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Analyzing the Requirements for Smart Pedestrian Applications: Findings from Nicosia, Cyprus

George N. Papageorgiou
Demetris Demetriou
Elena Tsappi
Athanasios Maimaris
SYSTEMA Research Center, European University Cyprus, Nicosia 2404, Cyprus
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Smart Cities 2024, 7(4), 1950-1970;
Submission received: 15 April 2024 / Revised: 8 July 2024 / Accepted: 15 July 2024 / Published: 24 July 2024


What are the main findings?
  • High demand for mobile apps that enhance the pedestrian experience in urban areas requiring a variety of features related to safety, physical exercise, convenience, conviviality and social inclusion.
  • Use of Smart Pedestrian applications is significantly correlated with physical exercise, as well as satisfying daily mobility activity needs.
  • Smart Pedestrian apps could work as a catalyst for infrastructure improvements of the pedestrian network, through crowdsourcing.
What is the implication of the main finding?
  • Urban Connectivity and Mobility: The deployment of active mobile apps could significantly improve urban mobility by reducing the reliance on motorized vehicles and enhancing the pedestrian experience, leading to sustainable urban spaces.
  • Multiple Benefits: Smart Pedestrian apps could simultaneously promote healthy lifestyles, well-being, quality of life, economic prosperity, and sustainability.


This paper elicits and analyzes the main requirements for Smart Pedestrian applications designed to enhance the pedestrian experience in urban environments by offering optimized walking routes, improved accessibility, and support for social inclusion and connectivity. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines qualitative insights with quantitative data analysis based on surveys conducted in two strategically selected urban areas of Nicosia, Cyprus. Through the survey, the requirements and potential use of Smart Pedestrian apps are investigated while accounting for the quality of service of the urban infrastructure in a medium-sized city context. Additionally, the study contrasts the current smartphone applications, as they predominantly facilitate vehicular transportation, with the potential use of ICT/ITS to support pedestrians for sustainable mobility. The findings reveal a significant demand for a Pedestrian Smartphone app, driven by its ability to provide relevant information on optimum pedestrian routes, as well as act as a citizen’s voice for spotting infrastructure problems and improving the pedestrian network. Further, it is also revealed that limitations in the pedestrian infrastructure substantially restrict walking preferences, emphasizing the need for urgent city-level urban planning solutions to support active mobility. Additionally, the research carried out underscores the importance of a sustainable business model to support the successful deployment of Smart Pedestrian apps. Ultimately, the results of the study suggest prioritizing a smart technology leverage with a crowdsourcing social network business model to promote pedestrian mobility, thereby reducing vehicular dependence, enhancing public health, and improving the quality of life. Such an approach would act as catalyst for policymakers to concentrate on sustainability by investing in digital technology for integrated pedestrian networks, fostering the emergence of genuine smart cities.

1. Introduction

Across many urban areas in Europe and particularly in Cyprus, there is an extremely high overreliance on motorized fossil-fuel vehicles to carry out daily mobility activities. As a result of this dependency we have multiple negative socioeconomic, health and environmental impacts. Despite the recent rapid development of the smart city concept accompanied with advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the issue remains unresolved and, in many urban spaces, where smart technologies are employed is even worse. Typically, ICT and ITS applications are focused on promoting motorized traffic, often neglecting non-motorized, sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Moreover, as urban areas evolve towards becoming “smarter” through ICT and ITS applications, temporary traffic improvements consequently lead to increased vehicle use, exacerbating congestion and creating a vicious circle where solutions further entrench the problem!
Additionally, the lack of adequate infrastructure, particularly in many medium-sized cities contributes to this issue. In Cyprus cities, for instance, the public transportation system is plagued by irregular and unreliable schedules with limited coverage, pushing residents towards personal vehicle ownership and use. This motorized vehicle reliance has positioned Cyprus as the fourth highest among thirty-four European countries in terms of car ownership, with 658 cars per 1000 residents in 2022, posing significant challenges such as public health deterioration, increased pollution, exacerbation of climate change, and threats to wildlife ecosystems [2].
Paradoxically, Cyprus’s climatic conditions naturally support active transport modes such as walking and cycling. Therefore, an intriguing research question is what the factors are impeding the adoption of an active sustainable mobility lifestyle. Can technology support such sustainable mobility modes? Specifically, what are the requirements and features for a successful Pedestrian Smartphone app? Could the strategic use of ICT and ITS, especially through smartphone apps, promote a shift towards more active mobility? Identifying drivers that could foster such a shift is absolutely necessary, especially in naturally walkable cities like Nicosia, where the terrain is generally flat and distances are manageable. Further, it is noteworthy that such smartphone applications could contribute to a better sustainable touristic experience for the many visitors of Cyprus. As a result, active mobility could be promoted through smart solutions.
Transitioning to active mobility could offer manifold benefits for individuals, society, the economy, and the environment. It is important to note that the extensive use of motorized vehicles for daily transportation needs negatively impacts human health. Promoting active transportation would enhance physical activity and foster healthier lifestyles, moving away from the pervasive inactivity during daily commutes and other routine activities, which pose numerous health hazards. In today’s digital society, a great opportunity emerges for employing appropriate ICT/ITS smartphone apps to facilitate active mobility. Such mobile apps could also be used for data collection and social marketing campaigns to positively change social norms and attitudes towards active transportation, which could be a pivotal move. These smart solutions for promoting active transportation would yield substantial benefits for individuals and the broader urban community, supporting a paradigm shift in transportation systems towards sustainable development in contemporary smart cities.
Specifically, smartphone navigation apps dedicated to walkability and sustainable mobility could act as a catalyst for changing mindsets [1]. A prior work focusing on evaluating user attitudes towards the quality of service in pedestrian networks revealed a significant demand for enhanced pedestrian infrastructure and identified key user requirements for a smart mobility solution [2]. However, it also highlighted the need for a more comprehensive analysis incorporating diverse urban settings and advanced data analysis, which the current study aims to address. Simultaneously, real-time information about the urban environment or the current climate crisis could further motivate this shift. Moreover, advancements in new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the big data analytics would enable governments and municipal institutions to efficiently collect vast amounts of data via crowdsourcing to properly assess pedestrian infrastructure conditions and walkability levels and effectively plan for sustainable mobility.
Despite extensive research into smart urban mobility, a significant gap still remains in revealing the needs for active transportation and developing solutions specifically for pedestrians and cyclists. As pointed out earlier, ICT and ITS solutions are mainly directed to satisfy the needs of motorized vehicle drivers rather than pedestrians. Further, despite some research projects and applications carried out in big cities around the world, there is limited practical, application-oriented research tailored to specific urban context settings and medium-sized cities around Europe. Prior studies [3,8,9] exploring pedestrian mobility and pedestrian network concepts also revealed this gap regarding the context of practical deployment, but yet, not much has been done.
This paper aims to bridge the identified gaps by carrying out market-oriented research investigating the requirements and the factors that would motivate active mobility and the role of a generic smartphone walkability application in this context. Taking as a case study a medium-sized walkable European city, data are collected via a survey questionnaire administered to the residents of Nicosia, Cyprus, providing a tangible assessment of the problem situation. Additionally, the survey explores the economic viability of pedestrian mobile apps in a competitive market where similar applications are often available for free. This approach fills a crucial empirical void in smart city research by focusing on pedestrian mobility and delivers detailed insights into both user acceptance and the economic implications of applying ICT and ITS technology solutions in this area.
The paper goes first through a review previous studies on the efficacy of technology and smartphone apps for promoting walkability and sustainable urban development. This is followed by a description of the survey methodology, including participant recruitment and challenges encountered. Then, the analysis of the collected data is carried out, presenting the main findings. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion of the potential impact and success of an envisioned Smart Pedestrian application, synthesizing findings and implications for future smart urban mobility.

