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Soil Syst., Volume 2, Issue 2 (June 2018) – 19 articles

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12 pages, 1100 KiB  
Variation in the Molecular Structure and Radiocarbon Abundance of Mineral-Associated Organic Matter across a Lithosequence of Forest Soils
by Katherine Heckman, Heather Throckmorton, William R. Horwath, Christopher W. Swanston and Craig Rasmussen
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 36; - 11 Jun 2018
Cited by 19 | Viewed by 5157
Soil mineral assemblage influences the abundance and mean residence time of soil organic matter both directly, through sorption reactions, and indirectly, through influences on microbial communities. Though organo-mineral interactions are at the heart of soil organic matter cycling, current models mostly lack parameters [...] Read more.
Soil mineral assemblage influences the abundance and mean residence time of soil organic matter both directly, through sorption reactions, and indirectly, through influences on microbial communities. Though organo-mineral interactions are at the heart of soil organic matter cycling, current models mostly lack parameters describing specific mineral assemblages or phases, and treat the mineral-bound pool as a single homogenous entity with a uniform response to changes in climatic conditions. We used pyrolysis GC/MS in combination with stable isotopes and radiocarbon abundance to examine mineral-bound soil organic matter fractions from a lithosequence of forest soils. Results suggest that different mineral assemblages tend to be associated with soil organics of specific molecular composition, and that these unique suites of organo-mineral complexes differ in mean residence time. We propose that mineralogy influences the composition of the mineral-bound soil organic matter pool through the direct influence of mineral surface chemistry on organo-mineral bond type and strength in combination with the indirect influence of soil acidity on microbial community composition. The composition of the mineral-bound pool of soil organic matter is therefore partially dictated by a combination of compound availability and sorption affinity, with compound availability controlled in part by microbial community composition. Furthermore, results are suggestive of a preferential sorption of N-containing moieties in Fe-rich soils. These bonds appear to be highly stable and confer extended mean residence times. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Organic Matter Dynamics)
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12 pages, 2664 KiB  
Is There Anybody Out There? Substrate Availability Controls Microbial Activity outside of Hotspots in Subsoils
by Julian Heitkötter and Bernd Marschner
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 35; - 6 Jun 2018
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 4735
Soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover in subsoils is assumed to be limited to spatially restricted microsites where fresh substrate inputs occur. Vice versa, the growth and activity of microorganisms outside of such hotspots may be limited by easily available substrates. The apparent long-term [...] Read more.
Soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover in subsoils is assumed to be limited to spatially restricted microsites where fresh substrate inputs occur. Vice versa, the growth and activity of microorganisms outside of such hotspots may be limited by easily available substrates. The apparent long-term stability of subsoil organic carbon could thus be a result of microbial inactivity in these vast “cold regions” outside of hotspots. The aim of this study was to obtain realistic data about the in situ distribution of microbial hotspots in deep soil using soil zymography for three extracellular enzymes on undisturbed soil slices sampled from 0 to 161 cm depth. The results showed that most enzyme-driven turnover processes were concentrated to small portions of <1 to 10% of the subsoil volume, while enzymes in the major part of subsoils were barely active. In a second step, soil slices were homogenously sprayed with 14C glucose, incubated for 2 weeks and again analyzed with soil zymography. After glucose application, enzyme activities greatly increased in non-hotspot areas, thus confirming that substrate availability limits microbial activity in most of the subsoil volume. This implies that substrate limitation is a controlling factor for SOC stability in subsoils, suggesting that SOC in non-hotspots is persisting over long time periods until substrate becomes available and increases microbial activity. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Organic Matter Dynamics)
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17 pages, 1434 KiB  
Release and Biomethylation of Antimony in Shooting Range Soils upon Flooding
by Matthias Grob, Wolfgang Wilcke and Adrien Mestrot
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 34; - 5 Jun 2018
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 4999
Antimony (Sb) is an understudied pollutant with potentially toxic effects at particularly low concentrations. The fate of Sb in the environment is complicated because of its many chemical forms at varying oxidation states. Here, we validated an extraction method and an analytical technique [...] Read more.
