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From Newton’s Laws to Walras’ Equilibrium: A Historical Perspective on Determinism in Economics and Social Sciences

Department of Economics, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, 30123 Venice, Italy
Histories 2025, 5(1), 9;
Submission received: 12 November 2024 / Revised: 16 January 2025 / Accepted: 5 February 2025 / Published: 28 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Section History of Knowledge)


Focusing on a specific interaction between physics and economics, this study delves into the realm of econophysics and investigates the birth, evolution, and practical applications of this interdisciplinary field. This study explores the influence of Newton’s laws, the concept of gravity, and, more generally, mechanical physics on the development of economic thought. It examines the application of Newtonian principles in interpreting economic dynamics, with a particular focus on the contributions of neoclassical economists and Isard’s gravitational model, offering insights into the intricate dynamics of economic equilibrium in complex systems. Finally, these concepts are situated within the broader debate between determinism and indeterminism in the social sciences.

1. Introduction

Numerous researchers have explored the adaptation and application of natural laws across various disciplines, providing new perspectives and insights into diverse fields of study. Mirowski (1989) examines how economic growth has been influenced by physics laws, especially those related to thermodynamics and mechanics, and analyses the history of economics as a discipline that has often sought to emulate natural sciences—in particular physics—to gain scientific rigour. Israel and Ingrao (1990) investigate the nature of the physics-related concept of “economic equilibrium”, while, at the same time, tracing back its origins and analysing its development through the history of science. Another author, Morgan (1990, 2012), detects how econometric notions were born and how these models have remodelled the economy; furthermore, another subject of his studies is the analysis of the exploitation of this knowledge by economists who aim to understand and clarify complex economic phenomena. Weintraub (2002) explores the evolution of the economy as a mathematical science, focusing on how it harnessed scientific methods in order to become a more rigorous discipline. Giocoli (2003) and Bhuiyan (2016) approach the development of “Game Theory” and its influence on the economic system. These authors and their works give in-depth analyses of the influence that physics—and its laws—had on the growth of economics intended, in this case, as a science. These discoveries are pivotal to both natural sciences and interdisciplinary fields such as econophysics. For instance, the implications of employing deterministic mathematical tools, such as functions, in the social sciences are often misunderstood due to a lack of comprehension regarding the underlying mathematical principles. Similarly, the distinction between indeterminism and unpredictability at the ontological level is frequently overlooked. This confusion is not limited to the social sciences; even physicists sometimes struggle with these concepts. The debate between Einstein and Bohr, for example, is often presumed to have been resolved in favour of Bohr, yet these questions remain open and continue to be subjects of significant philosophical and scientific inquiry. This article focuses on a specific scenario where social sciences integrate principles from natural sciences. In particular, it examines how the framework of mechanical physics, and specifically the application of Newton’s laws—one of its highest achievements—extends beyond the natural realm to provide a valuable foundation for analysing market dynamics, economic models, and other forms of economic and social flows (Isard 1954; Gould 1985). Exploring the integration of a specific framework of mechanical physics—which has its roots in the scientific revolution and culminated in Newton—, especially in relation to economics, is a central theme of this paper. Gravity, particularly through the groundbreaking discoveries of Newton and Locke (St. John 1892), has had a revolutionary influence and has been adopted as a reference model not only in physics but across all scientific disciplines. The gravity equation in international trade, for example, represents one of the most consistently supported empirical discoveries in economics: trade between two countries—or more generally, between two economic entities—tends to increase with their respective GDP sizes and decrease with the geographic distance separating them (Chaney 2013). This relationship can be used to predict the flow of trade or other economic transactions between locations and has proven to be effective in the analysis of economic flows as well as the relationships between different economic actors. This study emphasizes the challenge of comprehending the dynamic evolution of this relationship over time and the necessity for dynamic models to capture emerging trends and patterns (Isard 1960). Furthermore, this paper examines how, in economics, the approaches of Walras and Pareto were shaped, to some extent, by concepts from Newtonian physics. Economics, as part of the broader social sciences, involves the study of complex, dynamic systems where variables such as wealth, inequality, and growth are difficult to quantify with the same precision as physical phenomena. This paper primarily focuses on the field of economics but, due to its scope, such an analysis naturally extends in certain areas to the broader realm of social sciences and, more generally, to human behaviour. This perspective expands upon Hempel and Oppenheim’s assertion that social phenomena can be explained and predicted by natural laws (Hempel and Oppenheim 1948).
Furthermore, this article scrutinizes the extent to which economic systems can be categorized as deterministic or indeterministic (Kincaid 1997), without attempting to resolve this dichotomy. Therefore, an additional aim of this study is to explore the impact of a deterministic perspective, epitomized by the framework of mechanical physics—particularly that of Newton and his theories—on the field of economics, emphasizing its utility in addressing the complexity of economic phenomena. Economics generally tends toward indeterminism due to the complexity of forecasting behaviours that are influenced by numerous factors (Kincaid 1997). However, the deterministic influence is fundamental, and this paper will explore its role. Isard (1986) and Mach (1893) cautioned against the indiscriminate application of deterministic models to physics, suggesting that concepts should only be utilized in physics and economics if they can be directly observed through experience and experimentation, emphasizing the importance of evidence. While, in physics, gravity traditionally embodies determinism, adhering to well-established laws and principles for the prediction of object behaviour, the emergence of quantum physics has challenged classical determinism by introducing stochastic laws that govern microscopic phenomena. Newton’s theory of gravity is deterministic in its vector nature, its principle of superposition, and the entire physical view of classical mechanics of that time. Similarly, Einstein’s theory of relativity, which represents an advancement over Newton’s theory, is grounded in a deterministic framework. Like Newton, who scientifically adhered to determinism, Einstein resisted the indeterministic view emerging from the quantum physics of his time, as evidenced in the Bohr–Einstein debates (Bohr 1949; Einstein 1949) that persisted until his death.1 In fact, until the advent of quantum mechanics, physics had consistently upheld determinism, with both Einstein and Newton maintaining that the laws of nature were originally deterministic.2 This deterministic paradigm, exemplified by Newton’s laws, has profoundly influenced other disciplines, including economics, where models such as the gravity model have shaped the understanding of complex systems. However, the rise of quantum mechanics introduced a scientific indeterminism that challenges this perspective, offering alternative frameworks to explore. Indeterminism, as a worldview, has evolved through two main phases: non-scientific indeterminism and scientific indeterminism. The first phase essentially stems from a non-scientific stance preceding the scientific revolution, which primarily aimed to separate scientific knowledge from non-scientific knowledge. Indeterminism was particularly prevalent in magic, religion, parts of philosophy, and the beliefs of various populations. For many centuries, science, and especially physics, along with intellectual movements such as the Enlightenment, rationalism, and determinism, had effectively disarmed indeterministic thought. However, in the second phase, starting with quantum physics, indeterministic theory reemerges, and it does so prominently as scientific indeterminism, even while clashing with scientists and determinists of the caliber of Einstein. Conciliation has not been possible yet although several theories are trying to do so. Boussinesq (1879) is certainly an interesting reference for a debate on the limits of classical mechanics and the potential for their inclusion of indeterministic elements. He states that the dynamics of certain mechanical systems, when subjected to specific initial conditions, can have more than one solution. As a result, these systems might exhibit indeterministic behavior. Therefore, he suggested that, although classical mechanics is deterministic, there could be room for indeterministic processes at a fundamental level, which might be linked to free will or divine intervention (Mueller 2015). Norton (2008) discusses the so-called “Norton Dome”, a hypothetical scenario in classical mechanics that challenges determinism. The Norton Dome is a specific initial condition in Newtonian mechanics where a particle can rest indefinitely at the top of a dome or spontaneously start to move down it without any apparent cause. This example illustrates that even classical mechanics, which is typically seen as deterministic, can exhibit indeterministic behaviour under certain conditions. However, it is still a theoretical hypothesis that has not been proven. Earman (1986) explores the concept of determinism, which is the idea that, given the initial conditions of a physical system and the laws of nature, the future state of the system is completely determined. He discusses Einstein’s general relativity, with its mathematical complexity and implications for the structure of space-time, which raises new questions about how determinism can be interpreted. Earman criticizes the Laplacian deterministic view, which holds that if we know the positions and velocities of all particles in the universe at a given moment, we can predict the future with absolute certainty. This paradigm shift underscores the limitations of deterministic frameworks in explaining certain phenomena (Kincaid 1997). However, chaos theory, a branch of mathematics introduced by Edward Lorenz in 1972, explores the phenomenon where small differences in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes in chaotic systems, making long-term prediction inherently impossible (Biswas et al. 2018). Chaos theory explains that even a deterministic framework is not always predictive, but it does not suggest that mechanical physics and the theory of gravity are not deterministic as someone might mistakenly believe, because determinism and predictability are not synonyms. Determinism has a structuralist view of the universe, which clashes with the human limitations of what can be known and understood. Human beings may never be able to predict every outcome or understand every underlying cause due to their inherent limitations and partial perspective, even within a completely deterministic framework of the universe. From this complexity of interactions emerges chaos theory, famously exemplified by the “Butterfly Effect” (Ghys 2012). This concept illustrates how, in a complex system with countless interacting variables, even seemingly minor changes, such as the flap of a butterfly’s wings in one location, can cascade into significant outcomes, like a hurricane, in another. Chaos theory highlights the sensitivity to initial conditions and the nonlinear and unpredictable nature of such systems over time (Lorenz 2000).3 However, as mentioned, this does not represent a reconciliation between determinism and indeterminism; at most, it highlights an intrinsic limitation of human beings, already partially recognized in certain philosophical traditions. Admittedly, this paper does not aim to engage in a comprehensive debate on determinism vs. indeterminism, the scope of which would be impossible to address within its confines. Although the physical framework is interesting, the primary objective of this paper is solely to explore how economic insights derived from physics enhance our understanding of economic systems and, more broadly, of the social sciences. A section of this paper will focus on the roots of econophysics, viewed as the natural field where physics is applied to economics. In the realm of econophysics, the indeterministic perspective acknowledges that the complexity of a system hinders deterministic explanations, making precise predictions elusive (Rosenberg 1992). As a result, there is an increasing demand for a multidisciplinary approach that integrates concepts from physics, sociology, economics, and political science to better understand economic systems’ complexities. Such an approach takes into account the uncertainty and complexity of economic phenomena, offering a more nuanced understanding of their behaviour and development (Torre and Wallet 2014). While human perception may view complex systems as uncertain, this does not imply universal indeterminacy, and the law of gravity and its derivatives, for instance, offer a deterministic approach to study complexity. Nonetheless, the debate on compatibilism—the reconciliation of determinism with the apparent free will of the indeterminism of specific phenomena—remains a central issue in modern physics. This ongoing dialogue extends its influence on other disciplines, including economics and the social sciences, as they grapple with questions of causality, agency, and complexity in modelling systems. This paper sheds light on how Newtonian determinism has shaped economic thought while acknowledging its limitations in capturing the full complexity of economic systems. It argues for the continued utility of deterministic models in unravelling economic phenomena while also embracing insights from alternative paradigms inspired by quantum mechanics and indeterminism. These frameworks have the potential to challenge or complement the deterministic heritage of Newtonian mechanics, enriching the complex systems involved in economics and beyond.
To summarize, the main research questions this study will focus on are: How can Newton’s laws and mechanical physics, with the gravitational model as part of this framework, be useful for analysing economic and social systems? How do these laws shape the knowledge and understanding of the dynamics within these systems? How is determinism, as a key concept in mechanical physics, reflected in economic and social dynamics? What are the strengths, limitations, and applications of determinism in analysing economic and social phenomena? Additionally, this study will summarize the key issues connected to the debate surrounding the applicability of deterministic models to economics and social sciences, including the challenges and opportunities presented by such an approach. To achieve this, an analytical framework will be developed, examining the origins and evolution of the application of physical laws to economics and social sciences. This framework will begin with Newton’s foundational ideas, detailed in the first section (par. 2), focusing on how Newton’s approach and methodology laid the groundwork for interdisciplinary studies between physics and economics, and introducing the concept of dynamics into economic thought. The second section (par. 3) will investigate the origins of econophysics, exploring how mechanical physics and its underlying concepts have shaped the field and influenced the integration of physical laws into economic analysis. In the third section (par. 4), the focus will shift to practical applications of Newton’s laws in the economic field, examining how his ideas were adapted and extended to economic theory. Specific examples will include Walras’ general equilibrium theory and the neoclassical concept of economic function. In the fourth section (par. 5), the discussion will broaden to consider the challenges in and evolution of economic theory, particularly the interplay between determinism and indeterminism. This section will lay the groundwork for the conclusion, where we will reflect on future horizons and this study’s limits. The conclusion will also offer insights into the ongoing debate within determinism, considering how these paradigms continue to shape economic thought and the potential for further interdisciplinary research.

