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Ensemble Learning with Highly Variable Class-Based Performance

Brandon Warner
Edward Ratner
Kallin Carlous-Khan
Christopher Douglas
1 and
Amaury Lendasse
Verseon International Corporation, Fremont, CA 94538, USA
Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, USA
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 2024, 6(4), 2149-2160;
Submission received: 31 July 2024 / Revised: 24 August 2024 / Accepted: 16 September 2024 / Published: 24 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Learning)


This paper proposes a novel model-agnostic method for weighting the outputs of base classifiers in machine learning (ML) ensembles. Our approach uses class-based weight coefficients assigned to every output class in each learner in the ensemble. This is particularly useful when the base classifiers have highly variable performance across classes. Our method generates a dense set of coefficients for the models in our ensemble by considering the model performance on each class. We compare our novel method to the commonly used ensemble approaches like voting and weighted averages. In addition, we compare our approach to class-specific soft voting (CSSV), which was also designed to address variable performance but generates a sparse set of weights by solving a linear system. We choose to illustrate the power of this approach by applying it to an ensemble of extreme learning machines (ELMs), which are well suited for this approach due to their stochastic, highly varying performance across classes. We illustrate the superiority of our approach by comparing its performance to that of simple majority voting, weighted majority voting, and class-specific soft voting using ten popular open-source multiclass classification datasets.

1. Introduction

Machine learning (ML) offers a spectrum of classifier models uniquely designed for specific learning tasks. These models, ranging from perceptrons and adalines to neural networks, traditionally focus on identifying the single most effective hypothesis for a given task. However, ensemble learning diverges from this path, embracing a collaborative approach. It synergizes multiple ML models of varied structures grounded in strategically assigned weights. First proposed in the pioneering work of Freund and Schapire [1], ensemble learning has since evolved significantly. Over the years, various ensemble strategies have emerged, broadening the scope and application of this approach. Key developments in this field include bagging [2], AdaBoost [3], random forest [4], random subspace [5], and gradient boosting [6]. Each of these strategies offers distinct advantages, contributing to the robustness and adaptability of ensemble learning in tackling complex ML challenges. In numerous scenarios, relying on a solitary machine learning model can prove inadequate, especially in the face of imbalanced, high-dimensional, or noisy datasets. These complexities often diminish the predictive capabilities of standalone models. Ensemble learning emerges as a robust solution to these challenges, integrating the disciplines of data mining, modeling, and fusion. This approach excels by constructing an array of diverse models, each developed through distinct projection strategies tailored to handle specific data intricacies.
Variable class performance, a phenomenon prevalent across various domains, is a pivotal challenge in ensemble learning and data mining [7,8,9,10,11]. Class-based performance may vary due to class imbalance, noise, highly scattered distributions, or complex manifolds. Class imbalance is common in classification problems, often skewing predictive models, leading to biased or inaccurate outcomes. Among the strategies used to address this, output fusion is particularly noteworthy. It involves the integration of outputs from multiple models into a unified collective output, employing a range of optimization, weighting, and voting strategies. The effectiveness of these strategies is contingent on the comparable performance of the base models. Weighted approaches, which excel in such scenarios, assign different levels of importance to each model’s output, often based on their performance in a validation set.
A commonly employed yet powerful method within the spectrum of ensemble learning is majority voting [12,13,14,15]. This technique takes the most frequently predicted class made by a diverse set of base models as the final decision. Soft voting approaches have also been proposed [16], which take the sum of the class probabilities and designate the highest sum probability as the chosen class. Bagging is a similar approach that assumes equal weight for each of the identical base classifiers in the ensemble. Random forest is a popular architecture that uses this approach.
When constructing an ensemble model, several fundamental principles must be considered. A primary consideration is the incorporation of diversity among the constituent models. This diversity stems from varying the “inductive biases” inherent in each model [7]. Utilizing these diverse biases is crucial as it allows the ensemble to cover a broader spectrum of potential solutions, enhancing its robustness. However, it is important to note that simply maximizing diversity does not automatically guarantee the creation of an optimal ensemble [8]. This is because the effectiveness of an ensemble is a function not only of diversity but also of how well the models complement each other. Another critical factor influencing the success of an ensemble is the correlation of errors among the individual models, commonly referred to as inducers. Research indicates that the predictive power of an ensemble is positively correlated with the degree of independence in the errors made by these inducers [7]. In essence, the more uncorrelated the errors of each model are, the greater the potential for the ensemble to achieve high accuracy, as the individual weaknesses of one model are offset by the strengths of others.
In this work, we propose a novel approach to weighting the outputs of ensemble classifiers using class-based weight coefficients determined from the performance of each class on the validation set. Much of the previous ensemble learning literature focused on optimizing the base classifiers while using a simple majority vote or weighted average scheme for classification. Instead, this work focuses on formulating a more sophisticated approach to leveraging the diverse base classifiers in the ensemble. We compare our novel approach to three popular and effective ensemble weighting approaches: simple majority voting, weighted majority voting, and class-specific soft voting. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach using extreme learning machines (ELMs) as the base classifier; however, this approach may be implemented with any classifier. We use ELMs due to their highly varied performance caused by the generation of random hidden nodes. The non-correlated errors of ELMs can be leveraged in ensemble learning. In this study, we do not aim to attain state-of-the-art performance on the chosen datasets. Instead, we strive to illustrate the superiority of our class-based weighted averaging over three popular ensemble strategies, including the state-of-the-art class-specific soft voting (CSSV) approach.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Extreme Learning Machines

