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Cooperative Path Planning for Multiple UAVs Based on APF B-RRT* Algorithm

School of Aerospace Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China
National Key Laboratory of Air-Based Information Perception and Fusion, Luoyang 471000, China
School of Aeronautics, Changji University, Changji 831100, China
School of Foundation, Naval Aviation University, Yantai 264001, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Drones 2025, 9(3), 177;
Submission received: 30 December 2024 / Revised: 11 February 2025 / Accepted: 20 February 2025 / Published: 27 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Swarm Intelligence in Multi-UAVs)


Aiming at the path planning problem of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a complex unknown environment, this paper proposes a cooperative path planning algorithm for multiple UAVs. Using the local environment information, several rolling path plannings are carried out by the Artificial Potential Field Bidirectional-Rapidly exploring Random Trees (APF B-RRT*) algorithm. The APF B-RRT* algorithm optimizes the search space by pre-sampling and adapts with an adaptive step while fusing with the APF algorithm for guiding sampling. Then, the generated path is trimmed and smoothed to obtain the optimized path. Then, through the sampling constraint, several paths can be planned at the same time, which are guaranteed not to collide. The model predictive control (MPC) is used to realize the cooperative control of the UAVs, that is, the UAVs reached the destination simultaneously along the planned path. This algorithm achieves some progress in solving the problems of slow convergence speed, an unstable result and an unsmooth path in UAV path planning. Simulation and comparison show that the APF B-RRT* algorithm has certain advantages in algorithm performance.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the UAV has gradually emerged in all aspects of life. In addition to some daily life applications, a UAV can also perform many special tasks, such as daily power inspection work, nuclear radiation monitoring in the event of a nuclear accident, fire surveillance and situational awareness, battlefield reconnaissance and surveillance in war. Civilian drones can be categorized into patrol UAVs, agricultural UAVs, meteorological UAVs, exploration UAVs and disaster relief UAVs according to their uses. Based on this, UAVs with higher integration, better computing efficiency and faster reaction time have been invested immensely in research and development by countries around the world [1,2]. In these special missions, the field environment is often complex and dangerous, so track planning plays a pivotal role.
Path planning entails devising an optimal or improved continuous, collision-free trajectory for an aircraft, commencing from a designated starting point to the target point within a specified mission environment. This process must account for the aircraft’s maneuverability and ensure flight safety at all times [3]. The current research on path planning mainly focuses on the modeling of the planning environment and the search algorithm for the solution. The search algorithms for solving the problem mainly include deterministic algorithms, reinforcement learning algorithms, optimization algorithms and random algorithms. Deterministic algorithms include the Dijkstra algorithm based on graph search [4], sparse A* search algorithm [5,6], D* search algorithm [7], etc. These algorithms typically model the environment as a grid or graph structure and use search algorithms to find the optimal path from the starting point to the target point. These algorithms perform well in low-dimensional and static environments but have high computational costs in high-dimensional or dynamic environments, making it difficult to respond in real-time to complex environmental changes. Moreover, graph search algorithms often require global environmental information, which is difficult to achieve in unknown or partially known environments, limiting their application scope. Reinforcement learning algorithms include the DTPPO algorithm and policy gradient methods [8]. These algorithms mainly concentrate on path planning in unknown or dynamic environments and have strong adaptability to changes in the environment. However, the training process for these algorithms often requires extensive time and computational resources. When facing environmental changes, the models may need frequent updates or retraining, posing challenges for real-time UAV path planning. Optimization algorithms include the gravitational search algorithm [9], ant colony algorithm [10], particle swarm optimization algorithm [11] and fireworks algorithm [12]. These algorithms can generate smooth paths, but in complex environments, they are prone to become trapped in local optima, making it challenging to guarantee global path validity and safety. Additionally, their adaptability to dynamic environments is limited, resulting in insufficient real-time obstacle avoidance capabilities.
In contrast, random algorithms have the advantage of not requiring complete environmental information and can quickly generate paths. The rapidly expanding random tree (RRT) method is a random search algorithm based on sampling [13]. The random tree searches in the task environment until the target point is found. Compared with other path planning algorithms, the RRT algorithm is simple, it does not need to model the environment, which greatly reduces the complexity of the algorithm, and it is probabilistically complete. However, due to the random sampling, there are many invalid sampling points, resulting in low sampling efficiency. Moreover, random tree often gets trapped in local regions, which wastes a large amount of time.
To improve the sampling efficiency of the RRT algorithm, researchers have proposed the enhanced RRT* algorithm. The RRT* algorithm was proposed in 2010 [14]. Based on the RRT algorithm, the RRT* algorithm is optimized for reselecting parent nodes and pruning rewiring. Subsequently, various RRT* variants have been introduced. In 2014, Gammell further optimized the RRT*algorithm, which is called the IRRT* algorithm, by restricting the search area to an ellipsoidal subset of the state space [15]. By integrating a new sampling strategy, incorporating dynamic weight adjustment and applying path smoothing, Jeong proposed a novel Quick-RRT* algorithm [16]. Then, the potential function based-RRT*(P-RRT*) was proposed in 2016, which incorporates the artificial potential field algorithm in RRT* [17]. Also, researchers proposed a multi-tree bidirectional search based on the RRT* algorithm, namely the bidirectional RRT* (B-RRT*) algorithm.
These methods improved the rate of convergence while retaining the same probabilistic completeness and asymptotic optimality as the RRT* algorithm. However, it still has the disadvantage of the RRT-based algorithm, in which it is difficult to avoid unnecessary extension and find the optimal solution due to the randomness of sampling. Also, the generated path has some redundancy and may not meet the dynamic constraints of the UAV.

