The Multiple Aspects of the Given—Ontological Remarks on Ernst Mach’s Empiricism
:1. Historical Background: Philosophy, Science and Metaphysics
2. Is Mach an Idealist? Lenin’s Critique
3. Perception and Imagination: Aristotle, Descartes, and Kant
4. Mach: Experience without Kantian Constitutive Acts
5. Sense Datum and Sense Data
6. Research as Work
7. Exposition and Observation
8. Inevitable Anthropomorphism and Its Accentuation in Experimental Science
9. Our Access to Reality
“In earlier epochs man saw himself opposite nature. Nature, in which dwelt all sorts of living beings, was a realm existing according to its own laws, and into which man with his way of living somehow had to fit himself. We, on the other hand, live in a world so completely transformed by man that, whether we are using the machines of our daily life, taking food prepared by machines, or striding through landscapes transformed by man, we invariably encounter structures created by man so that in a sense we meet only ourselves.”38
“The atomic physicist has had to resign himself to the fact that his science is but a link in the infinite chain of man’s argument with nature, and that it cannot simply speak of nature ‘in itself’.”39
10. Conclusions
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Conflicts of Interest
1 | [1], p. 38. Cf. also the explicit refusal of passing from physics to psychology, p. 31. |
2 | Concerning the pragmatic tendency in Mach, see [2]. Gori also uses Werner Stegmeier’s highly interesting philosophy of orientation as a later clarifying reference. |
3 | Erkenntnis und Irrtum [3], p. 28 and Analyse der Empfindungen [1], p. 38. Mach also relies on Fechner, but with a different stress on natural inherence. In this context one can recall that Fechner recognizes his indebtedness to Spinoza when it comes to the idea of a singular substance which can be approached through its two known attributes thought and extension (“In all dem stimmen wir ganz mit Spinoza überein”). Fechner, however, differs on other points and does not share Spinoza’s critique of teleology. How we should situate Mach in this context, is not completely clear, but the critique of dualism meant in the above used expression “in a quite Spinozistic way” seems common to Mach, Spinoza and Fechner. However, when I in this article rather use Aristotle than Spinoza as a reference, it is because the Aristotelian theory of perception seems more fruitful for central issues in the present article. Concerning Fechner and Spinoza, see Gustav Theodor Fechner, Zend-Avesta: oder über die Dinge des Himmels und des Jenseits vom Standpunkt der Naturbetrachtung, Bd. 2, Leopold Voß, Leipzig 1851, pp. 351–355 [4]. |
4 | [1], pp. 2–3 and 23. Cf. as well p. 20, “Das Ich ist unrettbar” and p. 253 on the distinction between the internal and the external and p. 298 on the distinction between subject and object. |
5 | Lenin seems to have no interest in the historicity of science, but instead conflates the object sphere of natural science with the material reality of a politically understood historical materialism. |
6 | Concerning the Russian followers of Mach, see Daniela Steila, “Mach’s Reception in Pre-revolutionary Russia”, in Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach Life, Work, Influence, Springer, Cham 2019 [6]. |
7 | “The word ‘element’, which many naïve people (as we shall see) take to be some sort of a new discovery, in reality only obscures the question, for it is a meaningless term which creates the false impression that a solution or a step forward has been achieved.” V. I. Lenin, Materialism and Empirio-criticism [5], p. 46. And similarly, if “the ‘element’ is not a sensation—in which case absolutely no thought whatever is attached to the ‘new’ term; it is merely high-sounding trifling.” [5], p. 56. |
8 | [5], p. 46. Cf. “The much-vaunted elimination of the antithesis between materialism /.../ and idealism by means of the term ‘experience’ instantly proves to be a myth as soon as we proceed to definite and concrete problems. Such, for instance, is the problem of the existence of the earth prior to man, prior to any sentient being.” [5], p. 72. A late echo of a similar attitude is found in Maurizio Ferraris, Manifesto of New Realism, SUNY, New York 2014 [7]. Ferraris argues mainly against currents that he labels “postmodernist”, but interprets them somewhat astonishingly as ontological radicalizations of Kantianism. His “new realism” is understood as a defence of “objectivity, reality, and truth” against a Kantian “absolute constructivism” (p. 24) and in general against the “transcendental fallacy” of Descartes and Kant, which is understood as an overemphasis of the subject (p. 25). It is certainly true that one should not confound “epistemology and ontology”, but it is questionable when Ferraris describes being as something “objectively” given. To regard reality as something only objectively and not absolutely given seems precisely to be the quite anthropocentric inner logic of the mentalist tendency represented by Descartes and Kant. Through his notion of objectivity, Ferraris would thus confound epistemology and ontology precisely in the way he wants to contest. Concerning his example, water, cf. Jan-Ivar Lindén, Philosophie der Gewohnheit. Über die störbare Welt der Muster, Alber, Freiburg/München 1995, pp. 140–141 [8]. |
