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Classifying and Characterizing Fast Nodular Iron Casting Metallographies by Applying a Similarity Search Method

Azterlan Member of Basque Research Team Alliance (BRTA), Aliendalde Etxetaldea 6, 48200 Durango, Spain
Faculty of Engineering, University of Deusto, Unibertsitate Etorb., 24, 48007 Bilbao, Spain
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Submission received: 30 September 2024 / Revised: 11 November 2024 / Accepted: 12 November 2024 / Published: 14 November 2024


Metallographic analyses of nodular iron casting methods are based on visual comparisons according to measuring standards. In fact, iron foundry workers have a poster that describes several characterizations of the metallographies and, showing the real metal in a microscope, they try to subjectively check the similarity between those examples and the real one. Currently, there are new approaches related to the application of machine vision and deep learning classifications. Although these aforementioned methods are more precise and accurate, they are more resource consuming, difficult to manage, and less scalable than other simpler methods that do not use the classical way of working with images. Moreover, for day-by-day work, this kind of precision is not needed, and this task must be carried out as fast as possible. Hence, this research work presents a novel approach to apply the same kind of comparisons carried out by human beings, but with the precision of a computer. Specifically, we construct a well-characterized vector database, populated with several metallographies analysed using accurate methods. Then, all images are represented by an embedding that tries to transform them into a vector representation to, finally, create the final classification and characterization of a specific metallography when applied a similarity search method in our learnt knowledge database.

1. Introduction

Metallurgy, particularly through the iron foundry process, has been crucial in the evolution of society and technology [1]. The foundry industry is essential to the global economy, producing a vast array of components critical to numerous sectors, including safety-critical parts such as brake calipers in vehicles, propellers in maritime applications, and actuators in aerospace systems. Hence, foundries play a vital role in creating intricate systems that form the backbone of modern infrastructure and machinery.
Despite its significance, the foundry sector lags behind other industries in terms of digital transformation and the integration of advanced intelligent systems. As Dirk explains [2,3], many foundries still rely on traditional methods, which can hinder efficiency and precision in manufacturing processes. The increasing demand for smaller and more intricate components further complicates this challenge; even minor variations in the production process can significantly impact the final product’s quality and performance [4].
The foundry process involves several crucial steps, where molten metal is poured into molds to create castings. As detailed by Pattnaik et al. [5], the overall process includes not only pouring but also mold preparation, core making, and post-casting finishing operations. Each of these stages is crucial, as enhancements in either the metal composition or the mold design can lead to substantial improvements in casting quality.
Advancements in materials science, such as the development of high-performance alloys [6,7] and innovative process management [8], have opened new avenues for enhancing foundry operations. For instance, recent studies have demonstrated that using an advanced generation of molds can significantly improve the surface finish and dimensional accuracy of castings [9]. Moreover, the incorporation of smart manufacturing technologies, such as real-time monitoring systems and AI-driven analytics, can facilitate greater control over the casting process, leading to higher precision and reduced waste [10].
In spite of all the advances that were made in the process, molds, and materials, among others, the way in which the analysis and testing of the generated material is carried out in the same old fashion. For this, there are a number of standards to be applied, such as UNE EN ISO 945-1 [11], UNE EN ISO 945-2 [12], and UNE EN ISO 945-4 [13], where the manner of proceeding (which characteristics must be analyzed and which methodology must be conducted) is explained.
