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Luminescent P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O Glasses and Glass-Ceramics on Their Basis: Insights from Experimental and Computational Studies

Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine
Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering of NAS of Ukraine, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Educational and Research Institute of Energetics, Automation and Energy Efficiency, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
Department of Chemistry, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Compos. Sci. 2025, 9(3), 113;
Submission received: 22 January 2025 / Revised: 16 February 2025 / Accepted: 23 February 2025 / Published: 27 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Section Composites Modelling and Characterization)


This paper presents the results of complementary experimental (electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, diffuse reflectance, photoluminescence (PL), and FTIR spectroscopy) and computational (molecular dynamics and DFT-based electronic structural) studies of oxide glasses of xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O systems and glass-ceramics based on these (crystal @glass), where the KBi(MoO4)2 complex oxide is the crystal component (KBi(MoO4)2 @glass). The behavior of the observed PL characteristics is analyzed in synergy with the results of the calculations of their atomic structures and changes in the oxygen environment of bismuth atoms during the transition crystal → interphase → glass. It is shown that the optical absorption and PL characteristics of such systems are largely determined by the content of Bi2O3 and MoO3 oxides in the initial charge and by the content of bismuth ions in different charge states that exist in the produced glass and glass-ceramics. It was found that the blue PL (spectral range 375–550 nm) of both the glasses and the glass-ceramics originated from radiative transitions 3P11S0 in Bi3+ bismuth ions. The yellow-red PL (range 550–850 nm) was mainly associated with the luminescence of bismuth ions in lower charge states, Bi2+, Bi+, and Bi0. The thickness of the interphase layers of glass-ceramics was estimated to be 1.5–2.0 nm. It was found that the changes in the spectra of optical absorption and the PL/PL excitation of the glass-ceramics occurred due to the decrease in the number of oxygen atoms in the nearest surrounding bismuth ions in the interphase region. These changes can be used for the spectral probing of the formation and presence of interphase layers.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

Oxide glass-ceramics are composite materials in which particles of an oxide crystal component are dispersed in an oxide glass matrix. Considerable interest in the study of such materials is associated with the wide range of their potential applications, particularly in electronics [1], lighting [2,3], optical thermometry [4,5], biomedicine [5,6,7], dentistry [8], as sealing materials [9,10], etc.
Glass-ceramic materials can show a number of unique properties compared with their original components. In particular, these non-additive properties of glass-ceramics can be significantly determined by the existence of an interphase at the boundary between the glass and crystalline phases, which is characterized by a specific atomic structure and, accordingly, unique characteristics [11,12,13,14]. For example, for electrically conductive glass-ceramics, the modification of the interphase can reduce the resistivity of the material [15]. It was found that the types and strengths of chemical bonds in the interphase determine the creep resistance of SiOC glass-ceramics [16]. The polarization of the interphase can also affect the dielectric breakdown performance of ferroelectric barium strontium titanate oxide glass-ceramics [17]. As for luminescent glass-ceramics, the formation of an interphase region can be manifested in a change in the luminescence spectral profile or decay time or an increase in its intensity [13,18,19].
Studying the peculiarities of the formation of interphase regions in glass-ceramics, including the atomic structures and interaction processes in interphase areas, is obviously important for the elaboration and application of novel composite materials. The development of new glass-ceramics requires the selection of the optimal composition of the amorphous matrix, the concentration and particle size of the crystalline component, and the manufacturing and post-treatment parameters of the resulting product. In turn, the implementation of these procedures requires a significant amount of experimental research involving the extensive consumption of valuable reagents, electricity, and time. The theoretical and computational modeling of the atomic structure and calculation of the electronic structure and properties of glass, crystal, and glass-ceramics can significantly reduce the number of such experiments and the associated costs.
At present, the theoretical and computational modeling of the electronic structures of interphases in composite materials is a top-level task of solid-state physics and materials science [20,21,22,23,24]. The most common approach in the computational study of the electronic structure of interfaces and interphases is the use of band-periodic methods based on DFT [1,20,22,23,24,25]. However, electronic structure calculation methods use adiabatic approximations that do not allow for the effective modeling of the mutual diffusion of atoms within material components [26,27], which causes the appearance of the above-mentioned interphase layers.
The mutual diffusion of atoms within the composite components can be effectively modeled using molecular dynamics (MD) calculations [13,28,29]. It should also be noted that MD methods allow us to study bulk systems of several thousand atoms, while for more accurate DFT approximations, the geometric optimization of a system of several hundred atoms usually overconsumes computer time. For this reason, in our computational studies, we used molecular dynamics tools.
It should be noted that due to the great complexity of the atomic structure and composition of glass-ceramic composites, computational methods, and the MD method in particular, can only approximate the real atomic and electronic properties of such materials. In view of this, the correlation of the experimental and modeling results is a necessary criterion for the adequacy of the selected calculation parameters. The experimental luminescence method used in this work made it possible to examine the structures of the studied glass-ceramics at the micro/nano scales. The luminescence centers (LCs) in solids are localized formations consisting of a center’s core (ions that are mercury-like, transitions, rare earth elements, etc.) and a shell (atoms/ions/molecules/defects in the immediate environment). The luminescent characteristics of crystals are primarily determined by the energy structure of the LC core’s electronic and vibrational levels. However, the characteristics of the cores can be significantly modified by the interaction with the environment and the symmetry of the latter. This feature allows us to qualify the center core as a luminescent probe of the solid-state structure. In this work, we used the luminescent probe, where the bismuth ion was the core.
The choice of glass-ceramics for the experimental studies was based in accordance with the following considerations. It is known that only certain oxides, in particular, B2O3, P2O5, SiO2, GeO2, and As2O3, are glass-forming, while other oxides are either only conditionally glass-forming oxides (e.g., Bi2O3) or modifiers (e.g., A2O where A is an alkali metal) [30,31]. Among these, As2O3 is toxic, GeO2 is quite expensive, and SiO2 is very refractory. Glasses based on B2O3 and P2O5 are often hygroscopic, so we focused on phosphate glasses, which are quite resistant to moisture when the oxygen/phosphorus ratio is [O]/[P] > 3 [32]. Here, we present the results for the bismuth-containing phosphate-molybdate system xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O. The introduction of bismuth and molybdenum into the system provides absorption in the UV region of the spectrum and can be accompanied by luminescence of the system in a wide range of light, from the UV to the red and IR [33,34,35]. This, together with other important useful properties of bismuth-containing glasses and glass-ceramics, determines the continuing interest of researchers and technologists [36,37,38].
As for the crystalline component, KBi(MoO4)2, its choice was motivated by a chemical element composition close to that of the glass matrix. In our opinion, this approach made it possible to expect the interphase space to have an “intermediate” chemical composition and for mechanical stresses in the glass-ceramics to be minimized.
Previously, we have already studied some samples of phosphate-molybdate glass-ceramics based on the amorphous matrix 31.79P2O5-25.43MoO3-5.69Bi2O3-37.09K2O and micro/nanocrystals KBi(MoO4)2:RE, where RE = Eu, Pr [39,40]. The study of the luminescent properties of these glass-ceramics under direct excitation of RE ions (λex = 473 nm) showed that the emission bands of RE ions undergo a broadening compared to the case of luminescence of KBi(MoO4)2:RE crystals [41]. In addition, in the case of glass-ceramics with KBi(MoO4)2:Eu phosphor, an abnormally intense broad emission band was observed in the region of the 5D07F0 transition of the Eu3+ ion (560–582 nm) [39]. Based on these experimental results, it was assumed that the RE ions had partially migrated into the glass component. The rather high intensity of the red radiation of the Eu3+/Pr3+ ions in these test samples indicated the prospects for further development of luminescent coatings for chip LEDs based on xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O-KBi(MoO4)2:RE glass-ceramics. Therefore, a detailed experimental study of the optical, in particular luminescence, properties of these types of materials and their analysis using the results of theoretical modeling was considered useful.
This paper presents the results of comprehensive experimental and computational studies of oxide glasses of the xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O system and glass-ceramics based on them, where the KBi(MoO4)2 complex oxide is the crystal component (KBi(MoO4)2 @Glass). The photoluminescence (PL) of such glasses and glass-ceramics based on them was detected for the first time. The behavior of the observed PL characteristics is analyzed in synergy with the results of the calculations of their atomic structure and changes in the oxygen environment of the bismuth atoms during the “crystal → interphase → glass” transitions. In particular, it has been found that the structure of the closest oxygen environment of bismuth in the interphase regions of the composite differs significantly from the structure of the bismuth environment in both KBi(MoO4)2 crystal and in the glass, which affects the optical macro-characteristics of the studied materials.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Samples

