1. Introduction
In June 1098, the army of the First Crusade concluded their long siege of Antioch, first capturing the city on the night of 2–3 June, then defeating a relief force led by Kerbogha, atabeg of Mosul, on 28 June. The Crusaders had little time to celebrate their hard-won victory, as within weeks of the final battle, an epidemic struck the city. The contemporary chronicler Albert of Aachen aptly captures the situation:
while…the pilgrims who had been set free from the barbarians’ siege by God’s victory were enjoying a happy abundance of food and all necessary supplies, a plague of the most severe mortality happened in the city of Antioch, by which a very great multitude of the Christian army, as many noble leaders as of the common crowd, were taken.
Adhemar of Le Puy, the papal legate, succumbed on 1 August, shortly followed by such notables as Henry of Esch and Reinhard of Hamersbach, and over the next several months, dozens perished daily. A Rhenish contingent of 1500 men, which had recently disembarked at the port of St. Symeon, were especially hard hit, with few surviving into the fall (
Albert of Aachen 2013, 5.23;
Riley-Smith 2002, p. 27).
Albert provides no symptoms for the epidemic yet conspicuously ascribes causation to the season and local environment, repeatedly blaming the ‘plague-bearing month of August’ and the ‘unhealthiness of the place’ (
Albert of Aachen 2013, 5.13–5.24). However, Albert supplies one telling detail: Godfrey of Bouillon, a prominent Crusade leader, recognized this disease from previous experience. In 1083, Emperor Henry IV marched on Rome to depose Pope Gregory VII, placing a siege camp just outside the Leonine City. By the late summer, Henry had ‘lost many of those he had placed in its garrison because of the increasing summer heat, to which they were unaccustomed.’ (
Frutolf of Michelsberg 2014, pp. 121–22). Subsequent imperial expeditions against Papal Rome, invariably occurring in the summer, experienced similar epidemics. In 1155, Frederick Barbarossa’s army entered a landscape where ‘all the air in the vicinity became dense with misty vapors arising from the neighboring swamps…, air that was pestilential and lethal for mortals to breathe.’ The swampy landscape was exacerbated by the summer heat: ‘the rage of the Dog Star upon the army grew even hotter, and there were hardly any men left who were not debilitated by the seething heat and the bad air.’ (
Otto of Freising 1912, ii. 34). Barbarossa’s 1167 expedition against Rome met a similar fate, as described by Gotifred of Viterbo: ‘The Dog Star is accustomed to give men’s bodies fever…every man was drenched as the heat of the sun decreased and became ill with a terrifying fever following the shivering. The soldiers ached with pain in their heads, as is to be expected, and internal organs and legs. All of them were now injured by the wounds of fever’ (
Gotifredus Viterbiensis 1870, sec. 27, II. 625–40).
Godfrey of Bouillon marched with Henry in 1083, experiencing the ‘rage of the Dog Star’ firsthand. William of Malmesbury records a popular tradition that Godfrey caught a
quartan fever (
febrim quartanam iniit) at Rome and thereafter, ‘he was never free from inconvenience of a continuous but slow fever’, to the point that Godfrey lost his hair and nails. Indeed, in this telling, Godfrey’s long illness prompted his vow to go on the First Crusade (
William of Malmesbury 1840, iv. 373). Regardless of the accuracy of this tradition, Godfrey clearly recognized the pathogen ravaging the Crusader host:
Duke Godfrey left Antioch, fearing that this was the same illness which he remembered had afflicted Rome long ago with a very similar disaster when he was on an expedition with King Henry IV…in which five hundred of the strongest soldiers and many nobles had died during the plague-bearing month of August.
Godfrey retired to Turbessel in the Armenian highlands, remaining there until the summer heat dissipated in early October (
Albert of Aachen 2013, 5.25).
What disease caused Godfrey to flee Antioch? Retrospective diagnosis of pre-modern disease is fraught with difficulty, as our sources, when they speak of disease at all, are ignorant of germ theory, lack modern diagnostic tools and possess only a limited lexicon of symptomology with which to describe an illness. Andrew Cunningham and Jon Arrizabalaga argue that attempting a diagnosis of a pre-modern disease using modern scientific definitions is pointless, as all we can recover from a text is the social understanding of the disease, not the disease itself (
Cunningham 2002;
Arrizabalaga 2002;
Phillips 2017). While examining pre-modern encounters with disease as a cultural phenomenon has great value, this view ignores the variety of ways specific pathogens interact with human populations in unique environments and historical conditions. The ‘social diagnosis’ approach also unduly dismisses the testimony of our contemporary sources, which, while limited in their perspective, can provide incomplete but generally accurate observational data. Piers Mitchell, a noted scholar of medieval medicine, proposes a more expansive model of inquiry, combining current pathological science with critical assessment of the surviving sources, with a view to identifying infectious diseases within the understood limitations of the source material (
Mitchell 2011a,
Mitchell et al. 2011).
In each of these cases, the sources indicate a pathogen with a strong spatial (swamps and marshes) and temporal (after the rise of Sirius—the Dog Star—in late July) character, coupled with specific symptoms (intermittent fevers, head and body aches, anemic hair loss) that altogether suggests some form of malaria as the underlying culprit. Malaria species existed in various parts of the Mediterranean basin as early as the third millennium BCE, and while there is much written evidence of endemic malaria impacting various lowland regions of the Mediterranean from classical antiquity onward, evidence for long-term continuity remains wanting (
Grmek 1989;
Sallares 2002;
Michel et al. 2024;
Snowden 2006, pp. 7–27). Pre-modern sources lack accurate knowledge of the causal agent behind these infections, yet they are keenly aware of a correlation of space and time with the risk of infection and often depict symptomology indicative of various malarial species (
Grmek 1989;
Sallares 2002;
Michel et al. 2024;
Celsus 1935, 3.3.2–3.8.2;
Galen 2016, I, 9–10;
Hippocrates of Cos 1931, XII. 8–10;
2022a, 7.28;
2022b, 1.3). Episodic recurrences of endemic malaria, with a propensity to spark epidemic outbreaks, occurred in various Mediterranean landscapes until the rise of modern eradication regimes in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (
Snowden 2006, pp. 7–27). The present study argues that endemic malaria existed in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Crusader period (11th–13th centuries) and that the presence of such malaria impacted the conduct of the Crusades. Scholars have given little attention to the existence and impact of malaria in this period, so how did endemic malaria, in its various forms, shape Eastern Mediterranean history in the Crusader era, when large Christian and Muslim armies struggled over the region, pilgrim activity spiked, and trade networks between Europe and the Levant flourished? The present study utilizes a recent GIS model for malaria risk in the Mediterranean basin in antiquity, in conjunction with a critical review of medieval sources to better understand the role that endemic and epidemic malaria infections played in impacting populations in the Levant during the high medieval period, 1000–1250.