1.1. Motivation

It can be seen from the analysis that the above algorithms still have some room and possibility for improvement:
  • The traditional B-RRT* algorithm randomly samples in the whole space, lacking any guidance. This approach could lead to a number of invalid samples. Also, the random tree sometimes gets trapped in local areas, which wastes a significant amount of time.
  • The expansion of the B-RRT* algorithm is random and has many uncertainties. Multiple planning iterations may result in different paths, which is not suitable for multi-UAVs path planning.
  • The path obtained by the B-RRT* algorithm is a polyline, which has the problem of curvature discontinuities, and does not meet the requirements of UAV dynamic constraints.

1.2. Contributions

To solve the aforementioned problems, this paper proposes the APF B-RRT* algorithm. The APF B-RRT* algorithm mainly has the following improvements:
  • Extends the concept of rolling optimization to path planning. By employing a rolling window approach for multiple instances of local planning, it replaces the traditional single-shot global planning.
  • Proposes the APF B-RRT* algorithm by improving the B-RRT* algorithm. First, it determines the passable area by several pre-samples to reduce the search area. Then, it is combined with the APF algorithm. Attraction and repulsion forces based on obstacles and the goal point are introduced to guide the random tree, besides employing adaptive step size to improve path smoothness.
  • Optimizes the planned path through trimming and smoothing. A collision detection method is introduced to cut down unnecessary path points. Then, the cubic B-spline curve is employed to obtain a smoothed path that satisfies the requirements of UAV dynamic constraints.
Path planning is crucial in terms of enabling UAVs to avoid obstacles in unknown environments [18]. Existing research mainly focuses on the path planning of the known environment, but the actual flight environment may be unknown and constantly changing. This paper adopts the way of rolling planning. The APF B-RRT* algorithm is used to improve the low expansion efficiency. Through a certain sub-target selection strategy, the global planning is replaced by several rolling plannings. It allows for the APF B-RRT* algorithm to have the ability to explore unknown environments and improves the convergence speed of the algorithm in a large range of environments.
Model predictive control (MPC) is an advanced control strategy that is widely used in fields such as industrial process control and robot control. The application of MPC in UAV trajectory tracking has made significant progress. By constraining the motion of UAVs through MPC, the autonomy and safety of operations are enhanced. MPC is capable of fully utilizing the dynamic characteristics of the system while satisfying the constraints imposed by the environment and operational tasks. After several paths were planned, the MPC method was used to realize the cooperative control of UAVs, and the UAVs reached the destination simultaneously according to the planned path.
  • Through the above improvements, this paper improves the search efficiency of the RRT* algorithm, reducing the search time. And the algorithm in this paper is more stable than the RRT* algorithm. Meanwhile, the algorithm has the ability to search an unknown area. It can realize fast multi-UAV path planning. Through the MPC framework, multiple UAVs can be controlled to meet the time–space coordination constraints. The frame of multiple UAVs path planning is shown in Figure 1.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we introduce the related works; Section 3 describes the APF B-RRT* algorithm; Section 4 introduces the single path planning process; Section 5 introduces cooperative planning of multiple UAVs; Section 6 provides the simulation of the path planning and discusses the results; and Section 7 describes some conclusions.

2. Theoretical Foundations

This section provides a mathematical description of the path planning problem and track constraint. In addition, the RRT* algorithm is introduced in detail.

2.1. Mathematical Description of Path Planning Problem

In the path planning problem, the path planning space is X ⊆ R3, with its spatial attributes represented by three-dimensional coordinates (x, y, z) and its scope limited by mission requirements or physical environment.
X = x , y , z | x x min , x max , y y min , y max , z 0 , z max
The entire planning space X consists of the free space X f r e e and obstacle space X o b s .
X = X f r e e + X o b s
In a grid map, paths are formed by connecting multiple grid nodes, which are mathematically represented by 3D coordinate sequences of each node.
σ = S , P 1 , , P n , G
Given x s t a r t and x g o a l , solving the path planning problem involves finding a collision-free path. That is, σ X o b s . There may be no global information, so it is necessary to gradually explore the unknown space and improve the information through rolling planning.

2.2. Track Constraint

Assuming that the UAV flies at a constant speed, the dynamic constraints of the UAV can be described as follows [19]:
x ˙ = v cos ψ cos θ y ˙ = v cos ψ sin θ z ˙ = v sin ψ θ ˙ = v R min u
where ( x , y , z ) represents the position of the UAV in the inertial coordinate system; v represents the speed of the UAV; ψ , θ is the pitch and heading angle of the UAV; R min is the minimum turning radius of the UAV; and u 1 , 0 , 1 .
Various constraints should be considered in the process of UAV path planning [20]. Specifically, the following constraints should be satisfied:
  • Maximum turning angle α : the UAV can only turn within a turning angle less than or equal to the maximum turning angle predetermined by its own maneuverability.
  • Minimum track length l min : the shortest distance that the UAV must maintain in a straight flight before it starts to change its flight attitude.
  • Minimum flight altitude h min : in order to avoid the collision between the UAV and the ground, the relative flight altitude of the UAV needs to be limited to a minimum value.
  • Maximum path length L max : the length of the planned path of the UAV must be less than or equal to a preset maximum distance.
  • Maximum pitch angle: the pitch angle cannot exceed the maximum pitch angle.
The above constraints can be expressed as follows [21,22]:
a i T a i + 1 a i T a i + 1 cos α ψ ψ max l i l min , h h min i N l i L max
where a i = x i x i + 1 , y i y i + 1 is the projection vector of the first segment track in the horizontal plane.