Phosphate-molybdate glasses of the xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O system (x—in the range of 23.01–40.31; y—in the range of 13.55–46.02; z—in the range of 1.00–5.69) were prepared by the conventional melt-quenching technique. Thoroughly ground mixtures of analytically pure raw materials K2CO3, KH2PO4, Bi2O3, and MoO3 were heated to 1000 °C in platinum crucibles and kept at this temperature for 2 h for homogenization. The resulting melt was poured into a preheated (t ≈ 400 °C) glass-carbon crucible and annealed in a furnace at 450 °C for 2 h. The furnace was then turned off to allow for natural cooling. The compositions of the glasses and some other experimental and calculated properties are summarized in Table S1 (Supplementary Materials). The samples are labeled as G1, G1.48, …, with increasing Bi2O3 content.
The compositions of the glasses were chosen for the following reasons. Our previous studies of the P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O melt system [42] revealed regions of crystallization of different molybdate and phosphate crystals as well as regions of glass formation. In particular, it was shown that a low concentration of P2O5 (below 23 %mol) in the above system supports the formation of molybdate crystals. When the P2O5 content exceeds 40.5 %mol, together with an increased concentration of Bi2O3, both slow and rapid cooling processes lead to the formation of numerous bismuth-containing crystalline phases. Thus, an intermediate concentration of P2O5 was used to prevent crystallization in the system studied. The low bismuth oxide content (less than 1.00 %mol) in the batch correlates with a significant hygroscopicity of the obtained amorphous material, as does a high K2O content (more than 52 %mol). The amount of MoO3 added is determined by the achievement of high optical transparency. It should be noted that the rapid cooling of (40.31–23.79)P2O5-(13.55–46.02)MoO3-(1.00–5.69)Bi2O3–(51.54–26.85)K2O leads to vitrification.
Among the synthesized glasses, the one with composition G5.69 revealed the lowest light absorption in the visible spectral region, so it was chosen for the preparation of glass-ceramics. According to the reported differential thermal analysis (DTA) studies of these glasses [37], the glass transition temperature Tg is equal to 333 °C, and the crystallization takes place at higher temperatures of 464 and 531 °C. The thermal conditions of the glass-ceramics synthesis were chosen according to the DTA data in order to avoid spontaneous crystallization of the glass.
Glass-ceramic samples were prepared in a similar manner to glass synthesis. The calculated amount of crystalline powder was added to the glass prepared by the above-mentioned melt-quenching technique in a glass-carbon crucible placed in a vertical shaft furnace at 450 °C under constant stirring with a platinum wire. The mixture obtained was annealed for 2 h, and then the furnace was switched off to allow it to cool naturally. The glass-ceramic samples containing 10 wt. % of KBi(MoO4)2 crystalline powders in the G5.69 glass are noted as GC5.69. Details of the crystal synthesis can be found in [43].
Photoluminescence (PL) and PL excitation (PLE) spectra were recorded on as-prepared samples of glass and glass-ceramics. X-ray diffraction and diffuse reflectance studies were carried out on ground glasses and glass-ceramics.

2.2. Experimental Equipment

The densities of the samples were measured three times for each glass using the well-known Archimedes method. The obtained average values with standard deviations are listed in Table S1. A Tescan Mira 3 LMU (Tescan, Brno, Czech Republic) scanning electron microscope with a 20 nm electron beam diameter was used for the SEM measurements. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were measured using a Shimadzu XRD-6000 diffractometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) curved pyrolytic graphite counter monochromator, (CuKα radiation with λ = 1.54184 Å) operating in Bragg–Brentano (Θ/2Θ) geometry (2Θ = 5–70°). The IR spectra were measured using a PerkinElmer Spectrum BX FTIR device (PerkinElmer, Shelton, USA). The diffuse reflectance spectra of the samples were measured using a PerkinElmer Lambda 950 spectrometer (PerkinElmer, Shelton, CT, USA). The PL emission and excitation spectra were measured using a Horiba/Jobin-Yvon Fluorolog-3 spectrofluorometer (HORIBA–Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ, USA) equipped with a 450 W xenon lamp. All the experiments were performed at room temperature.