2. Review of Relevant Studies

In this section, first a critical examination of the scholarly discourse is carried out on the multidimensional benefits and barriers to pedestrian mobility. The objective is to identify the key preconditions that encourage pedestrian activities and to explore the challenges that may discourage individuals from engaging in or enjoying walkability. Following this, the review shifts focus to the methodologies behind the development of ICT/ITS smartphone applications, highlighting the crucial elements necessary for their successful implementation. The discussion culminates in a comprehensive analysis of successful smartphone applications, providing a detailed breakdown of the dynamics that contribute to their effectiveness. This examination offers insights into how digital tools facilitate pedestrian navigation and engagement, demonstrating their practical applications and theoretical implications.

2.1. Walkability Studies

The impact of a walkable urban space design on pedestrian behavior has been extensively studied, revealing significant benefits. Particularly, the research by [10,11] utilized a comprehensive walkability index incorporating land use diversity, street network design, residential density, and retail floor area ratios to assess health outcomes. The findings demonstrated that well-designed neighborhoods not only reduce the incidence of chronic conditions such as obesity but also contribute to lowering environmental pollution. Further, research has underscored walking as a vigorous exercise beneficial for cardiovascular health and helpful in mitigating diabetes and mental health disorders [9,11]. These activities are supported by evidence of the extensive health benefits provided by regular walking [11,12]. Additional studies have focused on aerobic fitness, particularly the enhancement of VO2max, highlighting its importance for efficient oxygen utilization during physical exertion [9].
In addition, the insights from [10] showed how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be utilized to assess urban environments to improve the human experience and facilitate active mobility. Key urban design elements like land use, accessibility, and activity variety are crucial in influencing walking decisions. These elements encourage short walking activities, especially in areas with dense intersections and a variety of shops and amenities. The integration of smart technologies, combined with effective governance and thoughtful platform design, would play a critical role in enhancing urban walkability, thus supporting broader health and environmental benefits [13]. Additionally, big data analytics have the potential to refine pedestrian pathways by optimizing safety and space efficiency, incorporating information on essential elements such as pavements and street furniture, which are crucial for user-friendly and accessible pedestrian networks [4,5,14].
A diverse mix of land uses and visually appealing urban designs has been shown to create environments more conducive to walking. The availability of various walking routes to a destination also increases the likelihood of choosing to walk, underscoring the complex relationship between urban design and walking behavior. Thoughtfully designed urban spaces significantly encourage physical activity and, by extension, enhance public health. Moreover, economic studies have linked walkability to increased residential property values, depicting pedestrian-friendly infrastructures as both a public health enhancement and a strategic economic investment [15]. This highlights the multifaceted importance of walkability in improving quality of life and well-being, affirming the value of pedestrian-centric urban design in public health and city planning frameworks.
Further, the research led by Owen et al. [16] investigated the significant roles played by residents’ socioeconomic backgrounds and specific neighborhood characteristics in four varied settings. This study found that income is a critical factor influencing walkability, more so than family status, which showed no significant correlation. Education was also seen as a positive influence, with more educated individuals being more aware of the personal and communal benefits of walking. Moreover, the study by Khajehpour and Miremadi [17] on equity challenges within bicycle-sharing systems provided valuable insights into procedural and recognition injustices, underscoring the importance of inclusive and equitable design in pedestrian network applications.
In another related study, Saelens et al. delved into the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale (NEWS), assessing its validity. The findings highlight how walkability is influenced by factors including the diversity of destinations, residential density, the quality of walking infrastructure, aesthetic considerations, traffic safety, and crime rates. In neighborhoods with lower walking levels, the aesthetic appeal was prioritized, whereas, in highly walkable areas, elements such as residential density and land use diversity were more favorably rated [18]. Finally, Ewing et al. identified key urban design attributes like imageability, visual enclosure, human scale, transparency, and complexity as significant in motivating walking. When effectively integrated into the urban fabric, these elements enhance the appeal and practicality of walking as a mode of transport [19].
This comprehensive review emphasizes that the decision to walk is influenced by a blend of urban design, personal health considerations, and quality of life factors. As urban landscapes continue to evolve, the need for designs that accommodate and encourage pedestrian activities remains critical [20]. The potential of utilizing ICT/ITS technology for managing the variety of influencing factors could act as a catalyst for enhancing walkability. This will be explored in more detail in the subsequent section.

2.2. Efficacy of ICT/ITS Mobile Applications

The efficacy of smartphone applications that leverage ICT and ITS to enhance walkability is closely linked to a sound business model [6,7,21,22]. Various strategies and features significantly influence application demand. Studies such as those by Ghose and Han [23] elucidate how factors like application size, age, description, and the number of screenshots correlate with usage and acceptance. Importantly, there is often a divergence between anticipated and actual application usage, which underscores a critical challenge in application development: aligning real-world use with developer expectations.
Further, the integration of sustainable urban planning with mobile application functionality is crucial. Wang et al. [24] illustrated how the sustainable integration of transport and urban planning enhances the applicability of mobile technologies, supporting sustainable urban living. This finding stresses the importance of strategic planning that aligns mobile applications with broader urban development goals to ensure that technology supports and enhances sustainable urban environments.
Furthermore, in an experimental study on the utility of smartphone apps [25], researchers determined whether an app could enhance the performance of medical professionals trained in advanced life support by providing easier access to critical information. Although the app was beneficial, it failed to become an indispensable resource, falling short of the initial product expectations. This highlights the crucial need for mobile applications to be adaptable and responsive to external conditions, a theme further explored by He et al. [26] during the COVID-19 pandemic. This illustrates the necessity for flexibility in mobile applications, enabling rapid responses to changes in user behavior and environmental conditions.
The above insights indicate that successful smartphone application development requires comprehensive requirement analysis during the design phase to create an app that effectively meets user needs. Specifically, Ries III et al. [27] explored the technical aspects of application development, emphasizing the importance of identifying the essential requirements and the risks associated with an inadequate requirement analysis or flawed system design. These potential pitfalls can lead to severe consequences, highlighting the critical role of meticulous design and testing phases in app development.
User feedback has emerged as a vital component in the development process, providing developers and researchers with invaluable insights that can significantly enhance the product’s market fit. For example, Krebs and Duncan [28] conducted an evaluation focusing on user feedback, which provided deep insights into user perceptions and app appraisal, emphasizing the importance of addressing technical features during the requirements gathering phase to ensure functionality meets user expectations.
The proliferation of smartphone applications across various sectors provides valuable insights into critical success factors for application adoption. For instance, educational applications often act as middleware facilitating access to digital content, underscoring the importance of user-friendly and functional design to ensure effective usage [29]. An effective advertising campaign is crucial for driving downloads and ensuring sustained use, with the Mobile Marketing Association [30] providing a comprehensive array of strategies for crafting such campaigns. Carefully assessing these strategies to ensure they align with the application’s marketing goals is crucial for influencing ongoing engagement and decision-making processes surrounding its purchase.
The analysis above synthesizes findings from various studies to provide a comprehensive view of the critical factors influencing the efficacy of ICT and ITS applications in promoting urban walkability. To further enhance these applications, developers should employ adaptive design principles that respond to user feedback and changing environmental conditions. Additionally, integrating applications with broader urban planning initiatives is crucial to ensure they contribute positively to sustainable urban development. It is also essential to prioritize inclusive design to address the diverse needs of urban populations, thereby avoiding procedural and recognition injustices. These strategies will ensure that ICT and ITS applications not only meet the current urban mobility challenges but are also poised to adapt to future developments in urban environments.

