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Peer-Review Record

Estimates of the Age, Growth, and Mortality of Triplophysa scleroptera (Herzenstein, 1888) in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River, China

by Peilun Li 1,2, Jiacheng Liu 1,3, Tai Wang 4 and Jilong Wang 1,2,*
Reviewer 1: Anonymous
Reviewer 2: Anonymous
Submission received: 18 August 2023 / Revised: 10 September 2023 / Accepted: 12 September 2023 / Published: 13 September 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Biology and Ecology)

Round 1

Reviewer 1 Report

The study is generally well-designed and can attract the attention of readers in this field. However, there are some problems in this study. Some of these are as follows.

-In the introduction, the importance of population parameters in fish species should be better emphasized.Otherwise, it will not be clearly understood why it is necessary to determine these parameters in Triplophysa scleroptera.

-Left and Right otoliths were removed together? Which otolith was used for age assessments? Left ? Right? both of them?

-The spelling of the axis names in Fig 2 should be checked.

-In Fig 3, What the red arrows point to should be specified. For example, the counted age rings. But there are 4 arrows, not 5.

-In Table 1, there is a semantic shift due to incorrectly used terminological error. Let's explain.

''Standard total length and standard weight'' expressions were used in Table 1.

What do standard total length and standard weight mean???
*standard total length is not a correct statement. Three types of lengths are mentioned in this field. total length, fork length, and standard length.
There is no such thing as standard total length in this field.

*standard weight is not a correct statement. It should be written as weight or body weight.

-Why is the growth type not clearly specified?  Positive allometric? Negative Allometric? isometric?

-Add the relationship equation and R2 value to the Fig4.
Thus, readers will be able to evaluate it more easily.

-Table 2 needs improvement. In particular, there are many studies in the literature covering the related genre.

For the discussion part;

1-There are already studies on the length-length and length-weight relationships of this species.
Moreover, it is a major shortcoming that the article by Xie (2015), which is from the same region and includes the same species and is relevant to the present study, is not included in the discussion section or elsewhere.
Although the results of the mentioned study are in the direction of your results, the fact that they are not included in this study also shows that there is not enough literature review.

2-In addition to comparing the data obtained in the discussion section with other studies, it will be very useful to make an evaluation in terms of the balance in the related aquatic system and the interaction of this species with other species.

-Other recommended corrections are in the attached file.

Comments for author File: Comments.pdf

Author Response

1) In the introduction, the importance of population parameters in fish species should be better emphasized. Otherwise, it will not be clearly understood why it is necessary to determine these parameters in Triplophysa scleroptera.

Reply: Thank you for your professional suggestion. In the introduction, we added the description of age, growth, mortality and other parameters, and their importance in the study of fish population biology. On lines 70-76.

2) Left and Right otoliths were removed together? Which otolith was used for age assessments? Left ? Right? both of them?

Reply: Thank you for your professional question. We used the left otolith for age identification, and the right otolith was used as a backup. Related content has been added to the manuscript. On lines 116-117.

3) The spelling of the axis names in Fig 2 should be checked.

Reply: Thank you for your reminder. We have made corresponding modifications.

4) In Fig 3, What the red arrows point to should be specified. For example, the counted age rings. But there are 4 arrows, not 5.

Reply: Thank you for your professional question. The red arrow indicates the otolith ring pattern consists of four light and dark rings, so the age of the sample is 4+ years old (age-5). Related content has been added to the manuscript. On lines 200-202.

5) In Table 1, there is a semantic shift due to incorrectly used terminological error. Let's explain. ''Standard total length and standard weight'' expressions were used in Table 1. What do standard total length and standard weight mean??? *standard total length is not a correct statement. Three types of lengths are mentioned in this field. total length, fork length, and standard length. There is no such thing as standard total length in this field. *standard weight is not a correct statement. It should be written as weight or body weight.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice and guidance. In this study, we measured the total length, and the word “standard” has been deleted.

6) Why is the growth type not clearly specified?  Positive allometric? Negative Allometric? isometric?

Reply: Thank you for your question. The T. scleroptera in the study areas belongs to an isometric growth pattern. We have made corresponding modifications. On line 214.

7) Add the relationship equation and R2 value to the Fig4. Thus, readers will be able to evaluate it more easily.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. The relationship equation and R2 value has been added to the Fig4.

8) Table 2 needs improvement. In particular, there are many studies in the literature covering the related genre.

Reply: Thank you for your advice. In our study, we only compare and analyze the growth characteristics of several Triplophysa fishes, and the “Table 2. Comparison of growth characters of Triplophysa fishes in different studies” changed as “Table 2. Comparison of growth characters of several Triplophysa fishes in different studies”.

9) For the discussion part;

1-There are already studies on the length-length and length-weight relationships of this species.
Moreover, it is a major shortcoming that the article by Xie (2015), which is from the same region and includes the same species and is relevant to the present study, is not included in the discussion section or elsewhere. Although the results of the mentioned study are in the direction of your results, the fact that they are not included in this study also shows that there is not enough literature review.