2.3. Calculation Approach

To model the atomic structure of glasses and interphase regions in glass-ceramics based on glass matrices xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O and KBi(MoO4)2 crystals, three-dimensional periodic cells were constructed using the structural data processing utilities of the BIOVIA Materials Studio 2019 software package [44].
The initial filling of the periodic cells (the vacuum layer of the cells in the case of interface, see Supplementary Materials, Figure S1) was performed using the Amorphous Cell Packing utility [44]. The molecular fragments (molecular groups and cations) of the initial filling of the cells were chosen on the basis of the analysis of experimental data on FTIR spectroscopy (details will be given below in Section 3.2.1). The atomic structures of the glasses and interphases were calculated using the MD methods implemented in the Forcite utility of the Materials Studio package.
The comparison between the calculated and experimentally measured X-ray diffraction patterns and densities of the set of glasses with different chemical compositions was applied to justify the choice of computational parameters of the MD method (details will be given below in this paper in Section 3.2.2). Additional calculations showed that for the best compliance between the computational results and the experimental data, we should use the parameters of the interatomic interaction corresponding to the set of Universal Forcefield Types [44] with options for specific elements given in the Supplementary Materials (Table S2). The charges of all atoms in the cells were set using the Charge equilibration utility with the set of parameters QEq_charged1.1 [44].
We used the following scheme to calculate the atomic structures of the glasses using the MD methods. Such a scheme is a typical approach in the present-day modeling of the atomic structure of oxide glasses [45], and in the case of the glass cells, included the following steps:
  • Melting at Tmelt = 5000 K (NVT, δt = 1 fs, t = 100 ps), Nose Thermostat, and other calculation parameters were set to default [41].
  • Quenching to T = 300 K (NVT, δt = 1 fs, quenching rate = 40 K/ps).
  • Equilibration at T = 300 K and P = 1 atm (NPT, δt = 1 fs, t = 100 ps). This step allows us to obtain the calculated densities of all modeled glass samples.
  • Production at T = 300 K (NVT, δt = 1 fs, t = 100 ps). We obtained 10 different structures to provide sufficient statistical weight in the subsequent analysis of the properties of the studied systems. The use of about 10 such structures to average the calculated characteristics is usually considered sufficient to adequately describe the properties of glasses [46].
  • Geometry optimization (fine optimization criteria, external pressure 10−4 GPa, and full cell optimization [44]). It is believed that a necessary step in obtaining an adequate atomic structure of glass by the MD methods is its additional geometric optimization in the same approximations [46,47].
In the case of the Crystal@Glass interphase cells, the same MD scheme was applied as for the glass cells, except for step 3. “Equilibration at RT”, since the NPT ensemble cannot be used in the presence of frozen atoms in the cell (in the case of glass, this step was mainly needed to obtain the calculated density value ρ and to compare it with the experimental data).
The structural characteristics and macro properties of the glasses and interphase layers, whose atomic structure was calculated by the MD methods, were calculated using the analysis procedures of the Forcite utility [44].
Due to the significant consumption of computational resources, it is practically impossible to perform DFT calculations for such large periodic cells as we used in the MD method (Figure S1). Therefore, for the geometric structure optimizations of glasses and interphases by the DFT method, we used smaller cells, which (in the starting geometry) had a size of 12 × 12 × 12 Å and orthogonal lattice vectors (an example of such a cell is presented in the Supplementary Materials, Figure S2). To obtain the initial geometry of the atomic positions, the 12 × 12 × 12 Å cells were filled with atoms and molecular fragments of a glass or interphase in certain proportions. These proportions, based on the chemical composition of the elements in the case of glass, were taken from experimental data. In the case of the interphase, the atomic positions were determined from the results of MD calculations of the atomic structure. The initial filling of the 12 × 12 × 12 Å cells was performed using the Amorphous Cell Packing utility with a set of atoms and molecular fragments. The parameters of the procedure for initial cell packing for the DFT calculations were the same as for the filling of the large cells used in the MD calculations.
To provide a sufficient statistical base for the analysis, 8 cells of 12 × 12 × 12 Å size of glass composition # 7 (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1) with the same chemical composition and density but different atomic structures were generated using Amorphous Cell Packing. Similarly, 8 cells were generated with the composition and density corresponding to the interphase of the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal with glass # 7. A full geometric optimization procedure (both atomic coordinates and cell parameters were optimized) in the DFT approximation was applied to each of the 16 structures. In the subsequent analysis, the results of the calculated atomic structures were averaged over 8 glass and 8 interphase DFT-optimized cells.
The DFT-based band-periodic pseudopotential electronic structure method implemented in CASTEP, which is part of the Materials Studio package [44], was used to optimize the geometry of the glass and interphase cells. In these calculations, ion–electron interactions were modeled by nonlocal pseudopotentials of the Vanderbilt type [48]. Exchange-correlation effects were taken into account in the GGA approximation using the PBE potential approximation [49]. The energy threshold defining the size of the plane wave basis was 340.0 eV. The geometry of the nuclei was optimized using the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shenno (BFGS) minimization technique [50] with the simultaneous convergence criterion for energy and force on the atoms, which were 10−5 eV per atom and 0.03 eV/Å per atom, respectively. The geometric optimization calculations were performed only for the point G of the Brillouin zone. Additional convergence tests showed that the choice of the above calculation parameters is sufficiently accurate.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Part 1—Characterization of the Glasses and Glass-Ceramics

The properties of the representative glass samples of the xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O system were measured experimentally for different combinations (x, y, z) values. Due to the significant number of experimental measurements required to study the whole set of synthesized glass compositions 1–7 (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1), the experimental studies in this paper were limited to only a few representative glass compositions (glass compositions # 1, 2, 4, and 7 in Table S1 correspond, respectively, to the samples denoted as G1, G1.48, G4.12, and G5.69, in Table 1 below) and GC5.69 glass-ceramics.

3.1.1. SEM Data

Characteristic SEM images for the glass samples, crystal, and glass-ceramics are shown in Figure 1.
It can be seen that the glass surface is quite smooth. There are also small fragments of glass on the surface (the left part of Figure 1a corresponds to the image of the formed SE and the right part to the BSE), which were formed as a result of cleavage during the preparation of the sample for measurements. The polycrystalline powder contains agglomerates up to 100 µm in size (Figure 1b). These agglomerates consist of prismatic micro- and nano-sized crystallites (Figure 1c). The studied glass-ceramics contain a significant number of crystallites, which lie both near the surface (SE image, left part in Figure 1d) and in the bulk of the sample (BSE, right part in Figure 1d). A detailed view of the area of the glass-ceramic sample with crystalline inclusions (Figure 1e) shows a similar crystal morphology to that in Figs. 1c and Figure 1e. This means that under the above conditions of obtaining glass-ceramics, no significant transformation of the crystal component occurs. This result is expected, as the melting point of KBi(MoO4)2 crystals is approximately 750 °C [41].

3.1.2. Diffuse Reflectance Data

Diffuse reflectance spectra for the samples listed in Table 1 are shown in Figure 2a. As the figure shows, the reflection coefficient for the studied glasses is low (R < 20%) in the UV spectral region (λ < 370 nm), while in the visible region, at λ > 400 nm, the reflection coefficient increases to 50–80%.
The region of sharp change in reflectance (350–400 nm) obviously corresponds to the absorption edge of the glasses. Analysis of the shape of the spectra at the absorption edge, according to the widely used Kubelka–Munk theory and Tauc plot technique [51,52], allowed us to estimate the optical band gaps Eg for these glasses. The estimated values of Eg are in the range of 3.44–3.62 eV (Table 1).
It is known that absorption in the 200–400 nm range can be caused by molecular phosphate and molybdate groups, molybdenum and bismuth ions (see details in [35,36,37,53,54] and the text below). The broad absorption bands in the 450–650 nm range (forbidden zone transitions) are due to defects in the glass matrix. Some increase in absorption at the long-wavelength limit of the measuring range (700–800 nm) should be of the same nature.
As Figure 2a shows, the G5.69 glass has the lowest absorption in the visible region (370–800 nm) and the highest absorption in the UV region (200–370 nm) of all glass samples studied (assuming that the light scattering is the same for all samples). This fact makes the G5.69 glass the most interesting for further development of luminescent glass-ceramics based on it.
In Figure 2b, the diffuse reflectance spectra of G5.69 glass are compared with the corresponding spectra of the GC5.69 glass-ceramics and KBi(MoO4)2 polycrystalline powder. These data confirm the above assumptions about the nature of the absorption of the studied systems. At λ < 400 nm, the spectra of glass and glass-ceramics practically coincide, while at λ > 400 nm, the reflection of the glass is much lower, although the shape of the spectra is preserved (Figure 2b, curves 2 and 3). It can, therefore, be assumed that in this region, the increase in diffuse reflectance of the glass-ceramics sample is due to light scattering on the KBi(MoO4)2 micro/nanocrystals incorporated in the glass. The increase in absorption of the crystals in the 275–375 nm region may be due to an increase in the relative amount of bismuth ions and MoO42− groups compared to their amount in the glass and glass-ceramics. At the same time, it can be seen that the crystals show practically no defect-related absorption band in the 450–650 nm range. This result is apparently due to the expected lower defect concertation in the lattice structure of the crystals compared to that of glass and glass-ceramics.