2.3. RRT* Algorithm

RRT* is a path planning algorithm based on random sampling. Its main concept is to execute random traversal of the map in the form of tree branches so as to obtain a feasible path from the starting point to the goal point. The planning process is shown in Figure 2. Algorithm 1 provides a basic RRT* construction idea.
Algorithm 1. RRT* algorithm
Input: x s t a r t , x g o a l , X
Output: T = V , E
01: T = V , E , V = x s t a r t , E = , i = 0 ;
02: for  i = 1  to n
03:  x r a n d S a m p l i n g X ;
04:  x n e a r N e a r e s t ( x r a n d , T ) ;
05:  x n e w = x n e a r + λ · ( x r a n d x n e a r ) ;
06:  if  O b s t a c l e F r e e x n e w , x n e a r
07:   V V x n e w ;
08:  end if
09:  for all x j V
10:   if  O b s t a c l e F r e e x n e w , x j
11:   Cost x s t a r t , x j + Cost x j , x n e w < Cost x s t a r t , x n e w
12:    x n e w . p a r e n t x j
13:  end if
14:  end for
15: if  x n e w x g o a l then
16:  Break;
17: end if
18: end for
19: return T = V , E
The original procedure used in the RRT* algorithm is described below:
  • Sampling(): Given a planning space X, it returns a random coordinate point in X.
  • Nearest(): Given T = V , E and a guide point, it calculates the point in V that is closest to the guide point as the extended proximal point x n e a r and returns it.
  • ObstacleFree(): Given two points, it returns true or false after collision checking. In addition, the calculated distances are all Euclidean distances.
The B-RRT* algorithm searches from x s t a r t and x g o a l at the same time to generate two random trees, and the two random trees search in the task area, respectively. When there is no obstacle between the two trees, the connect function is used to select the connection node with the minimum track cost to connect two trees to obtain the track. The schematic diagram of the B-RRT* algorithm is shown in Figure 3.
The traditional B-RRT* algorithm uses a random function to sample in the global environment, which lacks guidance and has a large number of invalid sampling points, so the efficiency of the algorithm is low, and the convergence time is long.

2.4. Artificial Potential Field

The fundamental principle underpinning the APF involves the construction of a potential-field function that encapsulates the influence exerted by the current position within the field. Every location on the map is subjected to the combined effect of attractive and repulsive forces. The attractive force is generated by the target point, while obstacles contribute repulsive forces. The algorithm seeks the direction along which the potential energy diminishes most rapidly, designating this path as the optimal route at that instant. Subsequently, it guides the agent towards the target destination. The gravitational and repulsive forces of an artificial potential field are shown in Figure 4.
Any position in space is affected by the attractive force of the target point, and the farther away from the target point, the greater the attractive force received. The repulsive field is subject to repulsive force when entering a specific range of the repulsive field, and the closer to the obstacle it is, the greater the repulsive force received.
Combining the attractive and repulsive fields, the combined force from the destination and n obstacles at the current position q is
F q = F a t t q + i = 1 n F r e p ( i ) q

3. APF B-RRT* Algorithm

This paper introduces the idea of a passable sector and target sector and the target bias strategy to guide the generation of sampling points in the B-RRT* algorithm. At the same time, the dynamic step size is employed to improve the efficiency of the B-RRT* algorithm.

3.1. Passable Sector

Inspired by the vector field histogram (VFH) algorithm [23], the task area was divided into several sectors, and several pre-samples were performed in each sector to calculate the forward cost. The low-cost sectors closest to the sector of the sub-target point are selected as passable sectors, and then, random sampling is carried out in these passable sectors. The pre-sampling process is shown in Figure 5.
The forward cost generated by the j sampling point of the ith sector is calculated as follows:
C i j = k c a b d i j 2 , i f   x i j   i s   u n f e a s i a b l e 0 , i f   x i j   i s   f e a s i a l b e
where x i j is the sampling point j of the sector i; Cij is the forward cost of x i j ; d i j is the distance from x i j to the starting point; a, b is the coefficient that satisfies a b d max = 0 ; d max represents the field of view range of the UAV; and k c is the amplification factor.
The cost of the ith sector is the sum of the costs generated by sampling points, as follows:
Cost ( i ) = j = 1 N C i j
where Cost(i) is the forward cost of the ith sector.
Through pre-sampling, the empty sectors are more likely selected for sampling, which can effectively improve the sampling rate. However, the pre-sampling may remove some expensive sectors and even remove some necessary sectors, which will destroy the probabilistic completeness of the algorithm. Therefore, we also need to introduce the target bias strategy as an insurance in case sampling fails.

3.2. Target Bias Strategy

The target bias strategy is to select x g o a l as x r a n d with a certain probability P t h r during random sampling and randomly sample in other cases. The selection is as follows:
x r a n d = S a m p l i n g ( ) , i f   p > P t h r x r a n d , i f   p < P t h r
where p represents a random number ranging from 0 to 1.
The target bias strategy can guide the random tree to grow towards the goal point while ensuring the probabilistic completeness of the algorithm. When the number of sampling failures in the passable sector exceeds the set threshold, the target bias method is used to generate sampling points to ensure that the track from the starting point to the target point can be found.

3.3. Adaptive Step

In random tree expansion, an adaptive step size can be used to make random tree expansion more efficient [24]. A larger step size is taken to search forward in the wide area, and a smaller step size is used to explore the area in the area with more obstacles.
The step is selected according to Equation (10):
λ n e w = 1 + k λ ln d i s t ρ max λ , d i s t ρ max λ , d i s t > ρ max
where λ is the basic step, dist is the distance between x n e a r and the nearest obstacle, ρ max is the distance threshold, and k λ is the adjustment coefficient. When dist is less than the threshold, the step is appropriately reduced, and when it is more than the threshold, the basic step is used.