2.3. Smartphone Applications Focusing on Pedestrians

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in walkability studies and developing smartphone apps to enhance the overall pedestrian experience [31,32,33,34,35]. Generally, applications designed for pedestrians aim to motivate individuals to increase walking for daily activities, as well as for physical exercise, and contribute to a higher well-being and quality of life.
Asimakopoulos et al. [36] applied the self-determination theory to explore motivation criteria, aiming to enhance user engagement for fitness tracking and health applications. Specifically, an on-diary study was conducted with 34 experienced users of Fitbit and Jawbone fitness trackers, who provided diary logs twice weekly over four weeks. These logs measured motivation and self-efficacy over time to establish how user experiences or attitudes towards healthcare technology impacted motivation. Their analysis shows that user motivation and self-efficacy are highly dependent on successful data integration, gamification, content design, context sensing, and appropriate motivational feedback. However, the study provided limited evidence to support the correlation between specific features of fitness trackers and long-term user motivation.
In another study [37], the efficacy of smartphone applications in enhancing physical activity among male adults was assessed. Three hypotheses were tested:
Receiving social feedback leads to higher step counts than no feedback;
Social feedback results in higher step counts compared to solo feedback;
Solo feedback leads to higher step counts than no feedback.
The findings suggest that, while smartphone applications that provide step counts can increase physical activity in young to middle-aged men, the addition of social feedback does not significantly impact results. This may be particularly relevant for inactive males with low levels of physical activity.
Further, Direito et al. [38] examined how smartphone applications could enhance physical fitness and activity among the youth. The app for IMproving FITness (AIMFIT) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of two popular off-the-shelf applications in improving cardiorespiratory fitness among young people. The findings suggest considerable potential for these applications to extend the reach of behavioral change interventions, although their standalone effectiveness remains unconfirmed. Despite the widespread availability of commercial smartphone applications, empirical evidence supporting their impact on targeted behaviors is scant.
Moreover, Mollee et al. [39] investigated technological features in smartphone applications that promote physical activity. The study aimed to understand the landscape of smartphone applications that encourage physical activity among healthy adults. They introduced a framework to determine the extent to which these applications incorporate various technological features. The study found that the most implemented features include user input, textual/numerical overviews of user behavior, sharing of achievements on social networks, and general physical activity advice. Less common were features such as adaptability, integration with external sources, gamification, punitive measures, or options to contact experts. The results suggest significant potential for enhancing application features to improve utilization rates given the capabilities of the current mobile technology. Additionally, Jee [40] reviewed two types of applications advancing physical activity to improve health in adults. The first type utilizes built-in smartphone sensors like GPS or accelerometers, while the second type relies on user-provided data such as activity duration, dates, and types. Bravata et al. [41] also examined applications that track steps via a pedometer to see if they motivate users to walk more.
It is noteworthy that such smartphone applications could contribute to a better sustainable touristic experience, which would be especially valuable for touristic destinations such as Cyprus with its many visitors. In recent years, numerous cities around the world have developed and implemented applications for touristic purposes that have significantly enhanced the visitor experience and active mobility. For instance, the “Paris City Guide App” in Paris provides detailed maps, itineraries, and offline access to crucial tourist information, resulting in high user satisfaction due to its comprehensive content and user-friendly interface [42]. Similarly, the “Rome Travel Guide” in Rome offers augmented reality features and historical information, which has been effective in enriching the cultural experience of visitors [43]. New York City’s “NYC Go” app integrates event notifications, restaurant recommendations, and booking services, praised for its comprehensive integration of diverse services [44]. Tokyo’s “Tokyo Handy Guide” stands out for its multilingual support and real-time public transportation updates, which are crucial for non-Japanese speaking tourists. Evaluations indicated a high appreciation for its ease of navigation and reliability [45]. These examples demonstrate how well-designed and evaluated touristic apps can significantly improve the overall visitor experience by addressing specific user needs and integrating valuable features. As a result, active mobility is promoted through smart solutions.
Further, recent advancements in pedestrian navigation technologies highlight the importance of personalized and context-aware features. For example, apps that provide real-time environmental data, such as air quality and noise levels, alongside navigation assistance are found to be more appealing to users who prioritize health and sustainability [46,47]. These findings suggest that incorporating similar features in our app could significantly improve user engagement and adoption.
Moreover, the use of gamification elements and social interaction features has been shown to enhance user motivation and retention in travel and mobility apps [48]. Integrating such elements into our app could encourage more consistent use and promote a community-oriented approach to active mobility. Recent studies have also emphasized the potential of AI and wearable technologies to improve pedestrian navigation accuracy and user experiences. For instance, AI-enhanced inertial navigation systems can provide robust and accurate positioning even in complex urban environments [49]. These technologies can be leveraged to develop more sophisticated and user-friendly pedestrian navigation apps. By drawing on these insights from existing research, we can obtain ideas for the better design and implementation of a pedestrian navigation app that meets user needs and expectations, ultimately contributing to the promotion of active and sustainable urban mobility.
Progressive smart cities around the world, as demonstrated by Zeichner et al. [50], are leveraging smartphone applications to enhance pedestrian safety. Almost one-third of all road accidents in New York City are attributed to extensive mobile phone use. In response, the city has restructured selected roads and developed smartphone applications that alert users to potential dangers. This highlights the importance of understanding why citizens use mobile phones in specific contexts and how this knowledge can be used to further enhance pedestrian safety. In a similar study, Jacob et al. [51] developed a smartphone application to secure the traversing of pedestrians. Further, Ganti et al. [52] analyzed an application that addresses not only tangible road infrastructure elements but also intangible factors such as social urban conditions, emphasizing the complexity of the pedestrian experience through the digital customer journey.
Table 1 provides a comparative analysis of the main features found in pedestrian applications contrasted with potential features that can easily be implemented via ICT/ITS. Specifically, these potentials are contrasted with what three mainstream mobile app alter-natives can offer: Google Maps, MapMyWalk, and Streetwise [53,54]. Each row in the table corresponds to a specific feature commonly found in pedestrian applications, while the columns represent the individual applications. The features assessed include route optimization, real-time updates, accessibility options, and community engagement functionalities. This comparison helps identify the strengths and limitations of each application, offering insights into their unique value propositions and identifying the main features that enhance their pedestrian experience.
The economic sustainability of any Smart Pedestrian app is a critical aspect of its development, particularly in a competitive market that includes free services such as Google Maps, MapMyWalk, and Streetwise. To differentiate a Smart Pedestrian applications and justify potential costs to users, many apps use a freemium business model. This model offers basic navigation services for free, while premium features—such as personalized route optimization, advanced safety alerts, and integration with public transportation—are available at a fee. Such a model leverages the unique capabilities of the app, distinguishing it from the general functionalities provided by existing applications.
Moreover, successful app development should explore innovative revenue streams through partnerships with local businesses and municipal governments. Location-based advertising and promotions integrated into the app could drive user engagement while supporting local commerce. Collaborating with city planners to integrate the Smart Pedestrian application into broader smart city initiatives could provide a sustainable funding source, aligning the application’s goals with public infrastructure projects.
These strategic approaches aim to position the application not only as a competitive entity in the market but also as a valuable tool for enhancing urban mobility and sustainability, thus offering a compelling alternative to free applications by adding distinct, value-added features that cater to specific user needs and community goals.
The above review enables us to consider the impact that technology has on individuals’ decision to engage in physical activity and make use of pedestrian networks. It is clearly crucial when developing an application for walkability that accurate and relevant information is provided to citizens regarding mobility. To sum up, the following factors should be considered when developing Smart Pedestrian apps:
  • Main App Features: Safety, Navigation, Convenience, Conviviality, Connectivity, and Data Collection (Crowdsourcing).
  • Business model: The correct pricing of the application must be considered. The predefined factors have both positive and negative influences on the application adoption and usage.
  • Demographics of the target market: The characteristics of the population that potentially will download, buy, and use the application.
  • Correct evaluation of the urban environment: Evaluation of criteria for the application, based on the context of the specific city in which the app will be used.
  • Pedestrian needs and adequate requirements the application should fulfil: A collection of data about existing applications, how people utilize them, what their expectations regarding smartphone applications are, and their views on how these applications will be beneficial to them.
  • Social marketing and communication techniques: Appropriate communication strategies must be considered. The predefined factors have both positive and negative influence on smartphone application adoption and usage.
The above factors should definitely be considered when deriving and analyzing the necessary requirements for successfully developing a Pedestrian Smart application in conjunction with the current issues faced by individuals (e.g., health), the natural environment (namely climate change and pollution), society, and the economy. The next section describes the methodology employed in an attempt to gather and analyze the complex spectrum of the necessary requirements for the case of the middle-sized city of Nicosia, Cyprus.