3.1.3. Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

The studied glasses and glass-ceramics, when excited in their absorption region, exhibit photoluminescence with sufficient intensity to analyze their spectral behavior. The most intense PL band, with a maximum near 435 nm, is located in the blue luminescence range 375–525 nm (hereafter referred to as the “blue” PL). The spectral profile of this band is asymmetric, and therefore, it consists of at least two components. In addition to this band, the spectra also show a broad band extending from 550 to 850 nm (Figure 3), hereafter referred to as the “yellow-red” PL. For G1 glass, four components with maxima λmax in the vicinity of 580, 635, 750, and 830 nm can be distinguished in this band (Figure 3a, curve 1). Moving from glass G1, G1.48 to glass G4.12, the total PL intensity increases by a factor of 4.24. However, the rate of this increase is different for the “blue” and “yellow-red” bands. While the “blue” band increases by ~8.4 times, the “yellow-red” band increases by only 2.9 times (see Table 1).
At the same time, the components of the “yellow-red” band are almost indistinguishable in the case of the G4.12 glass sample (Figure 3a, curve 3). The lack of a clear correlation between the changes in intensity of the “blue” and “yellow-red” bands is evidence of their different origins. The same conclusion can be drawn for the origin of the components of the “yellow-red” band, whose intensity also changes without correlation in the transition G1 → G1.48 → G4.12; here, the intensity of the long-wavelength components with λmax at 750 and 830 nm increases more strongly (Figure 3a). Thus, the origins of these components are different.
The “blue” PL is excited by short-wave UV light in a band with a maximum of around 265 nm and in the long-wave UV region in a band with a maximum of around 367 nm (Figure 4a, curve 1). Both excitation bands have a complex structure. The first consists of at least two components, and the second (367 nm) of at least three. The excitation bands correspond to the features of the diffuse reflectance/absorption spectra described above.
The spectra of the “blue” PL and its excitation for the systems studied here are consistent with the PL spectra of the Bi3+ ions in various types of crystals and glasses [43,55,56,57,58,59,60].
A comparison of the “blue” PL spectra of the glass with the recorded PL spectra of the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal confirms that the “blue” PL band should be associated with the luminescence of Bi3+ ions. It is well known that Bi atoms have the electronic configuration of (Xe)4f145d106s26p3, whose outer (s, p) electrons can combine in various chemical compounds to form charge states 0, +1, +2, +3, and +5. In particular, Bi3+ ions have a 6s2 electronic configuration, which is quite sensitive to the influence of the nearest environment. The ground state in this configuration is 1S0, and the excited states are 3P0, 3P1, 3P2, and 1P1 (given in order of the energy increase). According to the selection rules for electro-dipole transitions with light absorption, the 1S03P0 and 1S03P2 transitions are strictly prohibited. Therefore, the photoexcitation of Bi3+ ions usually occurs due to the 1S03P1, 1P1 transitions. For example, for the glasses of composition xMoO3-30B2O3-(70–x)Bi2O3, the transition 1S01P1 was associated with the excitation band at 225 nm, while the bands at 300 and 365 nm were assigned to the 1S03P1 transition. The doubling of the latter transition was explained by the location of Bi3+ ions with different closest environments [61]. Accordingly, the luminescence of Bi3+ ions is due to the 3P11S0 radiative transition, which causes the observed spectral band of the “blue” PL. The peak position of this band can be between 425 and 570 nm, which is determined by the interaction of Bi3+ ions with the environment, namely the structure and symmetry of the latter.
The spectral characteristics of the observed “blue” PL bands of glasses and KBi(MoO4)2 crystals are quite similar. Thus, the closest environment of the Bi3+ ions in the studied glasses and KBi(MoO4)2 crystals is also similar. In KBi(MoO4)2 crystals, bismuth ions are surrounded by eight oxygen ions located at a distance of 2.55–2.63 Å (average < d > ≈ 2.59 Å). These oxygen ions form the first coordination sphere of the bismuth ions, while the second sphere of the environment (at distances ~3.80–4.10 Å) contains eight molybdenum ions, four oxygen ions, and four positions that can be equally occupied by both bismuth and potassium ions [41,62]. Changes in the structure and composition of the local Bi3+ environment provoke changes in the spectral properties, including optical absorption and luminescence. Thus, the asymmetry of the “blue” PL band and the appearance of multiple bands in its excitation spectra can be attributed to the presence of Bi3+ ions in crystals and glasses, which are in a slightly different environment.
In the PL spectrum of the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal, one can also see a long-wavelength “tail” of low intensity, extending from 500 to 800 nm (Figure 3b, curve 1). This band is associated with radiative transitions in defective molybdate groups and other defects of the crystal lattice, mainly vacancies in the oxygen sublattice [41,43].
Taking into account previously reported data, the “blue” PL band at 435 nm (Figure 3a) and the associated excitation bands at 265 and 367 nm (Figure 4a, curve 1) should be attributed to the excitation and emission processes in Bi3+ ions, which are mainly surrounded by eight oxygen O2- ions. It is obvious that the structure of the closest environment of Bi3+ ions can change when the glass composition changes. As Figure 3 and Figure 4 show, the peak position of the “blue” PL band is slightly dependent on the glass composition, but the side wings of the band are different, resulting in a change in the band shape. This observation may be an indication of the local coordination change of Bi3+, mainly due to some rearrangements in the second and third coordination spheres.
The spectra of the glasses studied also show additional PL (Figure 3) and PL excitation bands (Figure 4a, curves 2 and 3) compared to the corresponding data for the KBi(MoO4)2 crystals. These additional PL bands are located in the 550–850 nm region, i.e., at longer wavelengths compared to the “blue” PL band of Bi3+ ions. Therefore, this additional PL will be referred to as “yellow-red” hereafter. The spectrum of the “yellow-red” luminescence consists of several components whose peak positions can be roughly defined as 580 (a weak band), 635, 750, and 830 nm. The excitation spectra of the “yellow-red” PL consist of bands with maxima at approximately 295, 460, 480, and 560 nm, in addition to the bands associated with the excitation of Bi3+ ions. The relative intensity of these bands depends on the registration wavelength λem. When registering at λem = 570 nm (Figure 4a, curve 2), a band with a maximum near 300 nm is clearly visible in the spectrum. There is also a band at 358 nm, which is more likely to be related to the same moieties as the main excitation band of “blue” luminescence (λmax = 367 nm). However, the shape and position of this band undergo changes when the registration wavelength is shifted from 435 to 570 nm. In the case of PL registration at λem = 650 nm, the band at 295 nm dominates in the excitation spectrum. The peaks at 458 and 483 nm and a relatively broad band at 562 nm are also observed (Figure 4a, curve 3).
Similar spectral and luminescent manifestations have been observed previously for bismuth-containing glasses and are associated with the absorption and luminescence of bismuth ions of different charge states existing in an oxygen environment of different structures and compositions. It has also been previously suggested that the formation of multiple bismuth ions of different charge states could be the result of reversible autothermal reduction of Bi3+ ions down to the Bi0 state, which can occur during melting, or one of the transformations of intermediate valence states: Bi3+ ↔ Bi2+ ↔ Bi+ ↔ Bi0 [61,63,64,65]. Therefore, the set of luminesce bands was associated with electronic transitions in the ions/atoms/groups such as Bi5+, Bi2+, Bi+, BiO, Bi2-/Bi22-, Bi2-/Bi2, Bi and their clusters [63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70]. Table 2 shows some literature data on the assignment of luminescence bands and excitation in bismuth-containing glasses.
According to the data collected in Table 2, it can be stated that a decrease in the charge state of bismuth ions (Bi3+ → Bi2+, Bi+) leads to a red shift of the absorption and luminescence bands of Bi-related centers. The oxygen coordination of bismuth is another factor that is likely to influence the positions of these bands. In particular, it is assumed that the IR luminescence (1000 to 1600 nm) in bismuth-containing glasses can be attributed to the X22P3/2 → X12P1/2 radiative transition in the BiO groups [55] since Bi2O3 can be partially converted into the noted molecular species at a high temperature.
The peculiarities of the luminescence processes described above become more complex for glasses containing molybdate molecular groups and molybdenum ions. Typically, molybdate groups in oxide glasses exist in the form of MoO42- tetrahedra. The Mo5+ ions can also exist in such systems in small amounts (up to 1–2%) [71]. The weak intensity of the PL band at 850 nm was attributed to the emission of the Mo3+ ions in the lead borate glasses (P2O5)-(Li2O)-(CaO)-(Al2O3)-(MoO3) [72], although a previous work [54] stated that the peak of the PL band of Mo3+ ions should be near 970 nm.
In bismuth-containing glasses of the MoO3-B2O3-Bi2O3 type, the absorption peaks at 360, 450, and 460 nm can be related to Mo3+ ions, while the absorption peaks in the 360–380 and 710–780 nm ranges can be related to Mo5+ ions, and the Mo4+ ions can cause an absorption band near 550 nm [61]. At 300 nm excitation, these glasses show a “blue” PL with a maximum at 460 nm, and glasses with MoO3 contents above 7.5 %mol show PL bands with maxima at 600 and 620 nm, the intensity of which increases with increasing molybdenum content. Due to the overlap of emission and absorption bands of Mo and Bi ions in these systems, excitation energy transfer between Mo and Bi ions can occur. This phenomenon also affects and complicates the luminescence processes in the investigated glasses.
In addition to the noted above, reciprocal redox reactions between Bi and Mo can occur in molybdate glasses. These reactions result in the partial oxidation of Mo3+ and Mo5+ into Mo6+ ions (the latter do not show any luminescence) and the simultaneous partial reduction of Bi3+ into Bi2+ ions [37], and elsewhere. These transformations should quench the intensity of the “blue” fluorescence of Mo3+ and Bi3+ ions and, conversely, promote the growth of the intensity of the “yellow-red” luminescence of bismuth ions with increasing Bi2O3 content. Indeed, Table 1 shows that for the first three samples, the total PL intensity (ITot), the intensity of the “blue” (IBlue), and the “yellow-red” PL (IYR) increase by 4.2, 8.4, and 2.9 times, respectively, with a 4.12-fold increase in Bi2O3 content. Thus, the increase in PL (ITot) corresponds to an increase in the Bi2O3 content in the glass, confirming the association of PL with bismuth ions. With a further increase in Bi2O3 content by a factor of 1.38, up to 5.69 %mol, ITot increases by a factor of 1.15, IYR by a factor of 1.39, and the intensity of the blue PL even decreases by a factor of 0.9. The latter changes are manifestations of the above-mentioned transformations of the bismuth ions towards a decrease in their charge and, accordingly, the transformation of the “blue” PL spectra towards the “red” and near-IR emission bands.