3.4. Fusion with the APF Algorithm

The essence of the B-RRT* fusion with the APF algorithm is to expand the search tree. The fusion can change the generation direction of new nodes, make the search tree move towards the target point and keep safe distance from obstacle. So, it can speed up the search rate and reduce the path planning time. After sampling, assume the distance between x n e a r and the nearest obstacle is ρ .
ρ = x n e a r p o b s
The APF includes the target attraction function F a t t ( p ) and obstacle repulsion function F r e p ( p ) :
F a t t ( p ) = k a t t p g o a l p
F r e p ( p ) = k r e p 1 ρ 1 ρ 0 1 ρ 2 , ρ ρ 0 0 , ρ > ρ 0
where katt and krep are the positive proportional gain constant of attraction and repulsion and ρ 0 represents the maximum influence distance of the obstacle.
The resultant force of the new node is expressed as the vector of attractive and repulsive forces:
F ( p ) = F a t t ( p ) + F r e p ( p )
The generation of new nodes is also the superposition of two directed vectors:
x n e w = x n e a r + λ n e w x r a n d x n e a r x r a n d x n e a r + F F
The repulsion effect is generated by the obstacle, and the direction is that the obstacle points to x near . The attractive effect is generated by x n e a r and x g o a l . The local force analysis diagram is shown in Figure 6. The pseudocode of APF B-RRT* is shown in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2. APF B-RRT* algorithm
Input: x s t a r t , x g o a l , X
Output: a safe and feasible trajectory T
01: T 1 { x s t a r t } ; T 2 { x g o a l } ;
02: v e c t o r p r e s a m p l i n g ( x r a n d , x g o a l , X )
03:  for i = 1 to n
04:    if P: r a n d o m [ 0 , 1 ] < P t h r
05:     x r a n d x g o a l
06:    else
07:     x r a n d S a m p l i n g ( v e c t o r ) ;
08:    end if
09:   x n e a r N e a r e s t ( x r a n d , T 1 ) ;
10:   λ n e w A d a p t i v e s t e p ( x n e a r , X ) ;
11:   F A P F ( x n e a r , x g o a l , X ) ;
12:   x n e w S t e e r x n e a r , λ n e w , F ;
13:  Swap( T 1 , T 2 )
14:  if O b s t a c l e F r e e T 1 , T 2
15:     Break;
16:    end if
17:  end for
18:   T = P a t h b a c k t r a c k i n g ( T 1 , T 2 )
The original procedure used in the algorithm is described below:
  • Adaptivestep(): Given x r a n d and X, calculates λ n e w according to Equation (10).
  • APF(): Given x n e a r , x r a n d and X, calculates F according to Equations (12)–(14).
  • Steer(): Given x n e a r , λ n e w and F, calculates x n e w according to Equation (15).
  • Swap (): Given two tree, switch these trees.
  • Pathbacktraking(): Given two trees, find a path by backtracking two trees.

4. Path Planning

4.1. Rolling Planning

In an environment with a large coverage area, the traditional RRT* algorithm demonstrates poor sampling efficiency. Meanwhile, in an uncertain environment or a constantly changing one, the RRT* algorithm either cannot be implemented or the generated track fails to avoid danger [25].
However, in this paper, the concept of rolling optimization is extended to path planning in uncertain environments, and a rolling window is established by utilizing the information immediately obtained by the UAV in combination with the existing environmental information. Based on the current information, the appropriate position is selected as the sub-target point. The sub-target point needs to evade obstacles and satisfy the optimization index of the track length. The local planning is conducted several times through the rolling window instead of a global planning. This enables the algorithm to have the ability to explore unknown environments and handle emergencies and enhances the convergence ability of the algorithm in a wide range of environments.The path rolling planning process is shown in Figure 7.

4.2. Sub-Target Selection Optimization

The current position of the UAV is R max , and the maximum radius of the field of view is R max . With x s t a r t as the center and R max as the radius, a rolling window W i n x s t a r t is constructed to search for the sub-target point x s u b g o a l within.
In order to achieve the goal of path planning, the sub-target points need to maintain a safe distance from the obstacles and be as close as possible to the global goal point. Inspired by the artificial potential field, the global target point is virtually attractive to the UAV, and the obstacles within the rolling window are virtually repulsive to the UAV.
Assume that the UAV is located at point p. The force field generated by the target point can be expressed as follows:
U 1 ( p ) = 1 2 k 1 p x g o a l 2
where k 1 is the adjustment coefficient.
To ensure a safe distance between the subgoal point and the obstacle, two bounds d l o w , d h i g h are selected. It is guaranteed that the distance between the sub-target point and the obstacle is not less than d l o w . When the distance is greater than d h i g h , the influence of obstacles on the selection is no longer taken into consideration. The repulsive force field generated by the obstacles within the rolling window is expressed as follows:
U 2 ( p ) = , d i s t d l o w 1 2 k 2 1 d i s t 1 d h i g h , d l o w < d i s t < d h i g h 0 , d i s t > d h i g h
where dist is the distance of p and the nearest obstacle within the window and k 2 is the adjustment coefficient.
The total potential energy function is as follows:
U p = U 1 ( p ) + U 2 ( p )
The artificial potential field is established so that the selection of sub-target points is transformed into the selection of the minimum potential energy value of the force field within the window.
x s u b g o a l * = arg min   U p   , p W i n ( x s t a r t )

4.3. Path Optimization

Although the APF B-RRT* algorithm has relatively improved sampling and convergence speed, the core concept of random sampling remains unchanged, which leads to the path still having abrupt changes in direction. The planned trajectory is deemed unsuitable for UAV operations. Therefore, the original path planned by the APF B-RRT* algorithm can be improved.