ELMs, a sophisticated evolution of the Single-Layer Feed-forward Network (SLFN), have demonstrated remarkable versatility in handling various tasks, including classification, regression, and clustering [17,18,19,20]. As Huang et al. [20] highlighted, ELMs stand out for their exceptional generalized performance across numerous applications. One of the most notable advantages of ELMs is their rapid learning speed, which is orders of magnitude faster than that of traditional neural networks [17,18,19,20]. This speed facilitates quick adaptation, testing, and fine-tuning of ELM parameters, offering a significant edge over classical algorithms. ELMs diverge from traditional neural network methodologies in their learning approach. A defining characteristic of ELMs is their ability to generate hidden nodes randomly, thereby decoupling the weights of the first layer from the training data. This unique feature allows for a non-iterative, linear, ordinary least-squares solution for determining output weights, a significant deviation from the traditional back-propagation training process. The inherent randomness in ELMs renders them particularly suitable for ensemble methods, as they naturally facilitate the creation of diverse models. Figure 1, below, visualizes the structure of a single ELM.
The structure of an ELM contains three layers: the input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. The input layer weights (w) and biases (b) are generated randomly. The input data may be described as X R m × d ,   X = ( x 1 ,   ,   x m ) T , with m samples and d features. After the nonlinear activation function f is applied, the hidden layer output may be represented as
h i x = f x T w i + b i ,   i [ 1 , N ]
The activation function may be any nonlinear piecewise function, such as sigmoid or hyperbolic tangent. The final layer of the ELM output may be described as
f E L M x = i = 1 N θ i h i x = h ( x ) T θ = t ^
where θ is the output weights and t ^ is the approximation of t, the true target value (i.e., class label or regression value) of x. The final step for training an ELM is to determine the output layer coefficients θ . Using the target matrix T = ( t 1 ,   ,   t m ) T , θ satisfies the following:
θ = a r g m i n θ f E L M X T 2
where the ELM function f E L M X T approximates the true target matrix T. For simplicity, we introduce H R m × n :
H = h 1 ( x 1 ) h N ( x 1 ) h 1 ( x m ) h N ( x m )
Equation (4) can then be rewritten as
θ = a r g m i n θ H θ T 2