3.2. Part 2—Insight from Interphase Layers

The results of the experiments presented below were used in computational studies of the interphase layers.

3.2.1. FTIR Spectroscopy Data

The FTIR spectroscopy of the studied glasses (Figure 5) provided information on the active vibrational system of the investigated materials, which clarified the sets of molecular groups (fragments) to be taken into account for adequate computational modeling.
The FTIR spectra show a number of characteristic bands, as expected for phosphate-molybdate glasses (Figure 5). A broad band with a maximum of around 540–550 cm−1 corresponds to the O–P–O bending vibration mode [73,74]. The absorption band at 640 cm−1 found for glasses with the highest MoO3 content (36–46%) has been attributed to MoO42− and Mo2O72− bending vibration modes [75]. The bands observed near 745 cm−1 were attributed to stretching modes of the bridging oxygen atoms (P–O–P) in P2O7, P3O9, P3O10, and P4O13 chains. This band is shifted to higher frequencies, from 739 to 752 cm−1, with increasing MoO3 content. The complex bands located around 900–1204 cm−1 are attributed to the symmetric stretching of non-bridging oxygen in the PO43− tetrahedra [74] and an asymmetric stretching vibration of P–O–P in the PO2-groups [76]. The band observed at 1222 cm−1 is assigned to symmetric stretching vibrations of PO3- groups. The band with low intensity at 1245 cm−1 is assigned to the P=O asymmetric stretching vibration of the phosphate tetrahedra located in the chains.
It should be noted that the intensity of various vibrational bands of phosphate structures increases with increasing MoO3 content. Consequently, molybdenum oxide as a glass modifier increases the number of non-bridging oxygens in the phosphate network and acts as an ionic cross-linker between phosphate groups, reducing the degree of polymerization of the phosphate networks.
In accordance with the results of the IR spectroscopy and known data, the unit cells used in the calculations of glasses and crystal/glass interfaces were initially filled (Section 2.3) with the molecular groups PO4, P3O9, P3O10, P4O13, MoO4, and Mo2O7, as well as single K and Bi atoms. The ratio between the number of molecular groups was chosen so that the XRD spectra and density of the modeled structures, after MD optimization, were as close as possible to the experimental data. The ratios of the number of molecular groups used for the initial filling of the cells are given in Table S1.

3.2.2. XRD and Density: Experimental and Calculated Data

A comparison of the calculated and experimentally measured XRD patterns (Figure 6) and density (Figure 7) shows a fairly good agreement between the calculation results and the experimental data. Indeed, Figure 6 shows that the calculated XRD patterns reproduce well such features of the experimental diffractograms as the main peak in the 25–30° region of 2Θ, an additional shoulder in the 10–22° region, and the general profile of the curve above 35°.
The data on the density of the samples (Figure 7) show that, despite a certain error, the calculations satisfactorily reproduce the density trends of the studied glasses. This compliance of the calculation results with the experimental data proves the adequacy of the chosen approximations, parameters, and scheme of the MD calculations.