The evaluation of metallographic images, conducted in accordance with the aforementioned regulations, is performed based on heavily subjective assessment methods. More accurately, after sample preparation and its related metallography extraction, analyses are performed based on the expertise of the operator. This reliance on human judgment introduces variability in classification and interpretation [14], which can be influenced by several factors, including (i) fatigue, (ii) bias towards expected results, and (iii) inaccuracies in evaluation. Consequently, there is a pressing need to explore alternative methodologies that mitigate these human factors, enhancing the reliability and objectivity of metallographic assessments.
To address the challenges associated with subjective metallographic analysis, during the last few years, a variety of tools have emerged to automate and streamline the process. Software applications such as ImageJ [15], AmGuss [16], and proprietary software provided with microscope systems [17] offer significant assistance in this operation. Despite their advances, they present some problems, such as the fact that their classification relies solely on mathematical formulas strongly related to the predefined regulations. Furthermore, subjectivity persists, although the calculation is carried out using objective measurements. While these tools extract features from images, they do not accurately assess the final quality of manufactured iron, indicating a need for adding new functionalities to this process. Moreover, these solutions are not suitable for real-time analysis in manufacturing environments.
In addition to these software solutions, recent research has increasingly focused on leveraging advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine vision techniques to tackle similar analytical challenges. Deep learning (DL), in particular, is transforming the landscape of image analysis and holds the potential to revolutionize microscopy. Notable advancements in DL have been applied to various fields, including the classification and detection of anatomical elements in wood [18], aiding in cancer diagnosis [19], and enhancing microscopy techniques through image analysis [20]. Also, DL methodologies have proven effective in identifying defects in extracted images [21] and in metrology applications, such as those focusing on semiconductor measurements [22]. Also, other types of research work have been developed, with an actual focus on the specific analysis of metallographies [23,24]. These methods are now advancing the state of the art in order to avoid the problems already mentioned. Despite these advances and their accuracy, they are still complex methods, with a large computational consumption and complex learning stages.
Against this background, the authors of this research propose a new approach that tries to develop an analysis in the same way in which it is currently carried out, but including two improvements: (i) objectivity for conducting the similarity check and (ii) an increase in the amount of images for performing the final evaluation. Hence, firstly, we propose a similarity analysis between the knowledge we have and possible reference values, such as those provided in the aforementioned standards but including a similarity measure, giving a more objective way to perform it. Secondly, the reference dataset, which is the base for making the comparison, will be composed of a bigger set of images instead of the few included on the reference poster. In this way, after analyzing and characterizing all images with the advanced method based on the artificial vision and deep learning classifications proposed in [23], the images will be stored in a knowledge base optimized for image similarity searches. Finally, for checking the reference images, a vector representation of each metallography will be made and, then, using the Cosine Similarity, the k most similar metallographies will be retrieved, including their similarity ratio and characterized values. Later, using both the similarity ratio and the values, the final result will be proposed by making a weighted average combination of data based on their similarity. Hence, this approach makes the process similar to what is currently carried out, but with a superior knowledge base and in a completely objective manner.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the work and the steps carried out to achieve the proposed solution. Moreover, this section discusses the data generation, methodology, and knowledge base definition. Section 3 shows the results that were achieved with the proposed approach. Here, we will introduce the generated results for several configurations, as well as the final solution created for the foundries. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper and the research, also discussing the solution and proposing the future work and improvements that can be made to our proposal.