9 | According to Lenin, Mach is a Berkeleyan [5], p. 27. |
10 | One could even say that Mach partially neglects the percipi in overstressing the percipere. It is symptomatic that he speaks of Empfindung (sensation) as the given, not of das Empfundene. There is no clear phenomenological distinction between act and content. |
11 | Lenin quotes Mach’s Mechanics (1883): “Sensations are not ‘symbols of things’. The ‘thing’ is rather a mental symbol for a complex of sensations of relative stability. Not the things (bodies) but colours, sounds, pressures, spaces, times (what we usually call sensations) are the real elements of the world”. Lenin does not want to recognize Mach’s stress on the qualities as “real elements of the world”. The materialism of Lenin thus, paradoxically enough, seems to deny sensual reality. It is quite strange for a materialist to be so close to Plato. The quote above is from E. Mach, Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung historisch-kritisch dargestellt, 3. Auflage, Leipzig, 1897, p. 473 [9]. |
12 | [5], p. 69. There are statements of Lenin that remind of William James and philosophers of life: “Before we perceive, we breathe; we cannot exist without air, food and drink.” Sometimes he even seems to give a pragmatic truth criterion: “The success of our action proves the conformity (Uebereinstimmung) of our perceptions with the objective nature of the things perceived”. However, even in these examples, the fact remains: the air we breathe is possible to breathe for us and other animals, the food edible and the drink drinkable in the same way. In the second quote, our praxis becomes decisive. Cf. William James, Essays in Radical Empiricism, Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London 1996, p. 37 [10]. |
13 | Or should we perhaps excuse the conceptual confusions in Lenin and suppose that the main point concerns the necessity of presupposing a material substrate rendering determinate forms actual and thus allowing the existence of things? However, such an Aristotelian conception seems unacceptable from the materialist point of view as it would conduct to philosophical questions about the ontological status of the determinations (the essences) through which matter can be realized as things. |
14 | “die Welt von der wir doch ein Stück sind”, [1], p. 9. Cf. also pp. 28, 265–266, 273, 276 and 288. |
15 | Étienne Gilson has called this tendency, which heavily relies on the innate ideas, inneism. Étienne Gilson, Étude sur le rôle de la pensée médiévale dans la formation du système cartésien, Vrin, Paris 1984, p. 27ff. [11] This is certainly not something Descartes himself would have wished as a consequence of his new method as he does not want to give up empirical science. |
16 | See especially Kritik der reinen Vernunft A 98–102: “Synthesis der Einbildungskraft” [12]. |
17 | This deduction of a subjective principle from the scientific knowledge, which is already taken for granted, makes the difference between the Kantian ‘ich denke’ and the Cartesian cogito. Descartes wanted to establish a principle for a kind of scientific knowledge that was still not dominant in the first half of the 17th century, and he thus could not take it for granted and argue in the Kantian transcendental manner (which deduces the principle in a retroactive way). This difference does of course not mean that the perspective of Descartes would only be an attempt to arrive at something that Kant later expressed more clearly—even if there is some truth in this if we regard the matter from the Kantian viewpoint and dwell on the important influences Descartes offered (something Hegel used to stress). If the perspective is that of influential history (in the sense of Wirkungsgeschichte), it is, however, important to see how philosophical orientations reflect the conditions offered by their epoch. |
18 | Kant even offers a “refutation of idealism” (Widerlegung des Idealismus). Kritik der reinen Vernunft B 274–279 [12]. |