3.2.3. Determination of Thickness and Chemical Composition of Interphase Region

As a result of applying the MD procedure to the interphase cell, part of which contained crystal and the other part glass, a significant mixing (mutual diffusion) of glass and crystal atoms has occurred (an example of such a mixed structure is presented in Supplementary Materials, Figure S1b). The degree of mixing can be quantitatively characterized by the calculated concentration profiles of the chemical elements. Note that the part of the cell corresponding to the z-coordinate values from 0 to ~18 Å was initially filled with KBi(MoO4)2 crystal atoms, while the rest of the cell was filled with the glass of composition # 4 (G4.12). The atomic coordinates of the crystal layer, located below the initial crystal/glass interface (z in the range from 0 to ~4 Å), were “frozen” at all stages of the MD calculation scheme (see Section 2.3).
Figure 8 shows the calculated concentration profiles of the chemical elements calculated along the normal to the “KBi(MoO4)2/glass” interface, i.e., along the z coordinate. Concentration profiles were calculated for two glass compositions, #4 (G4.12) and #7 (G5.69), after initial filling (black curves in Figure 8) and after the application of the MD calculation procedure (red curves). In order to obtain a sufficient statistical base, the curves shown in the figure were obtained by averaging the corresponding data over 10 different structures. The vertical dashed line indicates the projection of the conditional crystal/glass boundary (interface plane) that existed at the initial filling stage (the plane corresponds to z ≈ 17 ± 0.5 Å).
As Figure 8 shows, in the case of G5.69 glass (left part of the figure), the initial concentration profiles in the crystal region (black curves) are characterized by a set of peaks and dips with a clear periodicity along the z coordinate. This behavior of the profiles is an obvious consequence of the periodicity of the atomic structure of the crystal, namely, the presence in it of layers of potassium and bismuth ions and molybdate groups. The local concentration maxima (indicated by the vertical arrows in the figure) obviously correspond to the position of the layer of a particular type of element.
After the MD calculation procedure, the crystal and glass atoms mix to form an interphase layer. The width (thickness) of the latter can be estimated as the region z, where the changes in the concentration profiles “before” and “after” the MD procedure are significant. This assessment is mainly indicative of the phosphorus profile since its concentration in the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal region is zero. As a result, according to the phosphorus profile, the interphase lies in the range of z from 7.5 to 22.5 Å. It can be seen that significant changes in the concentration of all other elements also occur in this range (the range is indicated by a horizontal line in the upper left part of Figure 8). Thus, according to the results of the calculations, the thickness of the interphase layer in the KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 glass-ceramics should be estimated to be ~15 Å.
As the left part of Figure 8 shows, the concentration curves for K and Mo reveal significant mixing of these elements, and the peaks corresponding to the outermost layers of the crystal practically disappear after the MD procedure. In contrast, the situation for Bi is somewhat different: the Bi layers in the crystal region remain clearly visible in the concentration curve even after the MD procedure. This fact indicates that bismuth ions move relatively weakly (compared to other elements in the crystal) toward the glass.
Phosphorus atoms, on the other hand, diffuse from the glass to the crystal (the corresponding concentration curve decreases monotonically from the glass to the crystal). The change in the oxygen concentration curves, although noticeable, is within the statistical error of the averaging since the oxygen content of the crystal and glass G5.69 was approximately the same at the initial filling stage.
As the data in the right part of Figure 8 show, the concentration profiles of the KBi(MoO4)2@G4.12 interphase are generally similar to those described above and lead to similar conclusions, particularly with regard to the thickness of the interfacial layer. However, the concentration profile of bismuth is an exception. As can be seen from the figure, in the case of the G4.12 glass, the three peaks of the Bi concentration curve in the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal, the closest to the initial boundary, disappear after the MD procedure. This means that during the formation of the KBi(MoO4)2@G4.12 interphase, deeper layers of bismuth atoms of the crystal are disordered compared to the KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 case. This is probably due to the higher (almost double) content of molybdate groups in the G4.12 glass compared to the G5.69 glass (see Table S1). Thus, the increase in the content of molybdate groups in the glass enhances the diffusion of bismuth cations from the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal to the phosphate-molybdate glass.
This conclusion is consistent with the change in the composition of the interphase layer compared to the composition of the glass phase (see below). Concentration profiles of the KBi(MoO4)2@G4.12 interphase cell (Figure 8, right) show that in the z-coordinate region between ~10 and ~30 Å, there is a significant redistribution of chemical element concentrations relative to the corresponding concentrations in the composite KBi(MoO4)2 crystal and G4.12 glass components. This region with a thickness of ~20 Å can be considered as the interphase layer of the KBi(MoO4)2@G4.12 composite system.
Similar results regarding the thickness of the interphase layer were obtained for composite glass-ceramic systems with other compositions. Thus, according to the calculation results, the thickness of the interphase layers in the “KBi(MoO4)2@(xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O) glass-ceramics can be estimated to be ~1.5–2.0 nm. This result is in agreement with experimental data reported for the interphase layers in Na2O/K2O/Al2O3/SiO2/BaF2 nanoglass-ceramics (1.82–2.35 nm) [14], Lu3Al5O12:Ce3+ phosphor in silica glass (2 nm) [77], and Lu3Al5O12:Ce3+ phosphor in transparent hydroxyapatite ceramics (2 nm) [78].
By counting the number of atoms in the noted part of the interphase cell (between 10 and 30 Å along the z-axis), we found that the chemical composition of the interphase region approximates the formula K12P6Mo10Bi5O61. When compared to the specific formula of the glass (K18P13Mo5Bi3O61, see Supplementary Materials, Table S1), significant changes become evident. In particular, a twofold increase in the molybdenum content in the interphase is accompanied by a 1.67-fold increase in the bismuth content; the number of oxygen atoms does not change, and the potassium and phosphorus contents decrease by 1.5 and 2.17 times, respectively. Thus, it can be argued that in the interphase region, the number of oxygen atoms near the molybdenum and bismuth ions should decrease compared to the case of the glass medium. In the case of the interphase of the KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 system, the DFT-based geometry optimizations were carried out using rather small cells (12 × 12 × 12 Å). These cells were filled with the same fragments as in the G5.69 glass case (see Supplementary Materials, Table S1); however, these were with different amounts: (P3O9)—2 units, (MoO4)—6 units, (Mo2O7)—2 units, K—12 units, and Bi—5 units. The chosen ratio of fragments corresponds to the chemical composition of the interphase determined above—(K12P6Mo10Bi5O61). The results of the geometric optimization of the structures are analyzed below.

3.2.4. Analysis of the Structure of the Nearest Surrounding of Bismuth Cations

Using the results of the structural geometry optimizations by the DFT method, we analyzed the composition and structure of the closest oxygen environment of the bismuth cations located in different spatial regions of the KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 system. For this purpose, we estimated the content of different types of BiOn polyhedra (with coordination number n = 2, 3, 4, …, 8) in the crystal, glass, and interphase of this glass-ceramic system using the SHAPE utility program [79]. The analysis was applied to eight geometry-optimized structures of G5.69 glass and KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 interphase with the subsequent statistical averaging of the results. In the case of the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal, the analysis was performed using its crystal structure taken from the literature [80]. The analysis included all oxygen atoms at a distance of less than 3.2 Å from the bismuth atoms.
The results of the analysis using the SHAPE utility are summarized in Table 3. Among other structural characteristics, the table contains the calculated parameter S, which characterizes the degree of deviation of the polyhedron from the ideal one. The value of S is calculated as a measure of the deviation from the ideal polyhedron of a given dimension, expressed by the standard deviation of the lengths of each of the B-O bonds. The parameter is normalized to 100% so that a value of S = 0 corresponds to a complete coincidence of the structure with an ideal polyhedron of a given dimension and symmetry, and a value of S = 100% is, in principle, not achieved [81]. Thus, the smaller the value of S, the closer the structure is to the ideal polyhedron of the corresponding dimension and symmetry.
For convenience, the following approximations were used in the S parameter calculations. If the Bi cation is surrounded by five oxygen atoms, then it is considered an octahedron with one oxygen vacancy—the symmetry of the position in such an ideal “vacant octahedron” is C4v. If Bi has six oxygens in its surroundings, then it is treated as an “octahedron” of symmetry Oh. Deviations from the octahedron were only considered for both five- and six-coordinated bismuth atoms.
The results of the analysis show that in KBi(MoO4)2 crystal, all bismuth atoms are surrounded by eight oxygen atoms, forming distorted triangular dodecahedrons (the point group of symmetry of the bismuth ion is D2d). In glass, on the other hand, the coordination number of the oxygen environment of bismuth atoms decreases significantly. The BiO8 polyhedra are not present at all and the most common forms of oxygen environment are BiO5 and BiO6 polyhedra (see Table 3). In the case of the interphase, the coordination of bismuth is even simpler: the number of polyhedra of BiO6 decreases by about half compared to glass, the number of BiO4 increases fourfold, and the simplest structures of the bismuth environment appear—BiO3 and BiO2. The degree of deviation from an ideal form of BiO6 in the interphase (see the corresponding values of ΔS in Table 3) is obviously higher than for such polyhedra in glass.
Thus, according to the results of our analysis, the structure of the closest oxygen environment of bismuth in the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal (only BiO8 polyhedra) is fundamentally different from the corresponding structure of the bismuth environment in glass (mainly BiO5 and BiO6 polyhedra) and in the interphase regions of glass-ceramics. In the latter, BiO2 and BiO3 structures appear, and the number of BiO4 increases.