4.3.1. Track Trimming

In the process of rolling planning, since the track is connected by multiple planning, the planned track may have many unnecessary nodes. By cutting these nodes, a shorter track can be obtained [26].
A new rerouting method is introduced after collision detection. Suppose the path goes through x i , x i + 1 and x i + 2 . If there is no collision with the obstacle between x i and x i + 2 , the node x i + 1 is deleted, the number of turns is reduced, and the path is kept as smooth as possible. The trimmed path will also be checked to see if it meets the requirement for the maximum turning angle.
Let σ f i r s t = x 1 , x 2 , , x N be a set of waypoints representing a path generated by path planning and let σ t r i m with N waypoints be the pruned path. Redundant waypoints can be removed using Algorithm 3. The process of path trimming is shown in Figure 8.
Algorithm 3. Track trimming
Input: σ f i r s t = x 1 , x 2 , , x N
Output: σ t r i m
1: for  i = 1 : N 2
2: for  j = N : i + 2
3:    if  O b s t a c l e F r e e x i , x j
4:    σ t r i m = x 1 , , x i , x j , , x N ; break;
5:    end if
6:   end for
7: end for
8: σ t r i m = x 1 , x 2 , , x N

4.3.2. Cubic B-Spline Smoothing

The track obtained by the APF B-RRT* algorithm is a polyline, which has the problem of curvature mutation, and does not meet the requirements of UAV dynamic constraints. In order to better follow the track of a UAV, it is also necessary to smooth the track [27].
In the space of flight, the components of the trajectory of a UAV are represented by a k-order B-spline curve with n + 1 control points, i.e.,
C u = i = 0 n N i , p u P i
The basis function is denoted by N i , p u , and the ith control point vector is denoted by P i . To compute this polynomial, the Cox-de Boor recursive formula is used.
N i , 0 u = 1 , u i u u i + 1 0 , otherwise
N i , k u = u u i + 1 u i + k u i N i , k 1 u + u i + k + 1 u u i + k + 1 u i + 1 N i + 1 , k 1 u
The parameter interval of this paper takes u 0 , 1 . The nod vector is defined as U = U 0 , U 1 , , U m , where u i u i + 1 and m = k + n + 1 .
From the value of the polynomial, we can see a characteristic of the B-spline curve; the whole curve is drawn without the influence of the control points but only locally affects the direction of the curve. The B-spline curve is the curve that locally controls the shape through the control points.

5. Cooperative Planning of Multiple UAVs

The cooperative planning of multiple UAVs is divided into two stages: pre-planning and cooperative control. When several starting points and goal points of multiple UAVs are given, the APF B-RRT* algorithm is utilized to pre-plan multiple non-colliding paths. Then, model predictive control (MPC) is employed to guide UAVs along the pre-planned path while meeting the requirements for temporal coordination.

5.1. Pre-Planning of Multiple UAVs

In the flight of multiple UAVs along the pre-planned track point, in addition to meeting the obstacle constraints in the planning space, it is also necessary to consider the collision avoidance problem between each UAV so as to meet the spatial cooperation constraints.
Let the minimum safe distance between UAVs be D min ; the spatial cooperation constraints can be expressed as follows:
σ i t σ j t 2 D min   i , j   =   1 , 2 , , k ,   i j
When pre-planning the jth path, only the point x n e w passing the spatial cooperation constraints detection can be added into the tree. The spatial cooperation constraints detection is shown in Figure 9.

5.2. Cooperative Control Based on MPC

The MPC method belongs to the field of optimization and control. In recent years, the development of microprocessor and algorithm theory has promoted the vertical development of the MPC controller, which gradually puts forward higher predictive requirements for the control system, enhances the cooperation ability of UAV group and greatly improves the tracking performance [28].

5.2.1. MPC Method

When the number of UAVs is small, in order to reduce the processing power requirements of the UAV processor, the centralized MPC architecture is used to complete the prediction. As a central node, the commander is responsible for collecting the comprehensive information of tactical UAVs, targets and environment and sends it to other tactical UAVs by solving the optimal control sequence of index cost function. The most important part of the MPC method is the design of its rolling time domain window. At time k, the prediction step is M, the control sequence is u k : k + M 1 , and the states of the multi-UAV and the target are X i k and X t k . The cooperative target tracking problem of multiple UAVs is equivalent to a trajectory optimization problem, that is, solving
u * k + 1 : k + M = arg min   J t o t a l X i k , X t k , u k : k + M 1
where J t o t a l is the designed cost function and only the first term of the obtained u * will act on the UAVs. u * will be used as u in the next equation to calculate the new control sequence. It is worth noting that the size of the prediction step M is closely related to the performance of target tracking. If M is too large, more future estimated states of the UAV will be added to the solution at the next moment, which will significantly increase the calculation time and lead to poor real-time performance of path planning. As a result, the accuracy of path planning becomes worse, so it is crucial to choose an appropriate M.