3. Methodology

In an effort to elicit and analyze the main requirements for a successful Smart Pedestrian app, a detailed on-site survey questionnaire was administered to residents of Nicosia, Cyprus. This survey utilized personal interview responses to a variety of questions (see Appendix A) to collect crucial data on walkability patterns, pedestrian infrastructure, amenities, and the potential use of a specialized Pedestrian Smartphone app.
The analysis carried out compares outcomes from two distinct urban areas of Nicosia—Area 1, characterized by its superior pedestrian infrastructure and accessible amenities, and Area 2, known for its inadequate conditions. Illustrated in Figure 1a,b, these areas were specifically chosen to explore the potential influence of differing qualities of pedestrian infrastructure on attitudes and preferences toward active mobility. Additionally, the study examined the possible benefits derived from employing ICT/ITS through the prospective Smart Pedestrian smartphone application, aiming to enhance these urban experiences.
The technical assessment of the Smart Pedestrian application’s capabilities revealed its dynamic approach to enhancing urban walkability. Leveraging Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, the application dynamically maps and updates pedestrian pathways, employing sophisticated algorithms to analyze multiple variables—including path distance, surface conditions, and congestion—to recommend optimal walking routes. The integration of real-time data allows the application to adapt to temporary obstructions such as construction or events that may block pathways, incorporating updates from municipal sources and user feedback.
This dual approach to data collection—utilizing both municipal sources and user-generated content—ensures the delivery of accurate and timely information, thereby improving the overall user experience. The application’s adaptability was further tested through simulated scenarios within the surveyed areas to assess its responsiveness and precision.
The methodology integrated into this study aimed to provide a comprehensive evaluation of pedestrian infrastructure effectiveness and potential user interactions with the application. The survey questionnaire was meticulously structured to collect data on demographics, walkability attitudes, and pedestrian environment assessments, along with inquiries about desired features and the usability of the mobile application. This multifaceted approach helped to achieve a deep understanding of the diverse factors influencing preferences for active mobility in modern urban environments.
Detailed contrasts between the two study areas highlighted the disparities in pedestrian network quality and simultaneously assessed the potential for an ICT/ITS Pedestrian Smartphone app. Area 1 featured well-maintained amenities, including nearby schools, universities, health centers, coffee shops, restaurants, and various public services that support pedestrian activities. In stark contrast, Area 2, with its limited services and amenities, underscored the challenges faced by pedestrians, particularly the elderly or disabled, due to its inferior infrastructure.
Subsequently, the results explored how variations in infrastructural and environmental conditions influence human behavior, social norms, and walking interactions. It aimed to determine whether such disparities affect human perception and, consequently, an individual’s willingness to engage in walking. This information is invaluable for municipal institutions and policymakers, who can use the data to guide urban development and policy reforms based on public attitudes and infrastructural needs.
Further, the survey aimed to gauge potential user reactions to the proposed smartphone application, offering insights into its marketability and potential success in diverse urban conditions. The two areas served as a basis for developing a questionnaire designed to uncover current pedestrian needs and transportation preferences. After several revisions and a pilot study, the questionnaire was finalized into five major sections: demographics, walking mindset attitudes, pedestrian environment infrastructure, application features, and the desire for acquisition and use of the smartphone application. The demographic questions drew from previous surveys conducted by the Cypriot Statistical Service, while the other sections were informed by findings from prior literature reviews and current citizen needs. This comprehensive structure allowed for the collection of in-depth data on how potential users perceive existing infrastructural conditions and their receptiveness to technological solutions aimed at enhancing pedestrian mobility.
Utilizing a random sampling method, the survey was administered to participants in both Area 1 and Area 2. Of the 150 individuals approached, 108 (72%) provided responses—64 from Area 1 and 44 from Area 2—offering a comprehensive dataset for a detailed analysis. To ensure familiarity with the study areas, a preliminary screening verified each respondent’s knowledge of both locations, enhancing the relevance and depth of the insights gathered. The response rate effectively illustrated the survey’s resonance with the participants and underscored the pertinence of the questions posed. Employing a stratified random sampling technique, the study guaranteed a representative sample across key demographic characteristics such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status. It is important to note that the employed methodology represents a rigorous requirements elicitation approach, which is the primary step for any successful software development process.