Antimony (Sb) is an understudied pollutant with potentially toxic effects at particularly low concentrations. The fate of Sb in the environment is complicated because of its many chemical forms at varying oxidation states. Here, we validated an extraction method and an analytical technique to quantify inorganic and methylated Sb in bulk soil and soil solution. We identified and quantified trimethylantimony (TMSb) in shooting range soils for the first time, up to a concentration of 1.35 mg kg−1. Then, we evaluated the release of Sb species from soil to soil solution as well as the influence of manure addition upon flooding in an incubation experiment with fresh soils from shooting ranges. This incubation experiment showed an immediate and exhaustive Sb release into the soil solution (within 6 h), reaching over 3000 μg L−1 for one site, followed by a sharp decline and again a slow increase at the end of the incubation in Sb concentrations in the soil solution for two of the three sites. TMSb was also formed in the soil solution after 4 to 10 days. High dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and the dissolution of Fe- and Mn-(oxy-)hydroxides were the main drivers of Sb release, while the addition of organic matter (OM) drove TMSb formation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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28 pages, 8255 KiB  
Critical Decline of Earthworms from Organic Origins under Intensive, Humic SOM-Depleting Agriculture
by Robert J. Blakemore
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 33; - 1 Jun 2018
Cited by 29 | Viewed by 42191
In view of recent reports of critical declines of microbes, plants, insects and other invertebrates, birds and other vertebrates, the situation pertaining to neglected earthworms was investigated. Entomological reports found the probable cause of general loss was lack of recruitment from surrounding fields [...] Read more.
In view of recent reports of critical declines of microbes, plants, insects and other invertebrates, birds and other vertebrates, the situation pertaining to neglected earthworms was investigated. Entomological reports found the probable cause of general loss was lack of recruitment from surrounding fields (except for pest species). Earthworm decline under agricultural intensification compared to organic fertilizing is herein charted from several long-term agronomic trials, some operational >170 years. Relative biomass losses of –50–100% (with a mean of –83.3 %) match or exceed those reported for other faunal groups, thus earthworms are conclusively shown to be similarly depleted from their optima in agrichemical fields. Concomitant mean loss of SOC/SOM humus is –56.8% and soil moisture is reduced by –22.3%. Organic farming lessens humic degradation and topsoil erosion, conserves essential soil moisture and biota, and produces equivalent or higher crop and pasture yields (on average +17.8% in this study) at lower cost. Loss of earthworms adds weight for rational re-evaluation of viable means for food production compatible with environmental conservation (agroecology), hence various interlinked benefits of organic husbandry in terms of yields, soil restoration, biodiversity and economics are briefly discussed. Persistence with failing chemical agriculture makes neither ecological nor economic sense. Full article
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18 pages, 3180 KiB  
In Search of a Binding Agent: Nano-Scale Evidence of Preferential Carbon Associations with Poorly-Crystalline Mineral Phases in Physically-Stable, Clay-Sized Aggregates
by Maki Asano, Rota Wagai, Noriko Yamaguchi, Yasuo Takeichi, Makoto Maeda, Hiroki Suga and Yoshio Takahashi
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 32; - 29 May 2018
Cited by 41 | Viewed by 7643
Mechanisms of protecting soil carbon (C) are still poorly understood despite growing needs to predict and manage the changes in soil C or organic matter (OM) under anticipated climate change. A fundamental question is how the submicron-scale interaction between OM and soil minerals, [...] Read more.
Mechanisms of protecting soil carbon (C) are still poorly understood despite growing needs to predict and manage the changes in soil C or organic matter (OM) under anticipated climate change. A fundamental question is how the submicron-scale interaction between OM and soil minerals, especially poorly-crystalline phases, affects soil physical aggregation and C stabilization. Nano-sized composites rich in OM and poorly-crystalline mineral phases were presumed to account for high aggregate stability in the Andisol we previously studied. Here we searched for these nanocomposites within a sonication-resistant aggregate using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) as well as electron microscopy (SEM, TEM). Specifically, we hypothesized that nanometer-scale spatial distribution of OM is controlled by poorly-crystalline minerals as both co-exist as physically-stable nanocomposites. After maximum dispersion of the cultivated Andisol A-horizon sample in water, one aggregate (a few µm in diameter) was isolated from 0.2–2 µm size fraction which accounted for 44–47% of total C and N and 50% of poorly-crystalline minerals in bulk soil. This fraction as well as <0.2 µm fraction had much higher extractable Al and Fe contents and showed greater increase in specific surface area (N2-BET) upon OM oxidation compared to bulk and >2 µm size fractions, implying high abundance of the nanocomposites in the smaller fractions. The isolated aggregate showed a mosaic of two distinctive regions. Smooth surface regions showed low adsorption intensity of carbon K-edge photon energy (284–290 eV) with well-crystalline mineralogy, whereas rough surface regions had features indicative of the nanocomposites: aggregated nanostructure, high C intensity, X-ray amorphous mineral phase, and the dominance of Si, O, Al, and Fe based on SEM/EDX and TEM/EDX. Carbon functional group chemistry assessed by NEXAFS showed the dominance of amide and carboxyl C over aromatic and aliphatic C with some variation among the four rough surface regions. Together with C and N isotopic patterns among the size fractions (relatively low C:N ratio, high 15N natural abundance, and more positive ?14C of the <2 ?m fractions), our results provided the direct evidence of preferential binding of microbially-altered, potentially-labile C with poorly-crystalline mineral phases at submicron scale. The role of the nanocomposite inferred from this study may help to bridge the knowledge gap between physical aggregation process and biogeochemical reactions taking place within the soil physical structure. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Organic Matter Dynamics)
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11 pages, 936 KiB  
Soil Properties Related to the Occurrence of Rock Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere Soil of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) in Morocco
by Abderrazak Rfaki, Omar Zennouhi, Laila Nassiri and Jamal Ibijbijen
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 31; - 15 May 2018
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 5094
This study focused on revealing the correlations between rock phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) counts and differing properties of the rhizosphere soil. One hundred and thirty-two samples of rhizosphere soil of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) were collected and analyzed from 14 agricultural areas [...] Read more.