2. Materials and Methods

As explained in Section 1, and as described in the regulations such as UNE EN ISO 945-1 [11], UNE EN ISO 945-2 [12], and UNE EN ISO 945-4 [13], the classification or characterisation of metallographies is usually carried out in a visual way. As a reminder, in a real foundry, workers are provided with a set of base standard images (see Figure 1) to use as the comparison template in order to determine the final quantification of each feature. Nevertheless, nowadays, there are advanced software systems that, using machine learning models [23,24], are capable of carrying out this type of classification in a much more objective way. In addition, by trying to find a more similar method to the real one developed in a foundry, but applying the desired objectivity and a lower computational consumption, the proposed approach is presented, based on a fast classification by means of similarities.
To carry out this procedure, we propose the combination of (i) the representation of an image through the extraction of a representative and specific feature vector, created by employing a visual embedding model, (ii) the subsequent similarity search for those that are most similar to the working image, and (iii) the final aggregation of their graphite particle characteristics.
Thus, given the complexity and the different aspects to work on, the authors have determined that the best research methodology should be the well-known ‘Divide and Conquer’. It is a methodology that reduces the overall problem into smaller ones, more manageable challenges for ultimately combining their specific solutions into the overall one that addresses the initial challenge. This methodology is widely used to deal with legal issues [25], mathematical calculations [26], and computer problems (specifically in parallel processing [27]). Hence, the steps defined in this research are detailed below.
  • Problem Identification and Challenges to Overcome. The aim of this first step is to extract the background and context of the general problem to be solved. In other words, we aim to gain an understanding of what we are trying to deal with.
  • Knowledge Acquisition. The second step is the acquisition of high-level knowledge, which provides the overview needed to start the research. Later on, when we are working on a much more specific challenge, we will study that topic more specifically.
  • Challenge Division. Based on the original idea of this methodology, at this moment is when the work is divided into the detected challenges. Specifically, in this step, we define the list of problems in order to face them. In our research, the following was identified: (i) data collection and characterization, (ii) data analysis for vectorial representation, (iii) metallography classification via similarity methods, and (iv) evaluation. For each of these, the following sub-phases were carried out:
    • Acquisition of specific knowledge. Once the topic was defined, in this stage, we enhanced our knowledge to solve this problem.
    • Definition of the experiment and the techniques used. At this point, the specific research and experiments were defined for each of the challenges faced.
    • Evaluation. At this stage, we carried out the defined experiment and obtained the results of the approximation that was defined.
    • Analysis. Once the previous stage was complete, an analysis process was carried out on the data collected during the specific experimentation designed.
    • Interpretation of the results. When a solution for each identified challenge was created, we combined all of them, coming up with a final interpretation based on all of those results.
Due to the fact that the detailed explanation of the full method of every step in this research is large, authors decided to summarize the specific explanation for each detected challenge. However, they share the necessary information to provide the reader with the ability to understand the work and, also, ease the reproducibility of the proposed solution.
Thus, the key aspects associated with each of the challenges identified in or research work will be detailed below.

2.1. Data Collection and Characterization

In order to carry out this research, we have employed a set of metallographies provided by the specialized department of the Azterlan Research Centre. More accurately, we have worked on real reports extracted from the last year of work. The metallographies are images of foundries that have requested a validation report from an external certified entity such as Azterlan. The reports include the metallography itself and the classification made by an expert, among other information. Nevertheless, this is a subjective method, something that we want to avoid in this type of research and, therefore, only the images included in the reports have been handled. Figure 2 shows an example of one of the metallographies gathered by the cited department.
The working dataset is composed of 150 metallographies extracted from different specimens. The whole dataset that was provided for the metallographic analysis is from Azterlan Research Centre. It is likely that the amount of images must be higher to ensure the accurate results of the further methodology; notwithstanding, the architecture described in this is highly scalable and will be able to ingest new images when they are provided. Apart from that, all metallographies have been generated in the same way. In other words, they have all been gathered by applying the same settings to the analysis microscope. For example, all of them have been generated at 100× magnification.
Subsequently, trying to avoid the subjectivity of an operator, all metallographies have been processed through the approach presented in [23]. Precisely, we have implemented a combination of machine vision and nodule classification by deep learning methods to obtain the information of each one of them. As far as the machine vision is concerned, we work on binarizing the metallography and extracting the contours of each nodule. Then, each nodule segmented image is measured and finally classified applying the model pipeline of 3 different deep learning neural networks (i.e., two sequential VGG16 and a final custom trained network), all fine-tuned with our images. Thanks to the use of this, we have characterized each image with values such as the number of nodules, nodules per mm2, the average graphite area, the percentage of nodularity, and the percentages of each type of graphite, among others.
Please take into account that the method used for this characterization and classification is based on the aforementioned ISO standards [11,12,13]. Moreover, Table 1 illustrates the information extracted with this method for the metallagorphy in Figure 2.
Finally, after every one of the metallographies was processed, we continue handling the dataset, splitting it into training and test sets. Specifically, the method used is the Percentage Split method [28]. For this research, 65% was used for training and 35% for testing, giving 100 images for training and 50 for testing.