2.2. ELM Ensembles

Various ELM ensemble methods have been proposed [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. First, ref. [21] illustrated the effectiveness of the simple averaged approach using ELMs. Next, ref. [22] proposed a cross-validated ensemble approach wherein weights and biases are updated adaptively after each fold in the cross-validation process. Ref. [23] extended ELM ensemble techniques to handle big data problems using the Bag of Little Bootstraps technique. Ref. [24] then proposed a boosting-based approach to ensemble ELMs using the iteration-BFGS Quasi-Newton process. Ref. [25] further optimized ELM ensemble learning for big data using a method based on MapReduce [26], which allows for any combination of bagging, subspace partitioning, and cross-validation. Ref. [27] proposed an adaption of Adaboost for ELMs, which further improved performance but slowed the training time significantly due to its iterative coefficient minimization. Ref. [28] further improved classification performance using Sparse Representation Classifier (SRC) [29], which is well suited to noisy data. Ref. [30] proposed a voting-based ELM (V-ELM), which improved performance over single ELM architectures. Finally, ref. [16] proposed a special case of boosting using class-specific soft voting (CSSV), which outperformed previous state-of-the-art methods. We benchmark against this approach in the following experimental analysis.

2.3. Ensemble Model Parameters

The neural architecture we employ in the following experiments features the following parameters. For each ensemble, we use 1200 ELMs. For each ELM, we use hyperbolic tangent as our activation function. We use four alpha L2 parameter values, 1 × 10−6, 1 × 10−2, 1 × 10−2, 1, and 1 × 102, resulting in 300 models of each type. For each 300-model set, we also use three different neuron values, resulting in 100 models for each alpha L2 value and number of neurons. We generate 100 different models using random input layer weights, making each unique. The number of neurons varies depending on the size of the dataset. We include Table 1 below to illustrate the number of neurons used for each dataset.

2.4. Simple Voting Ensemble

We first compare our approach to a simple voting ensemble, as proposed by ref. [30]. In this approach, each model in the ensemble has a single vote, which counts toward the final decision. This simple yet powerful pluralist approach has greatly improved classification performance over single-model approaches [31]. However, this method performs poorly when the base classifiers’ performance is highly varied. This method may be described as
E x = m o d e C 1 x ,   C 2 x ,   ,   C i x
In this formula, E x represents the ensemble’s prediction for input x. In this approach, we simply take the mode of the predicted classes made by each classifier, C i , as our final prediction.

2.5. Weighted Majority Voting Ensemble (WMVE)

We also compare our novel approach to the popular weighted majority voting ensemble (WMVE) methodology [32,33,34]. In this approach, each base classifier receives a different weight according to its performance on the validation set. The weight w i is selected for the C t h classifier, which is the same for every class. The final prediction for each sample in the test set is made according to the highest-weighted votes.
E x = arg m a x j i = 1 m w i X A C i x = j ,
Here, A is the set of unique class labels and X A is the characteristic function [ C i x = j A ] . Each model contributes its weight for the class it predicts. The model weight is fixed and independent of the model prediction.

2.6. Class-Specific Soft Voting (CSSV) Ensemble

To evaluate the effectiveness of our novel approach, we compare its performance to that of the state-of-the-art class-specific soft voting (CSSV) ensemble approach, as proposed by [16]. In this approach, the class-specific weights are determined using pruning, a special case of boosting where the weights are solved using non-negative least-squares (NNLS). The class-based coefficients may be solved using NNLS because there are more models than samples in validation. This process may be described as
E x = arg m a x j i = 1 m w i j X A C i x = j ,
Like our novel method, this approach results in weighted coefficients for each class in the model. The two approaches differ in how the coefficients are calculated. Below, we evaluate each of these approaches.