2. The Impact of Newton’s Approach on Economics and the Concept of Dynamics in Economic Systems

According to Koyré (1972), Newton’s interpretation profoundly influenced intellectuals of his era. Across various disciplines, philosophers of science endeavoured to elucidate behaviours through models governed by distinct laws, highlighting the significance of interdependence among various elements within a system. Similarly to Newton’s approach to natural sciences, Hume (1739) emphasized the importance of applying a rigorous scientific methodology to the study of human sciences. In his Treatise on Human Nature (1739–1740), he advocated for the adoption of Newton’s scientific techniques in diverse fields (Foley 1975). Building on Newton’s revolutionary insights, the concept of a system governed by universal and mathematically describable laws stands as a milestone of the Newtonian legacy. This vision introduced the notion of universal scientific principles, extending beyond the realm of physics to inspire methodologies across a wide range of disciplines. Although initially confined to the natural sciences, Newton’s approach profoundly shaped the social sciences as well, providing the foundation for a scientific framework that found its most significant development in positivism and Enlightenment thought. Moreover, the translation of physical principles into other disciplines not only carries over models but also an approach in which human actions are viewed as subject to a degree of predestination, mirroring the cause-and-effect relationships found in classical and neoclassical economics. Similarly, this transfer brings with it a deterministic perspective, as seen in econophysics tools such as gravity models, which simplify complex systems—a necessary element for the heuristic nature of economics.4
Newton’s (1687) work, specifically in the fields of mechanics and gravitation, marked a pivotal conceptual shift from a static understanding of systems to a dynamic perspective. In this new framework, forces and motions are analysed through their mutual interaction across space and time. The law of universal gravitation, although Newton himself famously stated “hypotheses non fingo” (I frame no hypotheses) regarding its causes, provided a model for understanding dynamic equilibrium in the universe. According to Newton, the gravitational force does not act randomly but is determined by the masses of objects and the distance between them, thus linking a static measure, such as mass, to a dynamic effect, like motion. This same perspective not only shaped our understanding of physical systems but also deeply influenced Newton’s deterministic approach, which had a profound impact on dynamic theory in economics. In this context, the term “dynamic” transcends the simple description of physical motion and represents the continuous evolution and interaction of elements within an economic system. Broadly speaking, “dynamics” refers to the study of forces and their effects, particularly in physics, where it pertains to the branch of mechanics that analyses the movement of bodies and the forces acting upon them. In economics, this concept similarly describes the intricate interactions among different actors, analogous to the forces that influence movement in physical systems. This dynamic perspective was also embraced by pioneering researchers in economics, such as Genovesi, who in 1754 became the first Italian professor to teach economics at the University of Naples. In Diceosìna (Genovesi 1766), he offered a fresh perspective on gravity in the realm of social dynamics. Genovesi introduced the concept of “self-love” as a concentrative force and “love for others” as a diffusive force, explaining humans’ natural inclination to receive and offer care as a force of reciprocal attraction, and observing that this factor is strongest among family members and weakens with distance. This reciprocal assistance forms the basis of Genovesi’s idea of a “civil economy”, where economic agents collaborate to fulfil their needs. Merging ethics with economics, Genovesi regarded the “civil economy” as integral to political sciences, contributing to the welfare of nations (Pabst 2018). This concept of mutual interdependence can also be linked to Newton’s ideas, particularly the concept of mass as the source of action at a distance, which introduces the notion of potential, i.e. the idea that a system inherently contains the conditions to generate change, even in a state of apparent stillness. A striking parallel can be found in the work of Pownall, often described by Robbins (1959) as a “sociological Newtonian”. Pownall’s theories, inspired by Newtonian concepts of gravity and the dynamic interactions between economic forces, extended the gravitational model to geopolitical and social structures: by analysing the geopolitical balances of the British Empire, in which the mother country is the centre of power, and the colonies are subordinates gravitating around it, Pownall observed how power gravitating around property is one of the forces in human society, as well as people and different areas attracting each other. This model was exerted among different classes and regions, considering the area in which many gravitational fields related to a property are put together, interacting with each other. This system of power and property ownership is dynamic and can undergo modifications as economic power shifts occur. In the context of trade dynamics, labour is positioned as the central force, driving productivity and capital accumulation, and thereby increasing power. For instance, Britain’s position as a commercial centre eventually shifted to North America due to changes in economic power, leading to a reconfiguration of global trade dynamics. Moreover, Pownall demonstrates how the gravitational model can also be applied in geography, where different spaces interact depending on different factors, such as trade; therefore, if any changes were to happen, then the political system would also undergo a shift. This idea mirrors the dynamics observed in economic systems. Indeed, similar to physics, where forces inside a system are constantly changing, in economics the concept of development can induce critical shifts in the dynamics of the economy. Testing the stability of variables over time is challenging because of their continuous evolution. Human limitations in simultaneously comprehending all factors that affect in a system introduce a form of uncertainty, distinct from true indeterminism. While in economics (particularly in macroeconomics) long-term variables may seem statically stable, they actually represent long-term trends rather than precise equilibrium points. In this sense, the “long-term” concept in economics serves more as an abstract future destination influenced by short-term volatility, rather than a concrete endpoint.5 To understand these evolving dynamics, economics employs two complementary approaches: a static one, which examines shreds of evidence of a specific economic system at a specific point in time, and dynamic models, which focus on extended time frames to capture the evolving nature of economic systems.6 Both approaches are essential for understanding the complexity and fluidity of economic behaviour, with static models providing a detailed picture of the present while dynamic models offer insights into the system’s evolution over time. Much like an old movie, which creates the illusion of motion by displaying a series of still images, a collection of static models can provide a dynamic understanding of a system. This analogy mirrors the deterministic view in mechanical physics, where individual discrete elements, when considered together, reveal a continuous and predictable flow of events. The principle of superposition in physics—where multiple forces or effects can be combined to grasp the overall behaviour of a system—reflects how static models, when combined, form a cohesive representation of dynamic systems, such as those observed in economic behaviour.
Therefore, when discussing economic dynamics, we tend to consider models ranging from the short to long term, models of growth, economic development, etc. In economics, dynamics refers to all those theories that consider the time variable, which is a fundamental value that transcends every economic model.7 The dynamics of social and economic systems were at the heart of Smith’s work, as he, influenced by Newton’s discoveries, sought to apply universal principles to describe them. In The Wealth of Nations (1776), he adopted Newton’s conception of nature as a regulated system of moving matter, using it as a model to examine economic dynamics. Within this framework, he portrayed society as a group of actors driven by their self-interests in a market system governed by forces of supply and demand. He noticed that the market is defined by the ability of the involved economic actors to understand the natural laws dictating market prices, causing them to “gravitate” around their natural price, which is equal to the production cost. This interpretation of Newtonian ideas laid the groundwork for social physics, a theory exploring social phenomena through the lens of natural laws (Hetherington 1983; Bianchi and Labory 2021). However, it was not until a century later that the endeavour to merge economics with social physics was fully realised due to the concept of “marginal utility”, based on principles akin to “potential energy”, which is derived from classical mechanics. According to marginal economists, individuals make decisions based on “marginal utility”, which is the additional satisfaction gained from the consumption of goods. In this regard, Jevons, transitioning from chemistry to economics, asserted that the law of utility is akin to “the gravitational force of a material body”, constituting “an attraction between a being in need of something and that which he needs” (Jevons 1871). Similarly, Smith’s contributions (Smith 1776) were foundational to the theory of structural dynamics in classical political economics, emphasizing market expansion as a crucial driver of growth. This expansion, akin to gravitational models in considering the “mass” of markets, supports two key aspects. First, an increase in supply requires proportional demand, a concept also reinforced by Keynes. Second, market expansion and the growing necessity for large-scale production demand greater specialization, a more extensive division of labour, and the optimization of economies of scale. Conversely, a limited market with low labour availability restricts specialization, which, in turn, hampers its productivity and growth potential. In this context, economic dynamics, much like physical systems governed by forces, evolve through the interaction of key factors, such as supply, demand, and specialization. Just as physical forces shape the interactions of bodies in space, economic forces similarly govern the structural development of markets, highlighting the interdependent nature of economic growth. Building on this, Karl Marx developed Marxism by drawing on principles from both Newtonian physics and Darwinian theories of biological evolution. Deeply influenced by Newton’s deterministic worldview, Marx conceived human history as being governed by universal and predictable laws. As he famously stated in the preface to Das Kapital (Marx [1867] 1964): “The ultimate aim of this work is to lay bare the economic law of motion of modern society”. Marx believed that he had identified the fundamental law, from which a “complete system”—Marxism—could be derived (Marx [1862] 1910; EzhilArasu 2018). Yet, since Marx’s era, physics has undergone transformative shifts. The advent of relativity and quantum mechanics has dismantled the Newtonian paradigm, replacing its deterministic framework with one that embraces uncertainty, complexity, and the probabilistic nature of reality.
In summary, this interplay between static and dynamic elements in Newton’s work not only transformed physics but also provided a profound framework for understanding complex systems across disciplines. In economics, it inspired the development of models that connect stable equilibrium conditions with the transformative processes that drive systemic evolution, highlighting the impact of fundamental variables. This perspective sets the stage for applying physical principles to decode the intricate behaviours of economic systems, laying the foundation for the emerging field of econophysics.

