Nonholomorphic Higgsino Mass Term Effects on Muon g − 2 and Dark Matter Relic Density in Flavor Symmetry-Based Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
:1. Introduction
2. Flavor Symmetry-Based MSSM
2.1. SSB Sector of the MSSM
2.2. The Flavor Symmetry-Based NHSSM
2.3. Flavor Symmetry-Based NHSSM
3. Calculation of Low-Energy Observables
SUSY Contributions to
4. Numerical Results
4.1. Computational Strategy
4.2. and in the sNHSSM
4.3. Spin-Independent WIMP–Proton Cross-Section Constraints
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | |||
1.285–7.562 | 3.064–9.379 | 2.541–8.160 | |
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Israr, S.; Gómez, M.E.; Rehman, M. Nonholomorphic Higgsino Mass Term Effects on Muon g − 2 and Dark Matter Relic Density in Flavor Symmetry-Based Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Particles 2025, 8, 30.
Israr S, Gómez ME, Rehman M. Nonholomorphic Higgsino Mass Term Effects on Muon g − 2 and Dark Matter Relic Density in Flavor Symmetry-Based Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Particles. 2025; 8(1):30.
Chicago/Turabian StyleIsrar, Sajid, Mario E. Gómez, and Muhammad Rehman. 2025. "Nonholomorphic Higgsino Mass Term Effects on Muon g − 2 and Dark Matter Relic Density in Flavor Symmetry-Based Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model" Particles 8, no. 1: 30.
APA StyleIsrar, S., Gómez, M. E., & Rehman, M. (2025). Nonholomorphic Higgsino Mass Term Effects on Muon g − 2 and Dark Matter Relic Density in Flavor Symmetry-Based Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Particles, 8(1), 30.