5.2.2. Design of Index Cost Function

To solve the path planning problem of multi-UAV cooperative tracking based on the MPC method, three main problems should be considered: (1) UAV tracking; (2) Cooperation between UAVs; (3) Obstacle avoidance of UAV. To solve these problems, the index cost function is introduced. The index cost function is to model the completion degree of some indicators of UAV in the cooperative target tracking problem. When the corresponding index completion degree is higher, the value of the index cost function is smaller. Now, the function of track tracking, path smoothness, collision avoidance between aircraft, communication between aircraft and cooperative arrival is proposed, which are respectively denoted as, to solve the above three main problems. The index cost function for the whole problem is defined as follows:
J t o t a l = J t + J u + J c o l + J c o m + J a r r
Trajectory tracking cost function
Trajectory tracking error is the most important index. The farther the distance from the planned track is, the higher the cost is, so the UAV group should fly as far as possible according to the prescribed track. The function is designed as follows:
J t = ξ t j = k k + M 1 i = 1 N e i j
where ξ t is the weight coefficient of the track tracking cost and e i j is the error between the ith UAV and the planned track at time j.
Track smoothness cost function
In the process of trajectory tracking, in order to fly stably, the flight process must be smooth, and it is necessary to control the input change as much as possible, the larger the input change, the larger. The function is designed as follows:
J u = ξ u j = k k + M 1 i = 1 N u i j u i j 1 2
where ξ u is the weight coefficient of the track tracking cost and u i j is the control input of the ith UAV at time j.
Collision avoidance between UAVs cost function
In the process of trajectory tracking, collision avoidance between UAVs should be considered. The function is designed as follows:
J c o l = ξ c o l j = k k + M 1 m n N 1 1 + e x m n α
x m n β = d m n d c o m
where ξ c o l is the weight coefficient, d m n is the distance between mth UAV and nth UAV, and d s a f e is the minimum distance to keep UAVs safe from each other.
Communication cost function
The inter-aircraft communication index is as important as the inter-aircraft collision avoidance index. During the target tracking process, the UAVs need to exchange target information among themselves to perform the task more efficiently, so the UAV group needs to stay within the communication range because the same inter-aircraft distance problem is also involved.
J c o m = ξ c o m j = k k + M 1 m n N 1 1 e x m n β
x m n β = d m n d c o m
where ξ c o m is the weight coefficient and d c o m is the maximum communication distance of UAVs.
Time coordination cost function
The UAV is controlled to arrive at the same time, so it is necessary to control the flight progress of different UAVs in flight. The function is designed as follows:
J a r r = ξ a r r j = k k + M 1 i = 1 N σ i j σ a v g , j 2
where ξ a r r is the weight coefficient, σ i j is the percentage of completed tracks of the ith UAV at time j, and σ a v g , j is the average of the percentage of completed tracks of all UAVs at time j.

6. Experiments

6.1. Experiment Settings

The simulation experiment environment is Intel Core i7-8500U CPU, 8G RAM, Windows10 platform using MATLAB-R2018b programming algorithm simulation experiments; the maximum speed of the UAV is 10 m/s; the maximum turning angle and pitch angle of the UAV is 60° and 15°; and the minimum track length is 3 m. The UAV model in simulations is identical to that described in Equations (4) and (5).

6.2. Simulation Comparison Experiments

6.2.1. RRT*-Based Algorithm Comparison Experiments

RRT* and its variants were chosen due to their extensive application and strong representativeness in the field of path planning. These algorithms have proven to be effective in addressing path planning problems in high-dimensional environments. Currently, RRT* and its variants are primarily focused on 2D environments; this paper conducts experiments in a large 3D environment to further highlight the strengths of the APF B-RRT* algorithm, particularly its adaptability in complex environments.
To eliminate the influence of random factors, we conducted 500 time experiments to compare the performance of the APF B-RRT* algorithm against the baseline algorithms RRT* and B-RRT*. The performance metrics include **Nodes** (number of searching tree nodes), **Time** (runtime) and **Path Length**. We not only took into account the average values of these metrics but also considered their variances in order to compare the stability of the three algorithms. To ensure consistent experimental results, we standardized the following variable settings: the start point was (70, 150, 70) m, and the goal point was (1050, 700, 100) m. Additionally, the step size was set to 10 m, and the rolling windows radius was 250 m. The other variable settings were also the same. Under these conditions, the experimental setup could reliably estimate the computational performance of the algorithms while minimizing the impact of abnormal variables. The results are shown in Table 1.
As shown in Figure 10, the visualized results of one of the experiments clearly indicate that the APF B-RRT* algorithms search less points than the B-RRT* algorithms. Search efficiency is significantly improved.
Compared with the other algorithm, the average runtime of the APF B-RRT* algorithm is reduced by 57.8% and 46.5%, the path length is reduced by 10.5% and 5.3%, and the average number of nodes is reduced by 59.7% and 69.5%, respectively. The sampling efficiency is improved, the convergence speed is faster, and the track length also has certain advantages. Furthermore, the variance of three metrics are less than the other two algorithms, indicating that the algorithm in this paper is more stable.
After obtaining the initial path through the APF B-RRT* algorithm, we can trim and smooth it. The initial track, trimmed track and smoothed track are shown in Figure 11.
After 500 times simulation, the average initial track length is 1281.8 m, and the smoothed track length is 1195.9 m, which is reduced by 6.7%. Figure 11 shows that the smoothed path is better aligned with the motion characteristics and flight requirements of UAVs than the initial path.

6.2.2. Optimization Algorithm Comparison Experiments

Optimization algorithms are not suitable for the complex and large environment, so we chose another scenario to conduct the comparison experiments. This paper conducted 500 time experiments using GA, PSO and the the APF B-RRT* algorithm, respectively, and performed statistical analysis. The parameters of GA were as follows: the number of individuals was 100, the number of chromosomes was 3, the maximum iteration limit was set to 100, the crossover probability was 0.5, and the mutation probability was 0.1. The parameters of PSO were as follows: the swarm size was set to 50, the maximum iteration limit was set to 100, the inertia weight was 1.2, the cognitive coefficient was 1.5, and the social coefficient was 1.5.
The performance metrics include **Time** (runtime) and **Path Length**. The results are shown in Table 2. And the visualized results of one of the experiments are shown in Figure 12.
The result shows that the average time and path length metrics of the APF B-RRT* algorithm are much less than the others. Furthermore, the variance of three metrics is less than the others, which also proves that the algorithm in this paper is more stable. These advantages of our algorithm provide a good foundation for cooperative path planning for multiple UAVs.