3. The Roots of Econophysics: The Impact of Mechanical Physics and Its Legacy

Newton’s influence on both ancient and modern disciplines, particularly in the realm of mechanical physics, is fundamental. His laws, which govern the dynamics of physical systems, laid the groundwork for a deterministic view that has resonated across various fields. This approach has significantly shaped areas like econophysics, a field that, despite its contemporary emergence, draws deeply from the principles of mechanical physics, dating back to Newton’s time, driven by a desire to extend physical models to other fields. Today, econophysics particularly investigates the complex relationships between economic phenomena, using the analytical potential of physics to model markets, resource distributions, and capital flows. In econophysics, this transition is reflected in the increasing use of models that not only consider the static relationships between economic variables but also the dynamic interactions that occur over time. Econophysics has adapted these principles to model market movements, recognizing that economic systems, like physical systems, are subject to internal dynamics and external forces that drive their changes.
The influence of physics on the social sciences is evident in the adoption of physical theories and methodologies to analyse complex systems, as demonstrated by the emergence of interdisciplinary fields such as econophysics and sociophysics. Econophysics focuses on uncovering regularities and dynamics in markets and economic systems akin to those studied in physics, particularly within mechanics and statistical physics. Sociophysics, on the other hand, extends these principles to social systems, seeking to understand collective behaviours, interactions, and patterns using similar methodologies. These fields demonstrate a broader applicability of physical laws across diverse domains of inquiry. Nonetheless, before exploring the nuances of econophysics, we must clarify the terminology. “Econophysics”, which stands for the French économie physique, denotes the interdisciplinary field that applies principles of physics to economics. Sussan (2011) clarifies in an article the meaning of the term “éconophysique”: it refers to the application of theories derived from the observation of behaviours found in the external world and explained by physicists to the social sciences, thus underscoring the interconnectedness between natural and societal phenomena. It is important to note that one of the main goals of econophysics today is to detect and understand the complexity of economic systems and their economic crises, utilizing methods from physics.8 However, the scope of econophysics extends beyond just crisis detection: it also aims to analyse various economic phenomena, such as market dynamics, trade, wealth distribution, etc. Unlike econometrics, which relies on mathematical and statistical methods to validate economic theories and establish causal relationships—often focusing on linear models—, econophysics approaches economic systems through the principles of physics. By incorporating stochastic processes, statistical mechanics, and nonlinear dynamics, econophysics emphasizes patterns, emergent behaviours, and large-scale interactions.9 This interdisciplinary perspective enables a broader understanding of economic phenomena, yet it is important to distinguish between the two fields. For instance, while econometrics is concerned with defining models or laws within a statistical framework, this does not necessarily align it with econophysics, which draws its methodologies from the physical sciences, as highlighted by Stewart (1941, 1947) and Isard (1954). Although the models they employed differ from those used today, both scholars were aware of this distinction, adopting an approach that was consistent with the application of physics to the social sciences. This historical perspective underscores a broader challenge in economics: its inherently multifaceted nature, which defies explanation or resolution through a unique scientific approach. Moreover, the economist Marshall emphasized this point in his book Principles of Economics (Marshall [1890] 1920; Keynes 1924). While he appreciated scholars who adopted a comprehensive approach, he argued that the social sciences, including economics, cannot be regarded as a singular science due to their inherent complexity and dependence on human behaviour (Shionoya and Nishizawa 2008). This perspective highlights the need for a deeper exploration of specific themes, such as that conducted by econophysics, which blends insights from different scientific traditions to address complex economic phenomena. In response to this need, the term “econophysics” emerged as an interdisciplinary field, gaining formal recognition.
Various scholars suggest that the discipline has been formalised over the past three decades, particularly emerging in the mid-1990s to describe the growing body of work by physicists who began applying their methodologies to study financial markets, such as stock markets (Kutner et al. 2019, 2022; Jovanovic and Schinckus 2017). This concept was first introduced during a conference on statistical physics in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), India, in 1995, whose proceedings were published the following year in Physica A. The term, along with the interdisciplinary approach to economic problems, gained popularity through the collective efforts of many researchers, including key figures who laid the foundation for econophysics as an emerging discipline (Mantegna and Stanley 2000; Sinha and Chakrabarti 2012; Chakrabarti and Chakraborti 2010). Mandelbrot, with his works on Lévy processes and fractal geometry (Mandelbrot 1963, 1983, 1997; Jovanovic and Schinckus 2013), introduced a new approach for modelling financial markets, highlighting the presence of extreme behaviours and heavy tails. Stanley and Mantegna, with their contributions (Stanley and Mantegna 2000), extended these ideas by developing models based on power laws to explain the complexity of economic and financial phenomena. Their research bridged the gap between physics and economics, paving the way for econophysics as an interdisciplinary field. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that the emergence of econophysics was a collective achievement involving multiple researchers and institutions, and this paper suggests that, although its formalisation is more recent, many studies with a distinctly econophysical nature emerged in the wake of the scientific revolution led by Newton and Locke. In fact, econophysics fits within a broader field, sociophysics, or social physics, which incorporates physics to model and analyse social systems, such as human behaviours, social structures, and interactions. The term “social physics” was first mentioned in the work of the Belgian astronomer Quetelet in 1835, who applied statistical probability to study society and human behaviour in his book A Treatise on Man and the Development of His Faculties. This initial connection between physics and social sciences laid the groundwork for future developments. Historically, in Newton’s time, the boundary between physics and social sciences was more fluid: even Newton, whom Janiak (2008, 2014, 2023) describes as a “natural philosopher” rather than a scientist, applied mathematical laws to the study of social phenomena. This early intersection between physics and social sciences is part of the broader “mathematisation of natural philosophy”. Although sociophysics and econophysics have been formalised recently into distinct academic disciplines, the idea of applying physics to social sciences is much older than previously thought. The physicist Majorana (1942) noted the similarities between methodologies used in both fields, suggesting that the use of physics in economics and sociology was not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of earlier intellectual traditions. Walter Isard, an important figure in the development of regional science, recognized strong parallels between physics and economics. Isard’s work laid the groundwork for understanding how physics methods could be applied to social sciences (Capoani 2023, 2024). In this regard, in 1954, Isard became the first to introduce the application of the gravitational model in international trade, demonstrating that the concept of gravity could be applied to economics and other sciences too. The inclusion of Walter Isard’s work within the context of econophysics is rare but provides a valuable perspective, as his interdisciplinary approach offers significant insights into the integration of physical and economic models. In particular, his seminal paper, “Regional Science: Parallels from Physics and Chemistry” (Isard 1999), illustrated the connections between these disciplines, highlighting the potential of physical science methodologies to explain regional and economic phenomena. The econophysics approach, with its use of statistical models to tackle economic problems, was therefore not a recent innovation, but rather a natural extension of previous interdisciplinary work in the social sciences. Additionally, Tusset (2018) highlights the existence of studies on econophysics dating back to the 19th century. For instance, Pareto presented his significant contributions to the field of econophysics in an article dating back to 1896, where he introduced the concept of the income distribution curve, commonly known as the “Pareto law”. This law describes a distribution where a small percentage of the population holds a disproportionately large share of wealth or income. Pareto’s approach was rooted in empirical observation, reminiscent of the scientific method championed by Galilei in his investigations of the natural world. Pareto’s work not only provided valuable insights into the distribution of wealth but also laid the groundwork for the use of empirical methods in economics, a hallmark of econophysics. By identifying empirical regularities in economic phenomena, he exemplified the application of scientific principles to the study of economics, thereby earning recognition as one of the pioneers of econophysics (Tusset 2018). His groundbreaking insights into income distribution mark a profound shift from traditional perspectives to modern economic thought. While Walras, the progenitor of general equilibrium theory, upheld the primacy of abstract laws preceding empirical realities, (Pareto [1896] 1982) contended that facts precede laws. Indeed, the latter examined the distribution of incomes with scientific rigor, gathering data on it.10 He devised a graphical representation where the number of individuals earning more than a given amount was plotted against their actual earnings. To effectively capture the wide spectrum of income disparities, he employed logarithmic scales (Johnson 1937), revealing the concentration of wealth among a small, privileged segment of the population—a finding which deviated from traditional equilibrium models. In his analysis of income inequality, Pareto considered three main factors: chance, social institutions, and human nature. Rather than focusing on the distribution of abilities among individuals, he placed greater emphasis on the determination and ambition of certain individuals to control society’s resources. He emphasized that the structure of society—its environment and institutions—plays a crucial role in shaping its prosperity and in defining which traits and behaviours are rewarded. He was convinced that his model was the one that would remain in the future, even if economic changes occurred (Persky 1992). Upon discovering that the plotted data formed a straight line with a specific angle, he concluded that this angle and linearity would remain globally consistent and consistent across historical periods, expressing a belief in economic determinism. Beyond the origins of econophysics, this discipline carries on the legacy of numerous attempts to apply physical tools to understand economic and social phenomena. However, while these tools offer powerful means for modelling and understanding, it is essential to critically assess their application in economics. The dynamics of human behaviour and social structures place limits on the deterministic assumptions of physical models, and the use of physical concepts as metaphors or translations in social contexts requires particular attention. The challenge, therefore, is to adapt these frameworks to the complexity of social systems, maintaining their relevance in addressing modern economic issues.