This study focused on revealing the correlations between rock phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) counts and differing properties of the rhizosphere soil. One hundred and thirty-two samples of rhizosphere soil of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) were collected and analyzed from 14 agricultural areas in Meknes, Morocco. The results revealed that all the samples were inhabited with indigenous PSB ranging from 3.55 to 0.002 (×105 CFU/g soil). The correlations between PSB counts and cation exchange capacity, available phosphorus (P), and pH were insignificant; on the contrary, a highly significant correlation (p ? 0.01) was found between the numbers of PSB and total soil bacteria (TB) (r = 0.80), total nitrogen (N) (r = 0.86), and organic matter (r = 0.90). This research enhances our knowledge on PSB population and their interaction with physical, chemical, and biological properties of the rhizosphere soil of faba bean to provide a new index for better use in organic agricultural practices. Full article
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14 pages, 1963 KiB  
Deciphering and Predicting Microscale Controls on Radon Production in Soils, Sediments and Rock
by Neha Mehta and Benjamin D. Kocar
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 30; - 9 May 2018
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3758
Soils, sediments and rock are natural sources of radon (Rn), which poses an ongoing threat to human health. Numerous studies have measured Rn release from bulk earth materials, yet few have examined microscale controls on Rn flux from solids (emanation), which is required [...] Read more.
Soils, sediments and rock are natural sources of radon (Rn), which poses an ongoing threat to human health. Numerous studies have measured Rn release from bulk earth materials, yet few have examined microscale controls on Rn flux from solids (emanation), which is required to develop a process-based framework for predicting the rate and extent of production. Here, we use a novel closed loop flow-through system to measure Rn emanation from two crushed rock types with disparate physical and geochemical characteristics, shale and granitic pegmatite. We relate the extent of Rn emanation from each sample to microscale characteristics examined using conventional and synchrotron-based techniques, such as Rn parent radionuclide distribution within mineral grains, porosity, and surface area. Our results illustrate that the extent of Rn release from solids is primarily dependent on the position of parent radionuclides within host mineral grains relative to the “recoil range”—the maximum distance a daughter product (such as Rn) may traverse within a solid and into an adjacent pore owing to alpha-recoil—and is less dependent on the bulk parent radionuclide (e.g., radium) activity. We also present a simple model for predicting the emanation coefficient for pure solids based on mineralogical and physical parameters, which is an initial step toward developing a framework for predicting Rn efflux (exhalation) from soils. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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23 pages, 2390 KiB  
Distinctive Roles of Two Aggregate Binding Agents in Allophanic Andisols: Young Carbon and Poorly-Crystalline Metal Phases with Old Carbon
by Rota Wagai, Masako Kajiura, Masao Uchida and Maki Asano
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 29; - 7 May 2018
Cited by 27 | Viewed by 6700
Interaction of organic matter (OM) with soil mineral components plays a critical role in biophysical organization (aggregate structure) as well as in biogeochemical cycling of major elements. Of the mineral components, poorly-crystalline phases rich in iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) are highly reactive [...] Read more.