2.2. Data Analysis for Vectorial Representation

Working with raw images is an arduous and costly process; hence, when we use this type of input data, we try to simplify it by finding a smaller although accurate representation. This transformation is carried out by applying embeddings.
In fact, an embedding is a compact vector representation of data, capturing essential features in a lower-dimensional space. In the context of image representation, embeddings transform images into numerical vectors that preserve the semantic relationships between them. This allows for effective comparisons, clustering, and retrieval [29].
By using techniques like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [30], images are processed to extract features such as shapes, colors, and textures, which are then encoded into embeddings. These embeddings can be used in various applications, including image classification [31], similarity search [32], and transfer learning [33], enabling the efficient manipulation and analysis of visual data.
Although CNNs have revolutionized many areas of computer vision, traditional methods can be advantageous over CNNs in certain contexts due to their lower data requirements, interpretability, computational efficiency, and robustness to noise [34]. These methods are particularly effective when labeled data is scarce, when transparency in decision-making is crucial (e.g., in medical imaging), or when the problem space is well-defined, making them suitable for real-time applications or environments with limited processing power.
For this reason, and as a first approach to the final solution of the problem, the research presented here has focused on the use of this type of technique. Therefore, the designed pipeline for creating the vector representation is as follows:
  • Image Preprocessing. The images have been normalized. Thus, we have ensured that the dimensions and their coloring are represented in the same scale. In this way, all the images have been resized if needed and converted to grayscale.
  • Feature Extraction.
    • Local Binary Pattern (LBP) [35]. This is a texture descriptor. It works by comparing each pixel in an image with its neighboring pixels, encoding the result as a binary number. Specifically, for each pixel, a threshold is applied to its neighbors: if a neighbor’s intensity is greater than or equal to the center pixel’s intensity, it contributes a 1; otherwise, it contributes a 0. This binary pattern is then converted to a decimal value, creating a histogram that represents the texture of the image. LBP is robust to monotonic changes in illumination and is widely used for tasks like face recognition and texture classification.
    • Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) [36]. This is a feature descriptor commonly used for object detection and recognition. It captures the distribution of gradient orientations in localized portions of an image. The process involves dividing the image into small cells, computing the gradient magnitude and direction for each pixel, and creating a histogram of the gradient directions within each cell. These histograms are then normalized across overlapping blocks to account for changes in lighting and contrast. The resulting feature vector is effective at representing shapes and structures.
    • Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) [37]. This is a statistical method used to analyze the spatial relationships between pixel intensities in an image. It captures how often pairs of pixels with specific values occur at a given distance and direction from each other. By constructing the GLCM, one can derive various texture features, such as contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity, which provide insights into the texture and patterns present in the image. GLCM is widely used in image classification, segmentation, and other applications where texture information is crucial, such as medical imaging and remote sensing.
    • Gabor filters [38]. They are linear filters used for texture analysis and feature extraction. They are designed to capture specific frequency and orientation information by combining Gaussian functions with sinusoidal waves. Each Gabor filter is defined by its frequency and orientation, allowing it to detect various textures and patterns in an image. By convolving an image with multiple Gabor filters at different scales and orientations, it can effectively extract edges and texture features, making them particularly useful in applications such as face recognition, fingerprint analysis, and image segmentation. Their ability to mimic the human visual system enhances their effectiveness in analyzing complex visual data.
    • Wavelet transform [39]. This is a mathematical technique used to analyze and represent signals and images at multiple scales and resolutions. Unlike traditional Fourier transform, which only provides frequency information, wavelet transform decomposes a signal into both time and frequency components, allowing for better localization of features. It uses wavelets—short, localized waves—to analyze data, capturing both high-frequency details and low-frequency trends. This makes it particularly useful in applications such as image compression, denoising, and texture analysis, as it can effectively handle non-stationary signals and reveal intricate patterns that might be missed by other methods.
  • Postprocessing. Features extracted from the images were scaled to ensure uniformity and enhance the performance of subsequent steps. Dimensionality reduction was achieved using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [40].
To validate the performance of the cited feature representation methods, we have implemented a systematic approach using k-means clustering [41] on the embeddings generated by each extraction technique. The resulting clusters were then compared against pre-clustered data characterized using the method in [23]. This technique enabled us to assess the performance of each method rigorously. A manual review of the clusters confirmed their alignment with the pre-clustered data, validating the effectiveness and reliability of the feature extraction methods employed in this study. This validation process not only highlights the strengths of the individual techniques but also provides insights into their applicability in real-world scenarios.