4. Two Applications of Mechanical Physics to the Economic Field: Walras’ General Equilibrium Theory and the Concept of the Economic Function

Modern neoclassical economics is founded on two specific notions. The first one is the mathematical maximization of utilities, which has its roots in Newtonian physics. Methodologically, Lagrange and Hamilton’s maximisation techniques represent advanced mathematical tools to solve complex problems in classical mechanics and beyond, while maintaining consistency with Newton’s laws and paralleling the principle of optimisation in physics. Indeed, Newton’s discoveries revolutionised economic thought and inspired various disciplines. The second notion involves general economic equilibrium, defined by Walras (1874) and Bachelier (1900).
The “general economic equilibrium” is a quantitative mathematical formulation designed to identify the maximum point of a specific function. Walras conceived it as akin to a physical equilibrium between two balancing forces (Labini 2021). While gravitational forces are often used as a metaphor to illustrate the balance of forces, Walrasian economic equilibrium aligns more closely with Newton’s first law, where a system remains in equilibrium as long as the net forces acting upon it are zero. As (Dornbusch et al. [1978] 2018) emphasise in their book, the concept of economic equilibrium is closely tied to the principles of physics, referring to a state of rest for endogenous variables. This equilibrium represents a condition where internal variables remain unchanged unless influenced by external factors, such as shifts in exogenous variables or parameters. Traditionally, neoclassical economists view market equilibrium as the point where the forces of supply and demand align, leading to market clearance and an efficient allocation of resources. Walras’ theory of general equilibrium certainly echoes Smith’s concept of the invisible hand in its recognition of the self-regulating nature of markets. However, while Smith was optimistic about market forces leading to beneficial outcomes for society, Walras believed in the state’s crucial role in correcting potential market failures (Grillo 1976). Walras’s law, articulated by Walras and Bachelier, elucidates the relationship between the excess-demand equations within a general equilibrium framework, originating from the constraints posed by budgetary considerations (Patinkin 1989). Walras, like Schumpeter (1908), considered economics to be closely related to natural sciences and believed that it should be studied separately from social ones.
The equation below illustrates how the “Theory of General Equilibrium”, rooted in classical mechanics, parallels formulas used to determine the point of equilibrium of three bodies along a straight line. In this analogy, at the equilibrium point, balance is achieved when the vectors of gravitational forces acting on the object in the centre counteract each other. This equilibrium point marks the juncture where the magnitudes of these forces are equivalent. The main idea is that equilibrium in economic systems, as adopted by general equilibrium theory, can be conceptually related to the equilibrium point in gravitational systems where opposing forces balance each other. Equations (1) and (2) describe the equilibrium of gravitational forces and Equation (3) describes a system in which two gravitational fields (each generated by different masses) balance each other.
F 1 = G m   m 1 ( d 1 h ) 2      a n d       F 2 = G m   m 2 ( d 2 ) 2
F 1   =   F 2     G m   m 1 d 1 2 = G m   m 2 d 2 2
g t o t   1 = g t o t   2    i = 1 n 1 G   m 1 , i d 1 2 = i = 1 n 2 G   m 2 , i d 2 2
Here, F 1 and F 2 denote the attractive forces exerted by two bodies on a third one, while m , m 1 and m 2 are their masses, d 1 and d 2 are the distances between the two objects and the third, G is a gravitational constant (universal gravitational constant), g t o t   1 is the total gravitational field at a point located at a distance d 1 from m 1 , g t o t   2 is the total gravitational field at a point located at a distance d 2 from m 2 , m 1 , i is the mass of the i-th object in the first group of masses, m 2 , i is the mass of the i-th object in the second group of masses.
When Walras’ law is applied, product prices are set by market forces, reaching a stable equilibrium at the intersection of supply and demand. Equation (4) represents the economic general equilibrium:
i = 1 I P i D i = i = 1 I P i S i
In the equation, P i is the price of a certain good i, D i is the demanded quantity of that good, and S i denotes the quantity of the same good supplied in that market.
The concept of general equilibrium, as highlighted by Dornbusch et al. ([1978] 2018), serves as the cornerstone of the neoclassical paradigm. This must evolve alongside the real economy to ensure compatibility between societal progress and economic theory (Davar 2015). The scientific method is also characterized by an evolutionary approach. Moreover, the neoclassicists extensively integrated mathematics into their models.
Walras, praised by Schumpeter (1908) as “the greatest of all economists”, enhanced the mathematical understanding of economics through his theory of value, anchoring exchange values (i.e., prices) in the concept of marginal utility.11 Comparable to the precision of Newton’s celestial mechanics, Walras developed a quantitative mathematical framework of economic equilibrium, enabling the identification of overall market stability with a similar level of accuracy and detail. Building upon Walras’s groundwork, Isard (1986) emphasised the roles of both equilibrium and disequilibrium. In the social sciences, these concepts are often differentiated, with equilibrium further subdivided into static and dynamic forms. Often, in equilibrium analysis, we set forth a law of change and interpret it as relating to a time-path, e.g., of investment [t-K(t)], which is optimal for achieving a given end state, say at time t. This may be viewed as a moving equilibrium. Disequilibrium, on the other hand, arises from external shocks, leading to unpredictable responses before a new stable state is reached. In economics, this concept is closely linked to the notion of the production function, which establishes a link between “factors” (i.e., the economic inputs) and “outputs”. It demonstrates the complexity of the economic system and the relationships among its various components. Therefore, the equilibrium-seeking nature of mathematical functions aligns with the pursuit of stability in economic systems, and the distinction between equilibrium and disequilibrium in social sciences contributes to a comprehensive understanding of a dynamic system’s behaviour. Walras’ formulation of the general economic equilibrium is not based on the analysis of individual behaviours but on the mechanism of absolute free competition (Baranzini 2004). The concept of marginal utility allows businesses to extend their market and attract a greater number of customers.
However, Walrasian theory does not consider the complexities introduced by government intervention like taxation or international trade (Davar 2015). In their works Eléments d’Économie Politique Pure ou Théorie de la Richesse Sociale and the article Théorie de la Speculation, Walras and Bachelier explored the key concepts of supply and demand in economics. They focused on achieving stability or equilibrium in the marketplace, where these forces balance, preventing surpluses or shortages. Nonetheless, the general equilibrium model developed by Walras struggles at both the micro-level, where it fails to accurately predict the individual behaviours of firms and consumers, and the macro-level, where it falls short in addressing key macroeconomic relationships like those in Keynesian theories. Keynes highlighted situations where supply and demand were out of balance, emphasizing demand as a crucial economic force. He noted that increasing unemployment did not necessarily reduce wages due to their “stickiness”, meaning workers were resistant to wage cuts but less perceptive of reduced purchasing power caused by inflation. To solve such a situation, Keynes’ theory holds that the government should take action to reach full employment and a balance in terms of prices through specific policies (Jahan et al. 2014). Thus, while price and wage levels are seen as synonymous in macroeconomics, wage increases take time to match price growth, and wage reductions are even more challenging due to stickiness. This framework contrasts with earlier economic theories, such as those proposed by Smith and Ricardo, who believed that the value of a good was based on the amount of work required for its creation (Ricardo 1817). While Keynes focused on the dynamics of demand, employment, and government intervention, Smith and Ricardo’s views were more rooted in the classical labour theory of value. In contrast, marginalism argues that the value of a good or service is also influenced by the satisfaction it provides. This shift in focus from production to consumption deepens our understanding of economic value, especially in relation to the price–wage stickiness observed later in Keynesian theory.
A related concept in economics is the notion of descending marginal utility, which suggests that, as we accumulate more of a good, the additional satisfaction or happiness derived from consuming more of it decreases. Essentially, if you already have much of something, having more will make you less satisfied. This principle finds a parallel in production theory through the idea of diminishing returns. As with diminishing utility in consumption, diminishing returns describe how adding more of a single factor of production (such as labour) while holding other factors constant leads to smaller increases in output. This was a fundamental principle in the development of production theory, closely tied to the development of the production function, which represents a key tool in neoclassical theory, parallel to the evolution of the concept of economic equilibrium. The production function describes the relationship between inputs (such as labour and capital) and outputs (goods and services). From this point onward, economics began to extend the concept of the function to various applications. Economists expanded the use of functions to other areas, including utility functions, cost functions, and demand functions, among others.12 When considering the concept of inputs and outputs within economic functions, there is an implicit expectation of outcomes that unfold over time. Consequently, the application of such functions operate within a deterministic framework, the consequences of which are often underestimated in economic analysis. If we consider two sets, A and B, a function from the initial set to the second one assigns one and only one element of B to each element of A. Set A is denoted as the domain of the function, and set B represents its codomain.
As shown in Figure 1, it is required that every element of set A be associated with an element of B. However, every element of B does not need to have a counterpart in set A; hence, there can be unreached elements. The subset of elements in B for which there exists an element in A associated with them is called the image of the function. When used in social sciences, the arrow thus indicates a causal relationship following an event E from set A, and only one event E′ occurs in set B. In other words, a situation like that shown in Figure 2 cannot occur, where multiple events, E′ and E″, in the destination set are associated with one event E in the initial set.
When applied in economics or other fields, this means that an input corresponds to exactly one output without exception, indicating a one-to-one relationship between actions and reactions, which reflects the one-to-one relationship between the domain and the image. Just as in the deterministic perspective of the universe, models founded on the principle of action and reaction involve individuals who demonstrate rationality. This concept aligns with the traditional view of economic theory, particularly in the context of the production function, where economic actors are deemed rational and act consistently to maximize their well-being. From the neoclassical perspective, individuals are thought to have consistent and transitive preferences, which means their likes and dislikes are clearly defined and logically ordered. For example, if someone prefers item A over item B and item B over item C, they must also prefer item A over item C. Additionally, individuals strive to maximize their utility, or overall satisfaction, within the limits of their resources, such as income and time. It is assumed that they have access to all necessary information to make the best decisions. Hence, when presented with a range of choices, individuals are expected to choose the one that maximizes their utility.
To summarize, mathematical functions represent a specific and deterministic relationship in which each value of the independent variable corresponds to a unique value of the dependent variable. One event will be followed by only one other event, ensuring predictability. Functions, whether linear or nonlinear, are specific and deterministic. Nonlinear functions, where a small change in one variable can have disproportionate effects on others, while more complex, are also governed by precise mathematical rules, and this concept is further explored in chaos theory, which reveals that, even when an economic system follows deterministic behaviour, its sensitivity to initial conditions can lead to chaotic or unpredictable outcomes. This reflects the influence of mechanical physics and Newton’s law, which led social and economic sciences to formalize even complex phenomena through functional models, attempting to apply the deterministic rigor of exact sciences to social systems, which are often characterized by non-linearity.
However, it is important to note that, unlike classical functions, mathematical relations are more general concepts, allowing an independent variable to correspond to multiple dependent values. Similarly, morphisms in category theory are not ‘functions’ in the traditional sense, but mappings that preserve the structure between mathematical objects, with applications that are more abstract than the classical notion of a function and which can be either deterministic or non-deterministic. For example, binary relations describe associations between two sets, where each element of the first set may correspond to more than one element of the second. Multi-valued functions, although not considered functions in the classical sense, are still mathematical objects that can be used in various contexts, as they assign multiple outcomes in the codomain to a single element in the domain. Moreover, network theory focuses on a relationship between nodes and connections, where each node can be linked to multiple nodes with non-unique relations that influence the system, whereas stochastic and probabilistic models recognize that the relationships between a domain and codomain are not always deterministic, introducing randomness to account for the uncertainty inherent in many variables.
Finally, the theory of dynamic systems allows economic functions to be modelled within a dynamic system, where variables evolve over time according to deterministic or probabilistic laws, capturing the interplay of forces over time. The main idea is that the behaviour of the system is governed by underlying principles, which can be deterministic (predictable from the initial conditions) or stochastic (incorporating elements of randomness). In economics, these extensions enable deeper insights and advanced interpretations. Together, these perspectives enhance our understanding of economic systems, offering a broader framework beyond traditional deterministic paradigms.