2. Malaria: Epidemiology and Environment
Malaria is a class of infectious, vector-borne protozoa of the genus
Plasmodium. More than 250 distinct species of
Plasmodia exist, but only
P. falciparum,
P. malariae,
P. Knowlesi,
P. ovale and
P. vivax are known to infect humans. Female mosquitos of the genus
Anopheles serve as the disease vector, transmitting malarial parasites through their blood meal. Once in the human bloodstream, the parasites infect the liver, propagating within and spreading back into the bloodstream, where they feed off hemoglobin within red blood cells and further circulate throughout the host. This process triggers the body’s immune response, resulting in intermittent fevers that characterize all malarial infections (
Faust and Dobson 2015;
World Health Organization 2015).
The oscillation of high fever and chills is a result of periodic growth and release of successive parasitic waves into the bloodstream, creating distinguishable patterns of
tertian fevers (peaking every 48 h) or
quartan fevers (peaking every 72 h), according to the individual species.
P. vivax and
P. ovale may become dormant within the liver, causing recurring symptoms for months or years after the initial infection (
Carter and Mendis 2002). In regions harboring multiple endemic species or genotypes of
Plasmodia, competing infections are possible, either from two distinct strains of the same species or from
P. falciparum triggering recrudescence of dormant
P. vivax. Competing infections result in overlapping daily fevers, often described as
semitertian or
double tertian fevers. Multiple inoculations often reduce the fever cycles distinct to a particular malaria species to the point where it is difficult to distinguish any pattern (
Newfield 2017, p. 258). Other common symptoms include headache, body aches, vomiting and diarrhea, as well as severe chronic anemia, which can produce jaundiced skin and hair and nail loss.
P. falciparum and
P. vivax are the principal cause of mortality in malarial infections, causing high
tertian or
quartan fever cycles, which can lead to cerebral malaria, seizures, coma and death (
Baird 2013;
Idro et al. 2010). Common secondary infections include lingering upper respiratory infections and recurring diarrhea, and malarial anemia often becomes chronic, especially in cases of repeated recurrence or reinfection.
Additionally, malaria exhibits strong comorbidities with enteric diseases like dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, reducing the body’s ability to fend off gastrointestinal infection and heightening overall mortality rates. Crude death rates in areas of known endemic malaria, such as early modern Rome or the marshes of Kent, were often more than double that of regions that only experienced seasonal respiratory and enteric diseases (
Sallares 2002, pp. 125–26;
Dobson 1998, pp. 327–34;
Etiaba et al. 2015;
Papaioannou et al. 2019). The concept of
syndemic, the synergistic interaction of multiple epidemic diseases within a common socio-environmental context, is highly relevant here. Increasingly, scholars are noting how malaria rarely occurs in isolation from other pathogens, and such syndemic interactions only heighten overall morbidity, mortality and the social impacts that follow (
Faure 2014;
Tsai et al. 2017;
Newfield 2022;
Perry and Gowland 2022).
Repeated infections can produce varying levels of immunity. One or two inoculations of
P. falciparum are often sufficient to immunize against life-threatening symptoms, and repeated infections may eliminate symptoms entirely. However, any immunity is specific to the individual species of
Plasmodia; immunity to
P. vivax does not confer any immunity to
P. ovale (
Carter and Mendis 2002). Furthermore, the rapid reproduction of parasites within each host results in the speedy mutation of individual strains, meaning that immunity to one strain of
P. falciparum may not confer any protection against another strain encountered elsewhere (
Sallares 2002, p. 37). Lack of exposure to malarial infection results in a high disparity in morbidity and mortality between immune/immune-naïve populations, as evidenced by the high proportion of children (age 0–5) dying in regions of endemic malaria today, as opposed to older populations who have survived multiple exposures.
Immunologically naïve travelers entering areas of endemic malaria, especially where
P. falciparum or
P. vivax dominate, suffer exceedingly high mortality rates, ranging anywhere from 10% to 50% (
Alles et al. 1998). For example, French soldiers stationed in North Africa in the early 19th century consistently exhibited a 30% mortality rate prior to the widespread use of quinine prophylaxis (
Sallares 2002, p. 35). The issue of immunity is critical for understanding the impact of malaria in the medieval period, as many northern European travelers to the Mediterranean originated from regions with little or no malaria burden.
P. vivax has been endemic in lowland areas of France, England and the Low Countries since the early medieval period, but there is little evidence for
P. falciparum north of the Alps or Pyrenees, which is unsurprising given that
falciparum requires sustained 20 °C temperatures for reproduction to occur within the gut of a female
Anopheles (
Schats 2015;
Schats 2023;
Newfield 2017;
Sallares 2002, p. 29;
Gowland and Western 2011;
Michel et al. 2024, pp. 130–31). Even those individuals who had previously experienced a
falciparum infection likely had little or no immunity to strains endemic to the Levant, rendering most new arrivals from Europe immunologically naïve.