2.7. Novel Class-Based Weighted Ensemble System

In addressing classification challenges, our proposed method introduces a novel approach: a weighted ensemble of extreme learning machine (ELM) models endowed with unique class-based weight coefficients. These coefficients are assigned to every class within the model, providing a tailored approach to class representation. The process begins with each model undergoing training and validation. During validation, we calculate a class-based weighting coefficient for each class specific to each model. This coefficient is derived by evaluating the model’s performance on the validation set, ensuring that it accurately reflects its efficacy in class prediction. Figure 2 illustrates this process.
Subsequently, in the inference phase, each model within the ensemble contributes its prediction. These predictions are not treated uniformly; instead, they are weighed according to the class-based weight coefficient associated with the predicted class of each model. This nuanced weight mechanism ensures that the predictive contribution of each model is adjusted based on its demonstrated proficiency in classifying each class. The determination of these class-based coefficients is a critical aspect of our approach. Figure 3 illustrates this process.
In this paradigm, the initial step involves partitioning the training data into two subsets: training and validation. This validation set plays a crucial role in fine-tuning the ensemble by determining the optimal weights for each model in the ensemble. Consider an ensemble consisting of m models, each trained on its respective subset of the training data. The effectiveness of the ensemble is encapsulated in the general formula for ensemble output given by
E x = arg m a x j i = 1 m w i j X A C i x = j ,
In this formula, E x represents the ensemble’s prediction for input x. The term C i x is the prediction of the i t h model in the ensemble for the input x, and the w i j terms are the weights assigned to each model’s prediction. These weights are set according to the validation performance, and the ensemble can effectively leverage the strengths of each model. In conventional ensemble methods, the weights are constant, typically determined by the accuracy of each model on the validation set. This approach treats predictions as vector predictions when making inference predictions; that is, each model predicts whether the test sample is a member of each class. Consequently, for class j, the prediction is represented as a vector with the format (0, …, 1, …, 0), where the ’1’ is positioned in the j t h place. In this scenario, when model i predicts class j, it contributes its coefficient to class j; for all other classes, the value is zero.
Ultimately, the class receiving the highest cumulative weight is deemed the predicted class. Moreover, the normalized total weights can be interpreted as class probabilities. In our new class-based ensembling approach, we introduce a dynamic element where the weight w i j of the model varies depending on its prediction. In this framework, each predicted class j for model i has a distinct weight. During validation, one strategy to determine these weights, a i and j, is to set them equal to the model’s Jaccard index when predicting class j. This yields a dense set of coefficients, with each model typically having a non-zero coefficient for each class. This strongly contrasts against boosting-like approaches that typically solve a linear system resulting in sparse coefficients. In the inference phase, each model is evaluated on the test sample. The appropriate coefficient is selected based on its class prediction, and the ensemble computation proceeds similarly to the standard approach. We demonstrate the advantage of our approach in the context of an ELM ensemble implementation as determined in the Extreme AutoML methodology [17].

2.8. Benchmarking Approach

To evaluate the effectiveness of our innovative class-based weighting ensemble strategy, we conducted experiments using eight open-source multiclass classification datasets sourced from the University of California at Irvine’s (UCI) Machine Learning Repository and Kaggle. We focused on multiclass datasets to better evaluate the effectiveness of the ensembling approaches. In each of the following experiments, we conducted 10-fold stratified cross-validation, resulting in an 80%/10%/10% train/validation/test split. This approach ensured a balanced representation of classes in both the training and testing phases. To assess the performance of our proposed method against conventional techniques, we utilized five key metrics: F1 score, accuracy, precision, recall, and the Jaccard index [35]. We juxtaposed the proposed class-based weighting method in our experimental framework with the single-vote (pluralist) method, WMVE, and CSSV. In the WMVE approach, each model’s overall accuracy was employed as its weighting coefficient in the ensemble, as determined on the validation set. This method aligns with the standard voting ELM methodology, where the voting weights are directly influenced by model accuracy. The results of these experiments, presented in the subsequent section, offer a clear comparison across the four approaches. This comparison highlights the potential advantages of our class-based weighting strategy over the standard weighted voting methods.