Interaction of organic matter (OM) with soil mineral components plays a critical role in biophysical organization (aggregate structure) as well as in biogeochemical cycling of major elements. Of the mineral components, poorly-crystalline phases rich in iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) are highly reactive and thus contribute to both OM stabilization and aggregation. However, the functional relationship among the reactive metal phases, C stability, and aggregation remains elusive. We hypothesized that relatively young C acts as a binding agent to form the aggregates of weak physical stability, whereas the reactive metal phases and older C bound to them contribute to stronger aggregation. Using four surface horizons of Andisols having a gradient of soil C concentration due to decadal OM management, we conducted sequential density fractionation to isolate six fractions (from <1.6 to >2.5 g cm−3) with mechanical shaking, followed by selective dissolution and radiocarbon analysis. After 28 years of no-till with litter compost addition, not only C and N but inorganic materials including the reactive metal phases (pyrophosphate-, oxalate-, and dithionite-extractable metals) showed clear shifts in their concentrations towards lower-density fractions (especially <2.0 g cm−3) on a ground-area basis. This result was explained by the binding of compost-derived OM with soil particles. Major portions of the reactive metal phases in bulk samples were distributed in mid-density fractions (2.0–2.5 g cm−3) largely as sonication-resistant aggregates. Theoretical density calculations, together with depletion in radiocarbon (Δ14C: −82 to −170‰) and lower C:N ratio, implied that the sorptive capacity of the reactive metal phases in these fractions were roughly saturated with pre-existing OM. However, the influx of the compost-derived, modern C into the mid-density fractions detected by the paired-plot comparison suggests decadal C sink in association with the reactive metal phase. Our results supported the concept of aggregate hierarchy and further provided the following new insights. At the high hierarchy level where shaking-resistant aggregates form, soil organo-mineral particles appeared to be under a dynamic equilibrium and the changes in OM input regime controlled (dis)aggregation behavior due to the binding effect of relatively young C. At a lower hierarchy level, the reactive metal phases were bound to N-rich, 14C-depleted OM and together functioned as persistent binding agent. Our study suggests that the recognition of binding agents and aggregate hierarchy level would help to untangle the complex organo-mineral interactions and to better understand soil C stability. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Organic Matter Dynamics)
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20 pages, 1794 KiB  
Substrate Influences Temperature Sensitivity of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and Nitrogen (DON) Mineralization in Arid Agricultural Soils
by Abdulaziz A. AlMulla, Davey Jones and Paula Roberts
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 28; - 1 May 2018
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 4559
The bioavailability of nitrogen (N) in soil relies on the progressive breakdown of necromass protein to peptide and amino acid components and conversion to inorganic N forms. We understand the fluxes and pathways of the N cycle downstream from amino acids, but our [...] Read more.
The bioavailability of nitrogen (N) in soil relies on the progressive breakdown of necromass protein to peptide and amino acid components and conversion to inorganic N forms. We understand the fluxes and pathways of the N cycle downstream from amino acids, but our understanding of the factors controlling peptide and amino acid mineralization, particularly in arid soils, is lacking. We investigated the influence of temperature on the rate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) cycling in three agricultural soils from Saudi Arabia. Although the physical and chemical properties of the soils differed markedly, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis revealed they had similar topsoil and subsoil microbial communities. Soils behaved similarly in terms of the rate of substrate use, microbial C-use efficiency, and response to temperature. Substrate mineralization rate increased with temperature with more C being allocated to microbial catabolic rather than anabolic processes. Our results show that climate change is likely to lead to changes in soil organic matter turnover and shift C allocation patterns within the soil microbial community. This is expected to reduce soil quality and exacerbate nutrient losses. Management strategies are required to promote the retention of organic matter in these soils. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Organic Matter Dynamics)
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13 pages, 596 KiB  
Arsenic Speciation of Contaminated Soils/Solid Wastes and Relative Oral Bioavailability in Swine and Mice
by Brooke N. Stevens, Aaron R. Betts, Bradley W. Miller, Kirk G. Scheckel, Richard H. Anderson, Karen D. Bradham, Stan W. Casteel, David J. Thomas and Nicholas T. Basta
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 27; - 1 May 2018
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 4185
Arsenic (As) is one of the most widespread, toxic elements in the environment, and human activities have resulted in a large number of contaminated areas. However abundant, the potential of As toxicity from exposure to contaminated soils is limited to the fraction that [...] Read more.