Immunity has limited benefits. While severe symptoms may lessen or even be absent in subsequent infections, such ‘asymptomatic’ malaria often has debilitating long-term effects, including chronic anemia and an increased susceptibility to bacterial infection (
Chen et al. 2016;
Dobson 1998, p. 334). Persistent anemia, wherein red blood cells are robbed of their oxygen-bearing hemoglobin, often accompanies repeated bouts of
P. falciparum and
P. vivax, resulting in high rates of liver disease (
Al-Salahy et al. 2016;
Reuling et al. 2018;
Viriyavejakul et al. 2014). Such liver damage is evidenced by a jaundiced complexion and by ‘dropsy’ in the abdomen or the enlargement of the spleen. Indeed, the ‘spleen index’, the percentage of the population in a defined area exhibiting an enlarged spleen under examination, became a standard tool for determining the local disease burden in the early 20th century and is still regarded as a generally accurate diagnostic tool (
von Ezdorf 1916;
Veldee 1923).
The spatio-temporal risk of malarial infection is inherently tied to its host vector, the
Anopheles mosquito, and the environments in which these species thrive. Malaria in the Levant, whether
P. falciparum or
P. vivax, was primarily spread from the 19th century onward, and possibly earlier, by either
Anopholes superpictus or
Anopheles sacharovi, both highly adaptable species with a proclivity for anthropophilic feeding (
Pickel 2024, pp. 247–48;
Newfield 2017, pp. 255–56).
A. sacharovi may breed in any gathering of stagnant water, including brackish waters up to 20% salinity and warm waters up to 38–40 °C. They tend to feed in the early evening hours and rest either indoors or in other sheltered areas, including tents, caves, overhangs, pits or heavy shrubbery/forestation.
A. superpictus is similarly adaptable, with larvae surviving in brackish or freshwater pools and is known to inhabit irrigation canals and any free-standing puddle (
Sinka et al. 2010). In the Mediterranean basin,
A. sacharovi concentrates in coastal salt marshes and lowland plains, and while it can be found at elevations up to 1100m, it overwhelmingly prefers wetter, low-lying regions (
Hanafi-Boyd et al. 2018). Mosquitos are generally weak flyers and highly susceptible to any wind action, so local disparities in infection rates between marshy lowlands and adjacent hilly areas are clearly demonstrated in both the written record and settlement patterns from antiquity onward (
Sallares 2002, p. 57).
Additionally, malarial infections display a seasonal character based on the
Anopheles life cycle. The deadliest infections, associated with
P. falciparum and its vector (
sacharovi), begin in June, intensifying in late July through August and September; hence, malaria was anciently associated with the rise of Sirius, the Dog Star. Malaria does not kill quickly, even as a primary infection, and additional secondary or comorbid infections further promote lagging mortality events, with deaths attributable to or influenced by malaria spiking into late autumn and early winter (
Sallares 2002, p. 62;
Perry and Gowland 2022;
Faure 2014).
3. Methodology
Malaria risk is directly related to the interaction of the local environment and seasonal temperature, and the severity of morbidity is influenced by the specific population being infected. As such, current GIS modeling techniques provide a useful tool for visualizing and quantifying the risk differential across varied landscapes. A recent risk model,
Malaria Risk for the Ancient Mediterranean (v.3), takes multi-proxy environmental data known to promote the sporogony of
P. falciparum and
P. vivax and the propagation of the
Anopheles species that serve as the disease vector, including elevation, precipitation, topical wetness and summer temperature support (
Browning 2021;
Browning 2023). The risk model was tested and validated using the
Carta della Malaria dell’Italia, a well-known 19th-century map detailing the relative prevalence of malaria risk in the Kingdom of Italy (
Torelli 1882). The resulting risk layer classifies the risk of infection on a scale of 0 (low risk) to 3 (severe risk). The open-source feature layer is utilized in the maps presented in this study, with relevant medieval settlements and roads added for proper context.
These risk maps are used in conjunction with the anecdotal evidence for endemic and epidemic malaria in the medieval Levant. Textual evidence from the medieval Mediterranean varies widely in its description of disease; some sources provide direct reference to intermittent fevers (
tertian, etc.), providing strong evidence for malaria in those instances. However, most medieval writers use more ambiguous language, instead describing more general symptoms, like ‘fevers’, ‘dysenteries’ and ‘disease of the head’, that can refer to any number of illnesses or they explicitly tie the disease to the local environment, citing the proximity of ‘marshes’, ‘swamps’ or other wetlands or the ‘insalubrious’ or ‘unhealthy’ nature of a place. Classical
miasma theory is so pervasive of an explanation in the sources that it is easy for modern scholars to dismiss environmental factors for disease causation out of hand. This can lead to cautious approaches, such as Newfield’s study of malaria in Merovingian Francia, which regards only specific diagnostic language related to intermittent fevers as reliable indicators of malaria. Yet, by his own admission, this only establishes a minimal baseline and certainly underestimates the overall impact of malaria on given populations (
Newfield 2017, pp. 51–54).
There is also copious quantitative evidence from the early 20th century demonstrating the presence and impact of endemic malaria in the very same regions that Crusaders had encountered it centuries prior. We cannot directly equate modern episodes of malaria with medieval ones; as noted above, we do not yet possess full evidence of the continuity of malaria endemicity in these regions or the severity thereof. However, modern data can demonstrate the capacity of a given region to host and propagate malaria species and their mosquito vectors under the right environmental and human conditions and are, therefore, relevant.
To be clear, medieval populations transiting the Levant encountered a wide array of pathogens, yet the many forms of malaria endemic to the region posed an especially high risk in certain landscapes during the summer months. By examining the totality of language used to describe medieval disease events, in conjunction with known modern disease outbreaks in concert with the spatio-temporal risk of malarial infection as modeled in a GIS system, we can better illustrate the role malaria had in shaping events in the Crusader Levant.