2.3. Metallography Classification via Similarity Method

To perform the metallography classification process, we have used the same method that Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) [42] uses. Specifically, this method splits documents into several small texts. Then, a vector transformation is applied to each text batch. The resulting vector, plus all text, is stored in a repository capable of managing the vector representations as indexes, also known as a vector database [43]. After that, when someone wants to retrieve information that is similar to a given query, the query itself is passed through the same transformation method and its resulting index or vector is used to search the N elements with a higher degree of similarity. In other words, it is similar to a k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) [44] method when the classification is carried out as the majority class in the k most similar elements in the solution space.
Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have been a game changer for the current AI tendencies and as well as the employment of this type of information retrieval [45,46,47], this similarity search idea has also been used in the field of images. The method to search for similar images [48] or image recommendations based on other images [49], among others, is widely known.
Taking into account this kind of research, we propose the method that is shown in Figure 3. Firstly, the images are processed as explained in Section 2.2. Thereafter, the images, which have been used for learning, were stored in the repository, with their characterization and the representation calculated via the best image-to-vector method possible. Secondly, when a metallography has to be classified, it is preprocessed and transformed into a vector form using the same working pipeline. Subsequently, its vector representation is launched in a query against the learnt repository and the k most similar images are obtained. Then, taking into account the degree of similarity and the results of each of these metallographies, a weighted average of each of the characterized elements is calculated, such as, for example, the percentage of nodularity, which is the one that garners the most interest in the spheroidal graphite cast-iron foundries.
In our approach, we use the Cosine Similarity method [50] as a measure of distance between the different vector representations. Specifically, Cosine Similarity measures the cosine of the angle between two non-zero vectors, A and B, in a multi-dimensional space. It quantifies how similar the vectors are in terms of direction, regardless of their magnitude. The value ranges from −1 to 1, where 1 indicates identical direction, 0 indicates orthogonality, and −1 indicates opposite directions. The Equation (1) shows the calculation of the Cosine Similarty, where A and B are the vectors, to compare.
Cosine Similarity = A · B A B = i = 1 n A i B i i = 1 n A i 2 i = 1 n B i 2

2.4. Evaluation

The evaluation method carried out in this research is widely known in the area of machine learning (ML). Thus, the characteristics and metrics analyzed for each identified challenge are fully detailed in [51]. More specifically, a brief description of the employed metrics is detailed in the following.
Firstly, related to the evaluation and selection of the method for our embedding generation, we proceeded to perform a fitness analysis based on a k-means clustering. This method has been cited and detailed in Section 2.2.
Secondly, regarding the suitability or accuracy of the classification models by similarity, the experiment has been developed by extracting the results when applying a different number of k elements in the similarity search. Subsequently, its behavior has been analyzed. Taking into account that it is a regression problem, the way to measure how good a classifier is to evaluate different error rates that will help us to identify the anomalous behavior of the model. Thus, the error rates we have employed are the following:
  • Average Error: The average error rate that has been reached in all the images that have been analyzed. This is a simple calculation that, in a quick way, tells us about how it works.
  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): This is the error rate between the set of predicted values X and the set of real values Y (both related to the size of the test dataset m). This error rate is shown in the Equation (2).
    M A E ( X , Y ) = i = 1 m | X i Y i | m
  • Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): This is a frequently used measure to assess the differences between the values predicted by the model and the observed values from which it is modeled or estimated. It is shown in Equation (3).
    R M S E ( X , Y ) = 1 m · i = 1 m ( X i Y i ) 2

3. Results

Since the research presented here has two main challenges, on one hand, the selection of the embedding generation method and, on the other hand, the classification by similarity; we will proceed to divide the results section into two subsections. Each of them will illustrate the achieved results and their description.