6.2.3. Parameter Comparison Experiments

To thoroughly evaluate the optimization performance of the APF B-RRT* algorithm and identify the optimal parameter combinations, we conducted a single-factor experimental analysis of the key parameters. Table 3 presents the detailed experimental data. In the experiments, we observed that the force parameters and the dynamic step size adjustment of the APF B-RRT* algorithm had a significant impact on performance. Therefore, we focused on comparing different combinations of force parameters and dynamic step sizes.
As shown in Table 4, it can be seen that, under the same conditions, when the step size is small, more sampling points are required to reach the destination. The increase in the number of sampling points raises the time complexity of the algorithm. Consequently, the algorithm requires more time. As the step size increases, both the number of sampling points and the runtime decrease. However, when the step size reaches a certain level, the reduction in sampling points and runtime is no longer significant. This indicates that the algorithm has reached its limit. The number of sampling points is related to the environment and cannot be further reduced. Nevertheless, a large step size will lead to additional travel distance when navigating around obstacles, resulting in a noticeable increase in the path length. Further analysis shows that, when the step size is set to 8 and the force parameters k a t t = 0.5, k r e p = 0.5, the algorithm achieves a balance between three performance metrics. On the other hand, force parameters are also related to the path length; excessive force could lead to path oscillations, causing unnecessary distances.
Some other common basic parameters of the APF B-RRT* algorithm are shown in Table 4.

6.3. Cooperative Planning Experiments

The simulation conducted 100 planning time experiments in 2 different 3D-maps using the APF B-RRT* algorithm for multiple path planning and then using the MPC method to control the UAVs. 3D-map1 is a small map for 4 UAVs, and 3D-map2 is a large map for 6 UAVs.
Table 5 shows the starting point and goal point of 4 UAVs in 3D-map1. One of the path planning results is shown in Figure 13.
The results show that our algorithm has good obstacle-avoidance performance in a 3D environment. It can plan multiple UAVs paths simultaneously and ensures that they do not collide with each other. By using the MPC method, four UAVs arrive at their respective destinations at the same time.
To verify the scalability of the algorithm, we also tested our algorithm on a larger and more complex environment. And we expanded the number of UAVs to 6. Table 6 shows the starting point and goal point of 4 UAVs in 3D-map1. One of the path planning results is shown in Figure 14.
The results show that our algorithm not only has good obstacle-avoidance capabilities in the horizontal plane but also in the vertical direction. When the slope is not steep, the drone can climb along the terrain. When the ground level decreases, the UAVs will also descend along the terrain instead of maintaining a higher altitude. This helps save energy for the UAVs. Also, our algorithm can plan paths for up to six UAVs in a large and complex 3D-map.