4. The Italian and Balkan Transit Zones
European travelers to the Levant utilized several overland and/or overseas routes, all featuring varying risks of infection. Those traveling through Southern Italy entered a hazardous disease landscape, as the plains of the Campagna, Calabria and Apulia were known foci of endemic malaria, with classical and medieval sources consistently regarding the area as unhealthy (
Grmek 1989, pp. 255–56;
Sallares 2002, pp. 235–68;
Phillips 2017, p. 111;
Bisaccia et al. 2023;
Reilly 2021;
Wilson et al. 2023). Indeed, the risk model depicts the coastal plains as an extremely high-risk area (
Figure 1). This is evidenced by the Norman conquest of Apulia, which was haunted by fevers of various descriptions. William of Hauteville suffered a
quartan fever as he defeated a Byzantine army below Montepiloso in September 1141, while Roger of Sicily and his army besieging Mileto suffered fevers induced by “corruption of the air” in 1062 (
Petrus de Ebulo 1874, XVII–XIX;
Malaterra 1928, I.x). Roger’s son Jordan died of an unspecified fever at Syracuse in 1092. A century later, the Hohenstaufen dynasty suffered similar malaria impacts. Emperor Henry VI fell ill with a
tertian fever while besieging Naples in the summer of 1191, and his health never fully recovered (
Otto of St. Blaise 1928, p. 41;
Annales Marbacenses 1907, p. 62). In August 1197, Henry began suffering chills and bouts of diarrhea while hunting in Sicily. His illness carried on for weeks, and Henry finally succumbed in late September (
Annales Marbacenses 1907, p. 70;
Van Cleve 1972, p. 24). While the description of Henry’s final illness and death is characteristically ambiguous, it fits the temporal profile and general symptomology of recrudescent malaria. A decade later, in August 1209, Aragonese troops newly arrived with Frederick II’s new queen, Constanza, died in large numbers in the dangerous zone around Palermo (
Breve chronicon de rebus Siculis,
Anonymous 2002, p. 66). Constanza herself would sicken and die of apparent malaria at Catania in June 1222 (
Breve chronicon de rebus Siculis,
Anonymous 2002, pp. 74–76).
Crusaders transiting Italy contended with this unhealthy climate, especially in the summers. Robert of Normandy, Robert of Flanders and Stephen of Blois led contingents across Italy in the summer of 1096, reaching Rome in September, then continuing through the Campagna into Apulia, traversing extensive malarial landscapes in the highest risk season. Robert of Normandy and Stephen of Blois wintered in Apulia, where many in their camps died due to the ‘intemperate climate’, reflecting the lagging mortality common with malarial infections (
William of Malmesbury 1840, iv. 353).
The Apulian disease landscape played a crucial role in Frederick II’s abortive crusade of 1227. Having repeatedly failed to fulfill his crusade vow, Frederick finally began assembling an army and fleet in earnest at Brindisi that summer, with shipwrights brought from across Frederick’s domain to construct the fleet, and many German nobles, knights and ordinary pilgrims converged upon Apulia to join the expedition. However, the ‘unhealthiness’ and ‘corruption’ of the summer air intervened. More than 80 of the shipwrights died, and many pilgrims took ill as well. Frederick himself fell sick, along with Ludwig IV of Thuringia and several accompanying bishops. Ludwig died in September 1227, just days after the crusade had sailed, and Frederick turned back to avoid the same fate (
Frederick II 1840, iii. 37–48). Gregory IX, having lost patience with the emperor, excommunicated Frederick in early October 1227. The Pope was aware of the epidemic afflicting the crusade, but rather than seeing it as a mitigating factor, Gregory directly blamed Frederick: ‘He [Frederick] delayed the Christian army for a long time in the summer heat in an insalubrious climate until many died, not only a great part of the common pilgrims, but not a few nobles and magnates…’ (
Gregory IX 1883, i. 281–85). In Gregory’s determination, Frederick was negligent by delaying the crusade in a region of known disease risk at the most dangerous time of year.
Malaria risk increased significantly along the Balkan coast across the Adriatic. The extensive coastal marshes stretching from Albania south to the Gulf of Arta exhibit some of the highest risk–values found in the entire risk model (
Figure 2). British and French troops occupying the region in the early 19th century reported an extremely high incidence of intermittent fevers along the Ionian coastline, especially in the Butrint lagoon opposite Corfu (
Hennen 1830, p. 152;
Hernandez 2019). Dyrrachium, the principal port granting access to the Via
Egnatia, was flanked by a lagoon on its eastern edge and brackish swamps to the north. Robert Guiscard’s besieging army encamped in this swampy landscape, experienced a severe epidemic in the summer of 1081, losing thousands of soldiers and hundreds of knights (
Komnene 1969, VI. iii).
Risk along the Via
Egnatia decreased as it ascended into the Epirote highlands, rising again as the road descended onto the Macedonian plain. Allied forces engaged on the Macedonian front during World War One suffered outbreaks of both
P. falciparum and
P. vivax in the summers of 1916, 1917 and 1918, with a quarter or more of soldiers incapacitated during these seasons (
Brabin 2014). Greek refugees settling in the area after the Greco-Turkish War suffered astonishing rates of infection, up to 70%, upon resettling in the marshy plains in the 1920s (
Michaleas et al. 2020). As the road progressed past Thessaloniki into southern Thrace, it traversed several river valleys descending out of the Rhodope Mountains, each exhibiting high risk scores. Isaac I Komnenos experienced a
tertian fever after hunting in Thrace in 1059, while Alexios I Komnenos contracted a
quartan fever while fighting the Pechenegs along the Maritza River in 1091 (
Psellus 1966, VII: 73–74;
Komnene 1969, VII. ix). Over two centuries later, Andronikos III, having spent much of the 1320s in Thrace waging a revolt against his father, appears to have suffered from chronic malaria. Cantecuzenos reports that Andronikos suffered frequent bouts of
quartan fevers, with attendant cerebral symptoms, diarrhea and a swollen spleen (
Cantecuzenos 1828, pp. 134–35, 391–420;
Lascarotos and Marketos 1997, pp. 106–9). This likely reflects recrudescent
P. vivax, and the resultant liver damage clearly played a role in Andronikos’s death in 1341 (
Cantecuzenos 1828, pp. 525–60;
Lascarotos and Marketos 1997, p. 109).