4. Results: Data Analysis and Main Findings

The analysis of the collected data was conducted using IBM’s Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) V27. The investigation tested several hypotheses, including the correlation between pedestrian infrastructure quality, smartphone app use, and an individual’s likelihood to engage in active mobility. The survey data from Area 2 showed that over 60% of pedestrians are significantly influenced by the conditions of the pedestrian network, as well as meteorological factors. Similar findings were noted for Area 1, indicating a common tendency among individuals to consider weather conditions before opting to walk instead of using personal motorized vehicles. This is understandable, as under adverse weather conditions, walking becomes less appealing unless it is the only practical option.
The analysis confirmed the primary hypothesis (H1), suggesting a strong correlation between the quality of the pedestrian infrastructure and individuals’ decision to walk. Additionally, the data revealed that the safety of walkable routes and the time of day significantly influence walking decisions. An inferential synthesis of these results led to insightful observations: the willingness to walk decreases as daylight fades, likely due to reduced perceptions of safety. Conversely, more daylight or earlier in the day tends to increase the appeal of walking. Interestingly, while factors like pavement quality and weather conditions do affect walking decisions, their impact is less pronounced than safety concerns. This outcome suggests that safety is the overriding factor, overshadowing any discomfort caused by adverse weather or poorly maintained pavements. Despite the challenges posed by inclement weather or suboptimal pavement conditions, these issues are minor compared to the overarching concerns about safety along pedestrian routes. This is particularly significant in Nicosia, where traffic dominated by motorized vehicles poses a great danger to pedestrians, who are not given much attention even when walking on zebra crossings.
The study also explored a second hypothesis regarding crowdsourcing and the dissemination of information about pedestrian conditions, adding depth to the comprehensive analysis of pedestrian mobility preferences. In Area 1, only 26% of respondents expressed willingness to purchase a smartphone pedestrian application priced between 0.01 and 0.99 EUR. The analysis showed a negative correlation between price and individuals’ willingness to buy the application, indicating that, as the price increased, the likelihood of purchase decreased. A similar trend was observed in Area 2, where only 32% of participants were prepared to acquire the pedestrian mobile app within the same price range. These findings prompt several questions: Why are individuals deterred by such modest prices? Is it the presence of competing mobile applications available for free? Or do they have reservations about paying a monthly fee for mobile applications in general? Additionally, why does even a slight price increase lead to a significant drop in the willingness to purchase the application? While exploring these questions was beyond the scope of this paper, they merit further investigation to understand and potentially address these consumer behaviors.
Despite the above concerns, there was notable interest in purchasing the professional version of the proposed pedestrian application, with 45% in Area 1 and 46% in Area 2 indicating a willingness to purchase. This premium version of the app, which provides features of detailed information for connectivity, comfort, conviviality, and convenience, appealed to nearly half of the respondents in both areas, despite initial reservations about the pricing. Additionally, the freemium version of the smartphone app saw high potential user interest, with 70% of participants in Area 2 willing to download it, compared to 46% in Area 1. This suggests that individuals in areas with inferior infrastructure and fewer public services have a more acute need for the Smart Pedestrian application, relying more on the enhancements it offers compared to those in better-served areas. These insights underline a clear disparity in the perceived value and necessity of the application based on local infrastructure quality, and they reinforce the need for targeted strategies in application functionality that align with the specific needs and conditions of different urban environments. Also, the respondents of Area 2 seemed to look desperately for a solution to their mobility problems via the functionality of the Pedestrian Smartphone app. Regarding subscribing annually, which shows potential use, 14% of participants from Area 1 expressed a definite willingness to purchase the application compared to a slightly lower 11% from Area 2. This close similarity in the propensity to subscribe across both areas provides an intriguing insight, especially considering the higher level of interest from individuals in Area 1. This appears to contradict the expectation that residents of Area 2, with its inferior infrastructure, would demonstrate a greater need for the subscription.
Further, the analysis assessed the impact of the proposed Smart Pedestrian smartphone application on walking behavior, aiming to understand how it might encourage walking either as a form of physical exercise or as part of daily routine activities. In Area 2 (despite the low-quality infrastructure), the data show that 50% of the respondents would use the Smart Pedestrian app for physical exercise, with 31.8% remaining undecided about their usage. Additionally, 46.5% reported they would use the Smart Pedestrian app for daily activities, though 23.3% were uncertain, and 30.7% indicated no interest in using the application. These results are encouraging for the potential successful deployment of a Smart Pedestrian application. However, they also raise important questions about why a significant portion of the sample displayed reluctance or uncertainty. Could their skepticism stem from negative experiences in poorly maintained areas, influencing their willingness to engage in outdoor exercise? Is it possible that the application does not fully meet their needs or expectations or that individuals prefer not to shift from their current exercise routines, such as gym workouts or other equipment-based activities? These considerations suggest that the Smart Pedestrian application could benefit from clearer communication of its features and benefits to better align with user needs.
In Area 1 (high-quality infrastructure), the results were slightly more positive, with 60% of respondents indicating they would use the application for daily walking, slightly higher than in Area 2. This suggests a more favorable reception to the application in areas with better infrastructure, highlighting the importance of aligning application features with the specific conditions and needs of different urban environments. The survey measurements indicate a divergence in attitudes towards the Smart Pedestrian application across the study areas. In Area 1, 25% of respondents are doubtful about using the Smart Pedestrian application, while 15% state definitively that they would not use it. Despite these reservations, the application is anticipated to be predominantly used for exercise, with a significant 60% of participants planning to use it for daily mobility-related activities. An additional 28.1% remain uncertain, highlighting an overall more positive attitude towards using the Smart Pedestrian application for physical exercise in Area 1. This inclination can be attributed to the high-quality infrastructure, which fosters a conducive environment for walking. It seems that features such as well-maintained pavements, accessible amenities, clear and easy-to-follow routes, and aesthetically pleasing surroundings encourage residents to engage in active mobility. Conversely, the absence of these ap-pealing features in other areas is a prohibiting factor, which also adds to fears of safety on the roads.
This survey study has also investigated how infrastructure conditions influence the possibility of adoption of the proposed Smart Pedestrian application in contrasting urban areas of low- and high-quality infrastructure. Interestingly, no significant correlation was found between regular walking habits and Smart Pedestrian app usage in either area. However, in Area 2, a significant positive correlation was observed between the willingness to use the application for both physical exercise and daily mobility needs at the 0.01 level. This suggests that the residents of areas of poorer infrastructure need a solution, probably through technology and crowdsourcing, to improve their walking experience.