Arsenic (As) is one of the most widespread, toxic elements in the environment, and human activities have resulted in a large number of contaminated areas. However abundant, the potential of As toxicity from exposure to contaminated soils is limited to the fraction that will dissolve in the gastrointestinal system and be absorbed into systemic circulation or bioavailable species. In part, the release of As from contaminated soil to gastrointestinal fluid depends on the form of solid phase As, also termed “As speciation”. In this study, 27 As-contaminated soils and solid wastes were analyzed using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and results were compared to in vivo bioavailability values determined using the adult mouse and juvenile swine bioassays. Arsenic bioavailability was lowest for soils that contained large amounts of arsenopyrite and highest for materials that contained large amounts of ferric arsenates. Soil and solid waste type and properties rather than the contamination source had the greatest influence on As speciation. Principal component analysis determined that As(V) adsorbed and ferric arsenates were the dominant species that control As speciation in the selected materials. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to determine the ability of As speciation to predict bioavailability. Arsenic speciation was predictive of 27% and 16% of Relative Bioavailable (RBA) As determined using the juvenile swine and adult mouse models, respectively. Arsenic speciation can provide a conservative estimate of RBA As using MLR for the juvenile swine and adult mouse bioassays at 55% and 53%, respectively. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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16 pages, 1507 KiB  
Formation of the Azodication (ABTS2+) from ABTS [2,2?-Azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate)] in Sterile Plant Cultures: Root–Exuded Oxidoreductases Contribute to Rhizosphere Priming
by Gerhard Gramss
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 26; - 1 May 2018
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4579
Rhizosphere priming by terrestrial plants comprises increased or repressed efflux of CO2 and N from soil organic matter (SOM), decaying under the impact of temperature, moisture, and the composition of rhizodeposits. Contemporarily, increases in water solubility vs. losses in molecular size, aromaticity, [...] Read more.
Rhizosphere priming by terrestrial plants comprises increased or repressed efflux of CO2 and N from soil organic matter (SOM), decaying under the impact of temperature, moisture, and the composition of rhizodeposits. Contemporarily, increases in water solubility vs. losses in molecular size, aromaticity, and the content in phenolic OH groups denote the degradation of SOM in planted soil. Root peroxidases (POs) and ‘polyphenoloxidases’ are surmised to contribute to these effects, however, final evidence for this is lacking. Therefore, seedlings of white mustard, alfalfa, and oilseed rape with wide spans in PO release were grown in hydroponic cultures at variable levels of Cu/Fe/Mn as Fenton metals, but also under P and Fe starvation to stimulate the release of carboxylic acids that form catalytic Mn3+ chelants from Mn2+ and MnO2. The shortage in active oxygen as a cosubstrate of POs delayed the immediate oxidation of 2,2′-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonate) (ABTS) supplements to the green ABTS•+ by PO/H2O2, the possible formation of Mn3+ via PO catalyzed aryloxy radicals from root–released phenolics, and of HO by metal cations in H2O2 dependent Fenton–like reactions. Enhanced by exuded and external malate, O2 independent MnO2 supplements in some treatments formed ABTS•+ spontaneously. The culture fluids then turned red in all treatments within 24–60 h by the formation of azodication (ABTS2+) derivatives in a second plant initiated oxidation step that is known to be catalyzed by substrate radicals. It is concluded that plants initiate oxidative activities that contribute to rhizosphere priming in an environment of oxidoreductase and carboxylate exudates, the indicated presence of mediating substrate radicals, and the cations and (hydr)oxides of transition metals. Pathways of H2O2 production upon the degradation of carboxylates and by the POs themselves are indicated. Full article
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13 pages, 2541 KiB  
Soil Organic Carbon Changes for Switchgrass Farms in East Tennessee, USA
by Dustin K. Toliver, Burton C. English, Donald D. Tyler, Jaehoon Lee, R. Jamey Menard and Jon C. Walton
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 25; - 24 Apr 2018
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 4746
Much attention has been paid to switchgrass’s potential for conversion to cellulosic ethanol and its ability to sequester soil organic carbon (SOC). Soil samples from switchgrass farms in East Tennessee were collected at depths of 0–5, 15–30, 30–60, and 60–90 cm and tested [...] Read more.