Many Crusaders took the overland route down the Danube and across Bulgaria. Much of this route remained at relatively low risk for malaria, but upon reaching the Maritza Valley at Philippopolis, risk values began to rise, with median to severe scores stretching down to Constantinople itself. Historically, the river valleys of Bulgaria have periodically harbored endemic malaria, including
P. vivax,
P. falciparum and
P. malariae, until eradication in the mid-20th century (
Trajer 2021). Bishop Alvisus of Arras, a member of Louis VII’s contingent on the Second Crusade, died of fever in September 1146 at Philippopolis. Crusaders suffering from similar fevers gathered around his funeral bier, seeking miraculous healing (
Odo of Deuil 1948, p. 47). Diepold of Passau reported both
quartan and
tertian fevers spreading among Barbarossa’s army at Philippopolis in fall 1189 (
Magnus of Reichersburg 2016, pp. 149–50). Certainly, it is apparent that few medieval travelers, having crossed the Alps in the summer and fall months, could avoid some exposure to malarial landscapes on their journeys to the Levant.
5. Cilicia and the Orontes Valley
Crusaders crossing Anatolia encountered similarly high-risk landscapes in the coastal river valleys, especially in Western Anatolia, yet the bulk of their journey took them across the Anatolia plateau, highlands rising to altitudes 600–1200 m, exhibiting much lower risk. Risk levels rose dramatically along the southern coast, however (
Figure 2). The lowlands surrounding the Pamphylian port of Antalya were especially dangerous. In the summer of 1142, Emperor John II Komnenos campaigned throughout Pamphylia, joined by his three eldest sons (
Treadgold 1997, p. 636). According to Choniates, the eldest son, Alexios, took ill with a ‘rushing fever attacking the head’, perishing on 2 August. John’s second son, Andronikos, died soon thereafter, while the third son, Isaac, was severely debilitated by the same illness (
Choniates 1984, I. 38;
Kinnamos 1976, p. 28). The symptomology described here is limited, fitting several possible diseases, but the combination of fever and cerebral symptoms with the demonstrated spatio-temporal risk makes some form of malaria a real possibility.
The plain of
Cilica Pedias, or ‘flat Cilicia’, was a core transit zone for multiple crusades, as well as a center of geopolitical contention between Byzantines, Turks, Armenians and Crusaders. Both
P. falciparum and
P. vivax are well attested in the classical period and repeatedly impacted the region into the early 20th century (
Figure 3) (
Barker 1862;
Engels 1978;
Gratien 2017). The Armenian Medical Mission in Cilicia, just after the First World War, reported more than 3000 malaria cases among refugees in July and August 1919, 35% of all patients treated in that period, far more than any other illness (
Gratien 2016). Transhumance in the region, from the medieval period through the 20th century, adapted to the malaria season, with both rural shepherds and urban populations removing themselves to the Taurus mountains during the summer months to avoid infection (
Barker 1862;
Gratien 2022, pp. 23–53). The Continuator of William of Tyre describes the seasonal movement:
For the Cilician plain is hot and disease-ridden in summer, while the mountains are fresh and healthy. Accordingly, the inhabitants of the land have their dwellings in the mountains, and because of the heat they live there from the beginning of June until the middle of September; then they come down to the plain because the land is cooler and less unhealthy.
Intermittent fevers played such a role in Cilician Armenia that the 12th-century physician Mkhitar Heratsi produced a work specifically devoted to them,
On the Relief of Fevers (
Hacikyan 2000, pp. 428–30).
Baldwin of Boulogne and Tancred took their forces through Cilicia in September 1097, pushing Turkish garrisons out of the cities and allying with local Armenian populations, and there is some indication of possible malaria impacting their passage. At Tarsus, Count Conan de Montague took ill, and many others were ‘afflicted by weakness’ under the harsh climate (
Ralph of Caen 2005, p. 42). Baldwin exited the Cilician plain by early October 1097, arriving at Marash in the highlands. Within two weeks, Baldwin’s wife, Godehilde of Tosny, as well as Udelard of Wissant, had died (
Albert of Aachen 2013, 3: 27). No symptoms are described, though Godehilde’s illness grew worse ‘in this region of Marash.’ Given that both Godehilde and Udelard had recently passed through an intense malarial zone during the high-risk season, malaria is a possible culprit.
Contemporary Armenian sources provide more solid evidence. In 1154, Mesud I, Sultan of Rûm, raided around Anazarbus and camped by Tell Hamdun, where Bar Hebreaus reports, ‘the Lord smote them with a plague of gnats and flies which was like unto that of the Egyptians in the days of Moses the Great,’ the only direct reference to insects in any of the extant sources. The swarming insects were immediately accompanied by epidemic disease; ‘And in these days the air which they breathed became foul and stinking, and they and their horses became sick. And when they saw that the plague had begun among them, they abandoned all their treasure and fled.’ (
Hebraeus 1932, p. 321;
Sparapet 2005, p. 78). Shortly thereafter, in 1157, refugees from Besni, in the mountains above Adiyaman, were resettled at Tupna on the plains near Anazarbus. Yet many of the settlers quickly ‘died from the heat,’ likely reflecting the lack of acquired immunity among the mountain dwellers to the malaria species endemic to the plain (
Sparapet 2005, p. 79).
The most notable disease event in Cilicia occurred in the summer of 1190. Frederick Barbarossa’s crusading army had successfully crossed Anatolia, only for the emperor to die while crossing the Saleph River on 10 June. His son, Frederick of Swabia, led the remaining German forces towards Antioch through Cilicia, resulting in an epidemic among his forces: ‘Frederick…was severely weakened by illness when he arrived in the plain of Cilicia, and he could not climb up into the mountains, so weak was he from the sickness that afflicted him.’ Frederick had to be carried into Antioch, by which time much of his army had fallen ill, and ‘so the knighthood of Germany began to diminish.’ (
Continuator of William of Tyre 1997, p. 89;
Johnson 1969, p. 115). Barbarossa had not campaigned in malaria-ridden Italy in the 15 years prior to the Third Crusade, so the younger Crusaders in Frederick of Swabia’s remaining army possessed little exposure to endemic malaria. Much like the Rhineland Germans afflicted at St. Symeon in the summer of 1098, immune-naïve Crusaders in Frederick’s force suffered severe morbidity and mortality rates. Frederick eventually arrived at Acre in October 1190, but he remained severely ill, likely due to secondary or comorbid infections, leading to his death in January 1191.