4. Concluding Remarks

It is worth comparing the results of the experimental studies of glass systems presented in the first part of this paper with the results of the computational studies of glass-ceramic systems presented in the second part. From this comparison, it can be seen that an increase in the bismuth oxide content in the glass, as well as the formation of an interphase layer in glass-ceramics, leads to an increase in the number of bismuth ions coordinated by (bonded to) fewer oxygen atoms. Consequently, some peculiarities of the spectral/luminescence properties should be common to both the studied glasses and glass-ceramics.
For real glass-ceramic systems with a sufficient total volume of interphase regions, changes in the quantitative composition of different types of bismuth polyhedra can be observed experimentally. Indeed, Figure 2 shows that in the 450–650 nm region, the reflectance spectrum of GC5.69 glass-ceramics differs significantly from the reflectance spectra of both G5.69 glass and the KBi(MoO4)2 crystal. This difference can be attributed to the influence of interphase regions.
The luminescence manifestations of interphase layers are more prominent. Thus, in the excitation spectra of the “blue” PL of glass (Figure 4, curve 2), in contrast to the excitation spectrum of this PL in crystals (Figure 4, curve 1), the main band is observed at 367 nm (see Figure 3). The same band dominates the excitation spectrum of the glass-ceramics (Figure 4, curve 3), but here, the contribution of bands in the 300–350 and 350–425 nm regions, characteristic of crystals, increases significantly. We also attributed these differences to the appearance of interphase layers in the composition of GC5.69 glass-ceramics.
Regarding the manifestation of these layers in the PL spectra of the glass-ceramics, it should be emphasized that, according to the data in Table 1, the “yellow-red” PL band increases by a factor of 1.55 compared to the “blue” PL band in the G4.12 → G5.69 transition. The relative intensity of IYR/IBlue is 1.73. A comparison of the PL spectra characteristics of G5.69 glass and GC5.69 glass-ceramics shows that the G5.69 → GC5.69 transition is accompanied by an increase in the relative intensity of the “yellow-red” PL: the IYR/IBlue increases from 1.73 to 1.96. This increase in IYR/IBlue, as can be seen in Figure 2, is mainly due to the longest wavelength components of the “yellow-red” PL in the region of 700–850 nm. It has already been shown above (Part 1) that such changes in the spectra of glass are due to an increase in the contribution of bismuth ions with a low charge and low coordination with oxygen atoms. The luminescence manifestations described thus confirm the influence of interphase layers on the properties of the glass-ceramic samples studied.

5. Conclusions

The properties of a series of glasses of the xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O system (where x—in the 23.01–40.31, y—in the 13.55–46.02, and z—in the 1.00–5.69 ranges) and, based on them, crystal@glass-ceramics, where the crystal component consists of luminescent crystalline particles KBi(MoO4)2, have been prepared and studied by experimental and theoretical methods.
It has been shown that the optical absorption and photoluminescence characteristics of the systems studied are largely determined by the content of Bi2O3 and MoO3 oxides in the initial charge and by the content of bismuth ions in different charge states present in the produced glass and glass-ceramics.
In particular, the “blue” photoluminescence (spectral range 375–550 nm) of both glasses and glass-ceramics originates from the radiative transitions 3P11S0 in the bismuth ions Bi3+. The “yellow-red” PL (spectral range 550–850 nm) should be mainly associated with the luminescence of bismuth ions in lower charge states, such as Bi2+, Bi+, and Bi0, and it is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the increasing contribution of “yellow-red” PL to the total luminescence spectrum occurs due to an increase in the number of such lower-charged ions.
In glass-ceramics based on the xP2O5-yMoO3-zBi2O3-(1-x-y-z)K2O glass matrix and KBi(MoO4)2 crystals, interphase layers are formed between the glass and crystal phases, the thickness of which is estimated to be 1.5–2.0 nm. According to theoretical results, the structure and composition of the interphase layers differ from those of both the glass and crystal components. In particular, if compared to the case of glass, the content of bismuth and molybdenum in the interphase layer increases by 1.7 and 2 times, respectively, and the content of potassium and phosphorus decreases by 1.5 and 2.17 times, respectively, while the content of oxygen remains almost unchanged.
This decrease in the number of oxygen atoms closest to the bismuth ions in the interphase region is accompanied by changes in the optical absorption and PL/PL excitation spectra, allowing these changes to be used to spectrally probe the formation and presence of interphase layers.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Procedure of atomic structure modeling, Figure S1: Periodic cell constructed for interphase of KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 system: initially filled and after MD calculations; Figure S2: An example of a 12 × 12 × 12 Å periodic cell of G5.69 glass used in the DFT-based geometry optimizations; Table S1: Chemical composition, experimental and calculated densities of synthesized and modeled samples of the P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O glass system; Table S2: Parameters of interatomic interaction used in MD calculations.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.H., V.C. and S.N.; methodology, Y.H., S.N. and A.S.; software, V.B. and Y.Z.; validation, K.T., S.N. and Y.Z.; formal analysis, V.C.; investigation, Y.H., V.C., K.T. and S.N.; resources, Y.Z.; data curation, V.B. and V.C.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.H., V.C. and S.N.; writing—review and editing, Y.H., K.T., A.S., Y.Z. and S.N.; visualization, Y.H. and V.C.; supervision, A.S. and S.N.; project administration, S.N.; funding acquisition, S.N. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work has received funding through the EURIZON 3010 project, which is funded by the European Union under grant agreement No. 871072.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in this study are included in the article and Supplementary Materials. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.