Pedestrian App Use and Potential Interest in Social Networking Crowdsourcing

In terms of application use, residents from both areas show a general favorable inclination towards using the Smart Pedestrian application for physical exercise. However, the sentiment towards using the application for daily mobility activities differs markedly between the two areas, with Area 2 showing substantially less desire—2.5 times less compared to Area 1. This is expected, as the infrastructure conditions are comparatively adverse in Area 2. On the other hand, there is interest in using the app to voice concerns and problems of the pedestrian network via information crowdsourcing.
The analysis in Area 2 reveals a very strong correlation between the usage of the application for physical exercise and the activities of uploading and downloading information to and from the application. Similar strong correlations are noted for the application’s use for daily walking, as evidenced by high Pearson correlation values that are statistically significant, with Sig (two-tailed) test values below the 0.01 level, indicating a 99% confidence in the validity of these results, as shown in Table 2.
In Area 1 (see Table 3), as in Area 2, strong correlations were observed between the use of the Smart Pedestrian application for physical activities and the interactive behaviors of uploading and downloading information, although these correlations were slightly weaker in Area 1. The Pearson correlation values were statistically significant, with Sig (two-tailed) test values below 0.01, providing a 99% confidence level in the validity of these findings. These findings highlight the active engagement of residents in Area 1 with the application, demonstrating their propensity to both access and contribute information via crowdsourcing regarding their walking experience.
The strong correlation of app use to crowdsourcing likely arises from the expectation that local authorities will use the feedback to improve the pedestrian infrastructure. The slightly higher correlation coefficients found in Area 2 indicate a greater need for improvement in pedestrian conditions, prompting more frequent use of the application as a platform for expressing concerns and expectations. This suggests a proactive approach to community engagement, with residents actively adding to the data pool, thereby increasing the application’s usefulness and relevance for all users. Such dynamic interaction underscores the application’s potential as a crucial tool for the continuous development and enhancement of pedestrian networks.
Further analysis revealed that, in Area 2, there was a very strong correlation between using the application for physical exercise and the activities of uploading and downloading information. This was evidenced by high Pearson correlation values, which were statistically significant with Sig (two-tailed) test values below 0.01, indicating 99% confidence in the validity of these results. Similar correlations were noted for the application’s use for daily walking, further emphasizing the active involvement of Area 2 residents in utilizing the application for improving their walking experiences.
Summing up this Results section, it is important to note that the survey was instrumental in identifying and analyzing the main requirements for the proposed smartphone pedestrian application, as well as revealing its potential to significantly contribute to active transportation and, subsequently, to health and climate change mitigation. It was also shown that addressing infrastructural deficiencies and enhancing pedestrian safety are vital for encouraging walking and boosting the adoption of the Smart Pedestrian application. The analysis distinctively categorizes walking into two primary behaviors: walking for daily activity mobility needs and walking for physical exercise, each influenced by unique factors that affect the use of the Smart Pedestrian application. Daily mobility walking is characterized as a necessary and convenience-driven activity, often occurring in short, spontaneous bursts. This type of walking is highly dependent on the quality of urban infrastructure, as individuals are more likely to engage in walking when pathways and amenities are readily accessible and safe. Conversely, walking for physical exercise is a deliberate and planned activity, chosen primarily for its health benefits. This form of walking tends to occur at specific times and locations, often independent of direct environmental influences but still benefiting from high-quality pedestrian environments.
Recognizing these distinctions is critical for urban planners and application developers. It enables them to tailor environments and technological solutions that effectively support both types of walking activities. For instance, ensuring that daily paths are well-connected, safe, and integrated with essential services can enhance convenience-driven walking. Meanwhile, creating scenic and well-maintained routes can attract those walking for exercise. By differentiating these walking behaviors, urban planners and policymakers can better address the diverse needs of city residents regarding infrastructure, potentially increasing the adoption and effective use of apps like the Smart Pedestrian app, designed to improve urban pedestrian experiences. This approach not only caters to the immediate mobility needs but also promotes long-term health benefits and satisfaction with urban environments, fostering a more active and engaged society.