19 | How this influence should be understood is not clear. It seems difficult to speak of a causal influence as causality is for Kant dependent on the category of relation and would thus not be possible on this level that precedes categorical formation. |
20 | Concerning the phenomenological aspects in Mach, see Hermann Lübbe, Bewußtsein in Geschichten. Studien zur Phänomenologie der Subjektivität. Mach - Husserl - Schapp - Wittgenstein, Verlag Rombach, Freiburg 1972 [13]. The first chapter is a good survey of the intellectual climate that Husserl reacted against, in which naturalism often meant affirming the subject as a part of the objects that natural science studies. As later developments of phenomenology, such as Merleau-Ponty, have shown, there are possibilities to regard natural incarnation (embodiment) in a different less objectivistic manner. It seems to me that the interesting contribution of Mach concerns the relationship between natural incarnation and our mode of perception. The second chapter in Lübbe’s book Positivismus und Phänomenologie deals with certain parallells between Mach’s refusal of duplication of experience through purely inner representations, on the one hand, and Husserlian intentionality, especially as it is developed in the later concept of the life world (Lebenswelt), on the other hand (for example, p. 61). |
21 | “Die Vorstellungen haben also die Sinnesempfindungen, soweit sie unvollständig sind, zu ersetzen, und die durch letztere anfänglich allein bedingten Prozesse weiterzuspinnen.” [1], p. 163. |
22 | Concerning the absence of a theory of intentionality in Mach, which could explain the imaginative functions in perception, cf. [1], pp. 166, 203–204. |
23 | “Die Materie ist für uns nicht das erste Gegebene. Dies sind vielmehr die Elemente (die in gewisser bekannter Beziehung als Empfindungen bezeichnet werden).” [1], p. 198. |
24 | Cf. Manfred Sommer, Evidenz im Augenblick. Eine Phänomenologie der reinen Empfindung, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. M. 1987 [14]. Sommer gives a particularly interesting interpretation of the fundamental, almost vitally constitutive role of disturbance or perturbation in Mach, pp. 129ff, 164, 174, 193, also 23–24. He also points out the difference to “the Cartesian Husserl” (“der Cartesianer Husserl”, p. 195) and speaks of the “acentric phenomenology” of Mach (“azentrische Phänomenologie”, p. 153). The other term used by Sommer, hyletic phenomenology (“hyletische Phänomenologie”, pp. 152, 159), is less precise, as it introduces the problematic concept of matter. Cf. also “Intentionalität ist selbst triebhaft”, p. 189. |
25 | Mach gives the minimal answer that there is a specific temporal sensation (Zeitempfindung) that is connected with each sensual instance. [1], pp. 203–204. Cf. retention and protention in Husserl. |
26 | |
27 | Is there perhaps, through the instrumental tendency of modern experimental science in the last analysis, still a connection with materialist scientism (whereby Bogdanov and other Russian “Machists” would have had a good point against Lenin)? One should not forget that historical materialism is linked to the role of work and workers in the historical process. Is Marxist political theory perhaps one particular expression of a modern mentality that grew particularly strong in the 19th century, reality increasingly appearing as something we can regard as points of orientation related to our interests, and so far as possible, also as something to possess? Is the transformation of classical non-interventionist theory (in the sense of Greek theorein) into instrumental reason perhaps another expression of the same cultural disposition where work has a central position? |
28 | Constructing an inclined plane in order to measure force and acceleration is a simple example of how experimental science proceeds. There are, however, a variety of experimental strategies, as well as the thought experiments, which are, for Mach, closely connected with physical experiments as a means of variation. [3], p. 183ff. Cf. Eva-Maria Jung “Experiment and Experience. On Ernst Mach’s Theory of Scientific Experimentation” in Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach—Life, Work, Influence, Springer, Cham 2019 [17]. The background is here offered by the position of Ian Hacking in Representing and Intervening: Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1983 [18], and Jung dwells on the tension between a broad idea of natural experimentation and a narrow one of the kind that is meant in the context above. |
29 | I use the adjective ‘experiential’ for that which concerns experience in general, whereas ‘experimental’ is understood as the particular kind of experience where the researcher actively gives an experiential act a certain frame, linked to his research interests. |