5. Challenges and Evolution in Economic Theory: From Reductionism to Holism

Economic systems are highly complex, with many variables interacting in ways that are difficult to predict. However, despite this complexity, an economic system can still be understood within a deterministic framework, which provides a solid foundation for building models and understanding both macroeconomic and microeconomic dynamics. Most models used to describe economic phenomena are deterministic, meaning they are based on fixed relationships and causal mechanisms. However, the complex interaction of variables—such as markets, monetary policies, and agent behaviours—makes it challenging to predict precise outcomes. This does not mean that economic events are random or without cause; instead, the difficulty in modelling and predicting them may give the impression of indeterminism. To fully understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to define the concept of “Chaos”. In chaos theory, chaos refers to unpredictable behaviour in nonlinear dynamic systems, which are governed by precise and deterministic laws yet highly sensitive to initial conditions or exogenous influences. However, the concept of chaos, in the sciences, is inherently indeterminate and, therefore, incomprehensible, as once the laws governing a chaotic system are fully understood, the behaviour of that system would no longer be considered chaotic. Much of the misunderstanding surrounding chaos theory stems from this. The use of the word “chaos” naturally evokes the idea of indeterminism, which could be misleading since chaos theory operates within a deterministic framework. Chaos should therefore be understood in an epistemic rather than an ontological sense, as it pertains to our ability to predict and describe complex systems rather than an inherent indeterminacy in the nature of phenomena. Some phenomena may appear incomprehensible due to the limitations of our understanding or the complexity of the system, but this does not imply that they are inherently indeterminate. It is important not to confuse the concept of chaos with “complexity”. While chaos theory pertains to systems that follow deterministic laws but are difficult to predict due to their sensitivity to initial conditions, complexity refers to systems, whether deterministic or indeterministic, with many interacting variables. In this context, we can conclude that, although deterministic, chaotic systems exhibit unpredictable behaviour, making long-term predictions difficult. This is evident in weather forecasting (Buizza 2002), where small variations in initial conditions can lead to significantly different outcomes.
For economics, the main implication is that, while complexity may limit predictions’ accuracy, it does not change the underlying deterministic nature of economic processes. Despite the challenges in making long-term predictions, the analysis of historical data and the identification of recurring patterns, through methods such as statistical analysis or machine learning, can facilitate predictions over shorter periods by exploiting the repetition of similar configurations in historical data.
In mathematics, for instance, the concept of a function reflects a deterministic or reductionist approach, akin to the principles inherent in mechanical physics, where indeterminism is not accounted for within the framework. However, in various fields like economics, the inherent unpredictability of human behaviour challenges the application of universal laws, emphasizing the limitations of relying solely on mathematical principles for prediction. This challenge has led to the emergence of an alternative approach to reductionism, holism. Unlike reductionism, which implies every action is predetermined by underlying mechanisms, holistic perspectives acknowledge uncertainty. The determinability of economic phenomena, while acknowledging the challenges in precisely calculating and predicting the behaviour of economic agents, can be achieved through the use of statistical and probabilistic models, which represent and attempt to understand causality in complex systems (Stigler 1986).
Similarly, in physics, the evolution of models reflects a progression from deterministic frameworks to approaches that acknowledge an intrinsic element of indeterminism within systems. Newton’s gravitational model, expanded upon by Einstein, adheres to determinism, while Einstein’s relativity theory relies on causality in order to understand the relationship between time and space. However, in the realm of quantum mechanics, which introduces a degree of indeterminism, Bohr proposed a variable of randomness with concepts like the absence of objective reality and observer-induced partiality. While deterministic methodologies find applicability in economic studies by predicting outcomes from known conditions and rules, they must consider stochastic elements due to human limitations in knowledge. Therefore, in the field of physics, deterministic models such as Newton’s and Einstein’s gravity models coexist alongside the indeterministic framework introduced by quantum mechanics.13 Indeed, mathematical tools, statistical approaches, and probability theories used by the deterministic perspective can face some limitations, as uncertainty plays an important role in every social system.
Newtonian physics is known for its deterministic and reductionist approach, where complex phenomena are broken down into simpler, more understandable parts. The economic equilibrium model, rooted in Newtonian physics, has been influential in shaping economic models despite its limitations. However, there were numerous obstacles to overcome in the application of physics to the study of economics. Moreover, in physics, with the advent of quantitative physics, there has been a shift beyond pure determinism and reductionism.
Reductionism shares some similarities with marginalism, as they both analyse systems by examining their constituent parts or incremental changes. While reductionism involves breaking down complex systems into simpler elements, marginalism focuses on analysing decisions at the margin. However, the challenges posed by Einstein’s concerns persist today, and the tension between reductionist and holistic approaches remains a central issue within the scientific discourse.14
This tension is also evident in economics, where contemporary economists often overlook the scientific foundations of neoclassical economics. Despite significant advancements over the past century, neoclassical economists continue to draw valid conclusions through simplification. A potential issue could arise when people overlook or neglect the simplifying assumptions that form the basis of neoclassical economic models. However, the notion of a “revolution in economics” remains vague, as many topics within economic theory still trace their roots to early 20th-century ideas. Defining a new paradigm capable of supplanting the classical or neoclassical framework remains a difficult challenge (Davar 2015), as it involves challenging deeply entrenched assumptions and methodologies.
Over the past 30 years, scientists studying complex physical systems have found that, while equilibrium states might theoretically exist, achieving and maintaining them is often impractical or takes an exceptionally long time due to the inherent complexities of these systems. Various systems are intrinsically vulnerable to small perturbations, and undergo intermittent adjustments characterized by stable epochs punctuated by rapid and unpredictable changes. These systems often exhibit non-linear behaviours and are sensitive to their initial conditions, leading to unpredictable outcomes over time. This highlights the challenge of integrating theoretical physics, through particularly complex systems, into economic studies and questions the practical significance of equilibrium assumptions.
Neoclassical models face two main critiques: they fail to predict global crises and mistakenly assume that the economic system naturally tends toward equilibrium; nevertheless, these models may not adequately capture or predict large-scale economic disruptions that can affect the entire system. This is a crucial limitation, especially considering the significance of global crises in shaping economic dynamics. Regarding the second critique, it must be noted that economic systems are characterized by a state of disequilibrium, which refers to a situation where supply and demand are not in balance, challenging the idea of a self-adjusting system moving toward equilibrium.
Formulating theories that describe the laws of change in a disequilibrium state is complex due to various factors, making it challenging to accurately predict and model economic behaviour. Researchers often examine historical data during relatively stable periods to identify average patterns and make plausible claims about the laws of change. This approach focuses on less disrupted or disequilibrated states to understand the system’s behaviour.
Indeterministic perspectives, from their point of view, sharply contrast with deterministic views by emphasizing the complexity, intrinsic uncertainty and dynamic nature of economic systems. According to indeterminists, economies are often in states of disequilibrium due to continuous changes and adaptations, influenced by random factors that cannot be easily determined or predicted and which are thus considered external or exogenous to traditional economic models. During the late 19th century, economists such as Veblen and Hayek offered a valid alternative to static and deterministic approaches.15 Veblen (1898) proposed the concept of “evolutionary economics”, which is a dynamic approach to the study of economics. Neoclassical and evolutionary economics differ strongly in their general assumptions about humans. While neoclassical economists drew inspiration from mechanical physics, evolutionary economists are influenced by biological processes. This perspective places greater emphasis on the holistic and adaptive nature of economic systems, contrasting with the reductionist framework of neoclassical economics. In particular, the influence of quantum indeterminacy highlights the limits of deterministic analysis in economics, especially when addressing aggregated variables or complex systems. An interesting parallel can also be found in the sciences, where the indeterministic perspective challenges deterministic thought, particularly classical mechanics and the macro laws of physics, advocating instead for a microcosmic approach or suggesting that biological processes are more holistic in nature, although this is debated.