3.1. Embedding Generation Evaluation

Regarding the experimentation for the selection of the best method for generating significant embeddings, we have proceeded to launch the generation with the selected algorithm and its simplification through the use of PCA. Thus, after retrieving the data and knowing the groups (in other words, the class or value to which they belong), we can perform the analysis that leads us to determine which vectorial representation is close to what they are in reality. In this way, in each of the specific images from Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8, we can see their behavior. In these images color points describe the associations of metallographies and the star illustrates the centroid of each group.
Taking into account the five methods tested, it can be observed that the distribution of clusters is more accurate with the LBP model (see Figure 4). It has stood out for its low computational complexity and robustness, proving to be extremely efficient for texture classification. Its performance, combined with its computational speed, makes it the main selection for real-time applications, such as the one we are trying to generate with this research.
Although the Gabor and LBP filters showed similar results in terms of accuracy (as can be seen in Figure 4 and Figure 7), the Gabor filters are significantly slower in computational terms. This fact, in the case of a real-time solution, means they are not selected for the generation of the embeddings.
On the other hand, GLCM has a notable advantage when comparing it with the others. Although its performance is lower than the previously mentioned methods (shown in Figure 6), it generates the smallest sized vectors among all the evaluated methods, making it a solid choice if our bottleneck is in the subsequent operations with the resulting vectors. We solve this issue in the rest of the algorithms, as we have already discussed, by doing a dimensionality reduction via PCA, so, for now, it is not a key issue affecting the selection.
Finally, techniques such as wavelet transforms (results illustrated in Figure 8) and HOG (see Figure 5) were also evaluated. Nevertheless, the results were questionable. In terms of performance, LBP, Gabor, and GLCM stand out as the clear winners, with the decision between these being a trade-off between computational cost, performance, and the size of the resulting feature vectors. Moreover, the use of PCA has been proven to be significant in reducing the dimensionality of our data. In contrast, we have realized that a considerable amount of the extracted information turns out to be redundant, as evidenced by the high effectiveness of dimensionality reduction. This result suggests that future work should be devoted to focusing on identifying and mitigating this redundancy to improve the quality and reduce the computational cost of the generated embeddings.

3.2. Similarity Classification and Characterization

As was described in Section 2.3, after learning a knowledge base (i.e., creating a respository made by a vector database indexed using the embeddings generated with the LBP method), we have proceeded to test the performance and accuracy when trying to perform the classification or characterization of a metallography. In order to perform this task, we have to indicate the number of the k most similar elements that are going to be used to generate the similarity-weighted result.
In this work, we have selected k values ranging from 1 to 49. The results obtained for the two most critical values in the day-by-day work in a foundry (namely, the percentage of nodularity and the nodule count) are shown in the Table 2, which highlights the cases that obtained the best results for each objective.
Firstly, upon reviewing the results obtained for counting the number of nodules, it can be seen that the more images obtained, the greater the deviation. Specifically, the deviation obtained starts with 8% of undetected nodules and ends at 50%. Therefore, the smaller the number of images to be used, the better and more accurate the result will be. However, since the whole test set carries a pessimistic thinking, except when using values of k = 1 or k = 2 , it would perhaps be more convenient to select the use of k = 3 images for the similarity search as the best method. This method should be improved in order to obtain these data in a much more accurate way, although the current validation methods used in a foundry are not able to be such accuracy in an objective way.
Last but not least, we describe the results achieved for the characterization of the percentage of nodularity. We also note that the system developed is pessimistic. This means that we always obtain values lower than the real percentage of nodularity. Such an operation can be beneficial in a foundry process, since false positives are avoided. Notwithstanding, if we look at the deviation achieved by the method, it is not very high. In general, for all cases, there is a variation between 8 and 10 percentage units. Among all the possibilities of the selection of similar images to be analyzed, it can be seen that the best results are obtained in the central area of the range [ 1 , 49 ] . Specifically, the best result is achieved when 21 elements are used to extract the weighted similarity result. In this case, the MAE value is 7.64 and the RMSE value is 7.88.