2.9. Datasets

We chose a variety of open-source multiclass datasets to test the performance of the ensemble methods. We chose datasets that have little to no categorical variables because of the complications of one-hot encoding. We chose not to include binary classification datasets because the class-based ensemble weights would be complementary, as the performance on the two classes would not be independent. The balance scale dataset [36] was the first dataset used in our experiments. This dataset comprises 23 features, 839 instances, and three relatively unbalanced output classes and was created to model psychological experimental results. Each sample is classified as either a balance scale tip to the right, a balance scale tip to the left, or balanced. The features consist of variables such as the left distance, right distance, left weight, and right weight. The following dataset, contraceptive method choice [37], includes nine features, 1473 instances, and nine output classes. This dataset features demographic and socio-economic variables of Indonesian women. The problem is to predict the current contraceptive method choice. The next dataset, Synthetic control [38], comprises 60 features, 600 instances, and six balanced output classes. This dataset was synthetically generated by Alcock and Manolopulos (1999) to predict classes of control charts. The categories include normal, cyclic, increasing trend, decreasing trend, upward shift, and downward shift. The following dataset, car evaluation [39], has six features, 1728 instances, and four unbalanced output classes. This dataset features pricing and technology features such as price, maintenance cost, and safety rating. The activity recognition dataset [40] comprises 561 features, 10,299 samples, and six relatively balanced classes. The dataset features sensor signal data for the purpose of predicting whether the person is walking, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, sitting, standing, or lying down. Next, the student success dataset [41] includes 36 features, 4424 instances, and three relatively unbalanced output classes. This dataset uses features such as academic performance, academic path, demographics, and socio-economic factors to predict whether a student will drop out, stay enrolled, or graduate at the end of a semester. Next, the CNAE9 dataset [42] includes 856 features, 1080 samples, and nine balanced output classes. This dataset comprises features created by text mining approaches to predict the type of business document. The popular Iris dataset [43] comprises four features, 150 samples, and three balanced output classes. The datasets used in the following experiments are described in Table 2 below. The level of class imbalance is captured by the normalized class standard deviation, with 0 being the value for balanced data sets and larger values corresponding to larger imbalances.

3. Results

Table 3, presented below, offers a detailed and comprehensive comparison of the performance metrics for each method across the eight classification datasets used in our experiments. We used the ‘macro’ parameter for each of the metrics in SciKitLearn.
Table 4 below summarizes the performance of the methods using a ranking system. In the case of a tie, the tied methods all received the highest ranking. The rankings of all the metrics used were very consistent for all the data sets in this study. We looked at the rankings of the majority of the metrics to obtain an overall estimate of the ensemble quality. This table illustrates the superiority of our novel class-based method.
As Figure 4 illustrates below, the class-based weighting approach is clearly the best overall method for multiclass classification. This superiority is evident not only in the overall accuracy—the ability of each technique to classify samples across all classes correctly—but also in the class-specific performance as measured by the F1 score and the average Jaccard index per class. The latter two metrics are particularly indicative of the method’s effectiveness in accurately identifying and classifying samples within each class, a critical aspect in datasets with multiple and diverse classes.
These findings are significant as they suggest that the class-based weighting approach yields better overall results in both target class identification and general accuracy. This result validates the potential of our proposed method in enhancing classification performance, especially in scenarios where precision in classifying specific categories is paramount.

4. Discussion

In this work, we illustrated the superiority of our novel class-based weight coefficients by comparing its performance to that of three popular ensemble methods: class-specific soft voting (CSSV), pluralist voting (single vote), and weighted majority voting ensemble (WMVE) solutions. We did so using eight popular open-source multiclass classification datasets. In this study, we used extreme learning machines (ELMs) as our base classifier. However, one could employ our novel ensemble weighting approach using any base classifier. We chose ELMs because of their highly varied performance across classes, which can be exploited using ensemble learning. Our experiments illustrated the superiority of our novel class-based approach, both in overall accuracy and in class-based performance according to the Jaccard index and F1 score. Our experiments found that the WMVE approach was the next best ensemble strategy, followed by CSSV and pluralist voting. However, we identified datasets that are better suited for the CSSV approach, which opens avenues for future research. For example, one could develop an AutoML approach that uses a portion of the data for validating various ensemble procedures, choosing the most appropriate ensemble strategy based on the data. In sum, this paper proposes a novel model-agnostic ensemble approach better suited for situations that result in highly variable class-based performance for the base models. We rigorously proved that our novel class-specific approach performs best using eight multiclass datasets.

5. Limitations

During our extensive experimental analysis, we identified a few cases where our novel approach does not perform as well as the state-of-the-art class-specific soft voting (CSSV) method. In most of these cases, CSSV outperformed our approach by a small margin. However, in the car evaluation dataset, the CSSV approach attained an accuracy over three percentage points higher than that for our approach. This opens avenues for future research into automating the ensemble selection approach to ensure that one is using the most optimal method. With this considered, the experiments nevertheless showed that our method is the best overall ensemble voting approach.