For many Crusaders, the Cilician plain was simply a path towards Antioch, located across the Amanus range to the southeast. The region is dominated by multiple rivers which converge into the Orontes just north of Antioch. These rivers also fed Lake Antioch, a complex of large lakes and marshes that covered the center of the valley from the Iron Age till its drainage in the 20th century. The local hydrology promoted significant malarial risk throughout antiquity, which intensified during the medieval period. Late Roman agricultural practices, with viticulture, orchards and grain production stretching across the valley, caused substantial erosion and subsequent sedimentation of both the Lake and the river systems. The resultant silting spawned extensive marshlands around Lake Antioch and along the Orontes itself (
Eger 2011). Seleucia Piera, the harbor of classical Antioch, silted up, and port facilities shifted several miles south to St. Symeon (
Vanni 2022). Emerging wetlands appeared in the immediate environs of Antioch as well; the Orontes shifted northeast, turning the formerly urbanized island in the Orontes on the northwestern approaches to the city into an uninhabitable marsh. Ralph of Caen records a ‘stagnant marsh that strengthened the double walls’ of Antioch in this sector and that ‘the sponginess of the ground made the fortification stronger than the hardest of rocks.’ (
Ralph of Caen 2005, p. 48).
This spongy landscape provides the immediate backdrop for the epidemic striking the First Crusade in the summer of 1098. The city itself was bounded by mosquito-infested wetlands just beyond its walls, while the roads connecting Antioch to its port followed the swampy course of the Orontes. The Rhenish contingent arriving at St. Symeon was especially vulnerable, consisting of individuals with little exposure to malaria, arriving in August during the prime mosquito season and entering an area of considerable wetlands. Albert of Aachen’s assertion that ‘of the fifteen hundred not even one seems to have survived,’ while hyperbolic, belies an exceptionally high rate of morbidity and mortality among these Rhinelanders (
Albert of Aachen 2013, 5.23).
6. Malaria in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
The disease ecology of Palestine harbored significant levels of endemic malaria, as reflected in the risk model (
Figure 4). The coastal plain stretching from Acre south along the Palestinian coastline exhibits severe scores, and as a result, all the port cities providing access to the Palestinian interior are surrounded by areas of endemic malaria. The Jezreel Plain, stretching southeast from Haifa Bay down to Beisan, is crisscrossed by watersheds, creating a further redzone. Despite its fertility, the Jezreel remained sparsely inhabited in the Crusader period, with contemporary sources noting both the limited settlements and the marshy terrain (
William of Tyre 1855, XXII. 16;
Burchard of Mt. Sion 2012, pp. 274–75;
Oliver of Paderborn 1948, p. 53). Yet the highest risk scores are found in the Jordan Rift Valley, the depression formed by the divergence of the African and Arabian tectonic plates. Beginning in the foothills of Mount Hermon, the rift forms an extensive watershed feeding Lake Hula, Lake Kinneret, and the Dead Sea, all connected by the Jordan River. The entire rift is well watered, yet the Hula Valley in the north was particularly marshy, with papyrus swamps extending north of Lake Hula towards Banias.
Abundant modern evidence supports the risk model and illustrates the capacity of lowland Palestinian landscapes to harbor varying levels of endemic malaria. In mid-September 1918, the British Desert Mounted Corps crossed the length of the Jezreel Valley, ultimately turning northward into the Jordan Rift at Beisan. By October 1st, malaria cases among the DMC spiked, and by November, 19,652 malaria cases were reported out of 40,000 total troops, with 6347 confirmed by blood-smear testing.
P. falciparum predominated among the blood-tested cases (
Brabin 2014, p. 4;
Shanks 2009, pp. 654–55;
Manson-Bahr 1920). The separate ANZAC Mounted Corps, striking northwards from Jericho up the Jordan Valley, suffered similarly high infection rates, though they specifically noted a marked divergence in infection rates between squadrons encamped in the plains versus those in the nearby hills (
Shanks 2009, p. 654). Swift diagnosis and quinine therapy kept mortality rates down, but comorbid influenza infections pushed case fatality rates to 5% among the ANZAC cavalry (
Brabin 2014, p. 12).
Malaria eradication efforts began in earnest under the post-war British Mandate, exposing the full extent of endemic malaria in Palestine in the process. The Malaria Research Unit (MRU), established by Israel Kligler in 1922, carefully detailed the incidence of malaria in Mandate Palestine and developed effective eradication measures, primarily the drainage of wetlands. Eradication programs were especially needed to support Jewish immigrants: ‘Almost without exception the Jews had chosen to settle in the most malarial areas. The swampy lands were the least populated and most readily bought; besides they were, on the face of it, the best watered, and water is scarce in Palestine.’ (
Kligler 1930, p. vii). It is notable that in the early 20th century, a strong spatial correlation existed between areas of low populations, which were more available for subsequent Jewish settlement, and high incidence of malarial infection. This is similar to the sparse settlement pattern within these lands noted in the medieval period. The MRU conducted widespread spleen exams in both Jewish and Arab settlements to establish comparative spleen rates across the Palestinian landscape. The resulting map, overlaid here in
Figure 4, finds extremely high spleen index scores (>50%) in the very same areas identified as Severe Risk in the Malaria Risk Model, further validating the model’s predictions (
Department of Health 1930, map 2).