In this context, “evolutionary economics” emerges as a specific discipline that considers economics as a process of continuous evolution over time. It suggests that economic systems develop through a process of variation, selection, and retention. It diverges from neoclassical and marginalist economics in its methodologies, dynamics, and approaches to innovation and change: while the latter often assume static conditions, equilibrium, and rational behaviour, evolutionary economics takes a more dynamic, historical perspective. It sees the economy as adaptive, focusing on understanding innovation, change, and the emergence of new economic structures over time.16 This adaptive approach aligns with Heraclitus’ ancient philosophy of permanent change, expressed in his idea that: “everything flows”, meaning that nothing is static or permanent. In contrast to neoclassical economics, which relies on deductive reasoning, mathematical models, and equilibrium analysis, evolutionary economics adopts an inductive, historical approach, emphasizing real-world institutions, historical processes, and the role of uncertainty in economic behaviour. Rather than prioritizing the precision of mathematical models, evolutionary economics seeks a broader and more empirical understanding of economic dynamics, recognizing the limitations of purely theoretical frameworks in capturing the complexity of real-world phenomena.
Hodgson (1993) highlights this adaptive perspective, noting that the evolutionary concept of human nature aligns closely with the ideas of institutional economics: this concept, as presented by Veblen (1914), is characterized by both good instincts, such as workmanship, and bad ones.
This perspective emphasizes the dynamic and adaptive nature of human behaviour within economic systems, aligning with the broader concept of evolutionary change. Moreover, evolutionary economics shares a conceptual connection with process philosophy, as they both underline the dynamic nature of reality and challenge static and deterministic worldviews. Like natural selection in biology, Veblen viewed social structures’ evolution as a result of selection processes. This may imply that certain economic traits, behaviours, or institutions are favoured and persist over time due to their adaptive qualities. This view connects evolutionary economics with the work of other pioneers, like Schumpeter.17
Another relevant concept in this context is “bounded rationality”, which further emphasizes the acknowledgment of cognitive limitations in decision-making within the evolutionary framework. It refers to the idea that individuals have limited cognitive capacities and make decisions based on their adaptation to the environment. It implies that decision-making is not always perfectly rational, challenging the assumption of perfect rationality in neoclassical economics.18 This concept highlights the limits of human knowledge and the need to account for uncertainty and imperfect information in economic analysis.
Another central challenge in the application of physical models to economics is the issue of measurability. In physics, measurement is never a neutral act or without implications: the concept of measurability is closely connected to the role of the observer and the reference system from which the phenomenon is observed. In physics, measurability is a crucial characteristic for distinguishing between the ontological plane, which refers to the intrinsic nature of the universe, and the epistemological plane, which deals with how we know and measure phenomena. This distinction creates an inevitable asymmetry: while natural phenomena can be described with theoretical models that capture their structure, their measurement is always subject to a certain approximation, which introduces a margin of error (Taylor 1999). This error is not random but is inherently linked to how the tools and methods of measurement interact with the system being studied. In classical physics, such an error is mainly seen as an epistemological uncertainty, a limit to our ability to perfectly represent a system, without necessarily implying a principle of ontological indeterminism, which is central in other disciplines such as quantum physics.
When we apply this theoretical structure to social sciences and economics, even more complex issues arise. Indeed, measurability, in this context, extends beyond observable and well-defined physical quantities to encompass variables influenced by subjective factors such as individual preferences, expectations, or strategic behaviours. It is further complicated by dynamic external contexts like geopolitical crises or regulatory changes. As a result, isolating and precisely defining errors becomes significantly more challenging compared to the realm of physics.
This complexity introduces the theme of operationalization, which represents the transition from theoretical concepts to their practical representation through measurable indicators. In this process, some rules for the measurement process are specified, and these constitute the operational definition of the measured variable (Byrne 2005). While, in physics, the indicators are often tied to well-defined natural quantities (such as mass, velocity, or force), in economics, indicators must be constructed to capture phenomena that have no direct correspondence to physical reality. For example, the concept of “economic equilibrium” is not an observable fact but a theoretical construct that requires a series of assumptions and simplifications to be mathematically represented and empirically measured. Within the same context, another key consideration is the use of analogies and metaphors. Although these can facilitate understanding of complex concepts, it is important to note that the connection between physics and economics is not linear. Physical models must be adapted to the unique characteristics of economic and social systems, which are shaped by dynamic and subjective factors that are absent in physics.
Moreover, in the context of the physical sciences, measurement is closely tied to the notion of the observer. The difficulty in measuring a physical phenomenon accurately is often linked to the fact that observation itself can influence the phenomenon being measured (Heisenberg 1927). This concept is fundamental in quantum physics, where the observer’s point of view determines the perception and understanding of the measured phenomena. In classical physics, measurement and observation are seen as activities in which the observer is external and neutral with respect to the system being observed. This principle was formulated by Galileo Galilei (1632), who promoted the idea that nature can be described through universal laws. Newton (1675, 1687) continued this view, treating the observer as an external entity measuring natural phenomena governed by universal laws.19
In this context, measurement is seen as a purely technical activity, where the object of observation is not altered by the act of measurement. However, this view assumes that space and time are absolute and independent of the observer, a concept that was later challenged by modern theories. With Einstein’s theory of relativity, the concept of the observer underwent a radical transformation. Einstein argued that space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer’s reference frame (Einstein 1905). Therefore, the measurement of time and distance depends on the relative motion of the observer. This implies that the act of measurement is always influenced by the observer’s point of view, and the observer can never be considered completely external to the system being studied.
The true revolution, however, came with quantum mechanics, as previously mentioned. In its interpretation, Heisenberg (1927) introduced the principle of uncertainty, which asserts that it is impossible to simultaneously and precisely measure certain pairs of quantities, such as the position and momentum of a particle. This principle implies that the act of observation itself influences physical reality, making it impossible for the measured phenomenon to be “known” completely without interfering with it. According to Heisenberg, measurement is not just a physical interaction with the system but also involves a distortion of the observed object, emphasizing the connection between the observer and the physical phenomenon. In quantum physics, this concept is particularly highlighted by Schrödinger’s cat paradox (Schrödinger 1935), formulated by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935.20 While Schrödinger’s cat paradox concerns a specific quantum situation, its epistemological implication is relevant in all physical sciences: the act of observation is never neutral and can modify the observed phenomenon. Similarly, in the measurement of economic and social phenomena, the difficulty in obtaining accurate measurements also lies in the influence that the observer or the measuring instrument can exert on the system under examination.
In the context of social sciences, a similar phenomenon occurs when applying physical models, such as gravitational or chaotic theory models, to the understanding of social phenomena. Measurement and analysis are inevitably influenced by the observer’s point of view, which is an integral part of the observed system. In other words, the “disturbance” that the observer generates extends beyond the physical act of measuring, reaching into the construction of the models themselves that define what is “measurable” (Shackle 1972).
In the economic context, a concept similar to Schrödinger’s cat paradox emerges when considering the process of measuring and observing economic phenomena. Just as in quantum mechanics, where a particle’s reality remains undetermined until observed, economic “reality” can be influenced by how we choose to observe and measure phenomena. The tools and models we use to analyse economic data are never neutral: observation itself has an impact on the results we obtain. For example, the choice of an economic model or statistical indicator can determine how we interpret economic growth, unemployment, or wealth distribution.
Just as in the Schrödinger cat paradox, where the cat’s condition (alive or dead) depends on the act of observation, in economics, phenomena can be considered to exist in a “superposition” of potential states (e.g., growth or recession) until we decide to observe and measure a specific data point. In other words, the economic nature of phenomena and their interpretation are inextricably linked to the methodological approach chosen. This implies that economic data, along with their analysis, are never neutral or definitive, and can be influenced by the choices of observers and the models used, risking that economic agents may adapt their behaviour based on how data are interpreted, or pay greater attention to certain growth indicators over others, depending on interests and perceived priorities.
The difficulty in measuring the economy extends beyond the limitations of available tools; it also includes the challenge of defining what the “objects” to be measured are and how these can be described in an objective and consistent manner (Friedman 1953).
In summary, the concepts of observer and measurement in physics are not merely technical issues, but also raise fundamental ontological and epistemological questions that are reflected in social sciences. These issues, combined with the complexity and dynamism of economic systems, require a more careful and conscious analysis of the role of the observer and measurement tools in social sciences.