4. Conclusions and Discussion

Several metallographic analyses of nodular iron casting are carried out in a foundry. However, they are carried out in a subjective way. Specifically, workers extract the specimen to analyze and, later, they compare the image extracted from the microscope with several provided templates. This kind of analysis is strongly related to the person that carried out the analysis, and in a full workday the fatigue can disturb the accuracy of their measurement.
In order to solve this problem, avoiding the less scalable and more resource-consuming machine learning and deep learning techniques and, also, taking into account that there is no need for high accuracy in real-time measurements, we present a novel approach to apply the same kind of comparisons carried out by human beings but with the precision of a computer. In fact, the proposed method is based on the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) way of working. Here, we provide a metallography for a query and, using the k similar images stored in a knowledge repository (i.e., in a vector database), we compute a similarity-weighted average of all these images to provide the final characterization values.
Among the different tested methods for the embedding generation, the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) method has been selected. In fact, LBP is a simple but efficient texture operator that labels the pixels of a thresholded image by lifting the neighborhood of each pixel and considering the result as a binary number. It is famous for its computational simplicity and its robustness to monotonic grayscale changes. Although others have been able to match it, this method is particularly suitable for applications where real-time processing is crucial. Subsequently, a dimensionality reduction has been performed by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and, finally, the knowledge base has been created applying these techniques and using an already characterized baseline metallography dataset.
Finally, selecting two of the most important measurements that can be learned from a metallography in real time, i.e., the nodule count and the percentage of nodularity; it has been established that a value of k = 2 and k = 21 , respectively, are ideal for minimizing the error of the characterization method. It should be noted that this is a pessimistic system; thus, it avoids the generation of false positives. The deviation in the most optimal cases is around 8 percentage units, which makes it a feasible method for day-to-day use.
Despite the good results achieved by the method, there are some aspects that could be improved. Therefore, we will make a short list of them below and propose possible solutions that will automatically be promoted as the future work that should be carried out as a continuation of the current research.
  • The amount of data used can be improved. The best thing about the proposed system is how easy is to expand it. It can be expanded with new metallographies that have been characterized without having to perform a complete re-training of the system. However, by using real metallographies from real foundries, we do not have examples within the whole spectrum of possible values. On one hand, this means that in normal foundry operation you will obtain good results. On the other hand, in test or laboratory environments, where you may have to handle strange situations, it will not produce good characterizations. The system would never have seen them and there will be no similar images to use. The only way to improve this is to generate or extract such images to improve learning. Since the profile of the Azterlan Research Centre may allow it to have all kind of images, and, considering that the proposed method is useful, it can be proposed to search for these not-so-usual images to add them to its database. Likewise, the system could be configured with a minimum threshold of similarity in order to alert users when it is not able to find images above that value.
  • The actual deviations can be managed and adjusted by statistically generating an adjustment factor. In fact, as a test, an adjustment factor of 1.09 would be sufficient to adapt the predicted value of nodularity percentage. Likewise, it would be necessary to validate the possible factors so that they would be useful in all possible classification ranges.
  • The vector representation of images has been carried out with classical computer vision methods. Despite its results, it is likely that new image representation mechanisms could be much more accurate. That is why we should consider a new research direction that, perhaps, with CNNs among others, could look for better ways to perform this representation. The similarity classification must be repeated again later on, to know if the new embeddings improve the results achieved during this research.
  • The current research has been carried out only for one type of iron, the nodular iron. However, for example, within the same type, it is also necessary to work with another type of metallography, the attacked ones, for which, thanks to the application of an acid, new information related to the matrix of the metal is revealed. In addition, there are other types of metals in which, instead of looking at the nodules, other characteristics should be measured. The authors already have an initial model that discriminates between the different types, so once this same research has been developed for the other types of metals, it would be necessary to integrate all the different models through an orchestration of work pipelines that make use of the type classifier that the authors have.
  • Finally, keeping in mind the concept of multimodal Artificial Intelligence systems, this type of model should be incorporated as a new working method within them. In fact, together with the use of LLMs, interaction and querying could be improved to provide a human operator with a simple way to perform the analysis and characterization of metallographies. Likewise, and given the existence of pre-trained vision–text models (e.g., the Llava model), perhaps transfer learning techniques could be used to adjust and relearn them with the concept of metallography analysis detailed here.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.N. and B.B.; methodology, J.N.; software, A.C.; validation, J.N. and A.C.; formal analysis, J.N. and B.B.; investigation, A.C. and J.N.; resources, J.N. and B.B.; data generation, J.N. and A.C.; writing—original draft preparation, J.N. and A.C.; writing—review and editing, J.N. and B.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The dataset has been generated by extracting information from different private projects of the Azterlan Research Centre, so, there is no possibility of sharing the dataset. Nevertheless, the way to generate it has been explained, allowing readers to reproduce it.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
MLMachine Learning
CNNConvolutional Neural Networks
MAEMean Absolute Error
RMSERoot Mean Absolute Error
LBPLocal Binary Patterns
HOGHistogram of Oriented Gradients
GLCMGray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix
PCAPrincipal Component Analysis
RAGRetrieval Augmented Generation
kNNk-Nearest Neighbors
LLMLarge Language Models