Reply: Thank you for your criticism and suggestions. We sincerely apologize for the oversights made, and we will work diligently to avoid such issues in the future. Therefore, we included the reference from Xie (2015) in the article and conducted a corresponding analysis. On lines 294-298.

2-In addition to comparing the data obtained in the discussion section with other studies, it will be very useful to make an evaluation in terms of the balance in the related aquatic system and the interaction of this species with other species.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. We have added relevant analysis to the manuscript. On lines 296-298, 306-308, 316-320.

10) Other recommended corrections are in the attached file.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice and guidance. We have made the necessary changes in response to the suggestions provided.

Reviewer 2 Report

I enjoyed reading this paper and have some suggestions for improvement.

Lines 41-48. Which category of the red list does T. scleroptera belong to?

Please include a good photo of the live fish. 

It appears that fish from all locations were combined into one big sample. Did you look for location-specific variation in growth rate? What were the individual location sample sizes. Would you expect location-specific variation? It looks like sampling sites were up to 400 km (along the river) away from each other. Significant variation among sites is a distinct possibility.

Some of the text from the results section should be in the methods section. Don't repeat methods in the results. The otolith reading methods in particular should be in the methods, not the results.

Line 165-167. Don't use these type of sentences in the results. Save them for the discussion.

Line 298 - delete "bait" replace with "food"

Overall, the science is sound. I do suggest the authors somehow incorporate possible variation among sampling sites in their analysis. The English language usage needs some work. There are many typos and inappropriate word usages in the text (for example "in the upstream of the Yellow River...", please use upstream section or segment or "headwaters of the..."). The manuscript needs careful editing to get the English usage corrected.


The English language usage needs some work. There are many typos and inappropriate word usages in the text (for example "in the upstream of the Yellow River...", please use upstream section or segment or "headwaters of the..."). The manuscript needs careful editing to get the English usage corrected.


Author Response

1) Lines 41-48. Which category of the red list does T. scleroptera belong to?

Reply: Thank you for your question. The T. scleroptera is identified as “non-endangered” in the “Red List of Vertebrate Animals in China”. On lines 54-55.

2) Please include a good photo of the live fish. 

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. A photo of live fish has been added on lines 113-114.

3) It appears that fish from all locations were combined into one big sample. Did you look for location-specific variation in growth rate? What were the individual location sample sizes. Would you expect location-specific variation? It looks like sampling sites were up to 400 km (along the river) away from each other. Significant variation among sites is a distinct possibility.

Reply: Thank you very much for giving such a valuable suggestion. We also took into account the possibility of regional differences at first time. However, the sample collection was uneven, with areas like Jingyuan section (122), Lanzhou section (82), and Xunhua section (56) having a larger number of samples compared with other sections, which had less than 30 samples. Considering this imbalance, the sample number for separate analysis was slightly insufficient, leading to a less convincing conclusion. Additionaly, the investigated section belongs to the canyon area of the main stream of the Yellow River, and the habitat characteristics of each sampling point are similar.Therefore, we proceeded with an overall analysis.

4) Some of the text from the results section should be in the methods section. Don't repeat methods in the results. The otolith reading methods in particular should be in the methods, not the results.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. There is a duplication between the otolith treatment method described in the Results and the Methods, and the duplicate part in the Results has been deleted.

5) Line 165-167. Don't use these type of sentences in the results. Save them for the discussion.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. This sentence has been deleted from the Results.

6) Line 298 - delete "bait" replace with "food"

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. The "bait" has been changed to "food".

7) Overall, the science is sound. I do suggest the authors somehow incorporate possible variation among sampling sites in their analysis. The English language usage needs some work. There are many typos and inappropriate word usages in the text (for example "in the upstream of the Yellow River...", please use upstream section or segment or "headwaters of the..."). The manuscript needs careful editing to get the English usage corrected.

Reply: Thank you for your professional advice. "in the upstream of the Yellow River..." has benn changed to "in the upstream section of the Yellow River...", and we have polished our writing to conform to the academic style and improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness and overall readability.

8) Comments on the Quality of English Language

The English language usage needs some work. There are many typos and inappropriate word usages in the text (for example "in the upstream of the Yellow River...", please use upstream section or segment or "headwaters of the..."). The manuscript needs careful editing to get the English usage corrected.

Reply: We have polished our writing to conform to the academic style and improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness and overall readability. If the language requirements for periodical publication are not met, please inform us promptly, and we will utilize MDPI’s language polishing service.

Round 2

Reviewer 1 Report

After the review process, it was determined that the suggested corrections were made. The work has now become stronger.

Author Response

Thank you very much for your professional opinions and suggestions, so that the quality of our manuscripts has been greatly improved.
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