6. Conclusions

Starting from the influence of Newton’s laws and mechanical physics on the social sciences, this paper examines the role of these principles in modelling complex systems and shaping economic thought. Newton’s laws imply a deterministic approach, in which the future states of a system can be predicted from the current conditions, suggesting that the study of the present encapsulates future dynamics. Additionally, as is well known, the unresolved dichotomy between quantum mechanics and both classical mechanics and Einstein’s theory of relativity continues to persist without complete reconciliation, representing one of the greatest challenges in physics. Therefore, in this conclusion, it is essential to outline both the applications and limitations of this deterministic approach. Social sciences, by their nature, must contend with the unpredictability of human behaviour, which is shaped by individual diversity and the concept of free will—elements that, at first glance, seem more aligned with an indeterministic approach. Nevertheless, the development of social sciences has progressed through the use of deterministic models and theories, which were historically framed in physics as the only possible approach for understanding phenomena. Today, following the quantum revolution, the inherent complexity of predicting future outcomes has prompted scholars to explore both deterministic and indeterministic perspectives. This dual approach acknowledges the richness of these frameworks, fostering a deeper and multifaceted comprehension of the complexities within social systems.
Building on this evolving perspective, as mentioned, chaos theory has emerged as a key framework in socio-economic debates, offering insights into the behaviour of complex systems. It illustrates how the interaction between variables and the relationship between cause and effect may not be immediately obvious. This creates a context of uncertainty and unpredictability, where a system’s dynamics, even within a deterministic framework, cannot be fully determined or predicted due to their nonlinear nature and sensitivity to initial conditions. However, it is important to note that this critique is epistemological in nature, as it pertains to how humans perceive reality, rather than ontological, which refers to the nature of being itself. Our perceptions may not fully capture the complexity of reality and the universe, and the distinction between ’deterministic’ and ’determinable’ is crucial, as these are different concepts.21 Chaos theory, therefore, does not necessarily oppose determinism, but rather reveals the complexity and unpredictability inherent in deterministic systems.
In social sciences, this epistemological dimension becomes particularly relevant due to human nature, as it underscores the importance of perception, interpretation, and cognitive limitations in shaping social realities. In this context, understanding how individuals and societies perceive and make sense of the world is crucial, as it influences the construction of knowledge and the formulation of policies. The role of human perception in social outcomes and decision-making processes makes the challenges posed by chaos theory even more critical in this context. In economics, evolutionary economists have critiqued the assumption of rationality made by neoclassical economists. However, rationality is still used in a differentiated way, referring to subsets of economic agents rather than an intrinsic trait of individuals. While neoclassical economics assumes collective rationality aimed at maximizing well-being, evolutionary thought sees rationality as varying between groups and individuals, depending on variables such as gender, age, education level, or other specific characteristics of the groups being considered. The key difference, then, lies in the level of analysis, not in the concept of rationality itself. This relativism, which rejects the universal rationality assumed by neoclassicals for consumers, producers, and other economic agents but reintroduces it in a segmented way, ends up criticizing itself and its own solutions. In fact, although rationality can be divided into various subgroups, down to the individual level—i.e., rationality that characterizes a single subject—even the rational behaviour of an individual is not always consistent over time or across situations. The criticisms that evolutionary economists make of neoclassical thought thus reemerge in a different form within evolutionary thought itself, highlighting that certain simplifications are inevitable in any social science in the construction of theoretical models. Moreover, it is beyond doubt that neoclassicals were aware of such limitations while accepting the same simplifications.
Similarly, in physics, although a degree of indeterminism—particularly that derived from quantum mechanics and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle—is now widely accepted as a cornerstone of modern quantum theory, this perspective has not been universally embraced. In fact, as already mentioned, Einstein strongly opposed this interpretation, claiming that “God does not play dice with the universe”. Nonetheless, a significant portion of physics, such as classical mechanics and Newton’s theory of gravitation, continues to maintain its deterministic framework. Without the assumption of determinism, many theories and physical phenomena would be difficult to understand, as determinism provides a useful framework for predicting the evolution of complex systems. However, pure indeterminism, by its very definition, would challenge the existence of universal physical laws, which are fundamental to modern science. Even within the current indeterministic context, characterized by quantum physics, probability plays a crucial role. Without a deterministic interpretation underlying probabilistic phenomena, every possibility would be equipotent and meaningless, as there would be no objective criterion to differentiate events. Therefore, the use of probability in quantum physics does not imply the abandonment of a deterministic model, but rather an extension of it that accounts for the complexity of phenomena at the microscopic scale.
Moreover, it is important to emphasize once again that the indeterminism arising in the quantum realm is ontological in nature. While epistemological indeterminism refers to the intrinsic limits of our knowledge and predictive abilities, quantum indeterminism implies an inherent uncertainty in the fundamental laws governing subatomic particles. In other words, it is not merely a matter of difficulty in observing or calculating precisely, but rather that the very laws of nature seem to contain an element of indeterminacy. A similar analogy can be drawn with human behaviour, which can be more unpredictable when considered individually rather than in a group. This is particularly observable in physics with thermodynamics, which deals with systems that, on a macroscopic scale, follow deterministic laws. However, on a microscopic scale, where quantum mechanics comes into play, the behaviour becomes inherently indeterministic. At the microscopic level, we cannot predict with certainty the behaviour of particles but can only calculate the probabilities of certain events. This leads us to view things from a higher perspective, where the focus is on the sum of elements rather than on the microscopic level. This perspective prompts the adoption of a statistical approach, which allows for the description of the collective behaviour of complex systems, as exemplified by the ideal gas law. Econophysics, for example, illustrates this approach through the Pareto principle, which shows that a small percentage of the population controls a large share of resources. Although not deterministic (since individual wealth distribution cannot be predicted), it is a statistical law that can be modelled on a global scale. Both the Pareto and thermodynamic laws demonstrate that, while causal relationships exist, they are often difficult to discern at the microscopic level due to the intricate complexity of the variables involved.
However, when applied to economics, ontological indeterminism must be approached with caution, as it could introduce significant risks, especially if extended to the social sciences, which are inherently collective. Taken literally, this form of indeterminism could lead to relativism, undermining the ability to build economic theories and policies based on principles of causality and determinism, as in the neoclassical tradition. In fact, a quantum-type interpretation could promote too fluid and uncertain a view of economic reality, jeopardizing the theoretical stability and predictability necessary to understand and manage economic phenomena. While quantum indeterminism is relevant in physics, its application in economics could pose risks, potentially leading us to question the merits of a more deterministic view, which offers a solid framework for analysing and predicting economic behaviour. To clarify the implications of these perspectives, it is important to consider the role of deterministic models in providing clarity and consistency for policy development. These models are particularly effective in scenarios where patterns and trends can be generalized, as they offer predictive tools that, despite simplifying reality, are useful for designing economic interventions. For instance, macroeconomic policies often rely on deterministic simulations to anticipate the impact of monetary changes. Such models assume that economic agents—including consumers, producers, and investors—operate under predictable conditions, allowing for the development of interventions (e.g., fiscal policies) aimed at achieving goals such as economic stability or growth. However, every economic model has intrinsic limitations—particularly the free will that characterizes human behaviour and external shocks, which represent exogenous factors and are therefore beyond the scope of economic models. These aspects highlight the need to recognize the boundaries of determinism when applied to social sciences. For example, in financial markets, deterministic models struggle to account for sudden crises triggered by unpredictable events, such as geopolitical conflicts or technological breakthroughs. Such scenarios underscore the importance of complementing deterministic approaches with methods that account for randomness and variability, such as stochastic modelling. Understanding the intrinsic limitations of deterministic theories allows scholars and policymakers to better address both predictability and uncertainty. This approach enables the development of more flexible models capable of interpreting and managing the complexity of economic systems.
In conclusion, although this paper has primarily focused on the deterministic perspective, leaving room for future research to explore the impact of indeterminism in the social sciences, it is important to note that the application of physics to economic analysis involves both determinism and indeterminism. While a model retains reductionist traits until external factors disrupt its equilibrium, it encounters limitations in structured economic and social contexts, where predefined patterns intersect with the complexity, ambiguity, and epistemological unpredictability of the social sciences. Human limitations further contribute to unpredictability, aligning with the inherent indeterministic nature of systems; therefore, holistic analysis may challenge deterministic methods. However, Newtonian physics, as a broad framework, remains solid and accurate where its principles hold true. Despite the limitations of the deterministic approach and the new perspectives offered by evolutionary economics and other holistic methods, the principles of Newtonian mechanics continue to provide a useful and valid paradigm, serving as an excellent starting point for economic analysis. In conclusion, the debate on determinism, presented in this paper, continues to generate discussions within both the physical and social sciences. It is widely recognized that this issue, along with the broader debate between determinism and indeterminism, requires much deeper exploration. While this paper serves as an introduction to these complex themes, further research will be necessary for a complete investigation of the broader implications of these ideas and their impact on our understanding of economic systems.