Contemporary evidence for malaria in Crusader Palestine is limited, providing only a handful of direct references to intermittent or remittent fevers, indicating probable malaria. William of Tyre describes a personal audience with Amalric I at Tyre, which took place ‘in the intervals that occur in intermittent fevers’. Given that it is described as a
febricula lenta, or ‘low fever,’ it seems most likely that Amalric suffered from
P. vivax, either as a primary or recrudescent infection (
William of Tyre 1855, XIX. 3). Raymond III of Tripoli suffered a more severe ‘
double tertian fever in the summer of 1182, preventing him from aiding Baldwin IV against Saladin’s invasion that year (
William of Tyre 1855, XXII. 16). The 13th century
Assises de la Cour des Bourgeois contains several laws regarding medical practice, including malpractice in treating ‘a
quotidian malady, going from hot to cold’, a clear reference to
P. falciparum (
Assises de la Cour des Bourgeois 1843, p. 148). The appearance of
quotidian fevers in the legal code is indicative of the frequency of such infections (and failed treatments) in the Kingdom. These instances, along with two others noted below, provide our only direct referral to intermittent fevers within the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Many other disease events in Crusader Palestine fit the spatio-temporal profile and/or general symptomology of malaria. Many illnesses are reported near the coastal cities that provided access to the Palestinian interior, and the annual cycle of maritime travel heavily favored arrival in the Levant at the height of the summer malaria season. Several recent arrivals from Europe died shortly after disembarking in the Kingdom, suggesting a pathogen directly related to the local environment. Stephen du Perche and William IV of Nevers, arriving separately in the summer of 1168, both sickened and died shortly after entering the Kingdom (
William of Tyre 1855, XX. 3). Margaret of France died in September 1197, just after arriving at Tyre (
Continuator of William of Tyre 1997, p. 189). The Continuator of Frutolf of Michelsburg reports an epidemic in the summer of 1100, when ‘the heat of the summer air over Palestine was tainted with the stench of bodies…whence there arose a pestilence which killed many of our people who fought under foreign skies.’ He directly blames this epidemic for the death of Godfrey of Bouillon, who, as noted above, may have long suffered from recrudescent malaria (
Continuator of Frutolf of Michelsburg 2014, pp. 159–60). This same chronicler was present in Welf IV’s Crusader force in 1101 and an eyewitness to a major epidemic among their host. After arriving by sea at Jaffa, he reports that around the beginning of September, ‘we saw death run riot among the people’ and that he had only barely survived an infection himself. Jaffa was especially hard hit, with several mass graves established outside the city (
Continuator of Frutolf of Michelsburg 2014, p. 167).
Similar summer disease events are evidenced in the Hula Valley. Kligler identified the Hula Valley, with its large papyrus swamps, as the most dangerous place for malaria in Mandate Palestine, with a spleen index near 100% (
Department of Health 1930, p. 11;
Kligler 1930, p. 10). Indeed, Kliger regarded the entire valley as virtually uninhabitable by the early 20th century (
Kligler 1930, p. 48). Yet in the Crusader period, the valley was a critical military frontier for the Kingdom of Jerusalem, guarding the route from Damascus descending from the Golan Heights into the Upper Galilee, and as such, witnessed numerous military actions. In June 1174, Amalric I besieged Banias, the northeastern entry point to the valley. He lifted the siege after fifteen days but fell ill immediately upon his withdrawal. William of Tyre describes Amalric suffering violent, remittent fevers coupled with bouts of dysentery, symptomology often associated with severe malarial infection. Physicians treating Amalric utilized purgatives, a standard Galenic medical practice for treating oscillating fevers, but Amalric died on 11 July 1174 (
William of Tyre 1855, XX. 31;
Assises de la Cour des Bourgeois 1843, p. 168;
Galen 2016, I: 395–97). Given the place and time of infection, as well as Amalric’s previous intermittent fevers, we can reasonably suggest that he suffered a primary infection of
P. falciparum, which triggered the recrudescence of
P. vivax, resulting in competing fever patterns and ultimately death.
Saladin faced a similar epidemic in the Hula Valley in August 1179 when he attacked Chastellet, the unfinished Crusader fortress holding the river crossing at
Vadum Iacob. Saladin seized the fortress after a short siege, killing or capturing the garrison. In the immediate aftermath, a pestilence caused by ‘extreme heat and the stench of corpses’ settled into the Muslim camp, killing ten emirs and many more soldiers (
Shama 1898, p. 206). The seasonal environment lent itself to epidemic malaria in this instance, but it is worth noting that the makeup of Saladin’s army also increased the risk of malaria morbidity and mortality. The Ayyubid army was drawn from across Syria and the Jazira, with many soldiers lacking previous exposure to malaria and as vulnerable to severe morbidity and mortality as any recent European arrival (
Gibb 2014).
The most well-documented disease events in Crusader Palestine occurred during the siege of Acre during the Third Crusade. Lasting nearly two years, from August 1189 to July 1191, the siege featured high mortality rates from malnutrition, disease and combat actions, necessitating the opening of three separate cemeteries around the Crusader camp to hold the many thousands of dead (
Ralph of Diceto 1876, p. 81). Given the length of the siege, unsanitary conditions in the camps and the intermittent nature of resupply, both the Crusaders and their Muslim opponents experienced multiple diseases at different stages of the siege. Loose teeth and edema in the legs during winter months likely indicate scurvy, while respiratory and enteric diseases would have continuously circulated through the crowded, fetid siege camp (
Ambroise 2011, 2: 91). Furthermore, widely reported famine conditions, along with the physical exertions of frequent combat, would have severely diminished individual immune systems and increased disease impacts (
Hosler 2018, pp. 103–5). In these conditions, we would expect syndemic effects, wherein multiple diseases circulate and synergistically intensify each other’s overall morbidity and mortality.