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Figure 1. A real poster created by Azterlan Research Centre to be used in a real foundry for making visual comparisons on aspects such as nodularity count, nodularity, inoculation results, and some defects related to the nucleation process. Moreover, it includes other key images to work with the matrix of the iron casting (i.e., ferrite and perlite).
Figure 1. A real poster created by Azterlan Research Centre to be used in a real foundry for making visual comparisons on aspects such as nodularity count, nodularity, inoculation results, and some defects related to the nucleation process. Moreover, it includes other key images to work with the matrix of the iron casting (i.e., ferrite and perlite).
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Figure 2. Example of a metallography file included in the research explained in this research paper.
Figure 2. Example of a metallography file included in the research explained in this research paper.
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Figure 3. A metallography search method overview by similarity. This figure shows that when a metallography is given, the image-to-vector process is carried out to, finally, use the vectorial representation for retrieving the most similar cases, including their characterization values.
Figure 3. A metallography search method overview by similarity. This figure shows that when a metallography is given, the image-to-vector process is carried out to, finally, use the vectorial representation for retrieving the most similar cases, including their characterization values.
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Figure 4. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under LBP embedding evaluation.
Figure 4. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under LBP embedding evaluation.
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Figure 5. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under HOG embedding evaluation.
Figure 5. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under HOG embedding evaluation.
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Figure 6. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under GLCM embedding evaluation.
Figure 6. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under GLCM embedding evaluation.
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Figure 7. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under Gabor filters’ embedding evaluation.
Figure 7. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under Gabor filters’ embedding evaluation.
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Figure 8. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under wavelet embedding evaluation.
Figure 8. Overall results extracted when k-means evaluation was carried out under wavelet embedding evaluation.
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Table 1. Data extraction in a metallography characterization employing the method explained in [23].
Table 1. Data extraction in a metallography characterization employing the method explained in [23].
Extracted MeasurementValue
Amount of Nodules518
Nodules by mm2667.89
Average of Graphite Area165.86
Graphite Area Percentage11.08%
Particle Area Percentage11.63%
Percentage of Nodularity92.36%
Graphite Type VI63.05%
Graphite Type V29.31%
Graphite Type III7.64%
Size 10
Size 20.49
Size 317.73
Size 454.93
Size 523.15
Size 63.69
Size 70
Size 80
Metallurgical QualityGood
Table 2. Summary of average error, MAE, and RMSE for nodule count and percentage of nodularity, highlighting the best results for nodule count in cyan and percentage of nodularity in green.
Table 2. Summary of average error, MAE, and RMSE for nodule count and percentage of nodularity, highlighting the best results for nodule count in cyan and percentage of nodularity in green.
k Most Similar ImagesAverage Error for Nodule CountMAE for Nodule CountRMSE for Nodule CountAverage Error for Percentage of NodularityMAE for Percentage of NodularityRMSE for Percentage of Nodularity
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MDPI and ACS Style

Nieves, J.; Cabello, A.; Bravo, B. Classifying and Characterizing Fast Nodular Iron Casting Metallographies by Applying a Similarity Search Method. Sci 2024, 6, 77.

AMA Style

Nieves J, Cabello A, Bravo B. Classifying and Characterizing Fast Nodular Iron Casting Metallographies by Applying a Similarity Search Method. Sci. 2024; 6(4):77.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nieves, Javier, Asier Cabello, and Beñat Bravo. 2024. "Classifying and Characterizing Fast Nodular Iron Casting Metallographies by Applying a Similarity Search Method" Sci 6, no. 4: 77.

APA Style

Nieves, J., Cabello, A., & Bravo, B. (2024). Classifying and Characterizing Fast Nodular Iron Casting Metallographies by Applying a Similarity Search Method. Sci, 6(4), 77.

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