5. Discussion

This paper evaluated the main factors influencing walkability and the requirements for a successful Smart Pedestrian app. Via a survey study administered in Nicosia, Cyprus, various determinants of pedestrian behavior were assessed across two contrasting areas with distinctly different infrastructure qualities. The analysis effectively demonstrated the utility and appeal of the prospective Smart Pedestrian application, which aims to enhance urban walkability by offering deep insights into pedestrian behavior. Variations in the effect of the factors influencing walking decisions were detected, with connectivity, comfort, conviviality, conspicuity, and convenience being identified as pivotal. Further, the adoption of a freemium business model is strategically important, catering to users’ expectations for free access to basic features while monetizing advanced capabilities. This model effectively addresses the prevalent resistance to paying for such applications.
Demand for the proposed smartphone app is prevalent; however, user engagement appears to vary in response to the quality of the pedestrian infrastructure, suggesting a complex market response. Further, approximately half of the respondents expressed a willingness to use the application for physical activity, highlighting a market segment receptive to the application’s benefits for health and sustainable mobility. Also, safety was underscored as a critical concern influencing walking decisions, with a marked preference for well-lit streets and safer conditions.
The elicitation of the main requirements through the survey established the cornerstone for successfully developing the envisioned Smart Pedestrian application. It has also revealed its potential to significantly contribute to active transportation, health improvement, and climate change mitigation. The realization of this potential necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the motivations driving walking within communities and the translation of these motivations into functional application features and the corresponding supportive urban planning strategies. Specifically, addressing infrastructural deficiencies and enhancing pedestrian safety are vital for encouraging walking and boosting the adoption of the proposed Smart Pedestrian application.
Note that the rigorous requirements engineering approach followed in this study bolsters the validity of the findings and improves the likelihood of developing a successful Pedestrian Smartphone application. Requirements elicitation is the first and most important step in the overall software development process of the application. This stage subsequently enables effective coding of the identified requirements through an agile prototyping method. For example, to optimize walking routes in urban environments, the route optimization features could easily be developed using Python and the NetworkX library, where pedestrian pathways can be analyzed and the shortest, safest, most convenient routes determined. Further, by utilizing established Geographic Information System (GIS) algorithm libraries, the envisioned application can dynamically map and update pedestrian pathways, employing sophisticated algorithms to analyze multiple variables—including path distance, surface conditions, and congestion—to recommend the optimal walking routes. Moreover, the integration of real-time data would allow the application to adapt to temporary obstructions such as construction or events that may block pathways, incorporating updates from municipal sources and user feedback. Such a dual approach to data collection—utilizing both municipal sources and user-generated content—would ensure the delivery of accurate and timely information, thereby improving the overall user experience. The application’s adaptability could then be further tested through simulated scenarios within the surveyed areas to assess its responsiveness and precision.
Despite the significance of this study in the specific context of a medium-sized city, it is essential to recognize limitations in the generalizability of the results. This underscores the need for expanded research across various urban settings to strengthen the robustness and relevance of the findings. Future research could persist in examining pedestrian dynamics and integrating pedestrian-friendly policies to further clarify the intricate factors influencing urban walkability. Further, the survey inadvertently omitted areas that could provide additional insights, such as the reasons behind individuals’ reluctance to pay for mobile apps. Understanding this reluctance is instrumental in developing appropriate business revenue models for the viability of any smartphone app. Additionally, a further demographic data analysis could have sharpened the findings, highlighting differences in application use and walking preferences across genders and age groups. This data could assist in identifying targeted audiences for the Smart Pedestrian application, facilitating a deeper understanding of varied walking behaviors and attitudes across demographic groups. Direct queries about desirable features in pedestrian applications would also provide developers with crucial information on user expectations and market gaps. Also, further research could establish the influence of human interactions, including whether family or friends using the Smart Pedestrian application would affect individual adoption decisions. On the other hand, this study advances the preliminary insights from previous research by providing a more granular analysis of pedestrian behavior across different urban settings [2]. The integration of the survey method and advanced data analysis in the software development process represents a significant methodological enhancement, offering a practical value for both application developers and urban planners. In this way, future research could continue to investigate the impact of advanced technologies such as augmented reality on pedestrian navigation and safety.
Despite the limitations, the study provides important insights into the current mindset and attitudes on pedestrian mobility and active transportation requirements. Further, it provides a robust foundation for further work and informs stakeholders about the potential market viability of a Smart Pedestrian application and the intricate role of municipality authorities. Interestingly, the analysis highlighted several findings: while individuals in areas with better infrastructure demonstrated a higher inclination to use the Smart Pedestrian application, they are not the ones who most need it. Specifically, the individuals in Area 1, characterized by superior pedestrian amenities, are more willing to engage with the app due to more enjoyable experiences walking the streets compared to those in Area 2, where the pedestrian infrastructure is notably poorer. This reveals a fundamental difference within the findings. Although individuals in well-equipped areas like Area 1 seem more inclined to use the Smart Pedestrian application, it is actually the residents of less developed areas such as Area 2, who would benefit most from improved walkability, that need it the most. This discrepancy raises critical questions about the application’s effectiveness in solving the issues it aims to address—primarily, to enhance pedestrian infrastructure and encourage walking in all urban areas, not just those already well serviced.
Additionally, the study establishes that infrastructural quality is a decisive factor influencing the Smart Pedestrian application’s adoption and success. While the Smart Pedestrian app may promote walking in high-quality areas, its potential impact in low-quality zones remains limited if the demand is absent, thus not fully resolving the problem it was designed to tackle. This scenario points to a “half-done job”, suggesting that the success and usage levels of the Smart Pedestrian app are also dependent on local infrastructure conditions. The identification of such problems underscores the importance of these factors for the Smart Pedestrian application’s broader application and success. Before its deployment, it is essential for policymakers and governments to address infrastructural deficits to foster more inclusive walking encouragement across diverse urban areas. Additionally, the study brings to light privacy and surveillance concerns related to the Smart Pedestrian application. In an era, prone to technological breaches, ensuring the maximum protection of user privacy is critical. Without robust safeguards, potential users may be deterred from adopting the application, undermining its utility and reach.
Finally, it is important to note that the results from this study align with established findings in the realm of walkability and urban design, which highlight the critical influence of mixed land use, accessibility, safety, and connectivity regarding active mobility. However, this study advances the discourse by demonstrating significant context variations in the acceptance and effectiveness of Smart Pedestrian applications, suggesting that urban design principles cannot be uniformly applied but must be adapted to specific community characteristics and needs. Further, the presented nuanced analysis challenges the traditional perceptions of urban planners’ role in promoting pedestrian mobility, emphasizing a strategy tailored to unique community characteristics over a one-size-fits-all solution. By doing so, the study contributes to the theoretical understanding of urban walkability and provides practical insights for the effective development and deployment of prospective Smart Pedestrian applications, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of people in contemporary urban spaces.

6. Conclusions

This paper highlights the critical role of innovative ICT/ITS and smart technology in fostering pedestrian-friendly environments and promoting active sustainable mobility. The insights gleaned from the potential use of ICT and ITS emphasized the benefits of urban connectivity and mixed-use developments, making a distinct contribution to the field by exploring the market potential for a Smart Pedestrian application in Nicosia, Cyprus. This study distinguishes itself from previous research by providing a rigorous methodology employing valid survey sampling procedures in requirements management, thus gaining actionable insights into the adoption of smart urban mobility solutions. Such a method is essential for a successful software engineering prototype-driven approach where real-world application and user feedback are integral to the development process.
Further, the deployment and economic considerations of the proposed application are addressed in a competitive market, where similar applications are freely available, by proposing a viable business model that underscores unique value propositions such as enhanced safety features, integration with public transport systems, and personalized route optimization. Thus, this research study fills a significant gap in empirical smart city research but also offers a scalable model for other urban areas aiming to enhance pedestrian mobility through technology.
Looking ahead, potential developments for the proposed Smart Pedestrian application include integrating more sophisticated technologies and functionalities to enrich the user experience and promote urban walkability. Future development iterations might incorporate real-time data analytics to provide dynamic routing adjustments based on the current pedestrian traffic conditions, weather, and urban events. Exploring the use of augmented reality (AR) or mixed reality (MR) to offer immersive navigational cues and safety alerts could further enhance interactivity and user engagement. Moreover, expanding the collaboration with urban planners and local authorities to integrate infrastructural feedback mechanisms within the app could enable users to report issues directly to city management systems, significantly refining pedestrian pathways and addressing urban mobility challenges more effectively.
In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the tremendous potential of the proposed smart application to enhance urban walkability and has identified areas for further development and research. Particularly, for future research, we propose the integration of advanced analytical techniques and cross-disciplinary approaches to enrich the scientific contributions of our findings. Further work could also be done by adopting a longitudinal study design approach and expand the analysis to multiple cities for comparative analysis. Additionally, incorporating qualitative data through in-depth interviews and stakeholder focus groups, as well as utilizing emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) for data collection, could offer deeper insights into user behavior and preferences. These enhancements would elevate the methodological rigor and practical relevance of the study, bridging the gap between traditional survey methods and innovative research practices in urban mobility. Such advancements will ensure that the findings contribute significantly to both academic discourse and practical urban planning strategies, promoting a more informed and successful implementation of pedestrian networks for the effective development of sustainable smart cities.

Author Contributions

The article is based on the MBA thesis of D.D. performed under the supervision of G.N.P. The questionnaire was conceived, distributed and analyzed by G.N.P., D.D. and E.T. A.M. wrote, reviewed, and edited the paper; visualization by A.M. and D.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data supporting the findings of this study are derived from a structured survey questionnaire administered to residents of two urban areas in Nicosia, Cyprus. The survey data, collected and analyzed as part of this research, involved responses that are not publicly available due to ethical restrictions and the privacy of the research participants. Data are available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of the European University Cyprus. Further details on the methodology and data collection can be found in the MDPI Research Data Policies section available at MDPI Research Data Policies.