Much attention has been paid to switchgrass’s potential for conversion to cellulosic ethanol and its ability to sequester soil organic carbon (SOC). Soil samples from switchgrass farms in East Tennessee were collected at depths of 0–5, 15–30, 30–60, and 60–90 cm and tested for SOC over a 4-year period (2008–2011). Results showed no differences (p ≥ 0.05) in SOC from 2008 to 2011. However, when comparing the initial samples to year four, SOC decreases ranging from 0.04 to 0.47 t ha−1 were observed in the 5–10 and 10–15 cm soil depths. While SOC increased with time in the 90 to 120 cm layer, this increase was not significant at p = 0.05 but was significant at the 0.10 level. Following three full growing seasons, switchgrass’s potential to sequester carbon comes at deeper soil depths due to its vast root structure. Greater levels of carbon were present in soil previously no-tilled compared to that previously under conventional tillage; however, neither gained or lost a significant amount of SOC by year four. Alfisols were the only taxonomic category that had a significant increase in SOC by year four. Green beans were the only previously produced crop that had a significant positive effect on sequestering carbon. Increases in switchgrass yield were correlated to SOC. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Organic Matter Dynamics)
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13 pages, 1307 KiB  
The Impact of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry on the Biophysical Characteristics of Soils in Neotropical Agroecosystems
by Manuel Pulido, Luis Ramírez-Avilés, Francisco Javier Solorio Sánchez, Immo Fiebrig and Sara Burbi
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 24; - 19 Apr 2018
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 4804
The neotropical agroecosystems are important areas in the global scene in terms of livestock production. Therefore, a good conservation of their soils is crucial in order to both guarantee food safety and reduce the impact of land degradation processes. Conservation of neotropical soils [...] Read more.
The neotropical agroecosystems are important areas in the global scene in terms of livestock production. Therefore, a good conservation of their soils is crucial in order to both guarantee food safety and reduce the impact of land degradation processes. Conservation of neotropical soils used for farming activities could be obtained using veterinary medicine and adopting new grazing systems in the last decades. A wide bibliographical review was carried out which illustrates current issues in neotropical agroecosystems, the importance of their soil properties highlighting the role played by dung beetles within the edaphofauna, and the effects of the most common anti-parasitic practices as well as some natural alternatives. Finally, we present commonly adopted grazing systems and how they are affecting soil properties and animal welfare. The conversion of forest into agricultural and pasture land is altering the biochemical quality of soils. Furthermore, the use of ivermectin is dangerously reducing the total amount of dung beetles that are a key element in nutrient recycling processes. The implementation of new grazing systems (e.g., Voisin, Savory) is progressively fragmenting the habitat of many species. Nevertheless, there are also some benefits in this kind of practices and some natural alternatives to anthelmintics are being tested. Full article
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20 pages, 3621 KiB  
Centennial Fertilization-Induced Soil Processes Control Trace Metal Dynamics. Lessons from a Long-Term Bare Fallow Experiment
by Folkert Van Oort, Remigio Paradelo, Nicolas Proix, Ghislaine Delarue, Denis Baize and Fabrice Monna
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 23; - 19 Apr 2018
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3976
Long-term bare fallow (LTBF) experiments with historical sample archives offer unique opportunities to study long-term impacts of anthropogenic activities on mineral soil fractions. In natural agro- and ecosystems, such impacts are often masked by organic matter due to its buffering action and rapid [...] Read more.
Long-term bare fallow (LTBF) experiments with historical sample archives offer unique opportunities to study long-term impacts of anthropogenic activities on mineral soil fractions. In natural agro- and ecosystems, such impacts are often masked by organic matter due to its buffering action and rapid turnover. The 42-plot LTBF trial of INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) started in Versailles (France) in 1928 to assess the impacts of prolonged application of fertilizers and amendments on the composition and properties of loamy soils. Here, we established geochemical budgets of major and trace elements on surface samples from 1929 and 2014 for four groups of treatments relevant for developed soil processes. We considered accompanying effects of soil compaction or decompaction due to changing physicochemical conditions over 85 years. Element losses from the surface horizon were quantified via fertilization-induced or -amplified soil processes: clay leaching favored by Na- or K-based fertilization, and lixiviation of major and trace elements in acidic or alkaline soil conditions. Enhanced mineral weathering was shown for acidified and nonamended plots. Conclusions on trace metal migration were confirmed by selected analyses on subsurface horizons. Additional information was provided on specific element inputs via fertilizers and/or diffuse inputs via atmospheric deposition. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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19 pages, 4462 KiB  
Point of Zero Charge: Role in Pyromorphite Formation and Bioaccessibility of Lead and Arsenic in Phosphate-Amended Soils
by Ranju R. Karna, Matthew R. Noerpel, Todd P. Luxton and Kirk G. Scheckel
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 22; - 14 Apr 2018
Cited by 25 | Viewed by 6143
Soluble lead (Pb) can be immobilized in pure systems as pyromorphite through the addition of phosphorus (P) sources; however, uncertainties remain in natural systems. Knowledge of point zero charge (PZC) is important to predict the ionization of functional groups and their interaction with [...] Read more.