The author declares that no funding was received for this research.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.


I would like to express my gratitude to Giancarlo Corò, Elisa Barbieri, and Gianfranco Tusset for their encouragement and for inspiring me to further investigate the subject.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This perspective reflects Newton’s identity as a scientist, emphasizing his groundbreaking contributions to physics and mathematics. However, it is worth noting that Newton also had a profound interest in alchemy, theology, and esoteric studies, which reveal a more complex and multifaceted figure beyond the purely scientific realm (Dobbs 1975; Forbes 1949).
Quantum mechanics has proven extraordinarily successful in describing and predicting microscopic phenomena. Its principles, including indeterminism and probability, are well-supported by experiments and have led to practical applications in technologies such as semiconductors, etc. Bohr, advocating for the Copenhagen interpretation, was correct in recognizing indeterminism as a fundamental feature of the quantum realm. While Einstein criticized quantum indeterminism, he raised valid concerns that quantum mechanics might not be the final theory. His skepticism towards indeterminism remains relevant, as quantum mechanics can be indeterministic under certain interpretations (like Copenhagen), and ongoing efforts, such as string theory, seek to uncover a more deterministic framework for phenomena that currently appear indeterministic.
Chaos theory highlights the deterministic yet unpredictable nature of certain systems, often due to their sensitivity to conditions not only at the start but throughout the entire causal flow.
While this study focuses on the deterministic principles of classical physic, it is important to note that econophysics encompasses other relevant approaches and concepts not explored in this paper. This includes critical phenomena (Stanley 1999), the modelling of the economic systems from the perspective of interactions between agents, and the statistical physics approach, which involves techniques such as entropy analysis. Additionally, there are the physically based stock market models, such as the Ising models and oscillators-based models, which attempt to explain market movements using physical laws (Levy et al. 1994; Stanley and Mantegna 2000; Sornette 2014; Sinha and Chakrabarti 2012; Campajola 2020; Kabelac 2021). While these topics are of significant interest and have led to substantial developments within econophysics, they fall outside the scope of this study. However, they are briefly mentioned here as they offer complementary perspectives to our analysis.
For example, classical economic theories argue that changes in the money supply primarily impact nominal variables. While these theories provide valuable insights into long-term behaviour, their short-term relevance is limited, as evidenced by the resistance of prices and wages to immediate adjustments, along with the influence of technological advancements and the optimal decisions of economic agents.
The significance of “growth” depends on the variable considered, with improving living conditions as a primary goal of economic endeavour and central to the idea of progress (Sen 1988).
Time is a finite resource that must be allocated efficiently, emphasizing the concept of opportunity cost—that is, the benefits sacrificed when one alternative is chosen over another. This principle connects to physical concepts such as the laws of conservation and the principle of least action, developed after Newton by Lagrange and Hamilton. According to this principle, systems inherently favour paths that minimizes the waste of energy, thereby maximizing efficiency. Similarly, time management involves a careful evaluation of associated costs to ensure its most effective use.
In the context of economic crises, a slow and gradual process can unexpectedly precipitate a drastic transformation in the system’s state. This phenomenon can be likened to a “phase transition”, where what appeared to be an incremental change suddenly culminates in a discontinuous shift, altering the system’s fundamental dynamics. While the process may appear to “accelerate” in economic terms, what we are witnessing is not an actual acceleration but a sudden change in the organization, much like how water can remain stable in both liquid and solid states until it abruptly transitions to a new state.
A general critique of the dominant econometric approach has been discussed by Stigler (1948), Mäki and Marchionni (2010), Rahman and Dimand (2021). The critique discloses a metaphoric view of economics as an imperialist science, which, just as imperialist powers did, is guilty of invading and dominating the space of other social sciences while ignoring their fundamental laws and characteristics. This refers to the fact that economics, as a social science, has historically attempted to mathematise, drawing from both physics and mathematics.
The interested reader is directed to Schmidt (1999) for further insight.
Marginalism is such a novelty comparing to the classics, it can be considered a synonymous of neoclassic and neoclassical theory, especially if we consider the way in which we give value to things.
The neoclassical approach extensively employs functions in economics. Virtually, according to this approach, any production process can be attributed to the concept of a function. For instance, neoclassicals also view the firm as a “black box”, a closed system where internal dynamics are not considered, and inputs are transformed into outputs.
Philosophical issues remain open. Einstein raised questions about the nature of reality and the importance of a comprehensible, deterministic universe, but quantum mechanics has challenged many of our intuitive, deterministic views of reality.
Although various hypotheses have been proposed, in physics as well as in works of science fiction, reconciliation has not yet occurred. It is worth mentioning Asimov’s psychohistory, which aims to make general predictions about the future behaviour of very large groups of people. It is practically a science that aims to analyse complexity. The goal is still to reconcile the holistic and the reductionist approaches, as it is one of the most important debates in physics and science in general.
Although the evolutionary approach views the deterministic one as static, conceptually it is not. Static and dynamic perspectives in economics refer to different time horizons and are not necessarily linked to the reductionist or holistic approaches, which concern the overall or detailed view of economic phenomena.
Nelson, a notable American economist, has made significant contributions to the field of evolutionary economics in shaping the understanding of technological change, innovation, and economic development within the framework of evolutionary thinking. He considered evolutionary economics as a process led by two mechanisms: introducing new elements and selecting useful existing elements.
Schumpeter is often considered a precursor to evolutionary economics due to several key ideas in his works that align with the core concept of evolutionary economics. His most well-known concept of “creative destruction” describes capitalism as a process of continuous innovation leading to cycles of economic growth and downturns. His work laid the groundwork for many concepts in evolutionary economics. Subsequent economists expanded and refined these ideas, developing a distinct evolutionary economic framework.
Although some critics, such as Hodgson (1993), argued that Schumpeter’s theory is in contrast with evolutionary economics, he is still considered a precursor in this field, as his theory clearly deals with evolutionary forces analogous to Darwinism (Kelm 1997).
It is of fundamental importance to mention Galileo Galilei in this context. This is because Newton drew inspiration from him to develop his famous three laws of motion. Indeed, Galileo Galilei, while under house arrest following a trial for heresy, published some studies on mechanics shortly before his death. It was from these final studies that Isaac Newton, who was born in the same year Galilei died, drew inspiration to formulate his three laws of motion. These laws, which explained how planets move, were of immense importance and had a profound impact on society (Hall 2012). Within this framework, Galileo’s findings played a pivotal role in shaping the foundation of Newton’s theories.
In the “Schrödinger’s cat” paradox, imagine a cat enclosed in a box with a device that may kill or leave it alive, depending on the behavior of a subatomic particle. If the subatomic particle is in a “decaying” state, the cat dies; if it is in a “non-decaying” state, the cat remains alive. The interesting part is that, according to quantum mechanics, the subatomic particle can be in both states (decaying and non-decaying) simultaneously until it is observed. This means that until we open the box to look, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time.
Thus, while determinability reflects our epistemological capacity to predict and comprehend phenomena—often constrained by the complexity of the system—determinism denotes an ontological framework where the governing laws remain fixed and causal, even if they elude complete decipherability. Complexity does not negate determinism; it highlights the limits of our models in fully describing such systems.


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Figure 1. Graphical illustration of a function. Source: personal elaboration.
Figure 1. Graphical illustration of a function. Source: personal elaboration.
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Figure 2. Graphical representation of what is not a function. As noted in the text above, a function from an initial set A (domain) to a second one B (codomain) assigns one and only one element of B to each element of A, as it is the case with the black arrows indicating a causal relationship following an event E from set A to a single event E’ in set B; conversely, the red arrows in the figure indicates a causal relationship that, by associating a single event E in set A with multiple events E’ and E’’ in the destination set B, cannot occur. Source: personal elaboration.
Figure 2. Graphical representation of what is not a function. As noted in the text above, a function from an initial set A (domain) to a second one B (codomain) assigns one and only one element of B to each element of A, as it is the case with the black arrows indicating a causal relationship following an event E from set A to a single event E’ in set B; conversely, the red arrows in the figure indicates a causal relationship that, by associating a single event E in set A with multiple events E’ and E’’ in the destination set B, cannot occur. Source: personal elaboration.
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Capoani, L. From Newton’s Laws to Walras’ Equilibrium: A Historical Perspective on Determinism in Economics and Social Sciences. Histories 2025, 5, 9.

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Capoani L. From Newton’s Laws to Walras’ Equilibrium: A Historical Perspective on Determinism in Economics and Social Sciences. Histories. 2025; 5(1):9.

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Capoani, Luigi. 2025. "From Newton’s Laws to Walras’ Equilibrium: A Historical Perspective on Determinism in Economics and Social Sciences" Histories 5, no. 1: 9.

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Capoani, L. (2025). From Newton’s Laws to Walras’ Equilibrium: A Historical Perspective on Determinism in Economics and Social Sciences. Histories, 5(1), 9.

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