30 | This concerns something that can be regarded as the main presupposition and dilemma of modern epistemology: the idea of a subject that has to overcome its detachment from the reality it wants to know, the detachment at the same time somehow being the condition of possibility of the objectivity of the knowledge that the subject can acquire. |
31 | |
32 | A good historical overview of experimentalism with an additional thematic elaboration is found in Michael Heidelberger, “Die Erweiterung der Wirklichkeit im Experiment” in Michael Heidelberger & Friedrich Steinle (ed.), Experimental Essays - Versuche zu Experiment, Nomos, Baden-Baden 1998 [21]. Heidelberger contests the common idea that the experiment would only be a means to test theories, and he instead stresses how the experimental praxis essentially contributes to theories and even creates new realities. For the argument above concerning reduced alterity in experience, the view of Heidelberger brings differentiation, but does not alter the main point about the inherent anthropomorphism of the experimental method. |
33 | The “immanentists” Mach occasionally quotes defend a rather different view, even if partially nourished by Aristotle. Cf. Wilhelm Schuppe, Die aristotelischen Kategorien, Verlag von W. Weber, Berlin 1871 [24]. |
34 | [1], p. 258. All experience is a question of adaptation, and in research, this trait is accentuated as a conscious adaptation of thoughts ([1], pp. 261, 25), but even then the natural aspect remains. Solving a problem means establishing a clarifying habit of thought ([1], p. 262). Logic is in this context a way of adapting thoughts to other thoughts ([1], p. 297). |
35 | “Truth for us is simply a collective name for verification-processes, just as health, wealth, strength, etc., are names for other processes connected with life...” William James, Pragmatism, Hackett, Indianapolis and Cambridge 1981, [25], p. 98. The concept of verification in James is, however, quite singular and not to be confounded with later positivist verificationism. “Truth happens to an idea, it becomes true, it is made true by events. Its verity is in fact an event, a process”, [25], p. 92. |
36 | “Die biologische Aufgabe der Wissenschaft ist, dem vollsinnigen menschlichen Individuum eine möglichst vollständige Orientierung zu bieten.” [1], p. 29. |
37 | “die einfachsten Bausteine der physikalischen (und auch der psychologischen) Welt.” [1], p. 34. |
38 | “In früheren Epochen sah sich der Mensch der Natur gegenüber; die von Lebewesen aller Art bewohnte Natur war ein Reich, das nach seinen eigenen Gesetzen lebte und in das er sich mit seinem Leben irgendwie einzuordnen hatte. In unserer Zeit aber leben wir in einer vom Menschen so völlig verwandelten Welt, dass wir überall, ob wir nun mit den Apparaten des täglichen Lebens umgehen, ob wir eine mit Maschinen zubereitete Nahrung zu uns nehmen oder die vom Menschen verwandelte Landschaft durchschreiten, immer wieder auf die vom Menschen hervorgerufenen Strukturen stoßen, dass wir gewissermaßen immer nur uns selbst begegnen“. Werner Heisenberg, Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik, Rowohlt, Hamburg 1955, p. 121f [26]. This text of a famous physicist is written in the middle of the 20th century, but the “idealist” state of affairs that it documents was certainly discernible already in the beginning of the century. Such a science does not confirm the ambition to use the object sphere of science as confirmation of the “realism” proposed by historical materialism. Cf. also Hans Lenk, Umweltverträglichkeit und Menschenzuträglichkeit: die neue Verantwortung für unsere Umwelt und Zukunft, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe 2009 [27]. |
39 | “Der Atomphysiker hat sich damit abfinden müssen, dass seine Wissenschaft nur ein Glied ist in der endlosen Kette der Auseinandersetzung des Menschen mit der Natur, dass sie aber nicht einfach von der Natur ‚an sich‘ sprechen kann.” Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik., p. 120 [26]. |
40 | “eine solide experimentelle Basis”, [1], p. 161. |
41 |
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Lindén, J.-I. The Multiple Aspects of the Given—Ontological Remarks on Ernst Mach’s Empiricism. Philosophies 2024, 9, 151.
Lindén J-I. The Multiple Aspects of the Given—Ontological Remarks on Ernst Mach’s Empiricism. Philosophies. 2024; 9(5):151.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLindén, Jan-Ivar. 2024. "The Multiple Aspects of the Given—Ontological Remarks on Ernst Mach’s Empiricism" Philosophies 9, no. 5: 151.
APA StyleLindén, J.-I. (2024). The Multiple Aspects of the Given—Ontological Remarks on Ernst Mach’s Empiricism. Philosophies, 9(5), 151.