Soluble lead (Pb) can be immobilized in pure systems as pyromorphite through the addition of phosphorus (P) sources; however, uncertainties remain in natural systems. Knowledge of point zero charge (PZC) is important to predict the ionization of functional groups and their interaction with metal species in solution. This study utilized Pb- and As-contaminated soils to determine the combined effect of pH with respect to PZC and different rates of P-application on pyromorphite formation as well as Pb and arsenic (As) bioaccessibility as impacted by speciation changes. Solution chemistry analysis along with synchrotron-based Pb- and As-speciation as well as bioaccessibility treatment effect ratios (TERs) were conducted. Results indicated no significant effect of PZC on pyromorphite formation in P-amended soils; however, the TERPb appeared significantly lower at pH > pHPZC and higher at pH < pHPZC (? = 0.05). In contrast, the TERAs was significantly higher at pH > pHPZC compared to the other two treatments for the tested soils. The lack of conversion of soil Pb to pyromorphite may be attributed to several reasons including the presence of highly stable minerals, such as plumbojarosite, limiting soluble Pb availability to react with phosphates, high Fe and S content in IKS, high organic matter in BO, and high Ca content in NW. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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13 pages, 782 KiB  
Influence of Tillage Practices, Organic Manures and Extrinsic Factors on ?-Glucosidase Activity: The Final Step of Cellulose Hydrolysis
by Ignacio Mariscal-Sancho, Bruce Ball and Blair McKenzie
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 21; - 10 Apr 2018
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 3856
?-glucosidase is a key enzyme in the C-cycle, and its activity is strongly influenced by soil management practices and by extrinsic factors such as weather conditions. However, the variability of ?-glucosidase activity (BGa) over time and how this variability is affected by tillage [...] Read more.
?-glucosidase is a key enzyme in the C-cycle, and its activity is strongly influenced by soil management practices and by extrinsic factors such as weather conditions. However, the variability of ?-glucosidase activity (BGa) over time and how this variability is affected by tillage and organic fertilization remain poorly elucidated. We investigated how contrasting tillage practices (zero, minimum, conventional or deep) and organic amendment application (dairy cattle slurry or green compost) govern BGa. Strong correlations (r = ?0.98; p < 0.001) were found between BGa and preceding cumulative rainfall for soil without crops. Under cropped soil conditions, BGa was 53% greater under zero and minimum tillage than under ploughed treatments (p < 0.05) six years after their applications. These differences could be explained by associated effects of tillage on organic matter content, electrical conductivity and water stable aggregates. The separated organic residue experiment showed that BGa was 36% greater in soil amended with slurry than in soil amended with compost (p < 0.05) five years after their applications. Finally, the response ratio of BGa was calculated in order to study the effect size of each treatment at each sampling period. This simple strategy mitigated the variation on BGa measurements between two sampling periods, and may be applied in future studies to improve the interpretation of other potential soil quality indicators that are sensitive to seasonal changes. Full article
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15 pages, 2909 KiB  
A Comparison of the Solubility Products of Layered Me(II)–Al(III) Hydroxides Based on Sorption Studies with Ni(II), Zn(II), Co(II), Fe(II), and Mn(II)
by Lasita Bhattacharya and Evert J. Elzinga
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 20; - 10 Apr 2018
Cited by 22 | Viewed by 6012
The precipitation of mixed metal–aluminum-layered double hydroxides (Me(II)–Al(III)-LDH)) may be an important control of the solubility of Mn(II), Fe(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), and Co(II) in soils, but assessment of this process is hindered by a lack of thermodynamic data. Here, we determined the solubility [...] Read more.