Serhii Nedilko thanks the Polish Academy of Sciences for the possibility of the research stay and spectroscopy measurements at the Institute of Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland, during these difficult times for Ukraine.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. SEM images of the G5.69 glass (a), KBi(MoO4)2 powder (b,c), and GC5.69 glass-ceramic samples (d,e).
Figure 1. SEM images of the G5.69 glass (a), KBi(MoO4)2 powder (b,c), and GC5.69 glass-ceramic samples (d,e).
Jcs 09 00113 g001
Figure 2. Diffuse reflectance spectra of the following: (a) G1 (1), G1.48 (2), G4.12 (3), and G5.69 glasses (4); (b) KBi(MoO4)2 crystalline powder (1), G5.69 glass (2), and GC5.69 glass-ceramics (3).
Figure 2. Diffuse reflectance spectra of the following: (a) G1 (1), G1.48 (2), G4.12 (3), and G5.69 glasses (4); (b) KBi(MoO4)2 crystalline powder (1), G5.69 glass (2), and GC5.69 glass-ceramics (3).
Jcs 09 00113 g002
Figure 3. The PL spectra of: (a) glass samples G1 (1), G1.48 (2), and G4.12 (3); (b) KBi(MoO4)2 crystalline powder (1), G5.69 glass (2), and GC5.69 glass-ceramics (3); λex = 365 nm.
Figure 3. The PL spectra of: (a) glass samples G1 (1), G1.48 (2), and G4.12 (3); (b) KBi(MoO4)2 crystalline powder (1), G5.69 glass (2), and GC5.69 glass-ceramics (3); λex = 365 nm.
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Figure 4. (a) PL excitation spectra of G4.12 glass measured at λem = 435 (1), 570 (2), and 650 nm (3). (b) PL excitation spectra of the KBi(MoO4)2 polycrystalline powder (1), G5.69 glass (2), and GC5.69 glass-ceramics (3); λem = 435 nm.
Figure 4. (a) PL excitation spectra of G4.12 glass measured at λem = 435 (1), 570 (2), and 650 nm (3). (b) PL excitation spectra of the KBi(MoO4)2 polycrystalline powder (1), G5.69 glass (2), and GC5.69 glass-ceramics (3); λem = 435 nm.
Jcs 09 00113 g004
Figure 5. FTIR spectra of G1 (1), G1.48 (2), G4.12 (3), and G5.69 (4) glasses.
Figure 5. FTIR spectra of G1 (1), G1.48 (2), G4.12 (3), and G5.69 (4) glasses.
Jcs 09 00113 g005
Figure 6. Experimental (a) and calculated (b) XRD patterns for the studied glasses: G1.48 (1), G4.12 (2), and G5.69 (3).
Figure 6. Experimental (a) and calculated (b) XRD patterns for the studied glasses: G1.48 (1), G4.12 (2), and G5.69 (3).
Jcs 09 00113 g006
Figure 7. Experimental and calculated density versus glass composition numbers (numbers 1, 2, 4, and 7 correspond to the G1, G1.48, G4.12, and G5.69 glass samples from Table S1).
Figure 7. Experimental and calculated density versus glass composition numbers (numbers 1, 2, 4, and 7 correspond to the G1, G1.48, G4.12, and G5.69 glass samples from Table S1).
Jcs 09 00113 g007
Figure 8. Concentration profiles of constituent elements of the KBi(MoO4)2@glass interphase cell calculated along the normal to the initial boundary for glasses G5.69 (a) and G4.12 (b) after initial filling (black curves) and after the MD calculations (red curves). The initial crystal/glass interface is marked by a vertical dashed line; the vertical arrows correspond to the local concentration maxima.
Figure 8. Concentration profiles of constituent elements of the KBi(MoO4)2@glass interphase cell calculated along the normal to the initial boundary for glasses G5.69 (a) and G4.12 (b) after initial filling (black curves) and after the MD calculations (red curves). The initial crystal/glass interface is marked by a vertical dashed line; the vertical arrows correspond to the local concentration maxima.
Jcs 09 00113 g008
Table 1. Optical band gaps, Bi2O3 and MoO3 contents, and normalized intensities of the PL bands.
Table 1. Optical band gaps, Bi2O3 and MoO3 contents, and normalized intensities of the PL bands.
Glass NameEg, eVOxide Content,
mol %
MoO3/Bi2O3 RatioNormalized PL Intensity, r.u.
Table 2. Assignments of photoluminescence (PL) and PL excitation (PLE) bands in bismuth-containing glasses to specific transitions (literature data).
Table 2. Assignments of photoluminescence (PL) and PL excitation (PLE) bands in bismuth-containing glasses to specific transitions (literature data).
Glass CompositionBand Location:
Region (λmax), nm
Band Assignments and CommentsRefs.
33SrO-67B2O3-1Bi2O3(560)200–230 (218)(1) Transitions in Bi3+ ions: PLE bands at 218, 344, and 355 nm;
(2) 2P3/22P1/2 transitions in Bi2+ ions: PLE band at 480 nm and PL band at 690 nm.
Relative contribution of these bands to overall PL or PLE spectra depends on the ratio between glass-forming B2O3 and network modifier SrO oxides.
300–400 (344)
400–550 (480)
(M = Mo or W)
(600)(300)PL and PLE bands ascribed to 2P3/22P1/2 transitions in Bi2+ ions.[37]
(x = 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 in mol%)
(95 − x) SiO2·xSrO·5Al2O3·2Bi2O3
(x = 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, in mol%)
MO-B2O3-Bi2O3 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba)(660)(470)(1) 2P3/22P1/2 transitions in Bi2+ ions: PLE band at 470 nm and PL band at 660 nm.
(2) The infrared emission peak possibly comes from Bi ions in a low valence state.
23B2O3-5ZnO-72Bi2O3-xCuO(804)(530)3P23P0 transitions in Bi+ ions: PL band.
3P01S0 transitions in Bi+ ions: PLE band.
Table 3. Characteristics of the oxygen surrounding of bismuth atoms in the crystal, glass, and interphase of the KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 system.
Table 3. Characteristics of the oxygen surrounding of bismuth atoms in the crystal, glass, and interphase of the KBi(MoO4)2@G5.69 system.
Types of
KBi(MoO4)2 CrystalGlass G5.69Interphase
Content, %.ΔS 1Content, %.ΔSContent, %.ΔS
BiO2 + BiO3----5.3-
1 ΔS is the numerical range in which fall the S values that are calculated for all polyhedra of the corresponding system.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Hizhnyi, Y.; Borysiuk, V.; Chornii, V.; Suchocki, A.; Terebilenko, K.; Zhydachevskyy, Y.; Nedilko, S. Luminescent P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O Glasses and Glass-Ceramics on Their Basis: Insights from Experimental and Computational Studies. J. Compos. Sci. 2025, 9, 113.

AMA Style

Hizhnyi Y, Borysiuk V, Chornii V, Suchocki A, Terebilenko K, Zhydachevskyy Y, Nedilko S. Luminescent P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O Glasses and Glass-Ceramics on Their Basis: Insights from Experimental and Computational Studies. Journal of Composites Science. 2025; 9(3):113.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hizhnyi, Yurii, Viktor Borysiuk, Vitalii Chornii, Andrzej Suchocki, Kateryna Terebilenko, Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy, and Serhii Nedilko. 2025. "Luminescent P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O Glasses and Glass-Ceramics on Their Basis: Insights from Experimental and Computational Studies" Journal of Composites Science 9, no. 3: 113.

APA Style

Hizhnyi, Y., Borysiuk, V., Chornii, V., Suchocki, A., Terebilenko, K., Zhydachevskyy, Y., & Nedilko, S. (2025). Luminescent P2O5-MoO3-Bi2O3-K2O Glasses and Glass-Ceramics on Their Basis: Insights from Experimental and Computational Studies. Journal of Composites Science, 9(3), 113.

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