6. Patents

This work has resulted in one pending patent.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, E.R., B.W. and K.C.-K.; methodology, E.R. and B.W.; software, K.C.-K. and C.D.; validation, B.W.; investigation, B.W.; data curation, B.W.; writing—original draft preparation, B.W., E.R. and A.L.; writing—review and editing, B.W. and E.R.; supervision, E.R.; project administration, E.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The original data presented in the study are openly available from the University of California at Irvine Machine Learning Repository.

Conflicts of Interest

Brandon Warner, Edward Ratner, and Christopher Douglas are all employees of Verseon International Corp. Kallin Carolus-Khan is a former employee of Verseon International Corporation. Amaury Lendasse is a former consultant of Verseon International Corporation. Edward Ratner, Kallin Carolus-Khan, and Christopher Douglas are all co-inventors on a pending patent (U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/597,893, 10 November 2023).


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Figure 1. The neural structure of an extreme learning machine (ELM).
Figure 1. The neural structure of an extreme learning machine (ELM).
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Figure 2. Flowchart depicting the training phase of our novel approach.
Figure 2. Flowchart depicting the training phase of our novel approach.
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Figure 3. Flowchart depicting the inference phase of our novel approach.
Figure 3. Flowchart depicting the inference phase of our novel approach.
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Figure 4. Summary of the performance ranking based on the average of each metric.
Figure 4. Summary of the performance ranking based on the average of each metric.
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Table 1. Number of neurons used in each dataset.
Table 1. Number of neurons used in each dataset.
DatasetMin # of NeuronsMid # of NeuronsMax # of Neurons
Balance scale102984
method choice
Car evaluation1042173
Dry bean101171361
Table 2. Summary of dataset characteristics.
Table 2. Summary of dataset characteristics.
Dataset# Instances# Features# ClassesNormalized Class
Balance scale8392330.6623
Contraceptive method choice1473990.3035
Car evaluation1728641.2495
Dry bean13,6101570.4951
Table 3. Summary of classification performance across methods.
Table 3. Summary of classification performance across methods.
DatasetCSSVClass (Ours)WMVESingle Vote
F1 score0.74750.74990.73190.7319
Avg. Jaccard0.83450.85070.84780.8478
F1 score0.92250.96290.95230.9456
Avg. Jaccard0.86060.92970.91150.8997
F1 score0.52570.51610.51610.5154
Avg. Jaccard0.36240.35930.35920.3585
F1 score0.87770.84170.83570.8269
Avg. Jaccard0.89730.84170.83570.8269
Activity recognition
F1 score0.86970.87350.87350.8613
Avg. Jaccard0.90370.90500.90500.8909
Student success
F1 score0.67360.67230.67080.6695
Avg. Jaccard0.60180.59650.59560.5948
F1 score0.84840.92040.91710.9104
Avg. Jaccard0.73500.85160.84680.8348
F1 score0.93850.94580.94580.9458
Avg. Jaccard0.89040.90290.90290.9029
Dry Bean
F1 Score0.93920.93910.93890.9382
Avg. Jaccard0.88370.88400.88360.8789
F1 Score0.50150.49360.49430.4889
Avg. Jaccard0.37660.37350.37650.3701
Table 4. Ranking of performance across datasets.
Table 4. Ranking of performance across datasets.
DatasetCSSVClass (Ours)WMVESingle Vote
Car 1234
Activity recognition3114
Student 1234
Dry bean2134
Average rank2.
The ranking was based on the majority of the included metrics.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Warner, B.; Ratner, E.; Carlous-Khan, K.; Douglas, C.; Lendasse, A. Ensemble Learning with Highly Variable Class-Based Performance. Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 2024, 6, 2149-2160.

AMA Style

Warner B, Ratner E, Carlous-Khan K, Douglas C, Lendasse A. Ensemble Learning with Highly Variable Class-Based Performance. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. 2024; 6(4):2149-2160.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Warner, Brandon, Edward Ratner, Kallin Carlous-Khan, Christopher Douglas, and Amaury Lendasse. 2024. "Ensemble Learning with Highly Variable Class-Based Performance" Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 6, no. 4: 2149-2160.

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