The siege camps at Acre were especially vulnerable to malaria during the summer and fall months. Marshes extended both north of the city and south along the course of the Belus River, which passed alongside the Crusader encampment at Tel Akko (
Figure 5). Saladin’s countering lines stretched from the Belus northwards across the low-lying plains (
Hosler 2018, pp. 16–17). Unsurprisingly, disease accounts from the siege demonstrate a marked spatio-temporal character, with a notable increase in reports of sickness and death in the later summer months into the early fall. Guy of Lusignan began the siege in August 1189, with reinforcements arriving from Europe into the early fall. The
Itinerarium Perigrinorum notes that these early arrivals ‘really were martyrs: no small number of them died soon afterward from the foul air, polluted with the stink of corpses.’ (
Itinerarium Peregrinorum, Nicholson 1997, 1: 31). The Crusaders experienced another wave of disease deaths the following summer, beginning with the deaths of Queen Sybilla and her daughters, Alice and Mary, in late summer 1190 (
Continuator of William of Tyre 1997, p. 103). Ludwig III of Thuringia died 16 October 1190, while a letter of 21 October 1190 lists several nobles who had recently died of illness, including Stephen of Reims, Henry of Bar, Earl Ferrers, Bernard of St. Valery and Ranulf Glanville (
Heinemeyer 1987, pp. 421–22;
Anonymous 1997, letter 6c). On 31 October, Clarembaud of Noyes made out a charter concerning property at home while he expressly lay ‘unwell’ in the hospital tents of the Order of St. John (
Revised Regesta Regni Hierosolymitani Database 2024, no. 1288). Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, fell sick with a fever, succumbing on 19 November 1190 (
Itinerarium Peregrinorum,
Nicholson 1997, 1: 65). Theobald of Blois and Stephen of Sancerre arrived during the epidemic in August, and both succumbed to illness a few months later (
Ambroise 2011, 2: 81). Both Ambroise and Haymar the Monk report heavy rains affecting the siege that fall, which would promote greater mosquito propagation and potential malaria spread, in addition to spreading other diseases and adding to the general misery of the camp (
Ambroise 2011, 2: 90;
Haymarus Monachus 1866, p. 12). A similar epidemic occurred in the Muslim camp, with Saladin himself stricken with a fever and forced to withdraw for the season (
Ibn Shaddād 2001, p. 138).
Summer 1191 heralded the arrival of Philip II of France and Richard I of England, as well as a new round of disease. Both monarchs fell ill in June 1191, with various sources referring to their ailment by the ambiguous terms
arnaldia or
leonardie. Wagner and Mitchell argue that these terms likely refer, in the minds of contemporaries, to some kind of alopecia or sheep mange, a social diagnosis derived from the hair and nail loss the kings each experienced (
Itinerarium Peregrinorum,
Nicholson 1997, 3:5;
Ambroise 2011, 2:98;
Wagner and Mitchell 2011); yet other tell-tale symptoms are present in the sources. Philip’s chaplain described the king as suffering from severe fever and chills, while the Continuator of William of Tyre refers to it as a
double tertian fever (
Continuator of William of Tyre 1997, p. 108). Richard is said to have suffered severe fever, a result of the ‘unfamiliar climate’ of Palestine (
Itinerarium Peregrinorum,
Nicholson 1997, 3:4–3:7). Philip left the crusade at the beginning of August 1191, ostensibly due to his illness, but Richard continued the campaign well into 1192 (
Ambroise 2011, 2:105). As the Crusader army pushed down the coastal plains in the summer, they again experienced a major epidemic due to the ‘polluted air’ in the vicinity of Jaffa (
Ralph of Coggeshall 1875, p. 51;
Ambroise 2011, 2:185). Jaffa itself filled with sick men, and Richard fell ill once more, suffering from an ‘acute
semitertian fever,’ terminology generally associated with
P. falciparum (
Richard of Devizes 2000, p. 55;
Ambroise 2011, 2:176;
Wagner and Mitchell 2011, p. 31). This final illness was one factor influencing Richard’s treaty with Saladin and departure for home that fall (
Ambroise 2011, 2:186–87). Wagner and Mitchell argue that Philip and Richard both fell victim to some kind of infectious febrile disease in Palestine and while they note malaria as one possibility, they are reticent to definitively identify their illness as such. However, when we look not only at the language of the sources but also at the known spatio-temporal risk the two kings encountered, some species of malaria seem a likely causal agent behind their illnesses, in total or in part.
7. Conclusions
The disease landscape of the Crusader Levant no doubt offered a wide variety of pathogens that infected, sickened and killed medieval travelers. Nevertheless, several varieties of malaria, as demonstrated in the GIS model used here and well supported by both medieval and modern data, posed a markedly elevated risk in low-lying Mediterranean landscapes. This does not deny the presence and effect of other diseases, with gastrointestinal illnesses being an especially important risk factor to consider. Likewise, we cannot positively assert that every textual reference noted in this study is definitive evidence of malaria; that is impossible given our limited evidence. While the evidence prevents diagnosis with scientific precision, the known spatio-temporal association of endemic malaria with these landscapes, along with the immunologically naïve character of many newly arrived Crusaders, makes malaria a significant probability in these circumstances. In these well-identified malarial ‘redzones,’ during the warmest months of the summer and early fall, any reference to febrile diseases or disease specifically attributed to environmental factors has a high prospect of involving some species of malaria. Comorbid infections of enteric and respiratory disease were also quite likely, especially in cramped and unsanitary conditions found in siege camps. The tendency toward comorbidity made malaria a fulcrum, tipping an epidemic from causing widespread morbidity toward becoming a syndemic, resulting in mass mortality.
Whether on its own or in concert with other endemic pathogens, malaria played a significant role in shaping the crusade movement across the Levant, likely far greater than the surviving textual evidence shows. Infections slowed the progress of armies and caravans, hindered military operations and sickened or killed important leaders at key moments. Mosquitos and the infectious diseases they carry do not discriminate between class, gender or religion, distributing suffering and death equally across human populations caught within high-risk zones. While we can quantify the risk of these kinds of malarial outbreaks in modern GIS applications, we must return to the fact that medieval populations, lacking modern scientific diagnostic tools, still understood the very real risk of entering ‘insalubrious’, ‘marshy’ or ‘unhealthy’ places under the ‘rage of the Dog Star,’ the hottest months of the year. Rather than dismissing pre-modern sources out of hand due to their relative lack of scientific precision, perhaps modern researchers should more carefully consider their eyewitness reports in concert with modern scientific techniques.
This study presents only an initial foray into malaria risk in the medieval Mediterranean, and further work remains. This study has omitted the Nile River Valley, North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula, critical theaters of medieval crusading, due to the unique geographical and climatological conditions affecting those landscapes. Expanding study to these regions will also require a more thorough evaluation of Arabic texts than was possible for the present publication. Furthermore, the Browning model used here has limited utility; it is a large-scale “macro” model at a low resolution. More detailed, high-resolution local risk modeling that incorporates emerging archaeological, genomic, palaeoclimate and palynological data would provide greater clarity within those environments.