7. Conclusions

This paper proposes the APF B-RRT* algorithm and applies it to the UAV path planning task. First, the search area is optimized by pre-sampling. The APF algorithm is used to guide the sampling point to avoid obstacles and move towards the target point. Then, adaptive step is used to improve path smoothness. Through the combination of rolling planning and the APF B-RRT* algorithm, a collision-free path is quickly explored in the unknown environment, which significantly improves the planning efficiency and the convergence rate. And after trimming and smoothing, the track is more suitable for UAV tracking. The algorithm avoids the high energy consumption of a UAV and improves the flight efficiency. The proposed algorithm can effectively complete the path planning task in unknown environments. Furthermore, the path planning method in this paper is stable, so it can plan multiple UAVs paths, which satisfy space constraints. Then, the planned path can be used in cooperative planning of multiple UAVs. By using the MPC method, the UAVs can follow the planned path, finishing the cooperative task.
As for future work, we will focus on the following aspects. (1) We are going to find a solution to obtain the optimal parameters automatically; in our experiment, the gain parameters of the APF were set heuristically, which leads to non-optimal parameters. (2) We will extend the proposed algorithm into the real flight experiments to verify the real performance of APF B-RRT* on a drone test-bed.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, funding acquisition, project administration, supervision, D.L.; methodology, investigation, writing—original draft, data curation, C.W.; writing—review and editing, Z.G.; investigation, J.Z.; visualization, K.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work is supported by the open project of National Key Laboratory of Air-based Information Perception and Fusion under Grant No. 202462.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Overall framework of multiple UAVs path planning.
Figure 1. Overall framework of multiple UAVs path planning.
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Figure 2. RRT* algorithm planning process. (a) RRT* node expansion process. (b) A simple path planned by the RRT* algorithm. The black area is the obstacle, the red line is the planned path.
Figure 2. RRT* algorithm planning process. (a) RRT* node expansion process. (b) A simple path planned by the RRT* algorithm. The black area is the obstacle, the red line is the planned path.
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Figure 3. B-RRT* algorithm planning process. The green line is the random tree T1 , the yellow line is another random tree T2.
Figure 3. B-RRT* algorithm planning process. The green line is the random tree T1 , the yellow line is another random tree T2.
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Figure 4. Schematic diagram of comprehensive force.
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of comprehensive force.
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Figure 5. Pre-sampling process.
Figure 5. Pre-sampling process.
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Figure 6. Force analysis diagram of APF.
Figure 6. Force analysis diagram of APF.
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Figure 7. Path rolling planning process. The red dash line circles are the rolling windows, the yellow point are sub-target point.
Figure 7. Path rolling planning process. The red dash line circles are the rolling windows, the yellow point are sub-target point.
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Figure 8. Path trimming process. The green line is the initial path, and the red line is the trimmed path.
Figure 8. Path trimming process. The green line is the initial path, and the red line is the trimmed path.
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Figure 9. The spatial cooperation constraints detection process.
Figure 9. The spatial cooperation constraints detection process.
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Figure 10. Planning process of two algorithms. The dashed circle is the rolling windows, the blue line is the random tree generated when searching, and the red line is the planned path. (a) Planning result of the B-RRT* algorithm. (b) Planning process of the APF B-RRT* algorithm.
Figure 10. Planning process of two algorithms. The dashed circle is the rolling windows, the blue line is the random tree generated when searching, and the red line is the planned path. (a) Planning result of the B-RRT* algorithm. (b) Planning process of the APF B-RRT* algorithm.
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Figure 11. Planning results of path trimming and smoothing. The green line is the initial track. The blue track is the trimmed track. The red track is the smoothed track.
Figure 11. Planning results of path trimming and smoothing. The green line is the initial track. The blue track is the trimmed track. The red track is the smoothed track.
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Figure 12. Planning results of three algorithms. (a) 3D view. (b) Front view. (c) Top view.
Figure 12. Planning results of three algorithms. (a) 3D view. (b) Front view. (c) Top view.
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Figure 13. Cooperative path planning of 4 UAVs in 3D-map1. (a) 3D view of the result. (b) Front view of the result. (c) Top view of the result. (d) The minimum distance between 4 UAVs.
Figure 13. Cooperative path planning of 4 UAVs in 3D-map1. (a) 3D view of the result. (b) Front view of the result. (c) Top view of the result. (d) The minimum distance between 4 UAVs.
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Figure 14. Cooperative path planning of 6 UAVs in 3D-map2. (a) 3D view of the result. (b) Front view of the result. (c) Top view of the result. (d) The minimum distance between 6 UAVs.
Figure 14. Cooperative path planning of 6 UAVs in 3D-map2. (a) 3D view of the result. (b) Front view of the result. (c) Top view of the result. (d) The minimum distance between 6 UAVs.
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Table 1. Comparison between three RRT* algorithms.
Table 1. Comparison between three RRT* algorithms.
NodesTime (s)Path Length (m)
APF B-RRT*27.461604.190.541281.8430
Table 2. Comparison between three path planning algorithms.
Table 2. Comparison between three path planning algorithms.
Time (s)Path Length (m)
APF B-RRT*3.190.59263.8234.6
Table 3. Comparison of experimental results with different parameters.
Table 3. Comparison of experimental results with different parameters.
λ (m) k a t t k r e p NodesTime (s)Path Length (m)
Table 4. The implementation details of the APF B-RRT* algorithm and MPC control.
Table 4. The implementation details of the APF B-RRT* algorithm and MPC control.
Rolling windows radius R max 40 m
Passable sector parameters k c 10
Subgoal selected parameters d l o w , d h i g h (8 m, 15 m)
Basic step of random tree λ 8 m
Target bias strategy probability P target 0.2
Attraction coefficient of APF k a t t 1
Repulsion coefficient of APF k r e p 0.5
Coefficient of sub−target choosing k 1 , k 2 (0.7, 0.4)
Minimum and distance between UAVs d s a f e 5 m
ξ t , ξ u , ξ c o l , ξ c o m , ξ a r r (0.9, 1.1, 0.85, 0.85, 1.3)
Table 5. Results of cooperative path planning of 4 UAVs in 3D-map1.
Table 5. Results of cooperative path planning of 4 UAVs in 3D-map1.
UAVStarting PointGoal PointPath Length (m)Arrive Time (s)
1(25, 25, 20) m(160, 180, 60) m267.329.3
2(15, 20, 20) m(170, 180, 60) m253.528.1
3(25, 10, 20) m(180, 180, 60) m257.127.9
4(35, 15, 20) m(195, 180, 60) m274.329.8
Table 6. Results of cooperative path planning of 6 UAVs in 3D-map2.
Table 6. Results of cooperative path planning of 6 UAVs in 3D-map2.
UAVStarting PointGoal PointPath Length (m)Arrive Time (s)
1(40, 350, 20) m(580, 560, 30) m681.381.2
2(40, 320, 20) m(630, 550, 30) m693.682.0
3(40, 290, 20) m(690, 720, 30) m752.182.9
4(40, 260, 20) m(720, 510, 30) m765.482.6
5(40, 230, 20) m(750, 470, 30) m816.383.5
6(40, 200, 20) m(770, 430, 30) m824.784.7
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wu, C.; Guo, Z.; Zhang, J.; Mao, K.; Luo, D. Cooperative Path Planning for Multiple UAVs Based on APF B-RRT* Algorithm. Drones 2025, 9, 177.

AMA Style

Wu C, Guo Z, Zhang J, Mao K, Luo D. Cooperative Path Planning for Multiple UAVs Based on APF B-RRT* Algorithm. Drones. 2025; 9(3):177.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wu, Cailong, Zhengyu Guo, Jian Zhang, Kai Mao, and Delin Luo. 2025. "Cooperative Path Planning for Multiple UAVs Based on APF B-RRT* Algorithm" Drones 9, no. 3: 177.

APA Style

Wu, C., Guo, Z., Zhang, J., Mao, K., & Luo, D. (2025). Cooperative Path Planning for Multiple UAVs Based on APF B-RRT* Algorithm. Drones, 9(3), 177.

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