The precipitation of mixed metal–aluminum-layered double hydroxides (Me(II)–Al(III)-LDH)) may be an important control of the solubility of Mn(II), Fe(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), and Co(II) in soils, but assessment of this process is hindered by a lack of thermodynamic data. Here, we determined the solubility products (Ksp) of the Me(II)–Al(III)-LDHs formed by these metals based on long-term Me(II)–?Al2O3 sorption studies complemented with X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements. The LDH phases had the chemical formula Me(II)2/3Al1/3(OH)2Cl1/3. Solubility products were derived as Ksp = (Me2+)aq2/3(Al3+)aq1/3(OH?)aq2(Cl?)aq1/3, where brackets represent aqueous activity values determined from the equilibrium solution chemistry of the sorption samples. The Ksps are metal-dependent, with values increasing by two orders of magnitude in the order Ni(II) < Zn(II) < Co(II) < Fe(II) < Mn(II). Comparison to the solubility of ?-Me(OH)2 suggests considerable thermodynamic preference of Me(II)–Al(III)-LDH over ?-Me(OH)2 in soil environments and reveals a linear relation between the log-transformed Ksp values of Me(II)–Al(III)-LDH and ?-Me(OH)2. Solubility plots suggest that Ni(II)–, Zn(II)–, and Co(II)–Al(III)-LDH may form in metal-polluted soils. Fe(II)–Al(III)-LDH may occur in riparian soils undergoing reduction, but precipitation of Mn(II)–Al(III)-LDH appears unlikely as it requires [Mn2+]aq much higher than commonly encountered in reducing soils. Additional thermodynamic and field studies are needed to further assess the importance of Me(II)–Al(III)-LDHs in soils and related geochemical systems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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13 pages, 2563 KiB  
Zinc Presence during Mineral Formation Affects the Sorptive Reactivity of Manganese Oxide
by Shiliang Zhao, Chenning Li, Pan Liu, Rixiang Huang, Emily M. Saad and Yuanzhi Tang
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 19; - 2 Apr 2018
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3402
The sorptive reactivity of layered manganese (Mn) oxides is controlled by their layer and interlayer structure, which can be affected by processes such as metal coprecipitation. This study investigated the effects of Zn coprecipitation on the sorptive reactivity of ?-MnO2, a [...] Read more.
The sorptive reactivity of layered manganese (Mn) oxides is controlled by their layer and interlayer structure, which can be affected by processes such as metal coprecipitation. This study investigated the effects of Zn coprecipitation on the sorptive reactivity of ?-MnO2, a common layered Mn oxide mineral. Selected cation (i.e., Cd) and anion (i.e., phosphate and arsenate) species were used to probe the changes in ?-MnO2 sorptive reactivity. Cd uptake by ?-MnO2 was suppressed by Zn coprecipitation but total metal uptake (Cd and Zn) was enhanced, indicating more available vacancy sites (e.g., smaller particle size and higher vacancy site density) in Zn-coprecipitated ?-MnO2. Phosphate and arsenate sorption on ?-MnO2 was significantly enhanced by Zn-coprecipitation, and the enhancement was more effective compared to Zn sorption on pure ?-MnO2. X-ray diffraction and X-ray adsorption spectroscopy analysis did not detect the formation of surface precipitations and/or ternary complexes. The enhanced anion sorption on Zn-coprecipitated ?-MnO2 was likely due to the compensation of negative surface charge by sorbed Zn, as well as the structural modifications introduced by Zn coprecipitation. Results from this study can provide a better understanding on the interactions between metal-coprecipitated Mn oxides and other species in natural environments. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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21 pages, 19841 KiB  
Cu, Pb, and Zn Sorption to Biogenic Iron (Oxyhydr)Oxides Formed in Circumneutral Environments
by Andrew H. Whitaker and Owen W. Duckworth
Soil Syst. 2018, 2(2), 18; - 31 Mar 2018
Cited by 18 | Viewed by 5515
The transportation and immobilization of potentially toxic metals in near-surface environments may be partially controlled by sorption processes at the solid-water interface. Myriad studies have shown that iron (oxyhydr)oxides have large sorption capacities and form strong surface complexes with metal ions. Biogenic iron [...] Read more.
The transportation and immobilization of potentially toxic metals in near-surface environments may be partially controlled by sorption processes at the solid-water interface. Myriad studies have shown that iron (oxyhydr)oxides have large sorption capacities and form strong surface complexes with metal ions. Biogenic iron (oxyhydr)oxides (BIOS) form at redox gradients where dissolved ferrous iron encounters oxygenated conditions, allowing bacteria to outcompete abiotic Fe oxidation. This process produces biominerals with distinct surface and structural properties (incorporation of cell-derived organic matter, poor crystallinity, and small particle sizes) that may alter their metal-binding affinity and sorption processes. To better understand metal binding by BIOS, Cu, Pb, and Zn, sorption rate and isotherm studies were conducted with synthetic two-line ferrihydrite and BIOS. Additionally, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and total scattering were used to elucidate the BIOS mineral structure and metal ion surface structures. On a mass normalization basis, BIOS sorbed approximately 8, 4, and 2 times more Cu, Pb, and Zn, respectively, than 2LFh over similar dissolved concentrations. Spectroscopic analyses revealed poorly crystalline structures and small coherent scattering domain sizes for BIOS. Additionally, extended X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy revealed Cu, Pb, and Zn sorbed to BIOS via inner-sphere complexes, similar to 2LFh. These results suggest that, in metal contaminated environments, BIOS are more efficient in metal binding than their synthetic counterparts. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics)
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