The research presented in this paper is co-funded by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund as part of ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures (ENSUF) Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe through the Research Promotion Foundation, protocol no. KOINA/ΠKΠ URBAN EUROPE/1215/11. This framework is supported by the European Commission and funded under the HORIZON 2020 ERA-NET Cofund scheme. The funding covers the costs to publish in open access.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of the data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.

Appendix A

□ Male ☐ Female
Age Group:
☐ ≤ 19 ☐ 20–24 ☐ 25–29 ☐ 30–34 ☐ 35–39 ☐ 40–44 ☐ 45–49 ☐ 50–54
☐ 55–59 ☐ 60–64 ☐ ≥ 65
☐ Cypriot ☐ Other (please specify): __________
Highest Level of Education Completed:
☐ Primary ☐ Secondary ☐ Tertiary ☐ Post-graduate
Frequency of Walking
1i. As part of physical exercising:
☐ Never ☐ 1–3 times a week ☐ 4–6 times a week ☐ Daily
2ii. As part of fulfilling daily mobility needs (e.g., going to the supermarket, kiosk, coffee houses, restaurants, etc.):
☐ Never ☐ 1–3 times a week ☐ 4–6 times a week ☐ Daily
Opinion on walking’s health benefits:
☐ Strongly Disagree ☐ Disagree ☐ Neutral ☐ Agree ☐ Strongly Agree
Factors Influencing Walkability
2i. Time availability for walking:
☐ Very low ☐ Low ☐ Neutral ☐ High ☐ Very high
2ii. Pavement quality:
☐ Very low ☐ Low ☐ Neutral ☐ High ☐ Very high
2iii. Impact of weather conditions:
☐ Very low ☐ Low ☐ Neutral ☐ High ☐ Very high
7iv. Pedestrian Safety:
☐ Very low ☐ Low ☐ Neutral ☐ High ☐ Very high
Vehicle Use
I frequently use a motorized vehicle:
☐ Strongly Disagree ☐ Disagree ☐ Neutral ☐ Agree ☐ Strongly Agree
Smartphone Use
Do you own a Smartphone?
☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please answer the following:
How many apps have you installed on your smartphone?
☐ 0–4
☐ 5–9
☐ 10–14
☐ 15–19
☐ ≥20
How many apps do you use regularly?
☐ 0–4
☐ 5–9
☐ 10–14
☐ 15–19
☐ ≥20
Do you use any apps specifically for walking?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please answer the following:
3i. How many walking-related apps do you use?
☐ 1–3
☐ 4–6
☐ 7–9
☐ ≥10
3ii. Frequency of use for these walking apps:
☐Very low ☐Very high
13iii. Please list the walking apps you use:
3iv. What types of information do these walking apps provide:
☐ Calories Burnt ☐ Distance Covered ☐ Number of Steps ☐ Other (Please Specify):
Continued interest in potential walking app features:
How many people are on the pavement:
☐Broken Pavement ☐ Narrow/Wide Pavement ☐Construction works ☐Pavement Lighting
To what extent would you use it to:
4i. Update pavement information:
☐Never ☐Very Frequently
4ii. Be informed of pavement status:
☐Never ☐Very Frequently
Financial willingness for app features:
How much would you be willing to spend on such an app?
5i. €0.00–€0.99 USD: ☐Never Pay ☐ Absolutely Sure
5ii. €1.00–€1.99 USD: ☐Never Pay ☐Absolutely Sure
15iii. €2.00–€2.99 USD: ☐Never Pay ☐ Absolutely Sure
5iv. €3.00–€3.99 USD: ☐Never Pay ☐ Absolutely Sure
5v. €4.00–€4.99 USD: ☐Never Pay ☐ Absolutely Sure
To what extent are you willing to purchase a professional version of the application, which provides extra features such as calories burned, number of steps, and distance traveled?
☐Never Pay ☐Absolutely Sure
To what extent are you willing to pay for a yearly subscription to get more features?
☐Never Pay ☐Absolutely Sure
To what extent are you willing to download the application if it was free?
☐Never ☐Absolutely Sure
How much would the use of such an application affect your walking habits?
6i. For physical exercising: ☐Never ☐Absolutely Sure
6ii. For fulfilling daily activity mobility needs: ☐Never ☐Absolutely Sure
Ⓧc 2024 by the authors. Submitted to Future Internet for possible open-access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (, (accessed on 9 January 2024).


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Figure 1. Selected urban areas within Nicosia covered by the survey [48]. (a) Area 1: High-Quality Service Area, (b) Area 2: Low-Quality Service Area.
Figure 1. Selected urban areas within Nicosia covered by the survey [48]. (a) Area 1: High-Quality Service Area, (b) Area 2: Low-Quality Service Area.
Smartcities 07 00077 g001
Table 1. A comparative analysis of pedestrian application features.
Table 1. A comparative analysis of pedestrian application features.
Google MapsMapMyWalkStreetwise
Real-time Navigation
Walking Routes
Pavement Quality Info


Estimated Travel Time
Safety Ratings

Weather Conditions
Public Amenities

Activity Tracking

User Feedback Feature
User-Friendly Interface
Table 2. Low-quality service area correlation analysis.
Table 2. Low-quality service area correlation analysis.
Uploading Info
Regular Use
Download Info
Smart Pedestrian App Use for
Physical Exercise
Pearson Correlation0.682 **0.719 **
Sig (2-tailed)0.0000.000
Smart Pedestrian App Use forPearson Correlation0.611 **0.596 **
Daily Mobility NeedsSig (2-tailed)0.0000.000
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 3. High-quality service area correlation analysis.
Table 3. High-quality service area correlation analysis.
Uploading Info
Regular Use
Download Info
Smart Pedestrian App Use forPearson Correlation0.496 **0.441 **
Physical ExerciseSig (2-tailed)0.0000.000
Smart Pedestrian App Use forPearson Correlation0.492 **0.519 **
Daily Mobility NeedsSig (2-tailed)0.0000.000
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Papageorgiou, G.N.; Demetriou, D.; Tsappi, E.; Maimaris, A. Analyzing the Requirements for Smart Pedestrian Applications: Findings from Nicosia, Cyprus. Smart Cities 2024, 7, 1950-1970.

AMA Style

Papageorgiou GN, Demetriou D, Tsappi E, Maimaris A. Analyzing the Requirements for Smart Pedestrian Applications: Findings from Nicosia, Cyprus. Smart Cities. 2024; 7(4):1950-1970.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Papageorgiou, George N., Demetris Demetriou, Elena Tsappi, and Athanasios Maimaris. 2024. "Analyzing the Requirements for Smart Pedestrian Applications: Findings from Nicosia, Cyprus" Smart Cities 7, no. 4: 1950-1970.

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